Product Reflection

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Product Reflection

At first, I was extremely nervous about having to complete the product portion of my Senior Exit
Project. I wasn’t sure as to whether I would be creating a website, scrapbook, video, or presentation. I
didn’t understand what the product really was and how it differed from the visual aide. I luckily took the
time to plan out my topic and service learning, from my junior year, so that it would be easier to complete
the rest of my project. In order to connect my product to my SLE hours, I decided to present my product
presentation at the same place I received my SLE hours from. In this way, I was able to use what I learned
from my SLE to create my product.
For my SLE hours, I volunteered at McKee Road Elementary, an elementary school that has a
special ed program for children with special needs. I volunteered at the school during the day, when I
didn’t have class, in order to be able to work first-hand with students with disabilities. I only had to
volunteer a handful of times because I would volunteer for three or four hours at a time. During my time
volunteering, I would help students complete classwork such as math problems, reading, or puzzles. In
doing so, I would learn how to best interact with them and make my time with them as productive as
possible. At first, I was nervous because I was worried that I would make a mistake or upset one of the
students; although, I quickly realized that I was in a very safe and welcoming environment. I wasn’t
expected to know everything, and was able to ask questions about anything I was confused about.
For my product, I created a survey to have a couple of the special ed teachers at McKee fill out.
The survey was based on the techniques they use to help students with disabilities learn best,
communicate, and know what is expected of them. After having them complete the survey, I composed a
power point on the techniques they listed, as well as some extra ones that I came across during my
research. I then presented this power point to the special ed teachers at McKee Road Elementary and
composed an email to the teachers at my high school and attached the power point along with it. In this
way, I would be able to impact two schools, of different age ranges, but with similar principles. This
would allow for me to make a difference for students with disabilities at both the school I volunteered at,
as well as my own.
Overall, this project has allowed for me to real-world experience in a field similar to the one I am
interested in pursuing. I was able to gain a plethora of knowledge about students with disabilities, as well
as how hard their teachers must work in order to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Not only has
this experience expanded my knowledge, but it has also allowed me to realize my passion for working
with adolescents who have disabilities. After this experience, I am now more sure than ever about
pursuing a job in Occupational Therapy for children with special needs.

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