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P. Grenouilleau, O. Pisani, L. Mode
Gaz de France

C. Paturet
Metravib RDS


As reference to the ISO 14001 standard on environmental management, Gaz de

France is taking actions to decrease the impact of the gas industry on the environment. In
this context, the software LEOPARD has been developed by both R&D Division of GdF
and METRAVIB RDS to estimate sound nuisances of pressure regulating stations (PRS).
LEOPARD is a computing tool geared to assist the design, optimisation and acoustical
diagnostic of the PRS of the transmission field of pressures.
Due to the expansion of both the urban areas and the network, PRS are located closer
and closer to habitations. Thanks to LEOPARD and respecting its environmental–
oriented policy, GdF can provide with gas any location for the comfort of customers.
LEOPARD can compute the sound generated by a PRS taking into account its operating
conditions. A second module in the software deals with radiated sound taking into
account surrounding elements (room, screen, reflectors, type of soil). The outputs of
LEOPARD are given in the form of spectra and global sound levels heard at any location
around the PRS. LEOPARD is validated with field measurements and claims an accuracy
of ± 3 dBA. LEOPARD can be easily adapted to any type of regulator, provided its
acoustical signature can be identified.
LEOPARD has been developed to be used by a wide range of people within GdF,
even non specialists in acoustics. Consequently, a special effort has been made to create
user-friendly interfaces, to make the user autonomous and get quick answers to an
acoustical problems.

Considering that companies of distribution and transmission of gas are interested in
adjusting the design of Pressure Regulating Stations (PRS) taking into account the noise
level as reference to the ISO 14001 standard on environmental management, and that
there is no current standard software concerning the noise level prediction of PRS in the
field (though there are some gas companies that developed customised software, Gaz de
France has decided to develop its own tool, the LEOPARD software, geared to optimise
the design of a pressure regulating station in terms of acoustics, in order to comply with
the acceptable noise levels on property boundaries. The software LEOPARD (Logiciel
d’Estimation et d’Optimisation Pour l’Acoustique des Régulateurs-Détendeurs –
Software for the Estimation and Optimisation of the Acoustics of Pressure Regulating
Stations) has been developed by both R&D Division of Gaz de France and METRAVIB
RDS to estimate sound nuisances of PRS, to assist the design, optimisation and acoustical
diagnostic of the PRS of the transmission field of pressures.
In this paper, we present the methodology of the LEOPARD software, as well as its
main features and the results that can be expected from its use.

Figure 1 presents in diagram form the problem of determining the level of noise
radiated in the environment by a pressure regulating station. The pressure regulating
station is taken to comprise a pressure regulator and its downstream pipe, this unit being
housed in a room (if it exists) that may reverberate. The listening point is outside the
room. Screens (e.g.: wall between the room and the listening point) or reflecting elements
(e.g.: wall behind the listening point) may also be present in the environment.

P reflected Listening Point

P out P direct
Lpe1,turb P direct

P reflected

Zone 1 Zone 2
beside regulator beside downstream pipe

Figure 1: Overall description of the calculation method

In the pressure regulating station room, the two main sources of noise are:
- acoustic radiation of the pressure regulator and of the output flange
immediately downstream,
- acoustic radiation of the downstream pipe.

The difference is due to the fact that the pressure regulator output flange and the
downstream pipe have different characteristics, on the one hand, and to the fact that the
compactness of the pressure regulator and of its output flange entails the application of a
local source acoustic model whereas the length of the downstream pipe entails the
application of an acoustic model based on unit length (uniformly distributed).

The noise generated by a pressure reduction circuit is the sum of the noise from 2
distinct zones:
- Zone 1: at the level of the pressure regulator output flange
- Zone 2: at the level of the downstream pipe

Within the gas circuit, the level of internal pressure fluctuation is the sum of the
following two elements:
- pi,det pressure fluctuations generated by pressure reduction within the
regulator travelling through the downstream pipe,
- pi,turb pipe wall pressure (parietal pressure) fluctuations generated by the
interaction of turbulence with the pipe wall depending very much on flow velocity

Each of these two internal contributions is transmitted outside the piping system,
from zones 1 and 2 as a function of piping transmission loss, TLp1 and TLp2 respectively;
the resulting pressure fluctuations are pe1 opposite the pressure regulator output flange
(zone 1) and pe2 opposite the downstream pipe (zone 2).

Pressure fluctuations at a given point in the room, before crossing the outside wall of
the building and in the direction of the listening point in the environment are obtained as
the sum of pdirect a pressure field issuing from the direct propagation of pe1 and pe2
pressure fluctuations and from préverbéré a pressure field corresponding to the multiple
reflections of acoustic waves within the room.

Propagation of direct acoustic waves from zone 1 is assumed to be spherical (source

is presumed to be local given the compactness of the controller and its output flange) and
this implies that the associated acoustic pressure decreases as 1/r, r being the distance
from the pressure regulator. Propagation of the direct acoustic waves from zone 2 is
assumed to be cylindrical (source is assumed to be linear given the length of the
downstream pipe in comparison to its diameter) and this implies the decrease varies as
1 r.

Reverberated field acoustic waves depend on the overall acoustic power of the facility
within the room and on its absorption characteristics (average Sabine coefficient).

Acoustic pressure outside the building wall is then obtained through TLpparoi wall
transmission loss and (this) travels to the listening point in spherical form (this hypothesis
is valid for a listening-wall distance greater than 1.6 times the width of the building wall).


The models used are based on the work of L.L. Beranek, W.K. Blake and F. Fahy.
The overall calculation model has been divided into two main problems:
- Determination of the «source terms» in the room housing the pressure
regulating station, i.e. determination of the noise level generated by the «pressure
regulator + pipe» unit within the room,
- noise propagation within the room, and then outside the building.

The following data make it possible to link these two phases:

- Zone 1 radiation noise level, per octave band, 1 m at the level of the
 p(r =1)( f ) 
pressure regulator: Lper1=1( f )=20log e1 −5  , in dBA
 2.10 
- Zone 2 radiation noise level, per octave band, 1 m at the level of the
 p(r =1)( f ) 
downstream pipe: Lper2=1( f )=20log e2 −5  , in dBA
 2.10 

Each of these terms comprises a contribution from pressure reduction noise, and
another from turbulence noise.

Calculation of noise levels related to pressure reduction from

zones 1 and 2
Figure 2 presents the method used to calculate pressure reduction-related noise levels
within the room, radiated by zones 1 and 2. Calculation is based on the hypothesis that
the level of fluctuation of pressure is constant throughout the internal piping, in other
words, internal acoustic modes are disregarded, as is attenuation over distance within the

Lwi,1/3(f), pressure reduction-linked internal acoustic power, in third-octaves, is the

subject of a specific calculation and depends on regulator flow coefficient Cv , in
particular. TL is the power transmission loss coefficient of the piping. Zone 1 (pressure
regulator + downstream output flange) is modelled as a local source, with spherical
radiation. Zone 2 (downstream pipe) is modelled as a distributed source, with cylindrical

Calculation of noise levels related to turbulence, from zones 1
and 2
Figure 3 presents the method used to calculate turbulence-related noise levels in the
room radiated by zones 1 and 2.

Wall pressure fluctuation level related to the interaction of turbulence on the internal
walls of the pipe, Lpi,1/3(f) is the subject of specific calculation and depends on flow
velocity at pressure regulator output, in particular.

Calculation of the noise level radiated in the environment

Figure 4 presents the method for estimating the level of noise radiated in the
environment, on the basis of noise level data per octave band 1 m at the level of the
facility, related to zones 1 and 2 respectively.

These input data for calculation of propagation within the pressure regulating station
room and then in the outside environment, may come from estimates of pressure
reduction and turbulence-related contributions for each of the 2 zones, on the basis of the
calculations shown above, and following logarithmic summation of the two contributions.

Csol and Crefl corrections respectively take into account the type of soil (whether it
absorbs or reverberates) and the presence, or otherwise, of reflectors. Corrections vary
between 0 and +3 dB.

Level of internal acoustic power due to
expansion, in thirds of an octave
Lwi,1 3( f )

Transmission loss on the Transmission loss on the

output flange TL1(f) downstream pipe TL2(f)

Level of external acoustic Level of external acoustic

power due to expansion, in power due to expansion, in
zone 1 zone 2
Lwe1,1 3( f )= Lwi,1 3( f )−TL1( f ) Lwe2,1 3( f )= Lwi,1 3( f )−TL2( f )

Spherical radiation Cylindrical radiation

External noise level due to External noise level due to

expansion, at r=1m opposite expansion, at r=1m opposite
zone 1 zone 2
Lpe(r1=,113)( f )= Lwe1,1 3( f )−10log(4π) Lpe(r2=,113)( f )= Lwe2,1 3( f )−10log(2πL2 )

Weighting A Weighting A

Integration in octave bands Integration in octave bands

( f ) in dBA Lpe(r2=,det
( f ) in dBA

Figure 2: Calculation of noise levels due to expansion from zones 1 and 2

Internal parietal pressure level due to turbulence
Lpi,1 3( f )

Pressure transmission loss on the Pressure transmission loss on the

output flange TLp1(f) downstream pipe TLp2(f)

External noise level due to External noise level due to

turbulence, turbulence,
in zone 1 in zone 2
Lpe1,1 3( f )=Lpi,1 3( f )−TLp1( f ) Lpe2,1 3( f )=Lpi,1 3( f )−TLp2( f )

Spherical radiation Cylindrical radiation

External noise level due to External noise level due to

turbulence, at r=1m opposite turbulence, at r=1m opposite
zone 1 zone 2
Lpe(r1=,113)( f )=Lpe1,1 3( f )+10log(de1L1 4) Lpe(r2=,113)( f )=Lpe2,1 3( f )+10log(de2 2)

Weighting A Weighting A

Integration in octave bands Integration in octave bands

( f ) in dBA Lpe(r2=,turb
( f ) in dBA

Figure 3: Calculation of noise levels due to turbulence from zones 1 and 2

(f ) Lpe(r1=,turb
(f ) Lpe(r2=,det
(f ) Lpe(r2=,turb
(f )

Logarithmic summation Logarithmic summation

Lpe(r1=1)( f ) Lpe(r2=1)( f )

Corresponding power calculation Corresponding power calculation

(spherical hypothesis) (cylindrical hypothesis)

Total radiated power level in Total radiated power level in

zone 1 zone 2
Lwe1( f )= Lpe(r1=1)( f )+10log(4π) Lwe2( f )= Lpe(r2=1)( f )+10log(2πL2 )

Direct (spherical) + reverberated Direct (cylindrical) + reverberated

(diffuse) radiation (diffuse) radiation)

Level of direct + reverberated noise on the Level of direct + reverberated noise on the
wall, from zone 1 wall, from zone 2
 1 + 4   1 + 4 
1 ( f )= Lwe1( f )+10log
Lpeparoi  2 ( f )= Lwe2( f )+10log 2πr L
Lpeparoi 
 4πr1 Sα Sabin   2 2 Sα Sabin 

Logarithmic summation

Lpintparoi( f )

Pressure transmission loss from the

wall of the building TLpparoi(f)

Noise level outside the building

Lpext ( f )= Lpintparoi( f )−TLp paroi( f )

Radiation in the open air

Corrections from 0 to +3 dB
taking the following in account
respectively: Noise level at the listening point
- nature of the soil: Csol
- presence of reflectors: Crefl LpEcoute( f )= Lpext ( f )−20log(R )+Csol +Crefl

Figure 4: Calculation of the noise level radiated into the environment

The originality of the model lies in the development of the internal acoustic power
relating to pressure reduction and turbulence equations. The next three sections describe
how these models of noise sources within the pressure regulator and downstream pipe
were built.

Internal acoustic power relating to pressure reduction –

General example («Noisy» pressure regulator)
Lwi,global the overall internal acoustic power level equation is based on the work of
W.K. Blake and takes the following form:

( )
Lwi , global = f ((c 2 ), (C v (q n )), M j , ρ1 , γ , )

with: - c2 being the speed of the sound downstream of pressure reduction

- Cv(qn ) being the flow coefficient of the pressure regulator which depends on
flow rate qn
- Mj being the Mach number of the jet developed
- ρ1 being the density of the upstream gas
- γ being the ratio of the specific heat capacities

Lwi,1/3(f) acoustic power spectrum (see Figure 2) per one-third octave band (f) is obtained
through an expression in the following form:
  f 2    f p 4 
 
Lwi ,1 3 ( f ) = Lwi , global − 10 log1 +    − 10 log1 +    + cste
f    f  
  p   

where fp is spectrum maximum frequency level, that depends on Dj jet diameter:

Case of pressure regulators that comprise a silencer

Case of a pressure regulator fitted with a silencer. This case is considered similar
to that of a normal («noisy») pressure regulator where the jet diameter is dimensioned by
the size of holes in the silencer casing. The consequence is displacement of internal
power maximum spectrum frequency relating to pressure reduction, in relation to a
normal spectrum, most often to high frequencies.

Moreover, if sound-absorbing material has been added to the silencer, further

attenuation affects the internal power: a few dB at the level of the pressure regulator and
up to twenty or so dB in the downstream pipe. The attenuation depends on the geometry
of the pressure regulator involved and on the type of sound-absorbing material.
Case of a normal pressure regulator with a slot silencer downstream. If a slot
silencer is installed downstream of a normal pressure regulator, pressure reduction tends

to be split between the pressure regulator and the slots of the silencer downstream. Thus,
gas pressure is decreased from P1 to an intermediate pressure Pi between the pressure
regulator and the silencer located downstream where a second pressure reduction takes
place, from Pi to pressure P2.

Internal acoustic pressure is then calculated for each flow rate qn, as for a normal
pressure regulator for which pressure reduction takes place from P1 to Pi(qn) rather than
from P1 to P2.

Since the silencer also has sound-absorbing material around the slots, a corresponding
attenuation of some 15 to 20 dBA is to be applied to the internal acoustic power
propagated in the pipe downstream of the silencer.

Turbulence-related internal wall pressure fluctuations

A lot of work has been done on turbulence-related internal wall pressure fluctuations
Lpi,1/3(f) in one-third octaves and can be consulted in the literature. The level is related to
the internal wall pressure fluctuation spectral density Φp(f) by the relation (on a reference
of 2.10-5 Pa) :
 Φ p( f )df 
∫ 
Lpi,1 3( f )=10log ∆f
 (2.10 ) 
−5 2 
 

The equation can then be expressed on the basis of a third-order polynomial as a

function of:
- U : average flow velocity in the zone under consideration
- ρ: density of the fluid in the zone under consideration
- R: internal radius of the run of pipe.


Calculations are made in the «source terms» window and results for the three types of
pressure regulators are compared with those obtained during testing on a pilot-operated
pressure regulator for high and medium pressure networks. The measurements were made
on a:
- regulator without silencer,
- identical regulator, with a slot silencer installed downstream
- an appliance that the manufacturer presented in «silent» version.

In each case, two series of measurements were made:

- a series to define the intrinsic level of the appliance, with the latter
(placed) in a 6 m3 absorbing box, with the downstream pipe insulated for sound
and with a microphone 1 m from the regulator in the box,

- a second series to define the effect of the sound levels emitted by the
pressure regulator on the pipe, and the intrinsic noise of the turbulence in the
downstream pipe, the box being placed over it but without any sound insulation,
2 m downstream from the regulator with the microphone 1 m from the pipe in the

The flow rate curves calculated have the same shape as those derived from the
measurement(s) and, whatever the configuration tested, the deviation is often less than
3 dBA.

Calculation results tally with high frequency (over 1 kHz) experimental results, that
is, in the frequency domain where noise level is dominant. At lower frequencies, the
calculated and measured levels differ: the rise in low frequencies noted during testing
corresponds to complex vibrations (involving specific facility vibration modes, vibration
of mechanical parts, etc.) that the purely «acoustic» calculation cannot take into account.


The LEOPARD software's philosophy is based on the fact that all regulators can be
sorted out in families of pressure relaxing technologies, which all have their own
acoustical signature. As an example, the current version of the LEOPARD software
comprises 4 acoustical models that describe the noise generated by all types of pressure
regulators used by the Transmission Division of Gaz de France.

The LEOPARD software is intended:

- for “upstream” users who need to estimate the noise generated by a given
configuration of an installation for the construction of a new station,
- for operator users confronted with specific problems of acoustic nuisance caused
by existing or future pressure regulating stations and who required a forecasting
and help with decision making tool for suitable solutions.

The LEOPARD software was developed in the LabVIEW 6.0 environment. It can
compute the sound generated by a PRS taking into account its operating conditions (type
of regulator, flow rate up to 80 000 m3(n)/h, pressure drops between 100 and 1 bar,
diameter of downstream pipe). A second module in the software deals with radiated
sound taking into account surrounding elements (PRS enclosed or not, installation of a
screen, surrounding reflectors, type of soil). The outputs of LEOPARD are given in the
form of spectra and global sound levels heard at any location around the PRS as shown in
Figure 5.

Figure 5: Environmental input data and computed outputs

In order to optimise the design of a pressure regulating station in terms of its potential
nuisance in the environment, the software estimates the following:

- overall noise level radiated by the pressure regulator alone, at a distance of 1

metre of it, depending on operating flow rate,
- level of noise radiated by the pressure regulator alone, at a distance of 1 metre of
it, per octave band,
- overall noise level radiated by the downstream pipes alone, at a distance of 1
metre alongside it, and 2 metres downstream of the pressure regulator, depending
on operating throughput,
- level of noise radiated by the downstream pipes alone, at a distance of 1 metre
alongside it, and 2 metres downstream of the pressure regulator per octave band,
- overall noise level radiated by the pressure regulating station as a whole at a
given listening point within the environment, depending on operating throughput,
taking into account the characteristics of the environment and pressure regulating
station room,
- the level of noise radiated by the pressure regulating station as a whole at a
given listening point within the environment, per octave band, taking into account
the characteristics of the environment and pressure regulating station room,
- the physical units of the gas under the conditions upstream and downstream of
the pressure regulator (density of the gas, velocity of sound in the gas,
temperature of the gas downstream).
Although their precision is high (± 3 dBA), the results of a calculation with the
LEOPARD software have no legal value.

Transmission Division has been using LEOPARD since June 2002. The software is
appreciated for its ease of installation (CD-ROM), it is easy to use and is an efficient
guide for selecting appropriate acoustic treatment for a pressure regulating station. The
software can test a wide variety of pressure regulating station configurations thereby
doing away with the need to make measurements on site. As well as on existing facilities,
it is possible to use the software on stations at the design stage. LEOPARD is cheaper in
comparison to the site measurement process. Furthermore, the software is recommended
by the Centre National d’Equipement de la Direction Transport (Transmission Division
National Equipment Centre) and is available for Transmission agencies via an intranet

LEOPARD was designed for use by as many people as possible at Gaz de France,
including people who are not acoustic specialists. Great attention has been given to
making the software interfaces user-friendly, LEOPARD is a tool that enables the user to
solve pressure regulating station acoustic problems promptly.


It has been shown that determining pressure regulating station noise levels breaks
down into two sub-problems:
- determination of the noise emitted by the pressure reducing circuit (noise
mostly produced by the pressure regulator and the downstream pipe): the
«source terms» of the problem,
- determination of noise emitted in the outside environment: the
«propagation» component of the problem.

Whereas the «propagation» calculation can be done by software available on the

market, calculation of «source terms» is theoretically complex and this is where the
novelty of the LEOPARD model lies.

Well suited in its current version to the specific requirements of Gaz de France,
LEOPARD is a tool that can be adapted to other types of pressure regulators or pressure
regulator families provided their acoustic signature is accessible (test bench
measurements or on-site measurements). Although the current version of the software is
in French, it is easy to translate the interfaces of the tool into any language.

Moreover, the advantages of LEOPARD are not restricted to gas companies alone.
Indeed, by validating a version of the software dedicated to the range of pressure
regulators produced by a particular manufacturer, the latter will be able to offer his
customers pressure regulating stations complete with an acoustic solution and
guaranteeing a set noise level. The software does away with the need for specific acoustic


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