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Imagine a long hollow cylinder with only internal pressure P closed at both ends by flat plates.

Then the
average stresses induced in mid section from ends will be free from bending and there will be only membrane
stress. This membrane stress in the mid section can be classified as Primary membrane stress(P m). Now
towards the end section where the cylinder is closed by the flat plates, the expansion of cylindrical shell at the
connection is restrained by the flat plates. So junction will impose loads in the shell section as well as flat
plates. Hence there will be bending stresses near the junction in both end plates as well as shell section.
Collectively the stresses at the connection(away from corner) of shell to end plate is called as primary +
secondary stresses. Understand that Secondary stresses are introduced due to restraint and if we remove the
restraint (in this case, remove end plates), there will be no secondary stresses. Hence secondary stresses are
caused by restraint type of loading such as temperature loading and constraints.

Now imagine you drilled a hole in the same cylinder at mid section. There will be stress concentration due to
hole since cylinder has to resist the same internal pressure with reduced cross section now. The average
stresses near opening can be classified as the local primary membrane stress(P L) due to their local nature and
local effect of hole(But make sure that these are really local and die out rapidly away from the hole). The total
average membrane + Bending stresses are classified as primary+secondary stresses(away from hole edge).
Here bending stresses are now introduced due to hole as restraint. At the edge of the hole there will be
another component of stress apart from the primary and secondary i.e. peak component. This component
comprises the most part of the total stress at that location and is mainly due to stress concentration effect. So
at hole you have Primary+Secondary+Peak components of stress.

Note that these three stress categories are different components of total stress in section. There classification
(you can say availability) will depend on the location in the cylinder. Primary stress-at mid section,
Primary+Secondary stress-at shell to flat plate junction and Primary+Secondary+Peak stress-at hole.

Hope that this helps you in understanding the stress categorization which is bit tedious but very much logical

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