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Topic: The Holy Spirit and Personal Ethics

Subject: New Testament Theology

Presented by: Benjamin Ingle Class: BD-IV
Presenting to: Rev. Shanthi David
Date: 04/03/2019

1. Introduction

We found the work of Holy spirit in New Testament first we can see in Acts Chapter 2 which we know as the
day of Pentecost, which influences the life of Christian in many ways spiritually and ethically. One of the
Holy Spirit’s role on earth for all human to lead us in the truth and understand the love and presences of Holy
God amongst us, when we know the truth it enables us to make right ethical choices. In the time of conflict
and problem Holy Spirit’s guidance’s is most valuable mark of believer’s lifestyle to make proper decisions
in their life how to live holy life without compromising. Paper will discussing about the Holy Spirit and
Personnel ethics.

2. Concept of Holy Spirit in Paul’s View

In old Testament ruah refers to the spirit of God, As God is God is one, so there is only one Spirit of God we
can see this in I Cor 12:4-6, 11, 13, Eph. 4:4-6. Paul concept of the Spirit is not simply a continuation of Old
Testament or Jewish Viewpoint but it and a prominence in Paul’s writings which far exceeds it place in the
OT. The most important fact that Paul assume the Holy Spirit is the God’s spirit. The Spirit of God is always
present among the people of God as represents God’s present with them in there life. Paul often in connection
with inspired speech (I Cor 12:4-11). The Spirit may described with personal characteristics. Which lead

believers to reveal the mystery of the word of God by implication I Cor. 2:6-16, Eph.3:5 and help believers to
grow in their prayerful life and boost them for achieving the spiritual mark in their lifestyle. 1

3. The Holy Spirit as a Creator

As our Creator, God established a relationship with us. We do not reach up to him to achieve it. It is undeserved
and unearned not grounded in our efforts. The relationship that God created for us, was, of course, broken by
our rebellion. But that did not change God's creative intention for us and so he continued to come to us, to
restore us to the fullness of relationship which we lost in the fall. That coming has to do with God bringing to
us, out of the future, a fullness of humanity found in glorification. And it comes to us not as a concept, or an
ethical structure, but as a person the incarnate Son of God, Jesus. He is God (the Creator) with us, in us, and
fully for us. He alone is the fullness of God's image in a human person. And he shares that human perfection
and ethical perfection with us through his Spirit. And so we understand that Christian life is created life, the
life of man given us by God, and being re-made in the image of God in such a way that it is made fit for
sharing in the eternal life of God. 2

4. Work of Holy Spirit

As we seen in the day of Pentecost people of God anointed with and filled with Holy Spirit in Act 2:4. Which
give them different gifts and inspired them to proclaim God’s word in world. Holy spirit grant them to
understanding of their existence in world, led them to the right knowledge and instruction of Spirit led them
to understand and realize that Jesus is the Christ ( 1 John 4:2,6) know that God lives in them and they in God
1 John 3:24, 4:13. The Spirit is the silent, invisible one who sanctifies. The Spirit is the inner transformer of
human lives, the one who acts through the preaching of the gospel to separate individuals from the world unto
God (1 Pet. 1:20). The Holy Spirit continues to be the spirit of prophecy, it inspires selected men and women
so that when they speak, with power, so when rank with the Old Testament prophets in bringing to the people
of God the word of God. Holy Spirit lived within believers is as act of compaction and joy in the most adverse
circumstances. For instance, Paul and Barnabas, persecuted and driven from city to city for preaching the
gospel, nevertheless were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:52). 3

Gerald F. Hawthorne Ralph P. Martin, Daniel G. Reid (ed.,) Dictionary of Paul and his Letters, ( England: InterVarsity Press, 1993),
Donald Guthrie, New Testament Theology, (England: Intervarsity Press 1981), 514-515
Ralph P. Martin, Peter H. Davids (ed.,) Dictionary of the Later New Testament & Its Developments, (England: InterVarsity Pres s,
1997), 494-496.
5. Fellowship with God of Holy Spirit.

We as believers of Christ who risen from death and witness on the day of Pentecost as Holy Spirit anointed
with the gift of Holy Spirit enjoy the fellowship with the Holy Spirit, through Father and the Son. As believers
we believe that the Spirit as a person can grieve (Eph. 4:30) and satisfy (1 Thess. 5:19). Obviously, then, we
have a personal relationship with Him (2 Cor. 13:14; Phil 2:1). The Spirit intercedes our access to God the
Father on the basis of Christ’s death (Eph. 2:18). He develops our relationship with the Father by affirming
our identity as His children (Rom 8:15, 17; Gal 4:6-7). The Spirit is instrumental in mediating believers
worship (Phil 3:3) and prayer (Eph. 6:18; Jude 20-21). In fact, the Spirit intercedes on our behalf so that our
prayers actually serve to accomplish God’s will in our lives (Rom 8:26-27).4

6. Theological Response

Theologians and spiritual leaders as well as theological and spiritual traditions played a part in Bockmuehl’s
theology and particularly his understanding of the Holy Spirit and personal ethics. The influences on
Bockmuehl are catalogued in chronological order as it would be difficult, and somewhat random. Thus far in
our analysis of various influences that shaped Bockmuehl’s theology, some of Bockmuehl’s main theological
concerns have certainly become apparent by way of repetition. The focal points of Bockmuehl’s theology are
the passion for the reality of God and his kingdom, for God’s will, keeping his commandments and loving
God, and for the recovery of the Holy Spirit. 5

7. Conclusion

In a word, the Bible calls God’s people to be wise in the area of personal ethics. Wisdom is skill in the art of
godly living on a practical, day-by-day basis. As those who have been rescued by God in the gospel, united to
Christ, and indwelt by the Spirit, believers are capable of living the wise life. There will be many occasions
in which we act unwisely, for which we must ask forgiveness because of the work of Christ. The high call of
Christians, however, is to conduct themselves with such integrity and uprightness in the area of personal ethics
that a watching world looks on, wonders at our integrity (1 Pet. 3:15), and glorifies God (Matt. 5:16). Living
an ethical life in human flesh and surrounded by a sinful world can be a reality for each one of us. When we
have been transformed by the Spirit and controlled by the Spirit, we will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit.
Experiencing and claiming salvation isn't sufficient. We must allow the ongoing work and direction of the
Holy Spirit in our lives.

Gregory A. Smith, The Holy Spirit in the New Testament, (London: United Press, 2000) 6-7.
Klaus Bockmuehl Annette M. Glaw, The Holy Spirit and Christian Ethics in the Theology (Philadelphia: Fortress 2014) 202-206.

Bockmuehl, Klaus Annette M. Glaw. The Holy Spirit and Christian Ethics in the Theology Philadelphia: Fortress


Guthrie, Donald. New Testament Theology, England: Intervarsity Press 1981.

Hawthorne F. Ralph. Gerald P. Martin, Daniel G. Reid (ed.,) Dictionary of Paul and his Letters, England:

InterVarsity Press, 1993.

Martin P., Ralph Peter H. Davids (ed,). Dictionary of the Later New Testament & Its Developments, England:

InterVarsity Press, 1997.

Smith, A. Gregory. The Holy Spirit in the New Testament, London: United Press, 2000


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