Objectives: Cognition is a new treatment target to aid functional recovery and enhance quality of life for patients with bipolar disorder. The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Targeting Cognition Task Force aimed to develop consensus-based clinical recommendations on whether, when and how to assess and address cognitive impairment. Methods: The task force, consisting of 19 international experts from nine countries, discussed the challenges and recommendations in a face-to- face meeting, telephone conference call and email exchanges. Consensus-based recommendations were achieved through these exchanges with no need for formal consensus methods. Results: The identified questions were: (I) Should cognitive screening assessments be routinely conducted in clinical settings? (II) What are the most feasible screening tools? (III) What are the implications if cognitive impairment is detected? (IV) What are the treatment perspectives? Key recommendations are that clinicians: (

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Received: 5 September 2017    Revised: 21 November 2017    Accepted: 15 December 2017

DOI: 10.1111/bdi.12595


Assessing and addressing cognitive impairment in bipolar

disorder: the International Society for Bipolar Disorders
Targeting Cognition Task Force recommendations for clinicians

KW Miskowiak1,2  | KE Burdick3 | A Martinez-Aran4 | CM Bonnin4 | 

CR Bowie5  | AF Carvalho6  | P Gallagher7 | B Lafer8 | C López-Jaramillo9 | 
T Sumiyoshi10 | RS McIntyre11  | A Schaffer12 | RJ Porter13 | S Purdon14 | 
IJ Torres15 | LN Yatham15 | AH Young16 | LV Kessing1  | E Vieta4
Copenhagen Affective Disorder Research Centre (CADIC), Psychiatric Centre Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Deparment of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Psychiatry, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Clinical Institute of Neuroscience, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Department of Psychology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
Department of Clinical Medicine and Translational Psychiatry Research Group, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil
Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Bipolar Disorder Research Program, Departamento de Psiquiatria, Faculdade de Medicina FMUSP, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Research Group in Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Translational Medical Center, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan
Mood Disorders Psychopharmacology Unit Brain and Cognition Discovery Foundation, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand
Department of Psychiatry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Department of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, UK

Kamilla Miskowiak, Neurocognition and Objectives: Cognition is a new treatment target to aid functional recovery and en-
Emotion in Affective Disorder (NEAD) Group, hance quality of life for patients with bipolar disorder. The International Society for
Copenhagen Affective Disorder Research
Centre, Psychiatric Centre Copenhagen, Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Targeting Cognition Task Force aimed to develop consensus-­
Copenhagen University Hospital, based clinical recommendations on whether, when and how to assess and address
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, and
Department of Psychology, University of cognitive impairment.
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Methods: The task force, consisting of 19 international experts from nine countries,
Email: Kamilla.miskowiak@regionh.dk
discussed the challenges and recommendations in a face-­to-­face meeting, telephone
conference call and email exchanges. Consensus-­based recommendations were
achieved through these exchanges with no need for formal consensus methods.
Results: The identified questions were: (I) Should cognitive screening assessments be
routinely conducted in clinical settings? (II) What are the most feasible screening tools?
(III) What are the implications if cognitive impairment is detected? (IV) What are the
treatment perspectives? Key recommendations are that clinicians: (I) formally screen
cognition in partially or fully remitted patients whenever possible, (II) use brief,

Bipolar Disorders. 2018;1–11. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/bdi   © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. |  1
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
2       MISKOWIAK et al.

easy-­to-­administer tools such as the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry and
Cognitive Complaints in Bipolar Disorder Rating Assessment, and (III) evaluate the im-
pact of medication and comorbidity, refer patients for comprehensive neuropsycho-
logical evaluation when clinically indicated, and encourage patients to build cognitive
reserve. Regarding question (IV), there is limited evidence for current evidence-­based
treatments but intense research efforts are underway to identify new pharmacological
and/or psychological cognition treatments.
Conclusions: This task force paper provides the first consensus-­based recommenda-
tions for clinicians on whether, when, and how to assess and address cognition, which
may aid patients’ functional recovery and improve their quality of life.

bipolar disorder, cognitive impairment, neuropsychological, recommendations, screening

1 |  INTRODUCTION there is a need for consensus on whether and how to screen for and
treat cognitive impairment in clinical practice.
Functional recovery and quality of life are important new treatment The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) convened an
targets for patients with bipolar disorder (BD). While sustained symp- expert task force in September 2016 under the lead of Dr. Miskowiak
tomatic remission is an achievable goal with current pharmacologi- with the aim of developing (i) a consensus-­based guidance paper for
cal and psychological treatments, patients often do not recover full the methodology and design of cognition trials in bipolar disorder for
functional capacity, including work and social life. Indeed, quality of pharmacological and non-­pharmacological interventions, (ii) a clinical
life is not merely the inverse of affective symptoms but also involves recommendations paper for clinicians on how to address cognitive im-
patients’ perceptions of their position in life in the context of their pairments in their patients, and (iii) an educational patient booklet with
culture, values and personal aspirations. Poor life quality in BD is information about cognitive impairment and pragmatic strategies for
therefore closely linked to patients’ lower academic attainment and compensating for these in daily life. A paper addressing goal (i) was
vocational function,2-4 high unemployment rates,5,6 and problems with recently published in Bipolar Disorders.20 The present paper addresses
household and community functioning.7 This has led to growing con- goal (ii), developing consensus-­based clinical recommendations by this
sensus that clinical remission—ie, feeling well—is not a sufficient treat- ISBD task force that can be used by clinicians to guide their choices
ment goal: Patients also need to do well and recover functionally to on whether, when and how to assess and address cognition in their
achieve good quality of life.8 patients.
Persistent cognitive impairments across memory, attention, pro-
cessing speed and executive function during periods of remission are
directly related to poor quality of life9 and socio-­occupational outcome 2 | METHODS
in BD.10-13 In fact, meta-­analytic evidence indicates that memory and
executive function are among the strongest contributors to occupa- The ISBD Targeting Cognition Task Force was initiated by Dr.
tional outcome in BD, with greater impact than residual mood symp- Miskowiak in collaboration with Drs. Kessing and Vieta. It consists
toms.13,14 According to meta-­analytic evidence, cognitive impairment of 19 international experts in the field of cognition in mood disor-
in the remitted phase of BD is on average of a moderate effect size.15 ders from the following nine countries (in alphabetical order): Brazil,
However, recent studies revealed substantial cognitive heterogeneity Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, the UK, and
in remitted BD patients: 12-­40% of patients present global cognitive the USA. Members of the task force were selected based upon their
impairments across several domains, 29-­40% show selective deficits expertise and include several members of a previous ISBD Cognition
in attention and psychomotor speed, and 32-­48% are relatively ‘cog- Task Force.21
nitively intact’ in comparison with norms.16-18 Importantly, patients
with either global or selective cognitive impairments reported poorer
2.1 | The process of the task force
quality of life, more perceived stress and lower vocational function
than patients who were cognitively intact, despite comparable levels The task force work on goal (ii) was initiated with a face-­to-­face
of residual mood symptoms.18,19 It is therefore imperative to identify meeting between task force members during the ISBD Congress in
patients with persistent cognitive impairment, to characterize the pat- Washington, DC in May 2017. During the meeting, the task force
tern of their impairments, and to implement strategies for remediating reviewed, expanded and agreed upon a series of key questions and
these deficits to improve the clinical management of BD. To this end, tentative recommendations to be addressed in the clinical guidance
MISKOWIAK et al. |

paper. This was followed up by a telephone conference in May 2017 Objective assessment of cognition is therefore necessary for correct
for the task force members who had been unable to attend the ISBD identification of patients with cognitive impairment.
congress. During the conference call, task force members discussed Notwithstanding the importance of objective cognition assess-
the clinical questions identified by Dr. Miskowiak and associated rec- ments, it is also essential to evaluate patients’ subjectively experi-
ommendations. Consensus on the recommendations was reached enced cognitive problems and/or work difficulties that may originate
through subsequent email exchanges between the task force mem- from objective cognitive deficits. Specifically, patient-­reported cogni-
bers. The use of formal consensus methods was deemed unnecessary tive difficulties in daily life situations and/or decreased work capacity
given high agreement amongst the task force members. are crucial for the clinical meaningfulness of implementing strate-
gies to compensate for or treat cognitive impairment. Consequently,
cognition assessments should include both objective and subjective
measures. Finally, patients with cognitive performance in the normal
range, but who had high premorbid function, may be experiencing im-
pairment relative to their true abilities even if this cannot be detected
3.1 | Should cognitive screening assessments be
with a cognitive screening tool (where cut-­offs for impairment are
implemented in the clinical management of bipolar
based on norms). Therefore, clinicians should also take into consider-
ation patients’ educational and occupational attainment as a proxy for
their premorbid function. Without this consideration, clinicians may
3.1.1 | Objective and subjective cognitive
erroneously relay the idea to patients that they are not experiencing
cognitive challenges and may not adjust their treatment given unob-
The first questions addressed by the task force were: Should objec- served decline.
tive cognitive screening assessments with a short cognitive screening
battery be recommended in addition to assessment of patients’ self-­
3.1.2 | Brief cognitive screening
reported cognitive difficulties? If so, should objective assessments be
conducted for all patients, or only for those with subjective cognitive Brief cognitive screening is valuable for three key reasons: (i) to detect
complaints and/or occupational difficulties? cognitive impairment, (ii) to identify those who are relatively cogni-
There was strong agreement among task force members that tively intact in comparison with norms, and (iii) to track cognition over
qualified mental health professionals trained in cognitive screening as- time. First, screening for objective cognitive impairment is clinically
sessment should conduct formal assessment of cognition for all adult important for patients with symptoms of depression or mania close
patients in partial or full remission (eg, a Hamilton Depression Rating to the clinical threshold, since these patients tend to display greater
Scale [HDRS] score <14), whenever possible. Assessment of cognition subjective problems than objective impairment.26 Objective neurocog-
in clinically stable, at least partially remitted patients—ideally not be- nitive screening assessment can clarify whether their subjective cogni-
fore 2-­3 months after a mood episode—enables detection of “trait-­ tive difficulties and/or socio-­occupational problems are a consequence
related” cognitive deficits; ie, deficits that do not result from acute of objective cognitive impairment or secondary to other factors, such
mood symptoms but persist long term and hamper patients’ work ca- as residual mood symptoms or difficulties applying cognitive skills in
pacity and social life.10,12,13 The recommendation to screen and track complex daily life. This information can guide treatment selection to
cognition in all (partially) remitted patients is based on the evidence for target either residual mood symptoms or cognition. Further, objective
poor correlation between subjective and objective cognitive impair- cognitive screening in patients with poor insight due to executive dys-
ments.22-25 This implies that it is not always the patients with the most function 29 may clarify the extent to which objective cognitive deficits
subjective complaints who show greatest objective impairments and are contributing to any observed socio-­occupational problems. Since
vice versa. Indeed, patients’ insight into their own cognitive abilities the mean age of BD onset is in the late teens to early twenties,30 per-
relies on several factors, including metacognitive capacity and severity sistent cognitive impairments can be detrimental for academic achieve-
of mood symptoms. Since 30-­50% of remitted patients are objec- ment, early occupational function and interpersonal relations. Hence,
tively cognitively intact in comparison with norms despite subjective detection of cognitive impairment after (partial) remission in newly di-
cognitive complaints,16,18,19 relying purely on subjectively reported dif- agnosed patients may help patients identify and compensate for cogni-
ficulties could lead to a high false positive rate. At the same time, sub- tive difficulties to maintain their educational or occupational functions,
jective assessments would also miss a considerable group of patients thus leading to better prognosis and quality of life (see discussion of
with unreported objective cognitive impairments due to poor insight of cognitive reserve under point 3.3.3 Patient recommendations). For
or limited metacognitive capacity.27 Specifically, patients with BD may patients later in the course of illness with more substantial functional
underreport difficulties within processing speed, attention and exec- impairments, cognitive screening assessments are also valuable as they
utive function domains. This is in keeping with emerging evidence clarify if their functional issues are at least partially rooted in cognitive
that deficits in processing speed and attention domains are often mis- deficits. This may inform compensation strategies and cognitive/func-
taken for memory problems because failure to pay attention to and tional rehabilitation interventions (see clinical implications and treat-
process information hampers subsequent recall of this information.28 ment perspectives under points 3.3.3 and 3.4).
4       MISKOWIAK et al.

Second, objective cognition assessments may be useful in the man- developing such a tool as a next goal. Until such a tool is available,
agement of patients presenting with concerns over ‘neuroprogression’ the recommendations are to use available paper-­and-­pencil tools that
or dementia. A cognition assessment will enable clinicians to identify are validated for detection of cognitive impairment in bipolar disor-
the 30-­50% of patients who despite such potential concerns are ob- der. Two particularly feasible, easy-­to-­administer tools are the SCIP 33
jectively cognitively intact. Objective ‘proof’ that their cognitive capac- and the Cognitive Complaints in Bipolar Disorder Rating Assessment
ity is within the normal range can provide great relief and comfort for (COBRA34). Both tools are short and feasible and have been shown in
these patients and their relatives. Nevertheless, the results of a brief several studies to have high internal consistency, retest reliability and
cognitive screening test should always be interpreted with caution and concurrent validity.24,34–37
be considered in the context of the particular clinical presentation.
Third, implementation of cognition assessments enables clinicians
3.2.1 | Screen for cognitive impairment in psychiatry
to track patients’ cognition over time in response to new treatments
or new illness episodes. In particular, assessment of whether there is The SCIP is a brief cognitive screening tool consisting of five short
an objective change in cognition when patients have achieved (partial) objective tests of cognition that can be administered at the bedside
remission after a medication switch may be particularly useful in cases in approximately 10-­15 minutes and exists in three parallel versions
where patients experience cognitive side effects of their medication. to allow for repeated testing. It provides a quick quantification of sig-
If objective assessments reveal no cognitive change over time, this nificant difficulties with verbal working memory, verbal learning and
would provide an objective reference point for patients that reduces memory, verbal fluency, and psychomotor speed and has high deci-
patients’ concerns about cognitive side effects. In this way, cognitive sion validity in patients with BD (ie, high sensitivity and specificity for
screening assessments may aid treatment adherence and thus in- cognitive impairment). The SCIP exists in several languages (in alpha-
directly improve patients’ prognosis. On the other hand, if cognition betical order): Chinese (Mandarin), Danish, English, French, German,
assessments do reveal cognitive decline in response to a new treat- Italian, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. The
ment, this could inform a change of the treatment plan to reduce the Danish, English, French, and German versions have been validated to
cognitive side effects. For elderly patients, tracking cognition may be detect cognitive impairment and exist with their respective norm data
particularly useful in determining whether cognitive decline could be sets and respective cut-­offs for cognitive impairment, whereas the
indicative of dementia onset. In such cases, patients should be re- Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, and Russian versions
ferred for a complete diagnostic assessment. The frequency should be exist in beta-­versions (ie, translations in need of further beta testing).
individualized, but ideally assessments should be made at least every These versions of the SCIP (including beta-­versions) can be obtained
5 years or whenever there is a reason to anticipate the assessment (a free of charge by clinicians who treat patients with BD from the ISBD
change in functioning or increased cognitive complaints, for example). website (www.isbd.org/cognitive-assessment). Notably, the Spanish
However, major impediments for the detection of cognitive change are version of the SCIP is only commercially available via TEA Ediciones
the uncertain reliability of test results and practice effects.32 Several (web.teaediciones.com).
psychometric approaches have been developed to determine ‘true’
or clinically significant change at the level of the individual patient.32
3.2.2 | Cognitive complaints in bipolar disorder
However, at this point, normative ‘cognitive change data’ are limited
rating assessment
or unavailable for the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry
(SCIP) or other potential prospective cognitive screening tools in The COBRA is a subjective cognitive impairment rating scale for
BD. This is an area of growing research and more specific recommen- patients with BD that consists of 16 questions about cognitive dif-
dations are likely to become available to guide clinicians in their as- ficulties in daily life scenarios (eg, “Do you find it hard to concentrate
sessment of cognitive change within the next few years. when reading a book or a newspaper?”, “Do you have difficulties to
find objects of daily use (keys, glasses, wristwatch…)?”, “Do you have
the feeling that you do not finish what you begin?”). Despite general
3.2 | What are the most feasible cognition screening
poor correlation between subjective and objective measures of cog-
tools in bipolar disorder?
nition,22-25 the COBRA has shown some correlation with objective
A cognitive screening tool should be brief, easy and cost-­effective for memory and executive function.24,34,36,37 However, when used alone,
clinicians given time constraints and resource restrictions that make the sensitivity and specificity of the COBRA for objective cognitive
referral to a neuropsychologist untenable in most cases. There was impairment are suboptimal (ie, < 70%) and the instrument should
consensus among task force members that the optimal way would therefore ideally be used in combination with an objective cognition
be to have a simple, freely available “online package” which clinicians measure such as the SCIP. The COBRA—with suggested cut-­offs for
could use for all clinically stable adult patients in partial or full remis- cognitive impairment—is available from the ISBD website in the fol-
sion. Such a tool should include a few neurocognitive tests combined lowing languages (in alphabetical order): Chinese, Danish, English,
with questions about cognitive difficulties in daily life and mood status. Japanese and Spanish. An alternative to the COBRA is the Lithium
Since there is currently no such validated online cognition screener for Battery-­Clinical,38 a list of recommendations for clinical assess-
bipolar disorder, the task force agreed to explore the possibility of ment of subjective cognitive difficulties. For example, clinicians are
MISKOWIAK et al. |

encouraged to ask patients about their cognitive function if patients them to give specific examples, and combine this interview with one
do not present spontaneous complaints, to discuss the multifactorial or two SCIP subtests, such as the verbal fluency and coding tests
influences on perceived impairment, including the influence of mood (which can be easily administered in any language and require minimal
symptoms, and to track subjective cognitive function over time.38 time/training). In particular, the SCIP coding test has shown sensitivity
to cognitive change in response to medication effects and aging, and
is therefore the recommended “minimum tool” to track cognition over
3.2.3 | Cut-­offs for impairment
time. However, for screening purposes, cutting down the SCIP to one
Importantly, cut-­offs for impairment on the SCIP and the COBRA or two subtests would be at the expense of assessment validity, since
should only be used as “rough guides” and should always be consid- the tool is already short (<15 minutes) and constitutes a minimum of
ered in the context of patient demographics, mood state and external what can be considered a valid cognition assessment.
outcome, such as ability to work, drive, and live independently. For the
SCIP, it may be advisable to use a somewhat more conservative cut-­off
3.2.5 | Limitations of cognitive screeners
(ie, lower SCIP total score) for cognitive impairment in older patients
than the published norm material given the age-­related cogni- While brief cognitive screening tools can be administered by quali-
tive decline, which is potentially accelerated in mood disorders.40 fied mental health professionals after minimal training, take little time
Further, BD in older age is associated with a greater prevalence of to administer, and are thus feasible in the clinical management of BD,
dementia compared with the general population.41,42 An international these tools also have important limitations. They do not measure real
expert group within the ISBD therefore recently recommended that life functions and cannot replace a comprehensive neuropsychological
clinicians screen cognition in older patients using dementia-­sensitive evaluation, which would give more detailed insight into which specific
instruments, such as the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) or cognitive deficits may be related to the patients’ particular psychosocial
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA).43 Other dementia-­sensitive difficulties.44 The SCIP is therefore not a substitute for a comprehen-
screening tests may also be used, such as the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive sive neuropsychological examination, but is merely a useful initial tool
Examination (ACE-­R) and the Short Cognitive Performance Test (SKT). to screen patients who may benefit from a more thorough assessment
These instruments may be particularly suitable in cases where demen- to rule out cerebral pathology. For example, in cases where rapid de-
tia is suspected because of ceiling effects in better functioning and/ clines in cognitive function occur (and/or are accompanied by other
or younger patients. In addition, given the potential complexity of dif- symptoms such as confusion or headache) or when function is highly
ferentiating the cognitive deficits in late-­life BD from those associated discordant with current mood state/function, brief screening would not
with various types of dementia, referral for full neuropsychological be adequate. Brief cognitive screening therefore cannot replace such
evaluation would be recommended in some of these cases. full diagnostic evaluations, and if they show some clear deficits, this may
While the current norm material in some studies is based on age-­, also trigger a referral for a more comprehensive specialist assessment.
gender-­ and IQ-­matched healthy control groups, it is not age-­corrected
per se, which reflects a current limitation that may be overcome with
3.3 | What are the implications if cognitive
further normative data collection. Ongoing research aims to determine
impairment is detected on a brief tool?
the optimal SCIP and COBRA cut-­offs for cognitive impairment across
a range of age groups including older patients. Another issue with It may be argued that clinicians should not screen for something if
using the published SCIP norms is that cognitive impairment may be they do not have management options for the condition. While there
difficult to detect in patients with substantial above-­normal premorbid are several promising candidate cognition treatments currently under
function. Thus, if logistically feasible, clinicians may consider cognitive evaluation, we currently do not have any clinically available treatment
impairment with reference to patients’ cognitive reserve as reflected with direct pro-­cognitive effects20,45 although one trial recently re-
by their educational level or general IQ. Since higher COBRA scores vealed cognitive benefits of intensive computerised cognitive reme-
correlated with greater symptom severity,24 a more conservative cut-­ diation (CR).46 Nevertheless, cognitive screening assessments can still
off (ie, a higher COBRA score) for impairment may therefore be con- improve the clinical management of BD in three important ways.
sidered for patients with substantial subsyndromal symptoms. Finally,
linking cognitive impairment to external outcomes is also important for
3.3.1 | Referral to a thorough
guiding treatment steps when cognitive impairment is detected (see
neuropsychological evaluation
implications and treatment perspectives under points 3.3.3 and 3.4).
First, detection of marked cognitive impairment with a cognitive
screener provides a basis for referral to a thorough neuropsycho-
3.2.4 | Minimum tools
logical evaluation by trained neuropsychologists in certain cases.
In situations where it is not possible for clinicians to use the full SCIP Specifically, circumstances that could warrant such a referral in the
and COBRA, or where these instruments are not available in the local face of a “positive screen” may include: (i) when there is a substantial
language, the recommendation for “minimal assessments” would be to impairment in the screening, (ii) when there is a perception of worsen-
talk with the patient about their cognitive abilities in daily life, asking ing in either cognition or functioning in patients assessed in the past,
6       MISKOWIAK et al.

(iii) when there is a query about the potential organic brain illness due T A B L E   1   Quick guide with a summary of the International
to a comorbid condition (eg, substance abuse, traumatic brain illness, Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) task force recommendations
or dementing process), (iv) when there is a desire to evaluate multiple Clinical recommendations for assessment of cognition in bipolar
cognitive domains implicated in BD (eg, sustained attention, verbal and disorder by the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Targeting
nonverbal declarative memory, multiple executive functions including Cognition Task Force
Quick guide
response inhibition, fluency, working memory, attentional shifting,
mental flexibility, organization, and planning) for treatment or reha- (I) Should cognitive screening assessments be conducted?
bilitative purposes, (v) when there are concerns about the patient’s • Conduct formal screening assessment of cognition for all patients in
motivation or effort during cognitive screening and thus the validity partial or full remission whenever possible since subjective and
objective cognition measures correlate poorly
of test results, or (vi) when there are likely premorbid/developmental/
learning problems that may complicate the cognitive picture. • Assess objective and subjective cognition to: (i) detect cognitive
impairment that should be addressed and in some cases may
require referral for comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation,
(ii) identify those who are cognitively intact, and (iii) track cognition,
3.3.2 | Evaluation of “secondary” causes of
ideally at least every 5 years or whenever there is a reason to
cognitive deficits anticipate the assessment

Second, cognitive screening during partial or full remission can pro- (II) What are the most feasible tools?

vide a basis for evaluation of the potential impact of medical or psy- • Use brief, feasible tools that include objective and subjective
chiatric comorbidity and medication on cognition. Clinicians could be cognition measures such as the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in
Psychiatry (SCIP) and Cognitive Complaints in Bipolar Disorder
prompted by a positive screen to ascertain for potential “secondary”
Rating Assessment (COBRA)
causes of cognitive deficits such as psychiatric comorbidity (eg, alcohol
• Obtain the SCIP and COBRA—which exist in multiple languages
use disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]), medi- and are freely available—through the ISBD website at (www.isbd.
cal comorbidity (eg, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, elevated ammo- org/cognitive-assessment)
nia levels or uncontrolled hypothyroidism), substantial subthreshold (III) What are the implications if cognitive impairment is detected?
depressive symptoms and medications (eg, antipsychotics, elevated • Evaluate the potential impact of medication, comorbidity and
serum levels of lithium or anticonvulsants, and benzodiazepines). This symptoms when impairment is detected to discriminate between
can be useful for optimization of patients’ treatments to reduce cogni- “secondary” and “primary” causes of cognitive impairments—and
adjust medication if necessary to reduce cognitive side effects
tive impairments; for example, reducing antipsychotic medication and
• Consider referral for more comprehensive neuropsychological
benzodiazepine use or ensuring that serum mood stabilizer levels are
evaluation when there is a substantial impairment in the screening,
within the recommended range. It is important to consider and ad-
when there is concern about organic brain illness, comorbidity, or
dress these common causes of secondary or pseudo-­specific cognitive cognitive decline, when there is a need to evaluate multiple cognitive
deficits before a “true” illness-­associated cognitive impairment can be domains in greater detail, when there is a question of poor effort
assumed. In many cases, addressing such secondary causes of cogni- affecting validity of test results, or when premorbid/developmental/
learning problems may be complicating the cognitive picture
tive deficits will result in significant cognitive improvement.
• Inform patients and relatives about the nature and possible
consequences of patients’ cognitive impairments and encourage
3.3.3 | Patient recommendations compensation strategies, support and adjustment of expectations
• Encourage patients to implement good habits, including regular
Detection of persistent cognitive impairments can provide a basis for sleep and exercise, and to build up their cognitive reserve by
recommendation of compensational strategies, adjustment of work engaging in education and vocational activities
responsibilities or rehabilitative interventions to improve functioning. (IV) What are the treatment perspectives?
Specifically, the assessments can be used to inform patients and their • There is currently no clinically available treatment with efficacy on
relatives about the nature and consequences of cognitive impairment cognition but intense research effort is likely to reveal effective
which may help patients tackle and compensate for these difficulties treatments within the next few years

in daily life. By increasing patients’ and their families’ insights into the • Promising pharmacological candidate treatments are: mifepristone,
lurasidone, erythropoietin (EPO), vortioxetine and modafinil
nature and impact of residual cognitive impairments, the assessments
• Promising psychological interventions are functional remediation
may encourage patients to implement compensation strategies and
and cognitive remediation programs including action-based
reduce potential interpersonal problems (for example, family mem- cognitive remediation
bers’ irritation or disappointment when patients forget daily chores or
anniversaries). When patients wish to resume work, brief assessment
of their cognitive status can become an important basis for adjust- Another important way of reducing cognitive impairment in BD is
ment of work demands and reduce expectations so they are realistic. implementation of strategies to boost patients’ cognitive reserve, the
Finally, cognitive screening assessment can also provide impetus for capacity of the brain to tolerate neuropathology, reduce symptom mani-
good habits including getting regular and sufficient sleep and physical festations and manage cognitive challenges.47 Specifically, high cognitive
exercise, restricting alcohol intake, and adhering to treatment. reserve—which is estimated by patients’ premorbid IQ, educational level
MISKOWIAK et al. |

Delay cognitive assessment

until remission is achieved
Is the patient in partial or full remission?
No given the influence of mood
symptoms on cognition

• Assess cognition with objective &

subjective screeners
• The SCIP & COBRA are feasible tools &
available from the ISBD website
• For older patients, use MoCA or other
dementia-sensitive tools in cases where
dementia is suspected Inform patient (this can provide
Is the patient cognitively impaired? relief for patients & relatives)


Do the impairments seem to be illness- 1. Address secondary causes

related? That is, not: Do impairments persist?
1. Secondary to medication, comorbidity or 2. Refer to neuropsychological
unhealthy lifestyle evaluation
2. Due to organic brain illness or dementia Is there an absence of an
organic cause/dementia?

Yes Yes

• Information & recommendations to patients & relatives. Encourage compensation

strategies, support & adjustment of expectations.
• Track cognition over time, ideally at least every 5 years or when there is a reason to
F I G U R E   1   Recommendations for anticipate an assessment
clinical assessment of cognition in bipolar • Consider cognitive enhancing strategies including pharmacological & non-
pharmacological interventions

and occupational attainment48—is thought to slow down the clinical pre- antipsychotic lurasidone, the multifunctional neurotrophic growth
sentation of neurocognitive decline, whereas low cognitive reserve may factor erythropoietin (EPO), the antidepressant vortioxetine and non-­
exacerbate cognitive decline.47,49 Cognitive screening assessments can amphetamine stimulant modafinil. In particular, two studies of mife-
motivate patients to build up their cognitive reserve to prevent further pristone (a 1-­week cross-­over study and a 3-­week parallel study) in
cognitive decline and even improve their cognitive outcome. moderately depressed patients with BD found beneficial effects on
spatial working memory (but not on other cognitive domains).50,51
Further, a recent randomized, open-­label study recently found ben-
3.4 | What are the treatment perspectives?
eficial effects of 6 weeks of treatment with lurasidone on a global
There are no available treatments with documented direct pro-­ measure of cognition in euthymic patients with BD type I.52 A large
cognitive effects in BD, despite the pressing need for such treatments multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 6 weeks of lurasidone
to enhance functional recovery and reduce societal costs.20 The unmet treatment for cognitive impairment in BD is underway (https://clini-
clinical need is partially due to several major methodological challenges caltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02731612). Finally, two parallel RCTs in-
in cognition trials in BD, which have been addressed and discussed by vestigating the effects of EPO trials in partially remitted patients with
the task force in a recently published methodological guidance paper. BD and in treatment-­resistant unipolar depression revealed beneficial
However, current research effort is likely to reveal effective pharmaco- effects across several cognitive domains.53-55 Based on this, two new
logical and psychological treatments within the next few years. parallel RCTs have recently been initiated to examine the effects of
12 weeks of EPO treatment of cognitively impaired patients with BD
and their first-­degree relatives, respectively (J. Z. Petersen, under re-
3.4.1 | Promising pharmacological treatments
view). In addition to the above-­mentioned candidate treatments with
Among the most promising candidate pharmacological treatments preliminary evidence for efficacy on cognition in BD, there are several
are the corticosteroid receptor antagonist mifepristone, the atypical compounds that have shown promising effects in unipolar disorder.
8       MISKOWIAK et al.

Modafinil—which was originally intended to treat narcolepsy—is a therefore considered a key next step for cognition trials in BD that is
promising candidate treatment based on findings from a recent RCT likely to reveal new effective treatment options.
in remitted patients with unipolar disorder. Specifically, beneficial
effects of a single dose (200 mg) of modafinil over placebo were
observed on episodic memory and working memory (but not on ex- 4 | CONCLUSIONS
ecutive function or sustained attention) in these remitted patients.
Further, the antidepressant vortioxetine was found in several RCTs to Cognition is a new key treatment target in BD but there has been a
improve some aspects of cognition in unipolar disorder, which seemed lack of consensus on how cognitive impairment should be assessed
to be partially independent of its antidepressant actions and was also and managed. This ISBD Targeting Cognition Task Force paper pro-
recently shown in remitted patients. Studies are therefore war- vides the first consensus-­based recommendations for clinicians on
ranted to investigate the ability of these compounds to improve cog- whether and how to assess and address cognition in their patients.
nitive function in BD. The task force addressed questions about (I) whether and when to
conduct cognitive screening assessments, (II) what screening tools
are most feasible, (III) what the implications are if impairment is de-
3.4.2 | Promising psychological treatments
tected, and (IV) what treatment perspectives there are for improving
Promising psychological treatments for cognitive and functional im- cognition and functioning in BD. The recommendations are sum-
pairments in BD are functional remediation (FR) and certain cognitive marized in Table 1 and displayed in Figure 1. Key recommendations
remediation (CR) programs including action-­based cognitive reme- are that clinicians: (I) conduct formal assessment of cognition for all
diation (ABCR). FR and ABCR both involve cognitive training, com- patients in partial or full remission whenever possible, (II) use brief,
pensation techniques and coping strategies to overcome cognitive feasible tools that include objective and subjective cognition meas-
difficulties in daily life situations. However, while FR focuses primarily ures such as the SCIP and COBRA, which exist in multiple languages
on the training of neurocognitive strategies and psychosocial skills,59 and are freely available through the ISBD website, (III) evaluate the
ABCR emphasizes computerized cognitive training and transfer of the potential impact of medication, comorbidity and symptoms when im-
learned skills to daily life challenges by practical in-­session exercises pairment is detected, refer for more comprehensive neuropsycholog-
and actively seeking cognitive challenges in daily life. Functional re- ical evaluation when clinically indicated, and use the assessments to
mediation seems a viable option for patients presenting cognitive and encourage patients to build up their cognitive reserve. Regarding (IV),
psychosocial impairments because it has been shown to be effective there is currently no clinically available treatment with efficacy on
at improving functioning in patients in late states of illness.59,60 While cognition except for one recent positive CR trial. However, intense
a large RCT did not show significant benefits of 21 weeks of FR on research effort is likely to reveal new effective pharmacological, psy-
cognition, this may be because of the study design which involved chological and multimodal treatments in the near future.
enrichment for functional impairment but not for cognitive deficits.59
Indeed, exclusion of the patients who were cognitively intact re-
vealed a significant treatment benefit in verbal memory function.61 In
addition, several naturalistic or quasi-­experimental studies of differ- The authors thank the International Society for Bipolar Disorders ex-
ent CR programs for BD have been conducted over the past decade ecutives and staff for their support with organizing this task force. The
with encouraging preliminary results.62-66 The first published RCT of Lundbeck Foundation and Weimann Foundation are acknowledged
12 weeks of group-­based CR showed no efficacy on objective cogni- for their contributions to KWM’s salary for her to conduct full-­time
tion. However, a newly published study revealed positive effects of clinical research.
70-hour computerized CR.46 Notably, a non-­randomized controlled
trial of 10 weeks of ABCR was recently found to improve not only
cognition but also vocational function in a mixed group of patients
with severe mental illnesses (schizophrenia, unipolar disorder and KWM reports having received consultancy fees from Lundbeck
BD).68 Based on this evidence, two parallel RCTs were recently set up and Allergan. KEB has served on advisory boards for Sunovion,
to investigate the effects of 10 weeks of ABCR in cognitively impaired Sumitomo Dainippon, Takeda-­Lundbeck, and Neuralstem. AMA
patients with BD in remission and their first-­degree relatives.69 Other has received funding for research projects and/or honoraria as a
ongoing RCTs are investigating the effects of 12 weeks of cognitive-­ consultant or speaker for the following companies and institutions:
behavioral rehabilitation,70 12 weeks of cognitive remediation71 and Otsuka, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Bristol-­Myers Siquibb, Lundbeck, Brain
24 weeks of internet-­based cognitive remediation for BD I.72 and Behaviour Foundation (NARSAD Independent Investigator), the
A highly promising treatment approach is the combination of phar- Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Instituto
macological and psychological interventions (eg, ). This is likely to de Salud Carlos III. CRB has been a consultant or advisor for
produce synergistic effects on brain function that may translate into BoehringerIngelheim, Lundbeck, Otsuka, and Takeda and has re-
more robust efficacy on cognition and functional outcome than ei- ceived grant money from Pfizer and Takeda. RSM is a consultant for
ther treatment modality alone. Multimodal treatment approaches are and/or has received honoraria for speaking from Sunovian, Johnson
MISKOWIAK et al. |

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How to cite this article: Miskowiak KW, Burdick KE,
domised controlled trial. PLoS ONE. 2015;10:e0127955.
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69. Ott C, Vinberg M, Bowie C, Christensen E, Kessing LV, Miskowiak K. Effect
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