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Paper Project
To Meet the Tasks Basic Courses - Basic Environmental Science
who was nurtured by Mr. H. Sueb, M. Kes
Presented On Tuesday, January 30, 2018

By :
Offering Group G 2017

1. Choiron Galoh M.P (170342615553)

2. Mika Talita Gabriele W. (170342615602)


Chapter 1

1.1 Background

The population change too fast will result in an inefficient provision between existing
natural resources with the population. Population that is too large will result in natural resources
that there is not sufficient requirement. Otherwise the amount of population that is too small will
result in the utilization of natural resources tend to be less effective.

Increasingly population growth is getting out of control in humans. Uncontrolled

population growth will cause population density. Rapid population growth rates are difficult to
estimate. If allowed to continue the human population can be uncontrolled and will cause much
damage on earth. Humans are one of the disruptors of the destruction of environmental
conditions by illegal logging and clearing land. the impact of the population explosion, among
others poverty, environmental damage, threatened food security, unemployment, high maternal
and infant mortality, crime, and the cost of health and education services.

Increasing the number of population followed also by the increasing efforts to meet the
basic needs of life. So that humans will produce more waste from the fulfillment of their needs.
The garbage will continue to grow every day so it takes a long process to process it in the final
dump. This causes the environment to become slum.

The slums are a problem faced by almost all the big cities in Indonesia, even large cities
in other developing countries. Review about the slums (slums), generally includes three facets,
that is, first, his physical condition. The physical condition, among others, the looks of its
condition very closely with the quality of construction is low, the road network is not patterned
and not diperkeras, public sanitation and drainage is not functioning as well as rubbish has not
been managed properly. Second, the socio-economic condition of the cultural community that
settled in the neighborhood. Socio-economic conditions of the community which is in the slums
among others include low income levels, social norms are loose, the culture of poverty that is
coloring his, among others, the looks of the attitudes and behaviors of apathy. Third, the impact
of by both these conditions. These conditions often result in bad health conditions, the source of
the pollution, the source of the spread of disease and behaviour deviates, impacting on the lives
of a whole.

A total of 10 of 57 urban villages spread in Malang, East Java, fall into the category of
slums. This settlement will be rearranged until the realization of slum free program in 2019. The
hapless City Government still had homework in the form of handling slum in 10 wards.The area
of the slums is considered a disease of the city that need to be addressed.The head of the
Agency's planning, research, and development of Malang Erik Rajendra Santoso said Jakarta
slum that cannot be done by the Government's own Poor.
"The target we completed 10 village that still has a slum, "said Erik, Friday (29/9/2017).
The influence of population density and environmental hygiene come from the waste of
human living. When human overpopulate, then the waste become more bigger than is suppose to
be, the higher the population the higher human need become. When the human need raises, it
means the demand for more land, food, and waste raises too.
From the explanation above required an innovation to address the problem of slums in
order to guarantee its survival. Need help from the City Government to return the poor areas free
of slums. (Holdren. 1971. Impact of Population Growth.)

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

(1) What is the population density in the Malang City?

(2) What are the causes of population density in Malang City?

(3) How is the level of environmental hygiene in Malang City?

(4) Is there any influence of population density on environmental hygiene in Malang City?

1.3 Purpose

(1) Explain the causes of population density.

(2) Expose the effect of population density on the surrounding environment.

(3) Expose cleanliness in slums due to population density in Malang.

Chapter 2

2.1 Review of the Literature

Population Density

Population density is population divided by total land area or water volume, as appropriate.
Population density is a measurement of population per unit area or unit volume; it is a quantity of
type number density. Talking about the population mean talking about basic things related to the
number, structure, growth, distribution, mobility, dissemination, quality and condition of well-
being related to political, economic, social cultural, religious and the environment of the local
residents as mandated in the ACT Number 52-year 2009 on the development of population and
development. In development, population as the primary and dominant factor in capital
development should be a central point, because of the large population with low quality and
rapid growth will slow down to achieve the ideal conditions between quantity and the quality of
the population with power support and the capacity of the environment. The development of
human populations in fact unavoidable but can only be controlled in various ways such as
promoting economic development in the developing countries so as to able to manage nature
well and was able to get out of poor zone due to the density of human beings (Tobler et al. 1997.
International Journal of Population Geography).

Causes Of Population Density

The problem of overcrowding in Indonesia due to the following issues:

• Decrease in death rates with no accompanying decrease in the birth rate.
Generally developing countries are able to lower the birth rate, while developing dinegara-negara
hasn't been able to lower the level of death and birth. Whereas in Indonesia decreased the
mortality rate caused by one of the already poor people for health programs like the BPJS and
increasing technology in the field of medicine can also withstand the death toll in Indonesia.
• Less implementing family planning programs
This program has been much socialized, but few communities that want to do this program
because the primitive assumptions that many many good fortune. This issue has been very
widespread in the community. Public awareness of this indeed is still very low. Medium down
Indonesia society yet many are implementing programs using IE KB, contraception, whereas
most of Indonesia society dominated by the community with a level of secondary economic run
down. (Pratiwi, Ninik, Early Marriage (Wedding Young Age)
• the rise of Free Association
Guidelines for teens that are free right now may lead to increasing numbers of free sex which is
capable of adding to the problem of the birth at a young age or criminal issues such as abortion,
child neglect, drug abuse, rape, etc.
• the marriage of young age
Marriage is one of the things that has become the line of life for every human being, with a
wedding then it is making a new family and intact with the presence of the fruit of the heart. All
man naturally desires a good marriage with full of happiness. But in indonesia, which is still
strong in the presence of customs, age not be a hindrance to perform a marriage even if not
stranger in indonesia we find children 15 years of age already form a family or are married, This
is called early marriage. It is certainly very concerned because in addition to the impact on the
condition of youth will also have an impact on the rate of population growth for Indonesia
(Ehrlich, 2006).
• Lack of education (high number of Illiterates)
An illiterate society experienced a failure of understanding the problem of overcrowding. As
they experience the limitations of knowledge and the ability to understand and to think into the
future (as a result of the population density). Besides communities with low education figures
tend to feel his life is now with sehinggan nyama is not trying to fix his life.
• Cultural influences (Many Many Fortune)
The cultural community who assume "a lot of Children Much Sustenance" that's what makes the
number of births of more than the number of deaths. will so whether Indonesia 10 years longer if
annually 4 million babies born in Indonesia.
Factors of family support in parenting, is also one of the reasons why the people of Indonesia are
likely to have large families. In developed countries, should all be done by yourself. The cost of
day care and nanny are pretty high. While here, there is a large family like Grandma, Grandpa,
aunt ready so renewal hand in parenting. PRT and hiring a baby sitter, was also not as expensive
as outside the country. This is the luxury enjoyed by most of society. The support system is very
supportive of the financial ability of enlistment, making some people assume there are no
obstacles which means if you want to have lots of children (Helmizar. 2014).

Environmental Hygiene

Hygiene according to the great Indonesian Language Dictionary is a State free of dirt,
including dust, trash, and smell. Humans need to keep the environment clean and healthy so that
self hygiene so as not to spread the dirt, or transmit disease germs to yourself or others. Self
hygiene covers the hygiene of the body, such as a shower, brush your teeth, wash your hands,
and put on clean clothes.
The cleanliness of the environment means a State free of dirt, including dust, trash, and smell.
Hygiene is an attempt menusia umtuk keep themselves and the environment from all the dirty
and nasty in order to embody and preserve a healthy and comfortable life. Hygiene is a
requirement for the attainment of health, and healthy is one factor that can give you happiness.
Rather dirty not only ruin its beauty but can also cause the onset of various diseases, and pain is
one of the factors that lead to suffering. In addition the environmental hygiene can also mean the
cleanliness of the place of residence, place of work, and a variety of public facilities. The
cleanliness of the place of residence conducted melap window and home furnishings, sweep and
MOP floors, wash cooking utensils and cutlery, clean bathrooms and toilets, as well as throw
away trash (Van der Geer. 2010).
Traits of healthy and unhealthy surroundings should know because the environment is one of the
important factors for human health. The environment is a State that exists around the House, not
only is it just a broader environment include environmental neighbors around the House even
includes one village environment. Necessary efforts together to create a healthy environment. A
healthy environment is essential for creating health, calmness and comfort also in order not to
give the impacts of air pollution. An unhealthy environment is not very good for a growing swell
of kids who are in the environment. An unhealthy environment also causes the residents living in
the neighborhood felt uncomfortable living in the neighborhood.
A Healthy Environment

A healthy environment fit for children playground or place of residence of the child. If
the home environment is not healthy, it can affect children's health and the impact of growing
flower child. It takes effort and an effort to create a healthy environment (Astari. 2012).

Impact of Density Human towards Environmental Quality

Birth rate population causing overcrowding remains high. Many of the consequences
brought about by this population density for the environment, especially due to bad i.e.
environmental pollution. The consequences include:
• the formation of slums
This is the most major problem encountered in case of explosion in population growth. The
settlement is one of the basic human needs. Therefore, human beings must meet this requirement
before glancing to the needs of others.
For people who can afford to, they could buy a place to live in places that are feasible
(apartment, or housing). But for those who are economically disadvantaged, they have to be
willing to build a House on land that was shockingly narrow. This was the trigger for the
formation of slums in cities with a high population density.
Even for those who are less fortunate again, they would choose to set up shacks on the edge of
the River, on the edge of the railroads, or even in the columns of the bridge. It all is not a strange
thing if we analyze the condition of the city's dense population.
• household Rubbish
Many of the residents in the city, daily produce less waste as much as 6,500 tonnes per day. The
waste generated by households which are populous (Indonesia The BAPEDAL Regional
Monitoring Capacity Development Project,2010).
• the availability of clean water
Knowingly or not, clean water is the needs of the population that inevitably must be supplied.
Clean water is usually used for citizens for cooking, washing clothes, bathing and so on. The
more contaminated river water, then the less availability of clean water.
• flooding problem
More and more rivers contaminated waste-household waste such as plastic and paper, then water
flow will be clogged and consequently supported the flow of water is not smooth. Not only that,
semakun the abundance of construction of houses, apartments and public facilities then the
narrow water peresapan area that can result in flooding.
• air pollution
One of the problems that must be suffered by the region's dense population is air pollution. High
levels of air pollution caused by the increasing number of population of motorists who makes a
threat to vulnerable urban communities affected by various diseases, such as emphysema, cancer,
and diseases of the upper respiratory tract infections .

Current environmental conditions increasingly inflamed in accompanied with an increase in

population density. Various aspects of life start impacted due to environmental pollution, ranging
from water pollution that increasingly will be clean water crisis so many diseases that
mengakibatan life expectancy of citizens declined.
Even the current indonesia became the second country producer of plastic waste in the world.
This condition in the result by the classical factors of population density are not in seimbangi
with the quality of life both in terms of knowledge, environmental awareness and positive
behavior (Wahyuningsih et al,2010).

Profile of Malang

The village Gading Kasri is a village located in Kecamatan Klojen, Malang. The village
was established in 1980 with the basic laws of Perda Malang N 0.8 Year 1980. This village
consists of 6 RW (Pillars of citizens) and 50 RT (Jiran). Its population was 14,175 people
consisting of 2,975 K.K. (head of household).Administratively, the village Gading Kasri is
surrounded by other villages that existed in the city of Malang. To the North, the village Gading
Kasri Village bordering Sumbersari, Kecamatan Lowokwaru. Whereas in the East, the
neighborhood is bordered by Villages Oro oro Dowo, district Klojen. While in the South, the
village borders the subdistricts of Gading Kasri With, Klojen. Then, on the West side, the
neighborhood is bordered by the Wards of coral Besuki Subdistrict, Breadfruit.Heart is led by a
Head. In carrying out its job everyday, Head Heart assisted by staff with the number of personnel
10 people. To take care of the administration of the settlement, local residents can come to the
Office of Neighborhood Heart addressed on JL. Galunggung 5, district Klojen, Malang, 65115.
For more information can contact office phone number 0341-566647, fax. 0341-566647, send an
email to kel, or see the official page

Chapter 3

3.1 Metode

In this study used quantitative methodology with type a descriptive research that aims to
carefully describe the characteristics of a symptom or problem that is examined (Ulber Silalahi,
2009). Researchers use quantitative descriptive analysis by collecting the now interviews and
observations that are converted into the form of a percent. The number that appears in the form
of percent is taken from the variable i.e. answers now include the Yes, no, never, never yet, and
already the free variable that is obtained from a large number of members and the resulting
waste results in one the family of citizens of RT. In addition we also use direct observation
methods to the research area, namely the area of Malang and surrounding areas. In addition to
conducting observations directly to the field observation was conducted interviews to local
communities. The time of observation and interviews in the area we are able to obtain
qualitative data that can illustrate the negative impact of population density, environmental
conditions are then the result will be analyzed in descriptive tabulate the data. The researcher
will provide the now given a choice answers however was still able to give answers to the
people, to enrich the data. Researchers observed variables have the following details:

Astari,Endah .2012.Peran Masyarakat Terhadap Kebersihan Lingkungan di Kawasan Kumuh

Ehrlich Holdren. 1971. Impact of Population Growth. USA: JSTOR
Erik. 2009, (online)
pada 14 Febuari 2018)
Helmizar,2014. Evaluasi Kebijakan Jaminan Persalinan (Jampersal) Dalam
Penurunan Angka Kematian Ibu Dan Bayi Di Indonesia.
Indonesia The BAPEDAL Regional Monitoring Capacity Development Project, 2010.Supporting
Pollution Controls and Sustainable Environmental Monitoring
Kelurahan Gading Kasri kota Malang, 2018.(online) (diakses pada 14 Februari
Paul,R.Ehrlich ;John.P.Holdern. 2006.Science New Series Vol.171.

Pratiwi,Ninik. 2007.Penilaian Peran Serta Masyarakat Dalam Akselerasi Penurunan Angka

Kematian Ibu Dan Angka Kematian Bayi.

Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. 2009. UU Republik Indonesia no 52 Tahun 2009 tentang

Perkembangan Kependudukan dan Pembangunan Keluarga.

Tobler et al. 1997. International Journal of Population Geography.

USA: Statistical Division of the United Nations
Ulber Silalahi, 2009, Metode Penelitian Sosial, Bandung, Rafika Aditama.

Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J.A.J., Lupton, R.A., 2010. The art of writing a scientific article. J.
Sci. Commun. 163, 51–59.

Wahyuningsih,.Sri dan Nadjiji Anwar. 2010. A Comparative Study Of Water Quality

Characteristic at East Java River.
Scale of
Ways of
variable and
No Variable Sub-variable Indicator measuring
choice of
- A comparison
between the birth
rate and the death -Low levels of
of balance. education
-Already the -Decrease in
maximum death rates
socialization with no
regarding program accompanying
planning in the decrease in
Gading Kasri. birth rates
-The rise of free -Less
Causes of Ordinal Interview of
association in the implementing
1. population scale the peoples
area of heart family
-Increasing the planning
marriage at a young programs in
age in the area of Indonesia
Gading Kasri. Free
-The number of Association-
people in the region Languid
of the Gading Kasri -Young Age
do not continue Of Marriage
education more and

- The amount of -The amount

litter on the street or of garbage on
in the home of a the road or at
rich home. Environmental
Level of -Public awareness -awareness of Ordinal survey and
2. environmental in the region of the environmental scale observation
hygiene village Gading problems guidelines
Kasri to address facing society
environmental (garbage
hygiene is still low. strewn)
Place and time:
The study about the high birth rate in the slum area in the Gading Kasri on the road gang
galunggung 4 RT 6 and will be carried out on the range in February 2018.

Location map in the region of Gading Kasri on the street gang galunggung 4 RT 6:

Research Instrument
Only research instrument is the method of interview and survey locations with
observation guidelines so that the retrieved data in accordance with the conditions in
environmental research.
On the research of our group that uses the methods of interviews to people around but using
closed in the interview guideline interview we've done there is a description of the assessment
i.e. SS: strongly agree is worth 5; S: Agreed value 4; N: Neutral value 3; TS: do not agree is
worth 2; STS: strongly disagree is worth 1.

Sample Population:
The growth of slums in the area of the village Gading Kasri of Malang. The area should
be as open land, now turned into a very densely populated settlements. For it needs to be
revealed about the actual condition of residents who lived in the neighborhood area of Gading
Kasri in the way of galunggung gang 4.
Engineering Data Retrieval:
The purpose of this research is to know the location of the residency condition,
condition, condition and cleanliness of the environment in the area of the village Gading Kasri in
the way of galunggung gang 4. This research is the research on causal relationships by using
the method of interview and observation. The population in this research is the head of family
who settled in the area in the path of galunggung alley 4 of Malang. Sampling techniques using
the technique of keruangan by dividing into two criteria, namely solid neighborhoods and
settlements are not solid. The sample of respondents is taken as many as 20 respondents
village area along the Gading Kasri on the road gang galunggung 4 Malang. The data in this
study include primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques using observation,
interviews, and documentation.

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