Presidential Agrarian Reform Council: Section 41

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The Secretariat shall be headed by the Secretary

Presidential Agrarian pf Agrarian Reform who shall be assisted by an

Reform Council Undersecretary and supported by a staff whose
composition shall be determined by the PARC
Section 41 EXECOM and whose compensation shall be
chargeable against the Agrarian Reform Fund.
The Presidential Agrarian Reform Council
All officers and employees of the Secretariat
(PARC) shall be composed of the President of
shall be appointed by the Secretary of Agrarian
the Philippines as Chairman, the Secretary of
Agrarian Reform as Vice-Chairman and the
following as members; Secretaries of the DAR; Section 49
General of NEDA; President of LBP; Rules and Regulations
Administrator, National Irrigation
The PARC and the DAR shall have the power to
Administration and three (3) representatives of
issue rules and regulations, whether substantive
affected landowners to represent Luzon,
or procedural, to carry out the objects and
Visayas and Mindanao, provided that one of
purposes of this Act. Said rules shall take effect
them shall be from the cultural communities.
ten (10) days after its publication in two (2)
Section 42 national newspapers of general circulation.

Executive Committee Provincial Agrarian Reform

There shall be an Executive Committee Coordinating Committee
(EXECOM) of the PARC composed of the DAR as
Chairman, and such other members as the Section 44
President may designate, taking into account
Article XIII, Sec. 5 of the Constitution. Unless Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating
otherwise directed by PARC, the EXECOM may Committee (PARCCOM)
meet and decide on any and all matters in A Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating
between meetings of the PARC: Provided, Committee (PARCCOM) is hereby created in
however, that its decisions must be reported to each province, composed of a Chairman, who
the PARC immediately and not later than the shall be appointed by the President upon the
next meeting. recommendation of the EXCOM, the Provincial
Section 43 Agrarian Reform Officer as Executive Officer,
and one representative each from the
Secretariat Departments of Agriculture, and of
Environment and Natural Resources and from
A PARC Secretariat is hereby established to the LBP, one representative each from existing
provide general support and coordinative farmers' organizations, agricultural cooperatives
services such as inter-agency linkages; program and non-governmental organizations in the
and project appraisal and evaluation and province; two representatives from landowners,
general operations monitoring for the PARC. at least one of whom shall be a producer
representing the principal crop of the province, the organization of the Barangay Agrarian
and two representatives from farmer and Reform Committee (BARC) shall be in effect.
farmworker-beneficiaries, at least one of whom
shall be a farmer or farmworker representing Section 47
the principal crop of the province, as members: Functions of the BARC
provided, that in areas where there are cultural
communities, the latter shall likewise have one In addition to those provided in Executive
representative. Order No. 229, the BARC shall have the
following functions:
The PARCCOM shall coordinate and monitor the
implementation of the CARP in the province.t (a) Mediate and conciliate between
shall provide information on the provisions of parties involved in an agrarian dispute
the CARP, guidelines issued by the PARC and on including matters related to tenurial
the progress of the CARP in the province. and financial arrangements;

(b) Assist in the identification of

Provincial Agrarian Reform qualified beneficiaries and landowners
Coordinating Committee within the barangay;

Section 45 (c) Attest to the accuracy of the initial

parcellary mapping of the beneficiary's
Province-by-Province Implementation tillage;

The PARC shall provide the guidelines for a (d) Assist qualified beneficiaries in
province-by-province implementation of the obtaining credit from lending
CARP. The ten-year program of distribution of institutions;
public and private lands in each province shall
be adjusted from year by the province's (e) Assist in the initial determination of
PARCCOM in accordance with the level of the value of the land;
operations previously established by the PARC, (f) Assist the DAR representatives in the
in every case ensuring that support services are preparation of periodic reports on the
available or have been programmed before CARP implementation for submission to
actual distribution is affected. the DAR;

Barangay Agrarian Reform (g) Coordinate the delivery of support

services to beneficiaries; and
(h) Perform such other functions as may
Section 46 be assigned by the DAR

Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee (BARC) (2) The BARC shall endeavor to mediate,
conciliate and settle agrarian disputes lodged
Unless otherwise provided in this Act, the
before it within thirty (30) days from its taking
provisions of Executive Order No. 229 regarding
cognizance thereof after the lapse of the thirty
day period, it is unable to settle the dispute, it recovered through the Presidential
shall issue a certificate of its proceedings and Commission on Good Government;
shall furnish a copy thereof upon the parties
within seven (7) days after the expiration of the (c) Proceeds of the disposition of the
properties of the Government in foreign
thirty-day period.
Section 48
(d) Portion of amounts accruing to the
Legal Assistance Philippines from all sources of official
foreign grants and concessional
The BARC or any member thereof may, financing from all countries, to be used
whenever necessary in the exercise of any of its
for the specific purposes of financing
functions hereunder, seek the legal assistance production credits, infrastructures, and
of the DAR and the provincial, city, or municipal other support services required by this
government. Act;

Financing the (e) Other government funds not

otherwise appropriated.
Comprehensive Agrarian
All funds appropriated to implement the
Reform Program provisions of this Act shall be considered
continuing appropriations during the period of
Section 63
its implementation.
Funding Source
Resolution of Agrarian
The initial amount needed to implement this
Act for the period of ten (10) years upon Disputes
approval hereof shall be funded from the
Agrarian Reform Fund created under Sections Section 50
20 and 21 of Executive Order No. 229.
Quasi-Judicial Powers of the DAR
Additional amounts are hereby authorized to be
appropriated as and when needed to augment The DAR is hereby vested with the primary
the Agrarian Reform Fund in order to fully jurisdiction to determine and adjudicate
implement the provisions of this Act. agrarian reform matters and shall have
exclusive original jurisdiction over all matters
Sources of funding or appropriations shall
involving the implementation of agrarian
include the following: reform except those falling under the exclusive
(a) Proceeds of the sales of the Assets jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture
Privatization Trust; (DA) and the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR).
(b) All receipts from assets recovered
and from sales of ill-gotten wealth
It shall not be bound by technical rules of submitted for resolution. Only one (1) motion
procedure and evidence but shall proceed to for reconsideration shall be allowed. Any order,
hear and decide all cases, disputes or ruling or decision shall be final after the lapse of
controversies in a most expeditious manner, fifteen (15) days from receipt of a copy thereof.
employing all reasonable means to ascertain
the facts of every case in accordance with Section 52
justice and equity and the merits of the case. Frivolous Appeals
Toward this end, it shall adopt a uniform rule of
procedure to achieve a just, expeditious and To discourage frivolous or dilatory appeals from
inexpensive determination for every action or the decisions or orders on the local or provincial
proceeding before it. levels, the DAR may impose reasonable
penalties, including but not limited to fines or
It shall have the power to summon witnesses, censures upon erring parties.
administer oaths, take testimony, require
submission of reports, compel the production of Section 53
books and documents and answers to
Certification of the BARC
interrogatories and issue subpoena, and
subpoena duces tecum, and enforce its writs The DAR shall not take cognizance of any
through sheriffs or other duly deputized agrarian dispute or controversy unless a
officers.t shall likewise have the power to certification from the BARC that the dispute has
punish direct and indirect contempts in the been submitted to it for mediation and
same manner and subject to the same penalties conciliation without any success of settlement is
as provided in the Rules of Court. presented: provided, however, that if no
certification is issued by the BARC within thirty
Responsible farmer leaders shall be allowed to
(30) days after a matter or issue is submitted to
represent themselves, their fellow farmers, or
it for mediation or conciliation the case or
their organizations in any proceedings before
dispute may be brought before the PARC.
the DAR: provided, however, that when there
are two or more representatives for any
individual or group, the representatives should
choose only one among themselves to
represent such party or group before any DAR

Notwithstanding an appeal to the Court of

Appeals, the decision of the DAR shall be
immediately executory.

Section 51

Finality of Determination

Any case or controversy before it shall be

decided within thirty (30) days after it is
Rufina vda. De Tangub v. CA tenant access to courts and directly violate R.A.
UDK no. 9864, Dec. 3, 1990
Issue: Whether or not the RTC and the CA
Facts: Rufina Tangub and her deceased erred in dismissing the case filed by the
husband, Andres, were tenants of the petitioner.
landholding owned by the Spouses Domingo
and Eugenia Martil. Said land was mortgaged to
the Philippine National Bank, which was later on
Held: No. The Regional Trial Court of Iligan
foreclosed and acquired by the latter for being City was correct in dismissing Agrarian Case No.
1094. It being a case concerning the rights of
the highest bidder. The Philippine National Bank
the plaintiffs as tenants on agricultural land, not
then sold a portion of the subject parcel of land
to the National Steel Corporation. Petitioner involving the "special jurisdiction" of said Trial
Court acting as a Special Agrarian Court, it
filed with the Regional Trial Court of Lanao del
clearly came within the exclusive original
Norte in March, 1988, an agrarian case for
jurisdiction of the Department of Agrarian
damages by reason of their unlawful
Reform, or more particularly, the Agrarian
dispossession and prayed that mortgage and
Reform Adjudication Board, established
the transactions thereafter made in relation
precisely to wield the adjudicatory powers of
thereto be annulled and voided.
the Department, supra.
Respondent Judge Felipe G. Javier, Jr. dismissed
The Regional Trial Courts have not, however,
the complaint, rationalizing that jurisdiction of
been completely divested of jurisdiction over
the Regional Trial Court over agrarian cases had
agrarian reform matters. Section 56 of RA 6657,
been transferred to the Department of Agrarian
Reform by virtue of Executive Order No. 229 on the other hand, confers "special jurisdiction"
on "Special Agrarian Courts," which are
and Executive No. 129-A.
Regional Trial Courts designated by the
The Court of Appeals dismissed the petition, Supreme Court — at least one (1) branch within
finding that the jurisdictional question had been each province — to act as such. These Regional
correctly resolved by the Trial Court. The Court Trial Courts qua Special Agrarian Courts have,
of Appeals, adverted to a case earlier decided according to Section 57 of the same law,
by it, Estanislao Casinillo v. Hon. Felipe G. Javier, original and exclusive jurisdiction over:
Jr., et al., in which it was "emphatically ruled
1) "all petitions for the determination of just
that agrarian cases no longer fall under the
compensation to land-owners," and
jurisdiction of Regional Trial Courts but rather
under the jurisdiction of the DAR Adjudication 2) "the prosecution of all criminal offenses
Board." under…[the] Act." In these cases, "(t)he Rules of
Court shall apply…unless modified by...(the)
Tangub once again contended before the
Supreme Court that the Trial Court's order of Act."
dismissal, and the decision of the Court of The petition was thus DISMISSED for lack of
Appeals affirming it, is patently illegal and merit, and the Decision of the Court of Appeals
unconstitutional because they deprived a poor is AFFIRMED.
STA. ROSA REALTY DEVELOPMENT by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
CORPORATION V. AMANTE (HLURB) and that it forms part of a watershed.
SRRDC filed its Protest and Objection with the
FACTS: The Canlubang Estate in Laguna is a vast MARO on the grounds that the area was not
landholding previously titled in the name of the
appropriate for agricultural purposes, as it was
late Speaker and Chief Justice Jose Yulo, Sr. rugged in terrain with slopes of 18% and above,
Within this estate are two parcels of land part and that the occupants of the land were
of Barangay Casile, subsequently titled in the squatters, who were not entitled to any land as
name of Sta. Rosa Realty Development
Corporation (SRRDC), the majority stockholder
of which is C.J. Yulo and Sons, Inc. Amante, et ISSUE:
al., instituted an action for injunction with
Whether or not the subject property is covered
damages against Luis Yulo, SRRDC, and several
SRRDC security personnel, They alleged that by the compulsory acquisition under the
their ancestors started occupying the area, built Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
their houses and planted fruit-bearing trees (CARP)?
thereon, and since then, have been peacefully Are the occupants of the said property entitled
occupying the land; sometime in June 3, 1985, to the land as qualified beneficiaries?
SRRDCs security people illegally entered Bgy.
Casile and fenced the area; SRRDCs men also HELD:
entered the barangay on November 4, 1985, cut
As the landholdings of SRRDC subject of the
down the trees, burned their huts, and barred
instant proceedings are already developed not
the lone jeepney from entering the Canlubang
only as a community but also as an agricultural
Sugar Estate; as a result of these acts, Amante,
farm capable of sustaining daily existence and
et al. were deprived of possession and
growth, the court found no infirmity in placing
cultivation of their lands. SRRDC denied the
said parcels of land under compulsory coverage.
allegations and disclaimed any control and
They do not belong to the exempt class of
supervision over its security personnel. SRRDC
lands. The claim that the landholding of SRRDC
also alleged that as the real owner of the
is a watershed; hence, belonging to the exempt
property, it was the one that suffered damages
class of lands is literally throwing punches at the
due to the encroachment on the property.
moon because the DENR certified that the only
While the injunction and ejectment cases were declared watershed in Laguna Province and San
still in process, it appears that in August, 1989, Pablo City is the Caliraya-Lumot Rivers.
the Municipal Agrarian Reform Office (MARO)
Map prepared by Agricultural Engineer Rosalina
issued a Notice of Coverage to SRRDC,
H. Jumaquio showing that: a) the topography of
informing petitioners that the property is the property covered by TCT No. T-84891
scheduled for compulsory acquisition under the topography is flat to undulating with a 5 to 10%
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program slope; (b) it is suitable to agricultural crops; and
(CARP). They claimed that the property had (c) the land is presently planted with diversified
already been classified as park since 1979 under crops; Certification dated August 28, 1989 by
the Zoning Ordinance of Cabuyao, as approved APT Felicito Buban of the Department of
Agriculture of Laguna that, per his ocular
inspection, the subject property is an
agricultural area, and that the inhabitants’ main
occupation is farming

The power to determine whether a property is

agricultural and subject to CARP coverage
together with the identification, qualification or
disqualification of farmer-beneficiaries lies with
the DAR Secretary. The farmer-beneficiaries
have already been identified in this case. Also,
the DAR Secretary has already issued Notices of
Coverage and Notices of Acquisition pertaining
to the subject property. It behooves the courts
to exercise great caution in substituting its own
determination of the issue, unless there is grave
abuse of discretion committed by the
administrative agency, which in these cases the
Court finds none. Significantly, the DAR had
already determined that the properties are
subject to expropriation under the CARP and
has distributed the same to the farmer-
Department of Agrarian Reform vs .Cuenca

G.R. No. 154112, September 23, 2004,

439 SCRA 15
Cabral vs. Court of Appeals DARAB/RARAD/PARAD (judicial in nature) -is for
adjudication of agrarian reform cases.
G.R. No. 101974, July 12, 2001. 361 SCRA 122
(2). Court need not resolve the issue of
Facts: deprivation of due process allegedly suffered by
Sometime in July 1973, petitioner sought in petitioner in the proceedings before the
frustration DAR’s reclassification of property Regional Director.
into residential, commercial or industrial
purposes but there was no action. However, in
April 25, 1988, Emancipation Patents and
Transfer Certificates of Title (EP and TCT) were
issued in favor of private-respondents.

Thus, petitioner sought for cancellation of the

EP and TCT before the BARC on 16 January
1990. On 19 January 1990, petitioner also
petitioned DAR for cancellation of the EP and
TCT but DAR denied the same on trial and on
motion for reconsideration, and by CA on
certiorari and motion for reconsideration. Thus,
this petition for certiorari. A TRO was granted
on subsequent motion of petitioner due to
conveyance of private-respondent to a third
party that has commenced conversion of the
property on issue for commercial and industrial


(1). whether it is the DAR Regional Office (RO)

or DARAB that has jurisdiction over agrarian
reform issues.

(2). whether petitioner was denied due process

being not given the opportunity to be heard on


(1). DARAB has jurisdiction, and not DAR RO.

DAR Regional Office - is the implementation

(purely executive) of agrarian reform laws.
Isidro vs. Court of Appeals the case because it ruled that it is an agrarian
dispute, hence not cognizable by civil courts. It
G.R. No. L-105586, December 15, 1993, 216 held that the land is agricultural and therefore
SCRA 503 the dispute over it is agrarian which is under the
original and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts
Facts: of agrarian relations as provided in Sec. 12(a) of
Republic Act No. 946 (now embodied in the
Private respondent Natividad Gutierrez is the Revised Rules of Procedure of the Department
owner of the subject parcel of land located in of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board).
Gapan, Nueva Ecija.
Private respondent appealed to the RTC which
In 1985, Aniceta Garcia, sister of private affirmed in toto the decision of MTC and ruled
respondent and also the overseer of the latter, that the DARAB is the proper forum for such
allowed petitioner Remigio Isidro to occupy the issue.
swampy portion of the land. The occupancy of a
portion of said land was subject to the condition On appeal to the CA, the decision of the trial
that petitioner would vacate the land upon court was reversed.
demand. Petitioner occupied the land without
paying any rental and converted the same into Issue:
a fishpond.
Whether or not the case is an agrarian dispute
In 1990, private respondent through the and hence not cognizable by civil courts
overseer demanded from petitioner the return
of the land, but the latter refused to vacate and Held:
return possession of said land, claiming that he
had spent effort and invested capital in No. A case involving an agricultural land does
converting the same into a fishpond. not automatically make such case an agrarian
dispute upon which the DARAB has jurisdiction.
A complaint for unlawful detainer was filed by The mere fact that the land is agricultural does
private respondent against petitioner before not ipso facto make the possessor an
the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of Gapan, agricultural lessee of tenant. The law provides
Nueva Ecija. for conditions or requisites before he can
qualify as one and the land being agricultural is
Petitioner set up the following defenses: only one of them.
(a) that the complaint was triggered by his
refusal to increase his lease rental; The essential requisites of a tenancy
relationship are:
(b) the subject land is a fishpond and (1) The parties are the landowner and
therefore is agricultural land; and the tenant;
(2) The subject matter is agricultural
(c) that lack of formal demand to vacate (3) There is consent;
exposes the complaint to dismissal for (4) The purpose is agricultural
insufficiency of cause of action. production;
(5) There is personal cultivation by the
Based on an ocular inspection of the subject tenant; and
land, the trial court found that the land in (6) There is a sharing of harvests
question is a fishpond. The trial court dismissed between the parties.
All these requisites must concur in order to of a tenancy relationship was not proven by the
create a tenancy relationship between the petitioner. And in the absence of a tenancy
parties. In the case at bar, there is an absence relationship, the complaint for unlawful
of the last requisite, hence tenancy relationship detainer is properly within the jurisdiction of
between Isidro and the private respondent was the Municipal Trial Court.
not established.
The law states that an agrarian dispute must be
Statutory definition of an agricultural tenant or a controversy relating to a tenurial arrangement
a lessee over lands devoted to agriculture. Such
Agricultural lessee as defined in Sec. 116(2) arrangement may be leasehold, tenancy or
of RA No. 3844, is a person who, by himself stewardship. Tenancy is not a purely factual
and with the aid available from within his relationship dependent on what the alleged
immediate farm household, cultivates the tenant does upon the land. It is also a legal
land belonging to, or possessed by, another relationship. The intent of the parties, the
with the latter's consent for purposes of understanding when the farmer is installed, and
production, for a price certain in money or in their written agreements, provided these are
produce or both. An agricultural lessor, on complied with and are not contrary to law, are
the other hand, is a natural or judicial person even more important.
who, either as owner, civil law lessee,
usufructuary, or legal possessor lets or *The present case should be distinguished from
grants to another the cultivation and use of the recent case of Bernas vs. The Honorable
his land for a price certain. Court of Appeals. In the Bernas case, the land
occupant (Bernas) had a production-sharing
It is clear that there is no tenancy or agreement with the legal possessor (Benigno
agricultural/leasehold relationship existing Bito-on) while the records in this case fail to
between the petitioner and the private show that herein petitioner (Isidro) was sharing
respondent since petitioner has failed to the harvest or paying rent for his use of the
substantiate his claim that he was paying rent land.
for the use of the land. There was no contract
or agreement entered into by the petitioner In the Bernas case, the petitioner (Bernas) was
with the private respondent nor with the able to establish the existence of an agricultural
overseer of the private respondent, for tenancy or leasehold relationship between him
petitioner to cultivate the land for a price and the legal possessor. The evidence in this
certain or to share his harvests. case, on the other hand, fails to prove that
It is irrefutable in the case at bar that the petitioner Isidro, was an agricultural tenant or
subject land which used to be an idle, swampy lessee.
land was converted by the petitioner into a
fishpond. And it is settled that a fishpond is an
agricultural land. An agricultural land refers to
the land devoted to agricultural activity as
defined in Republic Act No. 6657 15 and not
classified as mineral, forest, residential,
commercial or industrial land. But such defense
as well as raising the issue as to whether or not
private respondent knew of the conversion by
petitioner of the idle, swampy land into a
fishpond is immaterial in this case. The fact
remains that the existence of all the requisites
Heirs of Herman Rey Santos vs. Court of The Provincial Adjudicator Erasmo SP. Cruz of
Appeals the DARAB issued an order on April 3, 1992,
G.R. No. 109992, March 7, 2000 allowing the gathering of the mango fruits and
372 SCRA 293
directing that the proceeds thereof be
FACTS: deposited with the Adjudication Board.

Before this Court is a petition for review Subsequently, on April 27, 1992, private
on certiorari assailing the decision[1] of the respondent filed a Petition for Consignation
Court of Appeals in which affirmed the two before the Regional Trial Court of Bulacan, in an
orders of the Department of Agrarian Reform apparent attempt to redeem his land. This
Adjudication Board (DARAB) dated April 3, petition was dismissed.
1992[2] and November 18, 1992. Meanwhile, one Pantaleon Antonio filed on
The subject of the controversy is a parcel of May 18, 1992 a motion to intervene[5] with the
land in Parulan, Plaridel, Bulacan which was DARAB claiming that "he is affected in his rights
levied on execution by the Municipal Trial and interests as the party who tended and had
Court of Plaridel, Bulacan on October 24, 1989. the mango trees bear fruits this season."
In accordance with said levy on execution, the On May 7, 1992, private respondent filed a
subject land was sold at public auction on complaint for Annulment/Cancellation of Sale
September 20, 1990 with Herman Rey Santos, and Document, Redemption with Damages and
now substituted by his heirs represented by his Preliminary Writ of Injunction against Herman
widow Arsenia Garcia Vda. de Santos, as the Rey Santos, the Deputy Sheriff of Bulacan and
sole bidder for P34,532.50. the Register of Deeds of Bulacan.[6]
Santos registered the Deed of Sale with the Thereafter, on July 1, 1992, the Adjudication
Register of Deeds of Bulacan on October 15, Board suspended the hearing on Pantaleon
1990, after private respondent Exequiel Garcia Antonios motion for intervention pending the
failed to exercise his right of redemption within resolution of the ownership issue raised in the
the reglementary period. As a result, Ex- above-mentioned complaint.[7]
Officio Sheriff Carmelita Itapo executed a Final
Deed of Sale dated October 18, 1991 in favor of On July 8, 1992, intervenor Pantaleon Antonio
Santos which was registered with the Registry filed with the DARAB a Motion to Withdraw
of Deeds of Bulacan on November 7, 1991. Intervenors deposited share.[8] The motion was
granted and intervenor Pantaleon Antonio was
On April 1, 1992, private respondent filed a allowed to withdraw P87,300.00 out of
Petition for Injunction and Damages with an P174,600.00 harvest proceeds in an Order
application for the issuance of a preliminary dated November 18, 1992.[9] Corollarily, the
injunction with the Department of Agrarian DARAB recognized Pantaleon Antonio as the
Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB), docketed duly constituted agricultural tenant of the
as DARAB Case No. 369-BUL 92, praying that subject land.
petitioner be enjoined from preventing private
respondent from gathering the mango fruits As adverted to above, the Court of Appeals
lest they "over-mature and become useless."[4] affirmed the April 3, 1992 Order of the DARAB
ordering the gathering of the mango fruits and Republic Act No. 6389, P.D. No. 27 and other
depositing with the Board the proceeds thereof, agrarian laws and their implementing rules and
and the November 18, 1992 Order allowing the regulations. (Italics supplied)
withdrawal of intervenors share in the proceeds
"Agrarian dispute" is defined under Section 3(d)
and recognizing him as the duly constituted
agricultural tenant. of Republic Act No. 6657 (CARP Law), as:

ISSUES: (d) Agrarian Dispute refers to any controversy

relating to tenurial arrangements, whether
1. In ruling that the PARAD has jurisdiction over leasehold, tenancy, stewardship or otherwise,
the ancillary matter/s raised by intervenor in over lands devoted to agriculture, including
DARAB Case No. 369-BUL 92 despite the fact disputes concerning farmworkers associations
that the PARAD itself has admitted involvement or representation of persons in negotiating,
of question of ownership between the original fixing, maintaining, changing or seeking to
parties and has indefinitely suspended the arrange terms or conditions of such tenurial
principal/main case pending the outcome of the arrangements.
issue of ownership at the Regional Trial Court of
Malolos; and It includes any controversy relating to
compensation of lands acquired under this Act
2. In affirming and/or sustaining the order and other terms and conditions of transfer of
dated November 18, 1992 of the PARAD ownership from landowners to farmworkers,
allowing the release of 50% of the proceeds of tenants and other agrarian reform beneficiaries,
the sale of the harvested fruits in favor of whether the disputants stand in the proximate
intervenor without due process, during the relation of farm operator and beneficiary,
supposed indefinite suspension, and worse, landowner and tenant, or lessor and lessee.
without requiring said purported intervenor to
post a bond that will answer for damages that Clearly, no agrarian dispute is involved in this
case. In fact, both are contending parties for the
may be sustained by herein petitioners.
ownership of the subject property.
In the case of Morta v. Occidental, et al.,[10] this
Rule II, Section 1 of the Revised Rules of Court held:
Procedure of the DARAB, provides:
For DARAB to have jurisdiction over a case,
Section 1. Primary, Original and Appellate there must exist a tenancy relationship
Jurisdiction. The Agrarian Reform Adjudication between the parties. In order for a tenancy
Board shall have primary jurisdiction, both agreement to take hold over a dispute, it would
original and appellate, to determine and be essential to establish all its indispensable
adjudicate all agrarian disputes, cases, elements to wit:
controversies, and matters or incidents involving
the implementation of the Comprehensive 1) that the parties are the landowner and the
Agrarian Reform Program under Republic Act tenant or agricultural lessee;
No. 6657, Executive Order Nos. 229, 228 and
129-A, Republic Act No. 3844 as amended by
2) that the subject matter of the relationship is A careful analysis of the records and attached
an agricultural land; documents revealed that the issue involved is
question of ownership between the parties,
3) that there is consent between the parties to although the attached Transfer Certificates of
the relationship; Title reflected the name of herein petitioner.
4) that the purpose of the relationship is to The next issue to be resolved is whether it was
bring about agricultural production; proper for DARAB to take cognizance of
5) that there is personal cultivation on the part Pantaleon Antonios motion for intervention
of the tenant or agricultural lessee; and considering that DARAB had no jurisdiction and
the issue of ownership is involved. This Court
6) that the harvest is shared between the rules in the negative.
landowner and the tenant or agricultural lessee.
The issue of who can harvest the mangoes and
*In Vda. de Tangub v. Court of Appeals (191 when they can be harvested is an incident
SCRA 885), we held that the jurisdiction of the ancillary to the main petition for injunction. As
Department of Agrarian Reform is limited to the such, it is dependent on the main case.
following: a) adjudication of all matters Inasmuch as the DARAB has no jurisdiction to
involving implementation of agrarian reform; hear and decide the controversy between the
parties, necessarily, the motion for intervention
b) resolution of agrarian conflicts and land
loses the leg on which it can stand. This issue,
tenure related problems; and
after all, can be resolved by the trial court,
c) approval and disapproval of the conversion, which has the jurisdiction to order the gathering
restructuring or readjustment of agricultural of the mango fruits and depositing the proceeds
lands into residential, commercial, industrial, with it, considering that an action has already
and other non-agricultural uses. been filed before it on the specific issue of
Petitioners and private respondent have no
tenurial, leasehold, or any agrarian relations WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
whatsoever that could have brought this assailed decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-
controversy under the ambit of the agrarian G.R. SP No. 29709 which affirmed the April 3,
reform laws. Consequently, the DARAB has no 1992 and November 18, 1992 orders of the
jurisdiction over the controversy and should not Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication
have taken cognizance of private respondents Board is REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
petition for injunction in the first place. Consequently, DARAB is permanently enjoined
from hearing the motion for intervention of
Significantly, DARAB admitted that the issue Pantaleon Antonio who is ordered to redeposit
before the Regional Trial Court was one of the amount of P87,300.00 with the Regional
ownership. In fact, the issue of ownership had Trial Court. The DARAB is likewise ordered to
been recognized by the DARAB in its assailed transfer the remaining P87,300.00 on deposit
order of April 3, 1992 when it held that: with it to the Regional Trial Court. No costs.

Sta. Ana vs. Carpo petitioner and Marciano denied that there was
an agreement to increase the existing rental
G.R. No. 164340, November 28, 2008, 572 which was already fixed at 36 cavans of palay,
SCRA 463 once or twice a year depending on the
FACTS: availability of irrigation water; that neither was
there an agreement as to the future surrender
Respondent Leon Carpo (Leon) and his brother of the land in favor of the respondents; that
Francisco G. Carpo are the registered co-owners they did not refuse to pay the rentals because
of a parcel of land designated as Lot No. 2175 of they even sent verbal and written notices to the
the Santa Rosa Estate Subdivision, situated at respondents, advising them to accept the same;
Sta. Rosa, Laguna. the PARAD ruled that petitioner and Marciano
deliberately defaulted in the payment of the
A portion thereof, consisting of 3.5 hectares,
rentals due the respondents.
pertained to Leon and his wife, respondent
Aurora Carpo. The DARAB's Ruling; It is a fundamental rule in
this jurisdiction that for non-payment of lease
It was devoted to rice and corn
rentals to warrant the dispossession and
production(subject land) and was tenanted by
ejectment of a tenant, the same must be made
one Domingo Pastolero (Domingo), husband of
in a willful and deliberate manner for a valid
Adoracion Pastolero.
ouster or ejectment of a farmer-tenant, the
However, on December 29, 1983, Adoracion, by willful and deliberate intent not to pay lease
executing a notarized Pinanumpaang Salaysay rentals and/or share can be ascertained when
with the conformity of Leon, and for a there is a determination of will not to do a
consideration of P72,500.00, transferred her certain act.
rights in favor of petitioner Otilia Sta. Ana
Considering the circumstances obtaining in this
(petitioner) who, together with her husband,
case, it cannot be concluded that the
Marciano de la Cruz (Marciano), became the
defendants-appellants deliberately failed or
new tenants of the subject land at the outset,
refused to pay their lease rentals. It was not the
the parties had a harmonious tenancy
fault of defendants-appellants herein that the
rentals did not reach the plaintiffs-appellees
In their Complaint for Ejectment due to Non- because the latter choose to lend a deaf ear to
Payment of Lease Rentals dated December 1, the notices sent to them.
1989, respondents alleged that it was their
On March 5, 2004, the CA affirmed the factual
agreement with petitioner and Marciano to
findings of the PARAD that petitioner and
increase the existing rentals from 36 cavans to
Marciano failed to pay the rentals and that
45 cavans, and that, if respondents wanted to
there was no valid tender of payment.
repossess the property, they only had to pay
the petitioner the amount of P72,500.00, the The CA added that this failure to pay was
same amount paid by the latter to Adoracion. tainted with bad faith and deliberate intent.
Thus, petitioner and Marciano did not legally
In their Answer, dated January 26, 1990,
comply with their duties as tenants.
ISSUES: the burden of proof to show the existence of a
lawful cause for the ejectment of the petitioner
Whether the CA erred in ruling that the subject as an agricultural lessee rests upon the
land had already become residential, respondents as agricultural lessors.
commercial and/or industrial, thus, excluded
from the coverage of our laws on agrarian Respondents failed to discharge such burden.
reform; The agricultural tenant's failure to pay the lease
rentals must be willful and deliberate in order
Whether the petitioner, as an agricultural to warrant his dispossession of the land that he
tenant, failed to pay her lease rentals when the
same fell due as to warrant her dispossession of
the subject land. The term "deliberate" is characterized by or
results from slow, careful, thorough calculation
RULING: and consideration of effects and consequences.
Without doubt, the PARAD acted without The term "willful," on the other hand, is defined
jurisdiction when it held that the subject land as one governed by will without yielding to
was no longer covered by our agrarian laws reason or without regard to reason.
because of the retention rights of the We agree with the findings of the DARAB that it
respondents. The CA likewise acted without was not the fault of petitioner that the lease
jurisdiction when it ruled that the land had rentals did not reach the respondents because
become non-agricultural based on a zoning the latter chose to ignore the notices sent to
ordinance of 1981-- on the strength of a mere them.
vicinity map. These rulings violated the doctrine
of primary jurisdiction. To note, as early as November 10, 1986,
Marciano executed an Affidavit stating that
Verily, there is an established tenancy Leon refused to receive the respective lease
relationship between petitioner and rentals consisting of 37 cavans for November
respondents in this case. An action for
1985 and July 1986.
Ejectment for Non-Payment of lease rentals is
clearly an agrarian dispute, cognizable at the These factual circumstances negate the PARAD
initial stage by the PARAD and thereafter by the findings of Marciano's and petitioner's
DARAB. deliberate and willful intent not to pay lease
rentals. Good faith was clearly demonstrated by
Proof necessary for the resolution of the issue Marciano and petitioner when, because
of the land being covered by, or respondents refused to accept the proffered
excluded/exempted from, P.D. No. 27, R.A. No. payment, they even went to the point of
6657, and other pertinent agrarian laws, as well seeking government intervention in order to
as of the issue of the right of retention of the
address their problems with respondents.
respondents, was not offered in evidence.
WHEREFORE, the instant Petition is GRANTED.
Under Section 37 of Republic Act No. 3844, as The assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals in
amended, coupled with the fact that the CA-G.R. SP No. 60640 is hereby REVERSED and
respondents are the complainants themselves, SET ASIDE.
Principles: jurisdiction of the PARAD and the
DARAB, while issues of retention and
For agrarian reform cases, jurisdiction is non-coverage of a land under agrarian
vested in the Department of Agrarian reform, among others, are within the
Reform (DAR);... more specifically, in the domain... of the DAR Secretary.
Department of Agrarian Reform
Adjudication Board (DARAB). Executive Section 36 of the same law pertinently
Order 229 vested the DAR with (1) quasi- provides:
judicial powers to determine and
adjudicate agrarian reform matters; and Sec. 36. Possession of Landholding;
(2) jurisdiction over all matters involving Exceptions. -- Notwithstanding any
the implementation of... agrarian reform, agreement as to the period or future
except those falling under the exclusive surrender, of the land, an agricultural
original jurisdiction of the Department of lessee shall continue in the enjoyment
Agriculture and the Department of and possession of his landholding except
Environment and Natural Resources. when his dispossession has been...
authorized by the Court in a judgment that
the DAR is vested with the primary is final and executory if after due hearing
jurisdiction to determine and adjudicate it is shown that:
agrarian reform matters and shall have
the exclusive jurisdiction over all matters (6) The agricultural lessee does not pay
involving the implementation of the... the lease rental when it falls due:
agrarian reform program. Provided, That if the non-payment of the
rental shall be due to crop failure to the
Under Section 3 (d) of R.A. No. 6657 extent of seventy-five per centum as a
(CARP Law), "agrarian dispute" is defined result of a fortuitous event, the non-
to include "(d) . . . any controversy relating payment shall not be a ground for...
to tenurial arrangements, whether dispossession, although the obligation to
leasehold, tenancy, stewardship or pay the rental due that particular crop is
otherwise over lands devoted to not thereby extinguished;
agriculture, including disputes
concerning... farmworkers associations or
representation of persons in negotiating,
fixing, maintaining, changing or seeking to
arrange terms or conditions of such
tenurial arrangements. It includes any
controversy relating to compensation of
lands acquired under this Act and other
terms and... conditions of transfer of
ownership from landowners to
farmworkers, tenants and other agrarian
reform beneficiaries, whether the
disputants stand in the proximate relation
of farm operator and beneficiary,
landowner and tenant, or lessor and
Simply put, agrarian disputes, as defined
by law and settled in jurisprudence, are
within the primary and exclusive original

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