Miku Hatsune - Project Diva F Trophy Guide & Roadmap

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Miku Hatsune: Project Diva f Trophy Guide

- Estimated Trophy Difficulty:: 3 out of 10, for those with good rhythm game skills
- Offline: 29 (1 ,5 ,12 ,11 )
- Online: 1
Platinum 30-40 hours
- Approximate time to Platinum:
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed:: 2 (Each song must be played at least twice)
- Number of missable Trophies:: 0
- Glitched Trophies: 0
Trophies?: A couple require playing on a specific difficulty
- Does difficulty affect Trophies?:
Trophies? Yes, certain help items willll automatically fail the song upon
- Do cheat codes disable Trophies?:

Note: If you have completed all the requirements for a trophy but the trophy hasn’t popped yet, try
exiting to the main menu. Some trophies will only come up after the game has returned to a previous

Project Diva f is a music/rhythm game featuring music by the popular Japanese ‘virtual idol,’ Hatsune
Miku and five of the other Vocaloids. The main gameplay mode revolves around pressing buttons with
the correct timing as they float on to the sscreen.
creen. Project Diva f (PDf) also features ways to interact with
Miku and her friends in the Diva Room and players can even create their own charts of notes which can
be played over the in-game game songs or over songs stored on the Vita’s memory card.

Newcomers to the series

PDf features a few differences from some other music/rhythm games, one of the main ones being that it
is possible to complete a song but not pass the song. When a note is hit, one of five ranks will be given:
Cool, Fine, Safe, Sad or Worst. Cool and Fine both add to a rank meter (shown on the bottom of the
screen) which determines if you pass the song. Safe and lower break your combo and do not add to the
rank meter. Sad and lower take away from the health bar, potentially causing the song to t end
prematurely with a “miss take” rank. Each song also has a Chance Time and hitting enough notes in a
Chance Time AS WELL AS the large star note at the end of the Chance Time will add a bonus to the rank
meter. Possible outcomes to a song are: Perfect (all Cool and Fines), Excellent, Great, Success, Cheap
(finish the song, but without enough rank meter), or Miss Take (fail the song before the end).
New in Project Diva f

To use the fancy new touchscreen, PDf has added a new type of note. This note is the “scratch note”
and is shown on screen by a star symbol. To hit the note, rub anywhere on the screen. Simply tapping
the screen will not always hit the note, so it is better to rub. Note that you do not need to remove your
finger from the screen between scratch notes, but each time you change direction that you are rubbing
(or each time you stop then start again) it will count a scratch note. Also new is that each song features
one or two Technical Zones. Hitting every note in a Technical Zone with cool or fine will add a bonus to
the rank meter.

1-Rank meter: Fills up with each Fine or Cool. Large area on left with result in Cheap, next will result in
Success, then Great and the final area represents Excellent. A full bar will give a Perfect rank. If a help
item or challenge item is being used, the name will be displayed above the rank meter on the right.

2-Health meter: Fills with Fine and Cool, drains with Sad and Worst. Emptying the health meter will end
the song with a Miss Take rank. This graphic will be replaced with a star during Chance Time (you cannot
change the Health meter, up or down, during Chance Time).

3-Scratch note and scratch note target

4-Regular note targets. The arrow will rotate and be pointing straight up when the note should be hit.

5-Hold note target. Press and hold to continue to gain points. Letting go early may result in a Sad or
Worst which will drain health meter and break the combo.

Other: The top bar shows the song name [ODDS&ENDS], the difficulty [EXTREME], and the song score.
Road Map

Part 0:

Play the tutorial. If you’re new to the game, it will show you how to play. If you’re a veteran, you still get
a trophy. It may not be clear, but you can either hit the face button or the corresponding direction
button ( instead of , instead of , etc). And for the arrow notes, you have to hit BOTH the
face button and the direction ( AND for the up arrow, etc).

Part 1, normal and hard:

Play every song on normal. There is no need to play songs on Easy unless you find Normal too difficult
and want to practice. If you are having trouble with any song, there are some help items that can be
used (see the “rhythm game items” section). New songs will unlock as you play songs. The second to last
song (Sadistic Music Factory)will unlock once every other song in the game has been completed and the
final song will unlock once Sadistic Music Factory has been cleared. Clearing every song on normal will
unlock a trophy and most of the modules (costumes) in the game. During Normal, pay very close clo
attention to Chance Time. If you fail a song’s Chance Time, you may want to replay the song until you
pass it. There is a trophy for clearing Chance Time in every song, but nowhere in the game does it tell
you which ones you have or have not passed. Ensuring
Ensuring you pass it the first time will save some sanity.
Next clear every song on Hard. Again, you can use certain help items if you need it. This should unlock a
few more modules and a trophy for clearing every song on hard. Finally, you will need to clear
clea one song
on Extreme difficulty. This is to unlock more modules to buy. Clearing every song on Normal and Hard
(and one on Extreme) should unlock almost all of the items you need to purchase for other trophies. It’ll
also net you some Diva Points, but not nearly enough to buy everything you need.

Part 2, the grind and cleanup:

Now comes the grind. Why? Because most of the remaining trophies require Diva Points (DP) which are
earned by playing the game. DP can be earned faster by using challenge items. These The items make the
game more difficult and cost DP but can earn between 2-4 2 4 times the DP from the song. A perfect play of
a Hard song with the 4x challenge item can give upwards of 120,000 DP for a single song. Once you have
enough DP you will end up purchasing
purchasing every module, one of every furniture, one of every room and one
of every gift. You will also need to buy three gadgets for their related trophies (kitchen timer, alarm, and
arcade machine) as well as a handful of decorations which activate certain eve events in the DIVA room.
There are also a few trophies left outside of the music game and buying things. There are a handful of
trophies that will be earned in the DIVA room. Start by raising each character’s Friend Level to 6 by
giving them gifts or playing rock--paper-scissors
scissors with them to get the 6 trophies for those. The DIVA room
is also where events happen and where purchased gadgets can be used.

Rhythm Game Items (Descriptions taken from the wiki)

After selecting your song and waiting through the load time,
time, there are three options. The one on the
right starts the song and the one on the left lets you select one item for the song. These cost DP which is
not refunded if you fail or exit the song. For help items, Rhythm Catch and Play Assist should be avoided
as they will forcibly fail the song, even if the song would have been passed without it. To get more DP,
Survivor and Survivor S are the recommended ones to try. Survivor should not be too hard if you can get
a Great or Excellent on a song and Survivor S should be easy for songs that can be Excellent’ed or

Help Items

プレイアシスト (Play Assist) All SADs and WORSTs are converted into SAFEs, so you will never lose
Song Energy. Your final rank will be forced to Cheap and you fail the song.

コンボガード (Combo Guard) 30 SAFEs and SADs will be converted into FINEs to keep your combo
going. When you get a WORST or one of the two ratings after the 30 convertions ran out, the item will
have no effect. No effect on the final rank.

リカバリー (Recovery) If your Song Energy reaches zero, the Life Gauge will be fully refilled. Only works
once. No effect on the final rank.

リユムキャッチ (Rhythm Catch) All Button Targets are changed into Circle Targets. This item has no
effect on Scratch Targets. Your final rank will be forced to Cheap and you fail the song.

ダブルキラー (Double Killer) All Double Targets can be hit by just pressing one of either the D-Pad or
the Button instead of both. Your final rank will be forced to Standard or lower.

スターキラー (Star Killer) All Scratch Targets, including the big Star Note at the end of Chance Time, can
be hit with any button instead of scratching. Your final rank will be forced to Standard or lower.

Challenge Items

シャイターゲット (Shy Target) Targets appear a quarter measure before they need to be hit instead of
a full measure. You recieve double DIVA Points at the end.

サバイバル (Survivor) COOLs and FINEs will not add or regenerate Song Energy. You recieve double
DIVA Points at the end.

サバイバルS (Survivor S) Same as Survivor, but you start with 25% of your Song Energy instead of 50%.
You recieve triple DIVA Points at the end.

COOLマスター(Cool Master) FINEs and SAFEs will drain the Song Energy, only COOLs regenerate it.
FINEs will still continue your combo, fill the Completition Gauge, count towards the Star Gauge and are
still a valid rating for the Big Star Note to succeed Chance Time. You recieve quadruple DIVA Points at
the end.
Helpful Links

Some menu translations: Project Diva F Translations - Imgur

PDf English wiki: http://projectdiva.wikispaces.com/Ma...u+%28%C6%92%29


トロフィーマスター 全てのトロフィーを獲得した

Trophy Master Acquire every other trophy in the

th game.

Just get every other trophy and this one will pop after the last one.

達人プレイヤー 称号「達人プレイヤー」を獲得した

Expert Player Beat all songs on Normal

Get a “success” or better on every song on Normal. Note that it must be on Normal; Hard or Extreme
will not count. Songs that have been complete at least once will have the highest rank displayed next
ne to
the song name (“S” for success, “G” for great, “E” for excellent, or a crown for perfect).

超人プレイヤー 称号「超人プレイヤー」を獲得した

Super Player Beat all songs on Hard

The same as Expert Player, but on Hard instead of Normal. For both trophies, using help items (except
Rhythm Catch and Play Assist) will still allow the trophy to be unlocked provided the song is still passed.
エンターテイナー 称号「エンターテイナー」を獲得した

Entertainer Succeed at every songs Chance Time.

Chance Time is a period of the song where missed notes will not harm the player’s pass meter. The HUD
will change during chance time and the heart meter is replaced by a star. As Cools and Fines are
amassed during Chance Time, the star will fill up. The final note of Chance Time is always a large scratch
note (star note). Get a Cool or Fine on that note with full Chance meter and the chance time will
succeed. A message will pop up and the PV will be different than if Chance Time had been failed. There
is nowhere in the game that shows what songs have or have had Chance Time cleared, so this may
require some hunting if you’re not methodical about getting them.

モジュールコレクター 称号「モジュールコレクター」を獲得した

Module Collector Acquire every module

Modules are costumes that can be unlocked and then purchased usingusing Diva Points (DP). Most modules
are unlocked by completing songs on any difficulty. Several modules require that a specific song be
completed on Hard and several modules require any one Extreme song to be passed. There is also one
module for each characterr that is unlocked by playing 10 songs as that character (with them in the lead
position). Note that only modules need to be purchased, module accessories do not. Modules can be
purchased by selecting the shopping card icon on the main menu, then the first (left most) option, then
the first column of options are modules for the 6 characters (the second column are optional module
Basically, if you play every song on Hard, one song on Extreme, and 10 songs with each character, you
should be ablee to buy all the modules.

想い出アルバム 称号「想い出アルバム」を獲得した

Memory Album Get all DIVA room events

DIVA room events are events that are viewed in the DIVA room (DIVA ルーム).
ルーム They fall into one of
three categories: giving a gift, tapping a decoration placed in the room, or birthday events. Certain
events can only be activated by certain characters. A full list of events are located here:

Gift events happen after a specific gift is given to the character. Since every gift has to be purchased for
that trophy, just buy one of each and give them to any character. The calligraphy gift has 6 events, which
happen at random. The sketch book has 2 events per character, which happen at random, and you can
only get the character’s event wen giving the sketch book to a different character.

Decoration events can be activated by placing the object in the room (via the first option in the DIVA
room menu) then by selecting them using the third option on the DIVA room menu (picture of a guitar
and exclamation point). Decorations that have an event will have an exclamation point above them.
Decorations with an event are: キーボード (keyboard), ギター (guitar), 観葉植物 (decorative plant),
甲冑(金) (gold armor), 甲冑(銀) (silver armor), 花瓶(緑) (green flowerpot), 花瓶(黄)
(yellow flowerpot), 花瓶(ピンク) (pink flowerpot), 金魚鉢(赤金魚) (fishbowl, red
goldfish),金魚鉢(黒金魚) (fishbowl, black goldfish), 金魚鉢(白金魚) (fishbowl, white goldfish),
ペーパートイ(ミク) (Miku paper toy),ペーパートイ(リン) (Rin paper toy),
ペーパートイ(レン) (Len paper toy), ペーパートイ(ルカ) (Luka paper toy),
ペーパートイ(KAITO) (KAITO paper toy), ペーパートイ(MEIKO) (MEIKO paper toy),
フィギュア(ミク) (Miku figure), フィギュア(リン) (Rin figure), フィギュア(レン) (Len
figure), フィギュア(ルカ) (Luka figure), フィギュア(KAITO) (KAITO figure),
フィギュア(MEIKO) (MEIKO figure), おみくじ箱 (box of fortune slips) [there are 3 events with this
item], マイク (mike stand), トーテムポール (totem pole), ケーキセット (cake set),
ポータブルゲーム (portable game), ネギ脱出! (Leek Escape!), ティーセット (tea set),
一眼レフカメラ (single-lens reflex camera), 寄せ鍋 (nabe stew). Also, the each character has a “paper
doll” and “figure” event where you place that character’s paper doll or figure in the room. These items
are unlocked when that character has a Friend Level of 2 or 4 respectively. So this trophy is not possible
until all characters have a friend level of at least 4. Also, these events only happen when you place the
decoration in the room of that character.

The final events are birthday events and can be unlocked EITHER by changing the system date to the
character’s birthday and entering their module or by getting their Friendliness to max, buying their
birthday cake, and giving it to them as a gift. There is also a birthday event for the player, which happens
on the date entered in the records menu (see “This is Who I Am” trophy).

Events are listed in the DIVA room (sixth option, イベント).

趣味:動画鑑賞 称号「

Hobby: Watch Video Watch every song's PV

Song’s PV can be watched by selecting the song in the music game, but then selecting the middle option
(PV). Just watch every song. There is a gadget to view PV’s in the DIVA room, but it does not seem to
unlock the trophy. Also note that this trophy may not show up until you have exited to the main menu
after watching every PV.

ミクのパートナー 称号「ミクのパートナー」を獲得した

Miku's Partner Achieve max friendship level with Miku

Friendship levels are obtained in Miku’s DIVA room. The first time each event is viewed, it will give some
friendship (but only the first time between all characters) and giving gifts will always raise the friendship
level. Certain items will increase it more, depending on the character. See
http://projectdiva.wikispaces.com/DI...92%29#Presents for which items each Vocaloid prefers. Tapping
on Miku to zoom in to “communication mode” and then gently rubbing her hair until she opens one eye
will also give some friendliness, although only the first three times this is done each day. Also note that
at level 2 the paper doll is unlocked (required for some events), level 4 unlocks the figure (required for
some events) and level 6 (max level) unlocks the birthday cake which is needed to buy bu all gifts.

リンの遊び相手 称号「リンの遊び相手」を獲得した

Rin's Playmate Achieve max friendship level with Rin

See trophy “Miku’s Partner.” Repeat but with Rin instead of Miku. Rin’s DIVA room is unlocked once
メランコリック (Melancholic) has been cleared on Normal.
レンの友達 称号「レンの友達」を獲得した

Len's Friend Achieve max friendship level with Len

See trophy “Miku’s Partner.” Repeat but with Len instead of Miku. Len’s DIVA room is unlocked once
Fire@flower has been cleared on Normal.

ルカのお茶仲間 称号「ルカのお茶仲間」を獲得した

Luka's Tea Buddy Achieve

eve max friendship level with Luka

See trophy “Miku’s Partner.” Repeat but with Luka instead of Miku. Luka’s DIVA room is unlocked once
DYE is cleared on Normal.

の相棒 称号「

Kaito's Buddy Achieve max friendship level with Kaito

See trophy “Miku’s Partner.” Repeat but with Kaito instead of Miku. Kaito’s DIVA room is unlocked once
ACUTE is cleared on Normal.

のマネージャー 称号「MEIKOのマネージャー」を獲得した

Achieve max friendship level with Meiko

Meiko's ManagerAchieve

See trophy “Miku’s Partner.” Repeat but with Meiko instead of Miku. Meiko’s DIVA room is unlocked
once Stay With Me is cleared on Normal.
エディット 称号「エディット

EditP Upload edit data once

Upload edit data. After creating edit data (see “I Began Editing”), return
return to the main menu (exit edit with
‘start’ and selecting the last option). Go online (second option on the right side of the screen, then first
option) and select the first option. This will show a list of your three online slots. Select the first optio
on the first slot and pick the song you created to upload it. (Once uploaded, the third option in that slot
will delete the data if you don’t want your useless ‘song’ cluttering the servers).

癒しの空間 称号「癒しの空間」を獲得した

Resting Place Acquire every room theme

Room themes can be purchased in the shop for DP. From the main shop menu, choose the middle
option then thee first option. Purchase all items in this category to get the trophy. (You only need to buy
one of each, although you can buy up to 6 if you want to use it for more than one character’s room.)
Some themes may be locked until certain songs have been cleared.

麗しの家具 称号「麗しの家具」を獲得した

Beautiful Furniture Acquire all furniture

Furniture can be purchased in the shop for DP. From the main shop menu, choose the middle option
and the items you need to buy are in the second through sixth options on the left. Purchase one of each
of these to get the trophy. You do not need to buy anything from the categories on the right. Some
furniture may be unlocked as songs are played.
キミのためなら 称号「キミのためなら……」を獲得した

If It Is For You...... Acquire all gift items

Gifts can be purchased in the shop for DP. From the main shop menu, choose the right option and
purchase at least one of each item in both categories. You must buy one of each character’s cak
cake, which
are not unlocked until that character’s Friendliness Level is 6. Your own cake is unlocked last and must
also be purchased.

シューティングスター 称号「シューティングスター」を獲得した

Shooting Star Play the credits mini game

The credits will roll once every song has been passed at least once. However, this will not unlock the
trophy. To get the trophy, purchase the arcade machine for 3000DP (From the shop main menu: middle
option, first option on the right, second item). Then, from any character’s DIVA room, select the fifth
option (picture shows a wind-up up crank) and then the fifth op
tion. Move around, shoot names, get

ようこそ、 へ! 称号「ようこそ、DIVAへ!」を獲得した

Welcome to DIVA! Beat the tutorial

From the main menu, select the top option on the left, then the left most option. Follow the prompts and
get a bronze.
I love DIVA 称号「 love DIVA」を獲得した

I love DIVA Play as each character at least once

Play at least one song with each of the 6 characters as the lead character. If you don’t change any of the
singer options, you’ll get this before the trophy for playing all Normal songs.

アートコレクション 称号「アートコレクション」を獲得した

Art Collection Acquire all artwork

The artwork refers to the art shown during loading screens. The art is random and the first time an art is
shown, it is unlocked. Go for all the other trophies and this may pop on its own. If it doesn’t, switch
between main menu and music game mode until it does. (You can view unlocked art by purchasing the
2000 DP “book of painting” in one of the furniture shops, then selecting the last option in the gadget
menu of the DIVA room.)

お宅訪問 称号「お宅訪問」を獲得した

Home Interview Visit each DIVA room at least once

Visit each of the character’s DIVA rooms. Except for Miku, they are locked until you have played as that
character on Normal. To change DIVA rooms, choose the last option from the DIVA room menu and then
the character whose room you want to visit.
エスパー 称号「エスパー」を獲得した

Esper Win the Rock, Paper, Scissors game without losing once

Rock, Paper, Scissors can be played with the Vocaloids in the DIVA room. Tap the character
chara to get close
to them, then rub their hair until they open one eye. Repeat 2 2-3
3 times and they will challenge you to a
game. Note that this is a Japanese style of RPS that may be different. First, select either rock, paper or
scissors. There is no time limit. If you win, pick a direction with the d d-pad
pad (or by swiping on the screen)
and if the opponent looks in that direction, you win, otherwise it’s a null game. If you lose the RPS part,
you must look in a direction by tilting the Vita (or pressing on th the d-pad)
pad) and if the opponent points in
that direction, you lose (otherwise it’s a null game). To get the trophy you need to get three wins
without losing (tying or getting null games is okay). You can continue to play against them until you get
it. Some users
ers claim Luka is the easiest one to get this against.

いただきます 称号「いただきます」を獲得した

Let's Eat (Itadakimasu) Use kitchen timer for more than 3 minutes

Buy the kitchen timer from the shop (middle shop option, second category on the right, second item
2000 DP) then use it from the gadgets menu (fifth option) in the DIVA room. It is the second gadget. Set
it to 3:01 and then start it and you’ll get a trophy after it rings.

おはようございます 称号「おはようございます」を獲得した

Good Morning Stop the alarm

Buy the alarm from the shop (middle shop option, second category on the right, first item 2000 DP) then
use it from the gadgets menu (fifth option) in the DIVA room. It is the first gadget. Set it a minute
mi or two
into the future, start it and then stop it when it rings.
ライブツアー 称号「ライブツアー」を獲得した

Live Tour Watch every Live AR performance

From the main menu, select AR and then the left option. You will need the AR card that came with the
game (the wiki and the official JP site have a copy that you can print if you lost yours). There are 4
performances that you need to watch. Some may not be unlocked initially, but will unlock as you play

エディットはじめました 称号「エディットはじめました」を獲得した

I Began Editing Create one Edit Data

Go to the Edit Menu (on the main menu, bottom left option) then create a new data with the first
option. Select any song, then hit okay on the
the next screen, any option on the third screen, and okay on
the last. Once in the edit menu, press start and select the option second-from-
second -the-bottom (セーブ) to
be prompted to save your edit data.

イイネ! 称号「イイネ!」を獲得した

That's Good! Play your favorite Edit song

For this trophy, you need to play a favorited edit data. Data you created may work, if not go online
right option on the main menu, then first option), select the last option and pick a random data
to download. Once you have some data, go to the music game (top (top-left
left option on the main menu) and
select the option on the right. Find your data, select
select it and then press triangle to favorite. Start the data,
pick a song and you’ll get the trophy at the end.
こういう者です 称号「こういう者です」を獲得した

This Is Who I Am Create your profile

From the main menu, go to re records (レコード)) and pick the fourth option. The profile options are:
nickname, gender, birthday, title, favorite song and comment. You will need to set a birthday to use to get
the player birthday event.

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