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A Review of the Clonal Selection Theory of

Acquired Immunity
Technical Report 070223A
Complex Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Centre for Information Technology Research,
Faculty of Information Communication Technology, Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia

Abstract-The clonal selection theory proposed by Nobel Prize

winning immunologist Frank Macfarlane Burnet is a deceptively II. CLONAL SELECTION THEORY


simple algorithmic process that describes the diversity of Don t let conflicting and awkward facts stand in the
antibodies and is the foundation for the understanding of the way of an esthetically satisfying theory whose
acquired immune system of vertebrates. This paper provides a fundamentals are consistent with the world model and 

summary overview of the theory including its inception, main with one another! And be suspicious of facts that seem
in the way of any coherent theory. Lederberg [21], pg

processes, and some interesting theoretical aspects.

Keywords- Clonal Selection Theory, Clonal Selection Principle,
Clonal Selection Algorithms, Artificial Immune System A.Theory Development
Ada and Nossal [39] provide a detailed summary of
I. INTRODUCTION the theories development and related confirmatory
Cziko [19] on clonal selection theory: experiments, as does Silverstein [5]. See Forsdyke [9]
[ ] the immune system does not attempt to predict for an account on the development of the theory
highlighting the contributions of Ehrlich. See [20] for

the antibody structure that will bind with an antigen, but

Lederberg s comment on clonal selection and elective

rather uses a type of shotgun approach that sends in a

theories , and [21] for his account on his part in the

diverse army to meet the invaders

history of the development of the theory. Cziko [19]
The above quote provides an apt general description provides an interesting selectionist s account on the

of the acquired immune systems approach at defending development of the theory, equating the theory and its
the host organism from pathogens. It took nearly 100 development to Darwin s theory of naturals selection to

years to define and verify a theory that accounted for the which it bears a strong resemblance on both accounts.
diversity of antibodies. Silverstein [5] suggests that like
1. Constructionist side chain theory (Ehrlich)
Darwin s theory of evolution, much of the specifics of

2. Instructionist antigen template theory (Pauling)

the theory may have been out dated given scientific

3. Selectionist natural selection theory (Jerne)

progress, although this is no reason to abandon the core

principles, rather it emphasises the need to embrace the 4. Accepted clonal selection theory (Burnet, Talmage, Jerne)

continually updated version of the theory. 5. Seminal confirmatory experiments (Tonegawa, Nossal, Lederberg, many
This work provides a high-level survey of the
Figure 1 - Terse overview of some theories and their contributors
development and core principles of the clonal selection
theory of acquired immunity. This discussion is limited
Paul Ehrlich observed the explosive (exponential)
to the discussion of the clonal selection of B-
generation of antibodies triggered by the primary
lymphocytes and humoral immunity given that the
exposure of antigen in blood. He proposed a side chain

development of the theory and much of the experimental

theory (circa 1900) that blood cells naturally made side

and theoretical work on clonal selection has been

completed in this context. Section II summarizes the chains (receptors) capable of binding to all antigens.
clonal selection theory including the theories This constructionist theory proposed that the information
development (II.A), and a brief of the theory itself (II.B.) and capability to detect all antigen was already
Section III discusses the selection aspect of the theory, possessed by the host (in the genome) and expressed by
and section IV discusses diversity mechanisms both in the antibodies. This model was ultimately rejected
the initial repertoire of cells and in the on-going because it was demonstrated that antibodies could be
produced in response to man made substances -
adaptation of the immune response. Section V
summarizes some aspects and findings of theoretical something of which the antibodies had no prior
knowledge. Further, the theory could not explain the
models on the theory and finally section VI suggests
improvement of the specificity of the response in the
additional aspects of the theory although not covered in
secondary and subsequent exposures to the same
this work. A glossary of relevant immunological
terminology is also provided.

CIS Technical Report 070223A February 2007 page 1 of 6

The antigen-template theory was proposed to Antigen select the best matching cells resulting in their

suggest that antigen direct the response. In fact, this replication. He suggested that each immune cell
instructional theory proposed that the antibodies used the produces antibody with only one type of the same
antigen as a template or model to which they modified receptor. His theory attributed the exponential rise in the
themselves to provide a more effective complement. The number of antibodies after infection to the exponential
emerging field of genetics suggested the invalidity of the rise in the number of antibody producing cells due to
theory given that specificity of an antibody could not be clonal expansion of selected cells. It also explained the
changed after its creation that the process of gene to improved secondary response given the specialisation of
protein is one-way. receptors during expansion, although the mechanisms of
Niles Jerne [33] had great difficulty with template receptor specialisation were only speculated, they were
theory, listing a number of observations to which the confirmed 20 years later.
theory could not account. The template theory proposed Talmage [11] followed up on the theory providing a
a one-to-one relationship between antibodies and more detailed account, as did Burnet who later released
antigen, although the experimental observations a book on his theory [18]. Burnet continued his work on
suggested that far more antibodies were produced than the study of immunological tolerance, to which his
antigen in the primary response. Further, the template theory supported, and with Peter Medawar won the
theory suggested the antibodies role ended after Nobel Prize in 1960 for work that provided the
neutralizing the antigen, and observations indicated that foundation for viable tissue and organ transplant. It is
antibodies have a short life span, thus failing to account also interesting to note that it was Burnet who
for observed immunological memory the improved conceptualized the self nonself abstraction of the

specificity of the secondary response. immune system in his work on immunological tolerance
1. Secondary stimulus with the same antigen provokes a more active
[14], which like his clonal selection theory has remained
production of antibody than the primary stimulus a foundational concept of modern immunology.
2. The change in character of antibody produced in response to repeated Nossal and Lederberg [37] supported the one-cell-
exposure to the same antigen. More avid antibody towards the antigen. one-antibody assertion of the clonal selection theory
3. Exponential rise in the number of circulating antibody after the first providing first test and confirmatory evidence for the
exposure to antigen.
theory. As mentioned, Burnet speculated at the
4. Continued production of antibody for long periods after exposure to
mechanisms for antibody diversification and
5. Surface of the antigen plays a dominant role in the specificity of antibody.
specialisation in his theory. His prediction was
confirmed approximately 20 years later by Tonegawa et
Figure 2 - The problems with template theory outlined by Jerne [33]

al. [36,48] who investigated the fine tuning of antibody

receptors called somatic hypermutation (B-cell
Jerne proposed an alternative called the natural

differentiation) for which he later won the Nobel prize.

selection hypotheses of antibody diversity. His proposed

that the host contains a small pre-existing collection of B.Theory Summary

randomly generated antibodies to start the process. In For a treatment of the clonal selection theory of
generating this pre-existing pool, self-antibodies are acquired immunity see any book on immunology, for
somehow neutralised before causing harm to the host. example [15] and [38], Rajewsky [26] also provides a
Antigen naturally select antibodies of high affinity from contemporary summary of the theory.

which more antibodies of the same affinity are produced. An antigen is a molecule which can elicit an immune
The result of the antigen-antibody selection mechanism response, an antibody (immunoglobulin) is a molecule
is the production of a lot more antibodies specific to the which can bind to and neutralise an antigen and a B
antigen, which presented an improved response of the lymphocyte is a cell which can bind to antigen as well as
host to the antigen. Interestingly he made the offhand producing antibodies. The physical surface of an antigen
suggestion that copying errors during the production of has a number of different structural features. An
antibodies may result in an improved fit with the antibody and B cell have receptors which have a
antigen. specificity (ability to bind) to only one surface feature of
In his work on antibodies and allergy, David Talmage an antigen, although the feature an antibody binds to
[10] extended upon Jerne s natural selection hypothesis may represented on more than one different antigen.

suggesting that Jerne s theory is an extension of Ehrlich s


A host posses a base pool of randomly generated1

side-chain theory, and that replicating cells (not lymphocytes, which defines the hosts natural immunity.
antibodies) were the main feature of the immune These cells are prepared during the embryonic stage of
response. He suggested the idea that immune cells must development. During this time, the immune system
specialise in producing antibody with the same learns a tolerance for the tissues of the host organism
specificity. and those lymphocytes that are self-reactive are removed
Frank Macfarlane Burnet [17] also extended Jerne s from the pool (killed).

theory at the same time (and subsequently received The repertoire of natural lymphocytes possesses the
priority) focusing on the clone perspective and the self-

ability to bind to any antigenic stimulus (natural or

replicating cellular mechanisms during the immune synthetic) with some affinity. The introduction of an
response. He called his theory the clonal selection

hypothesis of antibody diversity. The missing link for

Burnet was the pre-existing naive antibody population. 1

Although with an evolutionary bias

CIS Technical Report 070223A February 2007 page 2 of 6

antigen triggers an immune response. The lymphocytes cell has formed (after mitosis) it may be considered an
with the highest affinity for the antigen bind to the antibody factory where all antibodies will have the exact
antigen triggering an immune response. Thus it is the same affinity for an antigen surface feature. The fact that
features of the antigen that select the best matching a surface feature may be represented by more than one
lymphocyte from the hosts repertoire. antigen provides the basis for vaccinations. This
After a lymphocyte binds to an antigen it moves to provides a generalization capability where lymphocytes
lymphatic tissue (germinal centre) to begin the can be raised on one harmless antigen and be effective
differentiation process. The function of this process is other more dangerous antigens that posses the same
preferential proliferation to replicate a clone of cells to structures. The memory cells generated during the
produce antibody capable of neutralising the triggering differentiation process may live for months and years
antigen. The lymphocyte proliferates and differentiates which is much longer than typical lymphocytes that lives
into two different cell types; plasma cells that continue for hours or days, thus providing long term memory of
to replicate and which release large numbers of the learned antigenic defence.
antibody, and memory cells that like the parent cell act 1. Small random (general specificity) initial repertoire
as a catalyst for the immune response. 2. Negative selection of self-reactive lymphocytes in early embryo
3. Selection of best matching lymphocyte by antigen
4. Migration of lymphocyte to lymph tissue
5. Lymphocyte Differentiation
a. Proliferation into plasma cells that produce lots of antibody
b. Proliferation into memory cells (similar function to parent)
c. Production of a small amount of antibody
6. Copying errors during proliferation modify the specificity of the cells
receptors (and their antibody) to the triggering antigen, some possess
improvements. Rate of mutation during this proliferation process is high
relative to typical mitosis.

Figure 4 - Summary of the clonal selection hypothesis of antibody diversity

The selection of lymphocytes by antigen based on
their affinity specifies an implicit negative selection of
those lymphocytes that do not bind with the antigen. Put
another way, lymphocytes suffer from cell death,
although those that are selected by antigen are given an
opportunity to proliferate and live on through their
differentiated progeny.
Darden and Cain s [30] discussion the selectionist

archetype for addressing adaptive problems in a

philosophical biology context including Darwin s natural

selection theory of evolution, clonal selection theory and

selection theories of higher brain functions. They
provide a general selectionist framework and
demonstrate how each of the three cases fit in terms of
Figure 3 - Overview of the lymphocyte differentiation process of the clonal the preconditions, interactions, effects, and long range
selection theory, taken from [23] effects. Cziko [19] also provides a selectionist account
of the clonal selection theory, describing the production
During the proliferation and differentiation process of antibody as a Darwinian microcosm, and an example
copying errors (called somatic mutations) may occur, of ontogenetic (life long learning) adaptation to
although unlike the genetic mutations that occur in supplement the adaptation provided by neo-Darwinian
typical cell divisions (mitosis), the probability of evolution.
mutation is much higher. The result is a clone of
lymphocytes that have receptors similar to the parent IV.LYMPHOCYTE DIVERSITY MECHANISMS
cell, although vary slightly in their specificity to the
triggering antigen. Thus, on subsequent exposures to the The genetics and chemistry of antibody diversity is
antigen, the host possess a larger repertoire of beyond the scope of this work. This section provides a
lymphocytes and antibodies capable of neutralising the listing of the mechanisms that lead to the diversity of the
B lymphocyte repertoire. These mechanisms are as
antigen. Given the somatic mutations introduced during
replication, some of the lymphocytes will contain an follows:
improved affinity for the antigen, thus improving their also known as somatic

Somatic mutation
chance of being selected. hypermutation (SHM), and somatic

hyperpointmutation . Along with genetic recombination,

An antibody producing lymphocyte will only produce

antibodies of the same affinity. This means that after the it was the first discovery made regarding the genetic
component of antibody diversity [36,45,47]. It refers to

CIS Technical Report 070223A February 2007 page 3 of 6

the point mutations of the genome that occur during the
clonal expansion phase (when the cell moves to the Some additional notes about clonal selection theory:
germinal centre for differentiation [6,7]). The mutations
are targeted at the genes that code for the receptors and • Burnets non-mathematical theory of antibody
occur at a rate about one million times higher than the diversity can be considered an algorithmic
mutation rates in other genes. Mutations include procedure
substitutions, additions, and deletions of genetic code. • Given the diversity of the expressed lymphocyte
Specific sequences (motifs) within the receptor genes are repertoire, whether a receptor detects an antigen
targeted with high frequency, referred to as hot spots. can be viewed as a random event
Genetic recombination called secondary V(D)J

• Learning in the immune system involves raising

rearrangements refers to the recombination of the the population size of lymphocytes that have

genetic code during the development of B lymphocyte proven themselves valuable by detection antigen
cells [36,39,47,48]. This genetic recombination process
accounts for the initial diversity of the lymphocyte • Learning involves biasing the expressed
repertoire and in the creation of new (na ve) B repertoire from random towards one that reflects
lymphocyte cells. the actual antigenic environment
Receptor editing refers to the genetic • Increasing one clone, means other clones may
recombination of lymphocytes that are auto-reactive have to decrease, although the total number of
[27,31]. Cells that remain auto-reactive after this lymphocytes is not constant (not fixed resources,
recombination are eliminated from the repertoire, in rather an upper bound). Clonal expansion results
what is termed molecular selection of receptors. This in some combination of the following effects
likely occurs before somatic mutation, and in response to 1. Forget previously learned antigens
contact with antigen (similar to template theory). It has
also been proposed that receptor editing may also 2. Increase overall repertoire size
provide an additional general diversity mechanism for 3. Decrease randomly generated repertoire for
so-called long jumps in receptor affinity [3]. detecting novel antigen

also called class switch The aspects of an antigen that a lymphocyte can

Class switching
recombination (CSR) [50,53] is the genetic detect can be considered in aggregate and abstracted as

recombination that results in antibodies changing their an n-dimensional space or volume in which receptors
effectors (becoming different immunoglobulin types) exist as points within this space with a hyper-sphere of
although maintaining the same specificity for antigen. influence determined by their specificity. This formalism
(GC) a genetic recombination is called the shape space theory and provides a way to

Gene conversion
and the main mechanism for diversification in chickens model the generalized shape of a receptor-binding region
and other species rather than somatic mutation [28,53]. of lymphocytes, and more interestingly the completeness
of a lymphocyte repertoire. The theory predicts the
V. SOME MODELS AND OBSERVATIONS probability that a given receptor will recognise a random
antigen determinant with an affinity above a threshold as
There are many mathematical models of the clonal 10-5. Given the predicted probability, for a repertoire to
selection theory and related mechanisms, the discussion be complete the following three hypotheses must be
of which is too great for this work. Instead, the reader is satisfied:
directed to Perelson and Weisbuch [2], which provides a
physicists review of the field of theoretical immunology. 1. Each receptor can recognise a set of different
This section provides a summary of a few of the many but related epitopes
interesting observations in that work. 2. The repertoire size is of the order 106 or greater
The size of an organism defines the number of 3. The receptors in the repertoire have shapes that
lymphocytes it may possess. The following provides a are randomly distributed throughout the shape
quantitative example of B-lymphocytes from a typical space
mammal the mouse.
The first and second hypotheses have been confirmed
• Each B-cell has about 104 to 105 identical by experimentation and observation. The third
receptors on its surface hypothesis is confirmed in a weak form given that it is
• The potential repertoire of receptors that can be expected that evolution has biased the genetic basis for

generated given the genetic basis is about 1011 receptor construction towards regions of the shape space
that are more important to cover than others.
• The total number of lymphocytes is about 108 at
any one time There are a number of differential equation models of
B lymphocyte repertoires and models of the
• The expressed repertoire is about 107, meaning differentiation process that are accurate with regard to
that there are on average 10 lymphocytes of a experimental observation. A characteristic of some of
given specificity these affinity selection models is that the number of

• A lower limit on the potential number of antigen memory cells and plasma cells are equal, and the number
must recognise is in the order of 1016 of cells created in an immunological response is
proportional to the receptor occupancy (affinity). There

CIS Technical Report 070223A February 2007 page 4 of 6

are affinity maturation models of somatic

phrases of natural selection and survival of the


hypermutation that model the process as hill climbing fittest refers to the selective improvement of the

(specifically an uphill walk on random landscape) with affinity of B-cells.

local optima. Some of these models show convergence Antibody A Y shaped protein. The two ends of the why
properties that match observations and mutation schemes

contain a paratope that has specificity for one

that turn on and off over time (variable mutation rates) to epitope. Can be free-float in solution (IgG, IgM), or
ensure selected receptors are not mutated out of attached to the surface of a B-cell (IgM, IgD). There
existence. That is periods of mutation-free growth are five types of antibody in mammals.
punctuated by periods in which there are busts of high Antigen A foreign molecule that can elicit an immune
mutation rates that attempt to improve receptor affinity response
for the stimulating antigen. Auto-reactive Refers to a receptor that has an affinity for self-
molecules, that is cells of the hosts own tissues.
Finally, it is useful to mention some related wok on B-cell A type of lymphocyte responsible for producing
what is referred to as original antigenic sin [49] (and antibodies to combat antigen. They have an

observed in humans [44]). It refers to the concept of the immunoglobulin attached to their surface (what is
referred to as a B-cell receptor).
immune system committing itself or specialising to a Clone A group of genetically identical cells
receptor such as on a virus, then having the virus mutate Epitope Part of an antigen that is recognised by antibodies,
and change its surface epitopes. The affect is that the B-cells, and T-cells. Abstractly can be considered
previously high affinity lymphocytes and antibody are the three-dimensional surface features of an antigen
now low affinity within the context of the mutated virus. Helper T-cell CD4+ (helper) T-cell (Helper T cells are the main
group of lymphocytes that express the CD4
Given the clonal selection and expansion of lymphocytes protein).
in the first exposure, the now low affinity receptors Immunoglobulin (Ig) See antibody
dominate the subsequent exposures, effectively out- Lymphocyte A type of white blood cell, which includes B-cells,
competing other na ve lymphocytes that would be able T-cells, and natural killer cells
to adapt to the new virus. This theory suggests the Memory cell A specialised B lymphocyte cell that is formed after
potential danger in a clonal selection strategy. a primary infection by an antigen. Typically very
few are produced in the differentiation process
compared to plasma and effector B cells. May
VI. CONCLUSION persist for years or a hosts lifetime.
There are many interesting aspects of the clonal Paratope Sequence of amino acids on a B cell (and T cell)
selection theory that were not discussed that are more that binds to a part of an antigens epitope. Area that
undergoes mutations during somatic hypermutation.
than likely to pertain to the development of a clonal Plasma cell Large lymphocyte cells that releases large amounts
selection algorithm, some of these areas include: of antibodies, created after a B-cell has been
stimulated a helper T-cell. Secrets about 10,000
• Related and descendant theories such as the antibodies per second, typically living for days or
Jerne s idiotypic network theory [34,35] and


Matzinger s danger theory [8,40-42].


Receptor Cell surface molecule that binds to particular

• T lymphocytes are also subjected to clonal Somatic A process that occurs during B cell proliferation and
selection [16] and play a role in cell-mediated Hypermutation differentiation in which areas of the genome that
immunity (detection and neutralising of infected define the receptors expressed on B cells and their
cells). Helper T cells generally express a surface antibodies is genetically varied.
marker called CD4, thus they also referred to as Specificity The selective reactivity of an expressed receptor
CD4+ T cells. They play a role in triggering the T-cell A type of lymphocyte, which includes (among
others) CD4 + (helper) cells and CD8 + (cytotoxic)
differentiation process of B cells [32]. cells that kill virus, infected cells
• The homing and migration of lymphocytes Table 1 Glossary of immunological terms when discussing clonal selection
around the vascular and lymphatic systems to
improve the chance of a cell encountering a
specific antigen [1,13,51,52]. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
• The evolutionary (and other) bias in the Tim Hendtlass for providing useful feedback on
generation of the initial repertoire of B drafts of this paper.
lymphocytes [22,46], and
• The lifecycle and behaviour of memory B
lymphocytes [4,12,24,25,43].
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