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Concurrent Daily Lesson Plan Template 

Intended for use across Concurrent Pathway Credential Program Courses.   

Must be used for all observed lessons. 
Candidate Name: ___Jacqueline Cuevas _______Date/Time: _October 16, 2018__________ 
Grade Level: __5____ Content Area: Math: Long Division ____________  
Unit: ____________________________ Estimated Lesson Length: _____30 mins___________  
Setting (​ choose one):​ ( x ) whole class ( ) small group ( ) Individual 
Co-Taught Lesson: ( ) yes ( x ) no   
Co-Taught Strategy Used (​ if applicable):​ ______________________________ 
MAIN CONCEPT/BIG IDEA ​(Essential understanding you expect students to know as a result of 
this lesson.) 
As a result of this lesson, students will learn the steps to solving long division problems.  
RATIONALE ​(Why is this concept and/or skill important for students to learn/be able to do?) 
Long division tests multiple skills such as subtraction, addition, and multiplication. Division is 
also fractions.  
STANDARDS ​(Content Standards and ELD Standards. )  
Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit 
divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the 
relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using 
equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. 
/S ​(Students will be able to ……) 
Students will be able to divide single digit into two to three dividends with no remainder.   
ASSESSMENTS ​(How will you know students met the learning objective? How will you assess 
student learning during the instructional sequence?)  
Formative: Students will sing a song, and solve problems on their whiteboards. At the end of 
the lesson we will do problems together on graph paper. I will be walking around observing 
their work.  
ACADEMIC LANGUAGE DEMAND ​(A brief narrative that visualizes how students will 
participate in this lesson. What are students being asked to do in this lesson, and how are they 
using language to accomplish that? How will students collaborate for meaningful interaction, 
interpret and/or spoken text, and produce evidence of their learning?) 
Students will be singing the log division song, taking notes in their notebook that uses a visual 
picture of a hamburger that explains the steps to division. We will use graph paper to help 
students keep their numbers lined up.  
, CONTENT VOCABULARY ​(List the key vocabulary and/or phrases students need to 
understand in order to have access to the content.)
● Dividen 
● Divisor  
● Quotient  
(Given the identified academic language demand, how is this lesson being adapted? How is it being 
scaffolded for the targeted language proficiency level of your students? List strategies for 
supporting students’ use of academic language such as word walls, sentence frames, realia, 
pictures, go kinetic, choral response, etc.) 
At the beginning of the lesson, students will view a song in a video on how to solve long 
division problems. After viewing the video a few times, students will take notes that explain 
step-by-step how to solve a problem. They will watch me write on my notebook and they will 
copy what they see. In the notes we will draw a picture that explains the steps for long 
● Students will be able to listen to a video multiple times that explains the steps for long 
● Notes will be done on the doc camera for them to copy. 
● Multiple problems will be done as a class  
● Students have been exposed to long division problems through their math warm ups 
modifications specified in IEPs, 504 Plans, etc.) 
● Notes will be done on the doc camera for them to copy. 
● Partners to help them stay on track  
● students sit next to the teachers desk  
● Students have been exposed to long division problems through their math warm ups  
TASK ANALYSIS ​(What should students already know and/or be able to do BEFORE engaging 
in this lesson?) 
Before engaging in this lesson, students will already have a basic background on division 
through our everyday warm ups. Students should already be able to solve multiplication 
problems in different ways such as, traditional, area model, and lattice.  
INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE: ​(The components in the instructional sequence should be 
written as explicitly described steps that clearly communicate the actions taken. Anyone reading 
through the steps in the instructional sequence, such as a substitute teacher, should be able to 
execute the lesson smoothly, including facilitating the transitions between components and applying 
formative assessments. The instructional sequence should align to a direct or indirect instruction 
format and may be specific to the content area selected for the lesson. Include specific information 
about what other teachers or aides will do if available. ) 
Lesson Sequence  Teacher will…  Students will… 
Introduction:​ ​(How will you  1. Introduce the topic of  1. students will watch v
introduce the objective and  long division   multiple times.  
rationale of your lesson?  2. Play video  
How will you “hook” them?) 
Lesson Steps: ​(Be specific  1. teacher will begin notes  1. . students will copy t
about how you will model,  on math notebook   into their notebooks 
and/or guide the lesson. What  2. Solve problems together   2. solve problems as a c
steps will you follow? How  students will go arou
will you facilitate  check their groups m
transitions?)  work  
Closure: ​(How will students  1. . give problems for  1. students will solve p
revisit and review what they  students to solve   on their own  
learned during the lesson,  2. provide homework  
such as paraphrase, whip   
around, summary paragraph, 
numbered heads together, 
sentence frames, the three W’s 
of what, why and how, etc.?) 
CONTENT  EXTENSIONS  ​(​How  will  you  challenge  students  who  finish  early?  How  will  you 
meet the needs of students who are identified as GATE or need an extra challenge?) 
Students  who  finish  early  will  be  asked  to  be  group  checker/  helper.  This  means  they  will  go 
to each member of their group and check their answer and help those who need it.  
CONTENT INTEGRATION ​(​How could you connect your lesson to other content areas?) 
Music  is  being  integrated  by  singing  the  long  division  song  as  well  as art because they will be 
drawing in their notebooks.  
SOURCES  ​(​Cite  all  sources  used  in  planning  and  implementing  this  lesson.  List  sources  in  ​APA 
format.​ ) 
● Notebook  
● Pencil  
● Whiteboard, marker, eraser 
● camera/ projector   
PERSONAL  TEACHING  FOCUS  ​(​List  the  area(s)  you  want  your university supervisor to focus 
on during the observation.) 
classroom management and transition  

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