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Today I am going to talk about my invention: Time Machine.

Everyone has thought about time travel at least once in their life. Maybe you’ve wanted to go back in
time and try to change something from your past. There’s even a lot of science fiction movies out there
that involve time travel, or were inspired by time travel in some way or another.

We probably can’t travel back in time and watch the Egyptians build the pyramids. However, there are a
number of theories that have suggested that it is possible to take a leap forward in time. But going back
in time is far more complicated. That’s not saying it’s impossible though.

While most people think of time as a constant, Einstein showed that time is an illusion; it is relative in
that it can vary for different observers depending on your speed through space. The ideas of Time
Machine are very hard to imagine, so I tried to this for you!

It'd be highly recommended that we don't change anything in the past as it could have some serious
problems. Though there are some things which simply could not be done.

So my Time Machine will look like dentist chair. You have to just sit there and then put a casket on your
head and imagine in what period of the time you want to go. Then Machine will put you on sleep and
your trip can start.

You could go back to the timeline you came from, and everything would be the same, just as when you
left, or you do not visit the past just view the past on a TV monitor. If you go back in time to 12:00pm
Febuary 03rd 1987 for example, you could have seen how your life would have been different.

When you’re in the past, you can observe or interact with anyone you want, but you won’t affect
anything about the modern world. In other words, the day you spend there will stop to exist once you
return to 2019—once you return, the original day that actually happened will again have happened. Your
presence in the alternate time has no consequences.

There’s no risk to you—you can abort the mission at any time if you’re being harmed, and if you
somehow die, all it does is abort the mission and you’re returned safely home.

One of the time machine’s talents is to drops you off automatically dressed in clothing fitting of the time,
so you can choose to blend in and quietly observe if you want to. But you can also bring objects from
2019 and choose to reveal yourself as not normal if you want to. That’s your choice.

The Time Machine will be charged by oil generator in case there is no electricity. One hour will cost 100
Euros because I think it is reasonable price and can cover all expenses and invested finances.

The price of the Time Machine is estimated on 500.000 Euros and the investment will be returned in 2
years. The children under 10 years are not allowed to use this Machine.

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