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Surreptitiously= secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing

Rouse= to wake up or make someone more active or excited

Elicit= get or produce something, esp. information or reaction

=to get a student to provide or remember a fact, response, etc. rather then telling them the

Conclusive= proving that something is true or ending any doubt

Eccentricity= the state of being eccentric

= an eccentric action

Pitfall=a likely mistake or problem in a situation

= an unexpected danger or difficulty

Imperative= something that is extremely important or urgent

Sympathetic= understanding

Lewd (of behavior, speech, dress, etc.)= sexual in an obvious and rude way

Turning= a place, esp. a road, track or path, where you can leave the road you are on

Truant= children who truant are regularly absent from school, usually while pretending to their parent
that they have gone to school

Boast= brag


Attentive scholar

Busted= broken

Account (report)= written or spoken description of an event

Grave= urgent and very bad, serious

Scrupulously= in a way that is careful to do the morally right thing

= in a careful way that makes sure everything is done exactly as it should be

Stagger= walk or move with difficulty as if zou are going to fall

= cause someone to feel shocked or surprised

= to organize events or schedules so that they happen at different times, or to arrange objects
so they are not regular

Liaison= communication between people or groups who work with each other

=someone who helps groups work effectively with each other

= a sexual relationship esp. between two people not married to each other

Ferry= to transport people or goods in a vehicle, esp. regularly and often

Liable= (law) having legal responsibility for something or someone

= very likely to do something, happen, experience

Vigil= an act of staying awake esp. at night, in order to be with a person who is very ill or dying, or to
make a protest or to pray


Probe= to try to discover information that other people do not want you to know, by asking questions
carefully and not directly

= to examine something with a tool esp. to fid something that is hidden

=careful and detailed examination

=tool used for probing

Alert= quick to see, understand and act in a particular situation

Steady= (as in firm) not moving or changing suddenly

=happening or developing in a gradual waz over time

=under control (a steady hand, nerves)

=a steady job

=to make someone stop moving

=to make someone calm

Sullen=angry and unwilling to smile or be pleasant to people< silent and unpleasant

Watchful= paying careful attention and ready to deal with problems

Reproach= to criticize someone, esp. for not being successful or not doing what is expected

=something you say or do to reproach someone

In the wrong= not correct

Post= the particular place where someone works, esp. where a soldier is told to be for a military duty,
usually as a guard

Rove= to move, travel, or look around an area, esp. a large one

Condemn= criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons

=to decide a building is not safe for people to use

=to severely punish someone who has committed a crime, or to force someone to suffer
Devotion= loyalty and love or care for someone or something

Yearn= to wish very strongly, esp. for something that you cannot have or something that is difficult to


Mac= a waterproof coat

Moor= a open area of hills covered with rough grass, esp. in Great Britain

= a member of group of Muslim people from North America who ruled Spain 711-1492

Unimpeded= not stopped, blocked, or prevented by anything

Imminent= coming or likely to happen very soon> syn. Impending

Castigate= criticize someone or something very severely

Insolent= rude and not showing respect

Wince= to show pain suddenly and for a short time in the face, often moving the head back at the same

Fastidious= giving too much attention to small details and wanting everything to be correct and perfect

=having a strong dislike of anything dirty or unpleasant

Accompaniment=something that is done in support of something else

=music-supports someone who is singing or playing an instrument

Censure= strong criticism and disapproval

Lose one’s temper

Stand for something= to support or accept certain principles or values

= to represent something (The EU stand for European Union.)


Decent= satisfactory, acceptable, or reasonable

=good or kind (decent people)

=wearing socially acceptable clothes or any clothes at all

Wicked= morally wrong or bad

=slightly immoral or bad for you, but in an attractive way


=inf. Brilliant
Monotonous= not changing and therefore boring

Relish=like or enjoy something

=if you relish the idea of something, you feel pleasure that it is going to happen

Smother= to prevent a person or animal from getting oxygen

=to kill someone by covering a person’s face

= to cover most or all of the surface

= to stop a fire from burning by covering it with something that prevetnt air from reaching it

=to give someone you love too much attention and make the person feel less independent

In face=in fact ???

Perplexed= confused, because something is difficult to understand or solve

Implicate= to show that someone is involved in a crime or partly responsible for something bad that has

Fluently= read or speak easily, well and quickly

Rowdy= nosy and possibly violent

Quell= to stop something, esp. by using force

=calm doubts, fears, etc.

Infidel= someone who doesn’

t have the same religious beliefs as the person speaking

Rout= defeat an opponent completely

=defeat an enemy completely and force them to run away

Persecution= unfair or cruel treatment over a long period of time because of race, religion, or political

Mend= repair something that is broken or damaged

Urge= to strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do something

Usher= to show someone where they should go , or to make someone go where you want them to

Wing mirror

Haul= to pull something heavy slowly and with difficulty

=to take something or someone somewhere, esp. by force

Dislodge= to remove something or someone, esp. by force, from a fixed position

Cultivate= to prepare land and crops on it, or to grow a particular crop

= create a new condition by direct effort (help the kids cultivate an interest for science)

=to try to befriend someone or form a relationship because that person can help you (to
cultivate friendships)

=to try to develop and improve something

Usury= the activity of lending someone money with the promise they will pay back a very much larger
amount later

Corruption= illegal, bad, or dishonest behavior, esp. by people in positions of power

Stick by someone/something= continue to support someone, or to not change your mind about

Come through= to succeed in a difficult situation

= to do something you have agreed to do or been asked to do

= if a piece of information or document comes through, you receive it

Endure= to suffer something difficult, unpleasant or painful

Brusque= quick and rude in manner or feel

Grovel= to behave with too much respect to someone to show that you are very eager to please them

=to lie facing the ground, esp. in fear or behave toward someone in a way that shows you are
small and unimportant and that the other person is powerful

Contempt= strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for someone or something

 Hold somebody in contempt

Ensure= to make certain to happen


Inwardly= inside your mind and not expressed to other people

Fatiguing= tiring

Heartened=feeling happier and more positive toward something

For good measure= it is given or done in addition to other things

Oppressed= governed in an unfair and cruel way and prevented from having opportunities and freedom

= (feelings) worried and uncomfortable (He felt oppressed and discouraged in such an unfriendly

Morality= a set of personal or social standards for good or bad behavior and character
=the quality of being right, honest, or acceptable

Set one’s face hard

Determined= wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you

Standstill= a condition in which all movement or activity has stopped

Inadvertent= not intentional, accidental

Retaliate= to hurt someone back or do something harmful back

Fanatic= a person who is extremely interested in something, to a degree that some people find

=a person who has very extreme beliefs that may lead them to behave in unreasonable or
violent ways

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