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1 By whom the knowledge of the three times (Jyotisha) has been revealed for th
e sake of those dwelling in the darkness of ignorance, after saluting him, I sha
ll tell that divine knowledge.
After saluting the knower of the three times (past, present and future), the one
who is omniscient, the elaboration of the text of Krisheeya, having the name Ch
aturisundari, is being done by me.
By the one who can see the three times (past, present and future) that is Shiva,
that knowledge of the three times, that is Jyotisha has been expounded properl
y. After saluting him, I shall speak that divine knowledge for the sake of those
men who are dwelling in the darkness of ignorance. This is the meaning (of the
shloka). This (shloka) is for the sake of saluting the Ishta Devata.
1.2 In this world, the declaration of the results of Jyotisha is done for the sa
ke of fructification of (the activities) initiated. Therefore effort should be m
ade by a knower of Jyotisha for its declaration.
(In this shloka) the 'aadesha' (declaration) of the results of Jyotisha are bein
g spoken of. 'aadesha' means declaration. The results are nothing but its use in
(activities) related to dharma, artha, kama and moksha. Since all activities in
this world are performed for the sake of results hence by rule a man who knows
Jyotisha should do special efforts in declaration.
1.3 Twelve signs are formed by nine amshas (parts) each. The amshas begin with A
shwini and end with Revati in sequence. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virg
o, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are the names giv
en by the sages.
By this shloka, the divisions of a sign (there are twelve signs) are being menti
oned. Each sign is said to be composed of nine divisions. Assign the twenty seve
n constellations beginning with Ashwini in the twelve signs by assigning the fir
st division (quarter) of Ashwini to the first division of of the first sign and
the last division (quarter) of Revati to the last division of the last sign. The
signs should be sequentially derived beginning with the first division of Ashwi
ni and ending with the last division of Revati. Here the first division is that
itself. the second division is the second sign. In this way the twelve signs sho
uld be reckoned. In this way, again and again, beginning with the first sign, si
gns upto Pisces should be reckoned. The signs (in all) are comprised of hundred
and eight navamshas. By the word 'cha' in the shloka ...(meaning not clear). In
this way for all the twelve signs the navamshas should be counted beginning with
that sign and ending with the twelfth sign.
Now the names of the signs are being said. The first sign is Aries. Second is Ta
urus. Third is Gemini. Fourth is Cancer. Fifth is Leo. Sixth is Virgo. Seventh i
s a man holding a balance in his hand. Eighth is Scorpio. Ninth is a man holding
a bow. Tenth is Capricorn, a crocodile. Eleventh is a man holding a pitcher in
his hand. Twelfth is a pair of fishes.
These signs are named by the sages according to their respective natures.
1.5 Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Satu
rn, Jupiter - these are the lords of the signs and of the Navamshas.
Now the lords of the signs and navamshas are mentioned - Mars, Venus, Mercury, M
oon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn, Jupiter are the lords o
f the signs in sequence beginning with Aries as well as the lords of the navamsh
as in sequence beginning with Aries.
1.6 All these signs are again divided into male and female; movable, fixed and d
ual. All of them are again divided into three dreshkanas. The lords of the dresh
kanas are the lords of the first, fifth and ninth sign respectively.
Now the nature of the signs is being mentioned - the signs are male and female i
n sequence. Aries is male. Taurus is female. In this way all odd signs are male
and even signs are female. They are also movable, fixed and dual in sequence. Ar
ies, Taurus, Gemini with the signs placed in respective quadrants to them move a
t all times (??? needs to be corrected) Fixed signs are always fixed. Dual signs
behave in both ways. Again all signs are divided into three dreshkanas. The lor
d of those dreshkanas are the lords of the first, fifth and ninth signs.
1.7 Mars, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, Moon, Ma
rs, Jupiter are said to be the lords of the dreshkanas.
Now the sequence of the lords of the dreshkanas is mentioned. The dreshkanas of
Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer are, in sequence, ruled by Mars, Sun, Jupiter,
Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, Moon, Mars, Jupiter. The (dreshk
anas of the) signs placed in a trine from them are also ruled by the same planet
1.8 The sthira-chakra moves on earth while the chara-chakra moves in the sky. Th
e answers to the questions of the queriest should be determined at the instant o
f the question from both the chakras.
Now the kinds of the chakras of the signs are mentioned - sthira-chakra and char
a-chakra. If the querist asks multiple questions then answer using sthira-chakr
a. Similarly if he asks inside a house the answer using sthira chakra. If he ask
s while standing then as well. If

Shloka 3.1
Planets do not aspect sixth, second, twelfth and eleventh houses from where they
are placed. They aspect (all) other houses.
Now the nature of the aspect is stated - counting from the house where the plane
t is placed, the sixth, second, twelfth and eleventh houses are not aspected by
the planet. Other houses are aspected.
Shloka 3.2
Sun and Mars cast aspects in upwards direction; Venus and Mercury cast aspects s
ideways; Moon and Jupiter cast aspect in horizontal direction; Saturn and Rahu c
ast aspect downwards.
This directional nature of aspects are to be considered everywhere. In case wher
e theft is involved, if the aspect is cast by a planet looking upwards then the
thief has entered the house by breaking in through the roof of the house. If the
ascendant is aspected by a planet casting aspect in the downward direction then
then thief has entered through the ground by digging. If the aspect is cast by
a planet looking sideways then the thief has broken in through a wall or a fence
. If the aspect is cast in the horizontal direction then the thief has entered t
hrough the door.
These results should also be applied while judging the container where the objec
t is placed. Whether the thief has robbed/snatched by digging out the base, thro
ugh the door/lid or through breaking the top should be judged in a similar way.
Similarly one should say whether the object is placed on the ground, above the g
round or below the ground. (next line unclear) Depending on the whether the seve
nth sign is four-footed, two-footed or multi-footed, the thief has stolen the ob
ject while moving in that way. Depending on the sign and the planet placed in th
e seventh house one should judge whether the thief has placed the object in a ju
ngle, village, water etc. Depending on whether the Arudha of the seventh house i
s movable, fixed or dual one should judge whether the object was outside the hou
se, inside the house or at its own place at the time of theft. If the aspect is
upwards then the object is placed upward; if it is downward then the object is p
laced below; if sideways then the object is placed on the ground - this should b
e declared on the basis of the lord of the sign. The thief is also similarly jud
ged. If the ascendant is conjunct with a planet casting an aspect sideways then
the thief, while outside the house, stole the object by picking it from his hand
. By the signs placed in kendra to the Arudha or by placed placed in those signs
, the object should be indicated. The thief's movements depend on the Arudha. If
seventh to the Arudha is strong then the thief stole while sitting. If the ten
th to the Arudha is strong then he stole while standing. If the fourth is strong
then he stole while sleeping/lying down. Similarly depending on the ascendant a
t the time of the query, one should declared the profession of the thief by maki
ng use of signs and planets placed in the kendra to the ascendant.

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