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Follow the Leader: Justin Trudeau

Kelsi Weakley

University of Memphis: LEAD 7000

Fall 2017

Follow the Leader: Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau was selected as the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada in 2015. Justin can be

described as a teacher, a father, an advocate and a leader making him much more than just a

politician. Justin’s goal is to reestablish the faith Canadians have in its leadership to restore

success and encourage growth. Justin is relatable and strives to serve as a role model for the next

generations while representing all of Canada’s people despite their background. Justin utilizes

many avenues to stay connected with the people of Canada including Facebook, Twitter and

other social media outlets.

Trudeau’s background is based in education making issues involving education at the

forefront of his passions. Trudeau strived to complete an educational career for himself teaching

school aged children to help mold the minds of the next generation. After establishing a career

in education, Justin met his wife and shortly thereafter accomplishing another goal of his, to start

a family of his own. Justin also has a passion for the environment and youth issues which has

opened several avenues for him to serve as an advocate for various issues. Prior to being

appointed Prime Minister, he served on several boards and committees related to these issues

encouraging funding and stabilization proclaiming the importance of volunteering and

community service among the youth.

As a politician, Trudeau took matters into his own hands in order to obtain the

nomination for the Liberal Party in Papineau. After successfully winning the nomination,

Trudeau continued to drum up support among Canadians after winning Papineau and went on to

secure the title of Prime Minister. He has celebrated many milestones while in office and strives

to create an open, honest and fair government that Canadians can put their trust in.

Trudeau’s integration of technology is one component to his reign as Prime Minister that

is unique when compared to his predecessors. He utilizes twitter through a personal account and

through the lens of the prime minister’s account which he also utilizes as a platform due to his

current position in office. Twitter is a platform that limits its users to a narrowed range of

characters to express themselves, however many of Trudeau’s followers find it more than enough

to express their opinion. When utilizing the tweet analyzer TAGS through Google Drive, 113

tweets come up when the key terms “support for” and “Justin Trudeau” are searched showing that

followers utilized their freedom of speech to display their support for the Prime Minister.

Recently, more followers have utilized twitter to express their dissatisfaction towards Trudeau

and his more recent actions including the proposed reintegration program that would allow

parties involved with ISIS to return to Canada. Like any other leader, Trudeau’s roll did not

come without its own baggage which includes the insensitivity and oppression and rejection of

the LGBTQ2 community. Trudeau formally apologized to the Canadian people on behalf of this

oppression placed by the government for the past 30 years.

To further dissect the leadership Justin has shown socially, politically and culturally

several theories and approaches from Northouse (2013) can be utilized. Northouse (2013) looks

at the traits attributed to a successful leader and what they mean and how they are expressed,

several of which are attributes of Justin Trudeau. Northouse (2013) also looks at different

leadership approaches and which are applicable to various scenarios. Trudeau displays a

transformational leadership approach by setting an example for members of the cabinet and

Canadians. At the Women Deliver conference, Trudeau states that in his home, his children both

male and female are taught gender equality to shape the next generation into one that is accepting

and fair (nowthisnews, 2017). Northouse describes this approach “as its name implies,

transformational leadership is a process that changes and transforms people.” (Northouse, 2016),

p. 161). By witnessing the injustice to women and the LGBTQ2 community, Trudeau has

transformed personally by instilling acceptance in his children, as well as a leader by publicly

expressing the need for change and justice for these individuals. The theory of Leader-Member

exchange (LMX) is also prevalent through Trudeau’s call for justice amongst the previously

oppressed. Northouse suggests through this theory that “it is important to recognize the existence

of in-groups and out-groups within a group or an organization” (Northouse, 2013, p. 168).

Trudeau acknowledged the LGBTQ2 community as an “out-group” excluded and targeted

previously by Canadian government. Rob Oliphant, a Liberal member of the House of

Commons, tweeted

“It takes a lot for me to be speechless. I am that little gay kid, taunted and teased, now in

the House of Commons as an MP listening to my Prime Minister, our Prime Minister

acknowledge all the hurt of the LGBTQ+ community and apologizing. Incredible.” Once

a part of the “out-group” and now a part of the “in group” as both a member of the House

as well as an equal member of Canadian society in the eyes of the government.

(Rob_Oliphant, 2017)

The LMX theory operates when a leader creates unique relationships with all subordinates

regardless of background and offers the opportunity to take on new roles and responsibilities to

all (Northouse, 2013).

The theory of servant leadership was demonstrated by Trudeau and his leadership

approach to the middle-class citizens during his campaign for office, however, now many

Canadians feel as if they have been forgotten. Servant leadership is defined as and approach

where leaders “place the good of followers over their own self-interests and emphasize follower

development” (Northouse, 2013, p. 220). One of Trudeau’s campaign platforms was to bring

back fairness and strengthen Canadian economy while helping middle class parents with the cost

of raising children through the new Canada Child Benefit act. Canada’s population is mostly

compromised of middle class hardworking families who were facing the struggles of choosing

between saving for retirement or paying for their children’s education. Since taking office, many

Canadians feel as if Trudeau simply altered the definition of middle class to give the façade that

this population is receiving assistance in the form of tax cuts. Northouse’s (2013) theory of a

servant leader is one that is intended to serve and influence others in a way that puts followers

first, a statement some Canadians do not agree with as describing Trudeau. One twitter user

stated, “You mean the real middle class or the “middle class” that Justin Trudeau promised to


Though not all Canadians show unwavering support for Trudeau, the 23rd Prime Minister

tries to utilize a situational approach with foreign affairs. Northouse (2013) discusses the

situational approach to leadership. A leader under the situational approach is described as one

who is flexible and adapts his approach in accordance with the needs of his followers. Trudeau

interacts and represents a variety of followers each with their own level of development. Trudeau

vowed to support foreign nations with military involvement when the situation called for it and

was requested by the United Nations, an action that was put into place almost immediately upon

him taking office. Trudeau also backed off control previously enforced on ambassadors and high

commissioners in hopes to encourage support for these entities as respected diplomatic circles

which was well received. A less than popular decision however, is Trudeau’s recent support of

the reinstating of previously ISIS fighters back into Canada, a situational approach not favored

by Canadians. Trudeau interpreted the situation regarding previous ISIS fighters as an


opportunity to provide refuge to foreign terrorist families, specifically women and children who

require support in reintegration.

In situations like the reinstating of previous ISIS fighters to Canada, some followers

question Trudeau’s ethics of leadership. By allowing individuals with terrorist pasts to integrate

back into Canadian society without being reprimanded for their actions, followers view this as

ethical egoism that carries the potential for personal gain for Trudeau without protecting the

Canadian people. Headlines such as “Dangerous: Trudeau’s weakness on returning ISIS fighters

puts the Canadian people at risk” can be seen on twitter claiming Trudeau’s situational approach

did not have the Canadian people’s best interest at hand.

Despite the negative comments towards Trudeau’s most recent decisions towards foreign

affairs, some describe Trudeau as possessing the ethics of Utilitarianism striving to do what is

best for the greatest number of his followers. One of Trudeau’s passions is protecting the

environment and educating others on their impact to the environment in hopes to facilitate a

positive change. Trudeau has proposed several million dollars’ worth of investments starting in

2018 to support Canada’s national parks and national historic sites. This would not only preserve

Canada’s environment, but would also enrich the community, create jobs, and stimulate

economic growth through tourism, efforts that would help a large number of Canadians.

Trudeau stated:

“These investments are about ensuring Canadians and their families have every

opportunity to experience Canada’s natural beauty and learn more about our country and

its history (…) I encourage all Canadians to get out there and enjoy Canada’s national

parks, marine conservation areas, and historic sites” (


One of Trudeau’s passions prior to his role in politics include the environment and is

conservation, a moral that Trudeau has maintained throughout his political reign proving the

deontological theory of leadership ethics.

Justin Trudeau, like any politician, has his fair share of supporters and criticizers amongst

his followers. As followers, Canadians should trust the wellbeing of their nation at the mercy of

an appointed leader with hopes that he will possess as list of qualities and utilize different

approaches to his leadership role. Northouse (2013) discusses several theories and approaches to

leadership, some of which Trudeau embodies, while others he may fail to embrace. Despite the

various opinions of Trudeau, a combination of these approaches and theories are apparent and

appreciated by leader analysists. The nation of Canada is evolving under a new era of leadership

which its people can appreciate. Trudeau looks to serve as a representative of the Canadian

people while maintaining his dignity and staying true to his personal morals. This is apparent

from Trudeau’s cover photo on twitter which depicts him holding his son meeting some of the

Canadian people, to his integration of his own family throughout his decisions in government.

Whether always right or sometimes falling short, Trudeau is a leader that encompasses traits and

approaches described by Northouse (2013).


CandadianPM (2017, March 28) “These investments are about ensuring Canadians and their

families have every opportunity to experience Canada’s natural beauty and learn more

about our country and its history. As we celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, I

encourage all Canadians to get out there and enjoy Canada’s national parks, marine

conservation areas, and historic sites.” [Twitter Post].

Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE


Nowthisnews (2017, November 28) “Watching Justin Trudeau speak about equality will make

you want to move to Canada right now” [Twitter Post]

Ron_Oliphant (2017, November 28) “It takes a lot for me to be speechless. I am that little

gay kid, taunted and teased, now in the House of Commons as an MP listening

to my Prime Minister, our Prime Minister acknowledge all the hurt of the LGBTQ+

community and apologizing. Incredible.” [Twitter Post]

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