Demonstration On Endothermic or Exothermic Reaction (Latest) PDF

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Demonstration on Endothermic or Exothermic Reaction

Miky Rose De Guzman

Leianneza Jae C. Pioquinto
Rose Ann Marie Cabuay
Karen Reyes Garcia
Teodorico P. Diaz
Clarisse Marie Poquiz
Diana Caranto
Micaela Soriano
RJ Bruce King Aquino
March 17,2019

Chemical Reaction is a process in which one or more substances or the reactants are
converted into one or more different substances (the products). Substances are
either chemical elements or compounds. A chemical reaction rearranges
the constituent atoms of the reactants to create different substances as products.
Energy is conserved in chemical reactions, so the total amount of energy in the universe
at the end of a reaction is the same as it was before the reaction.When a chemical
reaction happens, energy is transferred to or from the surroundings. When energy is
transferred to the surroundings, this is called an exothermic reaction, and the
temperature of the surroundings increases. When energy is taken in from the
surroundings, this is called an endothermic reaction and the temperature of the
surroundings decreases.

This report will describe the experiment conducted using different chemicals and
substances. This will be done by mixing in two different substances and waiting for the
reaction to show. The reaction may either be Exothermic or Endothermic, in other
words, we’ll see if the substances mixed in together will be release heat or absorb heat.
This experiment will also explain the reason of the reaction recorded.

 Baking Soda  Hydrogen Peroxide
 Vinegar  Barium Chloride
 Sodium Hydroxide  Ammonium Hydroxide
 Hydrochloric Acid

The laboratory procedures require different steps in order to have the outcome that they
want to have. Here are the procedures for this experiment:
1. Prepare all the materials and substances needed for the experiment
2. Before doing the experiment, be sure to use gloves and face mask for protection
and also do not touch the chemicals using your hand
3. After the preparation, mix in two different substances and wait for the reaction to
be recorded
4. Make sure to wash the materials used before proceeding to the second pair of
5. Repeat the 3rdand 4thstep until you’ve made it to the fifth pair of substance
6. After doing the experiment for the 5 pairs of different substances, dispose of the
materials that need to be disposed and wash the materials used.
Data and Results
A. Baking Soda and Vinegar
Material Before Temperature After Temperature
Baking Soda and Vinegar 32° 28°
The temperature of the Vinegar before putting in the baking soda was 32°. After putting
in the baking soda and as the reaction starts to show, the temperature of the mixture of
the two decreased by four degrees or 28°. It showed Endothermic Reaction.
B. Water and Sodium Hydroxide
Material Before Temperature After Temperature
Water and Sodium Hydroxide 28° 70°
The temperature of the water before mixing in the Sodium Hydroxide was 28°. After
blending in the Sodium Hydroxide, the temperature rose to 70°. The glass of the test
tube became hot. It showed Exothermic Reaction
C. Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric Acid
Material Before Temperature After Temperature
Hydrochloric Acid and
Sodium Hydroxide
30° 42°
The temperature of the Sodium Hydroxide before the mixing it with Hydrochloric Acid
is 30°. As we put in the Hydrochloric Acid, the temperature increased to 42°. It showed
Exothermic Reaction
D. Barium Chloride and Ammonium Peroxide
Material Before Temperature After Temperature
Ammonium Peroxide and
28° 26°
Barium Chloride
The Barium Chloride and Ammonium Peroxide are both solid chemicals. The Barium
Chloride was mixed with Ammonium Peroxide until both solutions showed reaction.
The temperature dropped by 2°
E. Sodium Bicarbonate and Hydrogen Peroxide
Material Before Temperature After Temperature
Sodium Bicarbonate and
26° 28°
Hydrogen Peroxide
The temperature of the Hydrogen Peroxide before mixing in the Sodium Bicarbonate
(Baking Soda) is 26°. After the two solutions has been mixed together the temperature
rose by two degrees, making it 26°. Therefore it is an Exothermic Reaction.

Analysis and Discussion

Chemical React differently according to their properties, while not all chemicals react to
each other. Some may cause dangers to the ones carrying the experiment. In this
experiment, we are asked to do an experiment and observe the Endothermic and
Exothermic Reactions of the chemicals mixed in together.
On the first pair of chemicals, Baking Soda and Vinegar react with each other
because of an acid-base reaction. Baking soda is a bicarbonate and vinegar is an acetic
acid. A change in temperature is another clue that a chemical reaction has occurred. A
reaction that results in a decrease in temperature is called endothermic reaction. In the
case of this reaction, the rearranging takes energy, which is absorbed from the
environment. As energy is absorbed, the solution becomes cold.
On the letter B, The temperature arises because of the interaction of the molecules from
the water and sodium hydroxide.Sodium hydroxide is considered a strong base and
as such is able to completely and fully disassociate in aqueous solution. The heat evolved
as a result of mixing solid sodium hydroxide with water is due to the the -OH ions
incredible stability. Heat is emitted as a result of the chemical species being brought to a
lower energy state. The interaction released energy that's why the temperature arises
from 28°C to 70°C. It's exothermic because of the heat that had been formed from the
The third set of 2 chemicals, Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric Acid the
normal temperature of a sodium hydroxide is 30°. As we combine hydrochloric acid, the
test tube creates heat that cause the temperature to rise at 42°.The result is the
formation sodium chloride(table salt)and an equimolar amount of water( hydrochloric
acid).This reaction also gives off significant heat that could perhaps cause the reaction
mixture to intensive boil.
In the fourth set of 2 chemicals, Barium Chloride and Ammonium Hydroxide is
both a solid chemical. The reaction of both chemicals mixed in together showed no signs
of PPT (Precipitate) which means to cause (something) to happen quickly or suddenly.
The Temperature went down by 2 degrees as such we can say that it is an endothermic
The last pair of chemicals, The formation of an additive compound of Hydrogen
Peroxide with Sodium Bicarbonate in the temperature 26-28 degrees is a
consequence of secondary process of intramolecular conversion of the
peroxobicarbonate monohydrate accompanied by liberation of carbon dioxide.
Overall, We therefore conclude that this experiment lets us observe energy changes
caused by chemical reaction between two chemicals that have different properties and
we are going to identify whether it is endothermic and exothermic reactions depending
on the solutions that we used, the reaction and speed at which temperature are
somewhat different ranging from slow to more or less violent reaction.
 Meaning of Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions

 Baking Soda and Vinegar Reaction
 Water and Sodium Hydroxide Reaction
 Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric Acid Reaction
 Barium Chloride and Ammonium Peroxide Reaction
 Sodium Bicarbonate and Hydrogen Peroxide Reaction

 Materials

 Baking Soda and Vinegar




 Water and Sodium Hydroxide




 Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric Acid


During After

 Barium Chloride and Ammonium Peroxide

Before During After

 Sodium Bicarbonate and Hydrogen Peroxide

Before During After

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