Creating A BIP Report For Fast Formula Queries

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Log in As Any implementation user > Select Reports and Analytics from your Navigator.

Select “Report” from the create dropdown

Click on Cancel
Click on “+’ Icon to create Data Model
Select ‘SQL Query’ from the dropdown
Fill in Name, Select Data Source and Type of SQL as shown below

In SQL Query you can past your sql and click on OK

If you have any Bind value (:Formula_Type) in your SQL it will ask to create parameter for the same.
Select the check box and click on OK
Fill the Display Label to set the label for your parameter.

Now click on the data set to go back to the data set Diagram
Follow the steps in the picture

Now save the Data Model

Give a name for your Data Model and click on OK

You will see the confirmation as shown in the diagram

Now click on Create Report

Leave the default values and Click on Next
Leave the default values and Click on Next
Drag all the fields in to the report area as show below
Click on Finish and it will as to save your report. Give a name and finally you can view the results of the
The report will always be black until you provide the parameter for the report.

Give any Value like “Oracle Payroll” and Click on Apply, to test your report.

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