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NIM : K1A1 15 106





Name / NIM: Pricella Mutiari / K1A1 15 106

Title of Journal: Administrators' Attitudes toward Using Computer

Technology in School Administration

No. Criteria Description Note

1. Theme of Attitude towards technology. Administrators'
Journal Attitudes toward
Using Computer
Technology in School
Administration, İsmail
YÜKSEL, Gülçin
2. Purpose of In this study it was aimed to Administrators'
Journal examine school administrators’ Attitudes toward
attitudes towards computer Using Computer
technology and to compare their Technology in School
attitudes according to some Administration, İsmail
variables as gender, seniority, YÜKSEL, Gülçin
role, and working place. ÇELİKER, Pınar
3. Method of The cross sectional survey design Administrators'
Journal was used to examine participants’ Attitudes toward
attitudes towards computer Using Computer
technology and to compare their Technology in School
attitudes in terms of some Administration, İsmail
variables. YÜKSEL, Gülçin
Participants of the study consisted GÜNAY, Sercan ÖZEN,
of 100 school administrators, 2014
including 39 school principals and
61 deputy directors working in
public schools in the city of
Diyarbakır, Turkey in the academic
year 2012-2013.

Data of the study were collected

through School Administrators'
Attitudes towards Computer
Technology Scale (SAACT). The
scale was used to determine
school administrators' attitudes
towards computer. The scale has
five sub-scales namely,
technology use, interest in
technology, technophobia,
technology management and
technology and development.

In order to determine the

administrators’ computer use and
their attitudes towards computer
technology descriptive statistics
(frequencies, percentages, means,
and standard deviations), t-tests
and One-Way ANOVA tests were
4. Discussion The first concern of the study was Administrators'
of Journal to determine the level of Attitudes toward
administrators’ attitude towards Using Computer
computer technology in school Technology in School
administration. The results Administration, İsmail
revealed that administrators’ YÜKSEL, Gülçin
attitudes toward computer ÇELİKER, Pınar
technology were at medium level GÜNAY, Sercan ÖZEN,
for the whole scale. This finding 2014
means that the administrators use
computer technology neither too
often nor seldom. They use it
moderately in school
The second concern of the study
was to examine administrators’
attitudes toward computer
technology according to their
tasks. When considered the whole
scale, the results indicated that the
tasks of the administrators as
school principal or deputy principal
do not affect their attitude toward
computer technology.

The third concern of the study was

to examine administrators’
attitudes toward computer
technology according to their
gender. The results manifested
that gender did not make
significant difference in
administrators’ attitudes towards
using technology considering the
whole scale However, female
administrators use technology in
school administration more than
the males.

The another concern of the study

was to find out whether
administrators’ attitude toward
computer technology change
according to their seniority. The
results of the study showed that
there was a statistically significant
difference between groups. The
groups which have less seniority
tend to use technology in
administration than the other
groups. Furthermore, they have
more positive attitudes in
technology use, technological
development, interest and
management of technology.

The last concern of the study was

to examine administrators’ attitude
toward computer technology
according to the type of school at
which they work. The results
revealed that school types of
participants made a significant
difference in their attitudes.
Administrators of Vocational-
Technical high schools showed
more positive attitudes toward
computer use than administrators
of primary and secondary schools.
5. Conclusion According to the results, school Administrators'
of Journal administrators’ attitude towards Attitudes toward
the use of computer technology Using Computer
was at medium level and Technology in School
significantly different in terms of Administration, İsmail
their tasks in school administration YÜKSEL, Gülçin
and their school-type. Vocational- ÇELİKER, Pınar
Technical high school GÜNAY, Sercan ÖZEN,
administrators had the most 2014
positive attitude. It was followed by
elementary and general high
school administrators. There was
no significant difference in the
attitude of school administrators
between genders considering the
whole scale. However, it was
concluded that female school
administrators were more positive
than the males in sub-dimension
of the use of technology.
Name / NIM: Pricella Mutiari / K1A1 15 106

Title of Journal: Religion, Ethnicity and National Identity: An Analysis

of the Islamic Experience in a Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Religious
Malaysian Society

No. Kriteria Description Note

1. Theme of Journal Religion, ethnicity and national Religion, Ethnicity
identity and National
Identity: An
Analysis of the
Experience in a
Multi-Ethnic and
Society, Hj.
Ahmad Zaharuddin
Sani Ahmad Sabri,
Roziya Abu, Nor
Hafida Hamzah,
2. Purpose of Journal This paper analyzes the role of Religion, Ethnicity
Islam in the Malaysian nation and National
and in building national identity Identity: An
in the Malaysian society – vis- Analysis of the
à-vis Islam and other religions Islamic
on the one hand, and the Experience in a
Malay ethnic nationality and Multi-Ethnic and
other ethnic nationalities on the Multi-Religious
other. Malaysian
Society, Hj.
Ahmad Zaharuddin
Sani Ahmad Sabri,
Roziya Abu, Nor
Hafida Hamzah,
3. Method of Journal In order to properly carry out Religion, Ethnicity
the aim and objective of this and National
paper, it is divided into five Identity: An
parts ; Analysis of the
i) the position of Islam in the Experience in a
Malaysian nation especially its Multi-Ethnic and
place and role, Multi-Religious
ii) the relationship between Society, Hj.
religion and national identity in Ahmad Zaharuddin
the Malaysian nation, Sani Ahmad Sabri,
Roziya Abu, Nor
iii) the concept of tolerance in Hafida Hamzah,
Islam and its application in the 2014
Malaysian nation,

iv) the view of the non-Muslims

in the Malaysia nation
concerning Islam as the official
religion of the state and the
program of the government on
Islamization, and

v) the conclusion of the paper

on this issue.
4. Discussion of i) Islam in Malaysia Religion, Ethnicity
Journal Islam is the official religion of and National
the country and its Identity: An
identification as the official Analysis of the
religion of the Federation has Islamic
been preserved in article 3 by Experience in a
the 1957 constitution. Islam Multi-Ethnic and
has had its special position in Multi-Religious
Malaysia since the era of Malaysian
Malay traditional kingdom in Society, Hj.
the fourteenth century. It Ahmad Zaharuddin
served as the main code of Sani Ahmad Sabri,
governance and as a core Roziya Abu, Nor
element of Malay identity. Hafida Hamzah,
Interestingly, however, the 2014
question of whether Malaysia
is an Islamic country or not,
still remains polemic. From all
these polemics, it can be
argued that Malaysia tries to
balance between the secular
and Islamic. Therefore, it is
safe to say Malaysia is a
country which revolves
between the secular and
Islamic system.

ii) The Relationship Between

Religion and National Identity
Religion and identity have a
very strong relationship. Both
have deep structures and both
may feed upon each other.
Religion not only has the ability
to shape the form of individual
identity but also has the
capability to construct the
national identity of a nation
state. Unfortunately, Nagata
does not give enough insight
into how and in what way Islam
could formulate the identity of
Malaysia. Therefore, there is a
need to explore how Islamic
revivalism a perception of
Islamization relate to the
formation of Malaysia national

iii) Tolerance in Islam

Islam is enshrined in the
federal constitution, the highest
law in the land, as the sole
official religion. This
constitutional provision makes
Islam the supreme religion.
Yet, notwithstanding its
supremacy status, Islam did
not restrict inter-religious
coexistence. This obviously
can be seen from Sing (2001)
who argues that religious
tolerance is generally well
entrenched in Malaysia
compared to many other
religious-pluralist societies. A
rather concrete argument that
relate to this scenario is from
Esposito and Voll (1996). They
argued that even though
Malaysia is under Malay-
Muslim political dominance,
there is no big conflict among
the citizens that could cause
riotous or violent opposition.
The coalition parties can
accept the dominant ruling
party and political participation
of Islamic groups and Islamic

iv) The Non-Muslims’ Reaction

Although the government has
continued to emphasize
religious plurality and has not
imposed a single system of
religion, the non-Muslims
remained nervous and feel
uneasy about the implications
of such trend. But actually, the
openness and readiness of the
Malay-Muslim government to
accept and share political
positions with other non-
Muslims has shown that
Islamic value does
not deny other religions and
their practitioners their rights
but on the other hand, it gives
them the opportunity to coexist
with it in a peaceful and
harmonious manner of mutual
respect and mutual benefit
and progress.
5. Conclusion of The paper concludes that Religion, Ethnicity
Journal despite the debate about its and National
national identity, Malaysia has Identity: An
moved towards being identified Analysis of the
as an Islamic nation (in fact, a Islamic
model Islamic nation in the Experience in a
modern world), especially in Multi-Ethnic and
the international community, Multi-Religious
which nonetheless takes Malaysian
adequate care of the interests Society, Hj.
of other religions by giving Ahmad Zaharuddin
them the space to co-exist with Sani Ahmad Sabri,
it in a pluralistic, multi-ethnic Roziya Abu, Nor
and multi-religious state. Hafida Hamzah,
Name / NIM : Pricella Mutiari / K1A1 15 106

Title of Journal : Media Obscenity and Social Disorder

No. Criteria Description Note

1. Theme of Journal Impact of technology and Media Obscenity
media to social disorder. and Social
Muhammad Riaz
Raza, 2014
2. Purpose of Journal This qualitative research Media Obscenity
analysis has its major focus on and Social
the anti-social behavior of Disorder,
media. Also to explore he Muhammad Riaz
contents of today’s media, and Raza, 2014
what is the impact on our
3. Method of Journal The researchers have Media Obscenity
analyzed the social disorder in and Social
the west and have generalized Disorder,
it on their own society on the Muhammad Riaz
basis of common grounds. Raza, 2014
4. Discussion of The women, elders and youth Media Obscenity
Journal view daily thousands of and Social
newspapers, magazines and Disorder,
periodicals with half bare Muhammad Riaz
pictures. Therefore, flood of Raz, 2014
pictures and naked films via
satellite (SAT) are gobbling the
virtues of pure faith-driven
societies including our own
Pakistani society.
Adulterousness, fornication,
naked clubs, misdeeds with
children and related cruelties
are the prominent visible
feature of West's identity their
media production these days.

In west during last few years

the evening television
schedules have increasingly
included programs and series'
about sexuality with explicit
depictions of sexual activity to
the extent that a number of
well-known TV personalities
and opinion formers have
expressed their misgivings.
Such programming is clearly
aimed at softening up the
public to accept much more
material of this nature, which is
bound to become available as
the number of channels, grows

As parents we need to make

sure that we are monitoring the
programs that our teens are
watching. Even just casual
references to sex in television
programming can increase the
likelihood of sexual behavior in
adolescents. When teens do
watch programming which
contains sexual material,
"which is likely since 2/3 of the
programming" (Rand2004),
then parents need to explain
why the behavior is
inappropriate and the likely
Communication industries are
aiming for our youths, as they
are those portions of the
population who will have to lift
the torch of political and social
guidance in the future.
Therefore, these evils must be
banned of portrayal through
framing of strict media laws.
5. Conclusion of Mass media, interested only in Media Obscenity
Journal a lavish materialism and in the and Social
love of money, are promoting Disorder,
obscenity and vulgarity in the Muhammad Riaz
name of fun, humor and Raza, 2014
recreation. Obscenity destroys
human dignity and reduces
sexuality to a spectator sport
without love, feeling,
commitment or emotion. Being
agent of socio-cultural change,
the broadcasting authorities
have a duty to secure that their
programs do not offend against
good taste or decency and do
not offend public feeling rather
are contributing
affirmative gifts to the behavior
and habits, presenting
assertive edutainment
programs to facilitate what was
the mission of journalism at the
time of its inception. They can
be employed for eradicating
the social evils of dowry,
bribery, drinking, gambling
etc., moreover they can play a
very effective role in promoting
public service like family
planning, adult education,
cleanliness and environmental
protection in the society.
However, they must not be
allowed to dent our culture,
ideology and spiritual
Name / NIM : Pricella Mutiari / K1A1 15 106

Title of Journal : Role of Electronic Media in Changing Value

System in Pakistan

No. Criteria Description Note

1. Theme of Journal Media influence in cultural Role of Electronic
change and value system. Media in
Changing Value
System in
Pakistan, Zafar Ali,
Mirza Jan and
Syed Qamar
Bukhari, 2014
2. Purpose of Journal Present study focuses on Role of Electronic
electronic media and its impact Media in
on society-changing value Changing Value
system in Pakistan. System in
Pakistan, Zafar Ali,
Mirza Jan and
Syed Qamar
Bukhari, 2014
3. Method of Journal Present study tries to explore Role of Electronic
different roles and objective of Media in
electronic media in changing Changing Value
the society. The study System in
measures diverse aspect of Pakistan, Zafar Ali,
media which influence the Mirza Jan and
society. Syed Qamar
Bukhari, 2014
4. Discussion of A. Positive Impact of Role of Electronic
Journal Electronic Media Media in
Changing Value
i) The Electronic Media and System in
Policy Dialogue Pakistan, Zafar Ali,
Mirza Jan and
The electronic media can Syed Qamar
greatly facilitate this exercise Bukhari, 2014
and help the people and
government to discuss the
issues concerning society, to
fulfill their desires and achieve
their respective objectives.

ii) Social Problems and Media

The Pakistani society is in

transition, social and ethnic
issues have become hard, it
happens in many societies, but
need to be averted in
tolerance. It is an established
fact that blaming
circumstances, whether
disorders or external factors,
for what is happening for
Pakistan is not going to do any
good for Pakistan’s survival as
a dignified an honorable
nation. The electronic media
can partly address the
challenge of societal

iii) The Effect of Media on

National Issues

The electronic media has also

been highlighting financial
irregularities, corrupt practices
and inefficiencies of the
government functionaries and
negative fallouts on the society
of the acts of the extremist
elements to adopt an
appropriate strategy for their

iv) Electronic Media

Communication and

Advances in communication
and information dissemination,
such as television, videos,
Internet, and CDs, have
increased the circulation of
ideas, symbols, and images
across national and regional
borders. These media help
rationalize, redirect, or impede
changes that are underway
through economic and social

B. Negative Impact of
Electronic Media

i) Objectivity and Electronic


The objectivity of media is

becoming increasingly
questionable, the coverage of
issues of national interest
demand care and restraint.
The media in Pakistan is
devoid of objectivity, and just
telecast such incidents that
sometime are not factual. In
order to improve their ratings
and enhance viewership, the
tool of sensationalism is used.

ii) Causing Desperation among


In these days no news is good

news on the Pakistani media.
Media has taken away the
sense of hope from the
masses and has made them
over sensitive to their
iii) Commercialism and
Electronic Media

In today’s world, there is a

cross commercialization of the
electronic media.
Commercially driven, ultra-
powerful media primarily
serves their sponsors rather
than the public.

iv) Electronic Media and Talk


Honest discussion must be

ruled by reason, not emotion
alone. Most anchors try to
impose their own perspective,
instead of objectivity.
Therefore, media managers in
any ongoing situation in a
society should strive to
minimize that inherent
tendency to distort.

v) Polarization of the Society

In some instances, the

electronic media is accessed
by a small segment of society;
due to vested interests this
group projects its identity
disproportionately. The media
coverage of such groups is
likely to create a polarized

vi) Negative Projection of the


The projection of crimes and

anti- social elements all the
time is eroding and diminishing
the contours of our true identity
across the globe.

vii) Pursuance of Foreign


It is believed that some of

Pakistani media has reportedly
links with shady foreign
characters, are being funded
by different foreign elements
and their anchors are on their
pay rolls and thus are
furthering their anti- state
5. Conclusion of The forgoing analysis provides Role of Electronic
Journal answers to; the question is Media in
whether the electronic media Changing Value
has the role of changing value System in
system in Pakistan? It can be Pakistan, Zafar Ali,
concluded that the electronic Mirza Jan and
media to some extent has a Syed Qamar
role in enhancing national Bukhari, 2014
integration and cohesion. The
electronic media because of its
very fast growth in Pakistan
significantly influenced the
public opinion on national
issues. However for an
effective role of electronic
media towards these national
objectives media has its
inherent strengths and

The relationship between

electronic media exposure and
behavior is very complex and
many other factors do
intervene. It is not possible to
prove that the media has direct
“effects”, to cause
disintegration in the society
however it has impact on
public value system and

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