Rivers of India - Geography - Upscfever

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0510872019 RIVERS OF INDIA - Geography - UPSCFEVER UPSC=Fever Chapter 3: RIVERS OF INDIA Introduction ‘THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM + The éranage sytem is a nigra systam of bute and @ turk steam which collet aod funnel sutace wart he sea, ake o” some tes boty of wate + The otal aes tat conutes water to sng srinage sytem s known a a ranage basin + Ageametic arangement of steans i a region, determined by slope, aflerng rock resistance to weathering and easton, dinate, hydobgle ‘varity, and sruetwalconls fhe landscape known aa drainage pattern + Thus, ceanage pair refers to a design which avr and ts trbutrs fom together, rom sours ts mexth + Ina has the oowing alnage ptr 1+ The Antecedant or Inconsequent Drainage: The sve thal exsiod before te upheaval of the Himalayas and cuter cours southward ay making gorges inte mutans ae Kno as te antecedent ves 1+ Consequent Rivars:The vrs which fallow the general ection of spe are known asthe consequent vrs. Mos ofthe Hers of peninsular Inga ae consequent vers 1 Subsequent Rivers:A toulry steam nat Is edad aang an undering bet of nonseasan rock afar the melnetanage patarn {onsoquet ror has been ostablshes is krown asa subsequent ver. Duet the nochward slope of tho Perisula towards tho Groat Pais, te vers origratng om tbe Vindhyan and he Satpure ranges Now noted ite the Ganga sytem. The Cranbal, Sad, Ken, ‘Beta, Tons and Son meet he Yamuna and the Ganga at gt angle, They ar tha subsequent rainage ofthe Ganga dranage ayer, + Superimposed Epigenstic(lscordant) or Superinduced Drainage fred when a stam vit 8 couse orga estabshed on 2 ova of ock now removed by erosion, so hat te svea or drinage syste is ndopenen of th newly exposes rocks and skucures. «+ Dende Drainage:A tom used for erainage which i ranching thereby ging the appearance o @ re. Most of he riers ofthe Indo Gangote Pans are of dena ype «Tels Drainage i 9 octangular ptr formed whore two sets oferta contol occu at ght angles, na tals par, he vet fora ke sytem sl iba om oughly peal to ach the, + Barbed Pater:A atom of inagen wich the confuance a ibulay wih the min ers characterized by a scorn junctn-as fe outa rind tow upstream and not downseam, | Rectangular Orainage:The drainage pater marked by sgh-angles bends and aghtangld juncions Between tbutaies and a main straam is known as rectangular drainage. «+ Radiat Patter pater characterised by cutowing vers, away tom a cent pont, analogous wth he spokes of 3 wheal tends {1 dvelp on he flanks ofa dame ora veka cone. ‘+ Anular Pater: his erainago patio, the suosequent streams fll curving or arcuate courses priors ning the consequent seam. ‘+ Paral Drainage:The drainage patemin which the rivers ow slmos paral to each chee krown para drainage, hitpJupsctevercomfupse-feverenigeogiindgeoler-indg-chp3.himl ne Deranged Pattern (A,B, €, D) Drainage Patterns indg-chp3. htm 9510372019 hitpJupsctevercomfupse-feverenigeogiindgeoler-indg-chp3.himl RIVERS OF INDIA - Geography - UPSCFEVER Barbed Pattern Rectangular Pattorn Fig. 3.2-(A, B,C, D) Drainage Patterns Indian rivers are of categories nother rivers and peninslar ives Norther rivers: Tehas Stibutres Chena, Ravi, Beas, Sa and Jhslum. Cheng isthe lagest. The Indus is on ofthe most important dtinage systems ofthe subcontinent of India It as a leith of 2880 ko, of which 709 km esi India, The eaten ste ofthe Indus is aut 1,165,000 9 km, ot of ‘which abo 321,288 9 km sn Ina Sati the only one that doesnt originate in India, ‘Ravi, Beas, Say, Chena and Yamuna low through Himachal Pradesh elu (Vita: 1 Srinagar son banks of Psi, Its the most important river of Kasi, 2, Rises at Vernag ‘Chenab (Aska 1. Two hesdward uibutuis: Chandra and Baga ‘Ravi (Parushal or eam) ana

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