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Name: Kaysean Miel Date:

Grade and Section: XI- St. Catherine of Siena Score:

My Experience in Saint Thomas Aquinas College Intramurals 2019

Intramurals, an event that occurs in a particular group or organization

such as schools. It is an event that allows students to show their full potential
and hidden talent, by competing each other through a variety of competition.
On January 24, 2019 was the opening of Saint Thomas Aquinas College
Intramurals 2019 till January 27 which was the Victory Ball Party, 4 days full of
competitions, Challenges and No class, everyone was very busy that week,
students practicing and teachers managing their teams.

Here in Saint Thomas Aquinas College we only have two teams the
pioneer and the Vanguards, and each team has their very own faction
chairman to lead them to the right path to victory, on the Pioneer we have Mr.
Francis Coquilla and on the Vanguard we have Mr. Karl Cano, both faction
chairman are from the senior high school Department and both are very
competitive in winning and very responsible in managing their teams.

On January 24 Thursday morning was the opening of the Intramurals

we started up the intramurals by a parade with faculty teachers, students and
all of the pre-service teachers in Saint Thomas Aquinas College. We have color
coding in uniform orange for the vanguard and green for the pioneer. After,
the parade was the opening talk of our school director Rev. Fr. Merwin
Kangleon, he said in his opening talk that whether you are in a different team
a Pioneer or a Vanguard in the end we are all the same because in the end we
are still Thomasians,. After Fr. Merwins Opening Talk was lighting the torch
and after was the raising of the team’s banner by each team , the one who’ll
represent the team is the Team Sports Muse and the Faction Chairman with
the authorization of the School Director.

The Banner Raising is part of the variety of competition. This

signifies that the one who raise the flag specially the chairman will take the
responsibility to lead their team to victory, this also shows competitive spirit
between the two chairman. After Fr. Merwin gives the signal, both
representatives race down the flag pole, it was quite exciting to know who’s
banner will be raise first. Apparently, our team Vanguard is having some
technical difficulties so the Pioneer won.
After the Banner Raising was the performance of the Pre-
Elementary Department, the kids are showing us their beautiful costumes.
They were really good at modelling and they are very cute. I was at the back
because I was one of the propsmen, so I can’t really see them but the whole
crowd are cheering to the both teams. After their performance was the Grand
Production of the Senior High Department, I was still one of the propsmen so
I can’t see the performance of the Vanguard’s Team. When the performance
was done, we went to the canteen to get some snacks because it was tiring. I
ate fried rice and spaghetti.

In the afternoon was the ball games, first game to be played was
basketball and volleyball. I didn’t watch the game because I was sick but I
always keep updated on what’s happening. The winner of the basketball was
from the Pioneer’s Team and the Volleyball was also from the Pioneer’s Team
but by default because our team was lacking players.

After that was the Evening Event the dance and Musical Contest’s
that night was exciting because there are lots of good and talented
thomasians. I was excited to watch my classmates perform and compete with
each other. I enjoyed watching the hiphop dance and the Dance Concert.
Vanguard won 8 out of 9 competitions while the Pioneer only won one. After
the winners were announced, we headed to the park and bought foods and
drinks together with my classmates.

On January 25, was the continuation of the ball games. It was time
for me to show my skills but sadly we’ve lost. But I didn’t felt really down
because I still did my best. In the afternoon was the Chess Competition, but
we didn’t knew that we were not listed, and it’s in the rules that players who
aren’t listed can’t play. So we were forfeited. It was kinda disappointing
because I practiced hard and was not listed. So we just ate ice cream to relieved

On January 26, was a whole day of rest so we designed our Caro and
Tent for the preparation of the Feast Day of the Patron Saints and in the
evening was the Sinulog Contest. We went to the BBQ place to eat. After
eating we resumed on designing our Tent. We were not able to watch the
Sinulog Contest because we were busy designing our tent even though it’s
already midnight.

And on January 27 in the evening was the all awaited Victory Ball
Party, this is where they announce the overall winner of the Intramurals and
a Foam Party. I didn’t attend it because I was very very tired. Mr. Francis
uploaded a post saying that they are the overall champion but in the end the
Intramurals was very fun.

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