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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

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Surface measured solar radiation data and solar energy resource assessment MARK
of Pakistan: A review

Z.R. Tahir , Muhammad Asim
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan


Keywords: Over the past decade, Pakistan has been facing a shortage of between 3000 MW and 6000 MW in the supply and
Global horizontal irradiation demand of electricity, leading to several hours of power cut. Sixty-three percent of current electricity generation
Surface measured data is based on fossil fuels, leading to cost vulnerability, whereas only one percent is based on renewable resources
Solar resource assessment (non-hydroelectric). The geographical location and climatic conditions of the country offer a high solar energy
World Radiation Data Centre
potential, which signifies the need for solar resource assessment for the planning of solar energy projects. The
article provides an overview of the solar resource assessment based on surface measured data and satellite data
carried out by researchers. Various researchers have developed solar energy potential maps for the country
based on solar insolation data measured by Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD). The data measured by
PMD reported in the previous literature have been compared with the long-term data from the World Radiation
Data Centre (WRDC), and both data show good agreement. The approximate annual mean daily global
horizontal insolation for the whole country, based on surface measured data by WRDC, is 5.30 kW h/m2 (19.0
MJ/m2 or 221 W/m2). The government of Pakistan sought to exploit the solar and wind energy potential during
the last decade with the help of international agencies. Based on satellite data, the solar resource assessment
was done by National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA (NREL) in 2007, and the Energy Sector Management
Assistance Program (ESMAP) of the World Bank in 2015. The solar atlas prepared by NREL was not validated
by the surface measured data, whereas the solar atlas prepared under ESMAP is to be validated in 2017. A
comparison of NREL estimated data and WRDC data shows that NREL's atlas overestimates solar insolation up
to 25% in some regions. The annual mean daily solar global horizontal insolation estimated under ESMAP is
5.67 kW h/m2.

1. Introduction which means the cost of generation is expensive and highly dependent
on oil price changes, leading to cost vulnerability. The energy produced
Pakistan has been facing severe electricity crisis since 2007 due to by renewable sources (other than large hydroelectric) contributes less
the enormous difference in demand and supply leading to load than 1% of the current energy mix [1,4]. The Alternative Energy
shedding of several hours daily across the country. The installed Development Board (AEDB) Pakistan, reports that 28 solar power
generation capacity of the country is about 23,600 MW, and the power projects with a capacity of 956.8 MW are under development within
shortage is approximately 3000 MW to 6000 MW during peak hours the framework of the AEDB policies and procedures [5]. The solar
[1–3]. The energy shortage becomes worse during the summer, leading market in the country is at a nascent stage, and the country has
to prolonged load shedding of between eight and eighteen hours, which tremendous potential to meet its power needs from solar energy
varies significantly between urban and rural areas [1–3]. The country's resources. According to AEDB [6] the wind energy has commissioned
energy mix is based on 63% of fossil fuels, out of which 37% is fuel oil, project capacity of 308.2 MW, under construction project capacity of

Abbreviations: AEDB, Alternative Energy Development Board Pakistan; CSR, NREL's Climatological Solar Radiation; DHI, Diffused Horizontal Irradiation; DNI, Direct Normal
Irradiation; ESMAP, Energy Sector Management Assistance Program; GHI, Global Horizontal Irradiation or Insolation; GOES, Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite; GTI,
Global Solar Irradiation on Flat Plate Tilted at Latitude; IEA, International Energy Agency; kW h, Kilowatt Hour; MAPE, Mean Absolute Percentage Error; MBE, Mean Bias Error; MJ,
Mega Joule; MPE, Mean Percentage Error; MW h, Megawatt Hour; NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NREL, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA; NWFP,
North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa); PMD, Pakistan Meteorological Department; RMSE, Root Mean Square Error; SARI/E, South Asia Regional
Initiative for Energy Cooperation; SSE, Solar Meteorology and Solar Energy service; SUNY, State University of New York at Albany; TW h, Terawatt Hour; UNDP, United Nations
Development Program; USAID, U.S. Agency for International Development; WMO, World Meteorological Organization; WRDC, Mean Absolute Percentage Error

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Z.R. Tahir).
Received 10 April 2016; Received in revised form 19 May 2017; Accepted 22 June 2017
Available online 06 July 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

477 MW and projects of 663 MW capacity are in the pipeline. The

energy production for wind has been demonstrating a viable market for
non-hydro renewable energy in the country.
The first ever solar power plant was inaugurated in Islamabad on
May 29, 2012, under the project titled ‘Introduction of Clean Energy by
Solar Electricity Generation System’, which is a special funding from
the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) under the Cool
Earth Partnership. Two photovoltaic power (PV) plants each of 178 kW
capacity were installed at the premises of the Pakistan Engineering
Council and the Planning Commission of Pakistan under this project
[7]. Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park, the first ever photovoltaic power station
in Pakistan of 1000 MW capacity is under construction in Bahawalpur
[8]. The solar power plants are under development in Punjab, Sindh,
Balochistan and Kashmir under a development program by the
International Renewable Energy Agency with the cooperation of
China and private sector energy companies in Pakistan [7].
The utilisation of solar energy began in Pakistan in the 1980s. Pallet
and Brabben [9] reported the installation and operation of twenty solar
powered micro-irrigation units (solar water pumps) at research and
private agriculture farms throughout the country with the support of
the Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) and Agriculture
Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP). The Directorate General of
Energy Resources, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources
started a program of solar villages, and the first solar energy system
was installed in 1981; this solar village had a power capacity of 5 kW
and the electric power was utilised for domestic purposes and water
pumping [10].
In Pakistan, PMD started measuring solar radiation data for five Fig. 1. (a) World map of global horizontal irradiation (kW h/m2) [26] (b) World map of
meteorological stations and sunshine duration data for 37 stations direct normal irradiation (kW h/m2) [26].
from 1957. WRDC centrally collects and archives the global solar
radiation data, which is the only reliable source to access long-term
measured solar radiation data for Pakistan; the other source is PMD. This article presents the review of the surface measured data of
The solar radiation data for Pakistan measured by PMD have been solar radiation for Pakistan, and the solar energy potential assessment
reported by many researchers [11–22] to estimate the solar energy based on surface measured data and satellite data. The articles related
potential of Pakistan. The solar energy potential maps (monthly and to renewable energy for Pakistan, especially solar energy, from inter-
annual) for the country were first developed by Raja and Twidell nationally recognised peer-reviewed journals to date were collected
[13,14] using surface measured data of global solar insolation and initially, and articles containing measured solar radiation and solar
sunshine duration of 30 years, the annual mean daily solar irradiation energy potential especially were selected. The articles were divided into
(GHI) in the major parts of the country was estimated from 4.4 to 6.0 three main sections:
kW h/m2 with mean of 5.3 kW h/m2. Ahmad et al. [20] developed
monthly maps of solar radiation (GHI) and reported that the annual • Articles related to surface measured data of solar insolation,
mean daily solar insolation for the whole country is 5.5 kW h/m2. The estimation of solar insolation based on measured solar insolation
minimum annual mean daily solar radiation (4.3 kW h/m2) of Pakistan and sunshine duration, estimation of solar radiation based on
is higher than the global annual mean daily (3.6 kW h/m2), which empirical relationships, and solar insolation maps.
reflects the excellent solar energy potential of the country [21]. • Articles related to the estimation of solar insolation based on
The research work performed to estimate the solar resource satellite data and solar insolation maps, including solar resource
assessment of Pakistan based on satellite data is limited [23–25] and assessment performed by NREL and ESMAP.
not a single attempt has been made at the national level to estimate • Articles related to the description of the solar energy potential,
solar resource potential of the whole country using long-term satellite including solar energy and the solar energy potential of the country
data. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA (NREL), reported by different sources are compared, validated and pre-
developed solar resource maps for Pakistan under the South Asia sented.
Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation (SARI/E) program of the
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), but these maps The long-term solar radiation data from the WRDC for five
were not validated against surface measured data. The Energy Sector meteorological stations of Pakistan was analysed to obtain monthly
Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) of the World Bank devel- mean daily values. The monthly mean daily data measured by PMD
oped maps for the solar resource estimate for Pakistan in the year 2015 and reported by researchers for the different duration for five meteor-
under a three-year project, which will complete in 2017. The SolarGIS ological stations were compared with the WRDC data. The monthly
[26] is a geographical information system designed to meet the needs mean daily solar insolation from NREL's CSR model, NREL's SUNY
of the solar energy industry; it provides worldwide maps for solar model and NASA-SSE was also compared with the long-term surface
global horizontal irradiation, direct normal irritation and diffused measured data. The solar energy potential of the country reported in
horizontal irradiation. The world maps of global horizontal irradiation the previous literature was analysed and critically reviewed. The annual
and direct normal irradiation (daily mean and annual sum) are mean daily global horizontal irradiation from the literature was
presented in the Fig. 1(a) and (b) respectively [26] to show the solar analysed, and the solar resource potential for the whole country was
potential of Pakistan compared to the world. The solar potential of calculated.
Pakistan (especially Sindh and Baluchistan provinces) is among the
second highest around the world.

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

2. Solar resource assessment based on surface measured [35]). The relationship based on extraterrestrial radiation modified
data later [36,37], given by Eq. (1).
H n
This section presents an introduction to solar radiation terminology =a+b
Ho N (1)
and the review of the assessment of solar energy potential based on the
surface measured data. PMD began measuring global solar insolation where H is the monthly mean daily insolation on the horizontal surface,
data in 1957 for five meteorological stations and stopped around 2000 Ho is the monthly mean daily extraterrestrial insolation on a horizontal
in most of the stations [27]; the sunshine duration data for 37 stations surface for the specific location using equation (1.10.3) of Ref. [28], N
were also recorded from 1957 till 2000 [22]. The major research work is the monthly mean of maximum possible daily hours of bright
was reported from 1986 to 1996, and there was no significant work sunshine (sunshine duration) calculated from Cooper's formula [38],
reported after 1996 due to discontinuation of measurement of the and n is the monthly mean daily hours of bright sunshine. The
surface data. The solar energy potential in the form of solar radiation regression constants a and b are estimated by using measured values
maps was prepared by estimating the solar insolation from sunshine of sunshine duration and monthly mean daily solar insolation. These
durations by the majority of researchers, and the maps were presented regression constants are used to estimate the global horizontal insola-
in the form of iso-radiation lines. The solar insolation data was tion using measured data of sunshine duration for a potential location.
presented in various units in the previous literature, which are MJ/
m2, cal/cm2, kW h/m2 and W/m2; for consistency, the data presented 2.2. Solar radiation data and solar energy potential maps
in the literature was converted into kW h/m2, whereas the data with
original units is presented in parentheses. This section presents the review of the articles on solar energy
potential maps and surface measured solar radiation data. The articles
2.1. Solar radiation are divided into three categories based on the outcome of the research;
first containing articles presenting solar potential maps, second global
Solar radiation or irradiation is the incident energy received per horizontal insolation data and analysis, third diffused and direct
unit area of a surface for a particular period (either hour or day), radiation data and analysis. Section 2.2.1 contains the review of articles
measured in kW h/m2 or J/m2. Solar insolation is the term specifically presenting monthly and annual maps of global horizontal insolation in
used for solar energy irradiation. Solar irradiance is the rate at which the form of iso-radiation lines. These maps were prepared by estimat-
the incident energy is received per unit area of a surface, measured in ing GHI: from measured GHI and sunshine duration using by
W/m2. Direct solar irradiation or beam irradiation is the radiation Ångstrom type regression Eq. (1), from daily temperature, and using
received from the sun without being scattered by the atmosphere, while ASHRAE formulation. Section 2.2.2 contains the articles presenting
diffused solar irradiation is the solar radiation received from the sun solar radiation data measured by PMD and other sources, the articles
after being scattered by the atmosphere. Solar global irradiation is the containing a statistical analysis of data are also presented in this
total of the beam irradiation and diffused irradiation received on a section. Section 2.2.3 contains the articles presenting data and maps of
horizontal surface, commonly termed global insolation or global diffused and direct (beam) insolation.
horizontal irradiation. Direct normal irradiation is the radiation
received on a surface which is always perpendicular to the sun, whereas 2.2.1. Solar energy potential maps
global tilted irradiation is total radiation received on a tilted surface. This section contains the articles presenting solar energy maps in
The commonly used terms for solar energy applications are Global form of global horizontal insolation, these maps are either monthly and
Horizontal Irradiation (GHI), Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI), annual. The global horizontal insolation in all articles (except two) was
Diffused Horizontal Irradiation (DHI) and Global Tilted Irradiation estimated using Ångstrom equation from solar insolation and sunshine
(GTI). The solar constant or extraterrestrial radiation is the rate of duration data measured by PMD for different durations. The results of
energy received on the top of the Earth's atmosphere from the Sun on a these researchers were quite different due to the duration of data used
unit area of the surface perpendicular to the direction of propagation of for estimation and discussed in details to see the interannual variability
radiation. The global mean value of the solar constant adopted by the of GHI for different long-term data.
WRDC is 32.81 kW h/m2 (1367 W/m2) [28]. The solar energy potential maps of the whole world was prepared by
Solar energy is captured and utilised by three different technolo- Löf et al. in 1966 for the first time [39,40]. The solar energy potential
gies; solar photovoltaic (PV), solar thermal and concentrated solar was presented as monthly mean daily values of global horizontal
power (CSP). These technologies use different components of the solar isolation (total solar radiation incident on a horizontal surface) in the
radiation. The accurate and reliable data of solar energy resources is form of iso-radiation lines at an interval of 0.58 kW h/m2 (50 cal/cm2).
the key element in the successful use of these technologies. For a The measured solar insolation data for 668 stations was used, and for
specific location, the historic trends with annual, seasonal, monthly, 233 stations solar insolation data was estimated by using measured
daily, hourly and sub-hourly variation in solar radiation data are data of sunshine duration (using Ångstrom type regression equation
required to predict the performance of the solar system [29]. The described in Section 2.1) to develop maps. In 1973, Mani and Chacko
global horizontal irradiation and global tilted irradiation are necessary [41] presented the solar radiation maps and data of solar radiation of
for Photovoltaic (PV) applications, whereas direct normal irradiation is thirteen meteorological stations of India for the duration of ten years.
important for solar thermal applications, concentrating solar power The solar radiation maps in the form of iso-radiation lines were
(CSP) and concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) applications [30,31]. In presented for monthly mean daily values of solar global insolation,
this article, the terms solar radiation, solar insolation or solar irradia- solar diffused insolation, and the monthly mean hourly values for direct
tion means global horizontal irradiation and diffused solar insolation or normal insolation.
irradiation means diffused horizontal irradiance, whereas other terms The monthly and annual maps of solar energy potential in the form
used have their usual meanings. of iso-radiation lines (global horizontal insolation) for Pakistan pre-
The estimation of solar insolation from measured sunshine dura- sented in five articles [12,14,16,20,21], and annual maps of solar
tion was first proposed by Ångstrom [32], as presented in equation (1) energy potential were presented in three articles [19,22,27] using data
in Ref. [33]; this relationship was based on total radiation received on a for various durations (from 1959 to 1989). The solar radiation data and
day with clear sky. Black et al. [33,34] modified the relationship sunshine duration data used for the estimation of solar potential maps
presented as equation (2) in Ref. [33] and was based on total radiation was measured by PMD, the solar global horizontal insolation data was
received if the atmosphere was perfectly transparent (Angot's value measured with Epply and Kipp Pyranometers and sunshine duration

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

Table 1
Details of monthly and annual maps for global horizontal insolation developed for Pakistan.

Reference Maps type Duration of data used Stations used for solar Stations used for GHI estimated for Annual mean daily GHI
for maps radiation sunshine duration stations (kW h/m2)

Sukhera and Pasha [12] Annual, Up to 14 years 5 stations 35 stations 35 stations 4.80–5.71
Raja and Twidell [14] Annual, Up to 37 years 7 stations 40 stations 40 stations 5.27
Chaudhary [16] Annual, Up to 29 years 5 stations 37 stations 37 stations 4.65–6.28
Ghaffar [21] Annual, 15 years 5 stations 37 stations 37 stations 5.27
Muneer et al. [27] Annual Up to 15 years 6 stations – – 5.06
Adnan et al. [22] Annual 30 years – 37 stations 58 stations 5.11

were measured using Campbell-Stokes recorders [16]. sunshine hours for seven stations, five stations in Pakistan and two
The first attempt to develop solar radiation maps in the form of the stations from India), were used in Eq. (1) to estimate GHI. They
iso-radiation lines for Pakistan was done by Sukhera and Pasha [12] in observed that the predicted GHI using regression constants for only
1987. Sukhera and Pasha [12], Raja and Twidell [13,14], Chaudhary five stations of Pakistan gave better agreement with measured GHI
[16] and Ghaffar [21] developed monthly and annual maps of solar compared to GHI estimated by using regression constants for seven
potential from solar radiation and sunshine duration using Ångstrom stations. It was reported that solar distribution near the border of India
type regression Eq. (1) for various durations, the details are presented fits reasonably close when compared with [41] and is in agreement with
Table 1. The iso-radiation lines for these maps were slightly different world solar distribution maps [39,42,43]. It was observed that the
due to interannual variability because of the different duration of long- lowest monthly mean daily GHI was in December/January, ranging
term data used, the annual mean daily global horizontal insolation from 2.22 kW h/m2 (8.0 MJ/m2) in the extreme north to 4.31 kW h/m2
estimates are presented in Table 1. The global horizontal insolation was (15.5 MJ/m2) at the coastline of Balochistan and central parts of Sindh.
estimated from sunshine duration using regression constant a and b, The annual mean daily GHI in the major regions of the country
the values regression constants used by these researchers to develop received from 4.44 to 5.97 kW h/m2 16.0–21.5 MJ/m2) with a mean of
maps were different which led to slight variation in the results. The 5.27 kW h/m2 (19.0 MJ/m2).
details of the results of these articles are presented in the following Chaudhary [16], developed global horizontal insolation maps using
paragraphs. measured solar isolation of five stations and sunshine duration for 37
Sukhera and Pasha [12] estimated monthly maps using solar stations for the duration of up to 29 years from 1958 to 1986. The
radiation data of five stations and sunshine duration data for 35 regression constants of Ångstrom regression equation were computed
stations. The measured data for sunshine duration were from 1969 to for four seasons (winter, spring, summer and autumn). Thirty-seven
1973 for Peshawar and 1969-82 for other stations. The measured data meteorological stations were divided into groups based on altitudes,
for solar irradiation were from 1957 to 1982 for Multan and 1969-82 and monthly mean daily solar insolation was estimated from sunshine
for other stations. The value of regression constants a and b for each duration using Ångstrom formula for using values of a and b for a
station was calculated using measured data, which vary from region to particular group. The solar insolation data for five stations using these
region. The difference between the annual mean of measured and regression constants agree well with measured data with less than 10%
predicted GHI values was less than 5%. The monthly mean daily GHI error. The comparison of measured and predicted monthly mean daily
was estimated by the Ångstrom type regression Eq. (1); the values of solar insolation is presented in [16]. It was reported that the monthly
the regression constants, a and b estimated from measured solar mean daily GHI received by Sindh and Balochistan provinces is more
insolation and sunshine duration of each station, were used, which than 5.11 kW h/m2 (440 cal/cm2), for Punjab and NWFP province it is
were presented in Ref. [11]. Thirty-five stations were divided into five between 4.65 and 5.11 kW h/m2 (400–440 cal/cm2), the northern
groups by geographical locations, including stations with measured areas and Kashmir are less than 4.65 kW h/m2 (400 cal/cm2). The
GHI in each group, and the regression constants calculated from maximum solar radiation is received in June in Quetta and Zhob which
measured data were used in each group to estimate solar insolation. is 7.90 kW h/m2 (680 cal/cm2). The annual mean daily GHI for the
They reported that the monthly mean daily GHI varies from 3.33 whole country is between 4.65 and 6.28 kW h/m2 (400–540 cal/cm2).
kW h/m2 to 7.22 kW h/m2 (12 MJ/m2 to 26 MJ/m2) for central The monthly mean daily contour maps for global horizontal
regions, from 2.78 kW h/m2 to 8.05 kW h/m2 (10 MJ/m2 to 29 MJ/ insolation using measured data from 1975 to 1989 were presented by
m2) for northern regions and from 4.44 kW h/m2 to 6.94 kW h/m2 (16 Ghaffar [21]. The monthly mean daily GHI received by whole country
MJ/m2 to 25 MJ/m2) for southern regions of the country. The was 4.44–5.83 kW h/m2 (16–21 MJ/m2) with an annual mean of 5.27
minimum values of GHI were observed in December/January and kW h/m2 (19 MJ/m2) over most regions. The minimum annual mean
maximum values in June for all regions, the highest values were found daily GHI (4.44 kW h/m2 or 16 MJ/m2) of Pakistan is higher than
at stations with higher altitudes, towards the western part of the world annual mean daily GHI (3.61 kW h/m2 or 13 MJ/m2) which
country. reflects the excellent solar energy potential of Pakistan [44]. It was
The monthly maps using 40 stations data up to 1987 for the reported that the total available annual potential of solar energy over
duration varying from 13 to 37 years, were developed by Raja and the total area (796095 km2) of the country is 1453 GW h (5230 TJ)
Twidell [13,14]. The measured data of solar irradiation data from seven based on annual mean daily GHI of 5.27 kW h/m2 (19 MJ/m2).
stations (five from Pakistan and two neighbouring stations from India) The solar potential maps in the form of annual mean daily global
and sunshine duration data of 40 stations (37 from Pakistan and three horizontal isolation were developed by Raja and Abro [19], Muneer
from India) were used to estimate the GHI. The measured data for GHI et al. [27] and Adnan et al. [22]. The annual map using global
– for Karachi, Multan and Quetta from 1957 to 1987, for Peshawar horizontal insolation data for 40 stations were developed by Raja and
from 1957 to 1981, for Lahore from 1957 to 1981 and two locations Abro [19], it was reported that the maximum mean daily GHI, ranging
from India (Srinagar and Jodhpur) – were used. The two set of values from 6.11 to 8.33 kW h/m2 (22.0–30.0 MJ/m2), is received in summer.
of the regression constants a and b (calculated from measured GHI and The annual mean daily GHI varies between 4.44 and 5.83 kW h/m2

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

(16.0–21.0 MJ/m2), and most parts of the country receive insolation of monthly mean daily global horizontal insolation for different durations.
5.27 kW h/m2 (19.0 MJ/m2). Muneer et al. [27] presented the solar The global horizontal insolation data measured by the Pakistan Council
potential map using global horizontal irradiation data for a duration up of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) Laboratories, Hyderabad,
to 15 years for six stations. The duration of the measured data was Pakistan is presented in one article [50], and data measured by AEDB
1975–1989 for Karachi, Lahore, Multan and Quetta, 1975–1981 for at Baburband (near Karachi) were presented in one article [51]. The
Peshawar and Islamabad it was 1985 only. It was reported that all solar radiation data presented in this section is compared with long-
stations, except Quetta, had ceased solar insolation measurement. The term available data from WRDC in Section 2.4 to check inter-annual
annual daily mean for these stations is 5.06 kW h/m2 (18.22 MJ/m2). variability.
Adnan et al. [22] developed annual solar radiation map using data In 1984 for the first time, Sukhera [10] presented monthly mean
from 58 meteorological stations (nine from the northern area and Azad daily solar global horizontal insolation data for Bahawalpur (Punjab)
Kashmir, 12 from NWFP, fourteen from Punjab, ten from Sindh and, for the utilisation of solar energy for the development of the Cholistan
13 from Balochistan) for the durations of 30 years from 1971 to 2000. Desert in Pakistan. The monthly mean daily solar insolation was from
The GHI was estimated from the sunshine duration data by using 3.22 to 7.39 kW h/m2 11.6–26.6 MJ/m2), the duration of the data
Angstrom formula [32] and regression constants (computed in Table 1 measurement was not mentioned in the article. The solar global
of [16]). The stations where sunshine duration data were not available, horizontal insolation data measured by PMD from 1957 to 1982 for
the GHI was estimated using Hargreaves method [45] and de Wit five metrological stations (Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar and
method [46] from the mean monthly maximum and minimum Quetta) was presented by Sukhera et al. [11] in 1986. The measured
temperatures. The monthly mean daily GHI for 58 stations is presented data for solar irradiation were from 1957 to 1982 for Multan and 1969
as Fig. 1 to Fig. 5 in Ref. [22]. It was reported that monthly mean daily to 1982 for other stations. The measured data for sunshine duration
GHI more than 4.80 kW h/m2 (200 W/m2) was observed from were from 1969 to 1973 for Peshawar and 1969 to 1980 for other
February to October in Sindh, from March to October in Balochistan stations. They reported that the measured annual total of mean daily
and Punjab, and from April to September in NWFP, Northern Areas GHI ranged from 1750 to 2083 kW h/m2 6300–7500 MJ/m2) for five
and Azad Kashmir. In most parts of the country, monthly mean daily stations. The measured monthly mean daily solar insolation of five
GHI was 3.60–6.60 kW h/m2 (150–275 W/m2). The GHI values stations for 14 years from 1969 to 1982, except Peshawar, taken from
presented in the article were based on 10 h a day, but daily mean Table 3 of [11], are presented in Fig. 2. The solar isolation data of five
values are presented here; the annual mean daily GHI for 58 stations stations for the duration of up to 29 years from 1958 to 1986 was
was 5.11 kW h/m2 (213 W/m2). presented by Chaudhary [16] in 1990. The measured data of GHI of
Ahmad et al. [20] developed monthly maps of global horizontal five stations is replotted in Fig. 3. The global horizontal insolation data
insolation in the form of iso-radiation lines for Pakistan. The GHI was for four stations for the period of five years from 1980 to 84 was
estimated using ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration presented by Nasir and Raza [17] in 1993. The annual mean daily GHI
and Air Conditioning Engineers) formulation modified for Pakistan. for Quetta, Karachi, Peshawar and Lahore was 5.68 kW h/m2, 5.03
The estimated values were compared with measured data of hourly kW h/m2, 4.76 kW h/m2 and 4.38 kW h/m2, respectively. The monthly
solar radiation for some meteorological stations, the measured and mean daily GHI of four stations for a period of five years from 1980 to
estimated data agreed well with 5% error. It was observed that annual 1984, taken from Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of [17], is presented in Fig. 4.
mean daily GHI is minimum in the northern region of the country The global horizontal insolation data for six meteorological stations
during December, which is 2.50 kW h/m2, and maximum in the south for up to 15 years was presented by Raja and Twidell [18] in 1994. The
of the country during June, which is 8.30 kW h/m2. Quetta receives data were measured from 1975 to 1989 for Quetta, Karachi, Multan
maximum GHI and the annual mean daily GHI for the whole country is and Lahore, from 1975 to 1981 for Peshawar, and, for Islamabad, for
5.50 kW h/m2. 1985, 1988 and 1989. The monthly mean daily GHI values vary from
Solar energy resource data is a key element in designing, financing 2.78 to 9.72 kW h/m2 10–35 MJ/m2), the value is generally above 5.56
and successful operation of any solar energy system (Solar PV, Solar kW h/m2 (20 MJ/m2) during summer for all stations. The annual mean
thermal and CSP systems) [47]. IEA task 46 was initiated in 2011 to daily GHI for Quetta, Karachi, Multan, Peshawar, Lahore and
examine and compare various solar energy potential assessment Islamabad were 5.73 kW h/m2 (20.64 MJ/m2), 5.10 kW h/m2 (18.39
databases (ground measured and satellite) so that quality is ensured MJ/m2), 5.06 kW h/m2 (18.21 MJ/m2), 4.79 kW h/m2 (17.24 MJ/m2),
in solar energy data for the potential location of the project [48,49]. 5.05 kW h/m2 (18.18 MJ/m2) and 4.75 kW h/m2 (17.10 MJ/m2),
The purpose of presenting this section was to collect and analyse the respectively. The measured monthly mean daily GHI of six stations
ground measured solar insolation data for different locations and taken from Table 2 of Ref.[18] is presented in Fig. 5. Muneer et al. [27]
conclude the reason for the variation in the values so that readers presented global horizontal insolation data for six stations for the same
and designers have a better understanding of this variation. The results duration as described above except Islamabad which was 1985 only. It
of above-discussed researchers were quite different due to the duration
of data used for estimation. As per recommendations of IEA Task 46, 8
the long-term ground measured data is more reliable and accurate, so 1986 Sukhera et al.
the solar radiation data for the researchers with 29–37 years record 7
(Table 1) should be used for solar energy system designing as the
quality of such data is reliable. The IEA Task 46 also demands the
GHI (kWh/m2)

supply of the corresponding uncertainty presented in the solar resource
assessment data [48]. The researchers discussed in the above section 5
had not provided much information about the uncertainty in the
measured data or the models used to assess the potential from 4
sunshine hours.
2.2.2. Global horizontal insolation data PWR QUT
This section presents the review of the articles that presented solar 2
radiation data from PMD and other sources. The global horizontal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Month Number
insolation data measured by PMD from 1957 to 2000 was reported by
various researcher in the literature [10,11,16–18,27] in the form of Fig. 2. The measured GHI of five stations for 14 years 1969–1982) from Ref. [11].

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

8 8
1990 Chaudhry 2006 Muneer et al.
7 7

GHI (kWh/m2)
GHI (kWh/m2)

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3
2 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Month Number Month Number
Fig. 3. The measured GHI of five stations for a period of up to 29 years 1958–1986) Fig. 6. The measured GHI of six stations for up to 15 years 1975–1989) from Ref. [27].
from Ref. [16].
Kalhoro and Abro [50] presented the global horizontal irradiation
8 data measured at the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial
1993 Nasir and Raza
Research (PCSIR) Laboratories, Hyderabad Pakistan for a period of six
months from January to June 2003. The solar radiation data were
measured continuously by using EPLAB Pyranometer. The maximum
GHI (kWh/m2)

monthly mean daily GHI was recorded in June as 7.15 kW h/m2 and
the minimum in January as 4.11 kW h/m2. The total GHI received
during the six months was reported as 1802.38 kW h/m2 (this reported
value does not seem feasible, because it is much higher, even for the
maximum value of mean daily solar insolation, 7.15 kW h/m2)
3 calculated over a period of six months (181 days), which is approxi-
KHI LHE PWR QUT mately 1294.15 kW h/m2. The same measured data was presented as
2 monthly mean hourly GHI as Fig. 8 of Ref. [52]; the maximum average
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 value at noon ranges from 14.40 to 21.60 kW h/m2 (600–900 W/m2)
Month Number from January to June. It was reported that, for seven months (mid-
Fig. 4. The measured GHI of four stations for five years 1980–1984) from Ref. [17]. March to mid-October), the mean GHI at noon exceeded 19.20 kW h/
m2 (800 W/m2).
Khahro et al. [51] presented three years data (May 2008 to April
8 2011) of global horizontal insolation data for a prospective location
1994 Raja and Twidell (latitude 25.12 N and longitude 67.53 E) in the southern region of
7 Sindh, measured by AEDB. The monthly mean daily GHI is presented
in Table 5 and Table 6 of Ref. [51], the maximum value was reported as
10.41 kW h/m2 (37.49 MJ/m2) in May, whereas the minimum value
GHI (kWh/m2)

was 5.67 kW h/m2 (20.42 MJ/m2) in December and the annual mean
5 daily insolation was reported as 7.91 kW h/m2 (28.47 MJ/m2). The
annual total of mean daily GHI was 3.13 GW h/m2 (11.30 GJ/m2). The
4 values reported throughout the above article are not sensible and there
seems to be a systematic error in processing the raw data for the given
3 location.
MUL PWR QUT The annual mean daily global horizontal insolation of six stations
2 for various durations as discussed above is presented in Fig. 7 [11,16–
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18,27]. The average of annual mean daily global horizontal insolation
Month Number
Fig. 5. The measured GHI of six stations for a period of up to 15 years 1975–1989) from
Ref. [18]. 1986 Sukhera 1990 Chaudhry 1993 Nasir
1994 Raja 2006 Muneer Mean of All
was reported that all stations, except Quetta, had ceased solar insola- 5.6
tion measurement. The annual mean daily GHIs for Quetta, Karachi,
GHI (kWh/m2)

Multan, Peshawar, Lahore and Islamabad were 5.73 kW h/m2 (20.64

MJ/m2), 5.38 kW h/m2 (19.38 MJ/m2), 5.06 kW h/m2 (18.22 MJ/m2),
4.84 kW h/m2 (17.43 MJ/m2), 4.79 kW h/m2 (17.25 MJ/m2) and 4.75
kW h/m2 (17.12 MJ/m2), respectively. The annual daily mean for these 4.8
stations is 5.06 kW h/m2 (18.22 MJ/m2). The measured monthly mean
daily GHI of six stations for a period of up to 15 years, taken from 4.4
Table 3 of [27] and Table 4 of [52], is presented in Fig. 6. The GHI data
presented in Figs. 5 and 6 are for the same duration but coming from
two different articles [18,27], there is slight difference in the monthly
mean daily values so this data is a good source to compare with WRDC
data. Fig. 7. The annual mean daily GHI of six stations for various durations from Ref.

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

of six stations for five durations is also presented. The annual mean kW h/m2 7–9 MJ/m2), with maximum in July for all stations, ranging
daily GHI and standard deviation (presented in parenthesis) for from 2.78 to 3.05 kW h/m2 10–11 MJ/m2), and minimum in the
Karachi is 5.14 kW h/m2 (0.10 kW h/m2), Lahore is 4.72 kW h/m2 winter months, ranging from 1.11 to 1.94 kW h/m2 4–7 MJ/m2). The
(0.11 kW h/m2), Multan is 5.02 kW h/m2 (0.04 kW h/m2), Peshawar is maximum values of diffused insolation were in the extreme north and
4.88 kW h/m2 (0.21 kW h/m2), Quetta is 5.73 kW h/m2 (0.04 kW h/ south due to maximum cloud cover and the minimum values were in
m2), and Islamabad is 4.75 kW h/m2 (0.00 kW h/m2). The standard Quetta. The annual diffused insolation was about 40–50% of the global
deviation in the annual GHI values is for Peshawar and Quetta is 0.04 insolation. The monthly mean daily direct solar insolation received for
kW h/m2, for Karachi and Lahore is about 0.10 kW h/m2. The the whole country during a year ranges from 1.94 to 3.33 kW h/m2 7–
monsoon clouds affect the solar energy in the entire country during 12 MJ/m2) with the maximum value in Quetta, and most of the country
July to September, except for western Balochistan, and lower the receives an annual mean daily DHI of about 2.78 kW h/m2 (10 MJ/
sunshine duration [53]. The more deviation in the solar radiation is m2), except the extreme northern region. It was reported that the direct
observed in the regions which are affected by the monsoon, for same to the diffused insolation ratio was about 3:1 and 1:3 in winter and
duration the reduction in the solar insolation is different for different summer, respectively.
stations which are presented in Fig. 9. Khahro et al. [51] estimated diffused, direct and total solar
The monthly diurnal variation of the global horizontal insolation for insolation from measured global horizontal insolation for a prospective
five meteorological stations from 1975 to 1981 is presented in [54]. location in the southern region of Sindh. Nineteen different models
The average hourly solar insolation for five stations is symmetrical from the previous literature and nine new models were developed to
about the local noon with a small difference in values before noon and estimate diffuse radiation on the horizontal surface. The optimum
afternoon. During a day, the best time interval for the utilisation of model for diffused solar irradiation was used to estimate diffused,
solar energy is 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. local time (PST), and the mean direct and total solar irradiation on a tilted surface. The tilt angle of
solar insolation during this period is 70% of the daily total value. The 10–30 degrees (annual optimum 23 degrees) gave the highest annual
average hourly solar insolation at midday lies between 0.47 kW h/m2 total of solar insolation on the tilted surface as 3.69 MW h/m2 (13.3
to 0.83 kW h/m2 (1.7 MJ/m2 to 3 MJ/m2). The solar insolation at GJ/m2). Abbasi and Qureshi [61] estimated global horizontal isolation
midday is greatest for the months of April to September, and the and diffuse solar insolation for Chhor city in Pakistan. The global
highest value is in Quetta. Raja and Twidell [55] presented frequency horizontal irradiation was estimated from extra-terrestrial solar radia-
distribution of global horizontal insolation over Pakistan. The mea- tion using Angstrom formula [32], and the extra-terrestrial solar
sured data of GHI for Lahore, Multan, Karachi and Quetta for the radiation was estimated using equation (2) of Ref. [61] taken from
twelve-year duration 1975–1986) and Peshawar for a seven-year [62]. The diffused solar irradiation was estimated by using the three
duration (1975–1981) were analysed. It was reported that all five relations presented in Ref. [61]; equation (3) from [56], equation (4)
stations have mean daily GHI of more than 2.78 kW h/m2 (10 MJ/m2), from [63], and equation (5) from [36]. The estimated data for global
whereas Karachi and Quetta have more than 4.16 kW h/m2 (15 MJ/ and diffused irradiation were compared with NASA satellite data, and it
m2), with at least 85% probability. The cumulative frequency distribu- was reported that the estimated GHI agreed well with NASA with a
tions of measured global insolation data [18] reveals that Islamabad, value of the coefficient of determination of 98.7%. The diffused
Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar and Quetta are expected to receive irradiation estimated by Hawas and Muneer model [63] agreed well
mean daily GHI of more than 2.78 kW h/m2 (10 MJ/m2) on an average with the NASA data. The maximum and minimum values of GHI were
for 324, 361, 338, 351, 331 and 349 days per year, respectively. The observed in June and December respectively.
monthly mean daily GHI values vary from 2.78 to 9.72 kW h/m2 10–35
MJ/m2), the value is generally above 5.56 kW h/m2 (20 MJ/m2) during 2.3. World Radiation Data Centre (WRDC)
summer for all stations.
The World Radiation Data Centre (WRDC) is the laboratory of
2.2.3. Diffused and direct (beam) solar isolation maps and data Voeikov Main Geophysics Observatory, Russian Federal Service for
Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) is used for potential estimation and Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring located in St.
operation of concentrated solar power (CSP) technologies. These Petersburg. It is one of the globally recognised data centres, which
technologies are used for electricity generation using the solar thermal centrally collects and archives global solar radiation data and provides
system. Limited research work is carried out for the DNI estimation in open access to the international research community. The WRDC is
Pakistan. The details of these work are presented here. sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and
The monthly diffused and direct (beam) insolation maps for published data on solar radiation once a month since 1964 and four
Pakistan in the form of iso-radiation lines were developed by Raja times a year since 1993. The WRDC is the only reliable source to access
and Twidell [15] using data from 40 stations. The measured diffused long-term measured solar radiation data for Pakistan; the other source
solar insolation for only one meteorological station (Quetta) of is PMD, which sells solar radiation data. The solar radiation data
Pakistan was available for the three-year duration from 1960 to available for Pakistan at WRDC were provided by the PMD to WMO.
1962. Three empirical relationships were used to predict diffused The sunshine duration and global solar insolation as daily mean and
insolation were reported: equation (1) of [15], developed by Liu and monthly mean daily are available at WRDC. The procedure to calculate
Jordan [56,57], and also presented in [58]; equation (2) of [15], daily and monthly data for solar insolation and the procedure to
developed by Modi and Sukhatme [59] for India; and equation (3) of evaluate data quality is presented on the WRDC website.
[15], developed by Page [36] and also presented in [58]. The measured The solar radiation data of seven meteorological stations in
data of diffused insolation were compared with data predicted by the Pakistan (Islamabad, Karachi, Khuzdar, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar
three relationships. The empirical relationship developed by Modi and and Quetta) from 1964 are available at WRDC. The details of the seven
Sukhatme [59] was found satisfactory and was used to estimate the meteorological stations for Pakistan are presented in Table 2. The data
diffused insolation for 40 stations; 37 stations in Pakistan and three in for the seven stations were obtained from the WRDC for the duration
India (Bhavnagar, Jodhpur and Srinagar). The direct insolation for 40 presented in the Table; the data of some months were not included in
stations was computed by the difference of global and diffuse insola- the WRDC database due to poor data quality. The monthly mean daily
tion. The diffused radiation maps were compared with the maps of the solar insolation for available data was calculated for the whole duration
neighbouring country, India [41], and world maps [60], and the results using all available values. The available data of Khuzdar were for five
were compatible. The monthly mean daily diffused solar insolation years, but not a single year was complete and, therefore, it is not
received for the whole country during a year ranges from 1.94 to 2.50 presented here. The WRDC data of solar insolation were presented in

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

Table 2
Geographical location and duration of solar radiation data of six stations.

Station WMO index Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) Altitude (m) Solar insolation (kW h/m2) Duration

Minimum Maximum Annual

Islamabad 41,571 33.62 73.10 547 2.23 5.42 3.95 1990–2003

Karachi 41,780 24.90 67.13 022 4.03 6.51 5.31 1966–1995
Khuzdar 41,744 27.83 66.63 488 – – – 1996–1998, 2002–2004
Lahore 41,640 31.55 74.33 214 2.61 5.93 4.36 1966–2003, 2006–2007
Multan 41,675 30.20 71.43 123 3.09 6.45 5.06 1964–1994
Peshawar 41,530 34.00 71.52 359 3.02 7.30 5.16 1964–1981
Quetta 41,661 30.18 66.95 1721 3.40 7.26 5.41 1964–1994, 1997–2008

8 daily solar insolation for Karachi from all data sources is 5.18 (0.18)
kW h/m2; the standard deviation is mentioned in the parentheses. The
7 average of mean daily solar insolation for Lahore, Multan, Peshawar
and Quetta are 4.66 (0.28) kW h/m2, 5.03 (0.11) kW h/m2, 4.92 (0.26)
GHI (kWh/m2)

6 kW h/m2 and 5.68 (0.20 kW h/m2), respectively. The average of

standard error for monthly mean daily solar insolation for Karachi is
5 0.07 kW h/m2 (maximum of 0.13 in July); for Lahore is 0.11 kW h/m2
(maximum of 0.18 in June and August); for Multan is 0.05 kW h/m2
(maximum of 0.10 in December); for Peshawar is 0.10 kW h/m2
(maximum of 0.17 in May); and for Quetta is 0.08 kW h/m2 (maximum
ISB KHI LHE of 0.12 in June). The standard error for Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore,
MUL PWR QUT Multan, Peshawar and Quetta are 0.19, 0.07, 0.11, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.08
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 kW h/m2, respectively. A comparison of monthly mean daily solar
Month Number insolation data for all data shows lower standard deviation, which
reflects lower variation in the data over the different time periods used
Fig. 8. Long-term measured monthly mean daily GHI of six stations taken from WRDC.
A correlation of monthly mean daily solar insolation from WRDC
J/cm2, and for comparisons, the data is converted into kW h/m2.
and PMD is presented in Fig. 10 for five meteorological stations, the
The maximum and minimum values of monthly mean daily solar
coefficient of determination (R2) and the equation of the best-fit
global insolation for six stations for the long-term duration are
regression line for each station are also presented. The mean percen-
presented in Table 2. The minimum values are in the months of
tage error (MPE) and the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of
December-January, whereas maximum values are in the months of
particular data were calculated by taking WRDC long-term data as a
May-June. The annual mean daily solar insolation is also presented;
reference. The mean bias error (MBE) was also calculated as the
out of these six stations, the minimum solar insolation is for Islamabad
difference of WRDC data and particular data. The positive error
and the maximum is for Quetta. The maximum and minimum values of
represents that the particular data is lower than WRDC data, and vice
monthly mean daily insolation and annual mean monthly insolation for
six stations for different durations are presented in Table 2 and shown
A comparison of data reported by Sukhera et al. [11] with WRDC
in Fig. 8.
data is presented in Fig. 10. The MBE for Karachi, Lahore, Multan,
Peshawar and Quetta are +0.11, −0.40, +0.08, +0.17 and −0.27 kW h/
2.4. Comparison of PMD measured data with WRDC data m2, respectively. The MAPE for Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar
and Quetta are 5.07%, 11.70%, 4.51%, 5.24% and 6.79%, respectively.
This section presents comparison of the monthly mean daily global The data for Multan, Peshawar and Karachi agrees well with WRDC
horizontal insolation data measured by PMD [11,16–18,27] which was with MPE of less than +4%, except for the month of July for Karachi
used by researchers for different durations with long-term WRDC data. with an error of +16%. The data for Lahore and Quetta are higher
The IEA SHC Task 46 [48] recommends that uncertainty in long-term compared to WRDC, with MPE of −10.0% and −4.27%, respectively.
average data is a key factor in risk assessment of solar energy projects. A comparison of data reported by Chaudhry [16] with WRDC data
The data used by different researchers is compared with the WRDC is presented in Fig. 10. The MBE for Karachi, Lahore, Multan,
long term data and the uncertainty of each data is described. The solar Peshawar and Quetta are +0.03, −0.17, +0.06, +0.51 and −0.38
insolation data measured by PMD is presented by Sukhera et al. [11], kW h/m2, respectively. The MAPE for Karachi, Lahore, Multan,
Chaudhary [16], Nasir and Raza [17], Raja and Twidell [18] and Peshawar and Quetta are 1.12%, 4.15%, 1.76%, 10.10% and 6.78%,
Muneer et al. [27] presented solar insolation data for the duration of 14 respectively. The data for Karachi and Multan agree well with WRDC,
years (1969–1982), 29 years (1957–1986), 5 years (1980–1984), 15 with MPE less than 2%. The data for Lahore and Quetta are higher
years (1975–1989) and 15 years (1975–1989), respectively. The compared to WRDC, with MPE of −3.63% and −6.78%, respectively.
purpose of this comparison is to establish a link between published The data for Peshawar are lower compared to WRDC, with MPE of
data and WRDC data to check the suitability of WRDC data for further +10.10%.
research as readily assessable long-term data. A comparison of data reported by Nasir and Raza [17] with WRDC
The average of monthly mean daily solar insolation data for six data is presented in Fig. 10. The MBE for Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar
meteorological stations measured by PMD was calculated (from various and Quetta are +0.24, −0.38, +0.06, +0.51 and −0.30 kW h/m2,
available sources for different durations mentioned in Section 2.2). The respectively. The MAPE for Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta
average of monthly mean solar insolation of data from WRDC and are 5.46%, 8.97%, 10.35% and 6.34, respectively. The data for Lahore
PMD (Sukhera et al. [11], Chaudhary [16], Nasir and Raza [17], Raja and Quetta are higher compared to WRDC, with MPE of −8.97 and
and Twidell [18] and Muneer et al. [27]) are presented in Fig. 9; the −5.79, respectively. The data for Karachi and Peshawar are lower
standard deviation is presented as error bars. The average of mean

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

Fig. 9. The average of monthly mean daily GHI (kW h/m2) with standard deviation of data from WRDC and PMD [11,16–18,27].

compared to WRDC, with MPE of +5.01% and +10.02%, respectively. of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) Laboratories. The solar
There is significant variation between the two data sets for all stations insolation data measured by AEDB were reported in [51]. Three masts
because the duration of the data reported by Nasir and Raza [17] is five were installed in 2008 by the AEDB along with the UNDP under the
years whereas the WRDC data is long-term. Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Wind Energy Program (WEP) to
A comparison of data reported by Raja and Twidell [18] with the measure wind speed [64]. The solar insolation data was also measured
WRDC data is presented in Fig. 10. The MBE for Islamabad, Karachi, on these masts for the duration of two of three years from 2008 to
Lahore, Multan, Peshawar and Quetta are −0.08, +0.20, −0.43, +0.00, 2011. The diffused horizontal irradiation data for only one meteor-
+0.11 and −0.32 kW h/m2, respectively. The MAPE for Islamabad, ological station (Quetta) of Pakistan were available for the duration of
Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta are 19.29%, 3.88%, 9.68%, three years from 1960 to 1962, as reported in [15].
1.57%, 2.41% and 5.57%, respectively. The data for Multan and The long-term solar insolation data in Pakistan was measured by
Peshawar agree well with WRDC, with MPE less than 3%, and the PMD, as discussed in Section 2.2. This long-term data is available from
data for Karachi also agree well, with MPE less than 4%, except for the PMD and can be purchased through their standard procedure,
September with an error of +12%. The data for Islamabad, Lahore and while the same data is available from WRDC free of cost. The WRDC,
Quetta are higher compared to the WRDC, with MPE of −18.79%, sponsored by the WMO, have published data on solar radiation since
−9.68% and −5.57%, respectively. The variation between the two data 1964 and is the only reliable source to access long-term measured solar
sets for Islamabad is higher because the duration of the data is three radiation data for Pakistan. The data from WRDC are for the sunshine
years compared with the long-term data of the WRDC. A comparison of duration and global solar insolation as daily mean and monthly mean
data reported by Muneer et al. [27] with WRDC data is presented in daily, with the description of the procedure to calculate data and to
Fig. 10, the statistical parameters considered for the data are similar to evaluate data quality. The short-term data for the solar insolation are
Raja and Twidell [18]. available from AEDB for three locations in Sindh province: Baburband
The variations between datasets presented in this section for long- mast from July 2008 to May 2011, Keti Bandar from February 2009 to
term duration from various sources agree well with the WRDC data, October 2010 and for Hawkes Bay from April 2009 to May 2011. The
with MAPE of less than 10%, the slight variations are due to different most recent measurement of solar radiation data for Pakistan was
durations of the data measurements. The trend in the monthly mean started in 2015 at nine stations by the ESMAP of the World Bank in
daily solar insolation for five stations during a year is similar to all Pakistan as a three-year project which will complete in 2017; the
datasets. The solar radiation data shows good correlation with each details about ESMAP are described in Section 3.3.
other, which reflects the reliability of the data; moreover, the WRDC
data are easily available compared to the PMD data. Thus, long-term 3. Solar resource assessment based on satellite data
WRDC data can be used for further studies for the estimation of PV
power generation projects nearby these locations. The maximum and 3.1. Introduction
minimum values of monthly mean daily, along with annual mean daily
solar insolation of five meteorological stations from the above-dis- This section presents the review of the solar energy resource
cussed studies and WRDC, are presented in Table 3. assessment of Pakistan based on satellite data. The research work
performed at the national level is very limited [23–25] and no attempt
2.5. Discussion on availability of surface measured data has been made to estimate solar resource potential of the whole
country using long-term satellite data. The National Renewable
The Pakistan Meteorological Department began measuring solar Energy Laboratory, USA (NREL) has developed solar resource maps
global horizontal insolation data in 1957 for five meteorological for Pakistan under the South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy
stations and stopped somewhere around 2000 in most of the stations, Cooperation (SARI/E) program of the U.S. Agency for International
presented in Table 2. The short-term data for two other stations, Development (USAID); however, these maps were not validated by
Islamabad and Khuzdar, the duration is presented in Table 2. The surface measured data. The Energy Sector Management Assistance
sunshine duration data for 37 stations was also recorded from 1957. Program (ESMAP) of the World Bank has developed maps for the solar
The major research work on the estimation of solar energy potential resource for Pakistan in the year 2015 under a three-year project which
based on the measured data (global horizontal insolation) was reported will complete in 2017.
from 1986 to 2000, and there was no significant work reported after Malik et al. [23] develop solar insolation maps of Pakistan using
1996 due to discontinuation of measurement of the data. The annual Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) cloud ima-
mean daily global solar insolation received in the major parts of the gery. The satellite data of three months were used; May 1986, August
country ranges from 4.44 to 5.97 kW h/m2, with a mean of 5.27 kW h/ 1986 and October 1985. The solar insolation data were estimated from
m2 [13,14,19–21]. The majority of the articles (published before 1996) GOES digital data obtained from INSAT satellite using a radiative transfer
reviewed in Section 2.2 reported the long-term data measured by PMD, model proposed by Dedieu et al. [65]. It was reported that GOES images
one article [50] reported six-month data measured by Pakistan Council were available at a temporal resolution of three hours (0300, 0600, 0900

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

8 8
WRDC vs 1986 Sukhera et al. WRDC vs 1994 Raja and Twidell

1994 Raja and Twidell GHI (kWh/m2)

1986 Sukhera et al. GHI (kWh/m2) 7 7
6 6 MUL
PWR PWR y = 1.404x - 0.794
QUT QUT R² = 0.955
5 5
y = 1.028x - 0.257 y = 1.012x - 0.264
R² = 0.849 R² = 0.940
4 4
y = 1.058x - 0.377 y = 0.983x + 0.471 y = 1.004x - 0.021 y = 1.124x - 0.112
R² = 0.967 R² = 0.882 R² = 0.991 R² = 0.979
3 3
y = 1.033x - 0.337 y = 1.150x - 0.545 y = 1.108x - 0.263 y = 0.987x - 0.046
R² = 0.982 R² = 0.970 R² = 0.993 R² = 0.995
2 2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
WRDC GHI (kWh/m2) WRDC GHI (kWh/m2)
8 8
WRDC vs 1990 Chaudhry WRDC vs 2006 Muneer et al.
7 7

2006 Muneer et al. GHI (kWh/m2)

1990 Chaudhry GHI (kWh/m2)

6 6 MUL
PWR PWR y = 1.402x - 0.785
QUT QUT R² = 0.954
5 5
y = 0.960x + 0.184 y = 1.013x - 0.271
R² = 0.989 R² = 0.942
4 4
y = 0.968x + 0.103 y = 1.068x - 0.127 y = 0.999x + 0.009 y = 1.126x - 0.115
R² = 0.996 R² = 0.993 R² = 0.991 R² = 0.979
3 3
y = 0.919x - 0.091 y = 1.100x - 0.164 y = 1.108x - 0.265 y = 0.987x - 0.043
R² = 0.995 R² = 0.994 R² = 0.993 R² = 0.995
2 2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
WRDC GHI (kWh/m2) WRDC GHI (kWh/m2)

WRDC vs 1993 Nasir and Raza

1993 Nasir and Raza GHI (kWh/m2)


y = 1.149x - 1.037
QUT R² = 0.969
y = 1.052x + 0.149
R² = 0.968
y = 0.900x + 0.003
R² = 0.962
y = 1.016x + 0.212
R² = 0.970
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
WRDC GHI (kWh/m2)

Fig. 10. A comparison of monthly mean daily GHI data (kW h/m2) from WRDC versus PMD, 1986 Sukhera et al. [11], 1990 Chaudhary [16], 1993 Nasir and Raza [17], 1994 Raja and
Twidell [18], and 2006 Muneer et al. [27].

and 1200 h GMT) on the 75th Meridian East corresponding to the local Malik et al. [25] used Geostationary Operational Environmental
time (0800, 1100, 1400 and 1700 h PST). The spatial resolution of Satellite (GOES) cloud imagery to develop solar radiation maps of
approximately 24 km. The monthly mean solar insolation at 11:00 h PST Pakistan. The daily satellite data at 11:00 PST (0600 GMT) for the
are presented in Fig. 2 to Fig. 4 of Ref. [23]. It was reported that the years 1985–1986 were used to evaluate monthly and annual mean of
maximum solar insolation falls over Balochistan due to cloud free zone. solar radiation using a radiative transfer model proposed by Dedieu
The suitable potential sites for solar energy applications are central et al. [65]. The monthly mean hourly solar insolation at 11:00 PST for
Makran, the sandy desert of north-western Balochistan, the Pothohar January, March, June, August and September are presented as Fig. 1 to
plateau of central Punjab, the Thal desert of southern Punjab and upper Fig. 5 of Ref. [25]. The maps show that solar radiation in the country
Sindh. The data presented in this study were on the hourly basis, unlike over the year varies from 14.4 to 15.6 kW h/m2 (600–650 W/m2) in
other studies which are daily mean of 24 hours. winter to 31.2–32.4 kW h/m2 (1300–1350 W/m2) in summer. The

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

Table 3
The maximum and minimum of monthly mean daily and annual mean daily solar insolation (kW h/m2).

Source Karachi Lahore Multan Peshawar Quetta

Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean

WRDC 4.03 6.51 5.31 2.61 5.93 4.36 3.09 6.45 5.06 3.02 7.30 5.16 3.40 7.26 5.41
1986 Sukhera et al. [11] 3.83 6.55 5.20 3.04 6.67 4.76 2.58 6.56 4.98 2.68 7.05 4.99 3.17 7.95 5.68
1990 Chaudhry [16] 4.08 6.46 5.28 2.60 6.12 4.53 3.20 6.51 5.00 2.64 6.63 4.65 3.65 7.97 5.79
1993 Nasir and Raza [17] 3.69 6.36 5.06 2.78 6.34 4.74 – – – 2.40 6.44 4.65 3.60 7.65 5.71
1994 Raja and Twidell [18] 3.91 6.39 5.11 2.82 6.54 4.79 3.07 6.57 5.06 2.92 7.37 5.05 3.42 7.93 5.73
2006 Muneer et al. [27] 3.92 6.39 5.11 2.83 6.56 4.79 3.08 6.56 5.06 2.92 7.36 5.05 3.42 7.94 5.73

solar insolation data presented as monthly mean hourly for a specific global horizontal solar irradiation (GHI), direct normal solar irradia-
time (11:00 PST) of the day in the study, this is different from the tion (DNI) and global solar irradiation on flat plate tilted at latitude
commonly used solar insolation data which is monthly mean daily. The (GTI), maps for Pakistan are shown in Fig. 11(a), (b) and (c),
reported values in summer are very high (1300–1350 W/m2) and are respectively.
near the solar constant (1367 W/m2); therefore, these values do not The Atmospheric Sciences Research Centre at the State University
seem feasible. of New York (SUNY) has developed maps for Pakistan at a spatial
Fawz-ul-Haq and Siddiqui [24] carried out a study to identify resolution of 10 km using input data from May 1, 2002, to September
potential sites for solar power generation in Pakistan using satellite 8, 2005 [70]. The SUNY model [71,72] was initially based on a model
automatic picture transmission (APT) images from November 1988 to developed for Meteosat data, which was based on a Heliosat-1 method
October 1990. These ATP images were received from National Oceanic [73] and evolved over the years with developments being directed to
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) series satellites and provided modelling GOES data. The inputs of the model are hourly visible
information about estimates of cloud cover, cloud type, the tempera- satellite images, climatological means for perceptible water, strato-
ture of cloud top, and temperature of land and sea surface. The spheric ozone, broadband atmospheric optical depth, daily snow cover
potential sites for solar power generation were identified by maximum and terrain elevation data. The annual mean daily global horizontal
number of sunny days and regions with least cloud cover. The satellite solar irradiation (GHI), direct normal solar irradiation (DNI) and
data were compared with the ground measured data provided by the global solar irradiation on flat plate tilted at latitude (GTI), maps of
PMD, and both data agreed well. It was observed that the most areas of Pakistan are shown in Fig. 12(a), (b) and (c), respectively.
Punjab, Balochistan and Sindh remain almost cloud free. The most The high-resolution SUNY model results were compared against the
cloud-free month was October, whereas the cloudiest month was CSR model and NASA SSE data set [74]. The SUNY model gave lower
February in Pakistan for the duration of the study. The results showed values of solar radiations compared to CSR model and consistently
that highly sunny regions are Sukkur, Nokkundi and the Bela-triangle, higher values than the NASA SSE model [66,70]. The solar resource
lie between latitude from 26 °N to 29 °N. maps using both CSR and SUNY models have not validated against
surface measured data due to non-availability of high-quality solar
radiation data [70]. The resource maps developed by NREL were the
3.2. NREL's solar resource assessment
only available source used to investigate the application of solar energy
systems in Pakistan before 2015, but the accuracy of these maps is not
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), South
yet evaluated. A comparison of NREL's CSR model and NREL's SUNY
Asia Regional Initiative for Energy Cooperation (SARI/E) program,
model with surface measured data from WRDC for six meteorological
promotes regional integration of energy systems and enhances Cross-
stations is presented in Section 3.4.
Border Energy Trade in South Asia. The SARI/E program includes
eight countries: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal,
Afghanistan and Maldives. The development of high resolution solar 3.3. World Bank's Energy Sector Management Assistance Program
and wind resource data is one of the activities of the program. The (ESMAP)
USAID under the SARI/E program contracted the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL) to carry out renewable energy resource The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP),
assessment (solar and wind) and to develop resource maps for selected established in 1983, is a global technical assistance trust fund admini-
countries. The resource assessment data were in geographical informa- strated by the Word Bank. This program provides advisory services to
tion system (GIS) format and incorporated into a geospatial toolkit low and middle-income countries to achieve sustainable energy solu-
(GsT). These products for Pakistan were released at the Renewable tions for economic growth and poverty reduction. ESMAP is executing
Energy Symposium held on June 25–26, 2007 in Islamabad, Pakistan. a global initiative to support renewable energy resource assessment
The solar resource assessment was conducted in two ways; high- and mapping for solar, wind, small hydro and biomass covering 12
resolution maps (10 km) and low-resolution maps (40 km). The high- countries. The Government of Pakistan has requested the support of
resolution maps were developed using the State University of New York the World Bank and ESMAP's Renewable Energy Resource Mapping
at Albany (SUNY) model based on Meteosat 5 geostationary satellite Initiative to help to improve the country's knowledge and awareness of
data. The low-resolution maps were developed using NREL's renewable energy resources such as solar, wind and biomass [75].
Climatological Solar Radiation (CSR) model based on a global 40-km The three-year project of the Renewable Energy Resource Mapping
gridded cloud cover data [66]. Initiative for Pakistan has three phases of solar resource assessment
NREL has developed the CSR Model to estimate the daily solar [76]. Phase I was the preparation of the solar resource estimate for
radiation at a spatial resolution of 40 km [67]. The inputs of the model Pakistan based on solar radiation modelling using satellite and
are satellite and surface observations of cloud cover, aerosol optical reanalysed data. The initial maps of solar and wind potential for
depth, perceptible water vapours, surface albedo, atmospheric pressure Pakistan were presented in a workshop in Islamabad to the
and total column ozone sampled at 40 km resolution [68]. The solar Government of Pakistan on October 15, 2014. Phase II is a 24-month
radiation maps for Pakistan were developed using CSR model covering period of ground measurement at nine selected sites throughout the
the period of seven years from 1985 to 1991. The annual mean daily country, which is still in progress. Phase III will be the establishment of

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

Fig. 11. Annual mean daily solar radiation (kW h/m2) using NREL's CSR model [69] (a) GHI (b) DNI (c) GTI on flat plate tilted at latitude.

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

Fig. 11. (continued)

a solar atlas based on satellite data with the validation from ground DHI is 650–850 kW h/m2 for the major part of the country, the highest
measured data. values of DHI being on the south coast of the country and within
The main output of Phase I was an estimate solar atlas (solar Punjab province.
resource maps) containing the annual and monthly maps of global
horizontal irradiation (GHI), direct normal irradiation (DNI) and 3.4. Comparison of satellite data with surface measured data
diffused horizontal irradiation (DHI) with a spatial resolution of
2.5 km × 2.5 km. The high-resolution data from visible and infrared This section presents a comparison between the surface measured
channels of geostationary satellites from 2002 to 2012 (13 years) were data, the satellite resource assessment by NREL and satellite data by
used for solar resource assessment. The HELIOSAT method is one of NASE SSE. The freely accessible solar radiation data source for
the several computational methods developed over the past years to Pakistan is WRDC, and the ground measured solar isolation data is
estimate the downward solar radiation from satellite data observations only available for global horizontal irradiation for six stations. The
and has proven to be reliable in several European projects. Cano et al. monthly mean daily GHI values for six stations were used to compare
[73] initially proposed the HELIOSAT method, subsequently modified the results of solar resource assessments. The solar resource assess-
by Beyer et al. [77] and Hammer [78]. The downward solar irradiance ment by NREL is available on their website [69] in the form of GIS
was computed by using Heliosat-2-Method [79–81] using global data, whereas solar resource assessment by ESMAP is not yet available.
datasets of water vapour, cloud index, aerosol optical depth and ozone. The NASA SSE [66,70] is easily assessable solar radiation data based
The solar atlas developed using satellite data is not validated yet with on satellite model at a spatial resolution of 1°×1° latitude-longitude
the ground measurements and will be validated in Phase III of the with a temporal resolution of one day.
project. The surface measured data from WRDC were compared with the
The annual mean total of global horizontal irradiation (GHI) for 13 global horizontal irradiation (GHI) values from NREL's CSR model and
years is shown in Fig. 13(a) [30]. The estimate of the annual mean total NREL's SUNY. The GHI data for six meteorological stations was
of the GHI for the whole country is 2071 kW h/m2. The highest values obtained from the GIS data provided by NREL. The duration of the
of GHI is in the south-west of the country and gradually decreases to data NREL's CSR model is from 1985 to 1991 and, for NREL SUNY
north and north-west of the country; the maximum annual mean daily model is May 2002 to September 2005. A comparison of monthly mean
total is 2300 kW h/m2 in the south-west of Balochistan. The estimate daily GHI data from WRDC with NREL CSR model and NREL SUNY
shows that 75% of the land area has over 2000 kW h/m2 and 92.6% of model is presented in Figs. 14 and 15, respectively. The percentage
the land area has over 1500 kW h/m2. The estimate of the annual mean error, mean percentage error (MPE), mean absolute percentage error
total of direct normal irradiation (DNI) for 13 years is shown in (MAPE), root mean square error (RMSE) and mean bias error (MBE)
Fig. 13(b) [30]. The estimate shows that 83% of the land area has over of NREL's data were calculated using WRDC data as a reference.
2000 kW h/m2; the highest values are for the Sindh and Balochistan The MAPE of GHI for Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Multan,
provinces, which exceed 2400 kW h/m2. The maximum annual mean Peshawar and Quetta were 23.43%, 4.22%, 15.73%, 4.34%, 7.55%
total of DNI is about 2700 kW h/m2 in north-west Balochistan. The and 6.80% respectively for the NREL's SUNY model and 25.22%,
estimate of the annual mean total of diffused horizontal irradiation 2.91%, 17.80%, 6.28%, 4.32% and 6.33% respectively for the NREL's
(DHI) for 13 years is shown in Fig. 13(c) [30]. The annual mean total of CSR model. The MPE of solar insolation for Islamabad, Karachi,

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

Fig. 12. Annual mean daily solar radiation (kW h/m2) using NREL's SUNY model [69] (a) GHI (b) DNI (c) GTI on flat plate tilted at latitude.

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

Fig. 12. (continued)

Lahore, Multan, Peshawar and Quetta were −23.43%, 2.74%, −15.73%, and Multan. The maximum and minimum values of monthly mean
−1.94%, 5.64% and −6.24% respectively for the SUNY model and daily, along with the annual mean daily global horizontal irradiation of
−25.22%, +0.18%, −17.80%, −6.23%, +3.02% and −5.76% respectively six meteorological stations from WRDC, NREL's CSR model and
for the CSR model. The MBE (in kW h/m2) of GHI for Islamabad, NREL's SUNY models for the duration as described in the above
Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar and Quetta were −1.00, +0.13, sections, are presented in Table 4.
−0.72, −0.14, +0.22 and −0.39 respectively for the SUNY model and The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have
−1.03, 0.00, −0.79, −0.34, +0.12 and −0.35 respectively for the CSR developed the Solar Meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) service, which
model. The RMSE of GHI for Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Multan, includes the long-term estimates of meteorological quantities and
Peshawar and Quetta were 1.18, 0.26, 0.80, 0.26, 0.40 and 0.50 surface solar energy fluxes. The NASA-SSE data sets include mean
respectively for the SUNY model and 1.14, 0.17, 0.84, 0.41, 0.23 and daily solar radiation from July 1, 1983, to June 30, 2005. This data set
0.46 respectively for the CSR model. is available worldwide and has a spatial resolution of 1°×1° latitude-
The monthly mean daily GHI values from the low-resolution CSR longitude and is produced via the International Satellite Cloud
model are higher compared to the high-resolution SUNY model, and Climatology Project (ISCCP). The SSE Release 1 was made available
both are higher than WRDC data. Both SUNY and CSR models to the public in 1997 to provide easy access to parameters needed in
overestimate the solar insolation compared to the ground measure- the renewable energy (solar and wind) industry. The Prediction of
ments of WRDC. The SUNY model overestimates the annual mean Worldwide Energy Resource (POWER) project was started in 2003 to
values by 23.43%, whereas, in July the overestimate is 40.39% for improve previous releases of SSE and to create new datasets from new
Islamabad. The CSR model overestimates the annual mean values by satellite observations. The surface solar insolation in SSE data was
25.22%, whereas, in January and May, the overestimates are 35.72% estimated using a modified method of Pinker and Laszlo [82], which
and 35.05%, respectively for Islamabad. For Lahore, the SUNY model involves the use of a radiative transfer model. The inputs of the model
overestimates the annual mean values by 15.73%, whereas, in July the include visible and infrared radiances, cloud and surface properties,
overestimate is 24.63%; the CSR model overestimates the annual mean temperature and moisture profile and column ozone amount [74]. The
values by 17.80%, whereas, in January and September the over- SSE solar radiation data were validated against research quality
estimates are 23.28% and 22.03%, respectively. The SUNY model observation from the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) [83].
underestimates the mean monthly mean solar insolation for Karachi The NASA-SSE data set is available 1° spatial resolution (approx-
and Peshawar by a maximum of 7.81% and 16.05% respectively and imate 100 km) in the form of the grid with a temporal resolution of one
overestimates for Multan and Quetta by a maximum of 7.89% and day. The NASA-SSE solar radiation data are available in three common
12.89% respectively. The CSR model underestimates the mean monthly units used: daily mean of global horizontal irradiance in W/m2 and
mean solar insolation for Karachi and Peshawar by a maximum of daily mean global horizontal irradiation in Wh/m2 and J/cm2. The
4.66% and 14.00% respectively and overestimates the for Multan and mean daily data for solar insolation for the six stations were obtained
Quetta by a maximum of 12.62% and 13.94% respectively. The SUNY from NASA-SSE for the duration July 1, 1983, to June 30, 2005, for the
model gave a good estimate (MAPE less than 5%) of the solar insolation nearest location on the grid. The monthly mean daily solar insolation
for Multan, whereas the CSR model gave a good estimate for Karachi (kW h/m2) was calculated for the long-term data (22 years) for

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861




y = 1.221x - 0.176
MUL R² = 0.982
y = 1.155x - 0.444
QUT R² = 0.989
y = 1.410x - 0.587 y = 1.041x - 0.334
R² = 0.971 R² = 0.984
y = 1.056x - 0.299 y = 1.175x - 0.592
R² = 0.959 R² = 0.988
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
WRDC GHI (kWh/m2)
Fig. 14. A comparison of monthly mean daily GHI data (kW h/m2) from WRDC versus
NREL CSR model.


y = 1.136x - 0.553
MUL R² = 0.985
y = 1.265x - 0.436
QUT R² = 0.979
y = 1.540x - 1.129 y = 1.097x - 0.719
R² = 0.966 R² = 0.966
y = 1.067x - 0.492 y = 1.195x - 0.669
R² = 0.935 R² = 0.986
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
WRDC GHI (kWh/m2)
Fig. 15. A comparison of monthly mean daily GHI data (kW h/m2) from WRDC versus
NREL SUNY model.

Table 4
The maximum and minimum of monthly mean daily and annual mean daily GHI values
(kW h/m2).

Meteorological station WRDC NREL SUNY NREL CSR

Islamabad Min 2.23 2.56 2.63

Max 5.42 7.20 7.21
Mean 3.95 4.95 4.98
Karachi Min 4.03 3.82 3.96
Max 6.51 6.63 6.64
Mean 5.31 5.17 5.30
Lahore Min 2.61 2.78 2.91
Max 5.93 7.13 7.14
Mean 4.36 5.08 5.15
Multan Min 3.09 2.89 3.15
Max 6.45 6.95 7.19
Mean 5.06 5.20 5.40
Peshawar Min 3.02 2.53 2.59
Fig. 13. Annual total of daily solar radiation (kW h/m2) for 13 years duration from 2002 Max 7.30 7.21 7.30
to 2012 [30] (a) GHI (b) DNI (c) DHI. Mean 5.16 4.94 5.04
Quetta Min 3.40 3.35 3.28
Max 7.26 7.89 7.84
Mean 5.41 5.80 5.77

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

8 good agreement with the surface measured data for meteorological

stations with less cloudy conditions. The NASA SSE data are easily
7 available for download from the website so that this data can use for
ISB the assessment of the site for the application of solar energy in

KHI Pakistan.
y = 1.214x + 0.018 4. Renewable energy potential and solar energy applications
MUL R² = 0.988
PWR This section presents the review of the literature published on the
y = 0.863x + 0.544
QUT R² = 0.977 renewable energy potential of Pakistan, especially focus on solar
4 energy. Section 4.1 is a short review of the articles on renewable
y = 1.431x - 0.418 y = 1.058x - 0.244 energy (solar, wind, biomass and hydel energy) potential, the main
R² = 0.974 R² = 0.979
3 focus of these articles was the utilisation of renewable energy to
y = 1.049x - 0.125
overcome the electricity shortage in the country. A review of articles
y = 1.082x - 0.299
R² = 0.956 R² = 0.979 describing the solar energy potential (mentioned in these) is presented
2 in Section 4.2; however, solar energy potential has not been evaluated
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
WRDC GHI (kWh/m2)
in any of these articles and solar energy potential described in Section
2.2 and Section 3.2 is only referred to in these articles. Section 4.3
Fig. 16. A comparison of monthly mean daily GHI data (kW h/m2) from WRDC versus contains the review of the status of solar energy applications (solar PV
and solar thermal), their feasibility and utilisation in the country.
Section 4.4 is about the analysis and critical discussion on the articles
comparison with surface measured data. A comparison of the surface presented in this Section 4. The importance and applications of the
measured data from WRDC and satellite data by NASA SSE for six surface measured data are presented in Section 4.5.
meteorological stations in presented in Fig. 16. The equation of the
lines of the best fit for each station and R2 values are also presented. 4.1. Renewable energy resources potential and utilisation
The MAPE of solar insolation for Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Multan,
Peshawar and Quetta were 32.01%, 3.35%, 21.99%, 3.65%, 4.02% and Energy is the basic necessity for life and a key factor to improve the
4.42% respectively. The MPE of solar insolation for Islamabad, economy of a country. Pakistan despite being richly blessed with
Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar and Quetta were −32.01%, renewable energy resources is dependent on foreign sources (for crude
−2.44%, −21.99%, 2.28%, −0.58% and −2.28% respectively. The oil, LNG and coal) and is currently facing severe energy deficiency in
MBE of solar insolation for Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Multan, the power sector. The electricity sector in the country is currently facing
Peshawar and Quetta were −1.28, −0.13, −0.95, +0.15, −0.05 and the tough challenges of an insufficient installed capacity, a suboptimal
−0.14 respectively. The RMSE of solar insolation for Islamabad, infrastructure, circular debt and revenue shortage. The renewable
Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar and Quetta were 1.38, 0.22, 0.99, energy resources (solar, wind, biomass, hydel) potential and it utilisa-
0.27, 0.25 and 0.28, respectively. tion for Pakistan had been reported by many articles [85–95]. Sahir
A comparison of surface measured data by WRDC with the resource and Qureshi [88] in their review article on the assessed renewable
assessment by NREL using both CSR and SUNY models and satellite energy resources potential and limitations of their use in the country
data from NASE SSE shows similar results. The mean absolute reported that; solar, wind, biomass and micro-hydel can play an
percentage error of GHI data from NREL's CSR, NREL's SUNY and important role as supplementary resources but not as an alternative
NASE SSE compared with WRDC is shown in Fig. 17. The satellite to conventional resources. Sheikh [91] presented a review of conven-
models overestimate the solar radiation more than 23% for Islamabad tional energy and the renewable energy scenarios of Pakistan in
and more than 15% for Lahore, whereas, for the other four stations it is quantitative terms of supply, generation and exploitation of available
less than 7%. One of the main reasons for the overestimation of satellite resources. An overview of the energy status and development of
data is that the radiative transfer model often predicts clear sky Pakistan was presented by Rauf et al. [96], including information
conditions whereas actual conditions are cloudy; the opposite of this about energy generation and distribution institutions, total installed
observation is also possible, but that is less obvious when actual clear power capacity, total generation power capacity, energy reserves and
sky conditions are predicted as cloudy [84]. This inappropriate resources of the country, energy crises in the power sector and possible
prediction of the occurrence of clear sky conditions leads to an solutions to overcome the energy crisis. A study to diagnose the energy
overestimation of satellite solar radiation data. The satellite data gave crisis and the potential and development of alternative energy projects
was reported by Shaikh et al. [97], it was recommended that the solar
35 power projects are quick remedies to reduce the shortfall of electricity
NREL CSR NREL SUNY NASA SSE and may be developed within one to three years.
The availability of renewable energy resources (hydel, solar, wind
25 and biomass) and their use for meeting growing electricity demands
reported in [87] with the conclusion that substantial renewable energy
MAPE (%)

20 potential is available for growing demand for electricity. An assessment

of renewable energy potential for electricity generation in Pakistan
15 presented by Farooq and Kumar [94], the current and future potential
of renewable energy sources was estimated. The wind energy genera-
tion potential was estimated as the capacity installation of 13 GW for
5 the suitable available area, the biomass energy source potential could
be 15 GW in 2050. The solar energy potential for power generation
0 from solar photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies was estimated
Islamabad Karachi Lahore Multan Peshawar Quetta to be 169 GW in 2050. A survey of the availability of various renewable
Fig. 17. Mean absolute percentage error of GHI data from NREL's CSR model, NREL's energy sources (hydel, solar, wind and biomass) and their current and
SUNY model, and NASA SSE compared with WRDC. future prospects in the total energy mix had been carried out by

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

Farooqui [95] in his review article, it was estimated that the country applications like photovoltaics, solar water heating, solar desalination
has feasible potential of 30 GW and 50 GW of installed capacity of and solar crop drying [89]. A review of the status of solar energy
hydel and the wind respectively by 2030. To ensure a sustainable application (photovoltaics, solar thermal, solar water heaters, solar
energy future, country need to diversify its energy mix recommended cooker and solar desalination) is presented by Mirza et al. [98], it was
by Asif in his review article [89], only 15% of available 42 GW of hydel reported that about seven solar stations with total capacity of 234 kW
power potential have been exploited so far, a high level of available was installed in mountain areas of Hindu Kush Himalayas region, more
solar energy can be utilised for both solar thermal and solar electrical than 2000 solar cookers has been used in the same region. A recent
applications. review on the prospects of solar energy utilisation, potential applica-
tions of solar energy, and public sector organization working to
4.2. Solar energy potential promote renewable energies in presented by Bhutto et al. [99]. The
utilisation of solar energy began in Pakistan in the 1980s. Pallet and
The solar energy potential in terms of annual mean daily and Brabben [9] reported the installation and operation of twenty solar
annual total global horizontal insolation estimated from surface powered micro-irrigation units (solar water pumps) at research and
measured data is reported in few articles. The daily mean global private agriculture farms throughout the country with the support of
horizontal insolation for the whole country is reported as 4.8–6.0 the Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) and Agriculture
kW h/m2 (200–250 W/m2) in [90,94,98–100], 4.16–5.83 kW h/m2 Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP). The Directorate General of
(15–21 MJ/m2) in [86], 4.44–5.83 kW h/m2 (16–21 MJ/m2) in [87]. Energy Resources, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources
The annual mean daily GHI for the whole country is 5.28 kW h/m2 (19 started a program of solar villages, and the first solar energy system
MJ/m2) [87,99,101] and major area receive GHI between 5.27 and was installed in 1981; this solar village had a power capacity of 5 kW
5.56 kW h/m2 (19–20 MJ/m2) [86]. According to the Energy and the electric power was utilised for domestic purposes and water
Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy [102], the pumping [10]. The utilisation of solar energy for different applications
daily mean solar insolation for the country is 5.3 kW h/m2[98]. The had been started by Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial
annual total of global solar insolation for the country is approximately Research (PCSIR) and Directorate General of New and Renewable
1900–2300 kW h/m2 (6840–8280 MJ/m2) [103] reported in Energy Resources (DGNRER) [19]. DGNRER had installed solar PV
[90,98,99] whereas 1900–2200 kW h/m2 [104] reported in Asif systems at 18 locations all over the country with the total capacity of
[89,100,105]. 434 kW, details in Table 2 of Ref. [86]. PCSIR had designed, developed
The solar energy potential in terms of annual mean daily global and installed five solar desalination plants, four having a capacity of
horizontal insolation estimated from the solar resource assessment 250 gpd (gallons per day) each in Therparker and one having a capacity
[70] by National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA is reported in five of 6000 gpd in Gwadar [86].
articles [91,92,94,106,107]. The annual mean daily solar global
horizontal insolation for the whole country was reported as 5–7 4.3.1. Solar photovoltaic based applications
kW h/m2 (18–25 MJ/m2) approximately in a review article by Solar photovoltaic power is a commercially available technology
Sheikh [106]. Average daily mean solar global insolation of 5–7 with a significant potential for long-term growth, there is rapid
kW h/m2 exists over more than 95% area of the country, with a development occurring both in the basic technology and the market
persistence factor of over 85% [91,92,94,106]. strategy and prospects for rapid growth of solar power. The high levels
The total available annual potential of solar energy over the total of solar radiation in major parts of the country throughout the year
area (796,095 km2) of the country is 1453 GW h (5230 TJ) based on make favourable conditions for its development [99]. The minimum
annual mean daily GHI of 5.27 kW h/m2 (19 MJ/m2) [21,87], this level of annual mean daily solar horizontal insolation, 4.44 kW h/m2
estimation was based on monthly maps developed from the measured (16 MJ/m2), in the country is higher than the World mean, 3.61 kW h/
surface data of 15 years duration [21]. The exploitable solar energy m2 (13 MJ/m2) [87]. The estimated annual solar PV potential for
resource potential of the country is 50 GW [96], the estimated solar centralised and decentralised grid-connected systems is 3500 TW h
energy potential in the country was reported as 2900 GW [105,108] and 25 TW h respectively. [87]. The limited technological awareness of
and 2900 GW h [109] according to the Planning Commission of the solar photovoltaic systems in the country [110] is one of the major
Pakistan (the details of the source of this data is not mentioned). issues in the utilisation of its potential.
The sunshine duration monthly counter maps using measured data The utilisation of renewable energies especially solar PV as a viable
from 1975 to 1989 was presented by Ghaffar [21], the annual mean source has got more attention in the last decade due the shortage of
sunshine duration is 8–10 h for major parts of the country except for electricity in the country, the prospects of solar PV for meeting the
the northern areas; 7–8 h during winter (December to February), growing electricity demand is various articles [3,87,94,110,111]. A
whereas, 9–10 h in summer (May to August). The annual sunshine recent review on the progress of photovoltaic-based energy generation
duration for Bahawalpur (Punjab) was reported about 3000 h [10]. The in Pakistan was presented by Sher et al. [3]. The Pakistan Engineering
sunshine duration reported by Adnan et al. [22] ranges from 12 to 14 h Council has installed 178 kW capacity PV plants in both the Pakistan
in summer and from 8 to 10 h in winter. The sunshine duration for the Engineering Council and Planning Commission of Pakistan sites in
whole country are 1500–3000 h in a year, particular Baluchistan Islamabad, with the total power generation capacity of 356 kW.
province has an annual mean sunshine duration of 8–8.5 h [98]. The According to the Punjab Energy Department, private entrepreneurs
mean daily sunshine duration from 6 to 8 h and annual total sunshine are working on PV power plants in various regions, with a total capacity
duration from 2300 to 2700 h estimated from NREL's resource of 90 MW.
assessment was reported in [91,92,106]. The mean daily sunshine The performance and economic analysis of Solar PV system were
duration is from 7 to 8 h in the south-western part of Balochistan reported in Refs [21,106,112]. The annual mean of the extractable
Province and north-eastern part of Sindh province [91], both regions solar energy using PV cell array with 12% assumed efficiency for four
has excellent potential for solar energy. The average sunshine duration cities was estimated and reported in [21]; the annual total solar energy
of 7.6 h was reported in [101,107]. for Lahore, Multan, Islamabad and Hyderabad was 163.89 kW h/m2
(590 MJ/m2), 166.67 kW h/m2 (600 MJ/m2), 161.11 kW h/m2 (580
4.3. Solar energy applications MJ/m2) and 166.67 kW h/m2 (600 MJ/m2), respectively. The perfor-
mance analysis of the solar photovoltaic system of 10 MW capacity
The availability of solar radiation is relatively consistent throughout based on NREL data had a capacity factor of 20% without storage for
the country, which makes it highly favourable for solar energy Multan, the Levelized Cost of Electricity for the system was found as

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

0.192 USD/kW h [112]. The estimate of photovoltaic electric energy the same potential was reported by Uqaili et al. [87] without noticing
generation over an area of 10×10 km2 (with 14% efficient PV panels the calculation error. Sheikh [106] reported that the 10×10 km2 area of
and 0.7 system performance ratio) is 8.33×103 GW h based on annual land covered with PV panels (14% efficiency) can produce energy
sunshine hours of 2125 and average irradiance of 800 W/m2 (average equivalent to 30 MTOE (equivalent to 349×103 GW h). This informa-
irradiance during sunshine hours) reported in [106]. The total esti- tion is misleading, as the described area can produce 8.33×103 GW h,
mated demand of the country is 62 MTOE (Million Tonnes of Oil which is equivalent to 0.7 MTOE only. Sheikh [91,106] reported that
Equivalent), whereas 100 km2 area of land covered with PV panels can the daily mean solar insolation varies from 5 to 7 kW h/m2 (18–25 MJ/
produce energy equivalent to 30 MTOE (this information is not m2) without any reference, the upper value is much higher than the
sensible, as 30 MTOE is equivalent to 349 TW h). Similar calculations measured values reported in Section 2.2. Amer and Daim [92] reported
were reported by Kurokawa [113] for the Thar desert, an area of that the daily mean solar insolation varies from 5 to 7 kW h/m2,
20000 km2 which can generate 21.3×103 TW h of electricity annually. according to NREL's solar maps of Pakistan, However, there is no
A proposal for solar hydrogen energy system as an alternative information on the range of solar insolation provided by NREL's
option for fossil fuel-based energy systems was presented in [114] published reports [66,70], while, in discussing solar PV applications,
presented. It was proposed that hydrogen gas can be produced through the DNI map was referred to, which is, again, misleading the readers as
electrolysis using the photovoltaic system in the non-agriculture sunny DNI is not applicable for solar PV systems.
terrain of Balochistan. It is reported that major regions throughout the Awan and Khan [105] reported the estimated solar potential of the
country receive on average daily mean solar insolation of 5.26 kW h/ country as 2900 GW, without any calculations or valid reference. The
m2 (19.0 MJ/m2) [14]. Lutfi and Veziroǧlu [115] proposed solar- GHI map is shown in Fig. 4 of [105] and DNI map shown in Fig. 7 of
hydrogen demonstration project for a potential location. The proposed [105] are taken from SolarGIS [26] but are referred to as an NREL map
location of the project was Sonmiani (a coastal area in Balochistan, in the description, which is confusing and misleading for the reader.
85 km north-west of Karachi) where the annual total of daily mean Mahmood et al. [109] reported the estimated potential of solar energy
global solar insolation is 1921 kW h/m2 (7.0 GJ/m2). in Pakistan is 2900 GW h without any reference or calculations. Khalil
and Zaidi [111] reported that a 1 kW photovoltaic system could
4.3.2. Solar thermal applications produce an average of 0.17 kW per day for the entire country, but this
The application of solar energy for the solar thermal applications statement makes no sense; five cities were selected for analysing the
has been reported in few articles [27,86,112,116]. The solar thermal performance of a PV system, which is not representative of the country.
energy is abundant and economically feasible compared to conven- The population of Lahore city was reported as 90 million, which is
tional energy resources, solar thermal energy is cost competitive due to about half of the population of the country, electricity consumption in
simpler design and fabrication [116]. The first ever solar water heater different sectors was described as energy consumption, and the names
was developed by DGNRER had a capacity of 50 gallons which gave the of the programs used for simulation were not correctly named. Rauf
temperature of 40–45 °C supplied at subsidised price [86]. The et al. [96] reported an exploitable solar energy resource potential
experimental analysis of solar water heaters for the textile industry greater than 50 GW without calculations or reference. Ghafoor et al.
was reported in [27]. A performance analysis of built-in storage water [108] reported the solar energy potential of the country as 2.9 million
heater (plain and finned type) show that finned type water heater has MW based on NREL without describing details, whereas NREL maps
55% efficiency compared to plane type heater which was 47%. The show much higher potential.
monetary energy payback period for plain and finned type heaters are Khahro et al. [51] estimated diffused, direct and total solar
6.7 and 6.1 years respectively. The performance analysis of parabolic insolation from measured global horizontal insolation for a prospective
trough collector for Multan was reported by Sadati et al. [112]. The location in the southern region of Sindh. The annual mean daily
typical meteorological year (TMY) data from NREL and TMY2 data insolation was reported as 7.91 kW h/m2 (28.47 MJ/m2). The values
from Meteonorm were analysed; the estimated annual DNI values reported throughout the article are not feasible, and there seems to be a
based on NREL and Meteonorm were 1828 kW h/m2 and 1363 kW h/ systematic error in processing the raw data for the given location; the
m2, respectively. The performance analysis based on NREL data show values reported for base calculation are 77% higher than the actual
that parabolic trough collector system with and without storage having measured values, which is misleading. The NASA SSE [74] annual
capacity factor of 46% and 20% respectively. The levelised cost of mean daily GHI for this location is 5.16 kW h/m2 with a maximum
electricity for a parabolic trough collector system was estimated as monthly mean daily value of 6.69 kW h/m2 in June. The data was
0.273 USD/kW h for a system without storage and 0.226 USD/kW h measured at AEDB-UNDP Baburband Mast, the raw data for this
with 7.5 hours of storage. location was reanalysed for the present study, and an annual mean GHI
was found as 4.46 kW h/m2 (equivalent to daily mean insolation of
4.4. Critical discussion and analysis 16.11 MJ/m2 or 186 W/m2).

The published research data is quite old now, as most of the data 4.5. Importance and application of surface measured data
used in from 50's till 90's. Currently, NREL [29] and IEA [49] and
WMO [117,118] suggested guidelines for collection, assessment and Accurate and precise solar resource assessment of the potential site
use of solar energy resource data for improved accuracy and reliability. is a prerequisite for the successful deployment of any solar energy
Some information observed during review of the published literature system. The accurate and reliable data of various components of solar
which is not feasible (due to errors in data processing and analysis) and radiation are required for various applications. The global horizontal
is misleading for the readers. The data presented in articles before the irradiation (GHI) is required for photovoltaic systems, and direct
90 s and NREL solar resource assessment were cited in recent normal irradiation (DNI) is required for concentrated solar power
publications. No recent study has been carried out to investigate the systems [49]. The solar resource assessment plays a major role in the
accuracy and validity of solar potential of Pakistan. The solar radiation success of the solar energy project, from the initial site selection to
data in NREL assessment is overestimated which lead to lower capacity plant design and financing [29]. The solar radiations maps
factor of installed solar system increasing the operational cost and [12,14,16,19–21] discussed in Section 2.2 are not enough reliable for
lowering the confidence of the investors. the solar resource assessment of the potential site, as those were
Ghaffar [21] reported the available solar energy potential of the predicted on the basis of the theoretical formula without considering
total geographical area of Pakistan was reported as 5.23 PJ/m2 per year the environmental conditions, like the cloud cover. The solar resource
which is a calculation error (the correct value is 5.23 million PJ/m2), assessment by NREL is the only assessment for three components of

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

solar radiation; GHI, DNI and GTI. This assessment is based on the insolation data for the long-term duration were compared with the
satellite data and is not validated against the surface measured data, PMD data in Section 2.4, and both datasets show good agreement,
since its launch in 2007. The comparison of this assessment is done for except there is some variation due to the duration of data, which is
the first time in this study, and it is observed that the GHI values acceptable; therefore, WRDC data can be used for further solar
estimated by NREL are much higher than the measured values for resource assessment. The WRDC data were not used or even referred
some regions in the country. The comparison performed in this study is to in any of the articles presented in this review, which is unfortunate
a question mark on the reliability of the solar resource assessment by and reflects that researchers in the field of solar energy are not aware of
NREL to use for commercial solar power projects. WRDC or availability of long-term surface measured data. The majority
The high-quality surface measured data for solar radiation are not of the work for estimating solar potential was done before 2000, about
usually available on the potential site, to ensure proper solar assess- three times more articles were published after 2000, and only a few had
ment and thus to secure the final acceptance of the project. The annual done any research work on solar potential, whereas the majority of
variation of the solar radiation has a major effect on the prediction of articles referred to previous work.
energy yield of the solar system [49]. The long-term time series of solar The first attempt to estimate the annual mean daily solar isolation
radiation data (usually multi-decadal) are required at different stages of whole country from surface measured data of solar insolation and
of the solar project [119]. The multi-decadal solar radiations time sunshine duration using Ångstrom type regression equation was made
series are seldom available for potential sites of solar power system, so by Raja and Twidell in 1990 [13,14], which was 4.44–5.97 kW h/m2
solar radiation can be estimated using satellite imaginary to derive the 16.0–21.5 MJ/m2) with mean of 5.27 kW h/m2 (19.0 MJ/m2). Ghaffar
effect of cloud cover on the solar radiation at the surface of Earth. [21] estimated the annual mean daily solar insolation as 4.44–5.83
There are various methods to determine the solar radiation at the kW h/m2 (16–21 MJ/m2) with a mean of 5.27 kW h/m2 (19 MJ/m2).
surface of the earth and most commonly used are based on the Ahmad et al. [20] estimated the annual mean daily solar isolation using
meteorological satellites data [79,80,120–123]. The global reanalysis ASHRAE formulation modified for Pakistan, which was 4.80–6.20
datasets of solar radiation were estimated by different radiative kW h/m2 with a mean of 5.50 kW h/m2. Adnan et al. [22] estimated
transfer models and are available free of cost. The most common the annual daily mean solar insolation using sunshine duration data for
global reanalysis datasets used for satellite solar resource assessment 58 meteorological stations, which was 3.6–6.6 kW h/m2 (equivalent
are: NASA Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and irradiance of 150–275 W/m2) with a mean of 5.11 kW h/m2 (213 W/
Application (MERRA) [124]; European Centre for Medium-Range m2). Mirza et al. [98] reported that the daily mean global horizontal
Weather Forecasts reanalysis (ERA-Interim) [125]; the joint product irradiation was 4.80–6.00 kW h/m2 (equivalent irradiance of 200–
of the National Centres for Environmental Predictions (NCEP) and the 250 W/m2) according to the World Energy Council [103], and the daily
National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) reanalysis (NCEP- mean solar insolation for Pakistan was 5.30 kW h/m2 (the annual total
NCAR) [126]; Climate Forecast System Reanalysis and Reforecast of daily mean is 1930 kW h/m2) according to the Energy Information
(CFSRR) [127]; Japanese 55-year Reanalysis Project (JRA-55) [128]; Administration, U.S. Department of Energy [102].
and Twentieth-Century Reanalysis (20CR) [129]. The time series from The NREL published literature [66,70] did not include any in-
these satellite datasets span over decades with spatial resolutions from formation about the monthly mean daily solar insolation or even total
0.5° to 2.0° and temporal resolutions from one hour to six hours. The solar potential of Pakistan, along with the fact that the solar atlas was
time series of solar radiations from these reanalysis data have an not previously validated by ground surface measured data, and was
absolute bias for a specific region [130–132] and are corrected by bias used by many researchers to estimate the solar potential. The mean
corrections method to compare with surface measured data. daily insolation estimated by NREL's SUNY model and CSR model are
The radiative transfer model used to estimate solar radiation global significantly higher than then long-term surface measured data of
in a particular reanalysis dataset is compared with high-quality surface WRDC. The annual total of mean daily global horizontal irradiation
measured data and corrected for the specific region. In the case of estimated by ESMAP's solar energy resource maps (based on 13 years
Pakistan, the reanalysis dataset can be compared with the ground satellite data from 2000 to 2012) for the whole country was 2071
measured data available to find the bias for a specific region. The bias kW h/m2 and the monthly mean daily GHI was 5.67 kW h/m2 .
correction approach may be applied to the time series for the potential The annual mean daily solar insolation for the whole country,
site to find solar resource potential. According to the Alternative estimated from measured data of solar insolation and sunshine
Energy Development Board [5], 28 solar PV power projects of the duration using empirical relationships, was from 5.11 to 5.50 kW h/
total capacity of 956.8 MW are at various stages of development, and m2, which is slightly lower than the ESMAP's solar atlas, which is 5.67
by the year 2018, it will be 1556 MW. Out of 28 projects, two projects kW h/m2. The solar insolation based on satellite data is overestimated
of 100 MW capacity each are installed by Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power due to clear sky prediction while actual conditions were cloudy [84].
Ltd, two projects of 100 MW capacity each are under construction and The annual mean daily solar insolation for all of Pakistan, based on the
24 projects of 556.8 MW are in the pipeline. Pakistan has huge solar PMD data [13,14,20,22,98], is estimated from 4.4 to 6.2 kW h/m2 with
energy potential, so surface measured data available at WRDC can be a mean value of 5.30 kW h/m2 (19.0 MJ/m2 or 221 W/m2).
used to correct satellite reanalysis data for the different regions Ghaffar [21] reported that the total available annual potential of
throughout the country for the solar resource assessment. The satellite solar energy over the total area (796095 km2) of the country is 5230 TJ
reanalysis dataset can be compared with this surface measured data to (1453 GW h). Awan and Khan [105] and Mahmood et al. [109]
find possible bias and can be used for solar resource assessment of reported the estimated solar potential of the country as 2900 GW
solar energy projects in Pakistan. and 2900 GW h, respectively, according to the Planning Commission of
Pakistan. The same potential value of 2900 GW was recently reported
5. Discussion by the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank Group, the
World Bank Group [133] and in [108]. The reported values of solar
The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) began measuring resource potential are not sensible in any respect; the 1453 GW h value
data for global horizontal insolation for five stations from 1957 and reported in Ref. [21] using the total land area of the country, which is
stopped somewhere around 2000. The World Radiation Data Centre about one million times less than the calculated value, the 2900 GW
(WRDC) collects and archives global solar radiation data. The long- and 2900 GW h values reported in Ref. [105,108,109] have no
term solar global insolation and sunshine duration data for Pakistan information about the area used to calculate potential and no calcula-
can be obtained from PMD and WRDC; PMD charges for providing the tions were found in the previously published literature.
data, whereas WRDC provides data free of charge. The WRDC solar The solar resource potential based on annual mean daily solar

Z.R. Tahir, M. Asim Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018) 2839–2861

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