TheNervousSystem Map JCTM

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Juan Carlos Trujillo Mondaca II-10 Teacher: Mirna Judith Leon

The Nervous System Purpose

Splits in
Coordinate Enables the body to res-
pond and adapt to

Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System


Brings all systems of the
Spinal Cord Sympathetic
body back to normal.
•It is responsible for
carrying motor and •Fight or flight.
Divided into: sensory information. •It revs up the body to
The Spinal Cord Cervical •It is made up of ner- either defend yourself
is the link bet- ves that connect to or escape the threat.
ween the brain skin, sensory organs,
and the nerves Lumbar and skeletal muscles.
in the rest of the
Spinal Nerves

Cerebrum Cerebellum Diencephalon Midbrain
science/cerebrum Pons Medulla Oblangata

•Located at the bottom of the brai-

Thalamus Hypothalamus •Located beloe •Located below
Frontal Lobe Parietal Lobe •Muscle coordinata- midbrain nstem
Temporal Lobe Occipital Lobe Cerebrum
tion •Connects to the spinal cord.
Responsible for •Responsible for
•Balance Controls and regu- eye and audi- certain reflex •Regulates: heart and blood vessel
The Thalamus di-
Reasoning Integrates Processes au- Processing visual rects sensory impul- late temperature, tory reflexes actions. function, digestion, respiration,
and thought ditory infor- information from
Sensory in- ses to the cerebrum appetite, water swallowing, coughing, sneezing, and
formation mation from the eyes. •Muscle tone balance, sleep, and blood pressure.
the ears blood vessel cons-
triction and dila-

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