Applied Soft Computing: Yu-Jun Zheng, Sheng-Yong Chen, Hai-Feng Ling

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Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566

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Evolutionary optimization for disaster relief operations: A survey

Yu-Jun Zheng a,∗ , Sheng-Yong Chen a , Hai-Feng Ling b
College of Computer Science & Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
College of Field Engineering, PLA University of Science & Technology, Nanjing 210007, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Effective planning and scheduling of relief operations play a key role in saving lives and reducing dam-
Received 28 December 2013 age in disasters. These emergency operations involve a variety of challenging optimization problems, for
Received in revised form 30 August 2014 which evolutionary computation methods are well suited. In this paper we survey the research advances
Accepted 28 September 2014
in evolutionary algorithms (EAs) applied to disaster relief operations. The operational problems are classi-
Available online 5 October 2014
fied into five typical categories, and representative works on EAs for solving the problems are summarized,
in order to give readers a general overview of the state-of-the-arts and facilitate them to find suitable
methods in practical applications. Several state-of-art methods are compared on a set of real-world emer-
Disaster relief
Emergency operational problems
gency transportation problem instances, and some lessons are drawn from the experimental analysis.
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) Finally, the strengths, limitations and future directions in the area are discussed.
Optimization © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA
license (

1. Introduction methods are often computationally unaffordable and of too limited

Our world is full of threats from natural and man-made disas- Evolutionary computation is a class of optimization methods
ters. Particularly, there are an increasing number of heavy disasters drawing inspiration from natural evolution and adaptation [2]. Due
occurred in recent years, such as the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, to their simplicity, sufficient flexibility and general applicability,
the 2010 Zhouqu mudslides, the 2011 Japan tsunami, and the recent evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are well suited to tackle a wide range
Haiyan typhoon in Philippines, which have caused serious damage of computationally intractable problems. They do not always guar-
to lives and property. In a disaster situation, relief operations have antee reaching the exact optimal solution in a single simulation
to be planned and implemented effectively in order to be able to run, but in most cases they can obtain satisfying solutions within an
mitigate the damage as much as possible. acceptable computational time. Particularly, intrinsic probabilistic
From a mathematical viewpoint, disaster relief operations behaviors render them capable of effectively handling real world
involve a wide variety of complex optimization problems. The area problems involving nonlinearity, complexity, noisy environment,
of optimization has a vast and fertile overlap between operations imprecision, uncertainty and vagueness [3,4]. Consequently, evo-
research (OR) and computer science (CS). In general an optimiza- lutionary optimization has attracted wide attention and has been
tion problem can be defined as to find a feasible solution x* ∈ X that extensively explored in OR in recent decades.
maximizes (minimizes) a objective function f, while X is a finite or The research on evolutionary optimization methods for disas-
infinite solution space. ter relief operations, in comparison with other sub-areas of OR, is
Being confronted with an optimization problem, the first con- limited. But it has started to evolve a lot in the last years. A variety of
cern of computer scientists is whether the problem can be solved EAs, including genetic algorithm (GA) [5], particle swarm optimiza-
by some efficient algorithms (and in particular in polynomial time). tion (PSO) [6], ant colony optimization (ACO) [7], etc., have found
However, most problems arising in OR are proved to be NP-hard, a growing number of applications in relief operations (as shown in
i.e., polynomial-time intractable unless P = NP [1]. Moreover, under Fig. 1), and demonstrated their effectiveness on many challenging
emergency conditions the solutions to operational problems need emergency problems.
to be developed within a very limited time. Hence, traditional exact In this paper we present a survey of research works on this topic,
the main purpose of which is threefold:

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 571 85290085. 1. Provide readers a general overview of the major developments
E-mail address: (Y.-J. Zheng). emerged throughout the years.
1568-4946/© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license (
554 Y.-J. Zheng et al. / Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566

target j (1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ n), such that the total transportation cost is

minimized. It can be modeled as a special case of the linear program
(LP) as follows:



min f = cij xij

i=1 j=1

s.t. xij ≥ bj , j = 1, . . ., n
xij ≤ ai , i = 1, . . ., m
xij ≥ 0, i = 1, . . ., m, j = 1, . . ., n

Fig. 1. The numbers of research articles on EAs for disaster relief operations in recent Although this problem can be solved by specialized methods
ten years (the data of 2014 is up to May).
that are more efficient than standard linear programs [10], EAs can
provide much better performance on very large problem instances
2. Show major strengths and shortcomings of the state-of-the-arts, [11]. Moreover, real-world problems typically have to deal with
and help practitioners to find valuable approaches that can be heterogenous commodities and transportation modes, involving
referred in the practice of disaster relief. additional (and often nonlinear) objectives and constraints [12].
3. Discuss potential directions for future research, and stimulate Such problems should be characterized by more complex integer
more interest in this cross-disciplinary field. programming (IP) or mixed integer programming (MIP) models,
which are much better suited for evolutionary optimization than
In the remainder of the paper, we first classify optimization standard optimization method.
problems in disaster relief operations into five typical categories Furthermore, transportation in emergency logistics [13] is often
in Section 2, and describe recent advances in EAs for solving the subject to uncertainty and randomization, has very limited time
problems in Section 3. Section 4 presents the experiment of six typ- constraints, focuses more concern on timeliness and/or risk rather
ical EAs on a set of real-world emergency transportation problem than transportation cost. Taking these extra properties into consid-
instances. Section 5 discusses the strengths, limitations and future eration, much more efforts should be put into the design of efficient
directions in the area, and finally Section 6 concludes. algorithms.

2. Problem classification
2.2. Location problems
Disaster relief operations involve activities including estab-
lishing emergency facilities, searching and rescuing survivors,
The problems of locating emergency facilities, such as fire sta-
providing health and medical assistance, distributing relief sup-
tions, medical services, shelters, etc., based on the topography of
plies, transferring injuries, scheduling rescue forces, etc., and the
potential facilities, can be divided into two sub-classes: continu-
coordination of these activities across organizations [8,9]. Thus they
ous facility location problems, where facilities are allowed to be
are associated with a variety of operational problems that often lie
sited on every point in a planning area, and discrete facility loca-
outside the scope of the conventional optimization methods. In this
tion problems, where there is a discrete set of candidate locations.
paper, we classify the problem into the following five categories:
Generally speaking, the first class often uses formulation of LP and
nonlinear programming (NLP) problems, while the second class is
• General transportation planning problems, which are to make up
often modeled by classical covering problems and their variants,
programs for delivering relief supplies from distribution centers such as set covering, vertex/egde covering, covering location, and
(sources) to demand points (targets). But we do not place detailed partial covering [14,15].
path planning and vehicle routing in this category. The simplest form of the facility location problem, which con-
• Facility location problems, which are to arrange emergency facil-
siders providing a single facility to cover a maximum number of
ities on appropriate locations to serve the demand points. demand points, has efficient exact solution methods [16,17]. How-
• Routing problems, which include planning routes for vehicles,
ever, involving multiple facilities leads to NP-hard problems, such
rescuers, and evacuees. as the p-median problem (2) and the maximum covering problem
• Roadway repair problems, which are to repair damaged roadways
and rehabilitate the lifelines to demand areas.
• Integrated problems, which need to solve a set of above individual

problems under one or more common objectives. min f = cij yij

2.1. General transportation planning problems  i∈D j∈F

s.t. xj = p
As a classic problem in OR, the basic transportation problem 
considers delivering a homogeneous commodity from a set of m yij = 1, ∀i ∈ D
sources to a set of n targets. Suppose the supply of source i is ai , j∈F
the demand of target j is bj , the cost for transporting one unit of xj ∈ {0, 1}, ∀j ∈ F
commodity from source i to target j is cij , then the problem is to
determine the commodity amount xij from each source i to each yij ∈ {0, 1}, ∀i ∈ D, ∀j ∈ F
Y.-J. Zheng et al. / Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566 555

max f = wi zi 3. Evolutionary optimization methods for relief
operational problems


s.t. zi − xj ≤ 0, ∀i ∈ D As mentioned, due to the rising complexity and stringent

j∈F response time requirements of today’s relief operational problems,
xj ∈ {0, 1}, ∀j ∈ F conventional exact solution methods are generally not applicable.
In comparison, EAs have advantages in high efficiency in exploring
zi ∈ {0, 1}, ∀i ∈ D
extra-large solution spaces, and inherent ability to handle uncer-
tainty and randomness, robustness and insensitivity to noises, and
where F is the set of candidate facility locations, D is the set of
scalability to high dimensions, and thus are more much suitable for
demand points, and cij is the cost of assigning demand point i to
solving these emergency problems.
facility j.
In particular, emergency relief operational problems often
Moreover, under disaster environment, facility location often
involve multiple objectives, such as minimum operational time,
needs to deal with limited facility resources, tremendous demands,
maximum rescue effectiveness, minimum operational risk, etc.,
and high pressures, the combination of which can lead to uncertain
which can conflict with one another. For such multiobjective
and insufficient services for demand points. Thus the formulation
optimization (MOO) problems, it is preferable to simultaneously
of real-world emergency facility location problems, especially in
optimize all the objectives by evolving a set of solutions to the so-
large-scale operations, should take into consideration redundant
called Pareto front to provide a comprehensive decision support
facilities, service priorities, as well as location dynamics [15], to
[22,23]. Multiobjective EAs (MOEAs) are favorable for this purpose,
ensure an acceptable demand coverage.
because they concurrently evolve a population of possible solutions
and thus enable to find several members of the Pareto optimal set
2.3. Routing problems in a single run of the algorithm, instead of having to perform a series
of separate runs as in the case of traditional optimization methods
We also divided this category into two classes: long-distance [24].
(vehicle) routing, and short-distance routing for rescuers and evac- In this section, we describe previous studies in the literature
uees. Both classes are typically defined on a graph G = (V, E), where on evolutionary optimization methods for emergency relief opera-
V is the vertex set and E is the edge set, and the problems are to tional problems. Particularly, on each method, we identify whether
search for one or a set of routes (paths in the graph) that opti- it has the following characteristics:
mize one or more objective functions whilst satisfying all given
constraints. • Unc/Rand – The method deals with problems with uncertainty
Vehicle routing problems (VRP) are a class of fundamental NP- and randomness.
hard problems which have been widely studied in the literature • MOO – The method deals with MOO problems.
[18]. VRP in emergency logistics are characterized as scheduling • PBO – The method employs a Pareto-based optimization proce-
limited vehicles to accomplish delivery tasks in rigidly limited dure for solving MOO problems, instead of transforming multiple
times and under harsh environment conditions. Due to the large objectives into a single objective.
number and various types of supplies to be delivered, emergency • M-Pop – The method uses multiple populations to cooperatively
VRP typically involves multiple depot, trips, and heterogeneous solve the problems, which extends the basic single-population
vehicles, and thus much more difficult than VRP and their variants based EAs to co-evolutionary methods [25].
in common supply chains.
Short-distance routing mainly concerns with planning effective Also, for the convenience of readers, Appendix (Table 9) clas-
evacuation or search-and-rescue paths, which are vital for saving sifies the methods according to the five categories described in
lives and reduce losses in sudden events. In contrast to ordinary Section 2.
path planning problems which are to find a shortest or k-shortest
paths in a weighted graph, emergency evacuation/rescue path 3.1. Genetic algorithms
planning should take more complex properties, such as obstacle
avoidance, path following, and congestion control, into consider- GAs are the most well-known members of EAs which simulate
ation. And in most cases, response speed is more important than the Darwinian principle of natural selection and the survival of the
the optimality of the plans. fittest in optimization. Typically, a GA works with a fixed-size pop-
ulation, uses genetic operations including crossover and mutation
to evolve the solutions, and selects the most appropriate offspring
2.4. Roadway repair problems to pass on to next generations. Table 1 summarizes the character-
istics of GA-based approaches for emergency operational problems
Emergency roadway repair is to efficiently schedule limited in the literature.
repair resources to rehabilitate the roadway network, sufficient
to carry out other relief operations. Ordinary shop job scheduling 3.1.1. GAs for general transportation planning
models and solution methods [19] generally do not apply, because An early work of Tuson et al. [26] developed a prototype system
they fail to capture time dependencies among repair operations, of emergency resource distribution planning on a 386-class PC. The
e.g., many damaged points are unreachable unless some other dam- basic problem of the system considers that there are n sites, each of
aged points have been repaired. By incorporating time variables, which has a minimum demands of m resources, and shortages and
Yan and Shih [20] developed a time-space network that models surpluses of each source occur at different sites. The aim is to max-
the roadway repair problem as an integer network flow problem imize the number of resource target mets whilst minimizing the
with side constraints. However, a repair schedule with the mini- number of shipments. The system employs several heuristic meth-
mum length of time is not always the most efficient in supporting ods, mainly based on GA and its variants. A solution is encoded as
subsequent relief operations [21], and more comprehensive crite- the order of sites by which their shortages are to be tentatively sup-
ria are required for properly evaluating solutions to the complex plied, and the crossover operator used is ‘modified PMX’ [53] which
problem. has been found to give good results on many permutation-encoded
556 Y.-J. Zheng et al. / Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566

Table 1 represented with genes composed of delivery points and products.

The characteristics of GA-based approaches.
The algorithm employs the set enumeration heuristic to initialize
Unc/Rand MOO PBO M-Pop a population of solutions, and uses three fast improvement proce-
√ dures to evolve the solution, replacing some worst solutions with
Tuson et al. [26]

Feng and Wen [27] new ones at each generation for diversification. Computational
Na and Zhi [28]

experiments show that the method can produce near optimal solu-
Nolz et al. [29] tions in relatively short computation times and is fast enough to be
√ √
Yang et al. [30]
used interactively in disaster response.
Berkoune et al. [31]

Wang and Zhang [32]
Kongsomsaksakul et al. [33]
√ 3.1.2. GAs for facility location
Jia et al. [34]
Han and Zhang [35] For optimizing the location of catastrophic rescue centers, Wang
Chai et al. [36]
√ √
and Zhang [32] presented a model taking account of the probabil-
Tzeng and Chen [37] ity of catastrophic occurrence, catastrophic diffusion function and
√ √
Yang et al. [38]
rescue function, and developed a GA using binary encoding and
Ma et al. [39]
Lin et al. [40] embedding a greedy heuristic for fitness calculation. Experiments

Zhang et al. [41] on examples arising practice show that the algorithm provides sat-

Hamedi et al. [42]
√ √ isfactory results.
Chung et al. [43] Kongsomsaksakul et al. [33] studied the optimal shelter loca-
Liu et al. [44]
√ tions for flood evacuation planning. They formulated the problem
Song et al. [45]
√ √ using a bi-level programming model, with the upper level for loca-
Saadatseresht et al. [46]

Ma et al. [47] tion and the lower level for traveler behavior. They developed a
Sato and Ichii [48] GA that uses genetic operations to evolve a population of complete
√ √
Chen and Tzeng [49]
√ solutions, and employs a double-stage algorithm to evaluate the
Zhang and Lu [50]
Chang et al. [51] fitness value of each chromosome.
√ √ √ √
Zheng and Ling [52] Considering the facility locations of medical supplies, Jia
et al. [34] proposed a maximal covering problem model, where
the demand uncertainty and medical supply insufficiency are
addressed by providing each demand point with services from a
problems. But the experiments indicated that the GAs perform less
multiple quantity of facilities that are located at different quality
well than the stochastic hill-climbers with the iteration.
levels (distances). Three heuristics including a GA are developed
Feng and Wen [27] used bi-level programming to construct
for the location problem, and the experiments show that the GA is
three models for traffic control in disaster raided area. The basic
appropriate for small problems but produce less-quality solutions
model is to maximize traffic volume, the second model takes both
on large problems (mainly because of premature convergence).
the needs of rescue and non-rescue vehicles into consideration,
Han and Zhang [35] studied an extended emergency facility
and the last model further integrates the combined distribu-
location problem which is modeled as an IP problem, and proposed
tion/assignment model to meet the lower level objectives. A GA
a GA where each chromosome is constituted by the serial num-
with redefined crossover and mutation operators is applied to seek
ber of each target’s emergency facility, and population diversity
the approximate optimal solution to the problem.
is maintained by using a changeable mutation probability. Experi-
Na and Zhi [28] constructed an emergency relief goods distribu-
ments show that the GA solve the problem much more efficiently
tion model which considers multiple transportation modes. Given
than other simple heuristics.
different weights to the different modes, the objective of the model
Chai et al. [36] studied an highway traffic emergency facil-
is to minimize the total weighted transport time. They adopted a GA
ity location problem, and proposed a heuristic GA which uses an
to solve the problem, where natural number coding, tournament
n-dimensional 0–1 integer vector to present chromosomes, and
selection and single-point crossover are used, and a penalty func-
employs a heuristic operator for improving unreliable chromo-
tion is included in the fitness of individuals for handling problem
somes by (1) remedying the chromosomes that do not cover all
demands and (2) eliminating the redundancy of chromosomes that
Nolz et al. [29] modeled a disaster relief operation planning
cover the location set with redundancy. The method has been
problem with two objectives including the maximal covering loca-
successfully applied to problems from the highway network of
tion and minimum tour length, and they developed a hybrid
Nanjing, China.
method based on NSGA-II [54] with variable neighborhood search
In order to determine the optimal number and locations of fire
and path relinking. Test on real world data from Ecuador demon-
stations at an international airport, Tzeng and Chen [37] proposed
strated the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
a fuzzy multiobjective model, the objectives of which include min-
Yang et al. [30] investigated a railway freight transportation
imizing the total setup cost and minimizing the longest distance
planning problem under the mixed uncertain environment of fuzzi-
from the fire stations to any incident point. The objectives are con-
ness and randomness. Based on the chance measure and critical
verted to a single unified ‘min-max’ goal, and a GA is employed for
values of random fuzzy variables [55], they constructed three
effectively solve the problem. Yang et al. [38] extended the model
chance-constrained programming models of the problem, and
such that different risk categories and obstacles within a given
proposed a hybrid algorithm including potential path searching,
region are considered in the objectives and constraints, and adapted
simulation, and GA, for solving the models to get an optimal solu-
the GA by embedding the constraints into the fitness function.
tion with the least total relevant cost. Numerical examples showed
that the algorithm is steady and robust for not very large scale
problems. 3.1.3. GAs for routing
Berkoune et al. [31] formulated a practical emergency trans- For path optimization of single vehicle in emergency supplies
portation problem with not only multi-source and multi-target, transportation, Ma et al. [39] developed a hierarchical GA method:
but also multiple product types and vehicle types. To solve the Local optimization is achieved by Bottom GA in subnetwork, global
complicated problem, they developed a GA where an individual is optimization is achieved by top GA in the whole network, and the
Y.-J. Zheng et al. / Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566 557

contradiction of the two levels is solved by maintaining a balance Table 2

The characteristics of ES/EP-based approaches.
between GA random search and narrow search.
Considering a much more complex model with multi-items, Unc/Rand MOO PBO M-Pop
multi-vehicles, multi-periods, soft time windows, and a split deliv- √
Xie and Zhang [59]
ery strategy, Lin et al. [40] formulated a multi-objective integer Barrachina et al. [60]

programming model and developed two heuristic approaches: The Wang and Jin [61]
first is based on GA, while the second approach further decomposes
the original problem. Computational study shows that the GA can
provide high-quality solutions under complex conditions. developed a simple GA and a hybrid GA to decide the priority
Zhang et al. [41] presented a multi-objective split delivery VRP of component to restore. Numerical examples show that the lat-
(SDVRP) in multi-period emergency logistics, the aim of which is to ter performs better than the former. They also applied a single
minimize the unmet demand, total delivery time, and unbalanced populated GA to distribute restoration teams at damaged sites for
supply among demanders. An aggregated objective is defines to optimizing the restoration process of lifeline networks.
compromise the three objectives, and a modified GA is proposed Chen and Tzeng [49] established a fuzzy multi-objective plan-
for solve the SDVR. In addition, a clustering method is embedded ning model for post-quake road-network reconstruction. The
for removing infeasible or bad chromosomes so as to promote the model is formulated as a bi-level network design problem: The
population quality. upper level is for work scheduling of many worktroops, and the
Paying attention to reliable route choice of humanitarian lower level is for asymmetric traffic assignment. They converted
response planning for disaster response, Hamedi et al. [42] for- the problem to maximize the satisfying degree (or achievement
mulated the routing and scheduling of supply transportation as a level) among constraints of conflicting objectives, and developed
linear integer programming (LIP) model, and proposed a GA-based a modified GA to obtain a heuristic solution that approximately
heuristic method for optimizing the source-target pair ordering optimizes the objectives on the two levels.
and ranking, where a time-dependant shortest path approach is Zhang and Lu [50] also proposed a multi-objective model of
embedded for chromosome evaluation. The model and heuristic emergency roadway repair, the aim of which is to minimize the
are flexible in accommodating multiple commodity and regulation length of time as well as the risk of repair. They developed a GA
parameters, i.e., each truck can have its own risk time window or which shows satisfying performance on the test problems. Nev-
parameter sets. ertheless, how to appropriately and quantitatively assess the risk
Chung et al. [43] presented a multiobjective dynamic length GA remains a difficult challenge.
to search vehicle routes to deliver the supplies. In the algorithm, a
chromosome be divided into several sections so that the number 3.1.5. GAs for integrated problems
of vehicles can be dynamically adjusted, and a domination-based Chang et al. [51] sought to generate transportation plan and
ranking is used for schedule evaluation and tournament selection. vehicle routing schedules, in order to simultaneously minimize
Liu et al. [44] used a bi-level optimization model for optimal unsatisfied demand, total transportation time and total transporta-
evacuation planning: the high level tries to maximize the through- tion cost. They proposed a multiobjective GA that initializes a
put in the target evacuation clearance time, whereas the low level population of solutions matching the relief resources between
is to minimize total clearance time. They adopted a GA to solve nearby sources and targets greedily, performs crossover operations
the problem, and the result demonstrates better evacuation time based on partial map reverse exchanging with repair, and ranks the
in comparison to standard design plan. solutions based on the nondominated sorting of NSGA-II [54]. The
Song et al. [45] studied the transit bus operations for emergency proposed approach was applied to the case of the Chi–Chi earth-
evacuation, which is formulated as a location-routing problem with quake in Taiwan to verify its performance.
uncertain demands. They designed a new multi-graph street net- Zheng and Ling [52] proposed a multiobjective fuzzy opti-
work considering prohibited turns and intersection delays, and mization problem of emergency transportation planning, which
proposed a hybrid intelligent algorithm including GA, artificial integrates task and resource allocation at the strategic level, and
neural network (ANN) and hill climbing to solve the proposed delivery scheduling and vehicle routing for individual sources.
stochastic programming model. The algorithm employs partially Given that many parameters are described as fuzzy variables, the
matched crossover, route mutation and depot mutation operations. ˇ-dominance relation and three correlated fuzzy ranking criteria
The application of the method in transit evacuation planning is are employed for evaluating the solutions. They developed a coop-
illustrated by a practical example of partial Gulfport, USA. erative optimization method that divides the integrated problem
Saadatseresht et al. [46] proposed an MOO model for evacua- into a set of subproblems, uses multiobjective GA to evolve the
tion planning in three steps, namely safe area designation, optimum sub-populations of solutions to the subproblems concurrently, and
path finding, and optimal safe area selection. They investigated dif- brings together the sub-solutions to construct complete solutions.
ferent algorithms for solving the spatial MOO problem, and found Experiments show that the proposed method is robust and scalable,
that NSGA-II can obtain the most proper patterns. and outperforms other state-of-the-art MOEAs.
To help the injured reach the destination safely and quickly
in a sudden event, Ma et al. [47] receptively presented a 3.2. Evolution strategies and evolutionary programming
chance-constrained programming model and a chance-dependent
constraint programming model for emergency evacuation rout- Evolution strategies (ES) [56] and evolutionary programming
ings under fuzzy environment, and proposed a hybrid intelligence (EP) [57] are two main variants of GAs. Both ES and EP primarily
algorithm to solve the models. The algorithm represents solutions use mutation to produce new solutions and use a selection scheme
by produces chromosomes based on priority-based coding, uses to test which solutions should survive to the next generation. The
genetic operations to evolve the chromosomes, and integrating classical EP conducts pairwise comparison over the union of parents
simulation technique to evaluate the chromosomes. and offspring and the winners enter into the next generation. In
comparison, the state-of-the-art ES is ( + )-ES, which means the
3.1.4. GAs for roadway repair problems  parents generate  offspring, and the best  solutions form the
Sato and Ichii [48] conducted a study on the optimization next generation [58]. Table 2 summarizes the characteristics of ES
of restoration process of damaged lifelines by earthquakes, and and EP based approaches for emergency problems in the literature.
558 Y.-J. Zheng et al. / Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566

Table 3 stochastic simulation to check feasibility after updating particle

The characteristics of PSO-based approaches.
positions. The model and the algorithm are used in the case of
Unc/Rand MOO PBO M-Pop rescue resource allocation on expressway networks in Nanjing area.
√ √ Based on the analysis of practice of emergency management
Uno et al. [64]

Chai et al. [65] in China, Pang et al. [66] presented a distribution model of emer-
Pang et al. [66]

gency materials in a three-layer relief transportation network, the
Bozorgi-Amiri et al. [67] aim of which is to minimize the system losses while meeting the
Gan et al. [68]
√ √ constraints of emergency response time and fairness. For the for-
Tian et al. [69]
√ mulated nonlinear IP, they proposed a modified PSO algorithm
Wang et al. [70]
√ √
Zheng et al. [71] where different learning objects are used for different dimensions
of the particles.
Bozorgi-Amiri et al. [67] studied a disaster relief logistics
Considered a multi-objective decision-making model for min- problem where demands, supplies, cost of procurement and trans-
imizing both the total losses caused by the fire and the portation are considered as uncertain parameters. Therefore, the
commencement time of the fire activity, Xie and Zhang [59] pro- problem is modeled as an uncertain, nonlinear MIP. They used the
posed a dual-gene variation ES algorithm which takes a ( +  + ) robust optimization technique [72] to handle the uncertainty, i.e.,
strategy. That is, at each generation,  individuals are selected for describing uncertain parameters by the discrete scenarios or a con-
variation from a population of  solutions, and then the best indi- tinuous range. And they designed for the problem an improved
vidual of the parents carries out the Gauss variation and the worst PSO algorithm which combines discrete and continuous compo-
individual carries out the Cauchy variation, and finally the best  nents in particles. Experimental results show that the proposed
individuals among all the parents and children are chosen for the algorithm performs much better than the traditional branch-and-
next generation. The proposed strategy is shown to be better than bound (B&B) algorithm.
other typical strategies and single-gene variations for the emer- Gan et al. [68] studied an emergency VRP with an exponential
gency problem. utility function designed as an indicator of operational efficiency.
Barrachina et al. [60] considered four different versions of VRP, In their PSO algorithm, an n + k − 1 dimensions encoding scheme is
with the aim of minimizing the arrival time of the emergency ser- applied to a problem with n disaster areas and k vehicles, and the
vices whereas the rest of vehicles are not significantly affected. They objective value is adjusted by penalty function method so that the
proposed several approaches including a basic ES and a density- constrains are mirrored.
based ES, and tested them on cases with different topologies and Tian et al. [69] considered a multiobjective emergency trans-
traffic densities. Results show that the density-based ES can achieve portation model that integrates supplies distribution and vehicle
the best performance. routing. They designed a PSO algorithm where every particle is
Wang and Jin [61] presented a multi-resource emergency encoded as a discrete-continuous vector, and the discrete vari-
resources scheduling problem, the aim of which is to minimize ables and continuous variables are respectively changed using their
both the total time and the total cost of scheduling. Their solution own velocity/location update formulas. The fitness function for
method converts the two objectives into a single objective by aggre- evaluating particles is defined by combining multiple objectives.
gation, includes penalty to handle constraint violations, and adopts However, for large-size instances the algorithm is sometimes easy
an improved EP algorithm to optimize the problem. Experiment to be trapped by local optima.
shows the proposed method is superior to the basic EP, GA, and Wang et al. [70] proposed a novel emergency evacuation model
differential evolution (DE) [62] in convergence speed and solution by using linear weight decreasing PSO to simulate individual’s
accuracy. movement in evacuation. The model has been implemented in an
emergency evacuation simulation system based on GIS, and well-
3.3. Particle swarm optimization performed some typical evacuation behaviors such as avoiding
impact, queuing, congesting and herding, in comparison with social
PSO [6] is also a population-based global optimization method force model and cellular automata model.
that uses a number of individual solutions, called particles, to Zheng et al. [71] proposed a multiobjective PSO for popula-
explore a hyper dimensional search space. Each particle has a posi- tion classification in fire evacuation operations, with the aim to
tion vector and a velocity vector, which are adjusted at iterations simultaneously optimizes the precision and recall measures of
by learning from a local best found by the particle itself and a cur- the classification rules. The algorithm enables every particle to
rent global best found by the whole swarm. Empirical studies have potentially learn from a different exemplar at each dimension, and
shown that PSO has a much higher efficiency in convergence to thus improve the search performance meanwhile maintaining the
desirable optima than many other EAs on unimodal fitness land- swarm diversity. The approach has been successfully applied to a
scapes [63]. Table 3 summarizes the characteristics of PSO-based real-world fire evacuation operation occurred in Zhejiang Province,
approaches in the literature. China.
Uno et al. [64] proposed a multiobjective programming model of
optimal emergency facility location with two objectives: one is to 3.4. Ant colony optimization
minimize the maximal distance from emergency facilities to hos-
pitals, and the other is to maximize frequency of accidents that ACO [7] mimic the behavior of real ants living in colonies that
emergency facilities can respond quickly. They applied an inter- communicate with each other using pheromones in order to find
active fuzzy satisfying method with PSO for searching an optimal the shortest path to the food source. In comparison with other
solution for each of the min–max problems with the corresponding EAs, ACO is specially suitable for path planning and routing prob-
reference membership values. lems. However, it often requires more efforts to extend existing
Chai et al. [65] established a stochastic programming model ACO solvers to path planning in the complex context [73]. Table 4
of traffic emergency resources allocation on expressway, with summarizes the characteristics of ACO-based approaches in the
stochastic variables in constraints and the objective to mini- literature.
mize the overall allocation cost. They developed a discrete PSO Lim et al. [74] considered routing of unmanned reconnaissance
using a presentation of indirect particle position and performing aerial vehicles on sparse graphs that mimic inaccessible zones such
Y.-J. Zheng et al. / Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566 559

Table 4 Table 5
The characteristics of ACO-based approaches. The characteristics of BBO-based approaches.

Unc/Rand MOO PBO M-Pop Unc/Rand MOO PBO M-Pop

Lim et al. [74] Iyer and Shanthi [79]

√ √
Yuan and Wang [75] Zheng et al. [80]
√ √ √ √
Yi and Kumar [76] Zheng et al. [81]
Yan and Shih [77] Zheng et al. [82]

as those hit by forest fires, earthquakes, or other disasters. In addi-

includes DE mutation to enhance the exploration ability and takes
tion to minimize the travel cost, the problem also concerns the
some problem-specific mechanisms for fine-tuning the search. In
location of low risk paths which can be represented based on a
[81] the authors proposed a multiobjective BBO algorithm for an
Voronoi diagram. They developed a hybrid ACO algorithm which
emergency engineering rescue scheduling problem, which involves
incorporates with local search heuristics for uncovering feasible
multiple rescue teams and tasks and different and perhaps fuzzy
routes within tractable times. Empirical results demonstrate the
processing times. The algorithm employs the fast nondominated
excellent convergence property and robustness of the algorithm in
sorting method to evaluate the habitat’s suitable index (HSI) of each
uncovering low risk and Hamiltonian visitation pathes.
solution, and defines new migration and mutation operators for
Yuan and Wang [75] also used ACO to solve two path selection
solution evolution. The method exhibits competitive performance
problems in emergency logistics management. The first is a single-
on the test problems from disaster relief operations occurred in
objective model to minimize total travel time along a path. The
China in recent years, and has been successfully applied to the 2013
second is a multi-objective model to minimize the total travel time
Dixi Earthquake.
as well as the path complexity, and it further consider the chaos,
Zheng et al. [82] further developed an ecogeography-based
panic and congestions in time of disaster. After converting multi-
optimization algorithm (EBO), which enhances BBO with a local
ple objectives into a single objective using weighted aggregation,
topology, and uses the combination of a global migration and a
the proposed ACO algorithm shows good performance on the test
local migration to perform effective exploration and exploitation
in the solution space. The new algorithm has been applied to an
Considering an emergency logistics planning model which
emergency airlift problem in the 2013 Lushan Earthquake, China.
involves dispatching commodities to distribution centers and evac-
Table 5 summarizes the characteristics of BBO-based
uating the wounded people to medical centers, Yi and Kumar [76]
approaches in the literature.
proposed an improved ACO algorithm that decomposes the prob-
lem into two phases, namely the vehicle route construction and
the multi-commodity dispatch, and then iteratively tackles the 3.6. Artificial immune system
sub-problems. The first phase builds stochastic paths under the
guidance of pheromone trails, and the second phase employs a Artificial immune system (AIS) is a model stimulating the adap-
network-flow solver for the assignment between different types tive immune system of a living creature to unravel the various
of vehicle flows and commodities. As indicated by the experi- complexities in optimization problems [83]. Hu [84] presented
ments, the ACO can achieve quality solution within a minute of an immune multi-affinity network model of emergency logistics
runtime which is acceptable for the planner in real emergency network and defined affinity measures to represent complex col-
situation. laborative relationship among emergency logistics components.
Yan and Shih [77] developed a hybrid algorithm based on ant Based on the affinity network, the author studied a container multi-
colony system coupled with a threshold accepting technique, for modal transport problem in emergency relief that is to maximize
solving a time-space network flow problem which is to minimize time efficiency meanwhile minimize the cost, and proposed a solu-
the length of time needed for emergency repair of highway network tion approach that combines two objectives into one by using
Yan and Shih [20]. Since a solution to the problem includes sev- weight aggregation and goal programming, and then uses tradi-
eral routes with a schedule and the arc connections in the roadway tional integer linear programming method to find the optimal path
network change with the repair process, generation of feasible solu- for emergency relief [85].
tions (ants) the algorithm is significantly different from the that for By extending the AIS algorithm for two-dimensional robot
solving TSP. Thus the algorithm sets a pheromone value on each arc path planning [86], Liu and Zhang [87] developed an enhanced
according to a work time limit for every work team, uses the label AIS algorithm for dual aircrafts path planning for forest fire res-
correcting algorithm to find the spatial shortest path between every cue in three dimensional space. The problem considers aircrafts
pair of points, and uses a path-and-time tracing method to compute taking off at different sites and arrival at the destination at the
the detailed routes and schedules. Test problems using different same time. The algorithm defines an affinity function for eval-
roadway network patterns and a case study based on data from the uating the threats to different flight pathes, and employs three
1999 Chi–Chi earthquake in Taiwan demonstrate the robustness of crossover operators for diverse the search. Results show that the
the model and the algorithm. method is capable of planning an efficient flight path in complex
3.5. Biogeography-based optimization Zhang et al. [88] proposed a novel bio-inspired algorithm which
is based on the mathematical model of amoeboid organism, to
Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is a relatively new evo- solve the optimal route selection problem in disaster extension.
lutionary algorithm inspired by the science of biogeography [78]. The problem considers both the travel time and the path length.
In the emergency response management system proposed by Iyer The algorithm uses the kth shortest path program to find out the
and Shanthi [79], BBO was employed to compare and cluster 1st to kth shortest path, uses the amoeboid algorithm to find the
satellite images, in order to capture accident spots and evalu- longest path to construct the dimensionless indexes, and finally
ate their severities. Zheng et al. [80] developed a hybrid BBO for obtains the optimal routes.
an emergency railway wagon scheduling problem that consid- Table 6 summarizes the characteristics of AIS-based approaches
ers multiple source, target, and central stations. The algorithm in the literature.
560 Y.-J. Zheng et al. / Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566

Table 6 Table 7
The characteristics of AIS-based approaches. The characteristics of other heuristic search approaches.

Unc/Rand MOO PBO M-Pop Unc/Rand MOO PBO M-Pop

Hu [85] Jahangiri et al. [90]
Liu and Zhang [87] Ma et al. [91]

Zhang et al. [88] Xie and Turnquist [94]
√ √
Zheng et al. [95]
√ √
Landa-Torres et al. [97]
Ozdamar and Yi [98]

Duque and Sörensen [99]
3.7. Other metaheuristic algorithms

Other heuristic search methods including simulated annealing 3.8. Hybrid algorithms
(SA), tabu search (TS), harmony search (HS), variable neighborhood
search (VNS), etc., are effective particularly in combinatorial opti- Different optimization methods have different design principles
mization problems, and have also been reported in the literature and application areas. By exploiting the strengths of two or more
in for disaster relief. SA [89] is a classical global search heuris- solution methods, we have a chance to obtain a powerful approach
tic that simulates the physical annealing process in the field of that is much more competitive than any individual method. For
optimization. Jahangiri et al. [90] presented a problem for opti- solving a large-scale multi-depots VRP in relief work, Peng et al.
mizing signal timing and increases the outbound capacity of the [100] proposed a method combining GA with ACO and SA. Using a
network for emergency evacuation, and applied a SA algorithm feedback loop, the best result of GA is used to improve ant systems
for searching the optimal solution to the problem. Ma et al. [91] and vice versa, in order to take advantage of both the fast conver-
designed a genetic-SA algorithm for emergency service facility gence of GA and the preciseness of ACO, and the SA procedure is
location problem. Experiments showed that algorithm can clearly incorporated to avoid the local optimal. Zhang et al. [101] devel-
gets the afflicted points that are covered by the selected facilities oped a hybrid AIS and ACO method for a route choice problem in
and thus improve searching efficiency. emergency logistics. The main idea is to obtain pheromone distribu-
TS uses an adaptive memory named tabu list to record the vis- tion from AIS, and optimize the solutions by basic ACO. Simulation
ited solutions and thus improves the local search to avoid local results show that the method has more effective timeliness than
optima [92,93]. Xie and Turnquist [94] solved a lane-based evacu- basic ACO.
ation network optimization problem that integrates lane reversal Hu et al. [102] studied the allocation of earthquake emergency
and crossing elimination strategies by using a relaxation and TS shelters which involves multiple sites and strict constraints, and
algorithm, and applied the approach to optimize a regional evacu- developed a new discrete PSO which uses a feasibility rule to handle
ation network for a nuclear power plant. Zheng et al. [95] designed the constraints, and embeds a SA for potentially escaping from local
a multiobjective TS for an emergency equipment maintenance optima. The approach has been applied to the allocation of earth-
scheduling problem, which aims to achieve a good balance between quake emergency shelters in the Zhuguang Block of Guangzhou
operational capability, reserved maintenance capability, as well as City, China.
cost-effectiveness. The approach has demonstrated its effective- Zhang and Fei [103] designed a novel approach that integrated
ness in several real-world operations. ACO with another SI method, fish swarm algorithm [104], to solve
HS is another memory-based algorithm inspired from a jazz a weak economy emergency logistics path optimization problem,
music orchestra when playing and improvising in their attempt the aim of which is to gain a win–win result of the lowest cost
to achieve a progressively better harmony [96]. Landa-Torres et al. on condition of meeting all affected points time requirements. The
[97] proposed a multi-objective HS algorithm for the efficient dis- hybrid method, namely the fish swarm ant colony algorithm, takes
tribution of 24-h emergency units. This paradigm is essentially a the advantage of the structure of the crowded degree factor in the
facility location problem that involves determining the optimum ant colony for improving the model of fish swarm in the ability of
locations of 24-h emergency resources and the optimum assign- global search. A similar research was conducted by Fei et al. [105],
ment of patients to the resources through the existing medical care where an ACO based on SA is proposed for path optimization in
infrastructure. Their algorithm redefines the grouping encoding to emergency logistics.
reduce the dimension of the search space and employs the nondom- For solving the problem of post-disaster infrastructure man-
inated sorting for solution evaluation. Simulations in a real scenario agement, Kallioras et al. [106] proposed an integrated method,
based on geographic data of medical centers over the provinces of where an improved HS algorithm is used for emergency inspection
Guadalajara and Cuenca, Spain, demonstrate the robustness and scheduling, and an ACO algorithm is employed for solving the asso-
applicability of the proposed approach. ciated routing problem. Comparative results show the proposed
Ozdamar and Yi [98] used greedy neighborhood search to method outperforms other algorithms including PSO, DE, the basic
develop a fast constructive heuristic, named Path-Builder, to HS, and the pure random search.
support relief and evacuation operations. The method extends Becker et al. [107] introduce a new multi-agent algorithm for
the neighborhood structure to suit the problem’s special needs, search and rescue operations for exploration of unknown terrain.
and selects partial paths to append to vehicle routes in the The hybrid method uses the flood algorithm to a fast exploration
operations, and thus exploits foreseeable opportunities within of the unknown terrain, and utilize the path optimizing features
the vehicles’ limited neighborhood. Considering the allocation of ACO for constructing short paths from points of interest back to
of scarce resources to repair a rural road network, Duque and the base. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated by agent-
Sörensen [99] used GRASP and VNS to maximize the accessibility based simulations.
of as many people as possible to the main cities or regional centers Considering emergency railway wagon scheduling between
where the economic and social infrastructure is usually located. multiple source, center, and target stations, Zheng et al. [80] pre-
The efficiency of the approach is demonstrated by applying it to a sented an integer programming model, the calculation of objectives
large real-life motivated instance. and constraints of which further include a set of nonlinear subprob-
Table 7 summarizes the characteristics of typical heuristic meth- lems. For efficiently tackling the problem, the authors proposed a
ods other than the EAs mentioned in the previous sections. hybrid BBO algorithm which uses a local ring topology to avoid
Y.-J. Zheng et al. / Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566 561

premature convergence, employs the DE mutation to enhance • For two feasible solutions, the one with smaller objective function
exploration, and takes some problem-specific mechanisms to fine- value is fitter.
tuning the search. Computational experiments and a real-world • For two infeasible solutions, the one with lower constraint viola-
case study demonstrate the effectiveness and the scalability of the tion is fitter.
The algorithms are tested on a set of 10 problem instances
4. Experimental analysis on an integrated transportation from real-world relief operations occurred in China since 2008, the
problem dimensions of which range from 45 to 1080. The experiments are
conducted on a computer of Intel Core i5-2520M CPU and 8 GB
In this section we test the performance of some typical EAs memory. For each instance, a maximum running time limit Tmax
on an emergency problem that integrates transportation plan- (in minutes) is set for all the EAs according to the response time
ning depicted in Section 2.1 and vehicle routing in Section 2.3. The requirement in the emergency, and each algorithm is run 30 times
problem extends model (1) with heterogeneous commodities and with different random seeds. Table 8 summarizes the experimental
vehicle capacity constraints as follows: results.
The first two instances are respectively derived from the opera-


tions of two moderate earthquakes (the 2010 mag 4.6 earthquake
min f = wjk t(xijk ) in Ali, Tibet autonomous region and the 2009 mag 4.7 earthquake
i=1 j=1 k=1 in Baicheng, Jilin province). The relief demands are not strong and

the delivery tasks are not heavy. As we can see, on instance #1
s.t. xijk ≥ bjk , j = 1, . . ., n, k = 1, . . ., K all the EAs always achieve the same result; on instance #2 four
i=1 EAs except SaDE and B-BBO always achieve the same result on #2.
n (4) Post-hoc analysis shows that the results are real optimal solutions.
xij ≤ aik , i = 1, . . ., m, k = 1, . . ., K Note SaDE and B-BBO also frequently reach the optimum of #2. This
j=1 shows that there are no significant performance differences among
these popular EAs on the two small instances.
xijk ≥ ci , i = 1, . . ., m Instance #3 also represents a moderate earthquake relief oper-
j=1 k=1 ation (the 2011 mag 4.8 earthquake in Anqing, Anhui province),
xijk ≥ 0, i = 1, . . ., m, j = 1, . . ., n, k = 1, . . ., K but the earthquake occurred in a more developed region, where
the transportation network is much more complex, and thus it
where K is the number of types of relief commodities, bjk and aik
is quite difficult to find the optimal relief delivery plan. Within
are the demand and supply of commodity k of target j and source i
the limited running time, none of the algorithms reach the opti-
respectively, ci is the maximum vehicle capacity available at source
mum; EBO achieves the best result among the six EAs, but it has no
i, and wjk is the importance weight of demand item bjk . xijk , the
significant difference from GPSO, SaDE and SPO 2007.
amount of commodity k from source i to target j, is the decision vari-
Instance #4 represents the operation of the 2011 mag 5.8 earth-
able, while t(xijk ) is the corresponding arrival time to be calculated
quake in Yingjiang, Yunan province. Although the demand is not
based on a vehicle routing subproblem for each source i. In real-
strong, the operation involves much more supply centers, which
world relief operations, the integrated problem and its variations
significantly enlarges the solution space and increases the num-
occur much more frequently than the two individual subproblems
ber of local optima. On this instance, GPSO exhibits the best mean
performance and EBO ranks second, and the two methods show sig-
The evaluation of each solution to the above main problem
nificant performance improvement over the other four EAs, mainly
involves solving a VRP instance and thus is computationally expen-
because their exploration abilities help to jump out of the local
sive. An algorithm with high search ability can effectively reduce
optima. An interesting finding is that all the EAs have reached the
the number of function evaluations and improve the response
optimal solution among the 30 runs, which shows the random seed
speed. Here we comparatively run the following six state-of-the-art
also affects the algorithm performance to a certain degree on this
EAs on the main problem:
Instance #5, which represents the operation of the 2010 mag
• The standard PSO 2007 [109] which equips the basic PSO with a
6.0 earthquake in Chuxiong, Yunan province, is similar to #4 in
local random topology and a few fine-tuning adjustments. the huge number of local optima. Here EBO exhibits the best
• The self-adaptive DE (SaDE) [110] whose mutation schemes and
mean performance and GPSO ranks second, showing significant
control parameters are self-adapted by learning from previous improvement over the other four. Except them, PSO 2007 can also
generations. occasionally reach the optimum among the 30 runs.
• The Blended BBO (B-BBO) [111] which improves the basic BBO
For instance #6 (the 2010 Zhouqu mudslides), the relief demand
with a blended migration operator. is strong and the solution space is large. However, the number of
• The GA combined with three fast improvement procedures [31].
local optimal is not so huge, mainly because the demand points are
• The GPSO [112] that combines PSO with a gradient-based local
located in a very small area. Within the limited time, GPSO and EBO
search for accurate local exploration. achieve much better results than the other EAs. However, it is found
• The EBO [82] which enhances BBO with a local topology and the
that, when given enough running time (about 20–30 min), all the
combination of a global migration and a local migration. EAs can reach very close to the same optimum, which is a unique
phenomenon among the test instances.
In most real-world relief operations, the average number of tar- The last four instances are all large-scale operations with quite
gets assigned for each source is relatively small, and thus we employ large solution space and huge number of local optima. On #7
the branch-and-bound method [113] for solving VRP for all the EAs (the 2010 mag 7.3 earthquake in Yushu, Gansu province), GPSO
for a fair comparison. We also use the following constraint handling and EBO exhibit significant performance improvement over the
method in fitness comparison in all the EAs: others. The mean result of EBO is the best, but it has no sig-
nificant difference from GPSO. While on the more difficult #8
• A feasible solution is always fitter than an infeasible one. (the 2013 mag 6.6 earthquake in Dingxi, Gansu), EBO exhibits
562 Y.-J. Zheng et al. / Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566

Table 8
The experimental results of six EAs on the test problem instances (“mean” denotes the average result objective value over the 30 runs, “std” the corresponding standard
deviation, and “best” the best objective value among the 30 runs).

# Size (m × n × K) Tmax Metrics PSO2007 SaDE B-BBO GA GPSO EBO

1 3 × 5 ×3 1 Mean 1.58E+01 1.58E+01 1.58E+01 1.58E+01 1.58E+01 1.58E+01

Std 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Best 1.58E+01 1.58E+01 1.58E+01 1.58E+01 1.58E+01 1.58E+01

2 8 × 3 ×2 1 Mean 5.09E+01 5.20E+01 5.27E+01 5.09E+01 5.09E+01 5.09E+01

Std 0.00E+00 2.11E+00 3.69E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Best 5.09E+01 5.09E+01 5.09E+01 5.09E+01 5.09E+01 5.09E+01

3 8 × 5 ×3 2 Mean 3.78E+03 3.72E+03 3.96E+03 3.82E+03 3.64E+03 3.60E+03

Std 6.62E+02 3.94E+02 5.90E+02 7.79E+02 3.12E+03 2.98E+02
Best 3.48E+03 3.48E+03 3.57E+03 3.53E+03 3.48E+03 3.48E+03

4 12 × 4 ×3 2 Mean 7.05E+03 7.36E+03 7.78E+03 7.95E+03 6.80E+03 6.92E+03

Std 1.29E+03 1.20E+03 2.05E+03 2.52E+03 1.03E+03 9.98E+03
Best 6.55E+03 6.55E+03 6.55E+03 6.55E+03 6.55E+03 6.55E+03

5 6 × 6 ×5 2 Mean 6.15E+04 6.56E+04 7.90E+04 8.25E+04 6.00E+04 5.89E+04

Std 1.23E+04 9.78E+03 1.95E+04 2.23E+04 9.52E+04 8.90E+04
Best 5.30E+04 6.00E+04 6.00E+04 6.40E+04 5.30E+04 5.30E+04

6 16 × 3 ×4 2 Mean 9.50E+04 1.09E+05 1.72E+05 1.56E+05 8.29E+04 8.12E+04

Std 2.75E+04 2.87E+04 3.60E+04 3.09E+04 2.26E+04 1.97E+04
Best 8.01E+04 8.85E+04 1.49E+04 1.30E+04 7.59E+04 7.68E+04

7 21 × 3 ×7 3 Mean 7.58E+06 9.33E+06 2.74E+07 1.89E+07 5.75E+06 4.88E+06

Std 1.66E+06 1.86E+06 5.52E+06 4.72E+06 1.52E+06 1.16E+06
Best 6.30E+06 7.19E+06 2.35E+07 1.36E+07 4.25E+06 4.06E+06

8 15 × 5 ×6 3 Mean 3.37E+07 5.39E+07 1.76E+08 1.28E+08 2.10E+07 1.55E+07

Std 6.63E+06 9.60E+06 3.49E+07 1.76E+07 5.21E+06 3.22E+06
Best 2.58E+07 4.24E+07 1.31E+08 1.08E+08 1.65E+07 1.28E+07

9 18 × 10 × 5 5 Mean 1.84E+10 3.21E+10 1.75E+11 2.05E+11 7.69E+09 3.56E+09

Std 2.64E+09 5.61E+09 2.73E+10 3.90E+10 2.53E+09 7.99E+08
Best 1.67E+10 2.67E+10 1.49E+11 1.70E+11 5.06E+09 2.76E+09

10 20 × 9 ×6 5 Mean 8.92E+11 1.62E+12 1.73E+13 5.85E+13 1.49E+11 1.05E+11

Std 1.50E+11 3.89E+11 2.78E+12 1.33E+12 4.08E+10 2.36E+10
Best 7.76E+11 1.27E+12 1.33E+13 4.26E+13 1.16E+11 9.39E+10

significant performance advantage over all the other EAs including range of benchmark problems, exhibits mediocre performance
GPSO. on our test instances, mainly because it requires feedback from
Instance #9 represents the operation of the 2008 mag 8.0 previous generations to adjust the search mechanism, but the max-
earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuang province – the most serious imum running time is too limited to allow enough feedback. In
disaster in China in the recent decade. Among all the EAs, EBO comparison, EBO and GPSO balance exploration and exploitation
also exhibits the best performance. Nevertheless, according to the much more effectively and thus exhibit much better performance.
decision-maker/experts of the relief operation, even the mean However, on extremely large instances such as #10, the required
result of EBO is inefficient; in fact, only the best result of EBO running time (or number of generations) for producing quality solu-
(reached thrice among the 30 runs of the algorithm) is considered tions is contradictory to the limited response time, which is an open
efficient. problem faced by current research.
Instance #10, the operation of the 2013 mag 7.0 earthquake in From the experiments on the typical problem, we can draw the
Ya’an, Sichuang province, is even more difficult than #9 because following lessons:
the disaster response system in China has been much improved
since 2008, and thus the event involves much more relief demands • Generally the balance between exploration and exploitation is
and forces. On this instance, in general, none of EAs can reach a a key to achieve promising performance. Particularly, under
solution considered efficient according to post-hoc analysis. The emergency conditions, exploration ability (such as provide by
best solution of EBO (reached twice among the 30 runs) is accept- PSO and DE) can be more important in producing acceptable
able, but not so satisfactory to the decision-maker. In fact, we solutions within limited response time, while the design of effec-
can obtain an efficient solution (with an objective value around tive yet efficient exploitation mechanisms can be much more
3.50E+10) after about 60 EBO runs, each with 1 hour running difficult.
time. • Self-adaptive mechanisms, which are useful for a wide vari-
In summary, EBO and GPSO generally perform better the other ety of problems, may be not effective for emergency problems,
four EAs on the test instances, and their performance advantages because the response time often limits the number of algorithm
increase with the problem size/difficulty. On relatively large-size generations and thus cannot allow enough feedback to enhance
instances #7–#10, the performance of B-BBO and GA becomes performance.
much inferior, because their global search abilities are not strong • For different types of optimization problems in disaster relief
and thus have difficulty in exploring a very large solution space. operations, there is no a magic bullet algorithm that can be uni-
PSO 2007 has a fast convergence speed, but its results are not formly better than any other algorithm (known as the “No Free
very satisfactory on large-size instances due to the limited local Lunch Theorem” [114]). Thereby, it will be very helpful to obtain
exploitation ability. SaDE, an EA that is competitive on a wide a priori knowledge about the problem in disaster preparedness,
Y.-J. Zheng et al. / Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566 563

and utilize them in the design of problem-specific mechanisms to algorithm [118], etc., have been proposed and demonstrated their
facility the search for quality solutions, especially for very large- effectiveness and efficiency on a variety of problems. There is
scale operations. plenty of room for these new metaheuristics as well as their
hybridization with existing methods in the area of disaster
5. Strengths, limitations and future perspectives relief.
• Pareto-based multiobjective optimization and decision support.
From the survey of recent literature, we can clearly see that MOEA embodies an exciting opportunity to realize the full poten-
EAs represents highly competitive alternatives to conventional tial of the EA concept [119], and it is expected that studies on the
approaches for complex disaster relief operational problems where optimization of disaster relief operations would benefit greatly
these latter methods are often unaffordable or require unaccept- from the exploitation of the power of MOEA techniques. On the
able assumptions. The main strengths of EAs for these critical other hand, multi-criteria decision making techniques including
applications can be summarized as follows: preference articulation, TOPSIS [120] and Pareto-front visualiza-
tion, should be effectively utilized to help decision makers to
understand the resulting Pareto-optimal solutions and choose the
• EAs are general metaheuristics that can be easily applied or
most appropriate one(s) for implementation.
adapted to a large variety of operational problems, in particular • Hyper-heuristics. Defined as “heuristics to choose heuristics”,
those new problems with little prior knowledge.
hyper-heuristics [121] are high level-heuristics that perform
• Empirically, EAs are capable of finding high quality solutions
search over a set of low-level heuristics, and can often achieve not
for most problems in consideration, although theoretically their
only better solutions but also much higher flexibility and robust-
convergence to global optima is only guaranteed in a weak prob-
ness on very difficult problems. Hyper-heuristics have been
abilistic sense.
successfully applied to a wide range of planning and scheduling
• Population-based search mechanism and elaborately designed
problems, and their potential in emergency optimization prob-
evolutionary operators advance solutions in a quite efficient
lems remains to be explored.
manner, resulting in considerable reduction in computational • Test suites and real-world applications. It is of vital importance
resource and thus meeting stringent response time requirements
to determine to which degree the solutions of EAs would meet
for problem solving.
the stringent quality and safety requirements of relief oper-
• EAs are particularly effective in handing problems with various
ations. However, there are few benchmark problems publicly
and often incompatible types of objectives and/or constraints,
available for this purpose. It is desirable for the community
which are very common in emergency problems under stressful
to provide more standard test suites, test case generators, as
disaster conditions.
well as evaluation tools for assessment and analysis of dif-
• EAs perform well on problems with noise and uncertain param-
ferent EAs. More importantly, proposed solution approaches
eters, and produce solutions robust and adaptable to changing
are required to be fully implemented and verified on cho-
sen real-world problems to demonstrate their practicality and
• The optimization processes of EAs are flexible, and can be tuned
to a great extent to the problems at hand.

6. Conclusion
However, the application of EAs to disaster relief operational
problems, in comparison with other common operational prob-
The paper gives a survey of research advances in evolu-
lems, still has many limitations and disadvantages. First, GAs are
tionary optimization applied to disaster relief operations. The
in the majority of EAs used for emergency operational problems;
survey is not intended to be all embracing. The main purpose
Many state-of-the-art methods (in particular those hybrid algo-
is to help readers have a general overview of the state-of-the-
rithms) which have been demonstrated to be much more efficient
arts and easily refer suitable methods in practical applications,
on benchmark problems, have been less explored.
given that the works described here are indicative of the breadth
Second, although MOEAs have been proved to be singularly
of emergency operational problems where EAs have proved
successful in effectively addressing MOO problems, most research
on MOO in emergency operations still simply combines multiple
As a clear finding of the survey, EAs have found a growing num-
objectives into a single one, the results of which are much less
ber of applications in disaster relief operations in recent years.
comprehensive to support decision makers who have to resolve
However, in comparison with other typical areas in OR, the poten-
a divergence of interest.
tial of evolutionary computing in emergency operational problems
Third, most computational experiments are conducted on test
is far from being realized. The true challenge that we must over-
problems generated randomly. Only a few research uses real-world
come, and this is true of soft computing in general, is to convince
data for testing. More importantly, reports on successful applica-
sceptical decision makers that the new methods are capable of pro-
tions of EAs to real-world relief operations are very scarce. Only in
ducing results worthy of their trust. To achieve this, the methods
very recent years, several works on bio-inspired methods for trans-
have to be actually applied to and demonstrate their performance
portation planning in the 2011 Yingjiang earthquake [52] and the
on more real-world operations.
2013 Lushan earthquake [80] and repair scheduling in the 2013 Dixi
earthquake [81] have been reported.
The future use of evolutionary computation in disaster relief Acknowledgements
operations is tied to both the increasing difficulty of practical prob-
lems and the advances of EAs themselves. In view of the current This work was supported by Project 61020106009, 61105073,
limitations in this area, the following aspects deserve attention in 613250211 and 61473263 supported by Natural Science Founda-
future development initiatives: tion of China.

• Emerging metaheuristic optimization methods. In recent years, a Appendix A.

number of new EAs, including BBO, cuckoo search [115], paddy
field algorithm [116], bat-inspired algorithm [117], fireworks See Table 9.
564 Y.-J. Zheng et al. / Applied Soft Computing 27 (2015) 553–566

Table 9
The summary of the research works classified by problem category.

General TP Allocation &location Routing Repair Integrated

GA Tuson et al. [26] Wang and Zhang [32] Ma et al. [39] Sato and Ichii [48] Chang et al. [51]
Feng and Wen [27] Kongsomsaksakul et al. [33] Lin et al. [40] Chen and Tzeng [49] Zheng and Ling [52]
Na and Zhi [28] Jia et al. [34] Zhang et al. [41] Zhang and Lu [50]
Nolz et al. [29] Han and Zhang [35] Hamedi et al. [42]
Yang et al. [30] Chai et al. [36] Chung et al. [43]
Berkoune et al. [31] Tzeng and Chen [37] Liu et al. [44]
Yang et al. [38] Song et al. [45]
Saadatseresht et al. [46]
Ma et al. [47]

ES Xie and Zhang [59] Barrachina et al. [60]

EP Wang and Jin [61]

PSO Pang et al. [66] Uno et al. [64] Wang et al. [70] Gan et al. [68]
Bozorgi-Amiri et al. [67] Chai et al. [65] Zheng et al. [71] Tian et al. [69]
Hu et al. [102]

ACO Lim et al. [74] Yuan and Wang [75] Yi and Kumar [76]
Yan and Shih [77]

AIS Hu [85] Liu and Zhang [87]

Zhang et al. [88]

BBO Zheng et al. [82] Zheng et al. [81] Zheng et al. [80]

SA Ma et al. [91] Jahangiri et al. [90]

TS Xie and Turnquist [94] Zheng et al. [95]

HS Landa-Torres et al. [97]

VNS Ozdamar and Yi [98] Duque and Söorensen [99]

Hybrid Peng et al. [100] Kallioras et al. [106]

Zhang et al. [101] Becker et al. [107]
Zhang and Fei [103] Zheng et al. [80]
Fei et al. [105]

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