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7AG518 International Finance

Assignment/Coursework 1 for 2018/19

Assessment Title: A Critical Essay on International Finance

Module Leader: Thomas Adeyemi

Distribution Date: Week 4

Submission Deadline: 12.00 UK time (midday, lunchtime) Friday 22nd March


Feedback by: Feedback is provided as comments on your papers with

overall comments plus your grade. It is provided
electronically via Turnitin, within 3 weeks of the submission

Contribution to overall module assessment: 40%

Word or Page Limit (if applicable): 1500 Words (not including references, appendices and

Assessment Type (individual or group): Individual

Assessment Requirements:

You will be required to examine a business scenario within a group and as a group. Based on the outcomes
of the group work you will be required to write an individual business report to the senior management
critically evaluating the financial implications of selected sources on the Multinational Corporation and
make appropriate recommendations, Sudents need to maintain a good communication/ has to fill up a form
for group members contributions and agreeing to that.
Main Objective of the assessment
In this assignment you will use international financial management theories and applications on real data
(Bloomberg, and, or, FAME, annual reports of firms etc).

Description of the Assessment

You must form a group of a maximum of 4 students. Your group must choose a maximum of four firms
each from the banking, Travel and Leisure, manufacturing and General Retailers or Food and Drugs
Retailers (Bloomberg, FAME and annual reports are recommended sources of information), and provide a
detailed report which analyses the following areas:
a. Examine how your chosen firm, based on the industry in which it operates, manages transaction
b. Identify and evaluate the internal and external mechanisms of exchange rate exposure that the firm
c. Critically evaluate how the firm manages economic exposure, given the industry and macroeconomic

Sensitivity: Confidential
- E-cover sheet MUST be at the front of your report, with accurate details (e.g. student number). -
Font type: Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri
- Font size: 12
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Test alignment: justified
- Page numbering: bottom right
- File format: Word document (.doc, or .docx) if other formats are submitted, it may result into the
file not being able to open. Your assignment will not be marked.
- Word limit: 1500 (not including references, appendices and coversheet) (The marking scheme
details the ‘penalty’ for going under or over this word limit)

Suggested Report structure:

Cover Page – This should include: Module Name, Module Code, Your Student I.D. Number, Date of
Submission, and Word Count.
1. Introduction: Your introduction should state your overall aims and say how you intend to meet the
aims of the report.
2. Literature review
3. Analysis section
4. Future Outlook
5. Conclusion: Your conclusion should summarise what you have found from your analysis in each
section. Clearly state your overall findings and conclusions in relation to the aims you have been
6. References
References to sources must be provided using the Harvard Referencing method in the text of the report
and all sources should be fully identified in a references section at the end of the report. I would expect
references to books you have used, lecture notes, and any websites you have used (try to avoid
usingWikipedia). If you need further assistance on Harvard referencing please refer to:

Additional Instructions:

• Any tables, charts or graphs that you produce should be provided within the text of your report and be
clearly numbered and labelled. They should also be accompanied by an explanation interpreting the data
present in the table, chart, or graph.

Submission Instructions

Group formation and selected companies should be sent to the module leader’s email by 1st March -2019.
If you can not find a group to work with, please inform your module leader as soon as possible.

Coursework must be submitted electronically via the University’s Blackboard Learn system. The
required file format for this report is Word document (.doc, or .docx). Your student ID number must be
used as the file name (e.g. 0123456.docx).

Sensitivity: Confidential
Marking Scheme

Criteria Grade descriptors

Outstanding Excellent (70- Very good (60- Good (50-59%) Satisfactory Poor (1-39%)
(80-100%) 79%) 69%) (40-49%)
Structure and Excellent Generally good Barely adequate Poor expression Very poor Extremely poor
Organisation (5%) expression and expression and style expression and and style expression and expression and
style style thought out style style
Understanding of Full understanding, Good understanding, Understanding of Limited Very little or no none
the question and evidence of moderate critical main concepts, understanding, understanding,
Quality of analysis originality, ability some critical very limited no critical ability
(30%) excellent critical ability critical ability

Coverage of course Factually flawless, Relevant factual Sufficient relevant Some relevant Very few pieces None, or no
material and excellent information well factual factual of relevant relevant
references (40%) integration of covered, some information, some information but factual information.
knowledge integration of integration of lacking in breadth information,
knowledge knowledge and depth, largely incorrect
integration of
Use of diagrams and Accurately, very Largely accurate, fairly accurately, not used, or Little No understanding
or data analysis well integrated good explanation fairly well inaccurately, understanding
(15%) explained poorly explained,
Development of excellent good not fully Inaccurately many errors and little that is
arguments (10%) developed developed omissions accurate or

'Word limit: 1500 words (plus or minus 10%). A 5% penalty will be applied for breaches out
of this range.'

Frequently Asked Questions  I'm just really stuck and feel as though I’ve come
to a dead end. Can you help?

This is often the way with writing, as you will likely know from past experience. The
'solution'? To work through it; this 'writer's block' will pass (as it always does). You have
all the resources that you need; you now just need to work through the 'writer's block' (a
common occurrence to us all, unfortunately). Have faith, and confidence; the 'block' will

 I submitted the coursework but have realised that I forgot to reference [cite] exactly where I
got the material/quote/whatever from. However, I have fully referenced everything that I
used at the end, in the References section. Will this be OK, because I have put in a lot of
effort and would hate to be marked down for this mistake.

Whether or not the work will be "marked down" is apparent from the marking scheme, so
you need to go back to this. You seem to think that it is just a "mistake" but it is, in fact, a

Sensitivity: Confidential
serious case of inappropriate citing/referencing that, in fact, could be regarded as
plagiarism. If you are unsure about this absolutely vital aspect of academic work, you will
need to do some further reading it. Where? In/from the Library (any university library).
In/from the College Student Handbook.

Academic Misconduct, Plagiarism and Collusion

Any coursework or examined submission for assessment where plagiarism, collusion or any
form of cheating is suspected will be dealt with according to the University processes The
University regulations on plagiarism apply to published as well as unpublished work, collusion
and the plagiarism of the work of other students.
Please ensure that you fully understand what constitutes plagiarism before you submit your

Late Coursework
There will be no extensions of the deadline without substantive evidence or serious
longstanding medical/personal problems, which must be applied for online (through the
university’s EEC process) before the deadline date.

Sensitivity: Confidential

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