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Basic English Test/Should/Could/Do/Have

Name ______________________________________ Date _________________

Fill in the blank with the correct form of SHOULD-SHOULDN’T OR COULD-COULDN’T.

1. Steven is sad. He __________________ call a friend.

2. You can run fast. You __________________ run a marathon.

3. Diane cooks very good food. She _________________ be a chef.

4. The teacher is sick. He ______________ go to the doctor.

5. Julie and I speak English. We _____________ give English classes.

6. They had an accident with the car. They _______________ drive fast.

7. I studied for hours. I ___________________ get a 10 on the test.

8. Jack doesn’t speak Spanish. He ________________ understand (entender).

9. Mary’s plane was late. She _____________ come to the meeting.

10. My sister doesn’t swim. She _____________ go in the ocean.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of HAVE AND HAS and then change the sentence
from affirmative to negative.

11. Richard _______________ five new notebooks.


12. In the classroom, we ________________ 30 chairs.


13. At Dad’s work they _______________


14. Donna knows that John ____________ two cats.


15. I ________________ new tennis shoes.



This _____________, That ___________, These ___________, Those ___________

Using the words in the box, fill in the blank with the simple past form of the verbs.


1. He _____________________ from Morelia to Europe.

2. The diamond ____________ beautiful and expensive.

3. The building was ______________ in 1921.

4. Sally __________________ the presents I gave her.

5. They ____________________ the book Richard _________________.

Write sentences in simple past using the given verb.

6. (Know) __He___________________________________________________.

7. (Get) __They__________________________________________________.

8. (Buy) __John__________________________________________________.

9. (Give) __Aunt Margret and I_______________________________________.

10. (Put) __You___________________________________________________.

11. (Make) ___Donna________________________________________________.

12. (Take) ___I____________________________________________________.

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