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In the darkness of one of the spring nights of 1780’s, in central plateau of Iran, shouting of soldiers

and neigh of horses mixed together. In a blink of eye, 2000 brave cavalries attacked to 50000 soldiers’
camp of first Qajar’s king, Agha Mohammad Khan. This night attack was one of the many attacks by a
Partisan force leaded by Lotfali Khan Zand, brightest star in the darkest hours of Iran history.
Lotfali Khan is the niece of Karim Khan, founder of Zandie dynasty. He born in Shiraz, the capital
of Zandie domain, at 1769. Unfortunately, Iranian historian did not write many details about his life
because of fear of Qajar’s Kings, despite that we know him somehow because of diaries of European
people who traveled to Iran at that time. They have described him as the most beautiful and bravest
person that someone could even imagine. With less than 20 years, he was a charismatic general for his
loyal soldiers and hero of oppressed villagers. Governors of Qajar’s King, took unfair tax from people and
kill them if they could not pay it. Zand’s young prince fought with government forces and tried to return
farmers, what had been taken from them by force. Young prince, also had many plans to build up farms
and villages and return back trade dominancy which English merchants took it by guns and frigates.
Cunning king of Qajar, which was the first king who had controlled almost all Iran provinces after
Nader’s death, tried several times to defeat young prince in field of war or kill him by many plotting, even
bribe him by royal posts and titles. Young prince never surrendered and after any withdraw, he came back
with more power and experience. At last, in one of the cold days of history, young prince which had been
arrested in Kerman city, executed by king of Qajar order. At 1791, a brave and honest nobleman, a beloved
ruler and champion of people, killed and buried in Tehran.

By Ehsan Souri


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