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1 Fitness Profile – Analysis & Reflection Task

2017 Semester 1 Fitness Reflection & Analysis

Questions - Information required to complete Q’s 1 & 2 can be found in your individual booklet (Norms), in the Announcements section of the Year Canvas page (Year
averages and top scores) & the Marks section of the Year Canvas Page (your scores for each test). Submit only this file.

1. Complete each table to compare your score for each test to the Australian Norms (located in Individual work booklet)?

Semester 1 Semester 2

Your Score Norms Band Norms Description) Your Score Norms Band Norms Description)

Test Test

Weight (kg) N/A N/A Weight (kg) N/A N/A

Height (cm) N/A N/A Height (cm) N/A N/A

Coopers 12min Test (m) Coopers 12min Test (m)

Swim Test (Laps) Swim Test (Laps)

Push Up Test (30sec) Push Up Test (30sec)

Standing Long Jump Test (m) Standing Long Jump Test (m)

Sit Up Test (60sec) Sit Up Test (60sec)

Sit & Reach Test Sit & Reach Test

4 x 10m Speed/Agility Shuttle Run 4 x 10m Speed/Agility Shuttle Run

Test (sec) Test (sec)

Chin Up Test (max) N/A N/A Chin Up Test (max) N/A N/A

OH Medball Toss (3kg) N/A N/A OH Medball Toss (3kg) N/A N/A

In 100 words, explain how your scores compared to the Australian Norms (averages). Discuss what this means to you::

Semester 1 Fitness Profile – Analysis & Reflection Task

2. Complete each table to compare your score for each test to the Year Average and Top score for each Semester 1 in 2016 and 2017 (located in Individual
work booklet)?

Semester 1 Semester 2

Your Score Average Score Top Score Average Score Top Score Semester Average Score for Top Score Semester Your Score Average Score Top Score Average Score Top Score Semester Average score for Top Score Semester
for Year (2015) Semester 1 for Year (2016) 1 (2016) Year (2017) 1 (2017) for Year (2015) Semester 2 for Year (2016) 2 (2016) Year (2017) 2 (2017)
Test (2015) Test (2015)

Weight (kg) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Weight (kg) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Height (cm) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Height (cm) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Coopers 12min Test Coopers 12min Test

(m) (m)

Swim Test (Laps) Swim Test (Laps)

Push Up Test (30sec) Push Up Test (30sec)

Standing Long Jump Standing Long Jump

Test (m)) Test (m))

Sit Up Test (60sec) Sit Up Test (60sec)

Sit & Reach Test Sit & Reach Test

4 x 10m Speed/Agility 4 x 10m Speed/Agility

Shuttle Run Test (sec) Shuttle Run Test (sec)

Chin Up Test (max) Chin Up Test (max)

OH Medball Toss OH Medball Toss (3kg)


In 100 words, explain whether your scores were above or below the average and below or equal to the top score. Discuss what this means to you:


Semester 1 Fitness Profile – Analysis & Reflection Task

3. What are your best and lowest areas of fitness? Explain why you have chosen these?

4. Were you surprised with your results? Why/Why not? Think of aspects such as timing of the tests, training, injury etc.

5. Which test did you enjoy getting results for and why?

6. Have your results improved from the Fitness Testing cycle in Semester 1? Link this to your chosen Winter sport and explain why.

7. Have you reached the goals that you set at the beginning of the year? Why/Why not?

8. Are there any aspects of your lifestyle that you can change to assist your goals? How would you adjust them?

Semester 1 Fitness Profile – Analysis & Reflection Task

9. Write 3 Short Term and 3 Long Term goals to improve your own personal fitness for Semester 1, 2017.

Short Term Fitness Goals (0-3 months)

Goals What will you do to achieve them?

Long Term Fitness Goals (3-18 months)

Goals What will you do to achieve them?

Semester 1 Fitness Profile – Analysis & Reflection Task

10. Complete the table below with your results and the year averages for the year:

2017 Fitness Testing Results

Test Semester 1 Score Average Score for Year Semester 2 Score Average Score
for Year

Weight (kg) N/A N/A

Height (cm) N/A N/A

Coopers 12min Test (m)

Swim Test (Laps)

Push Up Test (30sec)

Standing Long Jump Test (m)

Sit Up Test (60sec)

Sit & Reach Test

4 x 10m Speed/Agility Shuttle Run Test (sec)

Chin Up Test (max)

OH Medball Toss (3kg)

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