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Brief Summary of the Work Done During this Period

The focus of my work is Brane models and Extra dimensions. The current topic
of my research is understanding higher dimensional mechanism for solving
hierarchy problem. This work is basically based upon Randall-Sundrum model.
Intersecting branes, radius stabilization mechanism, KK phenomenology are
also the topics of interest. We are studying the phenomenological aspects of
small extra dimensions and large extra dimensions. Understanding how the
effective four dimensional world which we observe is arising from the higher
dimensional theory is important. Introducing large extra dimensions helps to
reconcile the apparent mismatch between the fundamental scales of particle
physics and gravity.
Within past few years the theories with extra spacetime
dimensions has undergone a profound transformation. Main attempt was the
unification near the Planck scale. Such extra dimensions reduce the
characteristic energy scales of fundamental physics and this reduced energy
scales give rise to a paradigm commonly known as “brane world”. Kaluza and
Klein first introduced the concept of extra dimensions. KK mechanism
indicates that if extra dimensions of suitable size exist, then it might provide a
possible means of unifying the two fundamental forces, namely gravity and
electromagnetism. Confirmation of these ideas leads to the realization that
consistent string theory will necessarily include extra dimensions.
Earlier ADD model was proposed on the basis of large
extra dimensions to solve the hierarchy problem. The fact that we do not
observe the extra dimension leads to the modification of ADD model. Later
some analysis of results from the LHC severely constrains theories with large
extra dimensions. Then the RS model was proposed which considers warped
geometry with compactified extra dimension. This is a potential resolution of
the hierarchy problem. Now it is important to make this mechanism viable is to
stabilize the compactification radius. Here comes the Goldberger-Wise
mechanism which deals with the stabilization of the size of the extra dimension
in RS scenario. This generates compactification scale that solves the hierarchy
problem without fine tuning of parameters.
The aim of our research work will be developing higher
dimensional theory which will be consistent with our known 4D effective
theory. We are studying how warped extra dimension helps solving the large
mass hierarchy problem. The main question is how large the size of the extra
dimension could be such that it will not conflict with our observations. We are
as well considering orbifold compactifications as it plays a large role in our
attempts at realistic higher-dimensional model-building.
The phenomenological implications of the higher dimensional
scenario for collider searches are very promising. Our future plans are to review
the cosmology of extra dimensional models also and predict physical
significances based on this. We will try to analyze the cosmology of the
Randall-Sundrum model and that of other compactified brane models in the
presence of radius stabilization mechanism as it can be very different from
ordinary inflationary cosmology in four dimensions.

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