Boating Test

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Criminal Code of Canada (endangering lives, impaired operation)

Contraventions act (minor non criminal, authorize authorities to write tickets)

Canada shipping act (watch for signals of distress and provide aid without endageing lives

Boating restrictions (speed people etc)

Small Vessel Regulation

-all boats with over 10hp must be liscened, safe limits of engine power, liscences must contrast with
colour and be at least 7.5 cm high, all passengers must have lifejackets on board


-sailing vessel is anything propelled by sell, provided propelling is not used

-power driven vessel

-stand on vessel –vessel with right of way, does not have to move out of the way

-give way vessel

All vessels must have visual and sound lookout, under 20m and sailing vessels may not impede on
vessels who can safely navigate only in narrow (take action to keep clear of fishers, divers (flag A red
amd white strip and saling boats)

-stand on can pass give way on starboard (Right) or port (left)

-when two give ways meet head on pas on the starboard

-when crossing whoever has the right of way can go

Between two sailing

-windward side: side opposite which the mainsaily is carried

-wind on same side operator is give way

-wind on port side operator is give way

-wind unsure operator is give way

When operating know speed and horsepower, speed which allows evasive action, adapt, can negatively
affect others

-bow top sternn back

-wake comes out, wash inbetween, don’t disrubt

Side lights

Red on port 112.5 from bow to side

Green on starboard 112.5 to side, unbroken

Masthead light 225 split between port and starboard

Stern 135 split evenly between port and starboard

-all around light over 360 degrees

-if its less than 12m side light and stern light, or all around whit and side

-salining must exhibit sidelight and stern, if less than 20m can instead display a combined sidelight stern
light top of mast

-and oar under 7m need sidelight and sternlight, if impractical there must be an electrical light

-all anchorage boats under 50m must exhibt these lights at all times

-all crafts less than 12m must be able to make sound

Special buoys

-cautionary yellow may have x or flashing yellow light

-diving white and red, can have yellow

-swimming circled white, can have flashing yellow

-mooring white with orange top and stripe

-keep out white with orange cross on opposite sides

-also control/restriction and information

-hazard white buoy with orange and diamonds

-also posted signs, speed no wake, no anchorage

Port hand boy or beacon

-marks left side o channel or location of danger

-must stay to left upstream, can flash green

Starboard hand buoy or beacon, flash red

-bifurcation directs to preferred channel

-fairway marks entrance to centre of channels

CARDINAL SYSTEM black tell u were safe yellow is dangerous

-north black top yellow botton

-east black with one horizontal yellow

-south equal fivision yellow top and black bottom

-west yellow one horizontal black

-pre departure checklist, maintenance, navigational aids, route and hazard info

-check weather, msc terms light winds etc

-check for pressure nozzle is clear, shake, check weight

-gas fueling standard

-liifejackets approved, good condition, test

-person under 16 cannot have inflatable, snug, clean using mild soap

-emergency kit (flashlight, whistle, knife, first aid, ration, water clothin

-emergency repair

-person overboard nuoyany heavy lines

-sitting pads or fenders

-trip plan name and number etc.

-accidents no dangerous, not impaired, cannot tow after dark etc.

-must have retrieval equipment

-slow down and anchor during problem

-hypothermia effects, no alcohol, no rubbing

-HELP position aka fetal, get out of water

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