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CONSTITUTIONAL LAW II qualifed foreigner and a qualifed Filipino, the latter shall be

chosen over the former.

I. Due Process and Equal Protecton as Limitatons on
Police Power, Eminent Domain and Taxaton PRINCIPLE:
A. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES ON CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND BILL OF A consttuton is a system of fundamental laws for the governance and
RIGHTS administration of a nation. It is supreme, imperious, absolute and
unalterable except by the authority from which it emanates. It has been
defned as the fundamental and paramount law of the nation. It
MANILA PRINCE HOTEL v. GSIS prescribes the permanent framework of a system of government, assigns
G.R. No. 122156 | February 3, 1997 to the diferent departments their respective powers and duties, and
FACTS: establishes certain fxed principles on which government is founded. The
Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), pursuant to the fundamental conception in other words is that it is a supreme law to
privatization program of the Philippine Government under Proclamation which all other laws must conform and in accordance with which all
No. 50 dated 8 December 1986, decided to sell through public bidding 30% private rights must be determined and all public authority administered.
to 51% of the issued and outstanding shares of respondent MHC. The
winning bidder, or the eventual strategic partner, is to provide DOCTRINE OF CONSTITUTIONAL SUPREMACY
management expertise and/or an international marketing/reservation If a law or contract violates any norm of the constitution that law or
system, and fnancial support to strengthen the proftability and contract whether promulgated by the legislative or by the executive
performance of the Manila Hotel. In a close bidding held on 18 September branch or entered into by private persons for private purposes is null and
1995 only two (2) bidders participatedd petitioner Manila Prince Hotel void and without any force and efect. Thus, since the Constitution is the
Corporation, a Filipino corporation, which ofered to buy 51% of the MHC fundamental, paramount and supreme law of the nation, it is deemed
or 15,300,000 shares at P41.58 per share, and Renong Berhad, a Malaysian written in every statute and contract.
frm, with ITTSSheraton as its hotel operator, which bid for the same
number of shares at P44.00 per share, or P2.42 more than the bid of
petitioner. TANADA v. ANGARA
G.R. No. 118295 | May 2, 1997
Pending the declaration of Renong Berhard as the winning FACTS:
bidder/strategic partner and the execution of the necessary contracts, On December 14, 1994, the Philippine Senate adopted
petitioner in a letter to respondent GSIS dated 28 September 1995 Resolution No. 97 which resolved that the Senate concur, in the ratifcation
matched the bid price of P44.00 per share tendered by Renong Berhad. In by the President of the Philippines of the Agreement Establishing the World
a subsequent letter dated 10 October 1995 petitioner sent a managers Trade Organization. The instant petition before this Court assails the WTO
check issued by Philtrust Bank for P33,000,000.00 as Bid Security to match Agreement for violating the mandate of the 1987 Constitution to "develop a
the bid of the Malaysian Group, Messrs. Renong Berhad. which respondent selfSreliant and independent national economy efectively controlled by
GSIS refused to accept. Filipinos to give preference to qualifed Filipinos (and to) promote the
preferential use of Filipino labor, domestic materials and locally produced
On 17 October 1995, perhaps apprehensive that respondent goods."
GSIS has disregarded the tender of the matching bid and that the sale of
51% of the MHC may be hastened by respondent GSIS and consummated ISSUE:
with Renong Berhad. WON, The provisions of the WTO agreement and its annexes
limit, restrict or impair the exercise of legislative power by congress.
1. WON, Sec. 10, (2), Art. XII of the Constitution is a selfSexecuting RULING:
provision. NO. By its very title, Article II of the Constitution is a declaration
2. WON, Manila Hotel falls under the term National Patrimony. of principles and state policies. The principles in Article II are not intended
to be selfSexecuting principles ready for enforcement through the courts.
RULING: [23] They are used by the judiciary as aids or as guides in the exercise of its
1. YES. Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII of the 1987 power of judicial review, and by the legislature in its enactment of laws.the
Constitution(Filipino First Policy) is a mandatory, positive principles and state policies enumerated in Article II and some sections of
command which is complete in itself and which needs no Article XII are not selfSexecuting provisions, the disregard of which can give
further guidelines or implementing laws or rules for its rise to a cause of action in the courts. They do not embody judicially
enforcement. From its very words the provision does not enforceable constitutional rights but guidelines for legislation.
require any legislation to put it in operation. It is per se
judicially enforceable. The basic principles underlying the WTO Agreement recognize
2. YES. In its plain and ordinary meaning, the term patrimony the need of developing countries like the Philippines to share in the growth
pertains to heritage. When the Constitution speaks of national in international trade commensurate with the needs of their economic
patrimony, it refers not only to the natural resources of the development.
Philippines, as the Constitution could have very well used the
term natural resources, but also to the cultural heritage of the The Constitution did not envision a hermitStype isolation of the
Filipinos.Manila Hotel has become a landmark, a living country from the rest of the world. In its Declaration of Principles and State
testimonial of Philippine heritage. Policies, the Constitution adopts the generally accepted principles of
international law as part of the law of the land, and adheres to the policy of
The term qualifed Filipinos simply means that preference shall peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and amity, with all nations."
be given to those citizens who can make a viable contribution to
the common good, because of credible competence and A portion of sovereignty may be waived without violating the
efficiency. It certainly does NOT mandate the pampering and Constitution, based on the rationale that the Philippines adopts the
preferential treatment to Filipino citizens or organizations that generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the
are incompetent or inefficient, since such an indiscriminate land and adheres to the policy of x x x cooperation and amity with all
preference would be counterproductive and inimical to the nations.
common good.In the granting of economic rights, privileges,
and concessions, when a choice has to be made between a PRINCIPLE:

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DOCTRINE OF INCORPORATION The COMELEEC declared petitioner and thirtySfve (35) others
The country is bound by generally accepted principles of international nuisance candidates who could not wage a nationwide campaign. Petitioner
law, which are considered to be automatically part of our own laws. seeks to reverse the resolutions which were allegedly rendered in violation
A treaty engagement is not a mere moral obligation but creates a legally of his right to "equal access to opportunities for public service" under
binding obligation on the parties x x x. A state which has contracted valid Section 26, Article II of the 1987 Constitution.
international obligations is bound to make in its legislations such
modifcations as may be necessary to ensure the fulfllment of the ISSUE:
obligations undertaken. WON, the constitutional provision ensuring “equal access to
opportunities for public officec grants constitutional right to run for or hold
public office.
G.R. No. 134015 | July 19, 1999 RULING.
FACTS: NO. What is recognized is merely a privilege subject to
On 25 March 1998, DOMINO fled his certifcate of candidacy limitations imposed by law. Section 26, Article II of the Constitution neither
for the position of Representative of the Province of Sarangani indicating in bestows such a right nor elevates the privilege to the level of an
his certifcate that he had resided in the constituency where he seeks to be enforceable right. There is nothing in the plain language of the provision
elected for one (1) year and two (2) months immediately preceding the which suggests such a thrust or justifes an interpretation of the sort. The
election. On 6 May 1998, the COMELEEC 2nd Division promulgated a "equal access" provision is a subsumed part of Article II of the Constitution,
resolution declaring DOMINO disqualifed as candidate for the position of entitled "Declaration of Principles and State Policies." The provisions under
representative of Sarangani for lack of the oneSyear residence requirement the Article are generally considered not selfSexecuting, and there is no
and likewise ordered the cancellation of his certifcate of candidacy. plausible reason for according a diferent treatment to the "equal access"
provision. LEike the rest of the policies enumerated in Article II, the provision
ISSUE: does not contain any judicially enforceable constitutional right but merely
WON, DOMINO is a resident of the Province of Sarangani for at specifes a guideline for legislative or executive action.
least 1 year immediately preceding the May 1998 election.
As earlier noted, the privilege of equal access to opportunities to
RULING: public office may be subjected to limitations. Some valid limitations
NO. It is doctrinally settled that the term residence, as used in specifcally on the privilege to seek elective office are found in the
the law prescribing the qualifcations for sufrage and for elective office, provisions of the Omnibus Election Code
means the same thing as domicile, which imports not only an intention to
reside in a fxed place but also personal presence in that place, coupled As long as the limitations apply to everybody equally without
with conduct indicative of such intention. Domicile denotes a fxed discrimination, however, the equal access clause is not violated. Equality is
permanent residence to which, whenever absent for business, pleasure, or not sacrifced as long as the burdens engendered by the limitations are
some other reasons, one intends to return. Domicile is a question of meant to be borne by any one who is minded to fle a certifcate of
intention and circumstances. candidacy. In the case at bar, there is no showing that any person is exempt
from the limitations or the burdens which they create.
Records show that petitioners domicile of origin was Candon,
Ilocos Sur and that sometime in 1991, he acquired a new domicile of YRASUEGI v. PAL
choice at 24 Bonifacio St. Ayala Heights, Old Balara, Quezon City, as shown G.R. No. 168081 | October 17, 2008
by his certifcate of candidacy for the position of representative of the 3rd FACTS:
District of Quezon City in the May 1995 election. On June 15, 1993, petitioner was formally informed by PALE that
due to his inability to attain his ideal weight, "and considering the utmost
A persons domicile once established is considered to continue leniency" extended to him "which spanned a period covering a total of
and will not be deemed lost until a new one is established.To successfully almost fve (5) years," his services were considered terminated "efective
efect a change of domicile one must demonstrate an actual removal or an immediately.
actual change of domicile; a bona fde intention of abandoning the former
place of residence and establishing a new one and defnite acts which ISSUE:
correspond with the purpose. The purpose to remain in or at the domicile WON, Petitioner may invoke the equal protection clause
of choice must be for an indefnite period of time; the change of residence guaranty of the Constitution.
must be voluntary; and the residence at the place chosen for the new
domicile must be actual. RULING:
NO. In the absence of governmental interference, the liberties
While, Dominos intention to establish residence in Sarangani guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be invoked. The Bill of Rights is not
can be gleaned from the fact that be bought the house he was renting on meant to be invoked against acts of private individuals. Private actions, no
November 4, 1997, that he sought cancellation of his previous registration matter how egregious, cannot violate the equal protection guarantee.
in Quezon City on 22 October 1997, and that he applied for transfer of
registration from Quezon City to Sarangani by reason of change of
residence on 30 August 1997, DOMINO still falls short of the one year DATU MICHAEL ABAS KIDA v. SENATE
residency requirement under the Constitution. G.R. No. 196271 | February 28, 2012
PRINCIPLE: Several laws pertaining to the Autonomous Region in Muslim
ELEMENTS OF DOMICILE Mindanao (ARMM) were enacted by Congress. Republic Act (RA) No. 6734
1. Physical Presence in the LEocality is the organic act that established the ARMM and scheduled the frst
2. Intention to adopt it as domicile regular elections for the ARMM regional officials. RA No. 9054 amended the
ARMM Charter and reset the regular elections for the ARMM regional
officials to the second Monday of September 2001. RA No. 9140 further
PAMATONG v. COMELEC reset the frst regular elections to November 26, 2001. RA No. 9333 reset
G.R. No. 161872 | April 13, 2004 for the third time the ARMM regional elections to the 2 nd Monday of August
FACTS: 2005 and on the same date every 3 years thereafer.

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Pursuant to RA No. 9333, the next ARMM regional elections
should have been held on August 8, 2011. COMELEEC had begun RULING:
preparations for these elections and had accepted certifcates of There is no ambiguity in the language of the law. It says "taxes
candidacies for the various regional offices to be elected. But onJune 30, and penalties due and payable," the literal meaning of which taxes owned
2011, RA No. 10153 was enacted, resetng the next ARMM regular or owing. Note that the provision speaks of penalties, and note that
elections to May 2013 to coincide with the regular national and local penalties accrue only when taxes are not paid on time. The word "remit"
elections of the country. underlined by the appellant does not help its theory, for to remit to desist
or refrain from exacting, inficting, or enforcing something as well as to
ISSUE: restore what has already been taken.
WON, the 1987 Constitution mandates the synchronization of
elections. The remission of taxes due and payable to the exclusion of taxes
already collected does not constitute unfair discrimination. Each set of taxes
RULING: is a class by itself, and the law would be open to attack as class legislation
YES. While the Constitution does not expressly state that only if all taxpayers belonging to one class were not treated alike. They are
Congress has to synchronize national and local elections, the clear intent not.
towards this objective can be gleaned from the Transitory Provisions
(Article XVIII) of the Constitution, which show the extent to which the REYES v. ALMANZOR
Constitutional Commission, by deliberately making adjustments to the G.R. No. L-49839-46 | April 26, 1991
terms of the incumbent officials, sought to attain synchronization of
elections. The objective behind setng a common termination date for all FACTS:
elective officials, done among others through the shortening the terms of Petitioners J.B.LE. Reyes, Edmundo and Milagros Reyes are
the twelve winning senators with the least number of votes, is to owners of parcels of land situated in Tondo and Sta. Cruz Districts, City of
synchronize the holding of all future elections whether national or local to Manila, which are leased and entirely occupied as dwelling sites by tenants.
once every three years. Said tenants were paying monthly rentals not exceeding three hundred
pesos (P300.00) in July, 1971. On July 14, 1971, the National LEegislature
Thus, we fnd the contention that the synchronization enacted Republic Act No. 6359 prohibiting for one year from its efectivity,
mandated by the Constitution does not include the regional elections of an increase in monthly rentals of dwelling units or of lands on which
the ARMM unmeritorious. another's dwelling is located, where such rentals do not exceed three
hundred pesos (P300.00) a month but allowing an increase in rent by not
PRINCIPLE: more than 10% thereafer. The said Act also suspended paragraph (1) of
Article 1673 of the Civil Code for two years from its efectivity thereby
A basic rule in constitutional construction is that the words used should disallowing the ejectment of lessees upon the expiration of the usual legal
be understood in the sense that they have in common use and given period of lease. Consequently, the Reyeses, petitioners herein, were
their ordinary meaning, except when technical terms are employed, in precluded from raising the rentals and from ejecting the tenants. In 1973,
which case the signifcance thus attached to them prevails. respondent City Assessor of Manila reSclassifed and reassessed the value of
the subject properties based on the schedule of market values duly
B. BASIC PRINCIPLES ON THE FUNDAMENTAL POWERS OF THE STATE, reviewed by the Secretary of Finance. The revision, as expected, entailed an
THEIR CHARACTERISTICS, SIMILARITIES AND DISTINCTIONS, AND THEIR increase in the corresponding tax rates prompting petitioners to fle a
LIMITATIONS Memorandum of Disagreement with the Board of Tax Assessment Appeals.
They averred that the reassessments made were "excessive, unwarranted,
inequitable, confscatory and unconstitutional" considering that the taxes
JUAN LUNA SUBDIVISION vs. SARMIENTO imposed upon them greatly exceeded the annual income derived from their
G.R. No. L-3538 | May 28, 1952 properties.
On December 29, 1941 it issued to the City Treasurer of Manila, ISSUE:
and the City Treasurer accepted checks No. 628334 for P2,210.52 drawn WON, the Board erred in adopting the “Comparable Sales
upon the Philippine Trust Company with which it had a credit balance of Approachc method in fxing the assessed valued of appellants’ properties.
P4,940.17 on its account. On February 20, 1942, presumably afer the
exact amount had been verifed, which was P341.60, the balance of RULING:
P1,868.92, covered by voucher No. 1487 of the City Treasure's office, was YES. The taxing power has the authority to make a reasonable
noted in the ledger as a credit to the Juan LEuna Subdivision, Inc. and natural classifcation for purposes of taxation but the government's act
must not be prompted by a spirit of hostility, or at the very least
Further than this, the records of the City Treasurer's office do discrimination that fnds no support in reason. It suffices then that the laws
not show what was done with the check. But the books of the Philippine operate equally and uniformly on all persons under similar circumstances or
Trust Company do reveal that it was deposited with the Philippine National that all persons must be treated in the same manner, the conditions not
Bank, the City Treasurer's sole depository, on December 29, 1941, and that being diferent both in the privileges conferred and the liabilities imposed
it was presented by that Bank to the Philippine Trust Company on May 1,
1944 and was cashed by the drawee. The frst Fundamental Principle to guide the appraisal and
assessment of real property for taxation purposes is that the property must
The City refused afer liberation to refund the plaintif's deposit be "appraised at its current and fair market value."
or apply it to such future taxes as might be found due, while the Philippine
Trust Company was unwilling to reverse its debit entry against the Juan Ironically, in the case at bar, not even the factors determinant of
LEuna Subdivision, Inc. It was upon this predicament that the Juan LEuna the assessed value of subject properties under the "comparable sales
Subdivision, Inc. brought this suit against the City Treasurer and the approach" were presented by the public respondents, namelyd (1) that the
Philippine Trust Company as defendants in the alternative. sale must represent a bonafde arm's length transaction between a willing
seller and a willing buyer and (2) the property must be comparable
ISSUE: property.
WON, the whole amount of the check contending that taxes for
the last semester of 1941 have been remitted by Commonwealth Act. No. PRINCIPLE:
703. The power to tax "is an attribute of sovereignty".

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taxes are the lifeblood of the government and so should be collected ISSUE:
without unnecessary hindrance. However, such collection should be WON, the regulation is a valid exercise of police power.
made in accordance with law as any arbitrariness will negate the very
reason for government itself It is therefore necessary to reconcile the RULING:
apparently conficting interests of the authorities and the taxpayers so YES In the case at bar, we hold that the subject royalty fee was
that the real purpose of taxations, which is the promotion of the imposed primarily for regulatory purposes, and not for the generation of
common good, may be achieved income or profts as petitioner claims.

From the foregoing, it can be gleaned that the Policy Guidelines

COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE v. REYES was issued, frst and foremost, to ensure the safety, security, and good
G.R. No. 159694 | January 27, 2006 condition of the petroleum fuel industry within the CSEZ. The questioned
FACTS: royalty fees form part of the regulatory framework to ensure free fow or
On July 8, 1993, Maria C. Tancinco (or decedent) died, leaving a movement of petroleum fuel to and from the CSEZ. The fact that
1,292 squareSmeter residential lot and an old house thereon. Revenue respondents have the exclusive right to distribute and market petroleum
District Office No. 50 conducted an investigation on the decedents estate products within CSEZ pursuant to its JVA with SBMA and CSBTI does not
(or estate). Subsequently, it issued a Return Verifcation Order. But without diminish the regulatory purpose of the royalty fee for fuel products supplied
the required preliminary fndings being submitted, it issued LEetter of by petitioner to its client at the CSEZ.
Authority No. 132963 for the regular investigation of the estate tax case.
Azucena T. Reyes, one of the decedents heirs, received the LEetter of PRINCIPLE:
Authority on March 14, 1997. If the purpose is primarily to raise revenue, then it will be deemed a tax
even though the measure results in some form of regulation. On the
BIR issued a preliminary assessment notice against the estate in other hand, if the purpose is primarily to regulate, then it is deemed a
the amount of P14,580,618.67. On May 10, 1998, the heirs of the regulation and an exercise of the police power of the state, even though
decedent received a fnal estate tax assessment notice and a demand incidentally, revenue is generated.
letter, both dated April 22, 1998, for the amount of P14,912,205.47, If generation of revenue is the primary purpose and regulation is merely
inclusive of surcharge and interest. incidental, the imposition is a tax; but if regulation is the primary
purpose, the fact that revenue is incidentally raised does not make the
As the estate failed to pay its tax liability within the April 15, imposition a tax.
2000 deadline BIR notifed Reyes on June 6, 2000 that the subject property
would be sold at public auction on August 8, 2000.
WON, the assessment against the estate is valid. PURPOSE To raise revenue To primarily regulate
YES. Petitioner violated the cardinal rule in administrative law THE OFFICE OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL v. AYALA LAND INC.
that the taxpayer be accorded due process. Not only was the law here G.R. No. 177056 | September 18, 2009
disregarded, but no valid notice was sent, either. A void assessment bears
no valid fruit. FACTS:
The law imposes a substantive, not merely a formal, Respondents Ayala LEand, Robinsons, and ShangriSla maintain and
requirement. To proceed heedlessly with tax collection without frst operate shopping malls in various locations in Metro Manila. Respondent
establishing a valid assessment is evidently violative of the cardinal SM Prime constructs, operates, and leases out commercial buildings and
principle in administrative investigationsd that taxpayers should be able to other structures. The shopping malls operated or leased out by respondents
present their case and adduce supporting evidence. have parking facilities for all kinds of motor vehicles, either by way of
parking spaces inside the mall buildings or in separate buildings and/or
In the instant case, respondent has not been informed of the adjacent lots that are solely devoted for use as parking spaces.
basis of the estate tax liability. Without complying with the unequivocal
mandate of frst informing the taxpayer of the governments claim, there In 1999, the Senate Committees on Trade and Commerce and on
can be no deprivation of property, because no efective protest can be Justice and Human Rights conducted a joint investigation for the following
made. The haphazard shot at slapping an assessment, supposedly based purposesd (1) to inquire into the legality of the prevalent practice of
on estate taxations general provisions that are expected to be known by shopping malls of charging parking fees; (2) assuming arguendo that the
the taxpayer, is utter chicanery. Although taxes are the lifeblood of the collection of parking fees was legally authorized, to fnd out the basis and
government, their assessment and collection should be made in reasonableness of the parking rates charged by shopping malls; and (3) to
accordance with law as any arbitrariness will negate the very reason for determine the legality of the policy of shopping malls of denying liability in
government itself. cases of thef, robbery, or carnapping, by invoking the waiver clause at the
back of the parking tickets


G.R. No. 1273863 | September 15, 2010 WON, there is a valid exercise of police power to justify the
FACTS: collection of parking fees.
On June 28, 2002, the Board of Directors of respondent Clark
Development Corporation (CDC) issued and approved Policy Guidelines on RULING:
the Movement of Petroleum Fuel to and from the Clark Special Economic NO. Police power does not involve the taking or confscation of
Zone. On October 1, 2002, CDC sent a letter[6] to herein petitioner property, with the exception of a few cases where there is a necessity to
Chevron Philippines, Inc. informing the petitioner that a royalty fee of confscate private property in order to destroy it for the purpose of
P0.50 per liter shall be assessed on its deliveries to Nanox Philippines protecting peace and order and of promoting the general welfare; for
efective August 1, 2002. Thereafer, on October 21, 2002 a Statement of instance, the confscation of an illegally possessed article, such as opium
Account[7] was sent by CDC billing the petitioner for royalty fees in the and frearms. When there is a taking or confscation of private property for
amount of P115,000.00 for its fuel sales from Coastal depot to Nanox public use, the State is no longer exercising police power, but another of its
Philippines from August 1S31 to September 3S21, 2002. inherent powers, namely, eminent domain.

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Although in the present case, title to and/or possession of the As applied to the instant case, it appears that the police
parking facilities remain/s with respondents, the prohibition against their authorities have been conducting previous surveillance operations on
collection of parking fees from the public, for the use of said facilities, is respondents prior to their arrest. On the surface, this satisfes the probable
already tantamount to a taking or confscation of their properties. The cause requirement under our Constitution. For this reason, we are not
State is not only requiring that respondents devote a portion of the latters moved by respondents trepidation that Article 202 (2) could have been a
properties for use as parking spaces, but is also mandating that they give source of police abuse in their case.
the public access to said parking spaces for free. Such is already an
excessive intrusion into the property rights of respondents. Not only are DLSU v. CA
they being deprived of the right to use a portion of their properties as they G.R. No. 127980 | December 19, 2007
wish, they are further prohibited from profting from its use or even just
recovering therefrom the expenses for the maintenance and operation of FACTS:
the required parking facilities. PRIVATE respondents Alvin Aguilar, James Paul Bungubung,
Richard Reverente and Roberto Valdes, Jr. are members of Tau Gamma Phi
In conclusion, the total prohibition against the collection by Fraternity who were expelled by the De LEa Salle University (DLESU) and
respondents of parking fees from persons who use the mall parking College of Saint Benilde (CSB)[1] Joint Discipline Board because of their
facilities has no basis in the National Building Code or its IRR. The State also involvement in an ofensive action causing injuries to petitioner James Yap
cannot impose the same prohibition by generally invoking police power, and three other student members of Domino LEux Fraternity.
since said prohibition amounts to a taking of respondents property without
payment of just compensation. One week prior to March 29, 1995, Mr. James Yap was eating his
dinner alone in Manangs Restaurant near LEa Salle, when he overheard two
PRINCIPLE men badSmouthing and apparently angry at Domino LEux. When he arrived
Police power is the power of promoting the public welfare by restraining at his boarding house, he mentioned the remarks to his two other brods.
and regulating the use of liberty and property.
Eminent domain enables the State to forcibly acquire private lands Afer this incident, a meeting was conducted between the two
intended for public use upon payment of just compensation to the heads of the fraternity through the intercession of the Student Council. The
owner. Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity was asking for an apology. But no apology was


On March 29, 1995, ten minutes before his next class at 6d00
Art. III Sec. 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property p.m., Mr. James Yap went out of the campus.As he was about to reScross
without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal Taf Avenue, he heard heavy footsteps at his back. Eight to ten guys were
protecton of the laws. running towards him. He panicked. He did not know what to do. Then,
respondent Bungubung punched him in the head with something heavy in
his hands parang knuckles. Respondents Reverente and LEee were behind
PEOPLE v. SITON Yap, punching him. Respondents Bungubung and Valdes who were in front
G.R. No. 169364 | September 18, 2009 of him, were also punching him. As he was lying on the street, respondent
FACTS: Aguilar kicked him. People shouted; guards arrived; and the group of
Respondents Evangeline Siton and Krystel Kate Sagarano were attackers lef.
charged with vagrancy pursuant to Article 202 (2) of the Revised Penal
Code. ISSUE:
WON, the private respondents were accorded due process of
The municipal trial court also noted that in the affidavit of the law.
arresting police officer, SPO1 Jay Plaza, it was stated that there was a prior
surveillance conducted on the two accused in an area reported to be RULING:
frequented by vagrants and prostitutes who solicited sexual favors. Yes. The private respondents were given due process of law. he
Due Process Clause in Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution embodies a
ISSUE: system of rights based on moral principles so deeply imbedded in the
WON, Article 202 (2) violated the equal protection clause under traditions and feelings of our people as to be deemed fundamental to a
the Constitution civilized society as conceived by our entire history. The constitutional
behest that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without
RULING: due process of law is solemn and infexible.
NO. Article 202 (2) does not violate the equal protection clause;
neither does it discriminate against the poor and the unemployed. In administrative cases, such as investigations of students found
Ofenders of public order laws are punished not for their status, as for violating school discipline, [t]here are withal minimum standards which
being poor or unemployed, but for conducting themselves under such must be met before to satisfy the demands of procedural due process and
circumstances as to endanger the public peace or cause alarm and these ared that (1) the students must be informed in writing of the nature
apprehension in the community. Being poor or unemployed is not a license and cause of any accusation against them; (2) they shall have the right to
or a justifcation to act indecently or to engage in immoral conduct. answer the charges against them and with the assistance if counsel, if
desired; (3) they shall be informed of the evidence against them; (4) they
Under the Constitution, the people are guaranteed the right to shall have the right to adduce evidence in their own behalf; and (5) the
be secure in their persons, houses, papers and efects against evidence must be duly considered by the investigating committee or official
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any designated by the school authorities to hear and decide the case.
purpose, and no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except
upon probable cause to be determined personally by the judge afer Private respondents were duly informed in writing of the charges
examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the against them by the DLESUSCSB Joint Discipline Board through petitioner
witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing the place to be Sales. They were given the opportunity to answer the charges against them
searched and the persons or things to be seized. as they, in fact, submitted their respective answers. They were also
informed of the evidence presented against them as they attended all the
hearings before the Board. Moreover, private respondents were given the
right to adduce evidence on their behalf and they did. LEastly, the Discipline

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Board considered all the pieces of evidence submitted to it by all the However, with respect to the present Senate of the 14th Congress, no efort
parties before rendering its resolution. was undertaken for the publication of these rules.

Respondents justify their nonSobservance of the constitutionally

Private respondents cannot claim that they were denied due
mandated publication by arguing that the rules have never been amended
process when they were not allowed to crossSexamine the witnesses
since 1995 and, despite that, they are published in booklet form available to
against them.
anyone for free, and accessible to the public at the Senate’s internet web
G.R. No. 167011 | April 30, 2008 ISSUE:
FACTS: WON, the Senate be allowed to continue the conduct of the
RespondentSspouses, Carlos and Erlinda Romualdez registered legislative inquire without duly published rules of procedure.
as new voters of the Municipality of Burauen, LEeyte, in spite of the fact
that they were and still are, registered voters of Quezon City. That being RULING:
the case, they are guilty of an election ofense due to double registration NO. The Senate cannot be allowed to continue with the conduct
under R.A. 8189, otherwise known as the Voter’s Registation Act of 1996. of the questioned legislative inquiry without duly published rules of
procedure, in clear derogation of the constitutional requirement.
WON, petitioners were accorded due process of law. Section 21, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution explicitly provides
RULING: that "[t]he Senate or the House of Representatives, or any of its respective
YES. They were accorded due process of law. committees may conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in accordance with
In the frst place, there appears to be no incongruity between its duly published rules of procedure." The requisite of publication of the
the charges as contained in the ComplaintSAffidavit and the Informations rules is intended to satisfy the basic requirements of due process.42
fled before the RTC, notwithstanding the denomination by private Publication is indeed imperative, for it will be the height of injustice to
respondent of the alleged violations to be covered by Section 261(y)(2) and punish or otherwise burden a citizen for the transgression of a law or rule of
Section 261(y)(5) of the Omnibus Election Code and Section 12 of Republic which he had no notice whatsoever, not even a constructive one. What
Act No. 8189. Evidently, the Informations directed to be fled by the constitutes publication is set forth in Article 2 of the Civil Code, which
COMELEEC against petitioners, and which were, in fact, fled with the RTC, provides that "[l]aws shall take efect afer 15 days following the completion
were based on the same set of facts as originally alleged in the private of their publication either in the Official Gazette, or in a newspaper of
respondent’s ComplaintSAffidavit. general circulation in the Philippines."

The charges contained in private respondent’s ComplaintSAffidavit and the The respondents in G.R. No. 179275 admit in their pleadings and
charges as directed by the COMELEEC to be fled are based on the same set even on oral argument that the Senate Rules of Procedure Governing
of facts. In fact, the nature of the criminal charges in private respondent’s Inquiries in Aid of LEegislation had been published in newspapers of general
ComplaintSAffidavit and that of the charges contained in the Informations circulation only in 1995 and in 2006.45 With respect to the present Senate
fled with the RTC, pursuant to the COMELEEC Resolution En Banc are the of the 14th Congress, however, of which the term of half of its members
same, such that, petitioners cannot claim that they were not able to refute commenced on June 30, 2007, no efort was undertaken for the publication
or submit documentary evidence against the charges that the COMELEEC of these rules when they frst opened their session.
fled with the RTC. Petitioners were aforded due process because they
were granted the opportunity to refute the allegations in private Given this discussion, the respondent Senate Committees,
respondent’s ComplaintSAffidavit. Finding that due process was not therefore, could not, in violation of the Constitution, use its unpublished
dispensed with under the circumstances in the case at bar, we agree with rules in the legislative inquiry subject of these consolidated cases. The
the stance of the Office of the Solicitor General that petitioners were conduct of inquiries in aid of legislation by the Senate has to be deferred
reasonably apprised of the nature and description of the charges against until it shall have caused the publication of the rules, because it can do so
them. It likewise bears stressing that preliminary investigations were only "in accordance with its duly published rules of procedure."
conducted whereby petitioners were informed of the complaint and of the
evidence submitted against them. They were given the opportunity to PLACIDO v. NLRC
adduce controverting evidence for their defense. In all these stages, G.R. No. 180888 | September 18, 2009
petitioners actively participated.
It appears that since August 2000, PLEDT had been receiving
GARCILLANO v. COMMITTEES reports of thef and destruction of its cables.1 On March 13, 2001, PLEDT
G.R. No. 170338 | December 23, 2008 Duty Inspector Ricardo Mojica (Mojica) and PLEDT Security Guard/Driver
FACTS: Mark Anthony Cruto (Cruto), responding to a report that cables were being
More than three years ago, tapes ostensibly containing a stripped and burned in one of the residences along Alley 2 Street, Project 6,
wiretapped conversation purportedly between the President of the Quezon City, proceeded to the said area where they saw petitioners’ service
Philippines and a highSranking official of the Commission on Elections vehicle parked infront of the house at No. 162. They likewise saw
(COMELEEC) surfaced. On October 26, 2007, Maj. LEindsay Rex Sagge, a petitioners stripping and burning cables inside the compound of the house
member of the ISAFP and one of the resource persons summoned by the which turned out to belong to Caragay’s mother. With the assistance of
Senate to appear and testify at its hearings, moved to intervene as police and barangay officials, PLEDT recovered the cables bearing the "PLEDT"
petitioner in G.R. No. 179275. marking.

Intervenor Sagge alleges violation of his right to due process In a related move, PLEDT required petitioners to explain within 72
considering that he is summoned to attend the Senate hearings without hours why no severe disciplinary action should be taken against them for
being apprised not only of his rights therein through the publication of the Serious Misconduct and Dishonesty.2 Afer several requests for extension to
Senate Rules of Procedure Governing Inquiries in Aid of LEegislation, but submit their explanations, petitioners submitted a joint explanation3 on
also of the intended legislation which underpins the investigation. June 11, 2001 denying the charges against them. By their claim, they were
on their way back from the house of one Jabenz Quezada (Quezada) from
The respondents in G.R. No. 179275 admit that the Senate whom they were inquiring about a vehicle when they were detained by
Rules of Procedure Governing Inquiries in Aid of LEegislation had been Mojica.
published in newspapers of general circulation only in 1995 and in 2006.

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ISSUE: (3) While the duty to deliberate does not impose the obligation to decide
WON, the petitioners were denied due process when PLEDT right, it does imply a necessity which cannot be disregarded, namely, that of
refused to furnish them a copy of the investigation report and grant them a having something to support its decision. A decision with absolutely
formal hearing. nothing to support it is a nullity, a place when directly attached.
(4) Not only must there be some evidence to support a fnding or
RULING: conclusion, but the evidence must be "substantial. "Substantial evidence is
NO. Court fnds that petitioners were not denied due process. more than a mere scintilla. It means such relevant evidence as a reasonable
The essence of due process is simply an opportunity to be heard or, as mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion."
applied to administrative proceedings, an opportunity to explain one's side (5) The decision must be rendered on the evidence presented at the
or an opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling hearing, or at least contained in the record and disclosed to the parties
complained of. What the law prohibits is absolute absence of the afected.
opportunity to be heard, hence, a party cannot feign denial of due process (6) The Court of Industrial Relations or any of its judges, therefore, must act
where he had been aforded the opportunity to present his side. A formal on its or his own independent consideration of the law and facts of the
or trial type hearing is not at all times and in all instances essential to due controversy, and not simply accept the views of a subordinate in arriving at
process, the requirements of which are satisfed where the parties are a decision.
aforded fair and reasonable opportunity to explain their side of the (7) The Court of Industrial Relations should, in all controversial questions,
controversy. render its decision in such a manner that the parties to the proceeding can
know the various issues involved, and the reasons for the decisions
In the present case, petitioners were, among other things, given rendered. The performance of this duty is inseparable from the authority
several written invitations to submit themselves to PLEDT’s Investigation conferred upon it.
Unit to explain their side, but they failed to heed them. A hearing, which
petitioners attended along with their union MKP representatives, was
The frst of the enumerated rights pertain to the substantive
conducted on June 25, 2001 during which the principal witnesses to the rights of a party at hearing stage of the proceedings. The essence of this
incident were presented. Petitioners were thus aforded the opportunity to
aspect of due process, we have consistently held, is simply the opportunity
confront those witnesses and present evidence in their behalf, but they to be heard, or as applied to administrative proceedings, an opportunity to
failed to do so.
explain ones side or an opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action
or ruling complained of.
G.R. No. 188308 | October 15, 2009 The second, third, fourth, ffh, and sixth aspects of the Ang
FACTS: Tibay requirements are reinforcements of the right to a hearing and are the
The petitioner and the respondent vied for the position of inviolable rights applicable at the deliberative stage, as the decisionSmaker
Governor of the Province of Bulacan in the May 14, 2007 elections. The decides on the evidence presented during the hearing. These standards set
petitioner was proclaimed winning candidate and assumed the office of forth the guiding considerations in deliberating on the case and are the
Governor. material and substantial components of decisionSmaking.

The respondent seasonably fled an election protest with the Finally, the last requirement, relating to the form and substance
COMELEEC, which was rafed to the Second Division and docketed as EPC of the decision of a quasiSjudicial body, further complements the hearing
No. 2007S44. Revision of ballots involving the protested and counterS and decisionSmaking due process rights and is similar in substance to the
protested precincts in Angat, Bocaue, Calumpit, Doa Remedios Trinidad, constitutional requirement that a decision of a court must state distinctly
Guiginto, Malolos, Meycauayan, Norzagaray, Pandi, Paombong, Plaridel, the facts and the law upon which it is based.
Pulilan, San Rafael and San Jose del Monte soon followed. The revision was
conducted at the COMELEECs office in Intramuros. Afer revision, the parties In the frst place, he does not dispute that he fully participated
presented their other evidence, leading to the parties formal ofer of their in the proceedings of the election protest until the case was deemed
respective evidence. submitted for resolution; he had representation at the revision of the
ballots, duly presented his evidence, and summed up his case through a
The COMELEEC approved the parties formal ofer of evidence memorandum. Under these undisputed facts, both parties had their day in
and then required the parties to submit their respective memoranda. The court, so to speak, and neither one can complain of any denial of notice or
parties complied with the COMELEECs order. The case was thereafer of the right to be heard.
submitted for resolution.
On March 2, 2009 the COMELEEC transferred the Bulacan ballot G.R. No. 183626 | October 4, 2010
boxes, including those involved in the provincial election contest, to the
Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET) in connection with the protest fled by On February 8, 1996, the Association of Mindanao Rural Electric
Aquilino Pimentel III against Juan Miguel Zubiri. In light of this
Cooperatives, as representative of SURNECO and of the other 33 rural
development, the petitioner moved to suspend further proceedings. electric cooperatives in Mindanao, fled a petition before the then Energy
Regulatory Board (ERB) for the approval of the formula for automatic cost
ISSUE: adjustment and adoption of the National Power Corporation (NPC)
WON, the right to due process of the petitioners has been
restructured rate adjustment to comply with Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7832.

RULING: On March 19, 2007, the ERC issued its assailed Order, mandating
The appropriate due process standards that apply to the that the discounts earned by SURNECO from its power supplier should be
COMELEEC, as an administrative or quasiSjudicial tribunal, are those deducted from the computation of the power cost upon ascertaining that
outlined in the seminal case of Ang Tibay v. Court of Industrial Relations, the Purchased Power Adjustment (PPA) of SURNECO resulted to an overS
(1) The frst of these rights is the right to a hearing, which includes the recovery amounting to PhP18,188,794.
right of the party interested or afected to present his own case and submit
evidence in support thereof. xxx ISSUE:
(2) Not only must the party be given an opportunity to present his case WON, SURNECO was denied due process.
and to adduce evidence tending to establish the rights which he asserts
but the tribunal must consider the evidence presented. RULING:

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NO. SURNECO was not denied due process. discretion in carrying out its provisions and becomes an arbitrary fexing
of the Government muscle. The overbreadth doctrine, meanwhile,
Administrative due process simply requires an opportunity to decrees that a governmental purpose to control or prevent activities
explain ones side or to seek reconsideration of the action or ruling constitutionally subject to state regulations may not be achieved by
complained of.[24] It means being given the opportunity to be heard means which sweep unnecessarily broadly and thereby invade the area
before judgment, and for this purpose, a formal trialStype hearing is not of protected freedoms.
even essential. It is enough that the parties are given a fair and reasonable
chance to demonstrate their respective positions and to present evidence As distinguished from the vagueness doctrine, the overbreadth doctrine
in support thereof. assumes that individuals will understand what a statute prohibits and
will accordingly refrain from that behavior, even though some of it is
Verily, the PPA confrmation necessitated a review of the protected.
electric cooperatives monthly documentary submissions to substantiate
their PPA charges. The cooperatives were duly informed of the need for
other required supporting documents and were allowed to submit them
G.R. No. 178296 | January 12, 2011
accordingly. In fact, hearings were conducted. Moreover, the ERC
conducted exit conferences with the electric cooperatives representatives, FACTS:
SURNECO included, to discuss preliminary fgures and to doubleScheck On October 11, 1995, respondent fled with the Department of
these fgures for inaccuracies, if there were any. In addition, afer the LEabor and EmploymentSNational Capital Region (DOLEESNCR) a petition for
issuance of the ERC Orders, the electric cooperatives were allowed to fle certifcation election.[2] The MedSArbiter granted the petition on February
their respective motions for reconsideration. It cannot be gainsaid, 14, 1996 and ordered the holding of a certifcation election.[3] On appeal,
therefore, that SURNECO was not denied due process. the DOLEE Secretary, in a Resolution dated August 15, 1996, affirmed the
MedSArbiters order and remanded the case to the MedSArbiter for the
holding of a preelection conference on February 26, 1997. Petitioner fled a
motion for reconsideration, but it was denied on September 23, 1996.
G.R. No. 178552 | Octber 5, 2010
FACTS: The preelection conference was not held as initially scheduled; it
Before the Court are six petitions challenging the was held a year later, or on February 20, 1998. Subsequently, petitioner
constitutionality of Republic Act No. 9372 (RA 9372), "An Act to Secure the discovered that respondent had failed to submit to the Bureau of LEabor
State and Protect our People from Terrorism," otherwise known as the Relations (BLER) its annual fnancial report for several years and the list of its
Human Security Act of 2007. members since it fled its registration papers in 1995. Consequently, on May
19, 2000, petitioner fled a Petition for Cancellation of Registration of
ISSUE: respondent, on the ground of the nonSsubmission of the said documents.
WON, R.A 9372’s defnition of the crime of terrorism is
intrinsically vague and impermissibly broad. ISSUE:
WON, the petitioners’ right to due process was violate.
NO. NO. Petitioner was not denied the right to due process when it
The confusion apparently stems from the interlocking relation was not notifed in advance of the BLER Directors inhibition and the DOLEE
of the overbreadth and vagueness doctrines as grounds for a facial or asS Secretarys assumption of the case. WellSsettled is the rule that the essence
applied challenge against a penal statute (under a claim of violation of due of due process is simply an opportunity to be heard, or, as applied to
process of law) or a speech regulation (under a claim of abridgement of administrative proceedings, an opportunity to explain ones side or an
the freedom of speech and cognate rights). opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling complained
of.Petitioner had the opportunity to question the BLER Directors inhibition
To be sure, the doctrine of vagueness and the doctrine of and the DOLEE Secretarys taking cognizance of the case when it fled a
overbreadth do not operate on the same plane. motion for reconsideration of the latters decision. It would be well to state
that a critical component of due process is a hearing before an impartial
From the defnition of the crime of terrorism in the earlier cited and disinterested tribunal, for all the elements of due process, like notice
Section 3 of RA 9372, the following elements may be culledd (1) the and hearing, would be meaningless if the ultimate decision would come
ofender commits an act punishable under any of the cited provisions of from a partial and biased judge. It was precisely to ensure a fair trial that
the Revised Penal Code, or under any of the enumerated special penal moved the BLER Director to inhibit himself from the case and the DOLEE
laws; (2) the commission of the predicate crime sows and creates a Secretary to take over his function.
condition of widespread and extraordinary fear and panic among the
populace; and (3) the ofender is actuated by the desire to coerce the
government to give in to an unlawful demand.

Before a charge for terrorism may be fled under RA 9372, there WHITE LIGHT CORP. v. CITY OF MANILA
must frst be a predicate crime actually committed to trigger the operation G.R. No. 122846 | January 20, 2009
of the key qualifying phrases in the other elements of the crime, including
the coercion of the government to accede to an unlawful demand. Given
On December 3, 1992, City Mayor Alfredo S. LEim (Mayor LEim)
the presence of the frst element, any attempt at singling out or
signed into law an Ordinance prohibiting short time admission in hotels,
highlighting the communicative component of the prohibition cannot
motels, lodging houses, pension houses and similar establishments in the
recategorize the unprotected conduct into a protected speech.
City of Manila. On December 21, 1992, petitioners White LEight Corporation
(WLEC), Titanium Corporation (TC) and Sta. Mesa Tourist and Development
Corporation (STDC) fled a motion to intervene and to admit attached
A statute or act sufers from the defect of vagueness when it lacks complaintSinSintervention7 on the ground that the Ordinance directly
comprehensible standards that men of common intelligence must afects their business interests as operators of driveSinShotels and motels in
necessarily guess at its meaning and difer as to its application. It is Manila.
repugnant to the Constitution in two respectsd (1) it violates due process
for failure to accord persons, especially the parties targeted by it, fair ISSUE:
notice of the conduct to avoid; and (2) it leaves law enforcers unbridled WON, the ordinance is a legitimate exercise of police power

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RULING: simultaneously with their submission to the MB, on the principles of
NO. That the Ordinance prevents the lawful uses of a wash rate fairness and transparency.
depriving patrons of a product and the petitioners of lucrative business ties
in with another constitutional requisite for the legitimacy of the Ordinance The respondent banks cannotthrough seeking a writ of
as a police power measure. It must appear that the interests of the public preliminary injunction by appealing to lack of due process, in a roundabout
generally, as distinguished from those of a particular class, require an manner prevent their closure by the MB. Their remedy, as stated, is a
interference with private rights and the means must be reasonably subsequent one, which will determine whether the closure of the bank was
necessary for the accomplishment of the purpose and not unduly attended by grave abuse of discretion. Judicial review enters the picture
oppressive of private rights. only afer the MB has taken action; it cannot prevent such action by the
MB. The threat of the imposition of sanctions, even that of closure, does
LEacking a concurrence of these requisites, the police measure not violate their right to due process, and cannot be the basis for a writ of
shall be struck down as an arbitrary intrusion into private rights. As held in preliminary injunction.
Morfe v. Mutuc, the exercise of police power is subject to judicial review
when life, liberty or property is afected.73 However, this is not in any way ROXAS v. DAMBA -NFSW
meant to take it away from the vastness of State police power whose G.R. No. 149548 | December 4, 2009
exercise enjoys the presumption of validity.
PRINCIPLE: Roxas & Co. fled its application for conversion of its three
haciendas from argricultural to nonSagricultural on the assumption that the
Police power, while incapable of an exact defnition, has been purposely issuance of PP 1520 which declared Nasugbu, Batangas as a tourism zone,
veiled in general terms to underscore its comprehensiveness to meet all reclassifed them to nonSagricultural uses. Its pending application
exigencies and provide enough room for an efficient and fexible notwithstanding, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) issued
response as the conditions warrant.42 Police power is based upon the Certifcates of LEand Ownership Award (CLEOAs) to the farmerSbenefciaries in
concept of necessity of the State and its corresponding right to protect the three haciendas including CLEOA No. 6654 which was issued on October
itself and its people.43 Police power has been used as justifcation for 15, 1993 covering 513.983 hectares.
numerous and varied actions by the State. These range from the
regulation of dance halls,44 movie theaters,45 gas stations46 and ISSUE:
cockpits.47 The awesome scope of police power is best demonstrated by WON, PP1520 automatically convert the agricutural lands in 3
the fact that in its hundred or so years of presence in our nation’s legal municipalities to nonSagricultural lands.
system, its use has rarely been denied.
BSP MB v. ANTONIO-VALENZUELA NO. The application for CARP exemption of Roxas & Co., it
G.R. No. 184778 | October 2, 2009 fnding that PP 1520 did not automatically reclassify all the lands in the
afected municipalities from their original uses.
On September of 2007, the Supervision and Examination The assertion of DAMBASNSFW that the petitions for partial and
Department (SED) of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) conducted complete cancellations of the CLEOAs subject of DARAB Case Nos. RS401S
examinations of the books of several banks. Afer the examinations, exit 003S2001 to RS401S005S2001 and No. 401S239S2001 violated the earlier
conferences were held with the officers or representatives of the banks order in Roxas v. Court of Appeals does not lie. Nowhere did the Court
wherein the SED examiners provided them with copies of LEists of therein pronounce that the CLEOAs issued cannot and should not be
Findings/Exceptions containing the defciencies discovered during the cancelled, what was involved therein being the legality of the acquisition
examinations. These banks were then required to comment and to proceedings. The Court merely reiterated that it is the DAR which has
undertake the remedial measures stated in these lists within 30 days from primary jurisdiction to rule on the validity of CLEOAs. Thus it heldd
their receipt of the lists, which remedial measures included the infusion of
additional capital. . . . [t]he failure of respondent DAR to comply with the requisites of due
process in the acquisiton proceedings does not give this Court the power to
On May 12, 2008, the RBPI fled a complaint for nullifcation of nullify the [CLOAs] already issued to the farmer-benefciaries. To assume the
the BSP ROE with application for a TRO and writ of preliminary injunction. power is to short-circuit the administratve process, which has yet to run its
RBPI prayed that Fonacier, her subordinates, agents, or any other person regular course. Respondent DAR must be given the chance to correct its
acting in her behalf be enjoined from submitng the ROE or any similar procedural lapses in the acquisiton proceedings. x x x x. Anyhow, the farmer
report to the Monetary Board (MB), or if the ROE had already been benefciaries hold the property in trust for the rightul owner of the land.
submitted, the MB be enjoined from acting on the basis of said ROE, on
the allegation that the failure to furnish the bank with a copy of the ROE
violated its right to due process. E. DUE PROCESS AND EMINENT DOMAIN

WON, the failure to furnish copies of ROE to a bank is a G.R. No. 177056 | September 18, 2009
violation of due process.
*repeat (go back to page 4)
NO. The respondent banks cannot claim a violation of their right ORTEGA v. CITY of CEBU
to due process if they are not provided with copies of the ROEs. The same G.R. No. 181562-63 | October 2, 2009
ROEs are based on the lists of fndings/exceptions containing the FACTS:
defciencies found by the SED examiners when they examined the books of Spouses Ciriaco and Arminda Ortega x x x are the registered
the respondent banks. owners of a parcel of land. OneShalf of the above described land is occupied
by squatters. On September 24, 1990, [the Spouses Ortega] fled an
Respondent banks are already aware of what is required of them by the ejectment case against the squatters.
BSP, and cannot claim violation of their right to due process simply because
they are not furnished with copies of the ROEs. Respondent banks were On May 23, 1994, the Sangguniang Panglungsod of [Cebu City]
held by the CA to be entitled to copies of the ROEs prior to or enacted City Ordinance No. 1519, giving authority to the City Mayor to
expropriate oneShalf (1/2) portion. of the spouses Ortegas land (which is

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occupied by the squatters), and appropriating for that purpose the amount crops planted thereon which are not among the factors enumerated in
of P3,284,400.00 or at the price of ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY Section 17 of RA 6657. And the trial court did not apply the formula
PESOS (P1,150.00) per square meter. The amount will be charged against provided in DAR AO 6S92, as amended. This is a clear departure from the
Account No. 8S93S310, Continuing Appropriation, Account No. 101S8918S settled doctrine regarding the mandatory nature of Section 17 of RA 6657
334, repurchase of lots for various projects. The value of the land was and the DAR issuances implementing it.
determined by the Cebu City Appraisal Committee in Resolution No. 19,
series of 1994, dated April 15, 1994. His conclusion that the market data approach conformed with
statutory and regulatory requirements is beref of basis.
WON, Cebu City should be allowed to withdraw its complaint as LBP v. JOCSON
the just compensation is too high. G.R. No. 180803 | October 23, 2009

NO. It is wellSsettled in jurisprudence that the determination of The property, two (2) parcels of tenanted rice land, was placed
just compensation is a judicial prerogative. under the coverage of the governments Operation LEand Transfer[2] (OLET)
pursuant to Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 27[3] and awarded to the tenantS
The determination of just compensation in eminent domain benefciaries by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), which valued
cases is a judicial function. The executive department or the legislature the compensation therefor in the total amount of P250,563.80 following
may make the initial determinations but when a party claims a violation of the formula prescribed in P.D. No. 27 and Executive Order (E.O.) No. 228.
the guarantee in the Bill of Rights that private property may not be taken
for public use without just compensation, no statute, decree, or executive The valuation was later increased to P903,637.03 afer
order can mandate that its own determination shall prevail over the courts computing the 6% annual interest increment
fndings. Much less can the courts be precluded from looking into the justS
ness of the decreed compensation. ISSUE:
WON, the valuation of SAC is grossly exorbitant or unjustifed.
An order of expropriation denotes the end of the frst stage of NO. The Court declared in no uncertain terms that R.A. No. 6657
expropriation. Its end then paves the way for the second stagethe is the relevant law for determining just compensation afer noting several
determination of just compensation, and, ultimately, payment. An order of decided cases[28] where the Court found it more equitable to determine
expropriation puts an end to any ambiguity regarding the right of the just compensation based on the value of the property at the time of
petitioner to condemn the respondents properties. Because an order of payment. This was a clear departure from the Courts earlier stance in
expropriation merely determines the authority to exercise the power of Gabatin v. LEand Bank of the Philippines[29] where it declared that the
eminent domain and the propriety of such exercise, its issuance does not reckoning period for the determination of just compensation is the time
hinge on the payment of just compensation. Afer all, there would be no when the land was taken applying P.D. No. 27 and E.O. No. 228.
point in determining just compensation if, in the frst place, the plaintifs
right to expropriate the property was not frst clearly established. The determination of just compensation in eminent domain
cases is a judicial function, and the Court does not fnd the SAC to have
LBP v. RUFINO acted capriciously or arbitrarily in setng the price at P93,657.00 per
G.R. No. 175644 | October 2, 2009 hectare as the said amount does not appear to be grossly exorbitant or
otherwise unjustifed. For the Court notes that the SAC properly took into
account various factors such as the nature of the land, when it is irrigated,
Respondents Jose Marie M. Rufno (Rufno), Nilo M.
the average harvests per hectare (expressed as AGP based on three normal
Resurreccion (Resureccion), Arnel M. Atanacio (Atanacio), and Suzette G.
crop years) at 117.73 cavans per hectare, and the higher valuation applied
Mateo (Suzette) are the registered owners in equal share of a parcel of
by the DAR to a similar adjacent landholding belonging to Estacion.
agricultural land.
Petitioner itself admits that a higher land valuation formula was applied to
Estacions property because it had been acquired under R.A. No. 6657.
By respondents claim, in 1989, they voluntarily ofered the
aforesaid property to the government for CARP coverage at P120,000 per
hectare. Acting thereon, petitioner Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) EUSEBIO v. LUIS
issued a Notice of LEand Valuation and Acquisition dated October 21, 1996 G.R. No. 162474 | October 13, 2009
declaring that out of the total area indicated in the title, 138.4018 hectares FACTS:
was subject to immediate acquisition at a valuation of P8,736,270.40 Respondents are the registered owners of a parcel of land. Said
based on the assessment of petitioner LEand Bank of the Philippines (LEBP). parcel of land was taken by the City of Pasig sometime in 1980 and used as
a municipal road. On February 1, 1993, the Sanggunian of Pasig City passed
Respondents having found the valuation unacceptable, the Resolution No. 15 authorizing payments to respondents for said parcel of
matter was referred by the provincial agrarian reform officer of Sorsogon land. However, the Appraisal Committee of the City of Pasig, in Resolution
to the DAR Adjudication Board (DARAB) for the conduct of summary No. 93S13 dated October 19, 1993, assessed the value of the land only at
administrative proceedings to determine just compensation. P150.00 per square meter. In a letter dated June 26, 1995, respondents
requested the Appraisal Committee to consider P2,000.00 per square meter
ISSUE: as the value of their land.
WON, the proper valuation of the proper is on the basis of the
market data approach. ISSUE:
WON, respondents are entitled to regain possession of their
RULING: property taken by the government and, in the event that said property can
NO. While the determination of just compensation is essentially no longer be returned, how should just compensation be determined.
a judicial function which is vested in the RTC acting as a Special Agrarian
Court. RULING:
NO. In Forfom, the Court held that because the landowner did
In fxing the just compensation in the present case, the trial not act to question the lack of expropriation proceedings for a very long
court, adopting the market data approach on which Commissioner Chua period of time and even negotiated with the PNR as to how much it should
relied,[25] merely put premium on the location of the property and the be paid as just compensation, said landowner is deemed to have waived its

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right and is estopped from questioning the power of the PNR to to expropriate the property for a public use is no longer subject to review.
expropriate or the public use for which the power was exercised. On the frst question, therefore, we rule that the trial court gravely erred in
nullifying the May 17, 1983 Order.
Just like in the Forfom case, herein respondents also failed to
question the taking of their property for a long period of time (from 1980 Just compensation is to be ascertained as of the time of the
until the early 1990s) and, when asked during trial what action they took taking, which usually coincides with the commencement of the
afer their property was taken, witness Jovito LEuis, one of the respondents, expropriation proceedings. Where the institution of the action precedes
testifed that when we have an occasion to talk to Mayor Caruncho we entry into the property, the just compensation is to be ascertained as of the
always asked for compensation. It is likewise undisputed that what was time of the fling of the complaint. We commiserate with the private
constructed by the city government on respondents property was a road respondent. The school was constructed and has been in operation since
for public use, herein respondents are also estopped from recovering 1985. Petitioner and the residents of Iloilo City have long reaped the
possession of their land, but are entitled to just compensation. benefts of the property. However, nonSpayment of just compensation does
not entitle the private landowners to recover possession of their
The Court ruled that even if there are no expropriation expropriated lot.
proceedings instituted to determine just compensation, the trial court is
still mandated to act in accordance with the procedure provided for in Concededly, Javellana also slept on his rights for over 18 years
Section 5, Rule 67 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, requiring the and did not bother to check with the PNB if a deposit was actually made by
appointment of not more than three competent and disinterested the petitioner. Evidently, from his inaction in failing to withdraw or even
commissioners to ascertain and report to the court the just compensation verify the amounts purportedly deposited, private respondent not only
for the subject property. although ascertainment of just compensation is a accepted the valuation made by the petitioner, but also was not interested
judicial prerogative, the commissioners fndings may only be disregarded enough to pursue the expropriation case until the end. As such, private
or substituted with the trial courts own estimation of the propertys value respondent may not recover possession of the Subject Property, but is
only if the commissioners have applied illegal principles to the evidence entitled to just compensation.
submitted to them, where they have disregarded a clear preponderance of
evidence, or where the amount allowed is either grossly inadequate or REPUBLIC v. MANGOTARA
excessive. G.R. No. 170375 | July 7, 2010

Verily, the determination of just compensation for property FACTS:

taken for public use must be done not only for the protection of the Dona Demetria owns two parcels of land and has titles to prove
landowners interest but also for the good of the public. With regard to the ownership. 83 years later authenticity of said ownership was still in doubt
time as to when just compensation should be fxed, it is settled and the government fled a case of expropriation against occupants of the
jurisprudence that where property was taken without the beneft of land (not really the owners, just renters). The occupants questioned the
expropriation proceedings, and its owner fles an action for recovery of expropriation case contending that expropriation cases can only be fled
possession thereof before the commencement of expropriation against owners, not mere occupants, of the land. The government also fled
proceedings, it is the value of the property at the time of taking that is a case of Reversion against Dona Demetria’s heirs contending two parcels of
controlling. land were fraudulently acquired. The owners of the land questioned the
case for Reversion contending that, since they fled a case for Reconstitution
of Titles in 1914 and they still have said titles at present, the government
CITY OF ILOILO v. CONTRERAS-BESANA has no right to the land.
G.R. No. 168967 | February 12, 2010
On September 18, 1981, petitioner fled a Complaint for WON, the owner of the property is an indispensable party in an
eminent domain against private respondent Elpidio T. Javellana and action for exropriation.
Southern Negros Development Bank, the latter as mortgagee. The
complaint sought to expropriate two parcels of land registered in RULING:
Javellana’s name to be used as a school site for LEapaz High School. NO. An indispensable party is a partySinSinterest without whom
no fnal determination can be had of an action. expropriation proceedings
Petitioner claimed that it was entitled to the immediate may be instituted even when title to the property sought to be condemned
possession of the Subject Property, citing Section 1 of Presidential Decree appears to be in the Republic of the Philippines, although occupied by
No. 1533,8 afer it had deposited an amount equivalent to 10% of the private individuals. The same rule provides that a complaint for
amount of compensation. Javellana fled an Opposition to the Motion for expropriation shall name as defendants all persons owning or claiming to
the Issuance of Writ of Possession10 citing the same grounds he raised in own, or occupying, any part thereof or interest in the property sought to be
his Answer – that the city already had a vast tract of land where its existing condemned. Clearly, when the property already appears to belong to the
school site was located, and the deposit of a mere 10% of the Subject Republic, there is no sense in the Republic instituting expropriation
Property’s tax valuation was grossly inadequate. proceedings against itself. It can still, however, fle a complaint for
expropriation against the private persons occupying the property. In such an
ISSUE: expropriation case, the owner of the property is not an indispensable party.
WON, the order of expropriation became fnal.
RULING: In this case, the RTCSBranch 1 did not frst require the Republic
YES. Expropriation proceedings have two stages. The frst phase to implead the alleged owner/s of the parcel of land sought to be
ends with an order of dismissal, or a determination that the property is to expropriated. Despite the absence of any order from the Court, the
be acquired for a public purpose.32 Either order will be a fnal order that Republic upon becoming aware that the parcels of land involved in the 1914
may be appealed by the aggrieved party.33 The second phase consists of Cacho case and 1997 Cacho case, claimed by Teoflo and LEANDTRADE, and
the determination of just compensation. 34 It ends with an order fxing the Vidal and AZIMUTH, encroached into and overlapped with the parcel of
amount to be paid to the landowner. Both orders, being fnal, are land subject of Civil Case No. 106 sought leave of court to fle a
appealable. Supplemental Complaint to implead these four parties.

Javellana did not bother to fle an appeal from the May 17, REPUBLIC v. MENDOZA
1983 Order which granted petitioner’s Motion for Issuance of Writ of G.R. No. 185091 | August 8, 2010
Possession and which authorized petitioner to take immediate possession
of the Subject Property. Thus, it has become fnal, and the petitioner’s right FACTS:

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Paninsingin Primary School (PPS) is a public school operated by denied by Regional Director Antonio Nuesa on the ground that there was
petitioner Republic of the Philippines through the Department of already a perfected sale.
Education. PPS has been using 1,149 square meters of land in LEipa City,
Batangas since 1957 for its school. But the property, a portion of LEots 1923 ISSUE:
and 1925, were registered in the name of respondents Primo and Maria WON, the compensation for respondents property was
Mendoza. determined in accordance with law.

On March 27, 1962 the Mendozas caused LEots 1923 and 1925 RULING:
to be consolidated and subdivided into four lots. As a result of subdivision, NO. For purposes of just compensation, the fair market value of
the Register of Deeds partially cancelled TCT TS11410 and issued new titles an expropriated property is determined by its character and its price at the
for LEots 1 and 3 in favor of Dimayuga and Ronquillo, respectively. LEot 2 time of taking In expropriation cases, the propertys character refers to its
remained in the name of the Mendozas but no new title was issued in the actual use at the time of taking, not its potential uses. Respondent himself
name of the City Government of LEipa for LEot 4. admitted that his property was agricultural at the time he ofered it for sale
to DAR in 1988.
The Republic claimed that, while no title was issued in the name
of the City Government of LEipa, the Mendozas had relinquished to it their The proper approach should have been to value respondents
right over the school lot as evidenced by the consolidation and subdivision property as an agricultural land, which value may be adjusted in light of the
plan. Further, the property had long been taxSdeclared in the name of the improvements in the Municipality of Mabalacat. Valuing the property as a
City Government and PPS built signifcant, permanent improvements on residential land (as the lower courts have done) is not the correct approach,
the same. for reasons explained above. It would also be contrary to the social policy of
agrarian reform, which is to free the tillers of the land from the bondage of
On November 6, 1998 the Mendozas wrote PPS, demanding the soil without delivering them to the new oppression of exorbitant land
that it vacate the disputed property. valuations.

WON, the Mendozas are entitled to evict the Republic from the Just compensaton must be valued at the time of taking.
subject property. The tme of takiing is the time when the landowner was deprived of the
use and beneft of his property, such as when title is transferred to the
RULING: Republic.
NO. The evidence on record shows that the Mendozas intended
to cede the property to the City Government of LEipa permanently. In fact,
they allowed the city to declare the property in its name for tax purposes. APO FRUITS v. LBP
And when they sought in 1962 to have the bigger lot subdivided into four, G.R. No. 164195 | October 12, 2010
the Mendozas earmarked LEot 4, containing 1,149 square meters, for the FACTS:
City Government of LEipa. Under the circumstances, it may be assumed that On October 16, 1996, AFC and HPI received separate notices of
the Mendozas agreed to transfer ownership of the land to the government, land acquisition and valuation of their properties from the DARs Provincial
whether to the City Government of LEipa or to the Republic, way back but Agrarian Reform Officer (PARO). At the assessed valuation of P165,484.47
never got around to do so and the Republic itself altogether forgot about per hectare, AFCs land was valued at P86,900,925.88, while HPIs property
it. Consequently, the Republic should be deemed entitled to possession was valued at P164,478,178.14. HPI and AFC rejected these valuations for
pending the Mendozas formal transfer of ownership to it upon payment of being very low. In its follow through action, the DAR requested the LEand
just compensation. Bank of the Philippines (LEBP) to deposit P26,409,549.86 in AFCs bank
account and P45,481,706.76 in HPIs bank account, which amounts the
The Court holds that, where the owner agrees voluntarily to the petitioners then withdrew. The titles over AFC and HPIs properties were
taking of his property by the government for public use, he thereby waives thereafer cancelled, and new ones were issued on December 9, 1996 in
his right to the institution of a formal expropriation proceeding covering the name of the Republic of the Philippines.
such property.
LBP v. LIVIOCO WON, the petitioners received substantial just compensation.
G.R. No. 170685 | September 22, 2010
Respondent Enrique LEivioco (LEivioco) was the owner of 30.6329 NO. In the present case, while the DAR initially valued the
hectares of sugarland. LEivioco ofered his sugarland to the Department of petitioners landholdings at a total of P251,379,104.02,[11] the RTC, acting
Agrarian Reform (DAR) for acquisition under the CARP at P30.00 per square as a special agrarian court, determined the actual value of the petitioners
meter, for a total of P9,189,870.00. The voluntarySoferStoSsell (VOS) landholdings to be P1,383,179,000.00. This valuation, a fnding of fact, has
form[8] he submitted to the DAR indicated that his property is adjacent to subsequently been affirmed by this Court, and is now beyond question. In
residential subdivisions and to an international paper mill. eminent domain terms, this amount is the real, substantial, full and ample
compensation the government must pay to be just to the landowners.
The LEBP set the price at P3.21 per square meter or a total of
P827,943.48 for 26 hectares. LEivioco was then promptly informed of the While the LEBP deposited the total amount of P71,891,256.62
valuation and that the cash portion of the claim proceeds have been kept into the petitioners accounts these amounts were mere partial payments
in trust pending [his] submission of the [ownership documentary] that only amounted to 5% of the P1,383,179,000.00 actual value of the
requirements. It appears however that LEivioco did not act upon the notice expropriated properties. We point this aspect out to show that the initial
given to him by both government agencies. On September 20, 1991, LEBP payments made by the LEBP when the petitioners landholdings were taken,
issued a certifcation to the Register of Deeds of Pampanga that it has although promptly withdrawn by the petitioners, could not by any means
earmarked the amount of P827,943.48 as compensation for LEiviocos 26 be considered a fair exchange of values at the time of taking; in fact, the
hectares. LEBPs actual deposit could not be said to be substantial even from the
original LEBP valuation of P251,379,103.90.
It was only two years later that LEivioco requested for a
reevaluation of the compensation on the ground that its value had already Thus, the deposits might have been sufficient for purposes of
appreciated from the time it was frst ofered for sale. The request was the immediate taking of the landholdings but cannot be claimed as

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amounts that would excuse the LEBP from the payment of interest on the In 1949, the National Airport Corporation (NAC), MCIAAs
unpaid balance of the compensation due. As discussed at length below, predecessor agency, pursued a program to expand the LEahug Airport in
they were not enough to compensate the petitioners for the potential Cebu City. Through its team of negotiators, NAC met and negotiated with
income the landholdings could have earned for them if no immediate the owners of the properties situated around the airport.
taking had taken place. Under the circumstances, the State acted
oppressively and was far from just in their position to deny the petitioners As the landowners would later claim, the government
of the potential income that the immediate taking of their properties negotiating team, as a sweetener, assured them that they could repurchase
entailed. their respective lands should the LEahug Airport expansion project do not
push through or once the LEahug Airport closes or its operations transferred
PRINCIPLE: to MactanSCebu Airport. Some of the landowners accepted the assurance
Eminent domain is the power of the State to take private property for and executed deeds of sale with a right of repurchase. Others, however,
public use. It is an inherent power of State as it is a power necessary for including the owners of the aforementioned lots, refused to sell because
the States existence; it is a power the State cannot do without. the purchase price ofered was viewed as way below market, forcing the
hand of the Republic.
Limitatons to the power of Eminent Domain:
(1) the purpose of taking must be for public use and ISSUE:
(2) just compensation must be given to the owner of the private WON, petitioners are entitled to recover their property.
property. RULING:
YES. It has been preponderantly established by evidence that
the NAC, through its team of negotiators, had given assurance to the
afected landowners that they would be entitled to repurchase their
ABAD v. FILHOMES REALTY respective lots in the event they are no longer used for airport purposes.
G.R. No. 189239 | November 24, 2010
FACTS: In the case at bench, the Ouanos and the Inocians parted with
Respondents alleged that petitioners, through tolerance, had their respective lots in favor of the MCIAA, the latter obliging itself to use
occupied the subject lots since 1980 but ignored their repeated demands the realties for the expansion of LEahug Airport; failing to keep its end of the
to vacate them. Petitioners countered that there is no possession by bargain, MCIAA can be compelled by the former landowners to reconvey
tolerance for they have been in adverse, continuous and uninterrupted the parcels of land to them, otherwise, they would be denied the use of
possession of the lots for more than 30 years their properties upon a state of afairs that was not conceived nor
contemplated when the expropriation was authorized. In efect, the
On June 30, 2004, the City of Parañaque fled expropriation government merely held the properties condemned in trust until the
proceedings covering the lots owned by respondents before the Regional proposed public use or purpose for which the lots were condemned was
Trial Court of Parañaque with the intention of establishing a socialized actually consummated by the government. Since the government failed to
housing project therein for distribution to the occupants including perform the obligation that is the basis of the transfer of the property, then
petitioners. No payment had been made to respondents for the lots the lot owners Ouanos and Inocians can demand the reconveyance of their
therefore they still maintain ownership. old properties afer the payment of the condemnation price.

ISSUE: It has been said that the direct use by the state of its power to
WON, there was a valid transfer of ownership in favor of the oblige landowners to renounce their productive possession to another
City. citizen, who will use it predominantly for that citizens own private gain, is
ofensive to our laws.
NO. The mere issuance of a writ of possession in the As a necessary corollary, once the purpose is terminated or
expropriation proceedings did not transfer ownership of the lots in favor of peremptorily abandoned, then the former owner, if he so desires, may seek
the City. Such issuance was only the frst stage in expropriation. There is its reversion, subject of course to the return, at the very least, of the just
even no evidence that judicial deposit had been made in favor of compensation received. To be compelled to renounce dominion over a
respondents prior to the Citys possession of the lots, contrary to Section 19 piece of land is, in itself, an already bitter pill to swallow for the owner. But
of the LEGC. to be asked to sacrifce for the common good and yield ownership to the
government which reneges on its assurance that the private property shall
Respecting petitioners claim that they have been named be for a public purpose may be too much. But it would be worse if the
benefciaries of the lots, the city ordinance authorizing the initiation of power of eminent domain were deliberately used as a subterfuge to beneft
expropriation proceedings does not state so.[13] Petitioners cannot thus another with infuence and power in the political process, including
claim any right over the lots on the basis of the ordinance. development frms. Even as the Court deliberates on these consolidated
cases, there is an uncontroverted allegation that the MCIAA is poised to sell,
Even if the lots are eventually transferred to the City, it is non if it has not yet sold, the areas in question to Cebu Property Ventures, Inc.
sequitur for petitioners to claim that they are automatically entitled to be This provides an added dimension to abandon Fery.
benefciaries thereof. For certain requirements must be met and complied
with before they can be considered to be benefciaries. NPC v. HEIRS OF SANGKAY
G.R. No. 165828 | August 24, 2011
G.R. No. 168770 | February 9, 2011 Pursuant to its legal mandate under Republic Act No. 6395 (An
FACTS: Act Revising the Charter of the National Power Corporation), NPC
Petitioners Anunciacion vda. de Ouano, Mario Ouano, LEeticia undertook the Agus River Hydroelectric Power Plant Project in the 1970s to
Ouano Arnaiz and Cielo Ouano Martinez (the Ouanos) seek to nullify the generate electricity for Mindanao. The project included the construction of
Decision[1] dated September 3, 2004 of the Court of Appeals, a suit to several underground tunnels to be used in diverting the water fow from
compel the Republic of the Philippines and/or the MactanSCebu the Agus River to the hydroelectric plants.
International Airport Authority (MCIAA) to reconvey to the Ouanos a parcel
of land. On November 21, 1997, the respondents, Heirs of Macabangkit,
as the owners of land with an area of 221,573 square meters sued NPC in
the RTC for the recovery of damages and of the property, with the

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alternative prayer for the payment of just compensation. They alleged that public use, to be compensable, need not be an actual physical taking or
they had belatedly discovered that one of the underground tunnels of NPC appropriation. Compensable taking includes destruction, restriction,
that diverted the water fow of the Agus River for the operation of the diminution, or interruption of the rights of ownership or of the common
Hydroelectric Project traversed their land; that their discovery had and necessary use and enjoyment of the property in a lawful manner,
occurred in 1995 afer Atty. Gandamra rejected their ofer to sell the land lessening or destroying its value. It is neither necessary that the owner be
because of the danger the underground tunnel might pose to the wholly deprived of the use of his property, nor material whether the
proposed Arabic LEanguage Training Center and Muslims Skills Development property is removed from the possession of the owner, or in any respect
Center; that such rejection had been followed by the withdrawal by Global changes hands.
Asia Management and Resource Corporation from developing the land into
a housing project. AlSAmanah Islamic Investment Bank of the Philippines As a result, NPC should pay just compensation for the entire
had also refused to accept their land as collateral because of the presence land. In that regard, the RTC pegged just compensation at P500.00/square
of the underground tunnel; that the underground tunnel had been meter based on its fnding on what the prevailing market value of the
constructed without their knowledge and consent; that the presence of property was at the time of the fling of the complaint, and the CA upheld
the tunnel deprived them of the agricultural, commercial, industrial and the RTC.
residential value of their land; and that their land had also become an
unsafe place for habitation because of the loud sound of the water rushing F. EQUAL PROTECTION – ARTICLE III, SECTION I, 1987 CONSTITUTION
through the tunnel and the constant shaking of the ground, forcing them
and their workers to relocate to safer grounds.
1. Economic Equality
WON, NPC is liable for payment of just compensation. Art. II Sec. 14. The State recognizes the role of women in naton-building,
RULING: and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and
YES. We uphold the liability of NPC for payment of just men.
compensation. The action to recover just compensation from the State or
Art. III Sec. 11. Free access to the courts and quasi-judicial bodies and
its expropriating agency difers from the action for damages. The former,
adequate legal assistance shall not be denied to any person by reason of
also known as inverse condemnation, has the objective to recover the
value of property taken in fact by the governmental defendant, even
though no formal exercise of the power of eminent domain has been Art. VIII Sec. 5. (5) The Supreme Court shall have the following powers:
attempted by the taking agency. Just compensation is the full and fair xxx
equivalent of the property taken from its owner by the expropriator. The (5) Promulgate rules concerning the protecton and enforcement of
measure is not the takers gain, but the owners loss. The word just is used consttutonal rights, pleading, practce, and procedure in all courts, the
to intensify the meaning of the word compensation in order to convey the admission to the practce of law, the Integrated Bar, and legal assistance
idea that the equivalent to be rendered for the property to be taken shall to the underprivileged. Such rules shall provide a simplifed and
be real, substantial, full, and ample. inexpensive procedure for the speedy dispositon of cases, shall be
uniform for all courts of the same grade, and shall not diminish, increase,
The action to recover just compensation is based on the or modify substantve rights. Rules of procedure of special courts and
Constitution while the action for damages is predicated on statutory quasi-judicial bodies shall remain efectve unless disapproved by the
enactments. the former arises from the exercise by the State of its power Supreme Court.
of eminent domain against private property for public use, but the latter xxx
emanates from the transgression of a right. The fact that the owner rather
than the expropriator brings the former does not change the essential Art. XII Sec. 2. All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal,
nature of the suit as an inverse condemnation, for the suit is not based on petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potental energy,
tort, but on the constitutional prohibition against the taking of property fsheries, forests or tmber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other natural
without just compensation. It would very well be contrary to the clear resources are owned by the State. With the excepton of agricultural
language of the Constitution to bar the recovery of just compensation for lands, all other natural resources shall not be alienated. The exploraton,
private property taken for a public use solely on the basis of statutory development, and utlizaton of natural resources shall be under the full
prescription. control and supervision of the State. The State may directly undertake
such actvites, or it may enter into co-producton, joint venture, or
Due to the need to construct the underground tunnel, NPC producton-sharing agreements with Filipino citzens, or corporatons or
should have frst moved to acquire the land from the Heirs of Macabangkit associatons at least sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by such
either by voluntary tender to purchase or through formal expropriation citzens. Such agreements may be for a period not exceeding twenty-fve
proceedings. In either case, NPC would have been liable to pay to the years, renewable for not more than twenty-fve years, and under such
owners the fair market value of the land, for Section 3(h) of Republic Act terms and conditons as may be provided by law. In cases of water rights
No. 6395 expressly requires NPC to pay the fair market value of such for irrigaton, water supply, fsheries, or industrial uses other than the
property at the time of the taking. development of water power, benefcial use may be the measure and
limit of the grant.
The Court held in National Power Corporation v. Ibrahim that
NPC was liable to pay not merely an easement fee but rather the full The State shall protect the natonns marine wealth in its archipelagic
compensation for land traversed by the underground tunnels, NPC waters, territorial sea, and exclusive economic zone, and reserve its use
constructed a tunnel underneath the and enjoyment exclusively to Filipino citzens.
land of the Heirs of Macabangkit without going through formal
expropriation proceedings and without procuring their consent or at least The Congress may, by law, allow small-scale utlizaton of natural
informing them beforehand of the construction. NPCs resources by Filipino citzens, as well as cooperatve fsh farming, with
construction adversely afected the owners rights and interests because priority to subsistence fshermen and fshworkers in rivers, lakes, bays,
the subterranean intervention by NPC prevented them from introducing and lagoons.
any developments on the surface, and from disposing of the land or any
portion of it, either by sale or mortgage. The President may enter into agreements with foreign-owned
corporatons involving either technical or fnancial assistance for large-
Notwithstanding that the owners were not completely and scale exploraton, development, and utlizaton of minerals, petroleum,
actually dispossessed. It is settled that the taking of private property for and other mineral oils according to the general terms and conditons

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provided by law, based on real contributons to the economic growth and FACTS:
general welfare of the country. In such agreements, the State shall The Petition alleges that petitioner, Patricio Dumlao, is a former
promote the development and use of local scientfc and technical Governor of Nueva Vizcaya, who has fled his certifcate of candidacy for
resources. said position of Governor in the forthcoming elections of January 30, 1980.
Petitioner, Romeo B. Igot, is a taxpayer, a qualifed voter and a member of
The President shall notfy the Congress of every contract entered into in the Bar who, as such, has taken his oath to support the Constitution and
accordance with this provision, within thirty days from its executon. obey the laws of the land. Petitioner, Alfredo Salapantan, Jr., is also a
taxpayer, a qualifed voter, and a resident of San Miguel, Iloilo.
Art. XII Sec. 10. The Congress shall, upon recommendaton of the
economic and planning agency, when the natonal interest dictates, Petitioner Dumlao specifcally questions the constitutionality of
reserve to citzens of the Philippines or to corporatons or associatons at section 4 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 52 as discriminatory and contrary to the
least sixty per centum of whose capital is owned by such citzens, or such equal protection and due process guarantees of the Constitution.
higher percentage as Congress may prescribe, certain areas of
investments. The Congress shall enact measures that will encourage the ISSUE:
formaton and operaton of enterprises whose capital is wholly owned by WON, Batas Pambansa Blg. 52 is contrary to equal protection
Filipinos. and due process guarantees of the Constitution.

In the grant of rights, privileges, and concessions covering the natonal RULING:
economy and patrimony, the State shall give preference to qualifed NO. The assertion that Section 4 of BP Blg. 52 is contrary to the
Filipinos. safer guard of equal protection is neither well taken. The constitutional
guarantee of equal protection of the laws is subject to rational
The State shall regulate and exercise authority over foreign investments classifcation. If the groupings are based on reasonable and real
within its natonal jurisdicton and in accordance with its natonal goals diferentiations, one class can be treated and regulated diferently from
and priorites. another class. For purposes of public service, employees 65 years of age,
have been validly classifed diferently from younger employees. Employees
Art. XIII Sec. 1. The Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment
attaining that age are subject to compulsory retirement, while those of
of measures that protect and enhance the right of all the people to
younger ages are not so compulsorily retirable.
human dignity, reduce social, economic, and politcal inequalites, and
remove cultural inequites by equitably difusing wealth and politcal
In respect of election to provincial, city, or municipal positions,
power for the common good.
to require that candidates should not be more than 65 years of age at the
time they assume office, if applicable to everyone, might or might not be a
To this end, the State shall regulate the acquisiton, ownership, use, and
reasonable classifcation although, as the Solicitor General has intimated, a
dispositon of property and its increments.
good policy of the law would be to promote the emergence of younger
Art. XIII Sec. 2. The promoton of social justce shall include the blood in our political elective echelons. On the other hand, it might be that
commitment to create economic opportunites based on freedom of persons more than 65 years old may also be good elective local officials.
initatve and self-reliance.
In the case of a 65Syear old elective local official, who has retired
Art. XIII Sec. 3. The State shall aford full protecton to labor, local and from a provincial, city or municipal office, there is reason to disqualify him
overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full employment and from running for the same office from which he had retired, as provided for
equality of employment opportunites for all. in the challenged provision. The need for new blood assumes relevance.
The tiredness of the retiree for government work is present, and what is
It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-organizaton, collectve emphatically signifcant is that the retired employee has already declared
bargaining and negotatons, and peaceful concerted actvites, including himself tired and unavailable for the same government work, but, which, by
the right to strike in accordance with law. They shall be enttled to virtue of a change of mind, he would like to assume again. It is for this very
security of tenure, humane conditons of work, and a living wage. They reason that inequality will neither result from the application of the
shall also partcipate in policy and decision-making processes afectng challenged provision.
their rights and benefts as may be provided by law.

The State shall promote the principle of shared responsibility between QUINTO v. COMELEC
workers and employers and the preferental use of voluntary modes in G.R. No. 189698 | February 22, 2010
settling disputes, including conciliaton, and shall enforce their mutual FACTS:
compliance therewith to foster industrial peace. The assailed Decision granted the Petition for Certiorari and
Prohibition fled by Eleazar P. Quinto and Gerino A. Tolentino, Jr. and
The State shall regulate the relatons between workers and employers, declared as unconstitutional the second proviso in the third paragraph of
recognizing the right of labor to its just share in the fruits of producton Section 13 of Republic Act No. 9369,[2] Section 66 of the Omnibus Election
and the right of enterprises to reasonable returns on investments, and to Code[3] and Section 4(a) of COMELEEC Resolution No. 8678,[4] mainly on
expansion and growth. the ground that they violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution
and sufer from overbreadth. The assailed Decision thus paved the way for
2. Politcal Equality public appointive officials to continue discharging the powers, prerogatives
and functions of their office notwithstanding their entry into the political
Art. IX-C Sec. 10. Bona fde candidates for any public ofce shall be free arena.
from any form of harassment and discriminaton.
Art. XIII Sec. 1. (Social Justce) ISSUE:
WON, Section 4(a) of COMELEEC Resolution 8678 is violative of
the equal protection clause.
3. Social Equality
Art. XIII Sec. 1. (Social Justce) RULING:
YES. Persons holding appointive positions as ipso facto resigned
upon fling of CoCs, but not considering resigned all other civil servants,
G.R. No. L-52245 | January 22, 1980
specifcally elective ones, the law duly discriminates against the frst class

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(appointive officials). Applying the four requisites of valid classifcation, the situated. State intrusion in this case is equally burdensome. Hence, laws of
Court fnds that treatment of persons holding appointive officers a general application should apply with equal force to LEGBTs, and they
opposed to those holding elective ones is not germane to the purposes of deserve to participate in the partySlist system on the same basis as other
law (Requisite No. 2). There is no valid justifcation to treat appointive marginalized and underSrepresented sectors.
officials diferently from the elective ones. The classifcation simply fails to
meet the test that it should be germane to the purposes of law. PRINCIPLE:
The equal protecton clause guarantees that no person or class of
2010. persons shall be deprived of the same protection of laws which is
NO. Section 4(a) of COMELEEC Resolution No. 8678 is not enjoyed by other persons or other classes in the same place and in like
violative of the equal protection clause. There is substantial distinction. circumstances.
Elective officials are elected by his constituents, if they are deemed
resigned, the constituents will be afected. On the other hand, in the case
of appointive officials, they do not have ordinary succession, thus, there TRILLANES v. PIMENTEL
will be vacancy during resignation. The dichotomized treatment of G.R. No. 179817 | June 27, 2008
appointive and elective officials is therefore germane to the purposes of FACTS:
the law. For the law was made not merely to preserve the integrity, On July 27 2003, 300 heavily armed military officers and enlisted
efficiency, and discipline of the public service; the LEegislature, whose men led by the founding members of MAGDALEO surreptitiously took over
wisdom is outside the rubric of judicial scrutiny, also thought it wise to Oakwood. They publicly demanded the resignation of the President and key
balance this with the competing, yet equally compelling, interest of national officials. Former President Arroyo issued Proclamation No. 427 and
deferring to the sovereign will. General Order No. 4 declaring a state of rebellion and calling out the Armed
Forces to suppress the rebellion. Petitioner Antonio Trillanes IV was
ANG LADLAD v. COMELEC charged, along with his comrades, with coup d’etat defned unfer Article
G.R. No. 190582 | April 8, 2010 134SA of the Revised Penal Code. Trillanes threw his hat in the political
FACTS: arena and won a seat in the Senate with a 6Syear term commencing June
Incorporated in 2003, Ang LEadlad frst applied for registration 30, 2007.
with the COMELEEC in 2006. The application for accreditation was denied
on the ground that the organization had no substantial membership base. ISSUE:
On August 17, 2009, Ang LEadlad again fled a Petition for registration with WON, there is a violation of the equal protection clause.
NO. In arguing against maintaining double standards in the
Before the COMELEEC, petitioner argued that the LEGBT treatment of detention prisoners, petitioner expressly admits that he
community is a marginalized and underSrepresented sector that is intentionally did not seek preferential treatment in the form of being placed
particularly disadvantaged because of their sexual orientation and gender under Senate custody or house arrest, yet he at the same time, gripes
identity; that LEGBTs are victims of exclusion, discrimination, and violence; about the granting of house arrest to others.
that because of negative societal attudes, LEGBTs are constrained to hide
their sexual orientation; and that Ang LEadlad complied with the 8Spoint Emergency or compelling temporary leaves from imprisonment
guidelines enunciated by this Court in Ang Bagong BayaniSOFW LEabor Party are allowed to all prisoners, at the discretion of the authorities or upon
v. Commission on Elections.[6] Ang LEadlad laid out its national membership court orders.48 That this discretion was gravely abused, petitioner failed to
base consisting of individual members and organizational supporters, and establish. In fact, the trial court previously allowed petitioner to register as
outlined its platorm of governance. a voter in December 2006, fle his certifcate of candidacy in February 2007,
cast his vote on May 14, 2007, be proclaimed as senatorSelect, and take his
ISSUE: oath of office49 on June 29, 2007. In a seeming attempt to bind or twist the
The denial of the application of Ang LEadlad is violative of the hands of the trial court lest it be accused of taking a complete turnS
equal protection clause. around,50 petitioner largely banks on these prior grants to him and insists
on unending concessions and blanket authorizations.
YES. Despite the absolutism of Article III, Section 1 of our BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO v. CAMACHO
Constitution, which provides nor shall any person be denied equal G.R. No. 163583 | April 15, 2009
protection of the laws, courts have never interpreted the provision as an FACTS:
absolute prohibition on classifcation. Equality, said Aristotle, consists in In its Motion for Reconsideration, petitioner insists that the
the same treatment of similar persons. assailed provisions (1) violate the equal protection and uniformity of
taxation clauses of the Constitution, (2) contravene Section 19,[1] Article XII
The COMELEEC posits that the majority of the Philippine of the Constitution on unfair competition, and (3) infringe the constitutional
population considers homosexual conduct as immoral and unacceptable, provisions on regressive and inequitable taxation. Petitioner further argues
and this constitutes sufficient reason to disqualify the petitioner. that assuming the assailed provisions are constitutional, petitioner is
Unfortunately for the respondent, the Philippine electorate has expressed entitled to a downward reclassifcation of LEucky Strike from the premiumS
no such belief. No law exists to criminalize homosexual behavior or priced to the highSpriced tax bracket.
expressions or parties about homosexual behavior. Indeed, even if we were
to assume that public opinion is as the COMELEEC describes it, the asserted Petitioner argues that the classifcation freeze provision violates
state interest here that is, moral disapproval of an unpopular minority is the equal protection and uniformity of taxation clauses because Annex D
not a legitimate state interest that is sufficient to satisfy rational basis brands are taxed based on their 1996 net retail prices while new brands are
review under the equal protection clause. The COMELEECs diferentiation, taxed based on their present day net retail prices.
and its unsubstantiated claim that Ang LEadlad cannot contribute to the
formulation of legislation that would beneft the nation, furthers no ISSUE:
legitimate state interest other than disapproval of or dislike for a WON, the law violates the equal protection and uniformity of
disfavored group. taxation clauses.

From the standpoint of the political process, the lesbian, gay, RULING:
bisexual, and transgender have the same interest in participating in the
partySlist system on the same basis as other political parties similarly

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NO. It has been held that in the areas of social and economic related to the purpose of the law. Hence, the classifcation and treatment
policy, a statutory classifcation that neither proceeds along suspect lines accorded to the BIR and the BOC under RA 9335 fully satisfy the demands
nor infringes constitutional rights must be upheld against equal protection of equal protection.
challenge if there is any reasonably conceivable state of facts that could
provide a rational basis for the classifcation. BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO v. CAMACHO
G.R. No. 163583 | April 15, 2009
In Churchill v. Concepcion,[4] we explained that a tax is uniform
when it operates with the same force and efect in every place where the *repeat (see page 13)
subject of it is found.[5] It does not signify an intrinsic but simply a
geographical uniformity.[6] A levy of tax is not unconstitutional because it SORIANO v. LAGUARDIA
is not intrinsically equal and uniform in its operation.[7] The uniformity G.R. No. 164785 | April 29, 2009
rule does not prohibit classifcation for purposes of taxation. FACTS:
On August 10, 2004, at around 10d00 p.m., petitioner, as host of
In the instant case, there is no question that the classifcation the program Ang Dating Daan, aired on UNTV 37, made some remarks. Two
freeze provision meets the geographical uniformity requirement because days afer, before the MTRCB, separate but almost identical affidavitS
the assailed law applies to all cigarette brands in the Philippines. And, for complaints were lodged by Jessie LE. Galapon and seven other private
reasons already adverted to in our August 20, 2008 Decision, the above respondents, all members of the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC),[2] against petitioner
fourSfold test has been met in the present case. in connection with the above broadcast. Respondent Michael M. Sandoval,
who felt directly alluded to in petitioners remark, was then a minister of INC
ABAKADA v. PURISIMA and a regular host of the TV program Ang Tamang Daan.[3] Forthwith, the
G.R. No. 166715 | August 14, 2008 MTRCB sent petitioner a notice of the hearing on August 16, 2004 in
FACTS: relation to the alleged use of some cuss words in the August 10, 2004
This petition for prohibition1 seeks to prevent respondents episode of Ang Dating Daan.
from implementing and enforcing Republic Act (RA) 93352 (Attrition Act of
2005).RA 9335 was enacted to optimize the revenueSgeneration capability Afer a preliminary conference in which petitioner appeared, the
and collection of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau of MTRCB, by Order of August 16, 2004, preventively suspended the showing
Customs (BOC). The law intends to encourage BIR and BOC officials and of Ang Dating Daan program for 20 days.
employees to exceed their revenue targets by providing a system of
rewards and sanctions through the creation of a Rewards and Incentives ISSUE:
Fund (Fund) and a Revenue Performance Evaluation Board (Board). It WON, the preventive suspension was violative of equal
covers all officials and employees of the BIR and the BOC with at least six protection under the law.
months of service, regardless of employment status.
Petitioners, invoking their right as taxpayers fled this petition NO. The equal protection clause demands that all persons
challenging the constitutionality of RA 9335, a tax reform legislation. They subject to legislation should be treated alike, under like circumstances and
contend that, by establishing a system of rewards and incentives, the law conditions both in the privileges conferred and liabilities imposed. It guards
"transform[s] the officials and employees of the BIR and the BOC into against undue favor and individual privilege as well as hostile
mercenaries and bounty hunters" as they will do their best only in discrimination. Surely, petitioner cannot, under the premises, place himself
consideration of such rewards. Thus, the system of rewards and incentives in the same shoes as the INC ministers, who, for one, are not facing
invites corruption and undermines the constitutionally mandated duty of administrative complaints before the MTRCB. For another, he ofers no
these officials and employees to serve the people with utmost proof that the said ministers, in their TV programs, use language similar to
responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency. that which he used in his own, necessitating the MTRCBs disciplinary action.
If the immediate result of the preventive suspension order is that petitioner
ISSUE: remains temporarily gagged and is unable to answer his critics, this does
WON, the system of rewards and incentives violates the not become a deprivation of the equal protection guarantee. The Court
constitutional guarantee of equal protection. need not belabor the fact that the circumstances of petitioner, as host of
Ang Dating Daan, on one hand, and the INC ministers, as hosts of Ang
RULING: Tamang Daan, on the other, are, within the purview of this case, simply too
NO. Equality guaranteed under the equal protection clause is diferent to even consider whether or not there is a prima facie indication of
equality under the same conditions and among persons similarly situated; oppressive inequality.
it is equality among equals, not similarity of treatment of persons who are
classifed based on substantial diferences in relation to the object to be LEAGUE OF CITIES v. COMELEC
accomplished. G.R. No. 176951 | December 21, 2009
The equal protection clause recognizes a valid classifcation, The consolidated petitions for prohibition commenced by the
that is, a classifcation that has a reasonable foundation or rational basis LEeague of Cities of the Philippines (LECP), City of Iloilo, City of Calbayog, and
and not arbitrary.22 With respect to RA 9335, its expressed public policy is Jerry P. Treas[8] assail the constitutionality of the sixteen (16) laws,[9] each
the optimization of the revenueSgeneration capability and collection of the converting the municipality covered thereby into a city (cityhood laws,
BIR and the BOC.23 Since the subject of the law is the revenueS generation hereinafer) and seek to enjoin the Commission on Elections (COMELEEC)
capability and collection of the BIR and the BOC, the incentives and/or from conducting plebiscites pursuant to subject laws.
sanctions provided in the law should logically pertain to the said agencies.
Moreover, the law concerns only the BIR and the BOC because they have ISSUE:
the common distinct primary function of generating revenues for the WON, the 16 cityhood laws are violative of the equal protection
national government through the collection of taxes, customs duties, fees clause.
and charges.
Both the BIR and the BOC are bureaus under the DOF. They NO. The Court fnds that all these requisites have been met by
principally perform the special function of being the instrumentalities the laws challenged as arbitrary and discriminatory under the equal
through which the State exercises one of its great inherent functions – protection clause.
taxation. Indubitably, such substantial distinction is germane and intimately

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The classifcation is also germane to the purpose of the law. The The taxing power has the authority to make reasonable
exemption of respondent LEGUs/municipalities from the PhP 100 million classifcations for purposes of taxation.[87] Inequalities which result from a
income requirement was meant to reduce the inequality occasioned by the singling out of one particular class for taxation, or exemption, infringe no
passage of the amendatory RA 9009. From another perspective, the constitutional limitation. The real estate industry is, by itself, a class and can
exemption was unquestionably designed to insure that fairness and justice be validly treated diferently from other business enterprises.
would be accorded respondent LEGUs. LEet it be noted that what were then
the cityhood bills covering respondent LEGUs were part and parcel of the Petitioner, in insisting that its industry should be treated similarly
original 57 conversion bills fled in the 11th Congress, 33 of those became as manufacturing enterprises, fails to realize that what distinguishes the
laws before the adjournment of that Congress. The then bills of the real estate business from other manufacturing enterprises, for purposes of
challenged cityhood laws were not acted upon due, inter alia, to the the imposition of the CWT, is not their production processes but the prices
impeachment of then President Estrada, the related jueteng scandal of their goods sold and the number of transactions involved. The income
investigations conducted before, and the EDSA events that followed the from the sale of a real property is bigger and its frequency of transaction
aborted impeachment. limited, making it less cumbersome for the parties to comply with the
withholding tax scheme.
While the equal protection guarantee frowns upon the creation
of a privileged class without justifcation, inherent in the equality clause is PRINCIPLE
the exhortation for the LEegislature to pass laws promoting equality or
reducing existing inequalities. The enactment of the cityhood laws was in a Taxaton is an inherent attribute of sovereignty.[34] It is a power that is
real sense an attempt on the part of Congress to address the inequity dealt purely legislative. Essentially, this means that in the legislature primarily
the respondent LEGUs. These laws positively promoted the equality and lies the discretion to determine the nature (kind), object (purpose),
eliminated the inequality, doubtless unintended, between respondent extent (rate), coverage (subjects) and situs (place) of taxation. the
municipalities and the thirtySthree (33) other municipalities whose legislature wields the power to defne what tax shall be imposed, why it
cityhood bills were enacted during the 11th Congress. There is, thus, no should be imposed, how much tax shall be imposed, against whom (or
rhyme or reason why an exemption from the PhP 100 million requirement what) it shall be imposed and where it shall be imposed.
cannot be given to respondent LEGUs. Indeed, to deny respondent
LEGUs/municipalities the same rights and privileges accorded to the 33 BIRAOGO v. PHIL TRUTH
other municipalities when, at the outset they were similarly situated, is G.R. No. 192935 | December 7, 2010
tantamount to denying the former the protective mantle of the equal
protection clause. FACTS:
Biraogo assails Executive Order No. 1 for being violative of the
PRINCIPLE: legislative power of Congress under Section 1, Article VI of the
Constitution[6] as it usurps the constitutional authority of the legislature to
The fundamental right of equal protecton does not require absolute create a public office and to appropriate funds therefor.
equality. It is enough that all persons or things similarly situated should
be treated alike, both as to rights or privileges conferred and when then Senator Benigno Simeon Aquino III declared his
responsibilities or obligations imposed. The equal protection clause does staunch condemnation of graf and corruption with his slogan, Kung walang
not preclude the state from recognizing and acting upon factual corrupt, walang mahirap. The Filipino people, convinced of his sincerity and
diferences between individuals and classes. of his ability to carry out this noble objective, catapulted the good senator
to the presidency. To transform his campaign slogan into reality, President
For classifcaton to be reasonable: (Test of Reasonablenesso Aquino found a need for a special body to investigate reported cases of
(1) rest on substantial distinctions; graf and corruption allegedly committed during the previous
(2) be germane to the purpose of the law; administration.
(3) not be limited to existing conditions only; and
(4) apply equally to all members of the same class. Thus, at the dawn of his administration, the President on July 30,
2010, signed Executive Order No. 1 establishing the Philippine Truth
CHAMBER OF REAL v. ROMULO Commission of 2010 with the primary task to investigate reports of graf
G.R. No. 160756 | March 9, 2010 and corruption committed by thirdSlevel public officers and employees,
their coSprincipals, accomplices and accessories during the previous
administration, and thereafer to submit its fnding and recommendations
petitioner Chamber of Real Estate and Builders Associations, to the President, Congress and the Ombudsman.
Inc. is questioning the constitutionality of Section 27 (E) of Republic Act
(RA) 8424 and the revenue regulations (RRs) issued by the Bureau of ISSUE:
Internal Revenue (BIR) to implement said provision and those involving
WON, the Truth Commission violate the equal protection clause.
creditable withholding taxes. Petitioner assails the validity of the
imposition of minimum corporate income tax (MCIT) on corporations and
creditable withholding tax (CWT) on sales of real properties classifed as YES. Executive Order No. 1 should be struck down as violative of
ordinary assets.
the equal protection clause. The clear mandate of the envisioned truth
commission is to investigate and fnd out the truth concerning the reported
Section 27(E) of RA 8424 provides for MCIT on domestic
cases of graf and corruption during the previous administration only. The
corporations and is implemented by RR 9S98. Petitioner argues that the intent to single out the previous administration is plain, patent and
MCIT violates the due process clause because it levies income tax even if
there is no realized gain.
In Executive Order No. 1, however, there is no inadvertence.
ISSUE: That the previous administration was picked out was deliberate and
WON, MCIT violates the equal protection clause.
intentional as can be gleaned from the fact that it was underscored at least
RULING: three times in the assailed executive order. It must be noted that Executive
NO. The equal protection clause under the Constitution means
Order No. 1 does not even mention any particular act, event or report to be
that no person or class of persons shall be deprived of the same protection focused on unlike the investigative commissions created in the past. The
of laws which is enjoyed by other persons or other classes in the same
equal protection clause is violated by purposeful and intentional
place and in like circumstances. discrimination.

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house of petitioner, secured a search warrant from the RTC and around 3
PRINCIPLE: o'clock in the afernoon of September 13, 1997, the same police operatives
The equal protection clause is aimed at all official state actions, not just went to Gil Tudtud St., Mabolo, Cebu City to serve the search warrant to
those of the legislature. Its inhibitions cover all the departments of the petitioner.
government including the political and executive departments, and
extend to all actions of a state denying equal protection of the laws, Upon arrival, somebody shouted raid, which prompted them to
through whatever agency or whatever guise is taken. immediately disembark from the jeep they were riding and went directly to
petitioner's house and cordoned it. The structure of the petitioner's
residence is a twoSstorey house and the petitioner was staying in the
BUREAU OF CUSTOMS EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION v. TEVES second foor. When they went upstairs, they met petitioner's wife and
G.R. No. 181704 | December 6, 2011 informed her that they will implement the search warrant. But before they
FACTSd can search the area, SPO3 Masnayon claimed that he saw petitioner run
On January 25, 2005, former President Gloria MacapagalSArroyo towards a small structure, a nipa hut, in front of his house. Masnayon
signed into law R.A. No. 9335 which took efect on February 11, 2005. RA chased him but to no avail, because he and his men were not familiar with
[No.] 9335 was enacted to optimize the revenueSgeneration capability and the entrances and exits of the place.
collection of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau of
Customs (BOC). The law intends to encourage BIR and BOC officials and ISSUE:
employees to exceed their revenue targets by providing a system of WON, the search warrant is valid.
rewards and sanctions through the creation of a Rewards and Incentives RULING:
Fund (Fund) and a Revenue Performance Evaluation Board (Board). It YES. The requisites for the issuance of a search warrant ared (1)
covers all officials and employees of the BIR and the BOC with at least six probable cause is present; (2) such probable cause must be determined
months of service, regardless of employment status. personally by the judge; (3) the judge must examine, in writing and under
oath or affirmation, the complainant and the witnesses he or she may
Sometime in 2008, highSranking officials of the BOC pursuant to produce; (4) the applicant and the witnesses testify on the facts personally
the mandate of R.A. No. 9335 and its IRR, and in order to comply with the known to them; and (5) the warrant specifcally describes the place to be
stringent deadlines thereof, started to disseminate Collection District searched and the things to be seized.[12] According to petitioner, there was
Performance Contracts7 (Performance Contracts) for the lower ranking no probable cause. Probable cause for a search warrant is defned as such
officials and rankSandSfle employees to sign. facts and circumstances which would lead a reasonably discreet and
prudent man to believe that an ofense has been committed and that the
ISSUE: objects sought in connection with the ofense are in the place sought to be
WON, R.A. No. 9335 and its IRR violate the rights of BOCEA’s searched.
members to equal protection of laws.
In the present case, Search Warrant No. 570S9S1197S24
RULING: specifcally designates or describes the residence of the petitioner as the
NO. Equal protection simply provides that all persons or things place to be searched. Having been established that the assistance of the
similarly situated should be treated in a similar manner, both as to rights barangay tanods was sought by the police authorities who efected the
conferred and responsibilities imposed. the concept of equal justice under searched warrant, the same barangay tanods therefore acted as agents of
the law requires the state to govern impartially, and it may not draw persons in authority.
distinctions between individuals solely on diferences that are irrelevant to
a legitimate governmental objective. COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS v. HYPERMIX FEEDS
G.R. No 179579 | February 1, 2012
Both the BIR and the BOC are bureaus under the DOF. They FACTS:
principally perform the special function of being the instrumentalities On 7 November 2003, petitioner Commissioner of Customs
through which the State exercises one of its great inherent functions — issued CMO 27S2003. Under the Memorandum, for tarif purposes, wheat
taxation. Indubitably, such substantial distinction is germane and intimately was classifed according to the followingd (1) importer or consignee; (2)
related to the purpose of the law. Hence, the classifcation and treatment country of origin; and (3) port of discharge. The regulation provided an
accorded to the BIR and the BOC under RA [No.] 9335 fully satisfy the exclusive list of corporations, ports of discharge, commodity descriptions
demands of equal protection. and countries of origin. Depending on these factors, wheat would be
classifed either as food grade or feed grade. The corresponding tarif for
In Abakada the Court held, Clearly, RA [No.] 9335 in no way food grade wheat was 3%, for feed grade, 7%.
violates the security of tenure of officials and employees of the BIR and the
BOC. The guarantee of security of tenure only means that an employee ISSUE:
cannot be dismissed from the service for causes other than those provided WON, the regulation is in violation of the equal protection
by law and only afer due process is accorded the employee. In the case of clause.
RA [No.] 9335, it lays down a reasonable yardstick for removal (when the
revenue collection falls short of the target by at least 7.5%) with due RULING:
consideration of all relevant factors afecting the level of collection. This YES. The guarantee of the equal protection of laws is not
standard is analogous to inefficiency and incompetence in the violated if there is a reasonable classifcation. For a classifcation to be
performance of official duties, a ground for disciplinary action under civil reasonable, it must be shown that (1) it rests on substantial distinctions; (2)
service laws. The action for removal is also subject to civil service laws, it is germane to the purpose of the law; (3) it is not limited to existing
rules and regulations and compliance with substantive and procedural due conditions only; and (4) it applies equally to all members of the same class.
Unfortunately, CMO 27S2003 does not meet these requirements.
DEL CASTILLO v. PEOPLE The Court does not see how the quality of wheat is afected by who imports
G.R. No. 185128 | January 30, 2012 it, where it is discharged, or which country it came from.
Pursuant to a confdential information that petitioner was Thus, on the one hand, even if other millers excluded from CMO
engaged in selling shabu, police officers headed by SPO3 Bienvenido 27S2003 have imported food grade wheat, the product would still be
Masnayon, afer conducting surveillance and testSbuy operation at the declared as feed grade wheat, a classifcation subjecting them to 7% tarif.
On the other hand, even if the importers listed under CMO 27S2003 have

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imported feed grade wheat, they would only be made to pay 3% tarif, thus IN RE MORALES
depriving the state of the taxes due. The regulation, therefore, does not A.M. No. P-08-2519 | November 19, 2008
become disadvantageous to respondent only, but even to the state.
In summary, petitioners violated respondents right to due In an unsigned and undated letter which allege that Atty.
process in the issuance of CMO 27S2003 when they failed to observe the Morales, was consuming his working hours fling and attending to personal
requirements under the Revised Administrative Code. Petitioners likewise cases, such as administrative cases against employees in his old sala, using
violated respondents right to equal protection of laws when they provided office supplies, equipment and utilities. On March 16, 2005, a spot
for an unreasonable classifcation in the application of the regulation. investigation was conducted, the team was able to access the personal
computer of Atty. Morales and print two documents stored in its hard drive.
Atty. Morales's computer was seized and taken to the custody of the OCA.
GARCIA v. DRILON [2] Upon Atty. Morales's motion however, the Court ordered the release of
G.R. No. 179267 | June 25, 2013 said computer with an order to the Management Information Systems
FACTS: Office of the Supreme Court to frst retrieve the fles stored therein.
On March 23, 2006, Rosalie JaypeSGarcia (private respondent)
fled, for herself and in behalf of her minor children, a verifed petition6 In the same spot investigation conducted by DCA De LEa Cruz on
(Civil Case No. 06S797) before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Bacolod City March 16, 2005, a partly hidden plastic box was discovered containing the
for the issuance of a Temporary Protection Order (TPO) against her amount of P65,390.00 and six commercial checks, which Siwa voluntarily
husband, Jesus C. Garcia (petitioner), pursuant to R.A. 9262. She claimed opened to the team. These were also confscated and turned over to the
to be a victim of physical abuse; emotional, psychological, and economic custody of the OCA.
violence as a result of marital infdelity on the part of petitioner, with
threats of deprivation of custody of her children and of fnancial support. ISSUE:
WON, the evidence were confscated without a valid search and
ISSUE: seizure order.
WON, R.A. 9262 is violative of the equal protection clause.
NO. R.A. 9262 does not violate the guaranty of equal protection NO. Enshrined in our Constitution is the inviolable right of the
of the laws. The guaranty of equal protection of the laws is not a guaranty people to be secure in their persons and properties against unreasonable
of equality in the application of the laws upon all citizens of the state. searches and seizures, which is provided for under Section 2, Article III
thereof. The exclusionary rule under Section 3(2), Article III of the
The unequal power relationship between women and men; the Constitution also bars the admission of evidence obtained in violation of
fact that women are more likely than men to be victims of violence; and such right. The fact that the present case is administrative in nature does
the widespread gender bias and prejudice against women all make for real not render the above principle inoperative.
diferences justifying the classifcation under the law. As Justice McIntyre
succinctly states, "the accommodation of diferences ... is the essence of In this case, what is missing is a showing that Atty. Morales had
true equality." an actual intention to relinquish his right. While he may have agreed to the
opening of his personal computer and the printing of fles therefrom, in the
R.A. 9262 applies equally to all women and children who sufer presence of DCA Dela Cruz, his staf and some NBI agents during the March
violence and abuse. Convention mandates that State parties shall accord to 16, 2005 spot investigation, it is also of record that Atty. Morales
women equality with men before the law87 and shall take all appropriate immediately fled an administrative case against said persons questioning
measures to eliminate discrimination against women in all matters relating the validity of the investigation, specifcally invoking his constitutional right
to marriage and family relations on the basis of equality of men and against unreasonable search and seizure.
While Atty. Morales may have fallen short of the exacting
We reiterate here Justice Puno's observation that "the history standards required of every court employee, unfortunately, the Court
of the women's movement against domestic violence shows that one of its cannot use the evidence obtained from his personal computer against him
most difficult struggles was the fght against the violence of law itself. If we for it violated his constitutional right.
keep that in mind, law will not again be a hindrance to the struggle of
women for equality but will be its fulfllment."118 Accordingly, the PRINCIPLE:
constitutionality of R.A. 9262 is, as it should be, sustained. There are exceptions to this rule one of which is consented warrantless
II. Requirements of Fair Procedure Consent to a search is not to be lightly inferred and must be shown by
A. ARRESTS, SEARCHES AND SEIZURES, PRIVACY OF COMMUNICATIONS clear and convincing evidence. It must be voluntary in order to validate
an otherwise illegal search; that is, the consent must be unequivocal,
Art. III Sec. 2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, specifc, intelligently given and uncontaminated by any duress or
houses, papers, and efects against unreasonable searches and seizures coercion.
of whatever nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no VALID CONSENT OR WAIVER OF CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEE
search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable AGAINST OBTRUSIVE SEARCHES
cause to be determined personally by the judge afer examinaton under (1) the right exists;
oath or afrmaton of the complainant and the witnesses he may (2) that the person involved had knowledge, either actual or
produce, and partcularly describing the place to be searched and the constructive, of the existence of such right; and
persons or things to be seized. (3) the said person had an actual intention to relinquish the right.
Art. III Sec. 3. (1) The privacy of communicaton and correspondence shall
be inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when public safety PEOPLE v. NUNEZ
or order requires otherwise as prescribed by law. G.R. No. 177148 | June 30, 2009
(2) Any evidence obtained in violaton of this or the preceding secton
At 6d00 a.m. on April 26, 2001, operatives of the Sta. Cruz,
shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding.
LEaguna Police Detectives in coordination with the LEos Baos Police Station
(LEBPS) and IID Mobile Force conducted a search in the house of Raul R.
1. Requirements for Search Warrants

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Nuez based on reports of drug possession. Before proceeding to appellants YES. A judicially ordered search that fails to yield the described
residence in Barangay San Antonio, the group summoned Barangay Captain illicit article does not of itself render the courts order unlawful. The Del
Mario Mundin and Chief Tanod Alfredo Joaquin to assist them in serving Rosarios did not allege that respondents NBI agents violated their right by
the search warrant. Upon arriving at appellants house, Mundin called on fabricating testimonies to convince the RTC of Angeles City to issue the
appellant to come out. Thereafer, Commanding Officer Pagkalinawan search warrant. Their allegation that the NBI agents used an unlawfully
showed Nuez the warrant. SPO1 Ilagan and PO2 Crisostomo then surveyed obtained search warrant is a mere conclusion of law.
appellants room in his presence while his family, PO2 Ortega and the two
barangay officials remained in the living room. SPO1 Ilagan found thirtyS Further, the allegation that the search warrant in this case was
one (31) packets of shabu, lighters, improvised burners, tooters, and served in a malicious manner is also not sufficient. Allegations of bad faith,
aluminum foil with shabu residue and a ladys wallet containing P4,610 malice, and other related words without ultimate facts to support the same
inside appellants dresser. The group also confscated a component, are mere conclusions of law.
camera, electric planer, grinder, drill, jigsaw, electric tester, and assorted
carpentry tools on suspicion that they were acquired in exchange for Philip Morris sought assistance from the NBI for the
shabu. apprehension and criminal prosecution of those reportedly appropriating
its trademark and selling fake Marlboro cigarettes. In turn, the NBI
ISSUE: instituted a police action that included applying for a search and seizure
WON, there is an irregularity in the search conducted. warrant under Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Rule 126 of the Rules of Criminal
RULING: Procedure against the Del Rosarios upon the belief that they were storing
YES. As a rule, only the personal properties described in the and selling fake Marlboro cigarettes in violation of the penal provisions of
search warrant may be seized by the authorities. In the case at bar, Search the intellectual property law.
Warrant No. 42[24] specifcally authorized the taking of methamphetamine
hydrochloride (shabu) and paraphernalia(s) only. By the principle of PRINCIPLE:
ejusdem generis, where a statute describes things of a particular class or When the respondent or his representative is not present during the
kind accompanied by words of a generic character, the generic word will search, the rules require that it be done in the presence of two residents
usually be limited to things of a similar nature with those particularly of the same locality. These safeguards exist to protect persons from
enumerated, unless there be something in the context of the statement possible abuses that may occur if searches were done surreptitiously or
which would repel such inference. clandestinely.

Thus, we are here constrained to point out an irregularity in the The rules do not require respondents in search warrant proceedings to
search conducted. Certainly, the ladys wallet, cash, grinder, camera, be residents of the premises to be searched. If this were the case,
component, speakers, electric planer, jigsaw, electric tester, saws, hammer, criminals in possession of illegal articles could simply use other peoples
drill, and bolo were not encompassed by the word paraphernalia as they residence for storing such articles to avoid being raided and searched.
bear no relation to the use or manufacture of drugs. In seizing the said
items then, the police officers exercised their own discretion and
determined for themselves which items in appellants residence they PEOPLE v. TUAN
believed were proceeds of the crime or means of commitng the ofense. G.R. No. 176066 | August 11, 2010
This is, in our view, absolutely impermissible. FACTS:
At around nine oclock in the morning on January 24, 2000, two
PRINCIPLE: male informants namely, Jerry Tudlong (Tudlong) and Frank LEadSing (LEadS
The purpose of the constitutional requirement that the articles to be ing) arrived at the office of the 14th Regional CIDG (Criminal Investigation
seized be particularly described in the warrant is to limit the things to be and Detention Group) that a certain Estela Tuan had been selling
taken to those, and only those particularly described in the search marijuana. SPO2 Fernandez set out to verify the report of Tudlong and LEadS
warrant SS to leave the officers of the law with no discretion regarding ing. At around one oclock in the afernoon of the same day, he gave Tudlong
what articles they should seize. A search warrant is not a sweeping and LEadSing P300.00 to buy marijuana, and then accompanied the two
authority empowering a raiding party to undertake a fshing expedition informants to the accusedSappellants house. Tudlong and LEadSing entered
to confscate any and all kinds of evidence or articles relating to a crime. accusedSappellants house, while SPO2 Fernandez waited at the adjacent
Accordingly, the objects taken which were not specifed in the search house. Afer thirty minutes, Tudlong and LEadSing came out of accusedS
warrant should be restored to appellant. appellants house and showed SPO2 Fernandez the marijuana leaves they
bought. When the laboratory examination yielded positive results for
marijuana, SPO2 Fernandez prepared an Application for Search Warrant for
DEL ROSARIO v. DONATO accusedSappellants house.
G.R. No. 180595 | March 5, 2010
FACTS: SPO2 Fernandez, together with Tudlong and LEadSing, fled the
On January 23, 2002 Philip Morris Products, Inc. (Philip Morris) Application for a Search Warrant udge Cortes personally examined SPO2
wrote the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), requesting assistance in Fernandez, Tudlong, and LEadSing, afer which, she issued a Search Warrant,
curtailing the proliferation of fake Marlboro cigarettes in Angeles City, being satisfed of the existence of probable cause.
Pampanga. Afer doing surveillance work in that city, respondent Hellenor
Donato, Jr., the NBI agent assigned to the case, succeeded in confrming Upon receipt of the Search Warrant, SPO2 Fernandez, and team
the storage and sale of such fake cigarettes. implemented the warrant. Before going to the accusedSappellants house,
SPO2 Fernandez invited barangay officials to be present when the Search
On March 5, 2002 respondent Donato applied for a search Warrant was to be served, but since no one was available, he requested one
warrant to search the subject premises. But it took a week later or on Eliza Pascual (Pascual), accusedSappellants neighbor, to come along. The
March 12, 2002 for the RTC to hear the application and issue the search CIDG team thereafer proceeded to accusedSappellants house. Even though
warrant. Respondent Rafael V. Gonzaga proceeded to implement the accusedSappellant was not around, the CIDG team was allowed entry into
warrant. Their search yielded no fake Marlboro cigarettes. the house by Magno Baludda (Magno), accusedSappellants father, afer he
was shown a copy of the Search Warrant. SPO1 Carrera and PO2 Chavez
ISSUE: began searching the rooms on the frst foor in the presence of Magno and
WON, the search warrant was valid. Pascual. They continued their search on the second foor. They saw a
RULING: movable cabinet in accusedSappellants room, below which they found a
brick of marijuana and a frearm. At around six oclock that evening,

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accusedSappellant arrived with her son. The police officers asked accusedS appellants house, in the presence of the appellant and Kagawad Tabamo.
appellant to open a builtSin cabinet, in which they saw eight more bricks of During his search, he found on the top cover of the refrigerator one (1)
marijuana. PO2 Chavez issued a receipt for the items confscated from plastic sachet containing white crystalline substance. Thereafer he
accusedSappellant[10] and a certifcation stating that the items were prepared a Certifcate of Good Search and Confscation Receipt which the
confscated and recovered from the house and in accusedSappellants appellant refused to sign. The plastic sachet was brought to the Tarlac
presence. Provincial Crime LEaboratory located at Tarlac Provincial Hospital for
qualitative examination. the white crystalline substance, yielded positive
ISSUE: results for 0.055 gram of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride, commonly
WON, the search warrant validly issued. known as shabu, a dangerous drug.

RULING: Appellant claims that the police officers framed her up and
YES. There is no dispute herein that the second and third factors planted the shabu inside her house because of her refusal to give them
for a validly issued search warrant were complied with, i.e., personal money.
determination of probable cause by Judge Cortes; and examination, under
oath or affirmation, of SPO2 Fernandez and the two informants, LEadSing ISSUE:
and Tudlong, by Judge Cortes. WON, the search warrant was based on a probable cause.
A magistrates determination of probable cause for the issuance YES. The search warrant was based on probable cause. The
of a search warrant is paid great deference by a reviewing court, as long as requisites for the issuance of a search warrant ared (1) probable cause is
there was substantial basis for that determination. Substantial basis means present; (2) such probable cause must be determined personally by the
that the questions of the examining judge brought out such facts and judge; (3) the judge must examine, in writing and under oath or affirmation,
circumstances as would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent man to the complainant and the witnesses he or she may produce; (4) the
believe that an ofense has been committed, and the objects in connection applicant and the witnesses testify on the facts personally known to them;
with the ofense sought to be seized are in the place sought to be and (5) the warrant specifcally describes the place to be searched and the
searched. things to be seized.

SPO2 Fernandez based his Application for Search Warrant not Based on the records, the Court is convinced that the questioned
only on the information relayed to him by LEadSing and Tudlong. He also search warrant was based on a probable cause. There is no general formula
arranged for a test buy and conducted surveillance of accusedSappellant. or fxed rule for the determination of probable cause since the same must
be decided in light of the conditions obtaining in given situations and its
A description of the place to be searched is sufficient if the existence depends to a large degree upon the fndings or opinion of the
officer serving the warrant can, with reasonable efort, ascertain and judge conducting the examination.
identify the place intended and distinguish it from other places in the
community. A designation or description that points out the place to be It is presumed that a judicial function has been regularly
searched to the exclusion of all others, and on inquiry unerringly leads the performed, absent a showing to the contrary. A magistrates determination
peace officers to it, satisfes the constitutional requirement of defniteness. of a probable cause for the issuance of a search warrant is paid with great
In the case at bar, the address and description of the place to be searched deference by a reviewing court, as long as there was substantial basis for
in the Search Warrant was specifc enough. There was only one house that determination.
located at the stated address, which was accusedSappellants residence,
consisting of a structure with two foors and composed of several rooms. PRINCIPLE:
Probable cause means such facts and circumstances which would lead a
In view of the foregoing, the Court upholds the validity of the reasonable discreet and prudent man to believe that an ofense has
Search Warrant for accusedSappellants house issued by MTCC Judge been committed and that the objects sought in connection with the
Cortes, and any items seized as a result of the search conducted by virtue ofense are in the place sought to be searched.
thereof, may be presented as evidence against the accusedSappellant.


(1) it must be issued upon probable cause; FACTS:
(2) the probable cause must be determined by the judge himself and not On March 22, 2010, respondents fled a Motion for
by the applicant or any other person; Reconsideration[2] wherein respondents informed this Court, that the
(3) in the determination of probable cause, the judge must examine, Regional Trial Court (RTC) granted their motion for the withdrawal of the
under oath or affirmation, the complainant and such witnesses as the Information fled in Criminal Case respondents prayed that the decision be
latter may produce; and reconsidered and set aside and that the quashal of the subject search
(4) the warrant issued must particularly describe the place to be warrants be rendered moot and academic on the basis of the dismissal of
searched and persons or things to be seized. the criminal case.

On July 7, 2010, petitioner maintains that the motion is a mere

PEOPLE v. MAMARIL reiteration of what respondents have previously alleged in their Comment
G.R. No. 171980 | October 6, 2010 and which have been passed upon by this Court in the subject decision.
FACTS: Petitioner alleges that he also fled with the Office of the City Prosecutor of
On 25 March 2003, at 9d30 oclock in the evening, SPO4 Alexis Manila a Complaint for Qualifed Thef against the respondents based on
Gotidoc, along with the members of Intel Operatives implemented Search the same incidents and that should the Information for Qualifed Thef be
Warrant No. 144C dated 18 March 2003 against the appellant in her fled with the proper court, the items seized by virtue of the subject search
residence. Prior to the search, the police team invited Barangay Kagawad warrants will be used as evidence therein.
Oscar Tabamo of Barangay Maliwalo to witness the conduct of the search
and seizure operation in the appellants house. With Barangay Kagawad ISSUE:
Tabamo, the police team presented the search warrant to appellant and WON, there was probable cause warranting the issuance of the
informed her of the purpose of the search and her constitutional rights. search warrants for respondents (Sy Tiong Gue)
Aferwards, SPO4 Gotidoc, the designated searcher, started searching the

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YES. A search warrant may be issued only if there is probable Probable cause has been defned as the existence of such facts and
cause in connection with only one specifc ofense alleged in an application circumstances as would excite belief in a reasonable mind, acting on the
on the basis of the applicants personal knowledge and his or her facts within the knowledge of the prosecutor, that the person charged
witnesses. Petitioner cannot, therefore, utilize the evidence seized by was guilty of the crime for which he was prosecuted.
virtue of the search warrants issued in connection with the case of
Robbery in a separate case of Qualifed Thef, even if both cases emanated Probable cause need not be based on clear and convincing evidence of
from the same incident. guilt, as the investigating officer acts upon reasonable belief probable
cause implies probability of guilt and requires more than bare suspicion
Even if an Information for Qualifed Thef be later fled on the but less than evidence which would justify a conviction.
basis of the same incident subject matter of the dismissed case of robbery,
petitioner cannot include the seized items as part of the evidence therein. The law does not require that the property to be seized should be owned
Contrary to petitioners contention, he cannot use the items seized as by the person against whom the search warrants is directed. Ownership,
evidence in any other ofense except in that in which the subject search therefore, is of no consequence, and it is sufficient that the person
warrants were issued. against whom the warrant is directed has control or possession of the
property sought to be seized.
Moreover, considering that the withdrawal of the Information
was based on the fndings of the CA, as affirmed by this Court, that there
was no probable cause to indict respondents for the crime of Robbery
G.R. No. 181881 | October 18, 2011
absent the essential element of unlawful taking, which is likewise an
essential element for the crime of Qualifed Thef, all ofenses which are FACTS:
necessarily included in the crime of Robbery can no longer be fled, much On January 3, 2007 at around 2d30 p.m., an unsigned letterS
more, prosper. complaint addressed to respondent CSC Chairperson Karina ConstantinoS
David which was marked Confdential and sent through a courier service
(LEBC) from a certain Alan San Pascual was received by the Integrated
Records Management Office (IRMO) at the CSC Central Office. Following
G.R. No. 182147 | December 15, 2010
office practice in which documents marked Confdential are lef unopened
FACTS: and instead sent to the addressee, the aforesaid letter was given directly to
Petitioners are stockholders of Omni Gas Corporation (Omni) as Chairperson David.
per Omnis General Information Sheet[6] (GIS) dated March 6, 2004
submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The case all Chairperson David immediately formed a team of four personnel
started when Joaquin Guevara Adarlo & Caoile LEaw Offices (JGAC LEaw with background in information technology (IT), and issued a memo
Offices) sent a letter dated March 22, 2004[7] to the NBI requesting, on directing them to conduct an investigation and specifcally to back up all the
behalf of their clients Shellane Dealers Association, Inc., Petron Gasul fles in the computers found in the Mamamayan Muna (PALED) and LEegal
Dealers Association, Inc., and Totalgaz Dealers Association, Inc., for the divisions.
surveillance, investigation, and apprehension of persons or establishments
in Pasig City that are engaged in alleged illegal trading of petroleum The next day, all the computers in the PALED were sealed and
products and underflling of branded LEPG cylinders in violation of Batas secured for the purpose of preserving all the fles stored therein. Several
Pambansa Blg. (BP) 33. diskettes containing the backSup fles sourced from the hard disk of PALED
and LESD computers were turned over to Chairperson David. The contents of
Agents De Jemil and Kawada attested to conducting surveillance the diskettes were examined by the CSCs Office for LEegal Afairs (OLEA). It
of Omni in the months of March and April 2004 and doing a testSbuy on was found that most of the fles in the 17 diskettes containing fles copied
April 15, 2004. The NBIs testSbuy yielded positive results for violations of from the computer assigned to and being used by the petitioner, numbering
BP 33, Section 2(a) in relation to Secs. 3(c) and 4, i.e., reflling branded LEPG about 40 to 42 documents, were draf pleadings or letters in connection
cylinders without authority; and Sec. 2(c) in relation to Sec. 4, i.e., with administrative cases in the CSC and other tribunals.
underdelivery or underflling of LEPG cylinders. Thus, on April 28, 2004,
Agent De Jemil fled an Application for Search Warrant. On the same day, ISSUE:
the RTC issued Search Warrants which the NBI served the next day, WON, the search conducted on his computer and the copying of
resulting in the seizure of several items from Omnis premises duly itemized his personal fles is valid.
in the NBIs Receipt/Inventory of Property/Item Seized.
ISSUE: YES. The right to privacy has been accorded recognition in this
WON, there was probable cause to cause the issuance of the jurisdiction as a facet of the right protected by the guarantee against
search warrants. unreasonable search and seizure under Section 2, Article III of the 1987
Constitution. The constitutional guarantee is not a prohibition of all
RULING: searches and seizures but only of unreasonable searches and seizures.
YES. Foregoing considered, in the backdrop of the quantum of
evidence required to support a fnding of probable cause, we agree with Petitioner failed to prove that he had an actual (subjective)
the appellate court and the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, which expectation of privacy either in his office or governmentSissued computer
conducted the preliminary investigation, that there exists probable cause which contained his personal fles. Petitioner did not allege that he had a
for the violation of Sec. 2 (a) in relation to Sec. 3 (c) of BP 33, as amended. separate enclosed office which he did not share with anyone, or that his
office was always locked and not open to other employees or visitors.
It must be noted that the criminal complaints, as clearly shown Neither did he allege that he used passwords or adopted any means to
in the complaintSaffidavits of Agent De Jemil, are not based solely on the prevent other employees from accessing his computer fles. On the
seized items pursuant to the search warrants but also on the testSbuy contrary, he submits that being in the public assistance office of the CSCS
earlier conducted by the NBI agents. ROIV, he normally would have visitors in his office like friends, associates
and even unknown people, whom he even allowed to use his computer
Petitioners cannot deny that the seized LEPG cylinders were in which to him seemed a trivial request.
the possession of Omni, found as they were inside the Omni compound.

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Under this scenario, it can hardly be deduced that petitioner
had such expectation of privacy that society would recognize as
In the case at bench, we fnd that the checkpoint was set up
reasonable. The search of petitioners computer fles was conducted in twenty (20) meters from the entrance to the Batasan Complex to enforce
connection with investigation of workSrelated misconduct prompted by an
Resolution No. 2327. There was no evidence to show that the policemen
anonymous letterScomplaint addressed to Chairperson David regarding were impelled to do so because of a confdential report leading them to
anomalies in the CSCSROIV where the head of the Mamamayan Muna
reasonably believe that certain motorists matching the description
Hindi Mamaya Na division is supposedly lawyering for individuals with furnished by their informant were engaged in gunrunning, transporting
pending cases in the CSC.
frearms or in organizing special strike forces. Nor, as adverted to earlier,
was there any indication from the package or behavior of Arellano that
A search by a government employer of an employees office is
could have triggered the suspicion of the policemen. Absent such justifying
justifed at inception when there are reasonable grounds for suspecting circumstances specifcally pointing to the culpability of petitioner and
that it will turn up evidence that the employee is guilty of workSrelated
Arellano, the search could not be valid. The action then of the policemen
misconduct. Under the facts obtaining, the search conducted on unreasonably intruded into petitioner's privacy and the security of his
petitioners computer was justifed at its inception and scope.
property, in violation of Sec. 2, Art. III, of the Constitution. Consequently,
the frearms obtained in violation of petitioner's right against warrantless
2. Valid Instances of Warrantless Searches and Seizure
search cannot be admitted for any purpose in any proceeding.
In the case of petitioner, only his driver was at the car at that
ANIAG v. COMELEC time it was stopped for inspection. As conceded by COMELEEC, driver
G.R. No. 104961 | October 7, 1994 Arellano did not know the purpose of the checkpoint. In the face of
FACTS: fourteen (14) armed policemen conducting the operation,29 driver Arellano
On 26 December 1991 COMELEEC issued Resolution No. 2327 being alone and a mere employee of petitioner could not have marshalled
providing for the summary disqualifcation of candidates engaged in the strength and the courage to protest against the extensive search
gunrunning, using and transporting of frearms, organizing special strike conducted in the vehicle. In such scenario, the "implied acquiescence," if
forces, and establishing spot checkpoints. there was any, could not be more than a mere passive conformity on
Arellano's part to the search, and "consent" given under intimidating or
coercive circumstances is no consent within the purview of the
On 10 January 1992, pursuant to the "Gun Ban," Mr. Serapio P. constitutional guaranty.
Taccad, SergeantSatSArms, House of Representatives, wrote petitioner who
was then Congressman of the 1st District of Bulacan requesting the return
of the two (2) frearms3 issued to him by the House of Representatives. EPIE v. ULAT-MARREDO
Upon being advised of the request on 13 January 1992 by his staf, G.R. No. 148117 | March 22, 2007
petitioner immediately instructed his driver, Ernesto Arellano, to pick up FACTS:
the frearms from petitioner's house at Valle Verde and return them to At around 2d30 p.m. of September 6, 1998, SPO2 Alberto Ngina
Congress. of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Tublay Station received an
information from a confdential agent that a jeepney with Plate No. AYB 117
Meanwhile, at about fve o'clock in the afernoon of the same at Km. 96, Atok, Benguet was loaded with Benguet pine lumber. SPO2 Ngina
day, the Philippine National Police (PNP) headed by Senior Superintendent immediately relayed the information to SPO4 Rentao Quitoriano and SPO1
Danilo Cordero set up a checkpoint outside the Batasan Complex some Domingo Pulig. They then swifly established a checkpoint in Acop, Tublay,
twenty (20) meters away from its entrance. About thirty minutes later, the Benguet. At around 4d00 p.m. of the same day, the PNP operatives spotted
policemen manning the outpost fagged down the car driven by Arellano as the jeepney heading toward LEa Trinidad. They fagged it down but it did not
it approached the checkpoint. They searched the car and found the stop. Hence, they chased the vehicle up to Shilan, LEa Trinidad where it
frearms neatly packed in their gun cases and placed in a bag in the trunk fnally halted.
of the car. Arellano was then apprehended and detained. He explained that
he was ordered by petitioner to get the frearms from the house and The police saw fve persons inside the jeepney then loaded with
return them to SergeantSatSArms Taccad of the House of Representatives. assorted vegetables, like womboc3 and chili. When SPO4 Quitoriano lifed a
womboc, he found some pieces of lumber under it. The driver and his
ISSUE: companions admitted they have no permit to transport the lumber. The
WON, the warrantless search of his car is valid. police immediately arrested and investigated petitioners, Marso Insiong
RULING: Dumpit, Armando Palasi, and Ben Arinos. Only petitioners were charged
NO. As a rule, a valid search must be authorized by a search with violation of Section 68 of the Revised Forestry Code.
warrant duly issued by an appropriate authority. However, this is not
absolute. Aside from a search incident to a lawful arrest, a warrantless ISSUE:
search had been upheld in cases of moving vehicles and the seizure of WON, there is probable cause for the warrantless search.
evidence in plain view,17 as well as the search conducted at police or RULING:
military checkpoints which we declared are not illegal per se, and stressed YES. As a general rule, a search and seizure must be carried
that the warrantless search is not violative of the Constitution for as long through with judicial warrant, otherwise, such search and seizure
as the vehicle is neither searched nor its occupants subjected to a body constitutes derogation of a constitutional right. Here, the search involved a
search, and the inspection of the vehicle is merely limited to a visual moving vehicle, an instance where a warrantless search and seizure may be
search. conducted by peace officers.

An extensive search without warrant could only be resorted to We recall that at around 2d30 p.m. of September 6, 1998, a
if the officers conducting the search had reasonable or probable cause to confdential informer disclosed to SPO2 Ngina that a passenger jeepney
believe before the search that either the motorist was a law ofender or with Plate No. AYB 117 loaded with Benguet pine lumber was at Km. 96,
that they would fnd the instrumentality or evidence pertaining to the Atok, Benguet. The lumber was covered with assorted vegetables. A PNP
commission of a crime in the vehicle to be searched.19 The existence of roadblock was then placed in Acop, Tublay, Benguet to intercept the
probable cause justifying the warrantless search is determined by the facts jeepney. At around 4d00 p.m. of that same day, the police spotted the
of each case. vehicle. They fagged it down but it did not stop, forcing the police to chase

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it until it reached Shilan, LEa Trinidad. A search of the vehicle disclosed shabu at Marville Subdivision. When they stopped the car, they saw a gun
several pieces of Benguet pine lumber. Petitioners could not produce the tucked in appellants waist. Appellant did not have any document to support
required DENR permit to cut and transport the same. his possession of said frearm which all the more strengthened the polices
suspicion. Afer he was told to step out of the car, they found on the drivers
seat plastic sachets containing white powdery substance. These
Where a vehicle sped away afer noticing a checkpoint and even
circumstances, taken together, are sufficient to establish probable cause for
afer having been fagged down by police officers, in an apparent attempt
the warrantless search of the Gemini car and the eventual admission into
to dissuade the police from proceeding with their inspection, there exists
evidence of the plastic packets against appellant.
probable cause to justify a reasonable belief on the part of the law
enforcers that the persons on board said vehicle were officers of the law or
that the vehicle contained objects which were instruments of some PEOPLE v. MARIACOS
ofense. G.R. No. 188611 | June 16, 2010
PRINCIPLE: On October 26, 2005, in the evening, the San Gabriel Police
WHERE SEARCH AND SEIZURE BE CONDUCTED WITHOUT WARRANTd Station of San Gabriel, LEa Union, conducted a checkpoint near the police
(1) search incident to a lawful arrest; station at the poblacion to intercept a suspected transportation of
(2) search of a moving motor vehicle; marijuana. When the checkpoint did not yield any suspect or marijuana, the
(3) search in violation of customs laws; Chief of Police instructed PO2 Pallayoc to proceed to Barangay Balbalayang
(4) seizure of the evidence in plain view; to conduct surveillance operation.
(5) search when the accused himself waives his right against
unreasonable searches and seizures; At dawn on October 27, 2005, in Barangay Balbalayang, PO2
(6) stop and frisk; and Pallayoc met with a secret agent of the Barangay Intelligence Network who
(7) exigent and emergency circumstances. informed him that a baggage of marijuana had been loaded on a passenger
The only requirement in these exceptions is the presence of probable jeepney that was about to leave for the poblacion. The agent mentioned
cause. Probable cause is the existence of such facts and circumstances three (3) bags and one (1) blue plastic bag. Further, the agent described a
which would lead a reasonable, discreet, and prudent man to believe backpack bag with an "O.K." marking. PO2 Pallayoc then boarded the said
that an ofense has been committed and that the objects sought in jeepney and positioned himself on top thereof. While the vehicle was in
connection with the ofense are in the place to be searched. motion, he found the black backpack with an "O.K." marking and peeked
inside its contents. PO2 Pallayoc found bricks of marijuana wrapped in
newspapers. He then asked the other passengers on top of the jeepney
PEOPLE v. TUAZON about the owner of the bag, but no one knew.
G.R. No. 175783 | September 3, 2007
FACTS: When the jeepney reached the poblacion, PO2 Pallayoc alighted
In the morning of 7 March 1999, the Antipolo City Police Station together with the other passengers. Unfortunately, he did not notice who
received through telephone, a confdential information that a Gemini car took the black backpack from atop the jeepney. He only realized a few
bearing plate number PFC 411[6] would deliver an unspecifed amount of moments later that the said bag and three (3) other bags, including a blue
shabu in Marville Subdivision, Antipolo City. Acting on said tip, Antipolo plastic bag, were already being carried away by two (2) women. He caught
City Chief of Police Major Rene Quintana dispatched a team of policemen up with the women and introduced himself as a policeman. He told them
to the area to conduct a surveillance. When the team arrived in Marville that they were under arrest, but one of the women got away.
Subdivision, they saw the said Gemini car and immediately fagged it
down. The driver of the car pulled to a stop and opened a window of said
vehicle giving the policemen the opportunity to identify themselves as ISSUE:
members of the Antipolo City Police Station. It was then that PO1 Manuel WON, the warrantless search is valid.
Padlan (PO1 Padlan) saw a gun tucked on appellants waist. PO1 Padlan RULING:
inquired about the gun and appellant allegedly replied it did not belong to YES. Indeed, the search of a moving vehicle is one of the
him nor could he produce any pertinent document relating to said frearm. doctrinally accepted exceptions to the Constitutional mandate that no
This prompted PO3 Bueno to order appellant to get down from the car. As search or seizure shall be made except by virtue of a warrant issued by a
soon as appellant stepped down from the vehicle, PO3 Bueno saw fve judge afer personally determining the existence of probable cause.
plastic sachets on the drivers seat, the contents of which appellant
allegedly admitted to be shabu. Appellant was thereafer immediately it is readily apparent that the search in this case is valid. The
brought to the police station. vehicle that carried the contraband or prohibited drugs was about to leave.
PO2 Pallayoc had to make a quick decision and act fast. It would be
The white crystalline substance confscated from appellant was unreasonable to require him to procure a warrant before conducting the
found to be Methylamphetamine Hydrochloride, a regulated drug. search under the circumstances. Time was of the essence in this case. The
searching officer had no time to obtain a warrant. Indeed, he only had
enough time to board the vehicle before the same lef for its destination.
WON, there is probable cause for the warrantless search.
RULING: It is well to remember that on October 26, 2005, the night
YES. When a vehicle is fagged down and subjected to an before appellant’s arrest, the police received information that marijuana
extensive search, such a warrantless search has been held to be valid as was to be transported from Barangay Balbalayang, and had set up a
long as the officers conducting the search have reasonable or probable checkpoint around the area to intercept the suspects. At dawn of October
cause to believe prior to the search that they would fnd the 27, 2005, PO2 Pallayoc met the secret agent from the Barangay Intelligence
instrumentality or evidence pertaining to a crime, in the vehicle to be Network, who informed him that a baggage of marijuana was loaded on a
searched. passenger jeepney about to leave for the poblacion. Thus, PO2 Pallayoc had
probable cause to search the packages allegedly containing illegal drugs.
In this case, we hold that the police had probable cause to
efect the warrantless search of the Gemini car driven by appellant. A Given that the search was valid, appellant’s arrest based on that
confdential informer tipped them of that said car was going to deliver search is also valid.

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When the informant returned, he was accompanied by Ching
who was carrying with him a green bag bearing the name Prudential Bank.
With regard to the search of moving vehicles, this had been justifed on [10] The confdential informant introduced SPO1 Cadoy to Ching and told
the ground that the mobility of motor vehicles makes it possible for the the latter that the former wanted to buy shabu. At once, Ching requested to
vehicle to be searched to move out of the locality or jurisdiction in which see the money. SPO1 Cadoy showed the money inside the attach case. Afer
the warrant must be sought. seeing the money, Ching handed the green bag to SPO1 Cadoy saying Ito na
ang tatlong kilo. SPO1 inspected the contents of the green bag which
contained three plastic packs of white crystalline substance. Convinced that
B. SEARCH INCIDENT TO A VALID ARREST the white crystalline substances were illegal drugs, SPO1 Cadoy handed the
attach case to Ching. As soon as the money was in Chings possession, SPO1
Cadoy executed the preSarranged signal by removing his hat. . The arresting
PEOPLE v. AGULAY officers brought Ching to Camp Crame where he was subjected to custodial
G.R. No. 181747 investigation.
On 24 August 2002, at around 6d30 in the evening, an informant ISSUE:
arrived at Police Station 5 and reported to the Chief of the Station Drug WON, the arrest is valid
Enforcement Unit (SDEU) that a certain Sing had been selling shabu. A RULING:
police entrapment team was formed. PO2 Herrera was assigned as poseurS YES. The rule is settled that an arrest made afer an entrapment
buyer and was given a P100.00 bill, which he marked RH, his initials. does not require a warrant inasmuch as it is considered a valid warrantless
arrest. Having established that the buySbust operation is factual and
legitimate, the subsequent warrantless arrest of Ching and as well as the
The informant pointed the target pusher to PO2 Herrera. They
warrantless seizure of the illegal drugs was permissible
approached and afer being introduced to Sing, PO2 Herrera bought shabu
using the marked P100.00 bill. Sing gave a small plastic sachet to PO2
Herrera who, thereafer, scratched his head as a signal. The other police PEOPLE v. RACHO
companions of PO2 Herrera, who were deployed nearby, then rushed to G.R. No. 186529 | August 3, 2010
the crime scene. PO2 Herrera grabbed Sing and then frisked him. PO2 FACTS:
Herrera recovered two (2) plastic sachets from Sings pocket. He also got On May 19, 2003, a confdential agent of the police transacted
the marked money from Sing. through cellular phone with appellant for the purchase of shabu. The agent
later reported the transaction to the police authorities who immediately
ISSUE: formed a team composed of member of the Philippine Drug Enforcement
WON, the arrest was valid. Agency (PDEA), the Intelligence group of the Philippine Army and the local
RULING: police force to apprehend the appellant. The agent gave the police
YES. A buySbust operation is a form of entrapment which in appellants name, together with his physical description. He also assured
recent years has been accepted as a valid and efective mode of them that appellant would arrive in Baler, Aurora the following day.
apprehending drug pushers. In a buySbust operation, the idea to commit a
crime originates from the ofender, without anybody inducing or prodding On May 20, 2003, at 11d00 a.m., appellant called up the agent
him to commit the ofense. and informed him that he was on board a Genesis bus and would arrive in
Baler, Aurora, anytime of the day wearing a red and white striped TSshirt.
The team members then posted themselves along the national highway in
Considering that the legitimacy of the buySbust operation is Baler, Aurora. At around 3d00 p.m. of the same day, a Genesis bus arrived in
beyond question, the subsequent warrantless arrest and warrantless Baler. When appellant alighted from the bus, the confdential agent pointed
search and seizure, were permissible. The search, clearly being incident to to him as the person he transacted with earlier. As appellant was about to
a lawful arrest, needed no warrant for its validity. Thus, contrary to board a tricycle, the team approached him and invited him to the police
accusedSappellant's contention, the contraband seized from him, having station on suspicion of carrying shabu. Appellant immediately denied the
been obtained as a result of the buySbust operation to which the defense accusation, but as he pulled out his hands from his pants pocket, a white
failed to impute any irregularity, was correctly admitted in evidence. envelope slipped therefrom which, when opened, yielded a small sachet
containing the suspected drug.
The arrest of accusedSappellant was made in the course of an
entrapment, following a surveillance operation, normally performed by ISSUE:
police officers in the apprehension of violators of the Dangerous Drugs Act. WON, the arrest and the subsequent search was valid.

The Court so holds that in the absence of proof of any odious Recent jurisprudence holds that in searches incident to a lawful
intent on the part of the police operatives to falsely impute such a serious arrest, the arrest must precede the search; generally, the process cannot be
crime, as the one imputed against accusedSappellant, it will not allow their reversed. Nevertheless, a search substantially contemporaneous with an
testimonies to be overcome by the selfSserving claim of frameSup. arrest can precede the arrest if the police have probable cause to make the
arrest at the outset of the search. Thus, given the factual milieu of the case,
CHING v. PEOPLE we have to determine whether the police officers had probable cause to
G.R. No. 177237 | October 17, 2008 arrest appellant. Although probable cause eludes exact and concrete
FACTS: defnition, it ordinarily signifes a reasonable ground of suspicion supported
At around 12d00 oclock noon on 19 October 1998, while Police by circumstances sufficiently strong in themselves to warrant a cautious
Chief LEeonardo Suan was in his office at Camp Crame, Quezon City, he man to believe that the person accused is guilty of the ofense with which
received information from a confdential informant about a drug deal to be he is charged.
consummated by the latter with petitioner Ching. SPO1 Cadoy was
designated as the poseurSbuyer, while SPO1 Bernardo was assigned as one Clearly, what prompted the police to apprehend appellant, even
of the backSups of the former. Seven pieces of genuine one thousandSpeso without a warrant, was the tip given by the informant that appellant would
bills were prepared as marked money. The said bills were placed over the arrive in Baler, Aurora carrying shabu. This circumstance gives rise to
boodle money in an attach case. another questiond whether that information, by itself, is sufficient probable
cause to efect a valid warrantless arrest.

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The longSstanding rule in this jurisdiction is that "reliable PO2 Emmanuel LE. Alteza, who was then assigned at the SubS
information" alone is not sufficient to justify a warrantless arrest. The rule Station 1 of the Naga City Police Station as a traffic enforcer, substantially
requires, in addition, that the accused perform some overt act that would testifed that on March 10, 2003 at around 3d00 oclock in the morning, he
indicate that he has committed, is actually commitng, or is attempting to saw the accused, who was coming from the direction of Panganiban Drive
commit an ofense. We fnd no cogent reason to depart from this wellS and going to Diversion Road, Naga City, driving a motorcycle without a
established doctrine. helmet; that this prompted him to fag down the accused for violating a
municipal ordinance which requires all motorcycle drivers to wear helmet
As in the above cases, appellant herein was not commitng a (sic) while driving said motor vehicle; that he invited the accused to come
crime in the presence of the police officers. Neither did the arresting inside their subSstation since the place where he fagged down the accused
officers have personal knowledge of facts indicating that the person to be is almost in front of the said subSstation; that while he and SPO1 Rayford
arrested had committed, was commitng, or about to commit an ofense. Brillante were issuing a citation ticket for violation of municipal ordinance,
At the time of the arrest, appellant had just alighted from the Gemini bus he noticed that the accused was uneasy and kept on getng something
and was waiting for a tricycle. Appellant was not acting in any suspicious from his jacket; that he was alerted and so, he told the accused to take out
manner that would engender a reasonable ground for the police officers to the contents of the pocket of his jacket as the latter may have a weapon
suspect and conclude that he was commitng or intending to commit a inside it; that the accused obliged and slowly put out the contents of the
crime. Were it not for the information given by the informant, appellant pocket of his jacket which was a nickelSlike tin or metal container about two
would not have been apprehended and no search would have been made, (2) to three (3) inches in size, including two (2) cellphones, one (1) pair of
and consequently, the sachet of shabu would not have been confscated. scissors and one (1) Swiss knife; that upon seeing the said container, he
asked the accused to open it; that afer the accused opened the container,
he noticed a cartoon cover and something beneath it; and that upon his
PEOPLE v. ARANETA instruction, the accused spilled out the contents of the container on the
G.R. No. 191064 | October 20, 2010 table which turned out to be four (4) plastic sachets, the two (2) of which
were empty while the other two (2) contained suspected shabu
On July 5, 2002, between 3d00 and 3d30 oclock in the morning, ISSUE:
a confdential informant arrived at the Station Drug Enforcement Unit WON, there was a lawful arrest where a warrantless search is
(SDEU) the alleged peddling of illegal drugs of liveSin couple Botong and permitted.
Malou, later identifed as appellants Rolando Araneta y Abella and Marilou
Santos y Tantay. RULING:
NO. There was no valid arrest of petitioner. When he was fagged
SPO2 Zigapan designated PO2 Damasco as the poseurSbuyer down for commitng a traffic violation, he was not, ipso facto and solely for
giving him a marked P100 bill to be used in the entrapment. The team this reason, arrested.
proceeded to the target area on board two vehicles. The team arrived at
the target place around 4d10 in the morning. They positioned themselves Under R.A. 4136, or the LEand Transportation and Traffic Code,
some 20S30 meters from the alley where appellants were allegedly staying. the general procedure for dealing with a traffic violation is not the arrest of
the ofender, but the confscation of the drivers license.
PO2 Damasco and the informant went near the appellants who
were standing just outside their house. The informant and appellants At the time that he was waiting for PO3 Alteza to write his
exchanged greetings. Afer a short conversation, Botong went inside their citation ticket, petitioner could not be said to have been under arrest. There
house. The informant introduced PO2 Damasco to Malou by saying, ISscore was no intention on the part of PO3 Alteza to arrest him, deprive him of his
itong kaibigan ko. Baka meron ka dyan. Malou then asked PO2 Damasco, IS liberty, or take him into custody. Prior to the issuance of the ticket, the
score ka na ba. Afer Malou asked PO2 Damasco, Magkano, the latter period during which petitioner was at the police station may be
immediately gave her the marked P100 bill. characterized merely as waiting time. In fact, as found by the trial court,
PO3 Alteza himself testifed that the only reason they went to the police
Malou called Botong and when the latter came out, Malou subSstation was that petitioner had been fagged down almost in front of
handed to him the marked money. Botong then gave Malou a plastic that place. Hence, it was only for the sake of convenience that they were
sachet which she handed to PO2 Damasco. Afer examining the plastic waiting there. There was no intention to take petitioner into custody.
sachet, PO2 Damasco immediately gave the preSarranged signal to the
other members of the team who thereafer rushed to the scene. PO2 This Court has held that at the time a person is arrested, it shall
Damasco arrested Malou while SPO2 Zigapan arrested Botong. be the duty of the arresting officer to inform the latter of the reason for the
arrest and must show that person the warrant of arrest, if any.
WON, the arrest was valid by virtue of a buySbust operation. It must be noted that the evidence seized, although alleged to
RULING: be inadvertently discovered, was not in plain view. It was actually concealed
YES. The Court also holds that the seized items were admissible. inside a metal container inside petitioners pocket. Clearly, the evidence was
A search warrant or warrant of arrest was not needed because it was a not immediately apparent.
buySbust operation and the accused were caught in fagrante delicto in
possession of, and selling, dangerous drugs to the poseurSbuyer. It was The foregoing considered, petitioner must be acquitted. While
defnitely legal for the buySbust team to arrest, and search, them on the he may have failed to object to the illegality of his arrest at the earliest
spot because a buySbust operation is a justifable mode of apprehending opportunity, a waiver of an illegal warrantless arrest does not, however,
drug pushers. A buySbust operation is a form of entrapment whereby ways mean a waiver of the inadmissibility of evidence seized during the illegal
and means are resorted to for the purpose of trapping and capturing the warrantless arrest.
lawbreakers in the execution of their criminal plan. In this jurisdiction, the
operation is legal and has been proven to be an efective method of The subject items seized during the illegal arrest are
apprehending drug peddlers, provided due regard to constitutional and inadmissible.[25] The drugs are the very corpus delicti of the crime of illegal
legal safeguards is undertaken. possession of dangerous drugs. Thus, their inadmissibility precludes
conviction and calls for the acquittal of the accused.
G.R. No. 197788 | February 29, 2012 PRINCIPLE:
FACTS: Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in order that he or she may

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be bound to answer for the commission of an ofense. It is efected by may be evidence of a crime, contraband or otherwise subject to seizure.
an actual restraint of the person to be arrested or by that persons
voluntary submission to the custody of the one making the arrest.
(1) the age of the defendant; FACTS:
(2) whether the defendant was in a public or a secluded location; On the basis of an informants tip, PO1 Cruzin, together with PO2
(3) whether the defendant objected to the search or passively looked on; Angel Aguas (PO2 Aguas), proceeded at around 4d00 p.m. on December 10,
(4) the education and intelligence of the defendant; 2002 to Bayanihan St., Malibay, Pasay City to conduct surveillance on the
(5) the presence of coercive police procedures; activities of an alleged notorious snatcher operating in the area known only
(6) the defendants belief that no incriminating evidence would be found; as Ryan.
(7) the nature of the police questioning; (
8) the environment in which the questioning took place; and As PO1 Cruzin alighted from the private vehicle that brought him
(9) the possibly vulnerable subjective state of the person consenting. and PO2 Aguas to the target area, he glanced in the direction of petitioner
who was standing three meters away and seen placing inside a yellow
cigarette case what appeared to be a small heatSsealed transparent plastic
C. WHEN THINGS SEIZED ARE WITHIN PLAIN VIEW OF A SEARCHING sachet containing white substance. While PO1 Cruz was not sure what the
PARTY plastic sachet contained, he became suspicious when petitioner started
acting strangely as he began to approach her. He then introduced himself as
ABENES v. CA a police officer to petitioner and inquired about the plastic sachet she was
G.R. No. 156320 | February 14, 2007 placing inside her cigarette case. Instead of replying, however, petitioner
attempted to fee to her house nearby but was timely restrained by PO1
FACTS: Cruzin who then requested her to take out the transparent plastic sachet
Three days prior to the May 11, 1998 national and local from the cigarette case.
elections, the Philippine National Police (PNP) of Pagadian City, through its
Company Commander Major Pedronisto Quano, created a team composed ISSUE:
of seven policemen with a directive to establish and man a checkpoint in WON, the search was valid.
Barangay Danlugan at said city, for the purpose of enforcing the Gun Ban RULING:
which was then being implemented by the COMELEEC. YES. In the instances where a warrant is not necessary to efect a
valid search or seizure, the determination of what constitutes a reasonable
At about 10d30 in the morning of the same day, a red Tamaraw or unreasonable search or seizure is purely a judicial question, taking into
FX trying to pass through the check point was stopped by the team and account, among other things, the uniqueness of the circumstances involved
directed to park at the side of the road. As the occupants within the including the purpose of the search or seizure, the presence or absence of
vehicle could not be seen through its tinted windows, SPO1 Eliezer probable cause, the manner in which the search and seizure was made, the
Requejo, a member of the team, knocked on the vehicle’s window and place or thing searched, and the character of the articles procured.
requested the occupants to step down for a routine inspection. Eight
occupants, alighted from the vehicle. At this juncture, SPO1 Requejo and Be that as it may, the circumstances under which petitioner was
SPO3 Pascua noticed that a holstered frearm was tucked at the right waist arrested indeed engender the belief that a search on her was warranted.
of Abenes. The frearm was readily visible to the policemen; it was not Recall that the police officers were on a surveillance operation as part of
covered by the shirt worn by Abenes. Abenes was then asked by SPO3 their law enforcement eforts. When PO1 Cruzin saw petitioner placing a
Pascua whether he had a license and authority to carry the frearm, and plastic sachet containing white crystalline substance into her cigarette case,
whether his possession was exempted from the Gun Ban being enforced by it was in his plain view. Given his training as a law enforcement officer, it
the COMELEEC. Accused answered in the affirmative. The policemen then was instinctive on his part to be drawn to curiosity and to approach her.
demanded for the pertinent documents to be shown to support Abenes’ That petitioner reacted by attempting to fee afer he introduced himself as
claim. He could not show any. a police officer and inquired about the contents of the plastic sachet all the
more pricked his curiosity.
WON, there was valid search and seizure. What is, therefore, essential is that a genuine reason must exist,
RULING: in light of the police officers experience and surrounding conditions, to
YES. Under the plain view doctrine, objects falling in the "plain warrant the belief that the person who manifests unusual suspicious
view" of an officer who has a right to be in the position to have that view conduct has weapons or contraband concealed about him.
are subject to seizure and may be presented as evidence.
The Court fnds that the questioned act of the police officers
All the foregoing requirements are present in the instant case. constituted a valid stopSandSfrisk operation. The search/seizure of the
The law enforcement officers lawfully made an initial intrusion because of suspected shabu initially noticed in petitioners possession S later voluntarily
the enforcement of the Gun Ban and were properly in a position from exhibited to the police operative S was undertaken afer she was
which they particularly viewed the area. In the course of such lawful interrogated on what she placed inside a cigarette case, and afer PO1
intrusion, the policemen came inadvertently across a piece of evidence Cruzin introduced himself to petitioner as a police officer. And, at the time
incriminating the petitioner where they saw the gun tucked into his waist. of her arrest, petitioner was exhibiting suspicious behavior and in fact
The gun was in plain view and discovered inadvertently when the attempted to fee afer the police officer had identifed himself.
petitioner alighted from the vehicle.
WHEN THE PLAIN VIEW DOCTRINE APPLIES: (1) the general interest of efective crime prevention and detection,
(a) the law enforcement officer in search of the evidence has a prior which underlies the recognition that a police officer may, under
justifcation for an intrusion or is in a position from which he can view a appropriate circumstances and in an appropriate manner, approach a
particular area; person for purposes of investigating possible criminal behavior even
(b) the discovery of the evidence in plain view is inadvertent; and without probable cause; and
(c) it is immediately apparent to the officer that the item he observes (2) the more pressing interest of safety and selfSpreservation which

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permit the police officer to take steps to assure himself that the person away was thwarted by the two notwithstanding his resistance. hey then
with whom he deals is not armed with a deadly weapon that could checked the "buri" bag of the petitioner where they found one (1) caliber .
unexpectedly and fatally be used against the police officer.[ 38 Smith & Wesson revolver with Serial No. 770196 1 two (2) rounds of live
ammunition for a .38 caliber gun 2 a smoke (tear gas) grenade,3 and two (2)
live ammunitions for a .22 caliber gun. 4 They brought the petitioner to the
PEOPLE v. MARTINEZ police station for further investigation. In the course of the same, the
G.R. No. 191366 | December 13, 2010 petitioner was asked to show the necessary license or authority to possess
FACTS: frearms and ammunitions found in his possession but he failed to do so.
On September 2, 2006, at around 12d45 oclock in the afernoon,
PO1 Azardon was on duty at the Police Community Precinct II along ISSUE:
Arellano Street, Dagupan City, when a concerned citizen entered the WON, the warrantless search is valid.
precinct and reported that a pot session was going on in the house of RULING:
accused Rafael Gonzales. pon receipt of the report, PO1 Azardon, PO1 YES. The law it is clear that an arrest without a warrant may be
Alejandro Dela Cruz (PO1 Dela Cruz), and members of the Special Weapons efected by a peace officer or private person, among others, when in his
and Tactics (SWAT) team hied to Trinidad Subdivision, Dagupan City. Upon presence the person to be arrested has committed, is actually commitng,
inquiry from people in the area, the house of Gonzales was located. or is attempting to commit an ofense; or when an ofense has in fact just
been committed, and he has personal knowledge of the facts indicating that
As the police officers entered the gate of the house, they saw the person arrested has committed it.
accused Orlando Doria (Doria) coming out of the side door and
immediately arrested him. Inside the house, they saw accused Gonzales, The probable cause is that when the petitioner acted
Arnold Martinez (A. Martinez), Edgar Dizon (Dizon), and Rezin Martinez (R. suspiciously and attempted to fee with the buri bag there was a probable
Martinez) in a room. The four were surprised by the presence of the police. cause that he was concealing something illegal in the bag and it was the
In front of them were open plastic sachets (containing shabu residue), right and duty of the police officers to inspect the same.
pieces of rolled used aluminum foil and pieces of used aluminum foil.
It is too much indeed to require the police officers to search the
ISSUE: bag in the possession of the petitioner only afer they shall have obtained a
WON, the arrest is lawful. search warrant for the purpose. Such an exercise may prove to be useless,
RULING: futile and much too late.
NO. This case would appear to fall under either a warrantless
search incidental to a lawful arrest or a plain view search, both of which Clearly, the search in the case at bar can be sustained under the
require a lawful arrest in order to be considered valid exceptions to the exceptions heretofore discussed, and hence, the constitutional guarantee
constitutional guarantee. against unreasonable searches and seizures has not been violated.

A review of the facts reveal that the arrest of the accused was PEOPLE v. MENGOTE
illegal and the subject items were confscated as an incident thereof. G.R. No. 87059 | June 22, 1992
According to the testimony of PO1 Azardon and his Joint Affidavit[13] with FACTS:
PO1 Dela Cruz, they proceeded to, and entered, the house of accused Before noon of August 8, 1987, afer the Western Police District
Gonzales based solely on the report of a concerned citizen that a pot received a telephone call from an informer that there were three
session was going on in said house. Although this Court has ruled in several suspiciousSlooking persons at the corner of Juan LEuna and North Bay
dangerous drugs cases that tipped information is sufficient probable cause Boulevard in Tondo, Manila. A surveillance team of plainclothesmen was
to efect a warrantless search, such rulings cannot be applied in the case at forthwith dispatched to the place. they there saw two men "looking from
bench because said cases involve either a buySbust operation or drugs in side to side," one of whom was holding his abdomen. They approached
transit, basically, circumstances other than the sole tip of an informer as these persons and identifed themselves as policemen, whereupon the two
basis for the arrest. None of these drug cases involve police officers tried to run away but were unable to escape because the other lawmen had
entering a house without warrant to efect arrest and seizure based solely surrounded them. The suspects were then searched. One of them, who
on an informers tip. turned out to be the accusedSappellant, was found with a .38 caliber Smith
and Wesson revolver with six live bullets in the chamber. His companion,
It has been held that personal knowledge of facts in arrests later identifed as Nicanor Morellos, had a fan knife secreted in his front
without warrant must be based upon probable cause, which means an right pants pocket. The weapons were taken from them. Mengote and
actual belief or reasonable grounds of suspicion. The grounds of suspicion Morellos were then turned over to police headquarters for investigation by
are reasonable when the suspicion, that the person to be arrested is the Intelligence Division.
probably guilty of commitng an ofense, is based on actual facts, that is,
supported by circumstances sufficiently strong in themselves to create the ISSUE:
probable cause of guilt of the person to be arrested. WON, the arrest is lawful.
D. STOP AND FRISK NO. At the time of the arrest in question, the accusedSappellant
was merely "looking from side to side" and "holding his abdomen,"
according to the arresting officers themselves. There was apparently no
ofense that had just been committed or was being actually committed or at
G.R. No. 89139 | August 2, 1990
least being attempted by Mengote in their presence.
On October 16, 1986 at about 10d00 o'clock in the morning Pat. These are certainly not sinister acts. And the setng of the arrest
Ursicio Ungab and Pat. Umbra Umpar, both members of the Integrated made them less so, if at all. It might have been diferent if Mengote bad
National Police, were conducting a surveillance along Magallanes Street, been apprehended at an ungodly hour and in a place where he had no
Davao City. While they were within the premises of the Rizal Memorial reason to be, like a darkened alley at 3 o'clock in the morning. But he was
Colleges they spotted petitioner carrying a "buri" bag and they noticed him arrested at 11d30 in the morning and in a crowded street shortly afer
to be acting suspiciously. alighting from a passenger jeep with I his companion. He was not skulking
in the shadows but walking in the clear light of day. There was nothing
They approached the petitioner and identifed themselves as clandestine about his being on that street at that busy hour in the blaze of
members of the INP. Petitioner attempted to fee but his attempt to get the noonday sun.

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MANALILI v. CA The following day, Capt. Obrero and Major Macasaet met at the
G.R. No. 113447 | October 9, 1997 house of herein petitioners in Skyline Village to conduct the search
pursuant to the authority granted by petitioner Ma. LEuisa Veroy. The
FACTS: caretakers facilitated their entry into the yard, and using the key entrusted
At about 2d10 oclock in the afernoon of April 11, 1988, to Edna Soguilon, they were able to gain entrance into the kitchen.
policemen from the AntiSNarcotics Unit of the Kalookan City Police Station However, a locksmith by the name of George Badiang had to be employed
were conducting a surveillance along A. Mabini street, Kalookan City, in to open the padlock of the door leading to the children's room. Capt.
front of the Kalookan City Cemetery because of an information that drug Obrero and Major Macasaet then entered the children's room and
addicts were roaming the area. conducted the search. Capt. Obrero recovered a .45 cal. handgun with a
magazine containing seven (7) live bullets in a black clutch bag inside an
Upon reaching the Kalookan City Cemetery, the policemen unlocked drawer. Three (3) halfSfull jute sacks containing printed materials
alighted from their vehicle. They then chanced upon a male person in front of RAMSSFP were also found in the children's room. A search of the
of the cemetery who appeared high on drugs. The male person was children's recreation and study area revealed a big travelling bag containing
observed to have reddish eyes and to be walking in a swaying manner. assorted polo shirts, men's brief, two (2) pieces polo barong and short
When this male person tried to avoid the policemen, the latter approached sleeve striped gray polo. sweat shirt, two (2) pairs men's socks, a towel
him and introduced themselves as police officers. The policemen then made in U.S.A., one blanket, a small black bag, Gandhi brand, containing a
asked the male person what he was holding in his hands. The male person book entitled "Islamic Revolution Future Path of the Nation", a road map of
tried to resist. Pat. Romeo Espiritu asked the male person if he could see the Philippines, a telescope, a plastic bag containing assorted medicines
what said male person had in his hands. The latter showed the wallet and and religious pamphlets was found in the master's bedroom. Sgt. LEeo
allowed Pat. Romeo Espiritu to examine the same. Pat. Espiritu took the Justalero was instructed by Capt. Obrero to make an inventory and receipt
wallet and examined it. He found suspected crushed marijuana residue of the articles seized, in the house.
inside. He kept the wallet and its marijuana contents.

WON, the search was valid. WON, the petitioners validly waived their rights against
RULING: warrantless search and seizure.
YES. StopSandSfrisk has already been adopted as another
exception to the general rule against a search without a warrant. RULING:
NO. The Constitution guarantees the right of the people to be
In the case at hand, Patrolman Espiritu and his companions secure in their persons, houses, papers and efects against unreasonable
observed during their surveillance that appellant had red eyes and was searches and seizures (Article III, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution).
wobbling like a drunk along the Caloocan City Cemetery, which according However, the rule that searches and seizures must be supported by a valid
to police information was a popular hangout of drug addicts. From his warrant is not an absolute one. Among the recognized exceptions thereto
experience as a member of the AntiSNarcotics Unit of the Caloocan City ared (1) a search incidental to an arrest; (2) a search of a moving vehicle;
Police, such suspicious behavior was characteristic of drug addicts who and (3) seizure of evidence in plain view.
were high. The policemen therefore had sufficient reason to stop
petitioner to investigate if he was actually high on drugs. During such None of these exceptions pertains to the case at bar. The reason
investigation, they found marijuana in petitioners possession for searching the house of herein petitioners is that it was reportedly being
used as a hideout and recruitment center for rebel soldiers. While Capt.
Obrero was able to enter the compound, he did not enter the house
because he did not have a search warrant and the owners were not
G.R. No. 182010 | August 25, 2010
present. This shows that he himself recognized the need for a search
*repeat (see page 22) warrant, hence, he did not persist in entering the house but rather
contacted the Veroys to seek permission to enter the same. Permission was
indeed granted by Ma. LEuisa Veroy to enter the house but only to ascertain
the presence of rebel soldiers. Under the circumstances it is undeniable
that the police officers had ample time to procure a search warrant but did
G.R. No. L-95630 | June 18, 1992
A search warrant is still necessary. Hence, the rule having been
violated and no exception being applicable, the articles seized were
On April 12, 1990, Capt. Reynaldo Obrero of the Talomo Patrol
confscated illegally and are therefore protected by the exclusionary
Station, PC/INP, acting upon a directive issued by Metrodiscom
principle. They cannot be used as evidence against the petitioners in the
Commander Col. Franco Calida, raided the house of herein petitioners in
criminal action against them for illegal possession of frearms.
Davao City on information that the said residence was being used as a
safehouse of rebel soldiers. They were able to enter the yard with the help
of the caretakers but did not enter the house since the owner was not PEOPLE v. NUEVAS
present and they did not have a search warrant. Petitioner Ma. LEuisa was G.R. No. 170233 | February 22, 2007
contacted by telephone in her Quezon City residence by Capt. Obrero to
ask permission to search the house in Davao City as it was reportedly being FACTS:
used as a hideout and recruitment center of rebel soldiers. Petitioner Ma. PO3 Teoflo B. Fami (Fami) testifed that in the morning of 27
LEuisa Veroy responded that she is fying to Davao City to witness the search September 1997, he and SPO3 Cesar B. Cabling (Cabling) conducted a
but relented if the search would not be conducted in the presence of stationary surveillance and monitoring of illegal drug trafficking. They had
Major Ernesto Macasaet, an officer of the PC/INP, Davao City and a long received information that a certain male person, more or less 54 in height,
time family friend of the Veroys. The authority given by Ma. LEuisa Veroy 25 to 30 years old, with a tattoo mark on the upper right hand, and usually
was relayed by Capt. Obrero to Major Macasaet who answered that Ma. wearing a sando and maong pants, would make a delivery of marijuana
LEuisa Veroy has called him twice by telephone on the matter and that the dried leaves. While stationed thereat, they saw a male person who ft the
permission was given on the condition that the search be conducted in his description, carrying a plastic bag, later identifed as Jesus Nuevas (Nuevas),
presence. alight from a motor vehicle. They accosted Nuevas and informed him that
they are police officers. Fami asked Nuevas where he was going. Nuevas

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answered arrogantly but aferwards, calmed down. Nuevas informed him
that there were other stuf in the possession of a certain Vangie, an
associate, and two other male persons. LEater on, Nuevas voluntarily PEOPLE v. DEQUINA
pointed to the police officers a plastic bag which, when opened, contained G.R. No. 177570 | January 19, 2011
marijuana dried leaves and bricks wrapped in a blue cloth. Shortly, in his FACTS:
bid to escape charges, Nuevas disclosed where the two (2) other male at about 6d00 a.m., of September 29, 1999, he and SPO1
persons would make the delivery of marijuana weighing more or less fve Anthony Blanco were instructed by their superior, Chief Inspector Romulo
(5) kilos. Sapitula to proceed at the corner of Juan LEuna and Raxabago Sts., Tondo,
Manila, where, according to the report three persons a male and two
Fami and Cabling, together with Nuevas, then proceeded to female[s] would be coming from Baguio City to deliver unknown quantity of
Purok 12, Old Cabalan, Olongapo City, which according to Nuevas was marijuana. In no time, they arrived at the designated place and parked their
where his two (2) companions, Din and Inocencio, could be located. From mobile patrol car along Juan LEuna Street.
there, they saw and approached two (2) persons along the National
Highway, introducing themselves as police officers. Din was carrying a light At around 9d00 a.m., they noticed a taxi cab coming From it
blue plastic bag. When asked, Din disclosed that the bag belonged to emerged three passengers a man and two women each one of them
Nuevas. Fami then took the bag and upon inspection found inside it carrying a black travelling bag. As the trio ftted the descriptions given to
marijuana packed in newspaper and wrapped therein. them by Inspector Sapitula, they intently watched and monitored their
movements. As the patrol car got closer behind them, [Dequina] noticed its
ISSUE: presence. She started walking in a more hurried pace (parang walkathon) as
1. WON, there is a valid waiver for the warrantless search on if she wanted to run away (parang patakbo). While thus trying to get away,
the part of Nuevas. [Dequina] dropped the bag she was carrying. As a result, the zipper of the
2. WON, there is a valid waiver for the warrantless search on bag gave way. Bundles of dried leaves wrapped in transparent plastic bags
the part Din and Inocencio. case into view. Suspecting the stufs to be marijuana, they further inspected
RULING: the other two bags in the possession of [Jingabo] and [Jundoc] and found
1. YES. Inspite of any alleged waiver, the dried marijuana leaves out that they had the same contents. While in transit, [Dequina] pleaded to
cannot be admitted in evidence against the appellants, Din more them to allow her to make a call but they did not heed the request as the
specifcally, as they were seized during a warrantless search which was not car was still in motion.
lawful. A waiver of an illegal warrantless arrest does not also mean a
waiver of the inadmissibility of evidence seized during an illegal ISSUE:
warrantless arrest. WON, the warrantless seizure was lawful.
Indeed, the constitutional immunity against unreasonable YES. Settled is the rule that no arrest, search or seizure can be
searches and seizures is a personal right which may be waived. However, it made without a valid warrant issued by a competent judicial authority. The
must be seen that the consent to the search was voluntary in order to Constitution guarantees the right of the people to be secure in their
validate an otherwise illegal detention and search, i.e., the consent was persons, houses, papers and efects against unreasonable searches and
unequivocal, specifc, and intelligently given, uncontaminated by any seizures. It further decrees that any evidence obtained in violation of said
duress or coercion. The consent to a search is not to be lightly inferred, but right shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding.
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence.
Nevertheless, the constitutional proscription against warrantless
There is reason to believe that Nuevas indeed willingly searches and seizures admits of certain legal and judicial exceptions, as
submitted the plastic bag with the incriminating contents to the police followsd (1) warrantless search incidental to a lawful arrest recognized
officers. It can be seen that in his desperate attempt to exculpate himself under Section 12, Rule 126 of the Rules of Court and by prevailing
from any criminal liability, Nuevas cooperated with the police, gave them jurisprudence; (2) seizure of evidence in plain view; (3) search of a moving
the plastic bag and even revealed his associates, ofering himself as an vehicle; (4) consented warrantless search; (5) customs search; (6) stop and
informant. His actuations were consistent with the lamentable human frisk; and (7) exigent and emergency circumstances.
inclination to fnd excuses, blame others and save oneself even at the cost
of others lives. Thus, the Court would have affirmed Nuevas’s conviction The evidence in this case shows that at the time of their arrest,
had he not withdrawn his appeal. accusedSappellants were caught in fagrante carrying/transporting dried
marijuana leaves in their traveling bags. PO3 Masanggue and SPO1 Blanco
2. NO. In the case of Din, the Court fnds that no such consent need not even open Dequinas traveling bag to determine its content
had actually been given The police officers gave inconsistent, dissimilar because when the latter noticed the police officers presence, she walked
testimonies regarding the manner by which they got hold of the bag. This briskly away and in her hurry, accidentally dropped her traveling bag,
already raises serious doubts on the voluntariness of Dins submission of causing the zipper to open and exposed the dried marijuana bricks therein.
the plastic bag. There was no mention of any permission made by the Since a crime was then actually being committed by the accusedSappellants,
police officers to get or search the bag or of any consent given by Din for their warrantless arrest was legally justifed, and the following warrantless
the officers to search it. It is worthy to note that in cases where the Court search of their traveling bags was allowable as incidental to their lawful
upheld the validity of consented search, the police authorities expressly arrest.
asked, in no uncertain terms, for the consent of the accused to be
searched. And the consent of the accused was established by clear and
positive proof.
G.R. No. 178039 | January 19, 2011
FUNDAMENTALS TO CONSTITUTE A WAIVER: At around 10d30 a.m. on 20 December 1993, Nimfa and her
(1) the right exists; wards, siblings Jeson Kevin and Jeson Kirby Dichaves were riding in the
(2) the person involved had knowledge, either actual or constructive, of Isuzu car of the Dichaves family, together with Yusan Dichaves (Yusan).
the existence of such right; and Driver Pepito Acon (Acon) dropped of Yusan at Metrobank in Claro M.
(3) the said person had an actual intention to relinquish the right. Recto Avenue, Manila. While waiting for Yusan, Acon drove along Bilibid

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Viejo, Sampaloc. When the vehicle passed by in front of San Sebastian
Church, a stainless jeep with two men and one woman described as a
In lawful arrests, it becomes both the duty and the right of the
tomboy on board, suddenly blocked its way. One of the men, who was in apprehending officers to conduct a warrantless search not only on the
police uniform accosted Acon and accused him of hitng the son of a
person of the suspect, but also in the permissible area within the latter's
Presidential Security Group (PSG) General apparently with a stone when reach. Otherwise stated, a valid arrest allows the seizure of evidence or
the vehicle ran over it. Acon denied the charges but he was transferred to
dangerous weapons either on the person of the one arrested or within the
the stainless jeep while the man in police uniform drove the Isuzu car. The area of his immediate control. The phrase "within the area of his immediate
tomboy sat next to Nimfa who then had Jeson Kirby sit on her lap while
control" means the area from within which he might gain possession of a
Jeson Kevin was sitng on the tomboys lap. They were brought to a house weapon or destructible evidence.
in Merville Subdivision, Paraaque.

While still in garage of the house, Nimfa was able to sneak out F. SEARCH OF WAREHOUSE IN VIOLATION OF CUSTOMS AND TARIFF
of the car and place a call to the secretary of her employer to inform the CODE OR TO ENFORCE CUSTOMS LAWS.
latter that they were in Merville Subdivision. She came back to the car
undetected and afer a while, she and her wards were asked to alight from
the car and they were locked inside the comfort room. BUREAU OF CUSTOMS v. OGARIO
G.R. No. 138081 | March 30, 2000

At 6d00 p.m., the kidnappers called Jepson and reduced the FACTS:
ransom to P10 Million.[13] That night, Nimfa was able to speak to Jepson On December 9, 1998, Felipe A. Bartolome, District Collector of
when two men handed the telephone to her. She recognized one of them Customs of Cebu, issued a Warrant of Seizure and Detention[1] of 25,000
as appellant, because she had seen the latter in her employers office bags of rice, bearing the name of "SNOWMAN, Milled in Palawan" shipped
sometime in the frst week of December 1993. on board the M/V "Alberto," which was then docked at Pier 6 in Cebu City.
The warrant was issued on the basis of the report of the Economic
Intelligence and Investigation Bureau (EIIB), Region VII that the rice had
On the following noon of 21 December 1993, the kidnappers been illegally imported. The report stated that the rice was landed in
called up Jepson numerous times to negotiate for the ransom. In one of Palawan by a foreign vessel and then placed in sacks marked "SNOWMAN,
those calls, Jepson was able to recognize the voice of appellant because he Milled in Palawan." It was then shipped to Cebu City on board the vessel
had several business transactions with the latter and they have talked for M/V "Alberto."
at least a hundred times during a span of two to four years. On December 10, 1998, respondent Mark Montelibano, the
consignee of the sacks of rice, and his buyer, respondent Elson Ogario, fled
On 11d30 a.m. of 22 December 1993, Jepson again requested a complaint for injunction.
appellant to deliver the ransom money to the kidnappers. Appellant
acceded to the request. He asked Macias, who was in his office that day, to ISSUE:
accompany him. The kidnappers asked appellant to proceed to the Makati WON, the customs has the power to efect customs searches,
area and wait for further instructions. Appellant called up Jepson who told seizures, or arrests.
him that he would deliver the money to appellant once instructions were
given by the kidnappers. The kidnappers fnally called and asked appellant
to proceed to Shell Gasoline StationSMagallanes. He informed Jepson of RULING:
this fact and the latter asked appellant to meet him in Magallanes YES. Respondents cite the statement of the Court of Appeals
Commercial Center where he would just put the money inside the car that regular courts still retain jurisdiction "where, as in this case, for lack of
trunk and leave it unlocked. Appellant took the money from Jepsons car probable cause, there is serious doubt as to the propriety of placing the
and put it inside his car trunk and proceeded to Shell Gasoline station.[30] articles under Customs jurisdiction through seizure/forfeiture
Appellant and Macias did not see the kidnappers and Jepsons children at proceedings."[11] They overlook the fact, however, that under the law, the
the station. He tried calling Jepson but failed to communicate with him. question of whether probable cause exists for the seizure of the subject
They then decided to go back to the office in Cubao, Quezon City. At 7d00 sacks of rice is not for the Regional Trial Court to determine.The customs
p.m., he received a call from the kidnappers who were cursing him because authorities do not have to prove to the satisfaction of the court that the
they apparently went to the Shell Gasoline Station and noticed that there articles on board a vessel were imported from abroad or are intended to be
were many policemen stationed in the area, which prompted them to shipped abroad before they may exercise the power to efect customs
release the victims. Appellant lef his office at around 7d20 p.m. to go searches, seizures, or arrests provided by law and continue with the
home in Dasmarias Village, Makati. When he was about ten (10) meters administrative hearings.
away from the gate of his house, a car blocked his path. He saw P/Supt.
Cruz, a certain LEt. Rodica and two other men alight from the car and were In Jao v. Court of Appeals, There is no question that Regional
heavily armed. They pulled him out of the car and hit him with their Trial Courts are devoid of any competence to pass upon the validity or
frearms. regularity of seizure and forfeiture proceedings conducted by the Bureau of
Customs and to enjoin or otherwise interfere with these proceedings. The
ISSUE: Collector of Customs sitng in seizure and forfeiture proceedings has
WON, the warrantless search is lawful. exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine all questions touching on the
RULING: seizure and forfeiture of dutiable goods. The Regional Trial Courts are
YES. It is sufficient for the arresting team that they were precluded from assuming cognizance over such matters even through
monitoring the paySof for a number of hours long enough for them to be petitions of certiorari, prohibition or mandamus.
informed that it was indeed appellant, who was the kidnapper. This is
equivalent to personal knowledge based on probable cause. RIETA v. PEOPLE
G.R. No. 147817 | August 12, 2004
LEikewise, the search conducted inside the car of appellant was FACTS:
legal because the latter consented to such search as testifed by P/Supt. On October 12, 1979, Col. Panflo LEacson, the[n] Chief of the
Cruz. Even assuming that appellant did not give his consent for the police Police Intelligence Branch of the Metrocom Intelligence and Security Group
to search the car, they can still validly do so by virtue of a search incident (MISG for brevity), received information that certain syndicated groups
to a lawful arrest under Section 13, Rule 126 of the Rules of Court. were engaged in smuggling activities somewhere in Port Area, Manila. It

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was further revealed that the activities [were being] done at nightme and brown packaging tape fell. Suspecting that the package contained smuggled
the smuggled goods in a delivery panel and delivery truck [were] being items, Sgt. Teves yelled to his teammates, Positivee Thereupon, the rest of
escorted by some police and military personnel. He felded three the team surrounded petitioner and his two coSaccused who surrendered
surveillance stakeSout teams the following night along Roxas Boulevard and without a fght. The team searched their bodies and found that the three
Bonifacio Drive near Del Pan Bridge, whereby they were to watch out for a were wearing girdles beneath their uniforms, all containing packets
cargo truck with Plate No. TSSYS167 bound for Malabon. Nothing came out wrapped in packaging tape. Mandin yielded fve (5) packets, while
of it. On the basis of his investigation, [it was discovered that] the truck petitioner and Santos had four (4) each. The team confscated the packets
was registered in the name of Teresita Estacio and brought all the accused to the PAFSECOM Office.

At around 9d00 oclock in the evening of October 14, 1979, Col. One of the packets and on seeing that it contained dutiable
LEacson and his men returned to the same area, with Col. LEacson posting goods, she proceeded to weigh the thirteen (13) packets seized from the
himself at the immediate vicinity of the 2nd COSAC Detachment in Port accused. She then prepared an inventory of the items seized and listed the
Area, Manila, because as per information given to him, the said cargo truck weight of the packets.[4] Thereafer, she brought the seized packets to the
will come out from the premises of the 2nd COSAC Detachment. COSAC InSBoard Section, Bureau of Customs, Airport Office where their contents
stands for Constabulary OfSShore AntiSCrime Battalion. The night watch were identifed and appraised. The Bureau of Customs found 248 pieces of
lasted till the wee hours of the following morning. About 3d00 a.m. an assorted watches and fourteen karat (14K) gold jewelries
Isuzu panel came out from the place of the 2nd COSAC Detachment. It
returned before 4d00 a.m. of [the] same day. ISSUE:
WON, there was probable cause for the search and arrest.
When the cargo truck with Plate No. TSSYS167 was searched, RULING:
305 cases of blue seal or untaxed cigarettes were found inside. The cargo YES. As a rule, the Bill of Rights prohibits intrusions by the law
truck driver known only as Boy was able to escape while the other enforcers to a persons body, personal efects or residence, unless the same
passengers or riders of said truck were apprehended, LEacsons men hauled are conducted pursuant to a valid search warrant issued in compliance with
the intercepted vehicles, the arrested men and confscated goods to Camp the procedure mandated by the Constitution and the Rules of Court. The
Crame, Quezon City. All the 371 cases (305 + 66) of blue seal cigarettes above Constitutional provisions do not prohibit searches and seizures, but
were turned over to the Bureau of Customs. only such as are unreasonable.

ISSUE: It should be noted that during the incident in question, the

WON, the search, seizure and arrest without warrant is lawful. special mission of the PAF operatives was to conduct a surveillance
RULING: operation to verify reports of drug trafficking and smuggling by certain PALE
YES. personnel in the vicinity of the airport. In other words, the search made by
the PAF team on petitioner and his coSaccused was in the nature of a
customs search. As such, the team properly efected the search and seizure
Under the Tarif and Customs Code, a search, seizure and arrest
without a search warrant since it exercised police authority under the
may be made even without a warrant for purposes of enforcing customs
customs law.
and tarif laws. Without mention of the need to priorly obtain a judicial
warrant, the Code specifcally allows police authorities to enter, pass
through or search any land, enclosure, warehouse, store or building that is we recall that at the time of the search, petitioner and his coS
not a dwelling house; and also to inspect, search and examine any vessel accused were on board a moving PALE aircraf tow truck. As stated earlier,
or aircraf and any trunk, package, box or envelope or any person on the search of a moving vehicle is recognized in this jurisdiction as a valid
board; or to stop and search and examine any vehicle, beast or person exception to the requirement for a search warrant. Such exception is easy
suspected of holding or conveying any dutiable or prohibited article to understand. A search warrant may readily be obtained when the search
introduced into the Philippines contrary to law. is made in a store, dwelling house or other immobile structure. But it is
impracticable to obtain a warrant when the search is conducted in a mobile
ship, aircraf or other motor vehicle since they can quickly be moved out of
Furthermore, the search and seizure of goods, suspected to
the locality or jurisdiction where the warrant must be sought.[14] Verily, we
have been introduced into the country in violation of customs laws, is one
rule that the Court of Appeals committed no reversible error in holding that
of the seven doctrinally accepted exceptions.
the articles involved in the instant controversy were validly seized by the
authorities even without a search warrant, hence, admissible in evidence
SALVADOR v. PEOPLE against petitioner and his coSaccused.
G.R. No. 146706 | July 15, 2005
On June 3, 1994, a Special Mission Group from the PAF Special
Operations Squadron conducted routine surveillance operations at the
Manila Domestic Airport to check on reports of alleged drug trafficking and PEOPLE v. DE GRACIA
smuggling being facilitated by certain PALE personnel. G.R. No. 102009-10 | July 6, 1994
At 12d15 a.m. the following day (June 4), Sgt. Teves reported In the early morning of December 1, 1989, Maj. Efren Soria of
that the three (3) persons who earlier boarded the Airbus 300 had the Intelligence Division, National Capital Region Defense Command, was
disembarked with their abdominal areas bulging. They then boarded an on board a brown Toyota car conducting a surveillance of the Eurocar Sales
airplane tow truck with its lights of. The PAF surveillance team promptly Office. The surveillance, which actually started on the night of November
boarded their vehicles and followed the aircraf tow truck. At the LEima 30, 1989 at around 10d00 P.M., was conducted pursuant to an intelligence
Gate of the Domestic Airport, the team blocked and stopped the tow truck. report received by the division that said establishment was being occupied
Sgt. Teves then got of, identifed himself and asked the four (4) persons on by elements of the RAMSSFP as a communication command post.
board to alight.
A crowd was then gathered near the Eurocar office watching the
He noticed that Mandins uniform was partly open, showing a onSgoing bombardment near Camp Aguinaldo. Afer a while, a group of fve
girdle. While Sgt. Teves was reaching for the girdle, a package wrapped in men disengaged themselves from the crowd and walked towards the car of

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the surveillance team. At that moment, Maj. Soria, who was then seated in sending the packages to a friend in Zurich, Switzerland. Appellant flled up
front, saw the approaching group and immediately ordered Sgt. Sagario to the contract necessary for the transaction, writing therein his name,
start the car and leave the area. As they passed by the group, then only six passport number, the date of shipment and the name and address of the
meters away, the latter pointed to them, drew their guns and fred at the consignee. Anita Reyes then asked the appellant if she could examine and
team, which attack resulted in the wounding of Sgt. Sagario on the right inspect the packages. Appellant, however, refused, assuring her that the
thigh. Nobody in the surveillance team was able to retaliate because they packages simply contained books, cigars, and gloves and were gifs to his
sought cover inside the car and they were afraid that civilians or friend in Zurich. In view of appellant's representation, Anita Reyes no longer
bystanders might be caught in the crossSfre. insisted on inspecting the packages.

As a consequence, at around 6d30 A.M. of December 5, 1989, a Before delivery of appellant's box to the Bureau of Customs
searching team raided the Eurocar Sales Office. They were able to fnd and and/or Bureau of Posts, Mr. Job Reyes (proprietor) and husband of Anita
confscate six cartons of MS16 ammunition, fve bundles of CS4 dynamites, (Reyes), following standard operating procedure, opened the boxes for fnal
MSshells of diferent calibers, and "molotov" bombs inside one of the inspection. When he opened appellant's box, a peculiar odor emitted
rooms belonging to a certain Col. Matillano. De Gracia was the only person therefrom. His curiousity aroused, he squeezed one of the bundles allegedly
then present inside the room. A uniform with the nametag of Col. containing gloves and felt dried leaves inside. Opening one of the bundles,
Matillano was also found. As a result of the raid, the team arrested he pulled out a cellophane wrapper protruding from the opening of one of
appellant, as well as Soprieso Verbo and Roberto Jimena who were janitors the gloves. He made an opening on one of the cellophane wrappers and
at the Eurocar building. They were then made to sign an inventory, written took several grams of the contents thereof. Dried marijuana leaves were
in Tagalog, of the explosives and ammunition confscated by the raiding found to have been contained inside the cellophane wrappers
team. No search warrant was secured by the raiding team because,
according to them, at that time there was so much disorder considering
Job Reyes forthwith prepared a letter reporting the shipment to
that the nearby Camp Aguinaldo was being mopped up by the rebel forces the NBI and requesting a laboratory examination of the samples he
and there was simultaneous fring within the vicinity of the Eurocar office,
extracted from the cellophane wrapper. Thereupon, the NBI agents tried to
aside from the fact that the courts were consequently closed. locate appellant but to no avail. Appellant's stated address in his passport
being the Manila Central Post Office, the agents requested assistance from
ISSUE: the latter's Chief Security. On August 27, 1987, appellant, while claiming his
WON, there was a valid search and seizure. mail at the Central Post Office, was invited by the NBI to shed light on the
RULING: attempted shipment of the seized dried leaves. On the same day the
YES. It is admitted that the military operatives who raided the Narcotics Section of the NBI submitted the dried leaves to the Forensic
Eurocar Sales Office were not armed with a search warrant at that time. 15 Chemistry Section for laboratory examination. It turned out that the dried
The raid was actually precipitated by intelligence reports that said office leaves were marijuana fowering tops as certifed by the forensic chemist.
was being used as headquarters by the RAM. 16 Prior to the raid, there
was a surveillance conducted on the premises wherein the surveillance ISSUE:
team was fred at by a group of men coming from the Eurocar building.
WON, appellant may invoke the violation of unlawful search and
When the military operatives raided the place, the occupants thereof seizure against private persons.
refused to open the door despite requests for them to do so, thereby
compelling the former to break into the office. 17 The Eurocar Sales Office
is obviously not a gun store and it is defnitely not an armory or arsenal RULING:
which are the usual depositories for explosives and ammunition. It is NO. In the absence of governmental interference, the liberties
primarily and solely engaged in the sale of automobiles. The presence of guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be invoked against the State. The
an unusual quantity of highSpowered frearms and explosives could not be constitutional proscription against unlawful searches and seizures therefore
justifably or even colorably explained. In addition, there was general chaos applies as a restraint directed only against the government and its agencies
and disorder at that time because of simultaneous and intense fring within tasked with the enforcement of the law. Thus, it could only be invoked
the vicinity of the office and in the nearby Camp Aguinaldo which was against the State to whom the restraint against arbitrary and unreasonable
under attack by rebel forces. exercise of power is imposed.

Under the foregoing circumstances, it is our considered opinion Our present constitutional provision on the guarantee against
that the instant case falls under one of the exceptions to the prohibition unreasonable search and seizure. The case at bar assumes a peculiar
against a warrantless search. In the frst place, the military operatives, character since the evidence sought to be excluded was primarily
taking into account the facts obtaining in this case, had reasonable ground discovered and obtained by a private person, acting in a private capacity
to believe that a crime was being committed. There was consequently and without the intervention and participation of State authorities.
more than sufficient probable cause to warrant their action. Furthermore,
under the situation then prevailing, the raiding team had no opportunity to First, the factual considerations of the case at bar readily
apply for and secure a search warrant from the courts. The trial judge foreclose the proposition that NBI agents conducted an illegal search and
himself manifested that on December 5, 1989 when the raid was seizure of the prohibited merchandise. Records of the case clearly indicate
conducted, his court was closed. 19 Under such urgency and exigency of that it was Mr. Job Reyes, the proprietor of the forwarding agency, who
the moment, a search warrant could lawfully be dispensed with. made search/inspection of the packages. Said inspection was reasonable
and a standard operating procedure on the part of Mr. Reyes as a
precautionary measure before delivery of packages to the Bureau of
Customs or the Bureau of Posts

PEOPLE v. MARTI If the search is made upon the request of law enforcers, a
G.R. No. 81561 | January 18, 1991 warrant must generally be frst secured if it is to pass the test of
FACTS: constitutionality. However, if the search is made at the behest or initiative
On August 14, 1987, the appellant and his commonSlaw wife, of the proprietor of a private establishment for its own and private
Shirley Reyes, went to the booth of the "Manila Packing and Export purposes, as in the case at bar, and without the intervention of police
Forwarders" in the Pistang Pilipino Complex carrying with them four (4) gif authorities, the right against unreasonable search and seizure cannot be
wrapped packages. . The appellant informed Anita Reyes that he was invoked for only the act of private individual, not the law enforcers, is

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involved. In sum, the protection against unreasonable searches and
seizures cannot be extended to acts committed by private individuals so as
Cecilia's father, Alipio Eusebio, having been informed of his
to bring it within the ambit of alleged unlawful intrusion by the daughter's death, and that valuables were being taken out of his daughter's
house, decided to remove, together with his sons, the remaining pieces of
property therein, including accusedSappellant's personal efects.
G.R. No. 113271 | October 16, 1997 ISSUE:
FACTS: WON, the rights of accusedSappellant against unreasonable
On 31 July 1989, Catolico received a memorandum from search and seizure was violated.
WATEROUS Vice PresidentSGeneral Manager Emma R. Co warning her not
to dispense medicine to employees chargeable to the latters accounts RULING:
because the same was a prohibited practice. NO. The Solicitor General is correct in explaining that such rights
applies as a restraint directed only against the government and its agencies.
Verifcation was made to YSP, Inc. to determine the discrepancy this Court had the occasion to rule that the constitutional protection against
and it was found that the cost per bottle was indeed overpriced. The unreasonable searches and seizures refers to the immunity of one's person
undersigned talked to Ms. Catolico regarding the check but she denied from interference by government and it cannot be extended to acts
having received it and that she is unaware of the overprice. However, upon committed by private individuals so as to bring it within the ambit of
conversation with Ms. Saldana, EDRC Espana Pharmacy Clerk, she alleged unlawful intrusion.
confrmed that the check amounting to P640.00 was actually received by
Ms. Catolico. In the instant case, the memorandum receipt and mission order
were discovered by accusedSappellant's fatherSinSlaw Alipio Eusebio, a
Forthwith, in her memorandum[11] dated 31 January 1990, Co private citizen. Certainly, a search warrant is dispensable.
asked Catolico to explain, within twentySfour hours, her side of the
reported irregularity. Catolico asked for additional time to give her Finally, contrary to accusedSappellant's claim that he was
explanation,[12] and she was granted a 48Shour extension from 1 to 3 licensed and authorized to carry a .45 caliber pistol, the certifcation of
February 1990. However, on 2 February 1990, she was informed that Captain Abraham Garcillano, Chief, Records, LEegal and Research Branch of
efective 6 February 1990 to 7 March 1990, she would be placed on the Firearm and Explosive Unit, dated December 29, 1989, shows that
preventive suspension to protect the interests of the company. accusedSappellant is not a licensed fream holder of any kind.

WON, the evidence against respondent is violates her
G.R. No. 143944 | July 11, 2002
constitutional rights.
On March 13, 1999, the vessel was about to dock at the port of
RULING: Iligan City when its security officer, Mark Diesmo, received a complaint from
NO. The Bill of Rights does not protect citizens from
passenger LEorena Canoy about her missing jewelry. Canoy suspected one of
unreasonable searches and seizures perpetrated by private individuals. It is her coSpassengers at cabin no. 106 as the culprit. Diesmo and four (4) other
not true, as counsel for Catolico claims, that the citizens have no recourse
members of the vessel security force accompanied Canoy to search for the
against such assaults. On the contrary, and as said counsel admits, such an suspect whom they later found at the economy section.[4] The suspect was
invasion gives rise to both criminal and civil liabilities.
identifed as the accused, Basher Bongcarawan. The accused was informed
of the complaint and was invited to go back to cabin no. 106. With his
PEOPLE v. MENDOZA consent, he was bodily searched, but no jewelry was found. He was then
G.R. No. 109279 | January 18, 1999 escorted by two (2) security agents back to the economy section to get his
baggage. The accused took a Samsonite suitcase and brought this back to
FACTS: the cabin. When requested by the security, the accused opened the
On November 11, 1988, accusedSappellant, his wife Cecilia suitcase, revealing a brown bag and small plastic packs containing white
Mendoza, and their then 10SyearSold daughter attended the birthday party crystalline substance. Suspecting the substance to be shabu, the security
of a relative of accusedSappellant held at McDonald's in Harrison Plaza. personnel immediately reported the matter to the ship captain and took
While the party was going on, accusedSappellant let and proceeded to pictures of the accused beside the suitcase and its contents. the Philippine
Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant where he had some beer. When it was Coast Guard arrived and took custody of the accused and the seized itemsSS
time for Cecilia and Charmaine to go home, they could not fnd accusedS the Samsonite suitcase, a brown bag[6] and eight (8) small plastic packs of
appellant, hence, they decided to just leave. white crystalline substance.[7] When asked about the contraband articles,
the accused explained that he was just requested by a certain Alican Alex
At about 9 o'clock in the evening, Cecilia and Charmaine lef Macapudi to bring the suitcase to the latters brother in Iligan City.[8] The
Bacoor. They rode a jeepney and at the gate of the subdivision where they accused and the seized items were later turned over by the coast guard to
live, they saw the car of Rowena Hernandez, Cecilia's godSdaughter, and the Presidential AntiSOrganized Crime Task Force (PAOCTF).
they hitched a ride home. Finally home, they saw their car already parked
in the garage of their neighbor. All the lights in their house were on but the ISSUE:
screen door was locked. A moment later, however, accusedSappellant WON, the constitutional right against unreasonable search and
opened the back door and mother and daughter went straight to the seizure of the accusedSappellant was violated.
master's bedroom

While inside the master's bedroom, accusedSappellant who was The right against unreasonable search and seizure is a
drunk instructed Charmaine to get cold water and to douse him. fundamental right protected by the Constitution.[16] Evidence acquired in
Thereafer, Charmaine suddenly heard three gunshots. Running out of her violation of this right shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any
room, Charmaine saw her mother Cecilia down on the foor of their living proceeding. It should be stressed, however, that protection is against
room, bleeding profusely. Charmaine saw accusedSappellant hiding a gun transgression committed by the government or its agent. As held by this
under the bed in her parents' room. The victim bled to death on the foor.

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Court in the case of People v. Marti,[18] [i]n the absence of governmental routinely subjected to xSray scans. Should these procedures suggest the
interference, liberties guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be invoked presence of suspicious objects, physical searches are conducted to
against the State. The constitutional proscription against unlawful searches determine what the objects are. There is little question that such searches
and seizures applies as a restraint directed only against the government are reasonable, given their minimal intrusiveness, the gravity of the safety
and its agencies tasked with the enforcement of the law. Thus, it could only interests involved, and the reduced privacy expectations associated with
be invoked against the State to whom the restraint against arbitrary and airline travel. Indeed, travelers are ofen notifed through airport public
unreasonable exercise of power is imposed. address systems, signs, and notices in their airline tickets that they are
subject to search and, if any prohibited materials or substances are found,
such would be subject to seizure. These announcements place passengers
In the case before us, the baggage of the accusedSappellant was
on notice that ordinary constitutional protections against warrantless
searched by the vessel security personnel. It was only afer they found
searches and seizures do not apply to routine airport procedures.
shabu inside the suitcase that they called the Philippine Coast Guard for
assistance. The search and seizure of the suitcase and the contraband
items was therefore carried out without government intervention, and The packs of methamphetamine hydrochloride having thus been
hence, the constitutional protection against unreasonable search and obtained through a valid warrantless search, they are admissible in
seizure does not apply. evidence against the accusedSappellant herein. Corollarily, her subsequent
arrest, although likewise without warrant, was justifed since it was efected
upon the discovery and recovery of shabu in her person in fagrante delicto.
There is no merit in the contention of the accusedSappellant
that the search and seizure performed by the vessel security personnel
should be considered as one conducted by the police authorities for like PEOPLE v. CANTON
the latter, the former are armed and tasked to maintain peace and order. G.R. No. 148825 | December 27, 2002
The vessel security officer in the case at bar is a private employee and does
not discharge any governmental function. In contrast, police officers are FACTSd
agents of the state tasked with the sovereign function of enforcement of on 12 February 1998, at about 1d30 p.m., SUSAN was at the
the law. Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), being a departing passenger
bound for Saigon, Vietnam.[2] When she passed through the metal detector
booth, a beeping sound was emitted. Mylene Cabunoc, a civilian employee
I. AIRPORT SECURITY of the National Action Committee on Hijacking and Terrorism (NACHT) and
the frisker on duty at that time, called her attention, saying Excuse me
maam, can I search you?[3] Upon frisking SUSAN, Mylene felt something
PEOPLE v. JOHNSON bulging at her abdominal area. Mylene inserted her hand under the skirt of
G.R. No. 138881 | December 18, 2000 SUSAN, pinched the package several times and noticed that the package
contained what felt like rice granules. When Mylene passed her hand, she
felt similar packages in front of SUSANs genital area and thighs. She asked
On June 26, 1998 inside the Ninoy Aquino International Airport,
SUSAN to bring out the packages, but the latter refused and saidd Money,
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the aboveSnamed
money only. Mylene forthwith reported the matter to SPO4 Victorio de los
Accused did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously possess
Reyes, her supervisor on duty.
three plastic bags of methamphetamine hydrochloride, a regulated drug.

Mylene and LEorna discovered three packages individually

On June 16, 1998, she arrived in the Philippines to visit her sons
wrapped and sealed in gray colored packing tape, which SUSAN voluntarily
family in Calamba, LEaguna. She was due to fy back to the United States on
handed to them. The frst was taken from SUSANs abdominal area; the
July 26. At around 7d30 p.m. of June 26, 1998, Olivia Ramirez was on duty
second, from in front of her genital area; and the third, from her right thigh.
as a lady frisker at Gate 16 of the NAIA departure area. When she frisked
Mylene turned over the packages to SPO4 De los Reyes.
accusedSappellant LEeila Johnson, a departing passenger bound for the
United States via Continental Airlines CSS912, she felt something hard on
the latters abdominal area. Upon inquiry, Mrs. Johnson explained she ISSUE:
needed to wear two panty girdles as she had just undergone an operation WON, the warrantless search and arrest was constitutional.
as a result of an ectopic pregnancy. RULING:
YES. The interdiction against warrantless searches and seizures
is not absolute. The recognized exceptions established by jurisprudence are
She was directed to take accusedSappellant to the nearest
(1) search of moving vehicles; (2) seizure in plain view; (3) customs
womens room for inspection. Inside the womens room, accusedSappellant
searches; (4) waiver or consented searches; (5) stop and frisk situations
was asked again by Ramirez what the hard object on her stomach was and
(Terry search); and (6) search incidental to a lawful arrest.
accusedSappellant gave the same answer she had previously given.
Ramirez then asked her to bring out the thing under her girdle. AccusedS
appellant brought out three plastic packs, which Ramirez then turned over When the metal detector alarmed while SUSAN was passing
to Embile. The confscated packs, marked as Exhibits CS1, CS2 and CS3, through it, the lady frisker on duty forthwith made a pat down search on
contained a total of 580.2 grams of a substance which was found by NBI the former. In the process, the latter felt a bulge on SUSANs abdomen. The
Chemist George de LEara to be methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu. strip search that followed was for the purpose of ascertaining what were
the packages concealed on SUSANs body. If ever at the time SUSAN was
deprived of her will and liberty, such restraint did not amount to an arrest.
WON, the constitutional rights of the accused was violated.
RULING: Prior to the strip search in the ladies room, the airport security
NO. Persons may lose the protection of the search and seizure personnel had no knowledge yet of what were hidden on SUSANs body;
clause by exposure of their persons or property to the public in a manner hence, they did not know yet whether a crime was being committed. It was
refecting a lack of subjective expectation of privacy, which expectation only afer the strip search upon the discovery by the police officers of the
society is prepared to recognize as reasonable. Such recognition is implicit white crystalline substances inside the packages, which they believed to be
in airport security procedures. With increased concern over airplane shabu, that SUSAN was arrested. The search cannot, therefore, be said to
hijacking and terrorism has come increased security at the nations have been done incidental to a lawful arrest.
airports. Passengers attempting to board an aircraf routinely pass through
metal detectors; their carrySon baggage as well as checked luggage are

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In the present case, the search was made pursuant to routine RULING:
airport security procedure, which is allowed under Section 9 of Republic On the other hand, we fnd in order the search of the bag of
Act No. 6235 Felicidad Macabare, at the time she was visiting her husband who was a
detainee. PO3 Sevillano testifed, this search is part of police standard
operating procedure, 42 and is recognized as part of precautionary
This constitutes another exception to the proscription against
measures by the police to safeguard the safety of the detainees as well as
warrantless searches and seizures. As admitted by SUSAN and shown in
the overSall security of the jail premises.
Annex D of her Brief, the aforeSquoted provision is stated in the Notice to
All Passengers located at the fnal security checkpoint at the departure
lounge. From the said provision, it is clear that the search, unlike in the 3. Consttutonality of Checkipoints and nAreal Target Zonings “
Terry search, is not limited to weapons. Passengers are also subject to
search for prohibited materials or substances. VALMONTE v. DE VILLA
G.R. No. 83988 | September 29, 1989
In this case, afer the metal detector alarmed SUSAN consented FACTS:
to be frisked, which resulted in the discovery of packages on her body. It On 20 January 1987, the National Capital Region District
was too late in the day for her to refuse to be further searched because the Command (NCRDC) was activated pursuant to LEetter of Instruction 02/87 of
discovery of the packages whose contents felt like rice granules, coupled the Philippine General Headquarters, AFP, with the mission of conducting
by her apprehensiveness and her obviously false statement that the security operations within its area of responsibility and peripheral areas, for
packages contained only money, aroused the suspicion of the frisker that the purpose of establishing an efective territorial defense, maintaining
SUSAN was hiding something illegal. It must be repeated that R.A. No. peace and order, and providing an atmosphere conducive to the social,
6235 authorizes search for prohibited materials or substances. To limit the economic and political development of the National Capital Region.
action of the airport security personnel to simply refusing her entry into
the aircraf and sending her home (as suggested by appellant), and thereby
depriving them of the ability and facility to act accordingly, including to Petitioners aver that, because of the installation of said
further search without warrant, in light of such circumstances, would be to checkpoints, the residents of Valenzuela are worried of being harassed and
sanction impotence and inefectivity in law enforcement, to the detriment of their safety being placed at the arbitrary, capricious and whimsical
of society.[28] Thus, the strip search in the ladies room was justifed under disposition of the military manning the checkpoints, considering that their
the circumstances. cars and vehicles are being subjected to regular searches and checkSups,
especially at night or at dawn, without the beneft of a search warrant
and/or court order.
The Terry search or the stop and friski situaton refers to a case where a ISSUE:
police officer approaches a person who is acting suspiciously, for WON, the checkpoints violate the constitutional right against
purposes of investigating possibly criminal behavior in line with the unreasonable searches and seizures.
general interest of efective crime prevention and detection. To assure
himself that the person with whom he is dealing is not armed with a
weapon that could unexpectedly and fatally be used against him, he RULING:
could validly conduct a carefully limited search of the outer clothing of NO. Not all searches and seizures are prohibited. Those which
such person to discover weapons which might be used to assault him. are reasonable are not forbidden. A reasonable search is not to be
determined by any fxed formula but is to be resolved according to the facts
of each case.
The setng up of the questioned checkpoints in Valenzuela (and
probably in other areas) may be considered as a security measure to enable
PEOPLE v. CONDE the NCRDC to pursue its mission of establishing efective territorial defense
G.R. No. 113269 | April 10, 2001 and maintaining peace and order for the beneft of the public. Checkpoints
FACTS: may also be regarded as measures to thwart plots to destabilize the
Oscar Conde, poked a gun at the two Indians while his three government, in the interest of public security. In this connection, the Court
companions approached and stabbed the Indians. He later identifed the may take judicial notice of the shif to urban centers and their suburbs of
other two assailants as Alejandro Perez, Jr., and Allan Atis. He also saw the insurgency movement, so clearly refected in the increased killings in
Allan Atis take the goods 3 which were being sold by the two Indians on cities of police and military men by NPA "sparrow units," not to mention the
installment. Afer the stabbing, the four men fed from the crime scene abundance of unlicensed frearms and the alarming rise in lawlessness and
towards Mabolo Street. The fourth assailant remained unidentifed. violence in such urban centers, not all of which are reported in media, most
Romero was about 25 to 35 meters away from the place where the crime likely brought about by deteriorating economic conditions — which all sum
was committed. up to what one can rightly consider, at the very least, as abnormal times.
Between the inherent right of the state to protect its existence and
promote public welfare and an individual's right against a warrantless
On May 30, 1992, the police arrested the three accused. Police search which is however reasonably conducted, the former should prevail.
recovered the weapons used in the robbery, when Felicidad Macabare,
Conde's wife, went to the police station to talk to the accused. These
weapons were discovered inside her bag afer a routine inspection. True, the manning of checkpoints by the military is susceptible of
Sevillano admitted, however, that they did not have a warrant of arrest abuse by the men in uniform, in the same manner that all governmental
when they apprehended the accused. Nor did they have a search warrant power is susceptible of abuse. But, at the cost of occasional inconvenience,
when they inspected Felicidad's bag and when they searched the house of discomfort and even irritation to the citizen, the checkpoints during these
a certain Jimmy where they found the stolen items. abnormal times, when conducted within reasonable limits, are part of the
price we pay for an orderly society and a peaceful community.
WON, the search of the bag of Macabre while visiting her
detainee husband is lawful.
G.R. No. 83988 | May 24, 1990

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In the Court's decision dated 29 September 1989, petitioners' questions. In the course thereof, Pfc. Galang noticed a black leather bag the
petition for prohibition seeking the declaration of the checkpoints as sides of which were bulging. He asked what the contents of the bag were.
unconstitutional and their dismantling and/or banning, was dismissed. None of the accused answered. At that moment, the demeanor of the
accused changed; they became suspiciously quiet and nervous as if they
were concealing something from Pfc. Galang. The accused clearly appeared
to be in abject fear of being discovered. Such peculiar apprehensiveness if
WON, all checkpoints are legal.
not restrained reaction of the accused, which did not appear normal,
provided the probable cause justifying a more extensive search that led to
NO. nowhere in the questioned decision did this Court legalize
the opening of the bag and the discovery of the prohibited stuf.
all checkpoints, i.e. at all times and under all circumstances. What the
Signifcantly, there was no sign of any protest or objection to the search.
Court declared is, that checkpoints are not illegal per se. Thus, under
The accused remained silent even afer their arrest.
exceptional circumstances, as where the survival of organized government
is on the balance, or where the lives and safety of the people are in grave
peril, checkpoints may be allowed and installed by the government. Their submissive stance afer the discovery of the bag of
marijuana, as well as the absence of any protest on their part when
arrested, not only casts serious doubts on their professed innocence but
For as long as the vehicle is neither searched nor its occupants
also confrms their acquiescence to the search. Clearly then, there was
subjected to a body search, and the inspection of the vehicle is limited to a
waiver of the right against unreasonable search and seizure.
visual search, said routine checks cannot be regarded as violative of an
individual's right against unreasonable search. If vehicles are stopped and
extensively searched, it is because of some probable cause which justifes a The arrest of the three (3) accused was lawful because it was
reasonable belief of the men at the checkpoints that either the motorist is made upon the discovery of the prohibited drug in their possession. There
a lawSofender or the contents of the vehicle are or have been instruments was no need for a warrant; the arrest was made while a crime was
of some ofense. committed.

In any situation, where abuse marks the operation of a GUAZON v. DE VILLA

checkpoint, the citizen is not helpless. For the military is not above but G.R. No. 80508 | January 30, 1990
subject to the law. And the courts exist to see that the law is supreme.
Soldiers, including those who man checkpoints, who abuse their authority FACTS:
act beyond the scope of their authority and are, therefore, liable criminally The forty one (41) petitioners state that they are all of legal age,
and civilly for their abusive acts. bona fde residents of Metro Manila and taxpayers and leaders in their
respective communities. They maintain that they have a common or
general interest in the preservation of the rule of law, protection of their
PRINCIPLE: human rights and the reign of peace and order in their communities. They
A warrantless search of incoming and outgoing passengers, at the arrival claim to represent "the citizens of Metro Manila who have similar interests
and departure areas of an international airport, is a practice not and are so numerous that it is impracticable to bring them all before this
constitutionally objectionable because it is founded on public interest, Court."
safety, and necessity. According to the petitioners, the "areal target zonings" or
saturation drives" are in critical areas pinpointed by the military and police
as places where the subversives are hiding. The arrests range from seven (7)
PEOPLE v. EXALA persons during the July 20 saturation drive in Bangkusay, Tondo to one
G.R. No. 76005 | April 23, 1993 thousand fve hundred (1,500) allegedly apprehended on November 3
during the drive at LEower Maricaban, Pasay City. The petitioners claim that
the saturation drives follow a common pattern of human rights abuses.
On 2 November 1982, at about 8d15 in the evening, a private
jeep driven by accusedSappellant Restituto B. Bocalan was stopped at a
police checkpoint in Cavite City for routine inspection regarding unlicensed ISSUE:
frearms and other prohibited items. A member of the inspection team WON, the search through areal target zonings is violative of the
went near the jeep and asked the occupants if there were frearms inside. Constitution.
They answered in the negative. Pfc. Galang then proceeded to inspect the RULEINGd
vehicle by beaming a fashlight inside. He noticed a black leather bag YES. Where there is large scale mutiny or actual rebellion, the
measuring about one (1) foot wide and two (2) feet long with its sides police or military may go in force to the combat areas, enter afected
bulging. He asked what it contained. Nobody answered. Instead, the three residences or buildings, round up suspected rebels and otherwise quell the
(3) accused suddenly became fdgety. Pfc. Galang ordered the bag opened. mutiny or rebellion without having to secure search warrants and without
He found what he excitedly described as "marijuana, marijuana, violating the Bill of Rights.
napakaraming marijuanae" At this juncture, the three (3) remained
motionless in their seats and appeared petrifed with fear. They were It is clear from the pleadings of both petitioners and
brought to the police station that same night for further investigation. respondents, however, that there was no rebellion or criminal activity
similar to that of the attempted coup d' etats. There appears to have been
ISSUE: no impediment to securing search warrants or warrants of arrest before any
WON, the evidence seized without a valid search warrant is houses were searched or individuals roused from sleep were arrested.
admissible. There is no strong showing that the objectives sought to be attained by the
"areal zoning" could not be achieved even as the rights of squatter and low
income families are fully protected.
There are indeed instances where search and seizure can be
efected without necessarily being preceded by an arrest. The checkpoint ABENES v. CA
in the instant case was established in line with "Operational Bakal" the G.R. No. 156320 | February 14, 2007
main object of which was to search for unlicensed frearms and other
*repeat (see page 21)
prohibited items in the possession of unauthorized persons passing
through it. When the jeep carrying the contraband passed through the
checkpoint, it was fagged down and the occupants were asked routine 4. Wire Tapping

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R.A. No. 4200 authorizaton. The authorizaton shall be efectve for the period
AN ACT TO PROHIBIT AND PENALIZE WIRE TAPPING AND OTHER specifed in the order which shall not exceed sixty (60) days from the
RELATED VIOLATIONS OF THE PRIVACY OF COMMUNICATION, AND FOR date of issuance of the order, unless extended or renewed by the court
OTHER PURPOSES. upon being satsfed that such extension or renewal is in the public
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, not being authorized by all
the partes to any private communicaton or spoken word, to tap any All recordings made under court authorizaton shall, within forty-eight
wire or cable, or by using any other device or arrangement, to secretly hours afer the expiraton of the period fxed in the order, be deposited
overhear, intercept, or record such communicaton or spoken word by with the court in a sealed envelope or sealed package, and shall be
using a device commonly known as a dictaphone or dictagraph or accompanied by an afdavit of the peace ofcer granted such authority
dictaphone or walkie-talkie or tape recorder, or however otherwise statng the number of recordings made, the dates and tmes covered by
described: each recording, the number of tapes, discs, or records included in the
deposit, and certfying that no duplicates or copies of the whole or any
It shall also be unlawful for any person, be he a partcipant or not in the part thereof have been made, or if made, that all such duplicates or
act or acts penalized in the next preceding sentence, to knowingly copies are included in the envelope or package deposited with the court.
possess any tape record, wire record, disc record, or any other such The envelope or package so deposited shall not be opened, or the
record, or copies thereof, of any communicaton or spoken word secured recordings replayed, or used in evidence, or their contents revealed,
either before or afer the efectve date of this Act in the manner except upon order of the court, which shall not be granted except upon
prohibited by this law; or to replay the same for any other person or moton, with due notce and opportunity to be heard to the person or
persons; or to communicate the contents thereof, either verbally or in persons whose conversaton or communicatons have been recorded.
writng, or to furnish transcriptons thereof, whether complete or partal,
to any other person: Provided, That the use of such record or any copies The court referred to in this secton shall be understood to mean the
thereof as evidence in any civil, criminal investgaton or trial of ofenses Court of First Instance within whose territorial jurisdicton the acts for
mentoned in secton 3 hereof, shall not be covered by this prohibiton. which authority is applied for are to be executed.

Section 2. Any person who willfully or knowingly does or who shall aid, Section 4. Any communicaton or spoken word, or the existence,
permit, or cause to be done any of the acts declared to be unlawful in the contents, substance, purport, efect, or meaning of the same or any part
preceding secton or who violates the provisions of the following secton thereof, or any informaton therein contained obtained or secured by any
or of any order issued thereunder, or aids, permits, or causes such person in violaton of the preceding sectons of this Act shall not be
violaton shall, upon convicton thereof, be punished by imprisonment for admissible in evidence in any judicial, quasi-judicial, legislatve or
not less than six months or more than six years and with the accessory administratve hearing or investgaton.
penalty of perpetual absolute disqualifcaton from public ofce if the
ofender be a public ofcial at the tme of the commission of the ofense,
and, if the ofender is an alien he shall be subject to deportaton GAANAN v. IAC
proceedings. G.R. No. L-69809 | October 16, 1986
Section 3. Nothing contained in this Act, however, shall render it On October 22, 1975, complainant Atty. Tito Pintor and his
unlawful or punishable for any peace ofcer, who is authorized by a client Manuel Montebon were in the living room of complainant's residence
written order of the Court, to execute any of the acts declared to be discussing the terms for the withdrawal of the complaint for direct assault
unlawful in the two preceding sectons in cases involving the crimes of which they fled. Afer they had decided on the proposed conditions,
treason, espionage, provoking war and disloyalty in case of war, piracy, complainant made a telephone call to LEaconico . That same morning,
mutny in the high seas, rebellion, conspiracy and proposal to commit LEaconico telephoned appellant, who is a lawyer, to come to his office and
rebellion, incitng to rebellion, sediton, conspiracy to commit sediton, advise him on the settlement of the direct assault case because his regular
incitng to sediton, kidnapping as defned by the Revised Penal Code, lawyer, Atty. LEeon Gonzaga, went on a business trip.
and violatons of Commonwealth Act No. 616, punishing espionage and
other ofenses against natonal security: Provided, That such written
order shall only be issued or granted upon written applicaton and the When complainant called up, LEaconico requested appellant to
examinaton under oath or afrmaton of the applicant and the secretly listen to the telephone conversation through a telephone extension
witnesses he may produce and a showing: (1) that there are reasonable so as to hear personally the proposed conditions for the settlement.
grounds to believe that any of the crimes enumerated hereinabove has Appellant heard complainant enumerate conditions for withdrawal of the
been committed or is being committed or is about to be committed: complaint for direct assault. Twenty minutes later, complainant called up
Provided, however, That in cases involving the ofenses of rebellion, again to ask LEaconico if he was agreeable to the conditions. LEaconico
conspiracy and proposal to commit rebellion, incitng to rebellion, answered 'Yes'. Complainant then told LEaconico to wait for instructions on
sediton, conspiracy to commit sediton, and incitng to sediton, such where to deliver the money.
authority shall be granted only upon prior proof that a rebellion or acts
of sediton, as the case may be, have actually been or are being Since appellant listened to the telephone conversation without
committed; (2) that there are reasonable grounds to believe that complainant's consent, complainant charged appellant and LEaconico with
evidence will be obtained essental to the convicton of any person for, or violation of the AntiSWiretapping Act.
to the soluton of, or to the preventon of, any of such crimes; and (3)
that there are no other means readily available for obtaining such
WON, petitioner is in violation of the AntiSWiretapping Act.
The order granted or issued shall specify: (1) the identty of the person or
NO. The mere act of listening, in order to be punishable must
persons whose communicatons, conversatons, discussions, or spoken
strictly be with the use of the enumerated devices in RA No. 4200 or others
words are to be overheard, intercepted, or recorded and, in the case of
of similar nature. We are of the view that an extension telephone is not
telegraphic or telephonic communicatons, the telegraph line or the
among such devices or arrangements.
telephone number involved and its locaton; (2) the identty of the peace
ofcer authorized to overhear, intercept, or record the communicatons,
conversatons, discussions, or spoken words; (3) the ofense or ofenses An extension telephone is an instrument which is very common
committed or sought to be prevented; and (4) the period of the especially now when the extended unit does not have to be connected by

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wire to the main telephone but can be moved from place ' to place within things to be seized. None of these requirements has been complied with in
a radius of a kilometer or more. A person should safely presume that the the contested warrants.
party he is calling at the other end of the line probably has an extension
telephone and he runs the risk of a third party listening as in the case of a To uphold the validity of the warrants in question would be to
party line or a telephone unit which shares its line with another. wipe out completely one of the most fundamental rights guaranteed in our
Constitution, for it would place the sanctity of the domicile and the privacy
of communication and correspondence at the mercy of the whims caprice
An extension telephone cannot be placed in the same category
or passion of peace officers. This is precisely the evil sought to be remedied
as a dictaphone, dictagraph or the other devices enumerated in Section 1
by the constitutional provision above quoted — to outlaw the soScalled
of RA No. 4200 as the use thereof cannot be considered as "tapping" the
general warrants. It is not difficult to imagine what would happen, in times
wire or cable of a telephone line. The telephone extension in this case was
of keen political strife, when the party in power feels that the minority is
not installed for that purpose. It just happened to be there for ordinary
likely to wrest it, even though by legal means.
office use. It is a rule in statutory construction that in order to determine
the true intent of the legislature, the particular clauses and phrases of the
Thus, the warrants authorized the search for and seizure of
statute should not be taken as detached and isolated expressions, but the
records pertaining to all business transactions of petitioners herein,
whole and every part thereof must be considered in fxing the meaning of
regardless of whether the transactions were legal or illegal. The warrants
any of its parts.
sanctioned the seizure of all records of the petitioners and the
aforementioned corporations, whatever their nature, thus openly
5. What May Be Seized contravening the explicit command of our Bill of Rights — that the things to
RULE 126, Sec. 2 be seized be particularly described — as well as tending to defeat its major
xxx objectived the elimination of general warrants.
Section 2. Court where applicaton for search warrant shall be fled. —
An applicaton for search warrant shall be fled with the following: PASTRANO v. CA
G.R. No. 104504 | October 31, 1997
a) Any court within whose territorial jurisdicton a crime was
On February 13, 1989, a group of students went to see Capt.
Rodolfo Maoza, then intelligence operations officer of the Philippine
b) For compelling reasons stated in the applicaton, any court
Constabulary. They reported having seen Clyde Pastrano beaten up by his
within the judicial region where the crime was committed if the place of
father, petitioner Pedrito Pastrano. The students were willing to testify but
the commission of the crime is known, or any court within the judicial
expressed fear of the petitioner who, according to them, had frearms.
region where the warrant shall be enforced.
Clyde Pastrano had died and it was suspected he had been the victim of foul
However, if the criminal acton has already been fled, the applicaton
shall only be made in the court where the criminal acton is pending.
On February 20, 1989, two sons of Pedrito Pastrano by his
estranged wife S James Clement G. Pastrano and Clinton Steve G. Pastrano S
also saw Capt. Maoza, seeking his assistance in connection with the death
6. Remedies in Cases of Violaton of their brother Clyde. The brothers reported that their father and his
commonSlaw wife were keeping unlicensed frearms in their house. They
executed a joint affidavit on February 20, 1989 in which they stated that
Article III, Sec. 3(2) they had personal knowledge of the fact that their father Pedrito Pastrano
(2) Any evidence obtained in violaton of this or the preceding secton was keeping three (3) frearms of diferent calibers in the bedroom of his
shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding. house. On the basis of the affidavit of the Pastrano brothers, Capt. Maoza
applied for a search warrant on the same day.


G.R. No. 19550 | June 19, 1967 WON, the Search Warrant issued is valid.
YES. Trial court actually examined the two brothers, James
Respondent Judges issued on diferent dates a total of 42
Clement G. Pastrano and Clinton G. Steve Pastrano. These two were the
search warrants against petitioners and/or the corporations of which they
ones who reported the matter to Capt. Maoza. They gave information of the
were officers, directed to the peace officer, to search the person aboveS
illegal possession of frearms by their father, petitioner herein, on the basis
names and the premises of their offices, warehouses and residences, and
of personal knowledge. Their testimonies, not that of Capt. Maoza, formed
to seize and take possession of the following personal propertyd Books of
the basis of the trial courts fnding of probable cause for the issuance of a
accounts, fnancial records, vouchers, correspondence, receipts, ledgers,
search warrant.
journals, portolios, credit journals, typewriters, and other documents
and/or papers showing all business transactions including disbursements
receipts, balance sheets and proft and loss statements and Bobbins B. CIVIL ACTION FOR DAMAGES
(cigarette wrappers). As the subject of the ofense; stolen or embezzled New Civil Code
and proceeds or fruits of the ofense or used or intended to be used as the
means of commitng the ofensec which is described in the applications Article 32. Any public ofcer or employee, or any private individual, who
adverted to above as "violation of Central Bank LEaws, Tarif and Customs
directly or indirectly obstructs, defeats, violates or in any manner
LEaws, Internal Revenue (Code) and the Revised Penal Code." impedes or impairs any of the following rights and libertes of another
person shall be liable to the latter for damages:
WON, the search warrants are null and void.
(1) Freedom of religion;
RULING: (2) Freedom of speech;
YES. Two points must be stressed in connection with this
(3) Freedom to write for the press or to maintain a periodical publicaton;
constitutional mandate, namelyd (1) that no warrant shall issue but upon (4) Freedom from arbitrary or illegal detenton;
probable cause, to be determined by the judge in the manner set forth in
(5) Freedom of sufrage;
said provision; and (2) that the warrant shall particularly describe the

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(6) The right against deprivaton of property without due process of law; there is no allegation that the defendants named in the complaint
(7) The right to a just compensaton when private property is taken for confscated plaintifs' purely personal properties in violation of their
public use; constitutional rights, and with the possible exception of Major Rodolfo
(8) The right to the equal protecton of the laws; Aguinaldo and Sergeant Bienvenido Balabo committed acts of torture and
(9) The right to be secure in one's person, house, papers, and efects maltreatment, or that the defendants had the duty to exercise direct
against unreasonable searches and seizures; supervision and control of their subordinates or that they had vicarious
(10) The liberty of abode and of changing the same; liability as employers under Article 2180 of the Civil Code.
(11) The privacy of communicaton and correspondence;
(12) The right to become a member of associatons or societes for ISSUE:
purposes not contrary to law; May a superior officer under the notion of respondent superior
(13) The right to take part in a peaceable assembly to petton the be answerable for damages, jointly and severally with his subordinates, to
Government for redress of grievances; the person whose constitutional rights and liberties have been violated?
(14) The right to be a free from involuntary servitude in any form;
(15) The right of the accused against excessive bail; RULING:
(16) The right of the accused to be heard by himself and counsel, to be YES. The law speaks of an officer or employee or person 'directly'
informed of the nature and cause of the accusaton against him, to have or "indirectly" responsible for the violation of the constitutional rights and
a speedy and public trial, to meet the witnesses face to face, and to have liberties of another. Thus, it is not the actor alone (i.e. the one directly
compulsory process to secure the attendance of witness in his behalf; responsible) who must answer for damages under Article 32; the person
(17) Freedom from being compelled to be a witness against one's self, or indirectly responsible has also to answer for the damages or injury caused
from being forced to confess guilt, or from being induced by a promise of to the aggrieved party.
immunity or reward to make such confession, except when the person
confessing becomes a State witness; In the case at bar, the trial court dropped defendants General
(18) Freedom from excessive fnes, or cruel and unusual punishment, Fabian Ver, Col. Fidel Singson, Col. Rolando Abadilla, Col. Gerardo LEantoria,
unless the same is imposed or inflicted in accordance with a statute Jr., Col. Galileo Kintanar, Col. Panflo LEacson, Capt. Danilo Pizarro, lst LEt.
which has not been judicially declared unconsttutonal; and Pedro Tango, LEt. Romeo Ricardo and LEt. Ricardo Bacalso from the acts of
(19) Freedom of access to the courts. their subordinates. Only Major Rodolfo Aguinaldo and Master Sgt.
Bienvenido Balaba were kept as defendants on the ground that they alone
In any of the cases referred to in this artcle, whether or not the 'have been specifcally mentioned and Identifed to have allegedly caused
defendant's act or omission consttutes a criminal ofense, the aggrieved injuries on the persons of some of the plaintif which acts of alleged
party has a right to commence an entrely separate and distnct civil physical violence constitute a delict or wrong that gave rise to a cause of
acton for damages, and for other relief. Such civil acton shall proceed action. But such fnding is not supported by the record, nor is it in accord
independently of any criminal prosecuton (if the latter be insttuted), with law and jurisprudence.
and may be proved by a preponderance of evidence.
The responsibility of the defendants, whether direct or indirect,
The indemnity shall include moral damages. Exemplary damages may is amply set forth in the complaint. It is well established in our law and
also be adjudicated. jurisprudence that a motion to dismiss on the ground that the complaint
states no cause of action must be based on what appears on the face of the
The responsibility herein set forth is not demandable from a judge unless complaint.
his act or omission consttutes a violaton of the Penal Code or other
penal statute. It is obvious that the purpose of the above codal provision is to
provide a sanction to the deeply cherished rights and freedoms enshrined
in the Constitution. Its message is clear; no man may seek to violate those
sacred rights with impunity. It is necessary to remind ourselves that certain
G.R. No. L-69866 | April 15, 1988
basic rights and liberties are immutable and cannot be sacrifced to the
FACTS: transient needs or imperious demands of the ruling power. The rule of law
This case stems from alleged illegal searches and seizures and must prevail, or else liberty will perish.
other violations of the rights and liberties of plaintifs by various
intelligence units of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, known as Task Article 32 of the Civil Code which renders any public officer or
Force Makabansa (TFM) ordered by General Fabian Ver "to conduct preS employee or any private individual liable in damages for violating the
emptive strikes against known communistSterrorist (CT) underground Constitutional rights and liberties of another, as enumerated therein, does
houses in view of increasing reports about CT plans to sow disturbances in not exempt the respondents from responsibility. Only judges are excluded
Metro Manila. Plaintifs allege, among others, that complying with said from liability under the said article, provided their acts or omissions do not
order, elements of the TFM raided several places, employing in most cases constitute a violation of the Penal Code or other penal statute.
defectively issued judicial search warrants; that during these raids, certain
members of the raiding party confscated a number of purely personal
items belonging to plaintifs; that plaintifs were arrested without proper
G.R. No. L-6157 | July 30, 1910
warrants issued by the courts; that for some period afer their arrest, they
were denied visits of relatives and lawyers; that plaintifs were FACTS:
interrogated in violation of their rights to silence and counsel; that military That on the 1st of April, 1910, the defendant Chuoco Tiaco (alias
men who interrogated them employed threats, tortures and other forms of Choa Tea) fled a suit in the Court of First Instance of the city of Manila
violence on them in order to obtain incriminatory information or against the plaintifs in which substantially the following allegations and
confessions and in order to punish them; that all violations of plaintifs petition were made, alleging that on the 19th of August, 1909, under the
constitutional rights were part of a concerted and deliberate plan to orders of the said W. Cameron Forbes, GovernorSGeneral of the Philippine
forcibly extract information and incriminatory statements from plaintifs Islands, he was deported therefrom and sent to Amoy, China, by the
and to terrorize, harass and punish them, said plans being previously aforesaid J. E. Harding and C. R. Trowbridge, chiefs, as above stated, of the
known to and sanctioned by defendants. police and of the secret service, respectively, of the city of Manila, and that
having been able to return to these Islands he feared, as it was threatened,
On November 8, 1983, the Regional Trial Court issued a that he should be again deported by the said defendants, concluding with a
resolution granting the motion to dismiss. the defendants' contention (3) petition that a preliminary injunction should be issued against the plaintifs
that the complaint states no cause of action against defendants, since in this case prohibiting them from deporting the defendant, Chuoco Tiaco

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(alias Choa Tea), and that they be sentenced to pay him P20,000 as an arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its
indemnity. minimum period and a fne not exceeding P1,000 pesos shall be imposed
upon any public ofcer or employee who shall procure a search warrant
ISSUE: without just cause, or, having legally procured the same, shall exceed his
WON, the political rights of aliens are protected by due process authority or use unnecessary severity in executng the same.
of law.
Article 130. Searching domicile without witnesses. - The penalty of
RULING: arresto mayor in its medium and maximum periods shall be imposed
NO. The political rights of aliens is not governed by that “due upon a public ofcer or employee who, in cases where a search is proper,
process of lawc which governs in dealing with their civil rights. The shall search the domicile, papers or other belongings of any person, in
certifcate of admission is a mere license and may be revoked at any time. the absence of the latter, any member of his family, or in their default,
An alien’s right to remain in the territory of a foreign government is purely without the presence of two witnesses residing in the same locality.
a political one and may be terminated at the will of such government. No
cases have been found, and it is confdently asserted that there are none,
which establish a contrary doctrine.

It may be argued, that the present action is one to recover

damages against the Governor and the others mentioned in the cause, for
the illegal acts performed by them, and not an action for the purpose of in
any way controlling or restraining or interfering with their political or
discretionary duties. No one can be held legally responsible in damages or
otherwise for doing in a legal manner what he had authority, under the
law, to do. Therefore, if the GovernorSGeneral had authority, under the law,
to deport or expel the defendants, and the circumstances justifying the
deportation and the method of carrying it out are lef to him, then he can
not be held liable for damages for the exercise of this power. Moreover, if
the courts are without authority to interfere in any manner, for the
purpose of controlling or interfering with the exercise of the political
powers vested in the chief executive authority of the Government, then it
must follow that the courts can not intervene for the purpose of declaring
that he is liable in damages for the exercise of this authority.

If it be true that the Government of the Philippine Islands is a

government invested with "all the military, civil, and judicial powers
necessary to govern the Philippine Islands until otherwise provided by
Congress" and that the GovernorSGeneral is invested with certain
important political duties and powers, in the exercise of which he may use
his own discretion, and is accountable only to his superiors in his political
character and to his own conscience, and without authority to interfere in
the control of such powers, for any purpose, then it must follow that the
courts can not take jurisdiction in any case against him which has for its
purpose the declaration that such acts are illegal and that he is, in
consequence, liable for damages. To allow such an action would, in the lost
efective way possible, subject the executive and political departments of
the Government to the absolute control of the judiciary. Of course, it will
be observed that we are here treating only with the political and purely
executive duties in dealing with the political rights of aliens. The
conclusions herein reached should not be extended to cases where vested
rights are involved. That question must be lef for future consideration.


Section Two. - Violttion of domiicile

Article 128. Violaton of domicile. - The penalty of prision correccional in

its minimum period shall be imposed upon any public ofcer or employee
who, not being authorized by judicial order, shall enter any dwelling
against the will of the owner thereof, search papers or other efects
found therein without the previous consent of such owner, or having
surrepttously entered said dwelling, and being required to leave the
premises, shall refuse to do so.

If the ofense be committed in the night-tme, or if any papers or efects

not consttutng evidence of a crime be not returned immediately afer
the search made by the ofender, the penalty shall be prision correccional
in its medium and maximum periods.

Article 129. Search warrants maliciously obtained and abuse in the

service of those legally obtained. - In additon to the liability attaching to
the ofender for the commission of any other ofense, the penalty of

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