Mini Survey On Individualistic and Collection Self

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“Mini Survey on

Individualistic and
Collection Self”

Spencer Sarmiento
Marlon Holgado
Klarish Kaye Lagrosa
Individuals know people mostly from their own cultural network; consequently, intercultural
interactions generally occur between stranger (Gudykunst & Kim, 2003).it is only when
individuals conduct business overseas or attempt to accomplish other goals outside their usual
network that they are likely to engage in intercultural communication.
Consequently, identifying and understanding underlying cultural values is for successful
intercultural interactions (Early & Peterson 2004:115-110). Studies have examined how different
cultural values determine the way people communicate to accomplish goals while also
maintaining poise (e.g., park &guan 2006:204-183). Considerations occur because it is difficult to
decipher how to communicate effectively with people from other cultures particularly when one is
balancing attaining goals and maintaining composure with people who see things differently. The
different perspectives people from dissimilar cultures hold are referred to as norms. Cultural
norms condition people to relate to other in patterned ways (Gudykunst & Kim 2003; Xizhen
2014).one classic example is how initial business meetings in places like the US get straight to
the point. In contrast, in JAPAN, when business partners first meet, much time is spent
socializing initially before plunging into the substance of business deal.
Individualism/collectivism describes the relationship between individuals and their
relationship to groups. Individual’s societies, “people prefer to act as individuals rather than as
member of groups” (Hofstede 1984:6). However in collectivistic culture people from birth onwards
are integrated into strong cohesive in-groups, which throughout people’s lifetime continue to
protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty’’(Hofstede 2001:225). Individualism is also
related to low power distance which ‘’the extent to which [people] in a society accept inequality in
power and consider it as normal ‘’ (Hofstede 1984; 307). While collectivism is related to a high
power distance (Hofstede: 89-75).
Underlying collectivistic needs for needs for harmony are important because they can be a
factor behind communication mishaps (Jia 2002:295-189). On the one hand, Mcluhan and Fiore’s
(1968) claim that the world has become a globally village is accurate. For example, the world has
become smaller by means of internet access improved transportation. And the globalization,
alternatively, data shows that world value systems are more divided than ever (Iglehart 2005).
Failed communication attempts that cause other to lose face can derail communicators’’ goals
putting them in unsustainable positions (Pheng & Leong 2000:316-307). Therefore, the purpose
of this study is to assess whether individualism and collectivism influence consultation and
harmony needs and to be test whether these needs underlie direct and indirect communication –
strategies likely to be employed to maintain impressions.
WHO AM I Checklist
Name: ________________________________
Gender: L ( ) G ( ) B ( ) T ( ) Q ( )
Age: 16-20 ( ) 21-25 ( ) 26-30 ( )
Civil Status: M ( ) S ( ) W ( )
Instructions: The following are common factors/situations encountered that may determine the
type of self that is at work in you. Read the following items and put a check on the column
category that applies to you.

My Unique Social/Group
Choice Influence
A. Physical Appearance
1. Hairstyle and make-up
2. Clothes (color and style)
3. Footwear
B. Health
1. Choice and amount of food to
2. Exercise Option
3. Leisure Option
4. Smoking and or alcohol
C. Career
1. College Course
2. School
3. Place to work
D. Decisions
2. Pets
3. Spending and saving
4.Time Online

Results and Discussion

The result and discussion contains the results of the survey that we distribute. Here is some
Gleaned on the data presented in Table 1 above showing the frequency and percentage
distribution of the respondents in according to gender, it revealed that majority of the respondents are
“Less” which have a frequency of 14 or 47%, while the Gay have a frequency of 7 or 23%, the
Bisexual have a frequency of 4 or 13%, the Transgender have a frequency of 3 or 10% and the Queer
have a least frequency of 2 or 7%. It manifests in this study that almost “Less” respondents are more
affected in Individualistic and Collection Self.
Gleaned on the data presented in Table 2 above showing the frequency and percentage
distribution of the respondents in according to age, it revealed that majority of the respondents are 26-
30 which have a frequency of 14 or 46%, while the 16-20 and 21-25 have a same frequency of 8 or
27%. It manifests in this study that almost 26-30 respondents are more affected in Individualistic and
Collection Self.
Gleaned on the data presented in Table 3 above showing the frequency and percentage
distribution of the respondents in according to civil status, it revealed that majority of the respondents
are “Single” which have a frequency of 25 or 84%, while the Married have a frequency of 4 or 13%,
and the Widow have a least frequency of 1 or 3%. It manifests in this study that almost “Single”
respondents are more affected in Individualistic and Collection Self.
The Table 4 showing the distribution of respondents in terms of Who am I table. It includes the
answer of the respondents based on their unique choice and based on social or group influence and
also the total of respondents that answered to the distributed survey.
Gleaned on the data presented in Table 5 above showing the frequency and percentage
distribution of the respondents in terms of Who am I table My Unique Choice, it revealed that majority
of their unique choice of the respondents is under of career the “college course” which have a
frequency of 28 or 23%. Next is the place to work under of career and hobbies under of decisions
which have a frequency of 24 or80%. Next is Time Online under of decisions which have a frequency
of 23 or 77%, Next is clothes (color and style) under of physical appearance and spending and saving
under of decisions which have a frequency of 22 or 73%. Next is footwear under of physical
appearance which have a frequency of 21 or 70%. Next is choice and amount of food to eat under of
health and friends under of decisions which have a frequency of 20 or 67%. Next is leisure option
under of health which have a frequency of 18 or 60%. Next is school under of career which have a
frequency of 15 or 50%. Next is hairstyle and make-up under of physical appearance and smoking
and or alcohol consumption under of health which have a frequency of 13 or 43%. Next is exercise
option under of health which have a frequency of 12 or 40%. And lastly the pets under of decisions
which have a frequency of 11 or 37%. It manifests in this study that almost college course
respondents “under of career” have many unique choices about Individualistic and Collection Self.
Gleaned on the data presented in Table 6 above showing the frequency and percentage
distribution of the respondents in terms of Who am I table Social/Group Influence, it revealed that
majority of their unique choice of the respondents is under of decisions the “pets” which have a
frequency of 19 or 63%. Next is the hairstyle and make-up under of physical appearance and smoking
and or alcohol consumption under of health which have a frequency of 17 or 57%. Next is school
under of career which have a frequency of 15 or 50%, Next is leisure Option under of health which
have a frequency of 12 or 40%. Next is choice and amount of food to eat under of health and friends
under of decisions which have a frequency of 10 or 33%. Next is footwear under of physical
appearance which have a frequency of 9 or 30%. Next is clothes (color and style) under of physical
appearance and spending and saving under of decisions which have a frequency of 8 or 27%. Next is
time online under of decisions which have a frequency of 7 or 23%. Next is pace to work under of
career and hobbies under of decisions which have a frequency of 6 or 20%. And lastly the college
course under of career which have a frequency of 2 or 7%. Because being a student we should not
depend our decision on other people like studying in college. It is our own decision. It manifests in this
study that almost college course respondents “under of career” have many unique choices about
Individualistic and Collection Self.
Table 1
Distribution of Respondents in terms of their Gender
Gender Frequency Distribution
L 14 47
G 7 23
B 4 13
T 3 10
Q 2 7
Total 30 100

Gleaned on the data presented in Table 1 above showing the frequency and percentage
distribution of the respondents in according to gender, it revealed that majority of the respondents are
“Less” which have a frequency of 14 or 47%, while the Gay have a frequency of 7 or 23%, the
Bisexual have a frequency of 4 or 13%, the Transgender have a frequency of 3 or 10% and the Queer
have a least frequency of 2 or 7%.
It manifests in this study that almost “Less” respondents are more affected in Individualistic and
Collection Self.

Table 2
Distribution of Respondents in terms of their Age
Age Frequency Distribution
16-20 8 27
21-25 8 27
26-30 14 46
Total 30 100

Gleaned on the data presented in Table 2 above showing the frequency and percentage
distribution of the respondents in according to age, it revealed that majority of the respondents are 26-
30 which have a frequency of 14 or 46%, while the 16-20 and 21-25 have a same frequency of 8 or
It manifests in this study that almost 26-30 respondents are more affected in Individualistic and
Collection Self.

Table 3
Distribution of Respondents in terms of their Civil Status
Civil Status Frequency Distribution
M 4 13
S 25 84
W 1 3
Total 30 100

Gleaned on the data presented in Table 3 above showing the frequency and percentage
distribution of the respondents in according to civil status, it revealed that majority of the respondents
are “Single” which have a frequency of 25 or 84%, while the Married have a frequency of 4 or 13%,
and the Widow have a least frequency of 1 or 3%.
It manifests in this study that almost “Single” respondents are more affected in Individualistic
and Collection Self.

Table 4
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Who am I table
My Unique Choice Social/Group Total
A. Physical
1. Hairstyle 13 17 30
and make-up
2. Clothes 22 8 30
(color and style)
3. Footwear 21 9 30
B. Health
1. Choice and 20 10 30
amount of food to eat
2. Exercise 12 18 30
3. Leisure 18 12 30
4. Smoking 13 17 30
and or alcohol
C. Career
1. College 28 2 30
2. School 15 15 30
3. Place to 24 6 30
D. Decisions
1.Friends 20 10 30
2. Pets 11 19 30
3. Spending 22 8 30
and saving
4.Time Online 23 7 30
5.Hobbies 24 6 30

Table 5
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Who am I table My Unique Choice

My Unique Choice Distribution

A. Physical Appearance
1. Hairstyle and make-up 13 43
2. Clothes (color and style) 22 73
3. Footwear 21 70
B. Health
1. Choice and amount of 20 67
food to eat
2. Exercise Option 12 40
3. Leisure Option 18 60
4. Smoking and or alcohol 13 43
C. Career
1. College Course 28 23
2. School 15 50
3. Place to work 24 80
D. Decisions
1.Friends 20 67
2. Pets 11 37
3. Spending and saving 22 73
4.Time Online 23 77
5.Hobbies 24 80

Gleaned on the data presented in Table 5 above showing the frequency and percentage
distribution of the respondents in terms of Who am I table My Unique Choice, it revealed that majority
of their unique choice of the respondents is under of career the “college course” which have a
frequency of 28 or 23%. Next is the place to work under of career and hobbies under of decisions
which have a frequency of 24 or80%. Next is Time Online under of decisions which have a frequency
of 23 or 77%, Next is clothes (color and style) under of physical appearance and spending and saving
under of decisions which have a frequency of 22 or 73%. Next is footwear under of physical
appearance which have a frequency of 21 or 70%. Next is choice and amount of food to eat under of
health and friends under of decisions which have a frequency of 20 or 67%. Next is leisure option
under of health which have a frequency of 18 or 60%. Next is school under of career which have a
frequency of 15 or 50%. Next is hairstyle and make-up under of physical appearance and smoking
and or alcohol consumption under of health which have a frequency of 13 or 43%. Next is exercise
option under of health which have a frequency of 12 or 40%. And lastly the pets under of decisions
which have a frequency of 11 or 37%.
It manifests in this study that almost college course respondents “under of career” have many
unique choices about Individualistic and Collection Self.
Table 6
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Who am I table Social/Group Influence

Social/Group Distribution
A. Physical Appearance
1. Hairstyle and make- 17 57
2. Clothes (color and 8 27
3. Footwear 9 30
B. Health
1. Choice and amount 10 33
of food to eat
2. Exercise Option 18 60
3. Leisure Option 12 40
4. Smoking and or 17 57
alcohol consumption
C. Career
1. College Course 2 7
2. School 15 50
3. Place to work 6 20
D. Decisions
1.Friends 10 33
2. Pets 19 63
3. Spending and saving 8 27
4.Time Online 7 23
5.Hobbies 6 20

Gleaned on the data presented in Table 6 above showing the frequency and percentage
distribution of the respondents in terms of Who am I table Social/Group Influence, it revealed that
majority of their unique choice of the respondents is under of decisions the “pets” which have a
frequency of 19 or 63%. Next is the hairstyle and make-up under of physical appearance and smoking
and or alcohol consumption under of health which have a frequency of 17 or 57%. Next is school
under of career which have a frequency of 15 or 50%, Next is leisure Option under of health which
have a frequency of 12 or 40%. Next is choice and amount of food to eat under of health and friends
under of decisions which have a frequency of 10 or 33%. Next is footwear under of physical
appearance which have a frequency of 9 or 30%. Next is clothes (color and style) under of physical
appearance and spending and saving under of decisions which have a frequency of 8 or 27%. Next is
time online under of decisions which have a frequency of 7 or 23%. Next is pace to work under of
career and hobbies under of decisions which have a frequency of 6 or 20%. And lastly the college
course under of career which have a frequency of 2 or 7%. Because being a student we should not
depend our decision on other people like studying in college. It is our own decision.
It manifests in this study that almost college course respondents “under of career” have many
unique choices about Individualistic and Collection Self.

The researchers recommend the following;

1. You should start practicing standing by your own feet.

2. You should not rely with others when it comes to school work or other things. If you can
start your work or decision by your own, then do it.
3. Being a student we should not depend our decision on other people like studying in college. It is
our own choice and decision.
4. Make a limit when you interacting with others because you don’t really know yet other people.
5. Similar studies may be conducted to further improve the Individualistic and Collection Self
of some people.

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