Letter of Recommendation G

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Park Western Place Elementary School Evelia Perea
1214 Park Western Place • San Pedro 90732 Assistant Principal
Dr. Sylvester Harris
Phone 310-833-3591 FAX 310-833-6413 Assistant Principals, APEIS

March 21, 2019

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Glenda M. Matos-Watson and it is a privilege to write this letter of recommendation on behalf of
Ms. Katherine Clark. She is a wonderful educator I have had the privilege to work with during the 2018-2019 school
year at Park Western Place Elementary School. I am also a seasoned educator (over 17 years of experience) with LAUSD.
Ms. Clark worked as a colleague in a general education 5th grade classroom and has differentiating instruction for students
with disabilities with my support within the general education setting. As the Resource Specialist (RST), I appreciated the
fact that Ms. Clark had extensive experience working with students with disabilities since she began her career in special
education as a special education para-educator. When I entered the position as the new RST she supported my transition
by thoroughly sharing her knowledge of the student population at Park Western. We also had several opportunities to
collaborate and plan instruction for the students that received resource specialist support. In working with her it was
evident in her everyday interactions that she was a colleague who was highly respected by students, staff, and parents.

Ms. Clark is extraordinarily self-motivated and passionate. She demonstrates persistence, consistent work ethic
and passion in her work environment as well as working with all students, staff, and families. I can assert that she would
personally pursue the true implementation of the theoretical framework that is being developed and implemented in the
field of General Education and use her experience with Special Education to best provide differentiation to the special
education population. She is persistent in providing differentiated instruction as well as behavior intervention for her
students. Clear expectations and a high regard for classroom work ethic are evident in her practice. This was evident in
our conversations as we collaborated, in her interactions with students, and her contributions on several occasions with
colleagues and parents. She has excellent observation and problem solving skills, a combination that is hard to come by.

With the years she currently has with the district she conducts herself professionally and can easily be mistaken
for a seasoned educator. Ms. Clark has enthusiasm and her philosophy of hard work and dedication are evident during the
time I have collaborated with her. She has a sincere interest in her students and has the tenacity needed to demonstrate
excellence within the field of education. In the short period of time I have worked with her, I am left with memories of a
compassionate instructor who has a firm and gentle spirit as well as being an avid learner.

Overall as an educator, I know with all confidence that she will do an outstanding job and be an asset to any
school community that receives her. Working with her has made me a better educator and I honestly believe all those
working alongside her will improve in their practices as well. Should you desire further information, please contact me at
951-775-3349 or glenda.matos@lausd.net.


Glenda M. Matos-Watson, M.A., NBCT

Resource Specialist Teacher

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