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Rule 115  Upon arraignment, all the accused, except the three Does who have not been

1. G.R. No. L-29169 August 19, 1968 identified nor apprehended, pleaded not guilty.
ROGER CHAVEZ, petitioner, Trial Court
vs.  On July 23, 1963, trial commenced before the judge presiding Branch IX of the Court
WARDEN OF THE CITY JAIL OF MANILA, respondents.  During the trial, the Fiscal Grecia (prosecution) asked Roger Chavez to be the first
witness. Counsel of the accused opposed. Fiscal Grecia contends that the accused
FACTS: (Chavez) will only be an ordinary witness not an state witness. Counsel of accused
 Accused were the following: Petitioner herein, Roger Chavez, Ricardo answer that it will only incriminate his client. But the jugde ruled in favor of the fiscal
Sumilang alias "Romeo Vasquez", Edgardo P. Pascual alias "Ging" Pascual, Pedro on the grounds that (1) the right of the prosecution to ask anybody to act as witness
Rebullo alias "Pita", Luis Asistio alias "Baby" Asistio, Lorenzo Meneses alias"Lory" on the witness stand including the accused (2) If there should be any question that is
Meneses, Peter Doe, Charlie Doe and Paul Doe. incriminating then that is the time for counsel to interpose his objection and the court
will sustain him if and when the court feels that the answer of this witness to the
 An information was filed that on or about the 14th day of November, 1962, in Quezon
question would incriminate him. (3) Counsel has all the assurance that the court will
City, the accused conspired, with intent of gain, abuse of confidence and without the
not require the witness to answer questions which would incriminate him.
consent of the owner thereof, Dy Sun Hiok y Lim, in asporting the motor vehicle
Version of the prosecution of what happened:  In the last week of September, 1962, Sumilang saw Roger Chavez at a gas station.
 Chavez saw Lee driving the thunderbird (car) and asked if it is for sale. Lee answered The latter informed him that there was a Thunderbird from Clark Field for sale for a
yes. On November 12, Chavez met Sumilang and informed about the car. The two price between P20,000.00 and P22,000.00. Chavez said that it could be held for him
went to Asistio and made a plan to capitalize on Romeo Vasquez' reputation as a with a down payment of P10,000.00.
wealthy movie star, introduce him as a buyer to someone who was selling a car and,  On November 14, Chavez appeared at Sumilang's house with the news that the car
after the deed of sale is signed, by trickery to run away with the car. Asistio would was ready if Sumilang was ready with the rest of the money. So Sumilang got
then register it, sell it to a third person for a profit. Chavez known to be a car agent P9,000.00 from his mother and another P4,000.00 from his aparador. He immediately
was included in the plan. He furnished the name of Johnson Lee who was selling his gave P6,000.00 to Chavez, intending to pay out the balance upon the car's delivery.
Thunderbird. It was then that Chavez told Sumilang that the car was already bought by a Chinese
 Chavez arranged the meeting with Lee on November 14. They agreed on the price who would be the vendor.
and went to Binondo to meet Dy Sun Hiok Lim which is the registered owner of the  At Eugene's, Chavez asked Sumilang for the balance. Sumilang accommodated.
car. Deed of sale was drawn and signed by Sumilang. At Eugene's, a man There, Sumilang, also saw a friend, "Ging" Pascual who warned that Chavez was a
approached Sumilang with a note which stated that the money was ready at the "smart" agent and advised that Sumilang should have a receipt for his money. A
Dalisay Theater. Sumilang then wrote on the same note that the money should be certain Bimbo, a friend of Pascual, offered to make out a receipt for Chavez to sign.
brought to the restaurant. At the same time he requested Lee to exhibit the deed of After Sumilang returned from posing for some photographs with some of his fans,
sale of the car to the note bearer. Bimbo showed him the receipt already signed by Chavez and also by Pascual and
 The two Chinese were left alone in the restaurant. The two Chinese could not locate Bimbo to sign the receipt as witnesses. This receipt was offered as an exhibit by the
Sumilang and Chavez. They went out to the place where the Thunderbird was parked, prosecution and by Sumilang. Johnson Lee turned over to Sumilang the deed of sale,
found that it was gone. They then immediately reported its loss to the police. Much the registration papers and the keys to the car.
later, the NBI recovered the already repainted car and impounded it. Chavez,  Two or three days afterwards, Sumilang dropped by the Barrio Fiesta on his way to a
Sumilang and Asistio converged that same day at Barrio Fiesta, a restaurant at film shooting he saw Asistio who liked his Thunderbird parked outside. Asistio offered
Highway 54 near the Balintawak monument in Caloocan. There, Asistio handed to to buy it from him for P22,500.00 and Sumilang consented to the sale. Asistio
Sumilang P1,000.00 cash and a golf set worth P800.00 as the latter's share in the tendered a down payment of P1,000.00; the balance he promised to pay the next day
transaction. On the 14th of November, the registration of the car was transferred in after negotiating with some financing company. Before said balance could be paid,
the name of Sumilang in Cavite City, and three days later, in the name of Asistio in the car was impounded.
Version of Romeo Sumilang: Ruling of the trial court and CA:
The trial court gave evidence to Sumilang's averment, he was thus cleared. So was In the case, petitioner was called by the prosecution as the first witness in that case to testify
Asistio whom the trial court believed to be a mere buyer of the car. And so, the prosecution's for the People during the first day of trial thereof. Petitioner objected and invoked the privilege
theory of conspiracy was discounted. As to the other accused, the court found no case against of self-incrimination. This he broadened by the clear cut statement that he will not testify. But
Pedro Rebullo alias "Pita" and Lorenzo Meneses alias "Lory". The accused "Ging" Pascual was petitioner's protestations were met with the judge's emphatic statement that it "is the right of the
also acquitted for in the first place he was not identified by Johnson Lee in court. prosecution to ask anybody to act as witness on the witness stand including the accused," and
As to Roger Chavez, however, the court had this to say: "Roger Chavez does not offer any that defense counsel "could not object to have the accused called on the witness stand." The
defense. As a matter of fact, his testimony as witness for the prosecution establishes his guilt cumulative impact of all these is that accused-petitioner had to take the stand. He was thus
beyond reasonable doubt." The trial court branded him "a self-confessed culprit" peremptorily asked to create evidence against himself. For, in reality, the purpose of calling an
Chavez filed an appeal. The counsel of Chavez Atty. Marquez was ordered to file brief but she accused as a witness for the People would be to incriminate him.
failed. Instead she sent filed a written detailed information and also stating that if she were With all these, we have no hesitancy in saying that petitioner was forced to testify to incriminate
allowed to file appellant's brief she would go along with the factual findings of the court below himself, in full breach of his constitutional right to remain silent. It cannot be said now that he
but will show however that its conclusion is erroneous. CA dismissed said appeal. On June 21, has waived his right. He did not volunteer to take the stand and in his own defense; he did not
1968, the Court of Appeals, directed the City Warden of Manila where Chavez is confined by offer himself as a witness; on the contrary, he claimed the right upon being called to testify. If
virtue of the warrant of arrest issued by the Court of Appeals, to turn him over to Muntinlupa petitioner nevertheless answered the questions inspite of his fear of being accused of perjury
Bilibid Prisons pending execution of the judgment below, and ordered remand of the case to or being put under contempt, this circumstance cannot be counted against him. His testimony
the Quezon City court for execution of judgment. is not of his own choice. To him it was a case of compelled submission. He was a cowed
Hence the petition for habeas corpus. participant in proceedings before a judge who possessed the power to put him under contempt
had he chosen to remain silent. Nor could he escape testifying. The court made it abundantly
clear that his testimony at least on direct examination would be taken right then and thereon the
Issue: first day of the trial.
I. WOR the consritutional right of the accsed against self incrimination was There is no waiver of the privilege. "To be effective, a waiver must be certain and unequivocal,
violated. and intelligently, understandably, and willingly made; such waiver following only where liberty
II. WOR the petition for habeas corpus is the right recourse of the accused of choice has been fully accorded. After a claim a witness cannot properly be held to have
waived his privilege on vague and uncertain evidence
II. The course which petitioner takes is correct. Habeas corpus is a high prerogative writ. It is
I. Petitioner claims that there was a violation of his constitutional right against self-incrimination. traditionally considered as an exceptional remedy to release a person whose liberty is illegally
He asks that the hand of this Court be made to bear down upon his conviction; that he be restrained such as when the accused's constitutional rights are disregarded. Such defect results
relieved of the effects thereof. He asks us to consider the constitutional injunction that "No in the absence or loss of jurisdiction and therefore invalidates the trial and the consequent
person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself, fully echoed in Section 1, Rule 115, conviction of the accused whose fundamental right was violated. That void judgment of
Rules of Court where, in all criminal prosecutions, the defendant shall be entitled: "(e) To be conviction may be challenged by collateral attack, which precisely is the function of habeas
exempt from being a witness against himself. corpus. This writ may issue even if another remedy which is less effective may be availed of by
the defendant. Thus, failure by the accused to perfect his appeal before the Court of Appeals
The Court held that such right is "not merely a formal technical rule the enforcement of which is
does not preclude a recourse to the writ. The writ may be granted upon a judgment already
left to the discretion of the court"; it is mandatory; it secures to every defendant a valuable and
substantive right. Therefore, the court may not extract from a defendant's own lips and against
his will an admission of his guilt. Nor may a court as much as resort to compulsory disclosure, Under our own Rules of Court, to grant the remedy to the accused Roger Chavez whose case
directly or indirectly, of facts usable against him as a confession of the crime or the tendency of presents a clear picture of disregard of a constitutional right is absolutely proper. Section 1 of
which is to prove the commission of a crime. Because, it is his right to forego testimony, to Rule 102 extends the writ, unless otherwise expressly provided by law, "to all cases of illegal
remain silent, unless he chooses to take the witness stand — with undiluted, unfettered exercise confinement or detention by which any person is deprived of his liberty, or by which the rightful
of his own free, genuine will. Compulsion as it is understood here does not necessarily connote custody of any person is withheld from the person entitled thereto.
the use of violence; it may be the product of unintentional statements. Pressure which operates The Court stated that: "A void judgment is in legal effect no judgment. By it no rights are
to overbear his will, disable him from making a free and rational choice, or impair his capacity divested. From it no rights can be obtained. Being worthless in itself, all proceedings founded
for rational judgment would in our opinion be sufficient. So is moral coercion "tending to force upon it are equally worthless. It neither binds nor bars any one. All acts performed under it and
testimony from the unwilling lips of the defendant. all claims flowing out of it are void. The parties attempting to enforce it may be responsible as
trespassers. ... "
Supreme Court decision: as his "handwritten admission ** given on February 8, 1986," also above
Petition granted. The Court rendered judgment directing the respondent Warden of the City Jail referred to, which had been marked as Exhibit K.
of Manila or the Director of Prisons or any other officer or person in custody of petitioner to
discharge him from custody. The respondent Judge admitted all the exhibits "as part of the testimony of
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the witnesses who testified in connection therewith and for whatever they are
worth," except Exhibits A and K, which it rejected. His Honor declared
2. People vs Ayson Exhibit A "inadmissible in evidence, it appearing that it is the statement of
accused Felipe Ramos taken on February 9, 1986 at PAL Baguio City Ticket
G.R. No. 85215, July 07, 1989 Office, in an investigation conducted by the Branch Manager * * since it does
not appear that the accused was reminded of his constitutional rights to
Facts: Private respondent Felipe Ramos was a ticket freight clerk of the remain silent and to have counsel, and that when he waived the same and
Philippine Airlines (PAL). It having allegedly come to light that he was involved gave his statement, it was with the assistance actually of a counsel." He also
in irregularities in the sales of plane tickets,[1] the PAL management notified him declared inadmissible "Exhibit K, the handwritten admission made by
of an investigation to be conducted into the matter on February 9, 1986. On the accused Felipe J. Ramos, given on February 8, 1986 ** for the same reason
day before the investigation, February 8, 1986, Ramos gave to his superiors a stated in the exclusion of Exhibit 'A' since it does not appear that the
handwritten note which stated that he was willing to settle irregularities accused was assisted by counsel when he made said admission."
allegedly charged vs him in the amount of P76,000.
Issue: Whether or not the respondent judge erred in declaring inadmissible
At the investigation on February 9, 1986, conducted by the PAL Branch Manager Exhibits A and K.
in Baguio City, Edgardo R. Cruz, in the presence of Station Agent
Antonio Ocampo, Ticket Freight Clerk Rodolfo Quitasol, and PALEA Shop Held: Yes. He erred.
Steward Cristeta Domingo, Felipe Ramos was informed "of the finding of the
Audit Team." Thereafter, his answers in response to questions by Cruz, were It is clear from the undisputed facts of this case that Felipe Ramos was not in any
taken down in writing. Ramos' answers were to the effect inter alia that he had sense under custodial interrogation, as the term should be properly understood,
not indeed made disclosure of the tickets mentioned in the Audit Team's findings, prior to and during the administrative inquiry into the discovered irregularities
that the proceeds had been "misused" by him, that although he had planned on in ticket sales in which he appeared to have had a hand. The constitutional rights
paying back the money, he had been prevented from doing so, "perhaps (by) of a person under custodial interrogation under Section 20, Article IV of the 1973
shame;" that he was still willing to settle his obligation, and proferred a Constitution did not therefore come into play, were of no relevance to the
"compromise ** to pay on staggered basis, (and) the amount would be known in inquiry. It is also clear, too, that Ramos had voluntarily answered questions
the next investigation;" that he desired the next investigation to be at the same posed to him on the first day of the administrative investigation, February 9, 1986
place, "Baguio CTO," and that he should be represented therein by "Shop and agreed that the proceedings should be recorded, the record having thereafter
stewardess ITR Nieves Blanco;" and that he was willing to sign his statement (as been marked during the trial of the criminal action subsequently filed against him
he in fact afterwards did). No compromise agreement was reached, much less as Exhibit A, just as it is obvious that the note (later marked as Exhibit K) that he
consummated. sent to his superiors on February 8, 1986, the day before the investigation,
offering to compromise his liability in the alleged irregularities, was a free and
About two (2) months later, an information was filed against Felipe Ramos even spontaneous act on his part. They may not be excluded on the ground that
charging him with the crime of estafa the so-called “Miranda rights" had not been accorded to Ramos.

At the close of the people's case, the private prosecutors made a written offer The employee may, of course, refuse to submit any statement at the investigation,
of evidence dated June 21, 1988,1 which included "the (above mentioned) that is his privilege. But if he should opt to do so, in his defense to the accusation
statement of accused Felipe J. Ramos taken on February 9, 1986 at against him, it would be absurd to reject his statements, whether at
PAL Baguio City Ticket Office," which had been marked as Exhibit A, as well the administrative investigation, or at a subsequent criminal action brought
against him, because he had not been accorded, prior to his making and things, neither the judge nor the witness can be expected to know in advance the
presenting them, his "Miranda rights" (to silence and to counsel and to be character or effect of a question to be put to the latter.5
informed thereof, etc.) which, to repeat, are relevant only in custodial
investigations. Indeed, it is self-evident that the employee's statements, The right against self-incrimination is not self-executing or automatically
whether called "position paper," "answer," etc., are submitted by him precisely operational. It must be claimed. If not claimed by or in behalf of the witness, the
so that they may be admitted and duly considered by the investigating officer or protection does not come into play. It follows that the right may be waived,
committee, in negation or mitigation of his liability. expressly, or impliedly, as by a failure to claim it at the appropriate time.1

IMPORTANT: Rights in Custodial Interrogation

Article III of the 1987 Constitution. The rights of a person in custodial Section 20, Article IV of the 1973 Constitution also treats of a second right, or
interrogation, which have been made more explicit, are now contained in Section better said, group of rights. These rights apply to persons "under investigation
12 of the same Article III.1 for the commission of an offense," i.e., "suspects" under investigation by police
authorities; and this is what makes these rights different from that embodied in
Right Against Self-Incrimination the first sentence, that against self-incrimination which, as aforestated,
indiscriminately applies to any person testifying in any proceeding, civil,
The first right, against self-incrimination, mentioned in Section 20, Article IV of criminal, or administrative.
the 1973 Constitution, is accorded to every person who gives evidence, whether
voluntarily or under compulsion of subpoena, in any civil, criminal, or This provision granting explicit rights to persons under investigation for an
administrative proceeding.2 The right is NOT to "be compelled to be a witness offense was not in the 1935 Constitution. It is avowedly derived from the
against himself." decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Miranda v. Arizona,2 a decision described
as an “earthquake in the world of law enforcement."3
The precept set out in that first sentence has a settled meaning.3 It prescribes an
"option of refusal to answer incriminating questions and not a prohibition of Section 20 states that whenever any person is "under investigation for the
inquiry."4 It simply secures to a witness, whether he be a party or not, the right commission of an offense" --
to refuse to answer any particular incriminatory question, i.e., one the answer to
which has a tendency to incriminate him for some crime. However, the right can 1) he shall have the right to remain silent and to counsel, and to be informed
be claimed only when the specific question, incriminatory in character, is actually of such right;4
put to the witness. It cannot be claimed at any other time. It does not give a
2) no force, violence, threat, intimidation, or any other means which vitiates
witness the right to disregard a subpoena, to decline to appear before the court at
the free will shall be used against him;5 and
the time appointed, or to refuse to testify altogether. The witness receiving
a subpoena must obey it, appear as required, take the stand, be sworn and answer 3) any confession obtained in violation of ** (these rights) shall be
questions. It is only when a particular question is addressed to him, the answer inadmissible in evidence.6
to which may incriminate him for some offense, that he may refuse to answer on
That first sentence of Section 20, Article IV of the 1973 Constitution does not
impose on the judge, or other officer presiding over a trial, hearing or 3. SPOUSES TELAN vs. COURT OF APPEALS
investigation, any affirmative obligation to advise a witness of his right against G.R. No. 95026, October 4, 1991
self-incrimination. It is a right that a witness knows or should know, in SARMIENTO, J:
accordance with the well known axiom that everyone is presumed to know the
law, that ignorance of the law excuses no one. Furthermore, in the very nature of
FACTS: The petitioner Pedro is a retired government employee and high school brief within the reglementary period, pursuant to Section 1(f), Rule 50 of the Rules
graduate who settled in 1973 on a property abutting the national highway in of Court."
Guibang, Gamu, Isabela.
The petitioners were not aware of the dismissal of their appeal. They only came to
When the government needed the land, Pedro was compelled to transfer his know about it when somebody in the Isabela Provincial Capitol at Ilagan informed
residence to the other side of the national highway on a lot owned by Luciano Sia PEDRO TELAN about the Court of Appeals' Resolution.
where he rented 750 square meters for P50.00 a month.
PEDRO TELAN immediately verified the facts. "Atty. Palma" could no longer be found.
Because the lot was en route to the shrine of Our Lady of Guibang which was PEDRO engaged the services of the new counsel, Peter Donnely A. Barot, who filed a
frequented by pilgrims, Pedro set up business enterprises such as a vulcanizing shop Motion for Reconsideration with Motion to Admit Attached Appellants' Brief. Atty.
and an eatery. Shortly thereafter, his cousins, the herein private respondents Barot assisted PEDRO in verifying the existence of "Atty. Palma" in the Roll of
Roberto Telan and Spouses Vicente and Virginia Telan followed suit by setting up Attorneys with the Bar Confidant's Office. This was followed by the filing of Criminal
their own eatery within the same lot. Case No. 38990 for Estafa against "Atty. Palma." By now PEDRO had realized that
"Atty. Palma" was a fake.
The spouses Telan received a Notice to Vacate from the Development Bank of the
Philippines. This was followed by a letter from Virginia herself, reiterating the said The Petition for Review on Certiorari before this Court was filed by the spouses
demand. Apparently Vicente and Virginia had executed a Deed of Sale with PEDRO and ANGELINA TELAN with an Urgent Prayer for Temporary Restraining
Assumption of Mortgage with Sia over the said lot shared by the spouses Telan. Order/Preliminary Injunction.

Meanwhile Roberto Telan was able to secure a Certificate of Title in his name over ISSUE: Whether or not the representation of the petitioner by a fake lawyer amounts
the contested lot. to a deprivation of his right to counsel and hence a lack of due process.

With the new Transfer Certificate of Title, Roberto and the spouses Vicente and RULING: THE PETITIONERS HAD NOT BEEN ACCORDED DUE PROCESS OF LAW
Virginia filed a complaint denominated as Accion Publiciana against the petitioners, BECAUSE THEY LOST THEIR RIGHT TO APPEAL WHEN THEY WERE DEPRIVED OF THE
Spouses Pedro and Angelina Telan. RIGHT TO COUNSEL.

At this point, petitioner spouses hired the services of Atty. Antonio Paguiran to We rule for the petitioners. We hold that they had not been accorded due process of
defend them in the suit. law because they lost their right to appeal when they were deprived of the right to
The lower court awarded the possession of the property in question to Roberto and
Spouses Vicente and Virginia Telan Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution provides:

Pedro and Angelina informed Atty. Paguiran that they wanted to appeal the case, but xxx xxx xxx
since Atty. Paguiran was disposed not to do so, PEDRO and ANGELINA asked another
person to sign for them. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law,
nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
In the course of their eatery business, petitioner ANGELINA TELAN became
acquainted with Ernesto Palma who represented himself to be a "lawyer." Having no The right to counsel in civil cases exists just as forcefully as in criminal cases, specially
counsel to assist them in their appeal, Angelina asked "Atty. Palma" to handle their so when as a consequence, life, liberty, or property is subjected to restraint or in
case. He consented and the petitioners paid his "lawyer's fees." danger of loss.

Meanwhile, the Court of Appeals issued a Resolution which considered the appeal In criminal cases, the right of an accused person to be assisted by a member of the
interposed by petitioners as abandoned and dismissed "for failure . . . to file an appeal bar is immutable. Otherwise, there would be a grave denial of due process. Thus,
even if the judgment had become final and executory, it may still be recalled, and the SO ORDERED.
accused afforded the opportunity to be heard by himself and counsel.
Melencio-Herrera, (Chairman), Paras, Padilla, and Regalado, JJ., concur.
There is no reason why the rule in criminal cases has to be different from that in civil
cases. The preeminent right to due process of law applies not only to life and liberty XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
but also to property. There can be no fair hearing unless a party, who is in danger of
losing his house in which he and his family live and in which he has established a 4. Galman vs Pamaran (web)
modest means of livelihood, is given the right to be heard by himself and counsel.
G.R. Nos. 71208-09, August 30, 1985
Even the most experienced lawyers get tangled in the web of procedure. To demand
as much from ordinary citizens whose only compelle intrare is their sense of right
Facts: In order to determine the facts and circumstances surrounding the killing
would turn the legal system into an intimidating monstrosity where an individual may
be stripped of his property rights not because he has no right to the property but and to allow a free, unlimited and exhaustive investigation of all aspects of the
because he does not know how to establish such right. killing of Sen Aquino at MIA, PD 1886 was promulgated creating an ad hoc Fact
Finding Board aka the Agrava Board. The board conducted public hearings
The right to counsel is absolute and may be invoked at all times. More so, in the case wherein various witnesses appeared and testified and/or produced
of an on-going litigation, it is a right that must be exercised at every step of the way, documentary and other evidence either in obedience to a subpoena or in
with the lawyer faithfully keeping his client company. response to an invitation issued by the board. Among those who testified and
produced evidence before the board are the respondents in this petition.
No arrangement or interpretation of law could be as absurd as the position that the
right to counsel exists only in the trial courts and that thereafter, the right ceases in
Respondents contend that their individual testimonies before said board should
the pursuit of the appeal.
not be admitted in evidence and prayed that the same be rejected as evidence
This is the reason why under ordinary circumstances, a lawyer can not simply refuse for the prosecution. However, said prayer was denied by the Sandiganbayan
anyone the counsel that only the exercise of his office can impart. contending that their testimonies could not be excluded because the immunity
was not available to them because of their failure to invoke their right against
Curiously, the counsel of the private respondents, ROBERTO TELAN and spouses self-incrimination before the ad hoc Fact Finding Board.
VICENTE and VIRGINIA, would still insist that the petitioners, spouses PEDRO and
ANGELINA TELAN, had lost their right to appeal because of the negligence of their Issue: 1. WON the testimonies given by the 8 respondents who did not invoke
counsel, referring to "Atty. Palma." their rights against self-incrimination before the Agrava Board is admissible in
A client is generally bound by the action of his counsel in the management of a
litigation even by the attorney's mistake or negligence in procedural technique. But 2. WON the right against self incrimination extends to testimonies given
how can there be negligence by the counsel in the case at bar when the "lawyer",
before the Agrava board and not to an investigating officer
"Atty. Palma," turned out to be fake? The Affidavit of the petitioner PEDRO TELAN,
the sworn Petition, the Certifications of the Bar Confidant's Office and the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines, and the submitted records of Criminal Case No. 389-90 more Held: 1. NO. The Board is in truth and in fact, and to all legal intents and
than sufficiently establish the existence of an Ernesto Palma who misrepresented purposes, an entity charged, not only with the function of determining
himself as a lawyer.[23] the facts and circumstances surrounding the killing, but more
importantly, the determination of the person or persons criminally
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED; the proceedings in CA-G.R. CV No. 20786 are responsible therefore so that they may be brought before the bar of
hereby REINSTATED and the respondent Court of Appeals is ordered to give DUE justice.
COURSE to the appeal and to decide the same on the merits.
The investigation therefor is also geared, as any other similar import except to make said provision also applicable to cases other
investigation of its sort, to the ascertainment and/or determination of than criminal. Decidedly then, the right "not to be compelled to testify
the culprit or culprits, their consequent prosecution and ultimately, against himself" applies to the herein private respondents
their conviction. notwithstanding that the proceedings before the Agrava Board is not, in
its strictest sense, a criminal case.
In the course of receiving evidence, persons summoned to testify will
include not merely plain witnesses but also those suspected as authors Immunity Statutes:
and co-participants in the tragic killing. And when suspects are
summoned and called to testify and/or produce evidence, the situation 1. One which grants “Use Immunity” - prohibits use of witness'
is one where the person testifying or producing evidence is undergoing compelled testimony and its fruits in any manner in connection with
investigation for the commission of an offense and not merely in order the criminal prosecution of the witness.
to shed light on the facts and surrounding circumstances of the
assassination, but more importantly, to determine the character and 2. One which grants “Transactional Immunity” - grants immunity to the
extent of his participation therein. witness from prosecution for an offense to which his compelled
testimony relates.
This notwithstanding, Presidential Decree No. 1886 denied them the
right to remain silent. They were compelled to testify or be witnesses It is beyond dispute that said law belongs to the first type of immunity
against themselves. Section 5 of P.D. 1886 leave them no choice. They statutes (Use Immunity). It grants merely immunity from use of any
have to take the witness stand, testify or produce evidence, under pain statement given before the Board, but not immunity from prosecution
of contempt if they failed or refused to do so. The jeopardy of being by reason or on the basis thereof. Merely testifying and/or producing
placed behind prison bars even before conviction dangled before their evidence do not render the witness immuned from prosecution
very eyes. Similarly, they cannot invoke the right not to be a witness notwithstanding his invocation of the right against self-incrimination.
against themselves, both of which are sacrosantly enshrined and He is merely saved from the use against him of such statement and
protected by our fundamental law. Both these constitutional rights to nothing more. Stated otherwise, he still runs the risk of being
remain silent and not to be compelled to be a witness against himself) prosecuted even if he sets up his right against self-incrimination. The
were right away totally foreclosed by P.D. 1886. And yet when they so dictates of fair play, which is the hallmark of due process, demands that
testified and produced evidence as ordered, they were not immune private respondents should have been informed of their rights to
from prosecution by reason of the testimony given by them. remain silent and warned that any and all statements to be given by
them may be used against them. This, they were denied, under the
2. YES. The privilege has consistently been held to extend to all pretense that they are not entitled to it and that the Board has no
proceedings sanctioned by law and to all cases in which punishment is obligation to so inform them.
sought to be visited upon a witness, whether a party or not. If in a mere
forfeiture case where only property rights were involved, "the right not The provision on self incrimination renders inadmissible any
to be compelled to be a witness against himself" is secured in favor of confession obtained in violation thereof. As herein earlier discussed,
the defendant, then with more reason it cannot be denied to a person this exclusionary rule applies not only to confessions but also to
facing investigation before a Fact Finding Board where his life and admissions, whether made by a witness in any proceeding or by an
liberty, by reason of the statements to be given by him, hang on the accused in a criminal proceeding or any person under investigation for
balance. the commission of an offense.

The deletion of the phrase "in a criminal case" connotes no other Summary:
As a rule, such infringement of the constitutional right renders
inoperative the testimonial compulsion, meaning, the witness cannot
be compelled to answer UNLESS a co-extensive protection in the form This petition for mandamus was filed by the petitioner to compel
of IMMUNITY is offered. Hence, under the oppressive compulsion of the respondent judge to dismiss finally the information filed in
criminal case No. 10546 of the Court of First Instance of Rizal and
P.D. 1886, immunity must in fact be offered to the witness before he
to cancel the bond put up for his temporary release, with the costs
can be required to answer, so as to safeguard his sacred constitutional
de oficio.
right. But in this case, the compulsion has already produced its desired
results — the private respondents had all testified without offer of On August 29, 1936, the chief of police of the municipality of
immunity. Their constitutional rights are therefore, in jeopardy. The Cainta, Province of Rizal, filed a complaint against the petitioner
only way to cure the law of its unconstitutional effects is to construe it charging him with having committed the crime of abuse of chastity.
in the manner as if IMMUNITY had in fact been offered. We hold, The case was docketed as criminal case No. 588 of the said justice
therefore, that in view of the potent sanctions imposed on the refusal to of the peace court. The complaint alleged that on or about August
testify or to answer questions under Sec. 4 of P.D. 1886, the testimonies 29, 1936, in the said municipality, the petitioner willfully and
unlawfully committed lascivious acts upon the person of Luzonica
compelled thereby are deemed immunized under Section 5 of the same
Zapanta, against her will, by forcibly embracing her, kissing her
law. The applicability of the immunity granted by P.D. 1886 cannot be
and touching her breast and private parts. The petitioner was
made to depend on a claim of the privilege against self-incrimination arrested and thereafter temporarily released upon filing a bond for
which the same law practically strips away from the witness. P1,000. Having waived the preliminary investigation, the case was
elevated to the Court of First Instance of Rizal where it was
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX docketed as criminal case No. 10140. On September 10, 1936, the
provincial fiscal put in a motion to dismiss the case on the ground
Petitioners, on the other hand, contend that while the right to cross- that the compliant was not signed by the offended party or her
examination is an essential part of due process, the same may however be parents, and on the 29th of the same month the Court of First
waived as the private respondent have done when they allowed an Instance dismissed the case. On October 8, 1936, Raymundo
unreasonable length of time to lapse from the inception of the opportunity to Zapanta, father of the alleged offended party Luzonica Zapanta,
cross-examine before availing themselves of such right and likewise when filed another complaint in the justice of the peace court of Cainta
they failed to exhaust other remedies to secure the exercise of such right. against the same petitioner charging him with the same offense.
The complaint alleged the same facts, namely, that on or about
The appeal is well-taken. August 29, 1936, in the said municipality, the petitioner willfully,
unlawfully and forcibly embraced and kissed Luzonica Zapanta,
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX touching her private parts for the purpose of satisfying his
lascivious desires. The case was docketed as No. 594 of the said
5. [G.R. No. 46039. August 30, 1938.] justice of the peace court. The petitioner was again arrested and
thereafter temporarily released upon filing a bond for P1,000.
ELIAS ESGUERRA, Petitioner, v. SIXTO DE LA COSTA, Judge Having waived the preliminary investigation, the case was
of First Instance of Rizal, Respondent. remanded to the Court of First Instance provincial fiscal thereupon
filed an information against the petitioner charging him with the
M. A. Zarcal and Elias Esguerra, for Petitioner. same facts constituting the crime of abuse of chastity under article
336 of the Revised Penal Code. On March 23, 1937 the petitioner
Solicitor-General Tuason, for respondent Judge. was arraigned in the Court of First Instance of Rizal and he pleaded
"not guilty." On June 22d of the same year the case was heard and
the witnesses for both parties were called. The judge presiding
over the Court of First Instance directed preliminary questions to
be offended party Luzonica Zapanta and the latter stated that she the defendant shall be entitled to have a speedy and public
was more than seventeen years but less than eighteen. In view trial. If the petitioner was indeed guilty of the offense
thereof, the judge dismissed the case and canceled the bond imputed to him, he was at any rate entitled to a prompt and
posted by the petitioner, with the costs de oficio. According to the public trial free from arbitrary and vexatious delays. We
order, the dismissal by the judge was based upon the doctrine laid have repeatedly held that there is a positive remedy for
down by the Court of Appeals in People v. Cosme Mapotol cases of violation of the constitutional right of the accused
published in the Official Gazette of May 20, 1937. On the same to a speedy trial. An accused who is deprived of his
date, June 22, 1937, the offended party again lodged a complaint fundamental right to be tried promptly is entitled to ask that
in the justice of peace court of Cainta charging the petitioner with he be released, if detained, or that the case against him be
the commission of the same offense of abuse of chastity. The finally dismissed (Conde v. Rivera and Unson, 45 Phil., 650;
complaint alleged the same facts set out in the two complaints In the matter of Ford [1911], 160 Cal., 334; U. S. v. Fox
previously filed. The case was docketed as criminal case No. 600 of [1880], 3 Mont., 512; Kalaw v. Apostol and Alcazar, 38 Off.
the justice of the peace court of Cainta. The petitioner was arrested Gaz., 464; People v. Castañeda and Fernandez, 35 Off.
and thereafter temporarily released upon a bond of P1,000 filed by Gaz., 1269).
him. He waived the preliminary investigation and the case was XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
elevated to the Court of First Instance and there docketed with No.
10546. The provincial fiscal filed in this last case a new information
alleging the same facts and charging the petitioner with the same 6. GREGORIO N. GARCIA v. FELIX DOMINGO, GR No. L-30104, 1973-07-
offense of abuse of chastity defined and punished by article 336 of 25
the Revised Penal Code. It was in this last case where counsel for
the petitioner answered in writing that the latter is in double
jeopardy and asked for the dismissal of the case because the GARCIA
petitioner had been deprived of his right to a speedy trial and was
the victim of malicious and arbitrary persecution. By order of It was alleged and admitted in the petition... t... here were commenced,...
November 15, 1937 the respondent judge denied the motion to eight (8) criminal actions against respondents
dismiss and this denial brought about the present petition. "The... trial of the cases in question was held, with the conformity of the
accused and their counsel, in the chambers of Judge Garcia."
The petitioner contends that he is in double jeopardy, that he has
been deprived of his right to a speedy trial, and that he is being Then came these allegations in the petition: "During all the fourteen (14)
unjustifiably persecuted by the alleged offended party. days of trial... the accused were at all times represented by their respective
counsel, who acted not only in defense of their clients, but as prosecutors of
the accusations filed at their clients' instance.
3. It appears that in less than one year the petitioner was
criminally prosecuted for the alleged offense of abuse was It is worthy of note... that up to this late date, said respondents Calo and
chastity in the justice of the peace court of the municipality Carbonnel had not objected to - or pointed out - any supposed irregularity in
of Cainta, Rizal. As a result of the complaints filed against the proceedings thus far;... etition for certiorari was filed with respondent
him he was arrested three times, and to enjoy temporary Judge:
liberty while awaiting trial, he had to put up three bonds for
Edgard... o Calo and Simeon Carbonnel, thru their counsel... a petition for
the sum of P1,000 each. If the last attempt to prosecute the
certiorari... and prohibition, with application for preliminary prohibitory and
petitioner is not stopped, uncertainty and the consequent mandatory injunction
inconveniences and worries would continue to assail him.
Article III, section 1, No. 17, of the Constitution provides [alleging jurisdictional def... ects]
that in all criminal prosecutions the accused is entitled to
have a speedy and public trial. Section 15, No. 7, of General After proceedings duly had, there was an order from him "declaring that 'the
constitutional and statutory rights of the accused' had been violated,
Orders, No. 58 also provides that in all criminal prosecutions
adversely affecting their 'right to a free and impartial trial' [noting] 'that the expected that an accused would be denied whatever solace and comfort may
trial of these cases lasting... several weeks were held exclusively in come from the knowledge that a judge, with the eyes of the persons in court
chambers and not in the court room open to the public';" alert to his demeanor and his rulings, would... run the risk of being unjust,
unfair, or arbitrary. Nor does it change matters, just because, as did happen
Issues: here, it was in the air-conditioned chambers of a city court judge rather than
was there any persuasive showing of a violation of the constitutional in the usual place that the trial took place
guarantee of a public trial Principles:
Ruling: The Constitution guarantees an accused the right to a public trial. What does
What did occasion difficulty in this suit was that for the convenience of the it signify? Offhand it does seem fairly obvious that here is an instance where
parties, and of the city court Judge, it was in the latter's air-conditioned language is to be given a literal... application. There is no ambiguity in the
chambers that the trial was held. Did that suffice to vitiate the proceedings as words employed. The trial must be public.
violative of this right? It possesses that character when anyone interested in observing the manner
The answer must be... in the negative a judge conducts the proceedings in his courtroom may do so.

. The thought that lies behind this safeguard is the belief that thereby the
accused is afforded further protection, that his trial is likely to be conducted
There is no showing that the public was thereby excluded. It is to be admitted with regularity and not tainted... with any impropriety.
that the size of the room allotted the Judge would reduce the number of
those who could be present. Such a fact though is not indicative of any XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
transgression of this right. Courtrooms... are not of uniform dimensions. Rule 116
Some are smaller than others.
7. G.R. No. 192898 : January 31, 2011
Moreover, as admitted by Justice Black in his masterly In re Oliver opinion, it SPOUSES ALEXANDER TRINIDAD AND CECILIA TRINIDAD,
suffices to satisfy the requirement of a trial being public if the accused could PETITIONERS, VS. VICTOR ANG, RESPONDENT.
"have his friends, relatives and counsel present, no... matter with what
offense he may be charged."... r... eference may also be made to the Facts:
undisputed fact that at least fourteen hearings had been held in chambers of
the city court Judge, without objection on the part of respondent policemen On September 3, 2007, the Office of the City Prosecutor, Masbate
There is much to be said of course for the concern displayed by respondent City, issued a Resolution recommending the filing of an Information for
Judge to assure the reality as against the mere possibility of a trial being truly Violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 against the petitioners. Petitioners the
public. If it were otherwise, such a right could be reduced to a barren form of filed with the DOJ a motion for review.
words. To the extent then that the... conclusion reached by him was
motivated by an apprehension that there was an evasion of a constitutional On March 3, 2009 the prosecutor then filed the information with the MTcC who
command, he certainly lived up to what is expected of a man of the robe. later on ordered the petitioners to file their counter affidavit.
Further reflection ought to have convinced him though that such a fear was
unjustified. An objective... appraisal of conditions in municipal or city courts The petitioners filed a Manifestation and Motion to Defer Arraignment and
would have gone far in dispelling such misgivings. The crowded daily Proceedings and Hold in Abeyance the Issuance of Warrants of Arrest [5]
calendar, the nature of the cases handled, civil as well as criminal, the praying, among others, for the deferment of their arraignment in view of the
relaxed attitude on procedural rules not being strictly adhered to all make for pendency of their petition for review before the DOJ. The MTCC granted the
a... less tense atmosphere. As a result the attendance of the general public is motion subject to par c, section 11 rule 116 and set their arraignment on
much more in evidence; nor is its presence unwelcome. When it is September 10, 2009.
remembered further that the occupants of such courts are not chosen
primarily for their legal acumen, but taken from that portion of the... bar more A petition for certiorari was then made to the RTC who held that the MTCC
considerably attuned to the pulse of public life, it is not to be rationally judge did not err in setting the arraignment of the petitioners after the lapse of
one (1) year and ten (10) months from the filing of the petition for review with vs.
the DOJ. HON. ROLANDO HOW, in his capacity as Presiding Judge of the
Regional Trial Court Branch 257 of Parañaque and MA. FE F.
The petitioners then filed with the SC a petition for review on certiorari
BARREIRO, respondents.
essentially claiming that the 60-day limit on suspension of arraignment is only
a general rule.
Issue: WON the motion for review is a ground for suspension of arraignment. The City Prosecutor of Parañaque filed an information for estafa against Ma.
Fe Barreiro, herein private respondent, based on the complaint filed by Solar
Held: Team Entertainment, Inc., herein petitioner.
Yes. SC granted the motion for reconsideration and reinstate the petition for
review on certiorari.
Before the scheduled arraignment on August 5, 1999 could take place,
respondent judge Rolando How issued an order resetting the arraignment on
The grounds for suspension of arraignment are provided under Section 11,
the ground that private respondent had filed an appeal with the Department
Rule 116 of the Rules of Court, which provides:
of Justice. The case was further reset twice but before the scheduled hearing
SEC. 11. Suspension of Arraignment. - Upon motion by the proper party, the on November 18, 1999, private respondent again asked for the deferment of
arraignment shall be suspended in the following cases: the arraignment. Due to this motion, respondent judge issued an order
further deferring the arraignment until such time that the appeal with the DOJ
is resolved. Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration to the order, but the
(a) The accused appears to be suffering from an unsound mental condition
same was denied.
which effectively renders him unable to fully understand the charge against
him and to plead intelligently thereto. In such case, the court shall order his
mental examination and, if necessary, his confinement for such purpose; Aggrieved, petitioner filed a petition for certiorari and mandamus questioning
the orders issued by respondent judge regarding the indefinite suspension of
(b) There exists a prejudicial question; and the arraignment of the accused until the petition for review with the Secretary
of Justice has been resolved. Petitioner further submits that this instant
(c) A petition for review of the resolution of the prosecutor is pending at petition raises "a pure question of law of first impression" since "it involves
either the Department of Justice, or the Office of the President; Provided, the application and interpretation of a law of very recent vintage, namely
that the period of suspension shall not exceed sixty (60) days counted Republic Act No. 8493, otherwise known as the Speedy Trial Act of 1998."
from the filing of the petition with the reviewing office. Petitioner mainly relies on Section 7 of said law that states that:

In Samson v. Daway,[10] the Court explained that while the pendency of a "SECTION 7.Time Limit Between Filing of Information and
petition for review is a ground for suspension of the arraignment, the aforecited Arraignment and Between Arraignment and Trial. — The
provision limits the deferment of the arraignment to a period of 60 days arraignment of an accused shall be held within thirty (30)
reckoned from the filing of the petition with the reviewing office. It days from the filing of the information, or from the date the
follows, therefore, that after the expiration of said period, the trial court accused has appeared before the justice, judge or court in
is bound to arraign the accused or to deny the motion to defer which the charge is pending, whichever date last occurs. .
arraignment. . ."

In the present case, the petitioners filed their petition for review with By issuing the assailed order, respondent court allegedly committed grave
the DOJ on October 10, 2007. When the RTC set the arraignment of the abuse of discretion amounting to lack/excess of jurisdiction.
petitioners on August 10, 2009, 1 year and 10 months had already lapsed.
This period was way beyond the 60-day limit provided for by the Rules.
ISSUE: Whether or not the trial court can indefinitely suspend the
arraignment of the accused until the petition for review with the Secretary of
8. SOLAR TEAM ENTERTAINMENT, INC. and PEOPLE OF THE Justice has been resolved.
PHILIPPINES, petitioners,
HELD: Yes. Petition devoid of merit. The Court ruled that the decision to 9. LETICIA I. KUMMER vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,
suspend arraignment to await the resolution of appeal with the Secretary of G.R. No. 174461. September 11, 2013
Justice is an exercise of such discretion. A court can defer to the authority of
the prosecution arm to resolve, once and for all, the issue of whether or not Facts:
sufficient ground existed to file information. This is in line with the An information was filed against petitioner Leticia Kummer and her son, Johan,
a minor, for homicide. According to the prosecution's evidence, on June 19,
pronouncement in the Crespo case that courts cannot interfere with the
1988 Jesus Mallo, the victim, accompanied by Amiel Malana went to the house
prosecutor's discretion over criminal prosecution. Thus, public respondent
of Kummer. When Kummer opened the door, her son Johan shot Mallo twice.
did not act with grave abuse of discretion when it suspended the arraignment
of private respondent to await the resolution of her petition for review with the Kummer denied the charge and claimed in her defense that she and her
Secretary of Justice. Accordingly, the petition was dismissed for lack of merit. children were already asleep in the evening of June 19, 1988.

We are not unmindful of the principle that while the right to a speedy trial The prosecution filed an information for homicide on January 12, 1989 against
secures rights to the defendant, it does not preclude the rights of public the petitioner and Johan. Both accused were arraigned and pleaded not guilty
justice. However, in this case, petitioner as private complainant in the to the crime charged. They waived the pre-trial, and the trial on the merits
criminal case, cannot deprive private respondent, accused therein, of her accordingly followed.
right to avail of a remedy afforded to an accused in a criminal case. The
Meanwhile, the prosecutor made some amendment in the date of the
immediate arraignment of private respondent would have then proscribed her
complaint that was from July 19, 1988 to June 19, 1988, or a difference of
right as accused to appeal the resolution of the prosecutor to the Secretary of
only one month.
Justice since Section 4 of DOJ Order No. 223 of June 30, 1993 forestalls an
appeal to the Secretary of Justice if the accused/appellant has already been Both RTC and Court of Appeals found both the petitioner and Johan guilty
arraigned. Hence, in this case, the order suspending the arraignment of beyond reasonable doubt of the crime charged. Petitioner questioned the
private respondent merely allowed private respondent to exhaust the sufficiency of prosecution’s evidence. She claimed that she was not arraigned
administrative remedies available to her as accused in the criminal case on the amended information for which she was convicted.
before the court could proceed to a full-blown trial. Conversely, in case the
resolution is for the dismissal of the information, the offended party in the Issue: Whether or not the change in the date of commission of crime requires
criminal case, herein petitioner, can appeal the adverse resolution to the formal amendment of complaint
Secretary of Justice. In Marcelo vs. Court of Appeals, this Court aptly pointed
Ruling: No. The change in the date of the commission of the crime, where
out that: "the trial court in a criminal case which takes cognizance of an
the disparity is not great, is merely a formal amendment, thus, no arraignment
accused's motion for review of the resolution of the investigating prosecutor is required.
or for reinvestigation and defers the arraignment until resolution of the said
motion must act on the resolution reversing the investigating prosecutor's Section 14, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court permits a formal amendment of a
finding or on a motion to dismiss based thereon only upon proof that such complaint even after the plea but only if it is made with leave of court and
resolution is already final in that no appeal was taken therefrom to the provided that it can be done without causing prejudice to the rights of the
Department of Justice." The fact that public respondent issued the assailed accused. However, any amendment before plea, which downgrades the
order suspending the arraignment of private respondent before the "Motion nature of the offense charged in or excludes any accused from the complaint
to Defer Arraignment" of private respondent could be heard is not tantamount or information, can be made only upon motion by the prosecutor, with notice
to grave abuse of discretion. It was well within the power of public to the offended party and with leave of court. The court shall state its
reasons in resolving the motion and copies of its order shall be furnished all
respondent to grant the continuance since Section 10 (f) of the Speedy Trial
parties, especially the offended party.
Act of 1998 clearly confers this authority.
Applying these rules and principles to the prevailing case, the records of the On November 10, 2003, the PAO lawyer verbally moved to be
case evidently show that the amendment in the complaint was from July 19, relieved as counsel for accused-appellant and with the latter's
1988 to June 19, 1988, or a difference of only one month. It is clear that concurrence, the motion was granted. In his stead, Atty. Daniel
consistent with the rule on amendments and the jurisprudence cited above, Dapeg of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Legal Aid Pilot
the change in the date of the commission of the crime of homicide is a formal Project was appointed as accused-appellant's counsel de oficio.8
amendment — it does not change the nature of the crime, does not affect the
essence of the offense nor deprive the accused of an opportunity to meet the During the pre-trial conference held on November 12, 2003,
new averment, and is not prejudicial to the accused. Further, the defense accused-appellant, assisted by counsel, manifested his desire to
under the complaint is still available after the amendment, as this was, in fact, plea-bargain. In open court, he expressed willingness to plead
the same line of defenses used by the petitioner. This is also true with respect guilty in Criminal Case No. 85-2003, on the condition that the
to the pieces of evidence presented by the petitioner. The effected amendment Informations in Criminal Case Nos. 86-2003 and 87-2003 be
was of this nature and did not need a second plea. withdrawn. Victim AAA, assisted by her mother BBB and the
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX provincial prosecutor, expressed her conformity thereto.9

10. [G.R. NO. 177742 : December 17, 2008] Thus, accused-appellant entered a new plea of "guilty" to the crime
of rape in Criminal Case No. 85-2003.10 This was done with the
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. JOSELITO assistance of counsel de oficio and after the trial court conducted
A. LOPIT, Accused-Appellant. searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full comprehension of
the consequences of the accused-appellant's plea.
Thereafter, the trial court commenced with the reception of
LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: evidence to prove accused-appellant's guilt and degree of
CRIM. CASE NO. 85-2003
The prosecution presented the victim AAA and her mother BBB as
The undersigned accuses [accused-appellant], a detention prisoner witnesses, while accused-appellant testified on his own defense.
at the PNP of Tabuk, of the crime of RAPE, defined and penalized
under Republic Act Numbered 8353, committed as follows: After trial, the court a quo rendered its Decision on November 28,
2003 imposing upon the accused-appellant the supreme penalty of
That on or about September 5, 2003 at San Julian, Tabuk, Kalinga, death thus:
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the accused,
through force, threat and intimidation, did then and there willfully, Accordingly, judgment is hereby rendered finding the accused
unlawfully and feloniously have carnal knowledge of her daughter guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of rape attendant the
[AAA], who is a minor, fourteen (14) years of age, against her will. qualifying and aggravating circumstances of minority and
relationship, victim [AAA] being 15 years old and daughter of
CONTRARY TO LAW.6 [accused-appellant] and hereby sentences the said accused the
supreme penalty of death and to indemnify minor
On November 4, 2003, accused-appellant, duly assisted by Atty. victim P75,000.00, by way of civil indemnity, moral damages in the
Marcelino K. Wacas of the Public Attorney's Office (PAO), entered a amount of P100,000.00 and P50,000.00 by way of exemplary
plea of "not guilty" in Criminal Case Nos. 85-2003, 86-2003 and damages, plus cost.
Transmit the record of the case to the Office of the Clerk of Court,
Supreme Court of the Philippines for review.
SO ORDERED.11 Without delay, [BBB] accompanied her daughter to the police
headquarters where the victim's statement was taken.
The records of these cases were forwarded to this Court for
automatic review, in view of the death penalty imposed. [BBB] testified that she and [accused-appellant] were married on
May 10, 1986 at Calanasan, Cagayan. Although she did not present
In our Resolution12 of August 10, 2004, We accepted the appeal any document to prove such assertion nor did she expressly and
and directed the Chief, Judicial Records Office, to send notices to categorically state that [accused-appellant] was the victim's father,
the parties to file their respective briefs and to the Director of the the victim repeatedly referred to [accused-appellant] as her father
Bureau of Corrections, to confirm the detention of the accused at all throughout her testimony. Their relationship was never refuted
the National Penitentiary. Accused-appellant filed his Appellant's by the [accused-appellant] who in fact admitted in open court that
Brief13 on April 11, 2005, while the People, through the Office of [AAA] was one of his daughters.
the Solicitor General (OSG), filed its Appellee's Brief14 on May 31,
2005. In his Brief, accused-appellant alleged that the trial court gravely
erred in imposing on him the supreme penalty of death.
The prosecution, through the testimonies of the victim (AAA) and
witness (BBB), the victim's mother, established the following facts: Issue:

[AAA], then fourteen (14) years old having been born on October Before delving into the main issue of the case, it is necessary to
2, 1988, is the daughter of the [accused-appellant] and BBB, a determine whether the trial court has satisfied the requirement as
barangay midwife; they were married on May 10, 1986. On mandated by Rule 116 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure, which
September 5, 2003 at around 2:00 in the afternoon, [AAA], a third provides:
year high school student at Tabuk National High School was in their
house together with her mentally retarded sister CCC. At that time, SEC. 3. Plea of guilty to capital offense; reception of evidence. -
their mother [BBB] was in San Julian Elementary School. Suddenly When the accused pleads guilty to a capital offense, the court shall
[AAA]'s father [accused-appellant], a farmer, arrived drunk and conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full
forced the victim to have sexual intercourse with him. She comprehension of the consequences of his plea and require the
struggled but her efforts were in vain since [accused-appellant] prosecution to prove his guilt and the precise degree of culpability.
was strong. [Accused-appellant] removed his pants and pinned the The accused may also present evidence on his behalf.
victim on the bed, pulled down her pants and inserted his penis
into her vagina. [AAA] cried. After doing the bestial act, [accused- Explicitly, when the accused pleads guilty to a capital offense, the
appellant] left but not before threatening [AAA] that he would kill court shall conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and
her, her mother and siblings if she reported the matter. As further full comprehension of the consequences of his plea and require the
testified by the victim, she had been sleeping with her father on prosecution to prove his guilt and the precise degree of his
the cement floor of their unfinished house for some time and that culpability. The accused may also present evidence on his behalf.
her father started staying with them only in 2002 since he had Under the foregoing Rule, three things are enjoined upon the trial
been staying in Laguna as a soldier in the Philippine Army. court when a plea of guilty to a capital offense is entered: (1) the
court must conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness of
Terrified and disgusted by what happened to her, the victim left the plea and the accused's full comprehension of the consequences
home on September 10, 2003. She stayed in the house of Rita thereof; (2) the court must require the prosecution to present
Carbonel in San Francisco, Tabuk, Kalinga. On September 11, evidence to prove the guilt of the accused and the precise degree
2003, [BBB] came looking for her and it was only then that the of his culpability; and (3) the court must ask the accused if he
victim revealed the sexual assaults committed by her father. desires to present evidence on his behalf and allow him to do so if
he desires.18
The undersigned accuses [accused-appellant], a detention prisoner
at the PNP of Tabuk, of the crime of RAPE, defined and penalized
under Republic Act Numbered 8353, committed as follows:
That on or about September 5, 2003 at San Julian, Tabuk, Kalinga,
11. EN BANC and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the accused,
through force, threat and intimidation, did then and there willfully,
[G.R. NO. 177742 : December 17, 2008] unlawfully and feloniously have carnal knowledge of her daughter
[AAA], who is a minor, fourteen (14) years of age, against her will.
A. LOPIT, Accused-Appellant. CONTRARY TO LAW.6

DECISION On November 4, 2003, accused-appellant, duly assisted by Atty.

Marcelino K. Wacas of the Public Attorney's Office (PAO), entered a
plea of "not guilty" in Criminal Case Nos. 85-2003, 86-2003 and
Before us on automatic review is the Decision 1 of the Court of
On November 10, 2003, the PAO lawyer verbally moved to be
Appeals (CA) dated June 30, 2006 in CA-G.R. CR-H.C. No. 01896
relieved as counsel for accused-appellant and with the latter's
which affirmed, with modifications, the decision2 of the Regional
concurrence, the motion was granted. In his stead, Atty. Daniel
Trial Court (RTC) of Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga, Branch 25, in
Dapeg of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Legal Aid Pilot
Criminal Case No. 85-2003, finding herein accused-appellant guilty
Project was appointed as accused-appellant's counsel de oficio.8
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Qualified Rape committed
against his own daughter and sentencing him to suffer the extreme
penalty of death. During the pre-trial conference held on November 12, 2003,
accused-appellant, assisted by counsel, manifested his desire to
plea-bargain. In open court, he expressed willingness to plead
Consistent with People v. Cabalquinto, 3 the Court withholds the
guilty in Criminal Case No. 85-2003, on the condition that the
real name of the rape victim. Instead, fictitious initials of AAA are
Informations in Criminal Case Nos. 86-2003 and 87-2003 be
used to represent her. Also, the personal circumstances of the
withdrawn. Victim AAA, assisted by her mother BBB and the
victim or any other information tending to establish or compromise
provincial prosecutor, expressed her conformity thereto. 9
her identity, as well as those of her immediate family or household
members, is not disclosed in this decision.4 In this regard, the
mother is referred to as BBB. Thus, accused-appellant entered a new plea of "guilty" to the crime
of rape in Criminal Case No. 85-2003.10 This was done with the
assistance of counsel de oficio and after the trial court conducted
In three (3) separate Informations5 dated September 15, 2003,
searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full comprehension of
accused-appellant was charged with three (3) counts of rape
the consequences of the accused-appellant's plea.
committed against his own 14-year old daughter AAA on
September 5, 7, and 9, 2003. Except for the dates of the
commission of the crime, the Informations were identically worded, Thereafter, the trial court commenced with the reception of
thus: evidence to prove accused-appellant's guilt and degree of
CRIM. CASE NO. 85-2003
The prosecution presented the victim AAA and her mother BBB as
witnesses, while accused-appellant testified on his own defense.
After trial, the court a quo rendered its Decision on November 28, year high school student at Tabuk National High School was in their
2003 imposing upon the accused-appellant the supreme penalty of house together with her mentally retarded sister CCC. At that time,
death thus: their mother [BBB] was in San Julian Elementary School. Suddenly
[AAA]'s father [accused-appellant], a farmer, arrived drunk and
Accordingly, judgment is hereby rendered finding the accused forced the victim to have sexual intercourse with him. She
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of rape attendant the struggled but her efforts were in vain since [accused-appellant]
qualifying and aggravating circumstances of minority and was strong. [Accused-appellant] removed his pants and pinned the
relationship, victim [AAA] being 15 years old and daughter of victim on the bed, pulled down her pants and inserted his penis
[accused-appellant] and hereby sentences the said accused the into her vagina. [AAA] cried. After doing the bestial act, [accused-
supreme penalty of death and to indemnify minor appellant] left but not before threatening [AAA] that he would kill
victim P75,000.00, by way of civil indemnity, moral damages in the her, her mother and siblings if she reported the matter. As further
amount of P100,000.00 and P50,000.00 by way of exemplary testified by the victim, she had been sleeping with her father on
damages, plus cost. the cement floor of their unfinished house for some time and that
her father started staying with them only in 2002 since he had
Transmit the record of the case to the Office of the Clerk of Court, been staying in Laguna as a soldier in the Philippine Army.
Supreme Court of the Philippines for review.
Terrified and disgusted by what happened to her, the victim left
SO ORDERED. 11 home on September 10, 2003. She stayed in the house of Rita
Carbonel in San Francisco, Tabuk, Kalinga. On September 11,
2003, [BBB] came looking for her and it was only then that the
The records of these cases were forwarded to this Court for
victim revealed the sexual assaults committed by her father.
automatic review, in view of the death penalty imposed.
Without delay, [BBB] accompanied her daughter to the police
headquarters where the victim's statement was taken.
In our Resolution12 of August 10, 2004, We accepted the appeal
and directed the Chief, Judicial Records Office, to send notices to
[BBB] testified that she and [accused-appellant] were married on
the parties to file their respective briefs and to the Director of the
May 10, 1986 at Calanasan, Cagayan. Although she did not present
Bureau of Corrections, to confirm the detention of the accused at
any document to prove such assertion nor did she expressly and
the National Penitentiary. Accused-appellant filed his Appellant's
categorically state that [accused-appellant] was the victim's father,
Brief13 on April 11, 2005, while the People, through the Office of
the victim repeatedly referred to [accused-appellant] as her father
the Solicitor General (OSG), filed its Appellee's Brief14 on May 31,
all throughout her testimony. Their relationship was never refuted
by the [accused-appellant] who in fact admitted in open court that
[AAA] was one of his daughters.
Conformably with this Court's decision in People v.
Mateo,15 accused-appellant's appeal by way of automatic review
On the other hand, accused-appellant testified on his own version
was transferred to the CA where it was docketed as CA-G.R. CR-
of the events which transpired on September 5, 2003:
H.C. No. 01896.

For his part, [accused-appellant] testified that on September 5,

The prosecution, through the testimonies of the victim (AAA) and
2003, he came home drunk and fell asleep naked on the cemented
witness (BBB), the victim's mother, established the following facts:
floor; that he was awakened when someone placed a mat and a
blanket for him. He thought that his daughter was his wife, so he
[AAA], then fourteen (14) years old having been born on October had sex with her. [Accused-appellant] manifested remorse and
2, 1988, is the daughter of the [accused-appellant] and BBB, a declared that he pleaded guilty as he had no money to fight his
barangay midwife; they were married on May 10, 1986. On
September 5, 2003 at around 2:00 in the afternoon, [AAA], a third
case also to secure a reduction of the penalty that will be imposed In his Brief, accused-appellant alleged that the trial court gravely
on him. erred in imposing on him the supreme penalty of death.

On June 30, 2006, the CA promulgated the herein challenged Before delving into the main issue of the case, it is necessary to
decision affirming in most part the decision of the trial court with determine whether the trial court has satisfied the requirement as
modification only in the amount of the award of moral and mandated by Rule 116 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure, which
exemplary damages. Pertinently, the CA decision reads in part: provides:

With respect to the civil aspect of the crimes, We sustain the award SEC. 3. Plea of guilty to capital offense; reception of evidence. -
of civil indemnity in the amount of P75,000.00 since rape was When the accused pleads guilty to a capital offense, the court shall
committed in its qualified form. However, the trial court's award conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full
of P100,000.00 as moral damages and P50,000.00 as exemplary comprehension of the consequences of his plea and require the
damages must be modified. In line with existing jurisprudence, the prosecution to prove his guilt and the precise degree of culpability.
award of moral damages should be in the amount of P75,000.00, The accused may also present evidence on his behalf.
without need of further proof. Likewise, exemplary damages is
reduced to P25,000.00 in line with existing jurisprudence. Explicitly, when the accused pleads guilty to a capital offense, the
court shall conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and
A final note: Notwithstanding current moves for the abolition of the full comprehension of the consequences of his plea and require the
death penalty, no legislation or rules have yet been promulgated prosecution to prove his guilt and the precise degree of his
relative thereto as of the time of the writing of his Decision, hence culpability. The accused may also present evidence on his behalf.
We are constrained to affirm the penalty imposed by the court a Under the foregoing Rule, three things are enjoined upon the trial
quo which We find to be conformable to the facts and existing law. court when a plea of guilty to a capital offense is entered: (1) the
court must conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness of
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appealed Decision is hereby the plea and the accused's full comprehension of the consequences
AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION that the award of moral damages is thereof; (2) the court must require the prosecution to present
reduced to P75,000.00 and exemplary damages to P25,000.00 or a evidence to prove the guilt of the accused and the precise degree
total of P175,000.00. Let the record of this case be elevated to the of his culpability; and (3) the court must ask the accused if he
Honorable Supreme Court for review pursuant to Rule 124, Section desires to present evidence on his behalf and allow him to do so if
13 of the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure as amended by A.M. he desires.18
No. 00-5-03-SC.
We explained the rationale of the rule in People v. Albert,19 thus:
The rationale behind the rule is that courts must proceed with
On April 23, 2007, the CA forwarded the records of the case to this more care where the possible punishment is in its severest form - -
Court for automatic review.16 death - -for the reason that the execution of such a sentence is
irrevocable and experience has shown that innocent persons have
In the Resolution17 dated June 26, 2007, We required the parties to at times pleaded guilty. The primordial purpose then is to avoid
simultaneously submit their respective supplemental briefs. improvident pleas of guilt on the part of an accused when grave
However, the parties filed separate manifestations stating that they crimes are involved since he might be admitting his guilt before the
were waiving the filing of supplemental briefs and instead opted to court and thus forfeit his life and liberty without having fully
stand by their respective briefs filed with the CA. understood the meaning, significance and consequences of his
plea. Moreover, the requirement of taking further evidence would
aid the Supreme Court on appellate review in determining the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
propriety or impropriety of the plea.

It is not enough to inquire as to the voluntariness of the plea; the

court must explain fully to the accused that once convicted, he
could be meted the death penalty; that death is a single and
indivisible penalty and will be imposed regardless of any mitigating
circumstance that may have attended the commission of the
felony. Thus, the importance of the court's obligation cannot be
overemphasized, for one cannot dispel the possibility that the
accused may have been led to believe that due to his voluntary
plea of guilty, he may be imposed a lesser penalty,20 which was
precisely what happened here.

The trial court proffered the following questions to accused-

appellant to determine the voluntariness and full comprehension of
his change of plea from "not guilty" to "guilty,"

Clearly, Section 3, Rule 116 of the 1985 Rules of Criminal

Procedure was not satisfactorily complied with. The trial court
should have taken the necessary measures to see to it that
accused-appellant really and freely comprehended the meaning,
full significance and consequences of his plea but it did not. It
failed to explain to accused-appellant that the penalty imposable
for the crime attended by the qualifying circumstance of minority
and filiation, as alleged in the Information against him, is death,
whether or not he pleads guilty and regardless of the presence of
other mitigating circumstances. Accused-appellant's justification
that he had no money to defend his case and his belief that the
penalty would be reduced if he pleaded guilty were not sufficient
reasons for the trial court to allow a change of plea from not guilty
to one of guilty. It was the duty of the judge to see to it that the
accused did not labor under this mistaken impression.

Still, the trial court's shortcomings will not necessarily result in

accused-appellant's acquittal. The evidence for the prosecution,
independently of accused-appellant's plea of guilty, adequately
established his guilt beyond reasonable doubt as charged in the
Informations. The testimony of the victim AAA is worthy of belief
and enough to convict accused-appellant. She testified in a candid,
straightforward and categorical manner. She narrated in open
court that on September 5, 2003, she was ravished by her own

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