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Laboratory Exercise No.

5 – Special Practices In Crop Production

Name: Estacio, John Carlo U. 03-22-19

Lab Section: Y – 4L Prof. Babylyn Salazar

Different Types of Trellis

Pole Type A - Type

Fence Type Overhead Type

AGRI 32 Fundamentals of Crop Science II – Laboratory Manual

Laboratory Exercise No. 5 – Special Practices In Crop Production

T – Type Teepee Type

Report on Flower Induction

The flower induction trial on mango made use of sprayer, tags, pitcher, tags, pentel pen,
water and potassium nitrate. The students were given two (2) tags: one (1) for control group and one
(1) for treated (sprayed with potassim nitrate). Using pentel pens, they were tasked to label them
with their names and correspnding laboratory sections. The students were also given spayers with
prepared potassium nitrate solution and water.

The guide/instructor first selected the mango tree (at least 6 months from flushing) to be
treated. He demonstated the proper procedure to be done, then the students followed. Using the
sprayer with water, the students sprayed the shoots with water and labelled them accordingly. At the
opposite side, the same procedure was done using the potassium nitate sprayer. Moreover, in the
application of potassium nitrate, a pitcher/improvised inverted funnel-like stucture was used. This
tool/inverted funnel-like structure was used to control the spraying and/or prevent the other shoots
from getting infected/sprayed with potassium nitrate.

The students were also tasked to return after fourteen (14) days.

AGRI 32 Fundamentals of Crop Science II – Laboratory Manual

Laboratory Exercise No. 5 – Special Practices In Crop Production

Other Special Production Practice

AGRI 32 Fundamentals of Crop Science II – Laboratory Manual

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