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|| May Our Thoughts Be Divine ||


Janam Patri / Birth Chart of

Indira Gandhi
Jyotish - The Vedic System of Astrology

~ Based on the data of ~

19th November 1917 at 13:11 PM / 2311 Hours
Time Zone: 5:30 IST
Allahabad, UP, India
81 E 51 25 N 27
Lahiri: 22:42:52
Vedic Day: Monday

~ Main Classification ~
Moon Sign: Makara Rasi/Capricorn
Nakshatra: Uttarashadha
Pada: 3
6th Tithi: Shasti of Waxing Moon

~ Provided by ~
A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire

Serving the One World Commune for 42 Years, with a Heart Full of Divine Love
270,000 Plus Clients in more than 120 countries and ever increasing…

A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
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The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
found in Hellenistic astrology, such as always thought you were. This happens
its system of lunar mansions with many charts. However, if you
(Nakshatra). were born in the last 5 days or so of
the Western Sign month, then you will
Astrology remains an important facet
probably still be that sign in Vedic
in the lives of many Indians. In Vedic
since the difference is 23 degrees
culture, newborns are traditionally
currently, and signs are 30 degrees long
named based on their Jyotish charts,
in space (12 signs times 30 degrees

and Jyotish concepts are pervasive in
yotish - Sanskrit, from jyóti - each each a 360 degree circle
the organization of the calendar and
“light” and ish “heavenly body or surrounding the Earth).
holidays as well as in many areas of life,
God” : also spelled Jyotish and
such as in making decisions made
Jyotisha in (English) is the ancient
about marriage, opening a new
Indian system of astronomy and
business, and moving into a new home.
astrology (also known as Indian
To some extent, astrology even
astrology, Vedic astrology, and of late,
manages to retain a position among the
Vedic astrology). It has three branches:
sciences in modern India.
Siddhanta: Indian astronomy.
What is the difference between
S a m h i t a : M un d a n e a s t r o lo g y, “Western” astrology and Jyotish Vedic astrology also has a great
predicting important events based on “Indian Astrology”? number of techniques for studying the
analysis of astrological dynamics in a charts once they are cast which give
country's horoscope or general transit Vedic a predictive edge. For example,
events such as war, earth quakes, the "dashas" or "planetary ruling
political events, financial positions, periods" system which is a part of the
election astrology; house and Vedic system give Vedic astrologers a
construction related matters (Vāstu tool for quite accurately predicting the
Shāstra), animals, portents, omens etc. trends, changes and events in your life
with good accuracy regarding dating
Hora: Predictive astrology based on
Jyotish - Vedic astrology differs from when things will take place.
analysis of natal horoscopes and the
Western or Tropical astrology mainly
moment a query is made. Therefore, Vedic astrologers are less
in that it uses the fixed zodiac as
limited to talking about your general
The foundation of Jyotish is the notion opposed to the moving zodiac.
overall self and can get more deeply
of bandhu (Bandhu, Sanskrit for Because of the gradual tilting of the
into what's going to happen in your
relation or binding, are the connections earth in space on it's axis, the zodiac, if
that, according to the Vedas link the you calculate it from the Sun's
outer and the inner worlds. The Vedic relationship to the Earth, appears to be
texts speak, for example, of the 360 moving at the rate of a little less than
bones of the fetus that fuse into the 1/60th of a degree per year. Currently,
206 bones of the adult (after the 360 the relative or movable zodiac is off or
days of the year) Bandhu also means, out of alignment with the fixed or real
who loves friends and family members. star-based zodiac by roughly 23
Bandhu (Bangla: bondhu), in the degrees, which is almost one whole
Bengali language, means "friend".) of sign of the zodiac. So, first and
An explanation of Anukul
the Vedas or scriptures, which is the foremost you should know that Vedic
Vad / Pratikul Vad for Gems
connection between the microcosm astrology sticks with that original, star-
Prescription in Jyotish
and the macrocosm. based zodiac and thus another term to
describe Vedic astrology is that it is The Planetary Gemology World is
"sidereal astrology", which simply divided into two (2) opposing
means that the real zodiac is used to philosophies, viz.,
Anukul-vad Vs. Pratikul-vad
"SAME" as it's planet - So gems should
The signs the planets are in is one
be chosen for Anukul (favorable)
important part of astrology. Because
The practice of Jyotish primarily relies grahas - AKA known as GOODISM
the two systems are skewed from each
on the sidereal zodiac, which is PRATIKUL-VAD: A gem will act
other by nearly one whole sign, most
different from the tropical zodiac used "OPPOSITE" of it's planet - So gems
people's "Sun Sign", that which you
in Western astrology in that an should be chosen for Pratikul
can get from the paper each day, is
ayanamsa adjustment is made for the (unfavorable) grahas - AKA known as
usually one sign back when the chart is
gradual precession of the vernal BADISM Pratikul Planet's gem
refigured using Vedic astrology.
equinox. Jyotish includes several choosing method for overcoming a
nuanced sub-systems of interpretation So, the first surprise using Vedic is that weak or evil planet, based on the
and prediction with elements not you are no longer the Sun Sign you misconception that a

The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
'pratikul' (inauspicious) planet is Example: One has Leo Lagna - their
strengthened by wearing it's gem and lagna lord is Sun, who is exalted (100%
there by it changes from being strength) and posited in the 9th house
inauspicious (pratikul) to become which is all very auspicious. That
auspicious (anukul). ILLOGIC: By person would be advised to use a fine
providing the gem for a malefic planet, ruby, the Sun’s gem, to attract or
benefic results will follow. harness his auspicious influence.
On the other hand if a person had Jyotish - Vedic Astrology
Saturn debilitated (0% strength) and in “Guideline”
the 8th house they would be advised to
"The Astrologer should use common sense -
avoid Saturn’s gem blue sapphire and
direct people away from their weaknesses and
all other Saturnine things or activities.
towards their strengths."
And better still they could donate a
blue sapphire to pacify Shanideva. The Birth charts
followers of Anukul-vad believe that
Example: A person has Jupiter There are three different Jyotish chart
the pratikul-graha color is the unlucky
debilitated and a malefic which is representations, for showing the rāshi
color, and to magnify that bad color
inauspicious or pratikul, but by wearing (signs) and bhāva (houses) which are
will simply increase the problems
Jupiter's gem, yellow sapphire or apparently equivalent but quite
caused by that unlucky Planet. Both
another yellow Jupiter jewel, it is different in function. The following
methods believe that gems increase
believed that the ‘weak’ (troublesome) images show the same birth chart in
cosmic colors of their planets, thus for
Jupiter gets strengthened and the two main notations - North Indian
an Anukuli it is considered to be
REVERSES to become auspicious. and South Indian.
suicide to increase a pratikul-graha's
Some persons opine that a harmful
color. In the North Indian notation, the
planet means that the planet's "cosmic
house positions are fixed (1st house
color" is weak. The gems for the
top middle, with the rest following in
planets are concentrated essential
counterclockwise order) and the signs
cosmic color rays; so by wearing the
of the zodiac are placed sequentially
gem for the weak, Pratikul (harmful)
therein, starting from the Ascendant
color that weak color is strengthened,
and when the weak color is stronger (rising zodiac sign) placed in the 1st
then the harmful influence will be house, and indicated by numerals in the
REVERSED, removed or mitigated. chart (1 for Aries, 2 for Taurus, and so
In Anukul there is never a case where a
Pratikul means a planet that causes evil on).
Pratikul (harmful to the chart/native)
influence or suffering to the native as
planet's gem should be worn as it will Conversely, in the South Indian
seen through the horoscope. This may
surely increase the ill fortune; but such notation, the signs of the zodiac have
be a debilitated planet who is in a
gems for a Pratikul planet can be used fixed positions (Aries always occupies
dusthana and enemy of the lord of the
by DONATING them - giving them the 2nd box from the left in the top
lagna, or otherwise disposed that the
AWAY - according to Shastric row, with the rest following in
influence simply causes suffering.
directions. clockwise order), and the first house is
marked "As" (for ascendant) with the
A pure anukuli believes that a pratikul-
rest following in clockwise order.
gem is NEVER good to use; it is
increasing the cosmic poison, and ill The charts contain twelve sections,
fortune (a person's bad cosmic vibes) houses or bhāvas, each of which is
should NEVER be increased. related to a rāshi in an equal house
system when rough and hurried
Anukul means a planet that is
computations are needed, but when
beneficially disposed either by being
precision is needed bhāvas are made
strong in own sign, good house, ruler
according to Bhāvachalita in which
Anukul Planet's gem choosing method of houses which will bring positive
houses are unequal due to elliptical
for resorting to or harnessing one's results, or otherwise not ill disposed
nature of apparent orbit of the Sun.
auspicious (Anukul) planet(s) (exalted, nor inclined to produce evil influence.
mulatrikona, own sign, benefic, great A planet which is good for the chart Jyotish - The Map of the Journey of the
friend, good house, owner of good either naturally or by house ruler ship Soul, from God, in God and towards God.
house, etc.) based on the concept that yet somewhat weakened by placement Right here right now!
lucky planet = lucky gem! In all Jyotish may be strengthened through the gem,
there are basically two broad categories or a planet which already is strong and
of planetary position, viz., favorable (to giving benefic influence may be further
the chart) (Anukul) OR unfavorable (to strengthened for gains in particular
the chart). One should avoid their areas of life by wearing the gem.
weakness and cultivate their strengths.
"Ratna-anukul" means the auspicious
gem of strongest most desirable planet.
The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
Introduction and FAQs on Jyotish

Jyotish, The Science of Light. Question: What life enhancing remedies are available in
Informing you of your place in Jyotish?
the Cosmos/Universe!
Answer: There are seven remedies available in Jyotish to
The Synthesis of You and the
improve one’s life style, they are:
Universe! You here on Earth…

The Light - spectrum of Seven 1. Intelligence No or Little Money is spent

Colors 2. Gem Prescription Expensive
The Chakras - the journey
Within the body to the great 3. Yantra/Talismans Expensive
Beyond! 4. Tantra/Totka No or Little Money is spent
In Jyotish the planets are allocated 5. Mantra No or Little Money is spent
the following:
Sun - The Soul. 6. Yagna / Havan Medium Money is spent
Moon - The Mind. 7. Puja / Prayers Medium Money is spent
Mars - Your Enthusiasm.
Mercury - Communication. As per Jyotish guidelines, the Jyotishi should inform the client of
Jupiter - Quest to know, seek and such remedies which are effortless effort and are least expensive
you shall find. for the client. Choices are to be suggested, the final choice
Venus - Love. Indulgence in the
Saturn - Perfection. Question: What are the Gems
Rahu - The Desire for Self allocated to each planet in Jyotish?
Discovery. Answer:
Ketu - Meditation, journey beyond
the ‘Mind’. Planet Gem
Sun - Ruby
Moon - Pearl
Question: What is the difference between Western and
Vedic Astrology? Mars - Red Coral

Answer: The list of difference between Western and Vedic Mercury - Emerald
Astrology - Jyotish is quite huge, but for a lay person, only three Jupiter - Yellow Sapphire
difference is reasonable to know:
Venus - Diamond
Western - Astrology Vedic Astrology Jyotish
Saturn - Blue Sapphire
Uses the Sun Uses the Moon
Rahu - Hessonite / Gomed
Adds (+) 23 Degrees Minus (-) 23 Degrees
Ketu - Cat’s Eye
+/- 2,000 years old 10,000 plus years old
Question: What is “Ratti” measure in Carat or grams etc.?
Question: How is the percentage in Dasha pages is Answer: 8 Ratti = 1 Gram = 5 Carats
Answer: There are 12 zodiac signs in Jyotish. They are divided
into 30 degrees each. 12 x 30 = 360 degrees. Each and every Finally…
planet passes through a zodiac sign at all times of 30 degrees. 30
degrees is equal to 100%. Jyotish is the synthesis of ‘the science’ of the seven planets, the
seven colors in the spectrum, the seven chakras.
In this example say, Sun is in Aries 12 degrees. What does this
mean? Simple: Sun has moved 12 degrees in Aries, that is equal Simply: A Journey of the Soul through the Universe!
to 40% into Aries, how much is remaining? 60%, correct. Where A Journey from nowhere to now here! It’s just a journey from
does the remaining width of Sun arc goes? In towards the next God, in God and to God! Your birth chart is the Map of this
zodiac sign Taurus, it’s there by 40%. Right! Journey.

You are a Divine Being living a Human Existence! … A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
27 Lunar Mansions - Nakshatras (13.20 Degrees Ecliptic Division) / Rasi Varga (30 Degrees Ecliptic Division)

akshatra (Devanagari: nákṣatra) is the term for lunar
mansion in Vedic astrology. A nakshatra is one of 27
(sometimes also 28) sectors along the ecliptic. Their names
are related to the most prominent asterisms in the respective sectors.

The starting point for the nakshatras is the point on the ecliptic
directly opposite to the star Spica called Chitrā in Sanskrit (other
slightly different definitions exist). It is called Meshādi or the "start of
Aries". The ecliptic is divided into each of the nakshatras eastwards
starting from this point.

The number of nakshatras reflects the number of days in a sidereal

month (modern value: 27.32 days), the width of a nakshatra traversed
by the moon in about one day. Each nakshatra is further subdivided

# Nakshatra Pada 1 Pada 2 Pada 3 Pada 4

1 Ashwini (अिश्विन) चु Chu चे Che चो Cho ला La

2 Bharani (भरणी) ली Li लू Lu ले Le लो Lo

3 Kritika (कृ ित्तका) अ A ई I उ U ए E

4 Rohini(रोिहणी) ओ O वा Va वी Vi वु Vu
5 Mrigashīrsha(ॆृगशीषार्) वे Ve वो Vo का Ka की Ke
6 Ārdrā (आिार्) कु Ku घ Gha ङ Ng छ Chha into four quarters (or padas). These play a role in popular Vedic astrology,
where each pada is associated with a syllable, conventionally chosen as the
Punarvasu (पुनवर्स)ु के Ke को Ko हा Ha ही Hi first syllable of the given name of a child born when the moon was in the
8 Pushya (पुंय) हु Hu हे He हो Ho ड Da corresponding pada.
9 Āshleshā (आश्लेषा) डी Di डू Du डे De डो Do Padas (quarters)
10 Maghā (मघा) मा Ma मी Mi मू Mu मे Me
The 27 Nakshatras cover 13°20’ of the ecliptic each. Each Nakshatra is also
11 Pūrva Phalgunī (पूवर् फाल्गुनी) नो Mo टा Ta टी Ti टू Tu divided into quarters or padas of 3°20’, and the below table lists the
appropriate starting sound to name the child. The 27 nakshatras, each with 4
12 Uttara Phalgunī (उत्तर फाल्गुनी) टे Te टो To पा Pa पी Pi padas, give 108, which is the number of beads in a japa mala, indicating all
13 Hasta (हःत) पू Pu ष Sha ण Na ठ Tha
the elements (ansh) of Vishnu:
14 Chitra (िचऽा) पे Pe पो Po रा Ra री Ri Given names:
15 Svātī (ःवाित) रू Ru रे Re रो Ro ता Ta
Vedic astrologers teach that when a child is born, they should be given an
16 Viśākhā (िवशाखा) ती Ti तू Tu ते Te तो To auspicious first name which will correspond to the child's Nakshatra. The
technique for deducing the name is to see which nakshatra the moon is in at
17 Anurādhā (अनुराधा) ना Na नी Ni नू Nu ने Ne the moment of birth; this gives four possible sounds. A refinement is to pick
18 Jyeshtha (ज्येष्ठा) नो No या Ya यी Yi यू Yu
one sound out of that four that relates to the Pada or division of the
Nakshatra. Each Nakshatra has four Padas and four sounds and each Pada
19 Mula (मूल) ये Ye यो Yo भा Bha भी Bhi is of equal width. The Moon remains in each Nakshatra for approximately
one day.
Pūrva Ashādhā (पूवार्षाढ़ा) भू Bhu धा Dha फा Pha ढा Dha
21 Uttara Aṣāḍhā (उत्तराषाढ़ा) भे Bhe भो Bho जा Ja जी Ji A further refinement or opportunity is to instead use the Nakshatra that the
ascendent resides in at birth. The same broad choice of sounds and Padas
22 Śrāvaṇa (शर्ावण) खी Khi खू Khu खे Khe खो Kho apply, but now the sounds change roughly every 15 minutes. The ascendent
23 passes through all 27 Nakshatras every 24 hours, being in each one for 53
Dhanishta (ौिवष्ठा) गा Ga गी Gi गु Gu गे Ge
and a third minutes of time, and is in a Pada for 13 and a third minutes of
24 Shatabhisha (शतिभषा) गो Go सा Sa सी Si सू Su time. By using the ascendent's nakshatra, instead of the moon's nakshatra
leads more to comfort of the Self, rather than comfort of the mother. This
25 Pūrva Bhādrapadā (पूवभ
र् ािपदा) से Se सो So दा Da दी Di second approach is only really applicable if intuitively the moon approach
26 Uttara Bhādrapadā (उत्तरभािपदा) द ू Du थ Tha झ Jha ञ Tra
does not feel right.
27 Revati (रे वती) दे De दो Do च Cha ची Chi

The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
How To Read The Janam Patri - The Birth Chart Printout
Rasi / Navamsa / Chandra: The Nine Planets - This table
In these the Numbers are informs you of the 9 planets in
Zodiac Signs, e.g. Jyotish. The Zodiac Sign, the
degrees and the Star or
1. Aries 7. Libra Nakshatra they occupy at the
2. Taurus 8. Scorpio time of your birth. (R) =
means the planet is going
3. Gemini 9. Sagittarius Retrograde or Backwards. Rahu
4. Cancer 10. Capricorn & Ketu always go clockwise
(retro motion). Planets from
5. Leo 11. Aquarius Sun to Saturn travel from 0
6. Virgo 12. Pisces degrees to 30 degrees. Rahu
and Ketu always travel from 30
degrees to 0 degrees. In this
In the Rasi (Birth Chart)
example, Jupiter is going
and Navamsa: AC means
retrograde (towards 0 degrees).
Ascendant (the first house).
The beginning of the birth
chart. From this point going Chandra / Mind-This is just
counter clockwise are the 12 as the Rasi and Navamsa.
houses. Similar principles applies. The
only exception is that this is
For example, used only when one’s time of
in this birth chart Moon is in birth is not known. This is your
the 7th house which is birth chart as per your date of
Capricorn. birth irrespective of your time
and city of birth!
Jupiter is in the 11th house
which is Taurus (#2) and is Karaka means the doer of
going retrograde/backwards. certain activities. This means
that the karakas represent the
Saturn seems to be in the 1st influence of various things
house, but is not, the degrees animate or inanimate, in our
of Saturn is less than that of life - The Significators in Life:
the Ascendant, therefore, it’s in 1. Atma - Individual's Soul, 2.
the 12th house, which is Amatya - Individual's Mind, 3.
Cancer (#4 ). Mars is in the Bhratri - Brothers, 4. Matri -
2nd house Mother, 5. Pitri - Father 6.
which is Leo (#5). Putra - Children, 7. Gnyati -
Relatives 8. Dara - Spouse

Vimshottari Dasha Earth for 125 years 6 months and called, Bhukti, Antar-Dasha or Here the date format used is
30 days. He was 90 years of age Sub-period ; this varies from DD/MM/YYYY. (British/
The word Vimshottari is a Sanskrit
when He spoke to Sri Bhagawad minimum 3 months 18 days to Indian format).
word meaning 120. Dasha means
Gita to Arjun on the battle field maximum 3 years and 2 months.
‘State of Life’ or ‘Timeline’. As per This column is very very time
of Kurukshetra, India.
Jyotish, every soul born on Earth is The third column on the right is sensitive, every one minute
given a life of One hundred and In this column, the column on the called the dates the Maha-Dasha, away from the actual time of
twenty years, but we do not live that left side is called Maha Dasha or Bhukti started. For example: birth, plus or minus we lose or
long. Dasha, a long period or phase of Indira Gandhi was born in Sun gain an average of five days.
time. This varies from 6 Years Dasha and Venus Bhukti on
In Vedic times or era, people used Suppose one’s time of birth is
minimum to maximum 20 Years 19/11/1917. Next her Jupiter
to have a very long life span. For incorrect by 60 minutes, that’s
long. The column in the center is Dasha started on 05/12/1952.
example, Lord Krishna lived on this 300 days lost or gained.

Dasha of Planets
Sun 0 6 Years Saturn L 19 Years
Moon 2 10 Years Mercury B 17 Years
Mars F 7 Years Ketu Q 7 Years
Rahu P 18 Years Venus C 20 Years
Jupiter K 16 Years When we add up all the Dasha years, the total life span is 120 years.
The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
The Twelve Houses or Bhava
The First House, Ascendant or Lagna (Sanskrit): Indicates: The Self (Atman), the beginning of
life, childhood, health, environment, psychology, physiology, constitution, innate nature, personality,
character, temperament, ego, the empirical self, sense of self worth, dignity, fame, splendor, general
welfare, happiness, status in society, health, complexion, vitality, longevity, victory over enemies,
strength, vigor, personality, the physical body, character, the constitution, happiness, dreams and the
skin. The gender of the native and the place of birth.
Family members: father's mother, mother's father.
Body parts: head, brain.
Tanu - Body
The Second House: Indicates: Family, face, speech, right eye, food, sources of wealth or income,
literary gift; the manner, source of death and self-acquisition; dependents, precious metals, mental
stability, truth, hypocrisy and optimism. Wealth, food, drink, speech, parental family, self-created
family, movable property, ornaments, jewels, precious metals, clothes, vision, creative imagination,
self-confidence, cheerfulness, learning, education, memory, fixity of mind, oral expression of
knowledge, sources of income, maintenance of others.
Family members: parental family and self-created family.
Body parts: eyes, right eye, face, mouth, tongue.
Dhana - Wealth
The Third House: Indicates: Intelligence, short journeys, neighbors, immediate relations; letters and
writings; courage, right ear, chest or breast and servants; deliberate actions, motivation, interests,
hobbies, sports, pleasures, assistance, servants, neighbors, short-term desires, short trips, short
contacts, telephonic contacts, correspondence, writing, strength, valor, courage, stamina, initiation
into spiritual practices, things heard, earrings, singing, acting talent, playing on musical instruments,
manual skills, computer skills, death of parents.
Family members: brothers and sisters, mother's father's brother, first younger brother or sister.
Body parts: throat, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, upper part of chest, right ear.
Sahaja - Coborn
The Fourth House: Indicates: Peace of mind, mind, heart, feelings, happiness, close friends, all
family members, the mother, all well-wishers, home, education, comforts, home country, landed
ancestral property, houses, gardens, underground treasures, wells, agricultural products, vehicles,
horses, elephants, cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep, holy places, moral virtues, devotion to God,
piety, righteous conduct, character, good name and reputation, education, erudition, ultimate results,
immovable/moveable property, good name, drinks, journeys, change of residence, inner feelings,
falsehood, generosity, gardens and maternal relatives.
Family members: mother, parents, all family members.
Body parts: chest, lungs, heart.
Bandhu - Relative
The Fifth House: Indicates: Creative Intelligence, atman (soul), fame, position in life, knowledge,
education, memory, thinking, skill, memory, initiation, talents, judgment, discretion, advice, merits
from past life, devotion to gods and Brahmins, deity of one's choice, knowledge of mantras, tantras
and yantras, virtues, ruling powers, royalty, authority, fall from position, literary works, amusements,
romance, children, disciples, wealth, prosperity, nature of spouse, hospitality, scholarship, joy, new
ventures and Purva Punya (past life events or previous incarnation), discriminating power, children,
secrecy, dignity, general education and contentment.
Family members: children, second younger brother or sister.
Body parts: stomach area, heart.
Putra - Son
The Sixth House: Indicates: Enemies, thieves; cuts, wounds in the body, miseries, sorrows and
disappointments; debts, illness, paternal relatives, sinful deeds, battle, fight, diseases, hostility, fear of
injuries, obstructions, abscess, pets, fear, struggle for existence, mental worry, sloth and fear of losing
reputation. Worries, anxieties, obstacles, enemies, thieves, vices, challenges, tests, urge for perfection,
self-improvement techniques, competitive power, turning obstacles into opportunities, difference of
opinion, conflicts, debts, diseases, suffering, wounds, service, daily job, imprisonment, quadrupeds,
pet animals. receiving charity.
Family members: mother's brother (maternal uncle), stepmother.
Body parts: navel area, intestines, digestive tract.
Ari - Enemy

The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
The Twelve Houses or Bhava … cont’d
The Seventh House: Indicates: Spouse, husband, wife, partner, lover, marriage, partnership, urinary
organs, marital happiness, sexual affairs, sexual diseases, trade, desires speculation, diplomacy honor,
travels, business tact, the latent energies. Sexual intercourse, loss, domestic harmony, conjugal
happiness, prostitution, partnership of any kind, quarrels with the opposite gender, breaks of journeys
and luxuries. Medium-term desires, business partner, co-operation, trade, commerce, travel, journeys,
litigation, living abroad, nature of spouse, relationship with all others, the world at large as seen by the
native, happiness from children.
Family members: husband, wife, second child, third younger brother or sister.
Body parts: Waist area, colon, external and internal sexual organs.
Yuvati - Spouse
The Eight House: Indicates: Longevity, secret organ, death legacies, gifts, unearned wealth, cause of
death, wills, disgrace, degradation, the place and surroundings of death; defeat, insult, sorrow, blame,
servants, impediments, lost articles, venereal complaints, accidents, sin and violence. transformation,
the gap, the mechanics of nature, experience of the constitution of the universe, knowledge of past,
present and future, transcendence, siddhis, regeneration, rebirth, discontinuation, dangers, chronic
ailments, agonies, accidents, enemies, mode of death, wealth of the spouse, unearned wealth,
inheritance, mysteries of life and "death," and overseas journeys (sea).
Family members: family of the spouse.
Body parts: external sexual organs.
Randhra - Vulnerable Point
The Ninth House: Indicates: Godliness, righteous, preceptor - the guru, grandchildren and
metaphysical studies, imagination, intuition, religious devotion and law, sympathy, philosophy,
science, literature, lasting fame, leadership, charities, communication with beings or elementals in
higher and lower dimensions (deities or ghosts), long journeys, foreign travels, father, mental purity,
regulated life and auspicious happenings. Dharma, merits from past lives, fortunes, wisdom, Vedic
Science, meditation, yagya, tapas, faith, religion, worship, piety, morality, ethics, higher education,
professional training, solution to problems, visits to shrines, pilgrimages, foreign travels, air travels.
Family members: brother's wife, wife's brother, children, grandchildren.
Body parts: thighs, hips.
Dharma - Spirituality
The Tenth House: Indicates: Occupation, profession, career, reputation, prestige, success and status
in society, honor from government, promotion, rank, renown, fame, ambition, happiness, authority,
royalty, ruling power, sense of importance, dignity, living in foreign lands, commerce, trade, clothing.
Employment, temporal honors, success and respect, means of livelihood, self-respect, religious
knowledge, dignity, trade, farming, distinction, self-control and grace.
Family member: father, grand children.
Body parts: knees, spine.
Karma - Activity

The Eleventh House: Indicates: Means of gains, accomplishments, friends, assets and liabilities,
elder brother and sisters, daughters, freedom from misery and pain. Mercantile speculations,
ambitions, scandals and inheritance. Income, gains, profits, all articles, prosperity, long-term desires,
fulfillment of desires, fulfillment of dreams and ambitions in life, good news, auspicious events, elder
brothers and sisters, air travel, favorites, circle of friends, community, club-life, quadrupeds; the lord
of the eleventh house stands for difficulties and diseases.
Family members: elder brothers and sisters, elder brother or sister directly above the native, son's
wife, fifth younger brother or sister.
Body parts: calves, ankles, left ear.
Labha - Income
The Twelfth House: Indicates: Misery, expenditure, waste, extravagance, sympathy, piety, divine
knowledge, worship, Moksha (final emancipation) enlightenment, gain of spirituality, renunciation,
the state after death, evils, forbidden practices, mental aberration, disappointment, sudden death,
enemies, hatred of the public, affliction, body deformity, puzzling sicknesses, curses, reincarnation
and black magic, losses, loss of relativity, loss of attachment, loss of identification, donations, charity,
journey to far off distant lands, lonely places, confinement in prison, hospital or monastery, pleasures
of the bed, secret enemies, spies, falls (from height or in the eyes of the others).
Family member: father's brother (paternal uncle).
Body parts: feet, left eye.
Vyaya - Loss
The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
Strength of Planets
Planets in the Squares or Quadrant houses - 1, 4, 7, 10
(from the Moon as well as from the Ascendant)
are very powerful in giving their results.

=> Planets in the 10th house are the most powerful.

=> Planets in the 7th house are the 2nd powerful.
=> Planets in the 4th house are the 3rd powerful.
=> Planets in the 1st house are the least powerful.

Planets in the 1, 5 and 9 are considered very auspicious for financial gain.

=> Planets in the 9th house are the most powerful.

=> Planets in the 5th house are the 2nd powerful.
=> Planets in the 1st house are the least powerful.

Planets in 3 and 6 houses are considered weak in giving any auspicious results.
=> Planets in the 6th house are the most powerful weak to give results.
=> Planets in the 3rd house are the 2nd position weak planets to give results.

Planets in the 8 and 12 house causes dangers and misery.

=> Planets in the 8th house are the most powerful misery and danger producing planets.
=> Planets in the 12th house are the 2nd most powerful misery and danger producing planets.

Planets have Exaltation (powerful), Debilitated (weak) and

Moola (Semi-exaltation) points, they also have colors and other Nature.
Planets Exaltation Point Debilitated Point Moola Color Nature Gender Element Represent

Sun Aries (10°) Libra (10°) Leo (0-20°) Copper Satvic Guna Male Fiery Ego/Atma

Moon Taurus (3°) Scorpio (3°) Taurus (4-20°) White Satvic Guna Female Watery Mind
Mars Capricorn (28°) Cancer (28°) Aries (0-12°) Blood Red Tamas Guna Male Fiery Martial Power
Mercury Virgo (15°) Pisces (15°) Virgo (16-20°) Green Rajas Guna Eunuch Earthy Speech
Jupiter Cancer (5°) Capricorn (5°) Sagittarius (0-10°) Bright Yellow Satvic Guna Male Ethereal Wisdom
Venus Pisces (27°) Virgo (27°) Libra (0-15°) Mixed Rajas Guna Female Watery Sensual
Saturn Libra (20°) Aries (20°) Aquarius (0-20°) Black Tamas Guna Eunuch Airy Sorrow
Rahu Taurus (20°) Scorpio (20°) - Brown Tamas Guna Female Visionary Metaphysical
Ketu Scorpio (20°) Taurus (20°) - Grey Tamas Guna Eunuch Meditation Spiritual
The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
Character Surya Chandra Mangala Budha Guru Shukra Shani Rahu Ketu
(Sun) (Moon) (Mars) (Mercury) (Jupiter) (Venus) (Saturn) (North Node) (South Node)

Consort / Suvarna & Rohini Shaktidevi Ila Tara Sukirthi & Neeladevi Simhi Chitralekha
Spouse Chaaya Urjaswathi

Color Copper White Red Green Gold White/Yellow Black/Blue Brown/Smoky Smoky

Gender Male Male Male Neutral Male Female Eunuch Female Eunuch

Element Fire Water Fire Earth Ether Water Air Air Earth

God Agni Varuna Subramanya Vishnu Indra Indrani Brahma Nirriti Ganesha

Pratyadi Rudra Gowri Murugan Vishnu Brahma Indra Yama Durga Chitragupta

Metal Copper Silver Brass Zinc Gold Silver Iron Lead Mercury

Gemstone Ruby Pearl Red Coral Emerald Yellow Diamond Blue Hessonite Cat’s Eye
Sapphire Sapphire Garnet

Body Part Bones Blood Marrow Skin Brain Semen Muscles - -

Taste Pungent Salt Acid Mixed Sweet Sour Astringent - -

Food Wheat Rice Pigeon Pea Mung Bean Chickpea Kidney Beans Sesame Seeds Urad Beans Horse Gram

Season Summer Winter Summer Autumn Winter Spring All Seasons - -

Direction East North West South North North East South East West South West -

Hindi सूयर् चन्ि मंगल बुध बृहःपित शुबाचायर् शिन राहु केतु

Symbol A E F B K C L P Q
Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday - -

The Sun God The Moon God Son of Earth. A planet god known Mentor/Guru / The mentor God of "Duty". Rahu is the cut-off head Ketu is said to be the
Son of Aditi and Associated with This planet is asso- for his teacher of gods. of Asuras (unGodly Punishes the per- of an asura, that swal- body of Rahu, after the
Kashyap; Surya impatience of human ciated with unlucki- intelligence; Budha Always helped or Demon) son who does not lows the sun or the head of the asura was
means "the nature. ness of brides, wife means "awakening, gods in war Associated with do his duty moon causing eclipses. cut off by God Vishnu.
supreme light." He is the father of or spouse. clever, intelligent, against demons. fertility and properly. Saturn He is In Vedic mythology,
He is said to Budha, (planet Mer- Also associated with wise, learned man, Guru means enthusiasm. (Shani) tests a depicted in art as a Ketu is generally re-
drive through cury) the mother strength and brav- wise man, or sage." "teacher" or Always helped person every 22.5 serpent with no body ferred to as a "shadow"
the heaven in his being Tara (Taraka). ery. He is the god of He’s one son of "priest." demons in the war years; the test lasts riding a chariot drawn planet. It is believed to
triumphal He is married to 27 war and is celibate. Chandra (the Moon) Brihaspati means against gods; Shukra for a period of 7.5 by eight black horses. have a tremendous
chariot Nakshatras He is considered the with Tara or Rohini. "lord of prayer or means "clear, pure, years (Sadesati). The Rahu kala (time of impact on human lives
harnessed by (constellations), who son of Prithvi or He is also the god of devotion." brightness, or clear- Shani is a deva and day under the and also the whole
seven horses or are known to be Bhumi, the Earth merchandise and Bṛhaspati is the ness." He is of white son of Surya and influence of Rahu) is creation.
one horse with daughters of Daksha. Goddess. and a protector of son of Rishi complexion, his wife Chhaya, considered
seven heads He rides his chariot teacher of the occult Merchants. He is Angirasa and middle-aged and of hence also known inauspicious.
which represent across the sky every sciences (Ruchaka represented as being Surupa agreeable as Chayya-putra.
the seven col- night, pulled by ten Mahapurusha mild, eloquent, and according to the countenance. With He is the elder
ours of the white horses or an Yoga). having a greenish Shiva Purana. dimples on cheeks brother of Yama,
rainbow or the antelope. complexion. and sensual. the Vedic god of
seven chakras. death.

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire

Moon In Aries - Mesha Rashi – The Ram Moon in Libra - Tula Rashi – The Scales
Aries is a masculine fire sign governed
by Mars
Lucky Color: Red
Libra is a masculine, movable air sign governed
by Venus
Lucky Color: White, multicolored dots or patterns

Gemstone: Coral (gold, silver) Gemstone: Diamond set in platinum or gold
Lucky Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Lucky Days: Friday, Wednesday, (Saturday)
Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Materials: Wool, wheat, textiles, gold Lucky Materials: jewelry, silk, luxury items
Body Part: Head Body Part: Groin

Moon in Taurus - Vrishabha Rashi – The Bull Moon in Scorpio - Vrischika Rashi – The Scorpion
Taurus is a feminine earth sign governed Scorpio is a feminine, fixed water sign governed
by Venus
Lucky Color: White, multicolored patterns
♉ ♏ by Mars
Lucky Color: Deep red
Gemstone: Diamond Gemstone: Coral
Lucky Days: Friday (Wednesday, Saturday) Lucky Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Materials: Flowers, wheat, textiles, rice Lucky Materials: Gold, wool, sugarcane
Body Part: Throat Body Part: Sex organ

Moon in Gemini - Mithuna Rashi – The Twins Moon in Sagittarius - Dhanu Rashi – The Centaur
Gemini is a masculine, mutable air sign governed Sagittarius is a masculine, mutable fire sign governed

♊ by Mercury
Lucky Color: Green
Gemstone: Emerald on silver or gold
by Jupiter
Lucky Color: Yellow
Gemstone: Yellow sapphire on gold

Lucky Days: Wednesday, Friday Lucky Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
Lucky Number: 5 Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Materials: Climbers and cotton Lucky Materials: Salt, roots, textiles, corn, animals
Body Part: Hands Body Part: Thighs

Moon in Cancer - Karkata Rashi – The Crab Moon in Capricorn - Makara Rashi – The Deer
Cancer is a feminine, movable water sign governed Capricorn is a feminine, movable earth sign governed
by the Moon
Lucky Color: White, pink
Gemstone: Pearl in silver
♋ ♑ by Saturn
Lucky Color: Black, blue
Gemstone: Diamond, blue sapphire
Lucky Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Lucky Days: Friday, Saturday
Lucky Number: 7 (2 for waning moon) Lucky Number: 8, 6
Lucky Materials: Fruits, flowers, coconut Lucky Materials: Gold, agricultural products, iron
Body Part: Stomach (also heart) Body Part: knees

Moon in Leo - Simha Rashi – The Lion Moon in Aquarius - Kumbha Rashi – Water Bearer
Leo is a masculine, fixed fire sign governed Aquarius is a masculine, fixed air sign governed

♌ by the Sun
Lucky Color: Red
Gemstone: Ruby in gold
by Saturn
Lucky Color: Blue and black
Gemstone: Blue sapphire embedded in silver or gold

Lucky Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Lucky Days: Friday, Saturday
Lucky Number: 1, 4, 7 Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Materials: Grains, gold, sugar Lucky Materials: Inventions, water
Body Part: Heart (also stomach) Body Part: Calves

Moon in Virgo - Kanya Rashi – The Virgin Moon in Pisces - Meena Rashi – The Fish
Virgo is a feminine, mutable earth sign governed Pisces is a feminine, mutable water sign governed
by Mercury
Lucky Color: Green ♍ l by Jupiter
Lucky Color: White, yellow
Gemstone: Emerald on silver or gold Gemstone: Yellow sapphire in gold
Lucky Days: Sunday, Wednesday, Friday Lucky Days: Thursday
Lucky Number: 5 Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Materials: Grain, lentil, green vegetables Lucky Materials: Water, fish, liquids, pearl
Body Part: Nerves, bowels Body Part: Feet

The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
What is Sade Sati - “The Seven and A Half Year of Saturn”?

# 1. # 3.


Moon Moon

The beginning of Sade Sati on July 15, 2007. The last phase of Sade Sati on November 15, 2011
The first phase of 2 ½ years. This is the final phase of 2 ½ years.

# 2. # 4.


The middle of Sade Sati on September 9, 2009. The End of Sade Sati on November 2, 2014.
The second phase of 2 ½ years. The end of 7 ½ years phase.

In the above illustrations, the inner circle is Mr. Dev Dutt’s birth chart from the Chandra Lagna. The outer
wheel is the transit of planets at different intervals of life showing the beginning, middle and end of the Sade Sati phase.
Regarding Saturn, his transit in the 12th, the 1st and the 2nd One having good longevity can come under the sway of "7 ½
house from the radical Moon (at birth) has a special years' Saturn" thrice in his lifetime. During the first time, most
significance, as it goes under the technical name of "Sade of the above results will manifest; the second time, not some
Sati" (7 ½ years' Saturn) as, to pass through the signs, in his evil results will occur while during the third time the death of
usual course it takes 7 ½ years. Saturn stays 2 ½ years on an the native is invariably caused, unless the ruling Dasha does not
average in a sign. So, in three signs combined, Saturn stays for warrant death.
7 ½ and hence it is called sade-sati.
Similarly, when Saturn passes through the 4th house from the
This particular period is dreaded by many as highly malefic; radical Moon, it is supposed to give negative results. This
unless the ruling period is powerful, the subject of the position of Saturn is called Ardha Sade-sati (Half Sade Sati) or
horoscope is bound to suffer unexpected miseries. The results Dhaiya, Panoti, or Adhayia. Some people consider the transit of
produced during Saturn's transit through the 12th, the 1st and Saturn from the 5th house of the radical Moon as negative
the 2nd house may be summarized thus: because it affects the quality of one’s judgment. When Saturn
passes through the 8th house from the natal moon, it is called
Quarrels and misunderstandings, implication, entanglement in Astham Sani (8th Saturn). This 8th house transit is considered
litigation, failure of business, restlessness of mind, change of equally negative like the Sade-sati transit. There are numerous
place, sickness among family member, death of children and remedies available to lessen or ease the burden of Sade Sati. Please inquire
mental worry. separately.

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
What is the effects of Sade Sati on various stages in life?

ade Sati the Seven and half years transit of Saturn, Effect of Sade Sati on the 4th house: Saturn in 4th house will
aspects various houses in one’s birth chart. bring domestic troubles, bereavements, unfavorable changes,
Generally, Saturn aspects 3, 7 and 10 houses from and hallucinations etc. To the more highly evolved individual a
himself, hence, he will aspect various houses desire for rest, and more attention to the needs of the
respectively. The results of Sade Sati aspect affecting various household, preparations for the closing years of life (Its transit
houses may be summarized as: in 2nd or 3rd cycle), and securing benefits to family and heirs
after the close of the earthly career. An important transit as the
Effect of Sade Sati on the 12th house: Saturn passing house indicates domestic life. Any domestic problem will
through the 12th house will produce sorrows, enmities, become critical which you should solve calmly. This could be
confinements, and sad experiences generally. To the anything from simple reorganizing to major reshuffling of your
introspective, this gives new realizations, careful reflections, a relations and contracts in domestic lie. Your house may become
patient review of the past and a turning of the mind in search a tremendous burden, because of payments, repairs etc. Past
of latent possibilities. Important elements in your life may incidents, not settled earlier, may come into prominence. This is
begin to pass away. Any project not yet completed will get an especially good period to resolve them now. Start modestly
finished from the compelling circumstances. You shall not for steady rise in life. Any negative factor at work here will
receive cooperation from people in spite of your good oppose your successful achievements later as this house is
dealings with them. They will tend to withdraw from you. opposite to your 10th house of career. Parent's health may not
You have to observe and recognize. Your efforts will not bear be satisfactory. Disagreements with wife, relations and superiors
fruits and governmental disciplinary actions can be expected. are likely which will bring about their displeasure. Mean action,
Changes in life and surroundings. Danger, accidents, mental disrepute, misery and unhappiness.
agony, worries, heavy expenditure will be experiences you
may have. Loss of wealth, danger and loss through enemies Effect of Sade Sati on the 7th house: Saturn's transit in 7th
and opponents, litigation, family quarrels, unpleasant house will cause domestic troubles, sadness, grave
journeys, displeasure and domestic disharmony may also be misunderstanding, separations and grief. But in a good
the result of this transit. horoscope it will strengthen conjugal ties, give faithful
adherence to contracts and vows, and bind closer the ties that
Effect of Sade Sati on the 1st house: Saturn passing unite and cement true unions. Relations and close associates will
through the first house of the birth chart will produce make increasing demands which will be difficult for you to
depressing influences. In a chart of progressive order, the handle, and some relationships may end on this account. Even
transit will bring responsibilities, and a patient and careful married life will be affected. Coworkers will also be demanding
frame of mind, producing caution, reserve and tactfulness. more than in the past. Keep up your agreements made with
The period when Saturn transits over the ascendant is a time others. This is one fundamental test of this transit. Otherwise
of shearing away of things such that your responsibilities will you will suffer, be separated from family, have increased
increase and your accomplishments will be great. Do not start expenditure, ill health, get disease of sexual organs and suffer ill
any new long range projects, which will be delayed for health of wife and father.
completion if started. Do the things or project which requires
short time for completion. Do not waste this transit as an Effect of Sade Sati on the 10th house: Saturn passing through
excuse for sitting around and waiting for a more favorable the 10th house brings failures, scandal and troubles through
time. Peep inward and restructure yourself as is the demand superiors causing loss of honor and credit. To the cultured and
of Saturn; it will take several years, so do not be in a hurry. It refined person, it will cause prudence in speech and conduct,
is a time of introversion and introspection. An excellent time the undertaking of great responsibilities, and a scrutiny of moral
for any kind of psychotherapy or human potential work. conduct. An important transit to a sensitive point of your birth
Analyze the previous transit and be guided. In case Saturn is chart. In your professional life, you will gain many
malefic or afflicted, one will suffer loss of health of wife, responsibilities. If you strive to be a leader or a politician you
children and close relations. Food not to your liking, fear of will achieve success. If you shirk responsibility you will be a
enemies, disharmony, disagreements and disputes. Journey to failure. A fit time to make your impression upon others.
a distant place and separation from relatives. Loss of wealth Negative energies can cause disaster and fall through your own
and honor, obstruction and delay in undertakings and actions. In case there are malefic aspects to your 10th house in
increase in expenditure. Birth of a child if exalted or in own your birth chart it will be especially dangerous. You can control
sign. Other results will also be favorable if aspects of other the results of this transit by preparing carefully and not taking
planets are good. short cuts. Your prestige, status and job can be threatened.
Irritation, disputes, unhealthy atmosphere, loss of money,
Effect of Sade Sati on the 2nd house: Saturn in the 2nd scandals, increased expenditure, loss of honor and new
house will decrease the income, cause financial loss. employment are some results for this transitional experience.
Advancement in psychological, spiritual and moral values. In
case you are materialistic, loss of wealth is likely, otherwise all The above interpretation is general in nature, that may no apply
will be all aright. You have to work hard to keep everything to everyone at different stages in life, however, these statements
going on as you want. But try to avoid letting fear add to your must not be taken verbatim.
financial insecurity. This is a good time to organize your Very truly yours
finances and be economical.
A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire

The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014
English Descriptions of the Basic Placements in the Vedic Horoscope
Belonging to Indira Gandhi
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:19

Below is a basic description of the main components of your chart. Memorizing these points about your chart will give you the
ability to describe it to any astrologer say at a party, or over the phone. These are the main points that any Vedic Astrologer would
need to know before discussing your chart. The zodiac is a belt of stars that surrounds the equator of the Earth and is divided into
twelve major divisions of space each being 30 degrees of the total 360 degrees of space surrounding the Earth. At the time you were
born, one of these twelve signs was visible in space on the Eastern Horizon from the place you were born. This "rising sign" sets up
the basic structure of your chart and is very important. It is a physical fact that the exact zodiac sign specified in your Vedic chart
was actually rising on the Eastern Horizon as seen from the city of your birth. Also, the positions of the planets given in your chart
were actually exactly where the planets were at the time of your birth. Counting the zodiac signs from your rising sign sets up the
houses of the chart. Each sign is ruled by one of the planets, who is then called the lord of that sign. Since each sign is in their order
one of the houses then each planet becomes therefore lord of a house. Actually, most planets rule two houses each, except the Sun
and the Moon, which rule only one each. Each house stands for different affairs of life, and the lord of the house carries that aspects
of life with it wherever it has gone to in the chart. For example, the lord of the 9th house carries with it the ability to grant fortunes,
so the house it goes to in any chart is greatly benefited. Therefore, if the lord of the 9th house is in your 2nd house, which rules your
bank balance situation, then it grants an increase in fortune there, meaning it is a good placement for wealth. Now let's list out your
basic placements:

You have Cancer rising. This is also called "your Ascendant" or "your rising sign", and in India it is
called your "lagna" pronounced "lug-na". Since the signs always proceed in a set order from the rising
sign, you thus have Leo in your 2nd house, Virgo in your 3rd house, Libra in your 4th house, Scorpio in
your 5th house, Sagittarius in your 6th house, Capricorn in your 7th house, Aquarius in your 8th house,
Pisces in your 9th house, Aries in your 10th house, Taurus in your 11th house, and Gemini in your 12th

The Sun is in the 5th house, in Scorpio.

The Moon is in the 7th house, in Capricorn.
Mars is in the 2nd house, in Leo.
Mercury is in the 5th house, in Scorpio.
Jupiter is in the 11th house, in Taurus.
Venus is in the 6th house, in Sagittarius.
Saturn is in the 1st house, in Cancer.
Rahu is in the 6th house, in Sagittarius.
Ketu is in the 12th house, in Gemini.

Moon is lord of the 1st house and is in the 7th.

Sun is lord of the 2nd house and is in the 5th.
Mercury is lord of the 3rd house and is in the 5th.
Venus is lord of the 4th house and is in the 6th.
Mars is lord of the 5th house and is in the 2nd.
Jupiter is lord of the 6th house and is in the 11th.
Saturn is lord of the 7th house and is in the 1st.
Saturn is lord of the 8th house and is in the 1st.
Jupiter is lord of the 9th house and is in the 11th.
Mars is lord of the 10th house and is in the 2nd.
Venus is lord of the 11th house and is in the 6th.
Mercury is lord of the 12th house and is in the 5th.
Lordships/Friendships of Planets for Indira Gandhi
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:19
This section gives the names of the 9 planets used in Vedic Astrology, along with the Ascendant, which an important point in your chart, much like
a planet. The ascendent is that exact degree in the sign which was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of the event for which the chart was
cast (usually a birth time, but not always). This chart shows the Ascendent and planets along with their exact degree locations in the signs they
were in, as well as which of the 27 principle stars each was under, the lord of that star and the 1/4 division of that star. These attributes form the
basis of your chart and are carefully reviewed by Vedic Astrologers.

Name Ret Sign Degrees Star Qtr. Lord Sub Lord Mode Bindus Shasti B/M
Ascendant Cancer 27° 22’ Ashlesha 4 Merc Jup Satwic Kinnara B
Sun Scorpio 4° 7’ Anuradha 1 Sat Sat Tamasic 4 Dandayu M
Moon Capricorn 5° 35’ Uttarashadha 3 Sun Merc Rajasic 4 Chandra B
Mars Leo 16° 22’ Purvaphalguni 1 Ven Moon Rajasic 2 Davagan M
Mercury Scorpio 13° 13’ Anuradha 3 Sat Rahu Tamasic 3 Ghora M
Jupiter R Taurus 15° 0’ Rohini 2 Moon Jup Rajasic 6 Gulika M
Venus Sagittarius 21° 0’ Purvashadha 3 Ven Jup Rajasic 4 Utpata M
Saturn Cancer 21° 47’ Ashlesha 2 Merc Sun Satwic 3 Amrita B
Rahu Sagittarius 9° 11’ Mula 3 Ketu Jup Tamasic Mridu B
Ketu Gemini 9° 11’ Ardra 1 Rahu Jup Tamasic Mridu B

This next section shows where the "Lords of the houses" have gone to. This is an important part of creating the readings for your chart. The houses
stand for various parts of life. The planet that is the "Lord" of the sign in a particular house is responsible for delivering much of that house's effects.
The house where the Lords reside receive that influence. One simple example: The 10th house has much to do with career, and the 2nd with food.
If the lord of the 10th is in the 2nd, the person may be found in a restaurant or food related business. Each house stands for many things, so the
combinations in this way are many.

H O U S E S Planets Key
Lords A Sun C Venus 8 New Moon
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10 11 12
F Mars L Saturn 9 Waxing Moon
1st 2 B Mercury P Rahu 6 Full Moon
2nd 0 K Jupiter Q Ketu 7 Waning Moon
L 3rd B
Signs Key
4th C
O 5th F a Aries e Leo i Sagittarius
b Taurus f Virgo j Capricorn
6th K Gemini Libra Aquarius
R 7th L
c g k
d Cancer h Scorpio l Pisces
8th L
D Benefics: AEFKC
9th K
Malefics: BL
10th F
S Neutrals:
11th C
12th B
This section deals with one aspect of the strengths of the planets known as Sthanabala, which means "Postional Strength". This is only one
of six different factors contributing to the jugdement of a planets strength in the horoscope. Therefore, just because a planet is either very
good (exaulted), or very bad (debilitated) here, it is not the only qualification by which the planet's effects are to be judged. However, this is
one of the most immediately important factors for astrologers to use.

Placements Ex Mula Own GF FR NT EN GE Deb Key Full Name % of Power

Sun (Surya) 0 Ex .............. Exalted ................ 100
Mula .............. Moolatrikona ................ 75
Moon (Candra) 2 Own .............. Own Sign ................ 50
Mars (Kuja) F GF .............. Great Friend ................ 37
Merc. (Budhi) B FR .............. Friend ................ 25
NT .............. Neutral ................ 12
Jupiter (Guru) K EN .............. Enemy ................ 6
Venus (Shukra) C GE .............. Great Enemy .............. 3
Saturn (Sani) L Deb .............. Debilitated ................ 0
.. ..
Various Lists of Planetary Data for the chart of P. 1

Indira Gandhi
Based on birthdate of 19/11/1917, time of 23:11:00 at Allahabad Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:20
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Prrinted on: 13/03/2018 at 01:20

Planet Bin Sign Deg/Min/Sec Star Qtr Lord Guna Shasti

Lagna Cancer 27° 22’ 10˜ Ashlesha 4 Merc Satw B Kinna
Sun 4 Scorpio 4° 7’ 31˜ Anuradha 1 Sat Tama M Danda
Moon 4 Capricor 5° 35’ 19˜ Uttarasha 3 Sun Raja B Chand
Mars 2 Leo 16° 22’ 29˜ Purvaphal 1 Ven Raja M Davag
Mercury 3 Scorpio 13° 13’ 46˜ Anuradha 3 Sat Tama M Ghora
Jupiter R 6 Taurus 15° 0’ 7˜ Rohini 2 Moon Raja M Gulik
Venus 4 Sagittar 21° 0’ 20˜ Purvashad 3 Ven Raja M Utpat
Saturn 3 Cancer 21° 47’ 14˜ Ashlesha 2 Merc Satw B Amrit
Rahu Sagittar 9° 11’ 58˜ Mula 3 Ketu Tama B Mridu
Ketu Gemini 9° 11’ 58˜ Ardra 1 Rahu Tama B Mridu

Planet Bin Sign Deg/Min/Sec Declinat. Veloc. Deg/Day

Lagna Cancer 27° 22’ 10˜
Sun 4 Scorpio 4° 7’ 31˜ 1.03 1.0097
Moon 4 Capricor 5° 35’ 19˜ + 18:55 1.05 13.8924
Mars 2 Leo 16° 22’ 29˜ + 18:02 0.90 0.5096
Mercury 3 Scorpio 13° 13’ 46˜ - 13:57 1.27 1.5380
Jupiter R 6 Taurus 15° 0’ 7˜ - 06:25 -1.00 -0.1321
Venus 4 Sagittar 21° 0’ 20˜ - 14:51 1.05 1.0810
Saturn 3 Cancer 21° 47’ 14˜ + 16:58 0.17 0.0121
Rahu Sagittar 9° 11’ 58˜ + 18:55
Ketu Gemini 9° 11’ 58˜ + 18:55

Planet Owns Exalt. Debil. Friend Enemy Trine Kendra Dust.

Sun 2 1 2 7 2 5 4 5
Moon 1 1 1 3 5 5
Mars 3 2 4 3 1 5 4
Mercury 5 1 2 4 5
Jupiter 1 1 5 3 2 6 3
Venus 3 5 5 1 4 7
Saturn 5 1 1 4 2 5 3
Rahu 2 2 5 6
Ketu 3 5 5

Planet Star & it’s Lord Sub SubSub Disp. Rasi & Navamsa
Lagna Ashlesha Merc Jup Sun Moon Jup
Sun Anuradha Sat Sat Ven Mars Sun
Moon Uttarashadh Sun Merc Ven Sat Sat
Mars Purvaphalgu Ven Moon Mars Sun Sun
Mercury Anuradha Sat Rahu Jup Mars Ven
Jupiter Rohini Moon Jup Ven Ven Ven
Venus Purvashadha Ven Jup Ven Jup Ven
Saturn Ashlesha Merc Sun Jup Moon Sat
Rahu Mula Ketu Jup Rahu Jup Merc
Ketu Ardra Rahu Jup Merc Merc Jup
Various Lists of Planetary Data for the chart of P. 2

Indira Gandhi
Based on birthdate of 19/11/1917, time of 23:11:00 at Allahabad Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:20
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Prrinted on: 13/03/2018 at 01:20

Planet Aim Symbol Deity Sex Body Part Caste

Lagna Dharma Serpent Nagas F Ears Lowest
Sun Dharma Umbrella Mitra M Stomach Shudra
Moon Moksha Back of Squar Visvadev F Waist Kshatriya
Mars Kama Font legs of Bhaga F Right Hand Brahmin
Mercury Dharma Umbrella Mitra M Stomach Shudra
Jupiter Moksha Chariot Lord Bra F Forehead Shudra
Venus Moksha Front of Squa Apas F Back Brahmin
Saturn Dharma Serpent Nagas F Ears Lowest
Rahu Kama Crouching Lio Nritta N Left Torso Butcher
Ketu Kama Head Lord Rud F Eyes Butcher

Planet State Earth Water Fire Air Odd Even Card Fixed Comm
Lagna 4 5 3 3 6 9 8 2 5
Sun GFR 2 5 4 4 8 7 4 9 2
Moon ENM 5 3 4 3 7 8 5 4 6
Mars GFR 3 1 7 4 11 4 5 6 4
Mercury FRN 2 7 4 2 6 9 3 6 6
Jupiter GEN 3 5 2 5 7 8 3 7 5
Venus ENM 3 6 6 12 3 6 4 5
Saturn GEN 3 5 3 4 7 8 5 2 8
Rahu 1 4 5 5 10 5 3 3 9
Ketu 4 1 5 5 10 5 3 3 9

Planet Shad Bala Bhava Vimshopak Karaka for:

Lagna 10.0
Sun 0.8 8.9 79% Dara (Spouse)
Moon 1.4 5.5 53% Gnati (Caste)
Mars 1.7 6.9 88% Bhatri (Father/Brother)
Mercury 1.0 8.9 56% Putra (Children)
Jupiter 1.2 5.9 57% Matri (Mother)
Venus 0.9 7.8 66% Amatya (Mind)
Saturn 1.2 10.0 73% Atma (Self)
Rahu 7.8
Ketu 9.6

Planet General Body Part Drekkana Body Part Star Body Part
Lagna General Pelvis Ears
Sun Stomach Right Cheek Stomach
Moon Chest Mouth Waist
Mars Head Right Shoulder Right Hand
Mercury Neck/Shoulders Right Heart Stomach
Jupiter Waist/Genitals Left Arm Forehead
Venus Face Right Calf Back
Saturn Thighs Pelvis Ears
Rahu Legs Right Jaw Left Torso
Ketu Legs Left Eye Eyes
Various Lists of Planetary Data for the chart of P. 3

Indira Gandhi
Based on birthdate of 19/11/1917, time of 23:11:00 at Allahabad Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:20
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Prrinted on: 13/03/2018 at 01:20

Planet Dwadashamsha (12 parts) Meaning Age

Lagna Age
Sun Maternal Uncles Dead
Moon Marriage Partner Dead
Mars Scriptural Knowledge Youthful
Mercury Pregnancy Youthful
Jupiter Peace Youthful
Venus Thefts Old
Saturn Happy Celebrations Teenage
Rahu Enemies Teenage
Ketu Expensive Pleasures Teenage

Planet House Names Natural Karaka(s)

Lagna Tanu Body Sun
Sun Suta Son Jupiter
Moon Jaya Spouse Venus
Mars Dhana Wealth Jupiter
Mercury Suta Son Jupiter
Jupiter Labha Gain Jupiter
Venus Ripu Enemy Saturn/Mars
Saturn Tanu Body Sun
Rahu Ripu Enemy Saturn/Mars
Ketu Vyaya Loss Saturn

Planet Lagna Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat Rahu Ketu
Lagna 9 13 3 9 23 12 1 11 25
Sun 20 5 22 1 15 4 20 3 17
Moon 16 24 18 24 11 27 16 26 13
Mars 26 7 11 7 21 10 26 9 23
Mercury 20 1 5 22 15 4 20 3 17
Jupiter 6 14 18 8 14 17 6 16 3
Venus 17 25 2 19 25 12 17 27 14
Saturn 1 9 13 3 9 23 12 11 25
Rahu 18 26 3 20 26 13 2 18 15
Ketu 4 12 16 6 12 26 15 4 14

Planet Stars to Lagna: Result (Sanskrit)

Sun 20 Wealth Sampat
Moon 16 Dangers Naidhana
Mars 26 Good Mitra
Mercury 20 Wealth Sampat
Jupiter 6 Fulfilment Sadhana
Venus 17 Good Mitra
Saturn 1 Danger Janma
Rahu 18 Very Good Param Mitra
Ketu 4 Prosperity Kshema
Various Lists of Planetary Data for the chart of P. 4

Indira Gandhi
Based on birthdate of 19/11/1917, time of 23:11:00 at Allahabad Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:20
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Prrinted on: 13/03/2018 at 01:20

Planet Stars to Sun: Result (Sanskrit)

Lagna 9 Very Good Param Mitra
Moon 24 Fulfilment Sadhana
Mars 7 Dangers Naidhana
Mercury 1 Danger Janma
Jupiter 14 Obstacles Pratyak
Venus 25 Dangers Naidhana
Saturn 9 Very Good Param Mitra
Rahu 26 Good Mitra
Ketu 12 Losses Vipat

Planet Stars to Moon: Result (Sanskrit)

Lagna 13 Prosperity Kshema
Sun 5 Obstacles Pratyak
Mars 11 Wealth Sampat
Mercury 5 Obstacles Pratyak
Jupiter 18 Very Good Param Mitra
Venus 2 Wealth Sampat
Saturn 13 Prosperity Kshema
Rahu 3 Losses Vipat
Ketu 16 Dangers Naidhana

Planet Stars to Mars: Result (Sanskrit)

Lagna 3 Losses Vipat
Sun 22 Prosperity Kshema
Moon 18 Very Good Param Mitra
Mercury 22 Prosperity Kshema
Jupiter 8 Good Mitra
Venus 19 Danger Janma
Saturn 3 Losses Vipat
Rahu 20 Wealth Sampat
Ketu 6 Fulfilment Sadhana

Planet Stars to Mercury: Result (Sanskrit)

Lagna 9 Very Good Param Mitra
Sun 1 Danger Janma
Moon 24 Fulfilment Sadhana
Mars 7 Dangers Naidhana
Jupiter 14 Obstacles Pratyak
Venus 25 Dangers Naidhana
Saturn 9 Very Good Param Mitra
Rahu 26 Good Mitra
Ketu 12 Losses Vipat
Various Lists of Planetary Data for the chart of P. 5

Indira Gandhi
Based on birthdate of 19/11/1917, time of 23:11:00 at Allahabad Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:20
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Prrinted on: 13/03/2018 at 01:20

Planet Stars to Jupiter: Result (Sanskrit)

Lagna 23 Obstacles Pratyak
Sun 15 Fulfilment Sadhana
Moon 11 Wealth Sampat
Mars 21 Losses Vipat
Mercury 15 Fulfilment Sadhana
Venus 12 Losses Vipat
Saturn 23 Obstacles Pratyak
Rahu 13 Prosperity Kshema
Ketu 26 Good Mitra

Planet Stars to Venus: Result (Sanskrit)

Lagna 12 Losses Vipat
Sun 4 Prosperity Kshema
Moon 27 Very Good Param Mitra
Mars 10 Danger Janma
Mercury 4 Prosperity Kshema
Jupiter 17 Good Mitra
Saturn 12 Losses Vipat
Rahu 2 Wealth Sampat
Ketu 15 Fulfilment Sadhana

Planet Stars to Saturn: Result (Sanskrit)

Lagna 1 Danger Janma
Sun 20 Wealth Sampat
Moon 16 Dangers Naidhana
Mars 26 Good Mitra
Mercury 20 Wealth Sampat
Jupiter 6 Fulfilment Sadhana
Venus 17 Good Mitra
Rahu 18 Very Good Param Mitra
Ketu 4 Prosperity Kshema

Planet Stars to Rahu: Result (Sanskrit)

Lagna 11 Wealth Sampat
Sun 3 Losses Vipat
Moon 26 Good Mitra
Mars 9 Very Good Param Mitra
Mercury 3 Losses Vipat
Jupiter 16 Dangers Naidhana
Venus 27 Very Good Param Mitra
Saturn 11 Wealth Sampat
Ketu 14 Obstacles Pratyak
Various Lists of Planetary Data for the chart of P. 6

Indira Gandhi
Based on birthdate of 19/11/1917, time of 23:11:00 at Allahabad Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:20
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Prrinted on: 13/03/2018 at 01:20

Planet Stars to Ketu: Result (Sanskrit)

Lagna 25 Dangers Naidhana
Sun 17 Good Mitra
Moon 13 Prosperity Kshema
Mars 23 Obstacles Pratyak
Mercury 17 Good Mitra
Jupiter 3 Losses Vipat
Venus 14 Obstacles Pratyak
Saturn 25 Dangers Naidhana
Rahu 15 Fulfilment Sadhana
Printed from Goravani Jyotish licensed to
Aspects Tables for Indira Gandhi at WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080
Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:20

Planets to Planets Planets to Signs

The planets shown in the top The signs shown in the top row are being
row are being aspected by the aspected by the planets shown below them.
planets shown below them.
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( { } |

Planets to Houses Planets to Lords

The Lords of Houses shown in the top row are being
The Houses shown in the top row are being aspected
aspected by the planets shown below.
by the planets shown below them.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord

Lords to Houses Lords to Lords

The Houses shown in the top row are being aspected by the The Lords of Houses shown in the top row are being aspected
Lords of Houses shown below them. by the Lords of Houses shown below them.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
1st 1st 1st
Lord Lord Lord
2nd 2nd 2nd
Lord Lord Lord
5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th
Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord
6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th
Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord
7th 7th 7th 7th
Lord Lord Lord Lord
8th 8th 8th 8th
Lord Lord Lord Lord
9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th 9th
Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord
10th 10th 10th 10th 10th 10th
Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord
12th 12th 12th
Lord Lord Lord
Ashtaka Varga Charts for Indira Gandhi
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:19

Sarva Prasthar Ashtaka Varga

Main Ashtaka Varga
a b c d e f g h i j k l
3 12 3 5 4 3 2 5 5 4 4 1 1 2
e c 3 6 4 5 6 6 2 7 5 3 5 4
12 f 12 b 8 K
F 5 4 2 3 2 4 3 3 1 3 3 6
d A 4 5 5 3 4 5 5 4 2 3 3 5
6 g a 9
C 5 3 2 4 3 7 5 3 4 5 5 6
B 8 3 2 5 6 3 7 3 3 3 5 6
4 h 10 9 5 6 5 1 4 6 3 4 4 4 3 4
l 2
Tot 33 32 24 24 27 36 30 28 23 22 25 33
11 1
Trikona Reduction Single Lord Reduction
0 11 0 4
4 8 0 4 8 0

5 6 5 6

0 2 5 0 2 0
8 0 8 0

Sun’s Prasthar Ashtaka Varga

A Main Ashtaka Varga
a b c d e f g h i j k l
4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
e c 1 1 1 1
5 f 3 b 5 K
F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
d A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 g a 4
C 1 1 1
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 h 3 5 1 1 1 1
l 2
Asc 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 3
Trikona Reduction Single Lord Reduction
2 2 2 0
2 0 2 0 0 2

2 2 0 1

1 0 2 1 0 2
0 0 0 0
Ashtaka Varga Charts for Indira Gandhi
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:19

Moon’s Prasthar Ashtaka Varga

2 Main Ashtaka Varga
a b c d e f g h i j k l
4 5 1 1 1 1
e c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 f 1 b 6 K
F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
d A 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 g a 5
C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 h 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1
l 2
Asc 1 1 1 1
4 3
Trikona Reduction Single Lord Reduction
0 2 0 0
2 0 2 0 0 2

0 1 0 0

3 0 3 3 0 3
0 0 0 0

Mars’s Prasthar Ashtaka Varga

F Main Ashtaka Varga
a b c d e f g h i j k l
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
e c 1 1 1 1
4 f 3 b 4 K
F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
d A 1 1 1 1 1
3 g a 5
C 1 1 1 1
B 1 1 1 1
3 h 3 6 1 1 1
l 2
Asc 1 1 1 1 1
1 3
Trikona Reduction Single Lord Reduction
1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 1

1 4 0 4

0 0 3 0 0 3
0 1 0 1
Ashtaka Varga Charts for Indira Gandhi
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:19

Mercury’s Prasthar Ashtaka Varga

B Main Ashtaka Varga
a b c d e f g h i j k l
6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
e c 1 1 1 1
3 f 5 b 3 K
F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
d A 1 1 1 1 1
7 g a 8
C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 h 3 6 1 1 1 1 1 1
l 2
Asc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 5
Trikona Reduction Single Lord Reduction
3 0 3 0
0 2 0 0 2 0

5 5 5 5

0 0 3 0 0 3
0 3 0 3

Jupiter’s Prasthar Ashtaka Varga

K Main Ashtaka Varga
a b c d e f g h i j k l
6 4 1 1 1 1
e c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 f 5 b 6 K
F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
d A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 g a 3
C 1 1 1 1 1 1
B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 h 3 4 1 1 1 1 1
l 2
Asc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5
Trikona Reduction Single Lord Reduction
3 2 3 2
3 1 3 2 1 3

0 0 0 0

3 0 0 3 0 0
2 3 2 3
Ashtaka Varga Charts for Indira Gandhi
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:19

Venus’s Prasthar Ashtaka Varga

C Main Ashtaka Varga
a b c d e f g h i j k l
3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
e c 1 1 1 1 1
7 f 4 b 3 K
F 1 1 1 1 1 1
d A 1 1 1
5 g a 5
C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
B 1 1 1 1 1
3 h 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
l 2
Asc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 5
Trikona Reduction Single Lord Reduction
0 0 0 0
4 1 0 4 1 0

3 2 3 2

0 2 3 0 2 1
1 3 1 2

Saturn’s Prasthar Ashtaka Varga

L Main Ashtaka Varga
a b c d e f g h i j k l
2 4 1 1 1 1
e c 1 1 1 1
5 f 3 b 5 K
F 1 1 1 1 1 1
d A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 g a 3
C 1 1 1
B 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 h 1 2 1 1 1
l 2
Asc 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 1
Trikona Reduction Single Lord Reduction
0 3 0 3
4 1 4 3 1 4

4 1 0 0

2 0 0 2 0 0
2 0 2 0
Divisional Charts for Indira Gandhi Page 1 of 5
Provided by: Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:21:34

^ $ ! }
% |
& MVqZ N # @ V J q {

* @ # M N H (

( ! $ Z G *

} ^
{ | % &

2-Hora 3-Drekana
Relates to the balance of Male/Female, Active/Passive, Individual/ Brothers, sisters, friends and alliances, like the 3rd house in the Rasi
Social, Mental/Emotional balances. Cancer is the Female/Moon chart. Also our capacity to work hard, or in a group, to achieve
side, Leo is the Male/Solar side. some goal. Energy, curiosity, courage, prowess. Look to the
positions of the 3rd lord and Mars.

@ | ( &
! *

# X q } { D X Z q ^

$ { } H %

% ( | M G J $
& @
^ * ! #

4-Chaturtamsa 5-Panchamsa
General well being, emotions, home and happiness, emotional
contentment, psychological happiness. Moon, Mercury and 4th
lord should be happy in this chart for inner peace.
Divisional Charts for Indira Gandhi Page 2 of 5
Provided by: Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:21:34

! } % #
| $

@ M N q { ^ q @

# ( & X !

$ H D * * H |
^ {
% & ( }

6-Shastamsa 7-Saptamsa
Children and grandchildren, or the creative projections, creative
capacity, and to what degree that shall endure or remain or be

( & ! }
* |

{ X G q ^ @ Z q {

} % # N M (

| J D $ $ *
@ ^
! # % &

8-Ashtamsa 9-Navamsa
Partnerships, the Spouses, and general fine tunings of the Rashi
Chart. This is the most used, most important of the Varga Charts.
Divisional Charts for Indira Gandhi Page 3 of 5
Provided by: Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:21:35

{ * # !
( @
} q & $ q |

| ^ % X H }

! Z G % ^ M Z {

# *
@ $ & (

10-Dashamsa 12-Dwadashamsa
Like the 10th house, this indicates power, position, achievement, Fate, destiny, past karma, parents, hereditary traits, past life
status, skill, vocation and career. The 10th lord should be strong influences. Used to judge last life, our underlying conditioning
here for good impact in life in terms of career. Sun, Mercury, brought forward to this life.
Jupiter and 10th lord are key here.

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16-Shodashamsha 20-Vimshamsa
Fourth house affairs; ie Happiness, Home, Vehicles, property. Upasana, capacity for Bhakti or devotion, religious development,
Shows a deeper level than the 4-Chaturtamsa in terms of the inner the religions of our past, the deities we are inclined to worship.
heart & psychology of the person. Again judge the 4th lord (from Jupiter and 5th lord are important here.
Rasi Chart), Mercury and Moon.
Divisional Charts for Indira Gandhi Page 4 of 5
Provided by: Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:21:35

@ | } (
! {
# q } | q *

$ { ! G X &

% G X V ( @ ^
& $
^ * # %

24-Siddhamsha 27-Bhamsa
Spiritual capabilities or readiness, education, ability to meditate on A finer, deeper level of general judgement since these division are
higher things. Used for judging spiritual attainment capacity. Look 3rds of Navamsas, or 12ths of Nakshatras. Used for fine tuning of
to the 9th lord, Mercury, Jupiter and the Atmakaraka planet. general judgements.

( & * ^
* &

{ V q ^ ( q %

N % { H $

| Z J G $ } N M Z #
@ !
! # | @

30-Trimshamsa 40-Khavedamsa
This chart deals with misfortunes, injuries, enmity, diseases. For Fine tuning of special auspicious and inauspicious effects, good and
discovering the hidden dangers in life. Lords of, and planets in bad bad habits, particulars of the emotional and psychological natures,
houses should be judged herein to understand how they may do relates to the 4th house also.
their work in life.
Divisional Charts for Indira Gandhi Page 5 of 5
Provided by: Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:21:35

& % } (
^ {

* q $ | J q *

D Z # ! H &

{ M N J @ @ G ^
| $
} ! # %

45-Akshavedamsa 60-Shastiamsa
Morals and ethics, and fine tuning general inidications. Also relates Used in very fine tuning of predictions and judgement, it’s subtle
to 9th and 5th houses. Indicates which of the 3 main deities one impact is felt in the cases of twins born just minutes apart. The
will most reflect. special deities ruling these divisions have important sway on the

Varga (Divisional) Charts Summary Table

Rasi 2 3 4 7 9 10 12 16 20 24 27 30 40 45 60

Asc Can Leo Pic Ari Can Pic Sag Tau Gem Lib Ari Cap Sco Lib Vir Cap

Sco Can Sco Sco Tau Leo Leo Sag Lib Aqu Lib Ari Tau Pic Aqu Can
5 12 9 8 11 6 9 8 5 5 7 4 7 6 6 7
Cap Can Cap Cap Leo Aqu Lib Pic Gem Can Sco Sag Vir Tau Sag Sag
7 12 11 10 2 12 11 11 1 10 8 12 11 8 4 12
Leo Can Sag Aqu Sco Leo Cap Aqu Ari Lib Vir Gem Sag Cap Leo Ari
2 12 10 11 5 6 2 10 11 1 6 6 2 4 12 4
Sco Can Pic Aqu Leo Lib Sco Ari Pic Leo Tau Sag Pic Pic Pic Cap
5 12 1 11 2 8 12 12 10 11 2 12 5 6 7 1
Tau Leo Vir Sco Aqu Tau Gem Sco Ari Lib Can Leo Pic Gem Gem Sco
11 1 7 8 8 3 7 7 11 1 4 8 5 9 10 11
Sag Can Leo Gem Ari Lib Can Leo Sco Lib Sag Lib Gem Leo Can Gem
6 12 6 3 10 8 8 4 6 1 9 10 8 11 11 6
Can Leo Pic Cap Gem Cap Lib Pic Pic Gem Sag Leo Cap Pic Sag Aqu
1 1 1 10 12 11 11 11 10 9 9 8 3 6 4 2
Sag Leo Sag Pic Aqu Gem Pic Pic Ari Aqu Pic Sag Aqu Ari Cap Gem
6 1 10 12 8 4 4 11 11 5 12 12 4 7 5 6
Gem Leo Gem Vir Leo Sag Vir Vir Ari Aqu Pic Gem Aqu Ari Cap Sag
12 1 4 6 2 10 10 5 11 5 12 6 4 7 5 12
19/11/1917 23:11:00, Zone 5.50 Tithi 6th Tithi-Shasti of Waxing Moon
Indira Gandhi Lahiri
LMT Monday
Yoga 10th-Ganda
Karan 11th-Kaulava
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Allahabad India Sunrise06:29:33
Printed on 13/03/2018 at 00:54 81 E 51 25 N 27 Sunset 17:10:19
% # ! } D Vimsh. Dasha, Bhukti Start Dates
Z Dasha Year Used: 360
H Rasi M Navamsa
Z Sun Merc 19/11/1917
^ qV @ @ { Sun Ketu 06/07/1918
N q Sun Ven 09/11/1918
Moon Moon 04/11/1919
$ | V Moon Mars 30/08/1920
& ! ( Moon Rahu 28/03/1921
Moon Jup 19/09/1922
{ ^ Moon Sat 12/01/1924
G M Moon Merc 04/08/1925
Moon Ketu 27/12/1926
* J | $ *
D Moon Ven 25/07/1927
Moon Sun 16/03/1929
X Mars Mars 12/09/1929
H X Mars Rahu 06/02/1930
( } G % J &
Ben A E F K C Mal B L Neut Mars Jup 19/02/1931
Mars Sat 21/01/1932
Name Ret Sign Degrees Star Qtr. Lord Sub Bindus Shasti B/M Mars Merc 23/02/1933
Ascendant Cancer 27° 22’ Ashlesha 4 Merc Jup Kinnara B Mars Ketu 15/02/1934
Sun Scorpio 4° 7’ Anuradha 1 Sat Sat 4 Dandayu M Mars Ven 12/07/1934
Moon Capricorn 5° 35’ Uttarashadha 3 Sun Merc 4 Chandra B Mars Sun 05/09/1935
Mars Moon 09/01/1936
Mars Leo 16° 22’ Purvaphalguni 1 Ven Moon 2 Davagan M Rahu Rahu 06/08/1936
Mercury Scorpio 13° 13’ Anuradha 3 Sat Rahu 3 Ghora M Rahu Jup 05/04/1939
Jupiter R Taurus 15° 0’ Rohini 2 Moon Jup 6 Gulika M Rahu Sat 16/08/1941
Venus Sagittarius 21° 0’ Purvashadha 3 Ven Jup 4 Utpata M Rahu Merc 07/06/1944
Saturn Cancer 21° 47’ Ashlesha 2 Merc Sun 3 Amrita B Rahu Ketu 12/12/1946
Rahu Sagittarius 9° 11’ Mula 3 Ketu Jup Mridu B Rahu Ven 25/12/1947
Ketu Gemini 9° 11’ Ardra 1 Rahu Jup Mridu B Rahu Sun 09/12/1950
Rahu Moon 29/10/1951
Rahu Mars 21/04/1953
M Jup Jup 04/05/1954
M Jup Sat 10/06/1956
Jup Merc 09/12/1958
Shad Bala Totals (1+ =Strong) Jup Ketu 04/03/1961
A 2 F B K C L } ( Jup Ven 03/02/1962
Rupas 4.87 8.19 8.37 7.18 7.62 4.80 6.01 X Jup Sun 20/09/1964
Chandra N Jup Moon 05/07/1965
Strength 0.75 1.37 1.67 1.03 1.17 0.87 1.20 Jup Mars 28/10/1966
Vimshopak Totals | D J * Jup Rahu 29/09/1967
Total 15.8 10.5 17.5 11.1 11.3 13.2 14.5 Sat Sat 09/02/1970
G Sat Merc 27/01/1973
Percent 79 53 88 56 57 66 73 { Sat Ketu 23/09/1975
! & Sat Ven 26/10/1976
Exlt, Mula, Own, Gr Frnd, Frnd, Yogi Saturn Sat Sun 10/12/1979
Ex M O G F N E V D Degree 13° Sco Sat Moon 16/11/1980
0 Sat Mars 09/06/1982
2 Avayogi Moon Sat Rahu 13/07/1983
@ Vq ^
F Yogi Anuradh Z Sat Jup 04/05/1986
B Star a M H Merc Merc 01/11/1988
C # %
L Karakas

Sarva Trikona Single Lordship Bhava Balas Atma: Saturn

Bhava Bala
Ashtaka Varga Reduction Reduction H Rup H Rup Amatya: Venus
by trine,
32 33 0 5 0 0 1 9.99 7 5.49 Bhatri: Mars
kendra etc
24 33 25 11 6 0 4 6 0 Matri: Jupiter
2 6.90 8 5.08
1-5-9 27 Putra: Mercury
a a a 3 8.23 9 8.13
24 d j 22 8 d j 2 8 d j 2 4-7-10 20 4 4.64 10 9.92 Gnati: Moon
g g
6-8-12 22 5 8.87 11 5.90 Dara: Sun
27 30 0 5 8 0 5 8
36 28 4 0 4 0 2-3-11 21 6 7.77 12 9.62
Vimshottari Dashas from the Moon for Indira Gandhi Page No. 1

Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:21:47

Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Dasha Year Used: 360
Period Sub Begins Sub-Sub (Antardashas) go across ->

B Q C 03/11/1917 A 24/12/1917 E 09/01/1918 F 03/02/1918 P 21/02/1918 K 08/04/1918 L 19/05/1918
Q 06/07/1918 C 13/07/1918 A 04/08/1918 E 10/08/1918 F 20/08/1918 P 27/08/1918 K 15/09/1918 L 02/10/1918 B 22/10/1918
C 09/11/1918 A 08/01/1919 E 26/01/1919 F 25/02/1919 P 18/03/1919 K 11/05/1919 L 28/06/1919 B 24/08/1919 Q 14/10/1919

E 04/11/1919 F 29/11/1919 P 16/12/1919 K 30/01/1920 L 11/03/1920 B 27/04/1920 Q 09/06/1920 C 26/06/1920 A 15/08/1920

F 30/08/1920 P 12/09/1920 K 13/10/1920 L 10/11/1920 B 13/12/1920 Q 12/01/1921 C 24/01/1921 A 28/02/1921 E 11/03/1921
P 28/03/1921 K 17/06/1921 L 28/08/1921 B 22/11/1921 Q 06/02/1922 C 09/03/1922 A 07/06/1922 E 04/07/1922 F 19/08/1922

E "
L 22/11/1922
B 11/04/1924
B 04/08/1925 Q 15/10/1925 C 14/11/1925 A 07/02/1926 E 05/03/1926 F 16/04/1926 P 16/05/1926 K 31/07/1926 L 07/10/1926
Q 27/12/1926 C 08/01/1927 A 13/02/1927 E 23/02/1927 F 12/03/1927 P 25/03/1927 K 25/04/1927 L 23/05/1927 B 25/06/1927
C 25/07/1927 A 02/11/1927 E 02/12/1927 F 21/01/1928 P 25/02/1928 K 25/05/1928 L 13/08/1928 B 16/11/1928 Q 09/02/1929
A 16/03/1929 E 25/03/1929 F 09/04/1929 P 19/04/1929 K 16/05/1929 L 10/06/1929 B 08/07/1929 Q 03/08/1929 C 13/08/1929

F 12/09/1929 P 21/09/1929 K 12/10/1929 L 01/11/1929 B 24/11/1929 Q 15/12/1929 C 24/12/1929 A 18/01/1930 E 25/01/1930

P 06/02/1930 K 04/04/1930 L 24/05/1930 B 22/07/1930 Q 15/09/1930 C 07/10/1930 A 08/12/1930 E 28/12/1930 F 28/01/1931
" 19/02/1931 L 05/04/1931 B 28/05/1931 Q 14/07/1931 C 03/08/1931 A 28/09/1931 E 15/10/1931 F 12/11/1931 P 02/12/1931

B 24/03/1932
Q 14/04/1933
Q 15/02/1934 C 24/02/1934 A 20/03/1934 E 28/03/1934 F 08/04/1934 P 17/04/1934 K 09/05/1934 L 29/05/1934 B 21/06/1934
C 12/07/1934 A 20/09/1934 E 11/10/1934 F 15/11/1934 P 09/12/1934 K 10/02/1935 L 08/04/1935 B 13/06/1935 Q 12/08/1935
A 05/09/1935 E 12/09/1935 F 22/09/1935 P 29/09/1935 K 18/10/1935 L 04/11/1935 B 24/11/1935 Q 12/12/1935 C 19/12/1935
E 09/01/1936 F 27/01/1936 P 08/02/1936 K 10/03/1936 L 07/04/1936 B 10/05/1936 Q 09/06/1936 C 21/06/1936 A 27/07/1936

P 06/08/1936 K 29/12/1936 L 08/05/1937 B 09/10/1937 Q 24/02/1938 C 22/04/1938 A 30/09/1938 E 18/11/1938 F 07/02/1939

" 05/04/1939 L 29/07/1939 B 13/12/1939 Q 14/04/1940 C 03/06/1940 A 25/10/1940 E 07/12/1940 F 17/02/1941 P 08/04/1941
L 16/08/1941 B 26/01/1942 Q 20/06/1942 C 19/08/1942 A 06/02/1943 E 29/03/1943 F 22/06/1943 P 21/08/1943 K 22/01/1944

Q 15/10/1944
C 03/01/1947
C 25/12/1947 A 22/06/1948 E 15/08/1948 F 13/11/1948 P 15/01/1949 K 26/06/1949 L 17/11/1949 B 07/05/1950 Q 07/10/1950
A 09/12/1950 E 25/12/1950 F 21/01/1951 P 09/02/1951 K 30/03/1951 L 12/05/1951 B 02/07/1951 Q 17/08/1951 C 05/09/1951
E 29/10/1951 F 13/12/1951 P 13/01/1952 K 03/04/1952 L 15/06/1952 B 08/09/1952 Q 24/11/1952 C 25/12/1952 A 25/03/1953
F 21/04/1953 P 13/05/1953 K 09/07/1953 L 28/08/1953 B 27/10/1953 Q 20/12/1953 C 11/01/1954 A 14/03/1954 E 03/04/1954

" 04/05/1954 L 14/08/1954 B 14/12/1954 Q 02/04/1955 C 17/05/1955 A 22/09/1955 E 30/10/1955 F 02/01/1956 P 16/02/1956
L 10/06/1956 B 02/11/1956 Q 11/03/1957 C 03/05/1957 A 01/10/1957 E 16/11/1957 F 01/02/1958 P 25/03/1958 K 09/08/1958
B 09/12/1958 Q 03/04/1959 C 21/05/1959 A 04/10/1959 E 14/11/1959 F 21/01/1960 P 09/03/1960 K 09/07/1960 L 26/10/1960

" Q
C 24/03/1961
A 13/07/1962
A 20/09/1964 E 04/10/1964 F 28/10/1964 P 14/11/1964 K 28/12/1964 L 03/02/1965 B 21/03/1965 Q 01/05/1965 C 18/05/1965
E 05/07/1965 F 14/08/1965 P 11/09/1965 K 22/11/1965 L 25/01/1966 B 11/04/1966 Q 18/06/1966 C 16/07/1966 A 04/10/1966
F 28/10/1966 P 17/11/1966 K 06/01/1967 L 20/02/1967 B 14/04/1967 Q 31/05/1967 C 20/06/1967 A 15/08/1967 E 01/09/1967
P 29/09/1967 K 06/02/1968 L 31/05/1968 B 15/10/1968 Q 14/02/1969 C 05/04/1969 A 28/08/1969 E 10/10/1969 F 21/12/1969

L 09/02/1970 B 31/07/1970 Q 31/12/1970 C 05/03/1971 A 01/09/1971 E 25/10/1971 F 23/01/1972 P 27/03/1972 K 05/09/1972

B 27/01/1973 Q 13/06/1973 C 09/08/1973 A 18/01/1974 E 06/03/1974 F 26/05/1974 P 22/07/1974 K 15/12/1974 L 23/04/1975
Q 23/09/1975 C 17/10/1975 A 22/12/1975 E 11/01/1976 F 13/02/1976 P 07/03/1976 K 06/05/1976 L 28/06/1976 B 30/08/1976

A 04/05/1977
E 28/12/1979
E 16/11/1980 F 03/01/1981 P 05/02/1981 K 01/05/1981 L 16/07/1981 B 14/10/1981 Q 03/01/1982 C 05/02/1982 A 12/05/1982
F 09/06/1982 P 02/07/1982 K 31/08/1982 L 23/10/1982 B 25/12/1982 Q 20/02/1983 C 16/03/1983 A 21/05/1983 E 10/06/1983
P 13/07/1983 K 14/12/1983 L 29/04/1984 B 08/10/1984 Q 02/03/1985 C 01/05/1985 A 20/10/1985 E 10/12/1985 F 05/03/1986
" 04/05/1986 L 03/09/1986 B 25/01/1987 Q 03/06/1987 C 26/07/1987 A 25/12/1987 E 09/02/1988 F 25/04/1988 P 17/06/1988
Vimshottari Dashas from the Moon for Indira Gandhi Page No. 2

Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:21:47

Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080 Dasha Year Used: 360
Period Sub Begins Sub-Sub (Antardashas) go across ->

B 01/11/1988 Q 03/03/1989 C 24/04/1989 A 15/09/1989 E 28/10/1989 F 08/01/1990 P 28/02/1990 K 08/07/1990 L 01/11/1990

Q 18/03/1991 C 08/04/1991 A 06/06/1991 E 24/06/1991 F 24/07/1991 P 13/08/1991 K 06/10/1991 L 22/11/1991 B 18/01/1992
C 09/03/1992 A 26/08/1992 E 16/10/1992 F 09/01/1993 P 09/03/1993 K 09/08/1993 L 24/12/1993 B 03/06/1994 Q 26/10/1994

E 09/01/1995
F 07/12/1995
F 19/03/1997 P 08/04/1997 K 01/06/1997 L 18/07/1997 B 13/09/1997 Q 03/11/1997 C 24/11/1997 A 22/01/1998 E 09/02/1998
P 11/03/1998 K 27/07/1998 L 26/11/1998 B 20/04/1999 Q 28/08/1999 C 21/10/1999 A 22/03/2000 E 07/05/2000 F 22/07/2000
" 14/09/2000 L 01/01/2001 B 10/05/2001 Q 02/09/2001 C 20/10/2001 A 05/03/2002 E 15/04/2002 F 22/06/2002 P 09/08/2002
L 09/12/2002 B 12/05/2003 Q 25/09/2003 C 22/11/2003 A 01/05/2004 E 18/06/2004 F 06/09/2004 P 03/11/2004 K 28/03/2005

Q 04/08/2005 C 13/08/2005 A 06/09/2005 E 14/09/2005 F 25/09/2005 P 04/10/2005 K 26/10/2005 L 15/11/2005 B 08/12/2005

C 29/12/2005 A 09/03/2006 E 30/03/2006 F 04/05/2006 P 28/05/2006 K 30/07/2006 L 25/09/2006 B 30/11/2006 Q 29/01/2007
A 22/02/2007 E 01/03/2007 F 11/03/2007 P 18/03/2007 K 06/04/2007 L 23/04/2007 B 13/05/2007 Q 31/05/2007 C 07/06/2007

F 16/07/2007
P 02/02/2008
P 19/06/2008 K 15/08/2008 L 04/10/2008 B 02/12/2008 Q 26/01/2009 C 17/02/2009 A 20/04/2009 E 10/05/2009 F 10/06/2009
" 02/07/2009 L 16/08/2009 B 08/10/2009 Q 24/11/2009 C 14/12/2009 A 08/02/2010 E 25/02/2010 F 25/03/2010 P 14/04/2010
L 03/06/2010 B 05/08/2010 Q 01/10/2010 C 24/10/2010 A 29/12/2010 E 19/01/2011 F 21/02/2011 P 16/03/2011 K 15/05/2011
B 07/07/2011 Q 26/08/2011 C 17/09/2011 A 15/11/2011 E 02/12/2011 F 01/01/2012 P 22/01/2012 K 15/03/2012 L 02/05/2012

C 28/06/2012 A 14/01/2013 E 15/03/2013 F 23/06/2013 P 01/09/2013 K 28/02/2014 L 07/08/2014 B 13/02/2015 Q 02/08/2015

A 11/10/2015 E 29/10/2015 F 28/11/2015 P 19/12/2015 K 11/02/2016 L 30/03/2016 B 26/05/2016 Q 16/07/2016 C 06/08/2016
E 05/10/2016 F 24/11/2016 P 29/12/2016 K 29/03/2017 L 17/06/2017 B 20/09/2017 Q 14/12/2017 C 18/01/2018 A 28/04/2018

P 21/06/2018
K 31/12/2019
" 06/07/2022 L 11/11/2022 B 12/04/2023 Q 26/08/2023 C 21/10/2023 A 29/03/2024 E 16/05/2024 F 04/08/2024 P 29/09/2024
L 20/02/2025 B 20/08/2025 Q 28/01/2026 C 04/04/2026 A 11/10/2026 E 07/12/2026 F 13/03/2027 P 18/05/2027 K 05/11/2027
B 05/04/2028 Q 28/08/2028 C 26/10/2028 A 14/04/2029 E 04/06/2029 F 28/08/2029 P 26/10/2029 K 28/03/2030 L 12/08/2030
Q 20/01/2031 C 13/02/2031 A 24/04/2031 E 15/05/2031 F 20/06/2031 P 14/07/2031 K 15/09/2031 L 10/11/2031 B 16/01/2032

A 15/03/2032 E 20/03/2032 F 30/03/2032 P 05/04/2032 K 21/04/2032 L 05/05/2032 B 23/05/2032 Q 07/06/2032 C 13/06/2032

E 01/07/2032 F 16/07/2032 P 26/07/2032 K 22/08/2032 L 16/09/2032 B 14/10/2032 Q 09/11/2032 C 19/11/2032 A 19/12/2032
F 28/12/2032 P 04/01/2033 K 23/01/2033 L 09/02/2033 B 01/03/2033 Q 19/03/2033 C 26/03/2033 A 16/04/2033 E 23/04/2033

K 21/06/2033
L 30/04/2034
L 05/01/2035 B 01/03/2035 Q 18/04/2035 C 08/05/2035 A 04/07/2035 E 21/07/2035 F 18/08/2035 P 07/09/2035 K 28/10/2035
B 13/12/2035 Q 25/01/2036 C 12/02/2036 A 03/04/2036 E 19/04/2036 F 14/05/2036 P 01/06/2036 K 16/07/2036 L 27/08/2036
Q 14/10/2036 C 21/10/2036 A 12/11/2036 E 18/11/2036 F 28/11/2036 P 05/12/2036 K 24/12/2036 L 10/01/2037 B 30/01/2037
C 17/02/2037 A 18/04/2037 E 06/05/2037 F 05/06/2037 P 26/06/2037 K 19/08/2037 L 06/10/2037 B 02/12/2037 Q A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire

Dasha - State of Life

or Timeline

A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire

Destiny is choice, not a chance! Are you gambling with chances?
A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire

311 Southern Main Road

Montrose, Chaguanas 500811
Trinidad and Tobago

Tel: 1 (972) 514-7080

The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014
The Sun Dasha - 6 Years

The Moon Dasha - 10 Years

The Mars Dasha - 7 Years

The Rahu Dasha - 18 Years

The Jupiter Dasha - 16 Years

The Saturn's Dasha - 19 Years

The Mercury Dasha - 17 Years

The Ketu Dasha - 7 Years

The Venus Dasha - 20 Years

List of Yogas found in Rasi Chart of: Page 1
Indira Gandhi
Dhana This placement is a "dhana yoga", which means a combination of The lord of the 5 is in 2, and
planetary influences known to create wealth. The more dhana yogas one the lord of the 2 is in 5.
has, the more likely they are to be wealthy in this life. You have this one
for sure. If you see this reading more than once in your chart, that means
you have two, or three, or how ever many you find. Wealthy people
usually have at least two, and sometimes 5 dhana yogas. The opposite
of dhana yoga is daridra yoga. As these increase in number, the persons
chances for wealth decrease.

Difficulty Some undesirable difficulties are likely to come in the Bhuktis and The lord of the 1 conjoins
Antardashas of the lord of your first house and the malefics that affect it, the lord of the 6 or the lord
which are either the sixth or twelfth lord, and a malefic aspect from some of the 1 is aspected by the
planet. These difficulties will be uncomfortable to deal with, but may very lord of the 6 or the lord of
well move by in their course of time. the 1 conjoins the lord of
the 12 or the lord of the 1 is
aspected by the lord of the
12, and the lord of the 1 is
aspected by a malefic

Difficulty There's the possibility of some fairly intense events in life which seem The lord of the 1 conjoins
rather drastic or possibly dangerous. Many people have this yoga the lord of the 8 or the lord
though, and they're just fine, but due to their openness towards it, they of the 1 is aspected by the
might at times face chaotic or scary circumstances. Look to the periods lord of the 8, and the lord
of the 1st and 8th lords and planets triggering them. of the 1 is aspected by a
malefic planet, and is not
Aries is in 1.

Fortunes The Ascendant lord, Venus or Jupiter are located in a Kendra, which will The lord of the 1 is in a
bless your overall live to some degree. To have at least one good kendra or Venus is in a
angular placement is of advantage for material life in general. If all three kendra or Jupiter is in a
planets are in Kendras, then the Yoga would have an accordingly more kendra.
strong and powerful effect. Fortune, wealth and other material blessings
would be almost guaranteed throughout life.

Hard Times A "Daridra" Yoga is present in your chart. At times your hopes, dreams, The lord of the 11 is in 6 or
Sometimes wishes and desires will be denied. This is a common yoga though. It is the lord of the 11 is in 8 or
caused by the lord of the 11th house being in one of the difficult houses, the lord of the 11 is in 12.
either the 6th, 8th or 12th house.

Karma Dharma 5 is aspected by the lord of

Adhipati on 5 by the 10, and 5 is aspected
Aspect by the lord of the 9.

Laksmi's "Lakshmi" Yoga of the weaker variety is present in this chart. This The lord of the 1 conjoins
Blessings promotes acquisition of wealth, nobility, good looks, and overall the lord of the 9 or the lord
protection in life. It tends to give a blessed and smooth life, especially if of the 1 is aspected by the
the lords of the 1st and 9th houses fall in trinal or angle houses. This is a lord of the 9.
very good and helpful yoga you can be happy about.

No yoga-Merc. --- 01-Cencer in the Ascendant gives a pleasing appearance, of medium Cancer is in 1.
height, having a round face, a thick neck and plump buttocks. Amiable in
disposition, soft in speech, a connoisseur of good food and fond of
luxurious living. You have the admirable quality of feeling at home in
almost every situation. You are a bundle of contradictions, greatly
influenced by your planetary configurations. You are gentle, feminine in
attribute, watery and have strength during the night and when "resting
near a lake, pond, or sand bank." Materialistic in your approach to life,
you are nevertheless capable of attaining great heights in spiritual
practices. You may withdraw from the mainstream of life, actively
pursuing your ethereal interests in seclusion, though outwardly you seem
to be deeply engrossed in your earthly profession. You can rise to
sublime heights or sink into gross materialism. However, you do not
really enjoy any situation: you may easily capture the object of your
desire, but sex alone will not satisfy you; you may possess material
riches and luxuries but pine for something else; even spiritual
attainments and realizations seem of no consequence. Either you long
for the past or for that which is not yet in your possession. Your attitude
toward life and the parameters of your emotions and thoughts are always
changing-nothing can hold your attention for long. You always shine in
reflected glory: you must hold onto someone higher, mightier, wealthier,
more respected, and through whose support and patronage you can
express your own qualities. In the absence of such an influence you
seems forlorn, made of straw. Given the opportunity to explain abstruse
philosophical thoughts, you can reel out poetry to express them
beautifully. But if required to articulate your own independent ideas on
any subject you might fail miserably. As long as love and affection are
bestowed on you, you will react with the greatest sincerity, but once that
situation of warmth and recognition is withdrawn you become most
miserable, just as if the life-force had been drained from you. It has been
observed that emotional excitement, aggressive designs, and the pursuit
of self-aggrandizement often lead a Cancer-born individual to
destruction. Your greatest trouble comes from Saturn, the planet of
restriction: whenever any situation arises which impedes your natural
growth, you gets enmeshed in an inextricable tangle. Your marriage is
seldom happy; you often surrenders yourself to your partner, either in
emotional excitation or through some kind of infatuation, only to discover
that your understanding of the situation was not realistic. Something
done in a hurry, prohibited by society and performed to derive some
mean favor, often becomes a stumbling block, causing life-long sorrow.
Whatever happens in life, you are basically shy, unable to express your
innermost feelings and thoughts, or to live a completely natural life. If you
examine carefully several horoscopes of persons born in Cancer
Ascendant you will invariably find that Jupiter in his Dasha has given rise
to both good and bad results- bad in respect of debts, diseases and
enemies. Though Jupiter may not cause Raja yoga in the strict sense, he
has promoted the business and professional prospects involving you at
the same time in misunderstandings, troubles, annoyances and ill-health.

Putra Sukha ---- Putra Sukha Yoga. There will be happiness on account of children. Mercury is in 5.

Raja on 2 The lord of the 10 is in 2,

and the lord of the 5 is in 2,
and Cancer is in 1 or
Capricorn is in 1.

Raja on 3 by 3 is aspected by the lord of

Aspect the 7, and 3 is aspected by
the lord of the 9.

Raja on 5 by 5 is aspected by the lord of

Aspect the 5, and 5 is aspected by
the lord of the 10.

Raja on 7 by 7 is aspected by the lord of

Aspect the 9, and 7 is aspected by
the lord of the 7.

Raja on 8 by 8 is aspected by the lord of

Aspect the 5, and 8 is aspected by
the lord of the 10.

Raja on 9 by 9 is aspected by the lord of

Aspect the 5, and 9 is aspected by
the lord of the 10.

Separated from You might feel misunderstood by relatives and friends- like an outcaste, The lord of the 4 conjoins a
Family often just due to misunderstandings. malefic planet or the lord of
the 4 is aspected by a
malefic planet or the lord of
the 4 is in the house of an
enemy or the lord of the 4 is
in the house of a great
friend the house of a great
friend or the lord of the 4
Strong Raja on 2 The lord of the 10 is in 2,
and the lord of the 5 is in 2.

The Romantic You are most likely inclined to network happily with the opposite gender, The lord of the 1 is
enjoying romance and the thoughts of and pursuit of passion with aspected by the lord of the
partners of similar passion. 7 or the lord of the 1
conjoins the lord of the 7.

Weak Raja on 1 The lord of the 7 is in 1, and

1 is aspected by the lord of
the 1.

Weak Raja on 7 The lord of the 1 is in 7, and

7 is aspected by the lord of
the 7.

Weak Raja on 7 The lord of the 1 is in 7, and

7 is aspected by the lord of
the 9.
Listing of Famous Folks who share
readings with Indira Gandhi
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080

Total # of Shared Readings Most Important Indicators

Listed below are famous people from our database of 300 famous And on this side we have the names of those who share the
people. Shown are their names and a number. The number is the most important key points of a chart with you. These are very
number of readings from your list of readings that they also have . important aspects for any chart- greatly determining the
What this means is that the one at the top of list shares the most overall nature of the person. Again, these are drawn from our
readings in common with you. This could be any kind of reading
from planetary placements in signs, or houses, to aspects or other
combinations of planets. The more readings one shares with a
person does indicate similarity with that person in some ways in
life. Now, everybody gets a list here- this doesn't mean that you
are going to be famous like these people. We provide this for fun
Out of your 145 readings they could share: Out of 17 possible main indicators:
46 Jim Hendrix 5 Galileo
44 Galileo 5 Candice Bergen
39 Pablo Picasso 4 Pablo Picasso
37 Johnny Depp 3 Jeff Bridges
35 Sting 3 Bill Gates
33 Isaac Asimov 3 Albert, Jr. Gore
32 Jeff Bridges 3 Armand Hammer
32 John Travolta 3 Jim Hendrix
31 Val Kilmer 3 Magic Johnson
30 Arnold Schwarznegger 3 Val Kilmer
28 Arthur Conan Doyle 3 Ralph Nader
28 Armand Hammer 3 John Paul II Pope
28 Lisa Marie Presley 3 Arnold Schwarznegger
27 Jamie Lee Curtis 3 John Travolta
26 Candice Bergen 2 Donovan
26 Albert, Jr. Gore 2 Sting
26 Melanie Griffith 2 Isaac Asimov
26 Abraham Lincoln 2 Nicholas Cage
24 David Hasselhoff 2 Jamie Lee Curtis
23 Margaux Hemingway 2 Baba Ram Dass
23 Krishna Murti 2 Johnny Depp
23 George Patton 2 Leonardo Di Caprio
23 Sergei Rachmaninoff 2 Arthur Conan Doyle
22 Nicholas Cage 2 Mel Gibson
22 Jane Fonda 2 Melanie Griffith
22 John Paul II Pope 2 Margaux Hemingway
22 Igor Stravinsky 2 Steve Jobs
21 Sri Auribindo 2 Abraham Lincoln
2 George Lucas
2 Krishna Murti
2 Olivia Newton-John
Page 1
Compatibility Comparison for Feroze Gandhi and Indira Gandhi
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Moon 72 % Mercury 67 % Combined Averages: Moon & Ascendant 64 %

Ascendant 56 % Jupiter 61 % Moon, Asc., and Sun 60 %
Sun 53 % Venus 53 % Moon, Asc., Sun, Merc. 62 %
Mars 42 % Saturn 31 % All Planets Averaged 54 %

Kuta Max. How they compared

Summary of the Kutas Dina 3 3-Agrees
Gana 6 2-Mediocre-Dev.M/Man.F
for the Moon: Mahendra Does not agree
Stri Dirgha Agrees
Yoni 4 2-A Mediocre Match
Rasi 7 7-Enjoyment, prosperity

Graha Maitram 5 3-Mediocre Match
Vasya 2 0-No magnetism
Raju Excellent-Different Rajus
Vedha Excellent-No Star Affliction
Varna 1 1-Excellent-Both Varnas Sudra
Nadi 8 8-Good-He’s Vata, She’s Kapha
Comments: Out of: 36 this match achieved: 26 or 72 %
Virgo Moon with Capricorn Moon: Both signs belongs to the element Earth, so you both have your feet on the ground and
appreciate the practical side of life and work. Both are conscientious, with a strong sense of duty and responsibility, but you
should avoid a pattern of all work and no play. Your rulers intellectual Mercury and Wise, self disciplined Saturn are well
matched for business and practical matters but there could be a lack of feeling. warm emotions and romantic sparkle.
Capricorn admires the systematic, methodical, well ordered ways of Virgo while the latter is sufficiently self contained and
logical not to be cut to the quick by selfish ways.

Regarding "Dina Kuta", the man’s star is preferred to be 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 stars away from the woman’s, after removing multiples
of 9. In this case it is 2 away.

In the category of Gana, the nature of the two individuals, the match is not so great. His is Devic and her’s is Manusya. The
Gana of individuals is important in that it is hard to rectify incompatibility of our basic natures. The three types of Gana, devic
or "divine", Manushya or "human", and Rakshasha or "base", have much to do with the things we feel comfortable with in life.

Regarding "Mahendra Kuta", the man’s star is preferred to be 4, 7, 13, 16, 19, 22 or 25 stars away from the woman’s. In this
case it is 20 away and therefore there is no agreement here. Positive agreement regarding Mahendra Kuta promotes general
well being and longevity of the relationship.

Regarding "Stree-Dirga Kuta", the man’s star is preferred to be more than 9 stars away from the woman’s. In this case it is
20 away and therefore there is agreement.

Regarding the Yoni Kuta, or sexual compatibility, the match is Mediocre. The Man’s Yoni type is that of a Female Buffalo. The
Woman’s Yoni type is that of a Male Lion. The match is a little helped by the fact that the Yoni sexes of the two individuals are
at least opposites.

Regarding Rasi Kuta: The ideal is to have Moon Signs which are across from each other in the zodiac, such as Aries and
Libra, or Gemini and Sagittarius. In such a disposition, the man’s Moon Sign is 7 signs away from the woman’s. In this
match, the man’s Moon Sign is 9 signs away from the woman’s, and the overall prediction for that distance is Enjoyment,

The Graha Maitram, or friendship of the Moon sign lords, is very important because it has a strong say in the friendship of the
two phychological natures of the couple. In this case, 3 out of a possible 5 points was obtained. The friendship of the two
lords involved here is Mediocre.
Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 1
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Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:22:11
Interpretations Astrological Cause

* Dangerous to the mother or your relationship with his. He may fall ill Saturn is aspected by Moon,
and Saturn is in Cancer.
after birth or there may be premature separation from his. Also you
do not get on well with your siblings and there may be trouble with
friends. But you are wealthy.

Shared by: Arthur Conan Doyle

* You occupy a high position and have a number of employees. You Jupiter is aspected by the Sun,
and Jupiter is in Taurus or
are fond of traveling and have a large body. Learned and wise. You Jupiter is in Libra.
have many friends and relatives, conveyance, and may be employed
in an advisory capacity.

Shared by:

* "Lakshmi" Yoga of the weaker variety is present in this chart. This The lord of the 1 conjoins the
lord of the 9 or the lord of the
promotes acquisition of wealth, nobility, good looks, and overall 1 is aspected by the lord of the
protection in life. It tends to give a blessed and smooth life, especially 9.
if the lords of the 1st and 9th houses fall in trinal or angle houses.
This is a very good and helpful yoga you can be happy about.

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Aldous Huxley, Arthur Conan Doyle,
Barbara Bush, Bo Derek, Bruce Lee, David Crosby, David
Hasselhoff, Donald Trump, Edgar Cayce, Farrah Fawcett Majors,
Galileo , George Bush, George Lucas, George Patton, Geraldine
Chaplin, Isabella Rossellini, James Taylor, Jeff Bridges, Jim Hendrix,
Joan Collins, Johann Sebastian Bach, Julia Roberts, Leonard Nimoy,
Lisa Marie Presley, Madonna , Mel Gibson, Michael Jordan, Norman
Rockwell, Pablo Picasso, Ray Bradbury, Sting , and Winona Ryder.

* A "Daridra" Yoga is present in your chart. At times your hopes, The lord of the 11 is in 6 or the
lord of the 11 is in 8 or the
dreams, wishes and desires will be denied. This is a common yoga lord of the 11 is in 12.
though. It is caused by the lord of the 11th house being in one of the
difficult houses, either the 6th, 8th or 12th house.

Shared by: Armand Hammer, Arthur Conan Doyle, Barbara Walters,

Bill Clinton, Bob Dylan, Brigitte Bardot, Bruce Lee, Candice Bergen,
Carl Sagan, Chevy Chase, Clint Eastwood, Dalai Lama, David
Crosby, David Hasselhoff, Demi Moore, Farrah Fawcett Majors,
Frederic Chopin, Galileo , Isabella Rossellini, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jerry
Seinfeld, Jesse Jackson, Johann Sebastian Bach, John F. Kennedy,
John Travolta, Julia Roberts, Kevin Costner, Krishna Murti, Lisa
Marie Presley, Margaret Thatcher, Margaux Hemingway, Mel
Gibson, Melanie Griffith, Meryl Streep, Rabindranath Tagore,
Salvador Dali, Sean Connery, Sigourney Weaver, Tom Cruise, and
Winona Ryder.

* Affluent, devoted to your husband, splendorous and eloquent. Moon is in 7, and the person
is female.
Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 2
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Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:22:11
Interpretations Astrological Cause
Shared by: Brigitte Bardot, Donald Trump, Jerry Garcia, Jesse
Jackson, Mother Teresa, Oliver Stone, Oprah Winfrey, Ralph Nader,
and Val Kilmer.

* Be cautious of your actions towards your family, they may cause Saturn is under star 9-
Ashlesha, and Saturn is
disharmony and troubles. aspected by Moon.

Shared by:

* Beholden to the mercy of others. Saturn is in 1, and Saturn

conjoins Moon or Saturn is
aspected by Moon.
Shared by: Ralph Nader

* Even though you are educated, employment or self-earning are not Venus is under star 20-
Purvashadha, and Venus is in
indicated. But this result is applicable only when there is no aspect of star quarter # 3, and the
planets. person is female.

Shared by: Larry King

* Lower half of the body is lean and upper part proportionately bigger Moon is under star 21-
Uttarashadha, and Moon is in
and thick. You are afraid of cold weather or your health will not star quarter # 3.
permit you to stay in cold regions. You will have a high fever
continuing for a longer period when you are 20 years old. The left
parts of your body will be subjected to burns at 35 years old, but you
will live for 90 years.

Shared by: Leonardo Di Caprio, and Val Kilmer.

* Name and fame, lasting friendships. Jupiter is in 11, and Jupiter

conjoins the Sun or Jupiter is
aspected by the Sun.
Shared by:

* Restlessness, impulsiveness, independence, and a meticulous Leo is in 2, and Mars is in 2.

avoidance of hypocrisy characterizes you. You will receive huge
sums of money in sports, and your mind will be very sharp when it
comes to mechanical and technological subjects. You will be a
reliable friend and a helpful relation, but will experience sorrow from
your children.

Shared by: Johnny Depp, and Sting .

* Some undesirable difficulties are likely to come in the Bhuktis and The lord of the 1 conjoins the
lord of the 6 or the lord of the
Antardashas of the lord of your first house and the malefics that affect 1 is aspected by the lord of the
it, which are either the sixth or twelfth lord, and a malefic aspect from 6 or the lord of the 1 conjoins
some planet. These difficulties will be uncomfortable to deal with, the lord of the 12 or the lord of
the 1 is aspected by the lord of
but may very well move by in their course of time. the 12, and the lord of the 1 is
aspected by a malefic planet.
Shared by: Aldous Huxley, Arnold Schwarznegger, Arthur Conan
Doyle, Brigitte Bardot, Bruce Lee, Carl Jung, Charlie Sheen, Demi
Moore, Farrah Fawcett Majors, Galileo , George Patton, Geraldine
Chaplin, Isaac Asimov, Jerry Garcia, Jerry Seinfeld, Jodie Foster,
Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 3
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Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:22:12
Interpretations Astrological Cause
Johann Sebastian Bach, John Travolta, Julia Roberts, Krishna Murti,
Leonard Nimoy, Lisa Marie Presley, Mel Gibson, Melanie Griffith,
Mikhail Gorbachev, Norman Rockwell, Olivia Newton-John, Pablo
Picasso, Ralph Nader, Ramakrishna Parmahamsa, Sean Connery, and
Sting .

* Sweet, intelligent, clever and wealthy and has many admirable Jupiter is aspected by
Mercury, and Jupiter is in
qualities. You have a pleasing personality and are courteous, well- Taurus or Jupiter is in Libra.
bred and good tempered. You enjoy many material comforts.

Shared by: Pablo Picasso

* The Ascendant lord, Venus or Jupiter are located in a Kendra, which The lord of the 1 is in a kendra
or Venus is in a kendra or
will bless your overall live to some degree. To have at least one good Jupiter is in a kendra.
angular placement is of advantage for material life in general. If all
three planets are in Kendras, then the Yoga would have an
accordingly more strong and powerful effect. Fortune, wealth and
other material blessings would be almost guaranteed throughout life.

Shared by: Arnold Schwarznegger, Arsenio Hall, Benjamin Franklin,

Bill Gates, Billy Crystal, Bo Derek, Bob Dylan, Brigitte Bardot,
Brooke Shields, Candice Bergen, Carl Jung, Carl Sagan, Carlos
Castaneda, Charlie Sheen, Che Guevara, Chevy Chase, David
Hasselhoff, Deepak Chopra, Demi Moore, Donovan , Edgar Cayce,
Elton John, Farrah Fawcett Majors, Frederic Chopin, George Bush,
George Lucas, George Michael, Harrison Ford, Igor Stravinsky,
James Taylor, Jane Fonda, Jeff Bridges, Jerry Garcia, Jerry Seinfeld,
Jodie Foster, Johann Sebastian Bach, John Paul II Pope, Kevin
Costner, Krishna Murti, Kurt Cobain, Larry King, Leonard Nimoy,
Margaux Hemingway, Meryl Streep, Mother Teresa, Nicholas Cage,
Norman Rockwell, Oliver Stone, Ramakrishna Parmahamsa, Ronald
Reagan, Salvador Dali, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Swami Vivekananda,
Tom Hanks, Val Kilmer, and Walter Reuther.

* There's the possibility of some fairly intense events in life which The lord of the 1 conjoins the
lord of the 8 or the lord of the
seem rather drastic or possibly dangerous. Many people have this 1 is aspected by the lord of the
yoga though, and they're just fine, but due to their openness towards 8, and the lord of the 1 is
it, they might at times face chaotic or scary circumstances. Look to aspected by a malefic planet,
and is not Aries is in 1.
the periods of the 1st and 8th lords and planets triggering them.

Shared by: Aldous Huxley, Arthur Conan Doyle, Bruce Lee, Charlie
Sheen, Farrah Fawcett Majors, Isaac Asimov, Jerry Seinfeld, Johann
Sebastian Bach, Krishna Murti, Leonard Nimoy, Mel Gibson, Olivia
Newton-John, and Sting .

* Venus causes disharmony with the mother's side of the family. Sagittarius is in 6, and Venus
is in 6.
Adverse slandering comments are inflicted on you by associates, and
you may even be accused of adultery.

Shared by: Lisa Marie Presley

Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 4
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Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:22:12
Interpretations Astrological Cause
* You are brave and an expert in warfare. The Sun is under star 17-
Anuradha, and the Sun is
aspected by Mars.
Shared by: Jamie Lee Curtis

* You are endowed with wealth, fame and comforts, you becomes Jupiter is under star 4-Rohini,
and Jupiter is aspected by the
either a minister or head of the organization, one of the best aspect. If Sun.
Venus aspects, wealthy, lucky and takes interest in the service to the
poor; If Mercury aspects, involves in the political circle and earns out
of such association, attractive personality and takes keen interest in
the development of culture. If Mars aspects, have a good spouse and
children, derives much benefit from the upper class, may be
employed in a government department in a good position. If Jupiter is
aspected by the Sun, you join the army, navy or air force and become
expert in warfare, get recognition from the government and at the
same time, receive injury inflicted by enemies. If Moon aspects,
truthful, respectful, helps the needy and lucky.

Shared by:

* You are goal-oriented. Often these goals are deeply spiritual, and Scorpio is in 5, and the Sun is
in 5.
even if not motivated by spirituality, you will idealize your goals to
justify any action. You seldom have more than one son, and are likely
to be cruel but famous.

Shared by: Jim Hendrix

* You are most likely inclined to network happily with the opposite The lord of the 1 is aspected
by the lord of the 7 or the lord
gender, enjoying romance and the thoughts of and pursuit of passion of the 1 conjoins the lord of
with partners of similar passion. the 7.

Shared by: Aldous Huxley, Armand Hammer, Barbara Bush,

Benjamin Franklin, Bruce Lee, Chevy Chase, Chuck Norris,
Geraldine Chaplin, Harrison Ford, Igor Stravinsky, Isaac Asimov,
Jim Hendrix, John F. Kennedy, John Paul II Pope, Leonard Nimoy,
Leonardo Di Caprio, Melanie Griffith, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ralph
Nader, Roger Moore, Sri Auribindo, Sting , and Swami Vivekananda.

* You are religiously inclined. Throat troubles or bowel disorders, Jupiter is under star 4-Rohini,
and Jupiter is in star quarter #
asthma of light intensity and cough and cold. You have more 2.
attachment to your father. You are truthful and are worthy of being
spoken about by others for your virtues. More than one spouse is

Shared by: Brooke Shields

* You are very courageous and put up a good fight; endowed with The Sun is aspected by Mars,
and the Sun is in Aries or the
much heroism and strength. Energetic; aggressive; possesses the Sun is in Scorpio.
ability to command and control, and are sometimes cruel.

Shared by: Jamie Lee Curtis, and Jeff Bridges.

Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 5
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080
Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:22:12
Interpretations Astrological Cause
* You are very directly worldly and down to earth. You know about Moon is aspected by Saturn,
and Moon is in Capricorn.
getting what you want. But you may also suffer from some laziness,
which makes it hard to get things for yourself. Therefore, you may
find yourself desiring to live off serving someone with more power
and more wealth.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Melanie


* You are vulnerable to manipulation by the opposite sex, for you are Capricorn is in 7, and Moon is
in 7.
easily controlled by those whom you desire.

Shared by: Val Kilmer

* You attain a high position or own several industrial undertakings, Moon is under star 21-
Uttarashadha, and Moon is
beautiful personality. aspected by Jupiter.

Shared by:

* You display your courage in battle, will possess eyes, hands and legs The Sun is in Aries or the Sun
is in Scorpio, and the Sun is
of blood-red color, be splendorous and strong. aspected by Mars.

Shared by: Jamie Lee Curtis, and Jeff Bridges.

* You have a well-proportioned, tall body with a broad head, long nose Moon is under star 21-
and bright eyes. A charming and graceful appearance with fair
complexion. You will be refined, soft-spoken, pure-hearted and an
innocent looking countenance. In case you happen to occupy a very
high position in society, you will not like to express pomp and show
and will dress simply. You give respect to all and are god fearing. It
is not easy for others to find out your underlying merits and demerits.
It is only after several acquaintances and dealings one can come to a
conclusion about your behavioral aspect. In most of the cases, it has
been noticed that there will be a black mole around your waist or on
the face. A slight reddish color is noticed in your eyes. You will be
very plain in your dealings and will show utmost sincerity in all the
work you undertake. You will not deceive others and would not like
to cause any trouble to others. So much so, due to your inherent good
behavior quality you often land into uncalled for problems. While
you are plain hearted, you will not give in to any pressure and will
not bestow full confidence on anybody. But once you take a person
into confidence nobody can change you. To certain extent, you are
slave to flattery and expect that others must look after your welfare.
You will not make any hasty decision, whereas full consultation with
trusted persons will be obtained before coming to a conclusion. While
you are very much involved in all activities you undertake, usually
you are lazy. Even in the state of conflict you cannot utter harsh
words directly and in spite of a difference of opinion you will not like
to express your unhappiness to others. Any discussion you make with
others will be without expressing ill-will. You are bound to shoulder
many responsibilities at a young age. Due to this you are fully trained
Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 6
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080
Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:22:12
Interpretations Astrological Cause
to shoulder any responsibility with perfection. Once you are
convinced that any action carried out by you or words uttered by you
happens to be wrong you will not hesitate to repent and express
regret. Your every action requires recognition by others. Otherwise,
you are dragged into the state of unhappiness. You are subjected to
maximum happiness at one stage and the maximum unhappiness at
the next. You have to be very careful in any controversial dealings.
Before any collaboration is made, you have to completely screen the
persons with whom you are entering into such collaboration.
Otherwise, failure is certain. After the age of 38 years will mark all-
round success and prosperity. Normally your childhood will be
somewhat better. But later on you may have to face a lot of
unexpected reversals and problems on the family front. It has been
noticed that between the age of 28 and 31 some important change
takes place in the family circle. Your married life will be more or less
very good. You normally get a responsible and loving spouse. At the
same time the health of your spouse will be a cause of concern. Your
spouse will have problems of acidity. In spite of the comparative
advantages mentioned above, you lack happiness from children and
they will be a main cause of concern. You are prone to stomach
problems, paralysis of limbs, pulmonary diseases. Poor eyesight or
some defects in the eyes.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Arthur Conan Doyle, Cary Grant,

George Patton, Leonardo Di Caprio, Paula Abdul, and Val Kilmer.

* You have a smooth but hairy body; an abundance of hair on your Mercury is aspected by
Jupiter, and Mercury is in
head. Intelligent with a philosophical mind; wealthy; prosperous. You Aries or Mercury is in Scorpio.
occupy a position of command.

Shared by: Isaac Asimov, Jim Hendrix, and Pablo Picasso.

* You may be cruel in approach but highly learned in various higher Moon is under star 21-
Uttarashadha, and Moon is
branches of knowledge. aspected by Saturn.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Arthur Conan Doyle, and George


* You may experience the death or separation of your father when you The Sun is in 5, and the Sun is
in a fixed Navamsa.
enter middle age.

Shared by: Candice Bergen, and Geraldine Chaplin.

* You may have to face separation, for a time, from children. Money The Sun is in Scorpio, and
Cancer is in 1.
will be scarce.

Shared by: Jim Hendrix

* You may undergo troubles from debts, cuts and wounds. Saturn is considered Strong in
Shad Bala, and Mars is
considered Strong in Shad
Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Aldous Huxley, Armand Hammer, Bala.
Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 7
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080
Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:22:12
Interpretations Astrological Cause
Arsenio Hall, Barbara Walters, Bill Gates, Billy Crystal, Bo Derek,
Bob Dylan, Brooke Shields, Candice Bergen, Carl Jung, Carl Sagan,
Cary Grant, Charlie Sheen, Che Guevara, Chuck Norris, Clint
Eastwood, Dalai Lama, David Copperfield, David Crosby, David
Hasselhoff, Deepak Chopra, Donovan , Edgar Cayce, Elvis Presley,
Galileo , George Michael, George Patton, H. Ross Perot, Isabella
Rossellini, James Taylor, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jeff Bridges, Jerry
Seinfeld, Joan Collins, John F. Kennedy, John Paul II Pope, John
Travolta, Johnny Depp, Ken Kesey, Kevin Costner, Larry King, Lisa
Marie Presley, Madonna , Magic Johnson, Margaux Hemingway, Mel
Gibson, Melanie Griffith, Meryl Streep, Nicholas Cage, Norman
Rockwell, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Wilde, Pablo Picasso, Paul
McCartney, Paula Abdul, Rabindranath Tagore, Ralph Nader,
Ramakrishna Parmahamsa, Salvador Dali, Sean Connery, Sergei
Rachmaninoff, Sri Auribindo, Steve Jobs, Sting , Swami
Vivekananda, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Val Kilmer, and Walter

* You might feel misunderstood by relatives and friends- like an The lord of the 4 conjoins a
malefic planet or the lord of
outcaste, often just due to misunderstandings. the 4 is aspected by a malefic
planet or the lord of the 4 is in
Shared by: Arnold Schwarznegger, Arthur Conan Doyle, Barbara the house of an enemy or the
lord of the 4 is in the house of
Streisand, Bill Gates, Billy Crystal, Bo Derek, Bob Dylan, Brigitte a great friend the house of a
Bardot, Bruce Lee, Carlos Castaneda, Charlie Sheen, Chuck Norris, great friend or the lord of the 4
Clint Eastwood, David Copperfield, Demi Moore, Elton John, Farrah DEB.
Fawcett Majors, Galileo , George Bush, George Lucas, George
Patton, Geraldine Chaplin, Harrison Ford, Igor Stravinsky, Isaac
Asimov, James Taylor, Jeff Bridges, Jerry Seinfeld, Jesse Jackson,
Jim Hendrix, Joan Collins, Jodie Foster, Johann Sebastian Bach, John
F. Kennedy, John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Krishna Murti, Kurt
Cobain, Leonardo Di Caprio, Lisa Marie Presley, Magic Johnson,
Martin Luther King, Mel Gibson, Melanie Griffith, Mikhail
Gorbachev, Mother Teresa, Nicholas Cage, Oliver Stone, Pablo
Picasso, Paul McCartney, Rabindranath Tagore, Ralph Nader, Ray
Bradbury, Rod Stewart, Ronald Reagan, Salvador Dali, Sean
Connery, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sri Auribindo, Steve Jobs, Swami
Vivekananda, Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, and Winona Ryder.

* You will be intelligent and wealthy. Mercury is under star 17-

Anuradha, and Mercury is
aspected by Jupiter.
Shared by: Jim Hendrix

* You will be brave and esteemed. You will possess the power to The Sun is under star 17-
Anuradha, and the Sun is in
destroy your foes. You will be very attached to the opposite sex. You star quarter # 1.
will be settled in a foreign country or far from your birthplace.

Shared by: Bo Derek, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jodie Foster, and Larry

* You will be expert in relating to and manipulating politicians. The Sun is under star 17-
Anuradha, and the Sun is
aspected by Jupiter.
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
Shared by: Jim Hendrix

* You will be successful in a medical profession. You may also earn by Mars is under star 11-
Purvaphalguni, and Mars is in
selling hospital equipment. This placement has been noticed in star quarter # 1.
individuals with epilepsy and poisoning from wrong medication. As
usual this can easily be overridden by other placements. There may
be some litigation against you.

Shared by: Joan Collins

* You will be highly qualified, and travel to foreign countries. You Saturn is under star 9-
Ashlesha, and Saturn is in star
may engage in a job in the scientific field, possibly associated with quarter # 2.
the chemical industries. Your constitution may be weak.

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore

* You will have gains of wealth through wars, litigation and through The lord of the 11 is in 6, and
the lord of the 11 has at least
your partners. one beneficial placement
Shared by: Barbara Walters, Candice Bergen, David Hasselhoff,
Frederic Chopin, Johann Sebastian Bach, Kevin Costner, Krishna
Murti, Lisa Marie Presley, Margaux Hemingway, Mel Gibson,
Rabindranath Tagore, Sean Connery, and Winona Ryder.

* You will not have gains of wealth through wars, litigation, or through The lord of the 11 is in 6, and
the lord of the 11 has at least
your partners. one negative placement
Shared by: Barbara Walters, Candice Bergen, David Hasselhoff,
Frederic Chopin, Johann Sebastian Bach, Kevin Costner, Krishna
Murti, Lisa Marie Presley, Margaux Hemingway, Mel Gibson,
Rabindranath Tagore, Sean Connery, and Winona Ryder.

* You will receive benefit from your employer and will be an engineer. Mercury is under star 17-
Anuradha, and Mercury is
aspected by Mars.
Shared by: George Patton

* You will reside in foreign countries or in the house of your father-in- The lord of the 1 is considered
Strong in Shad Bala, and the
law. You may have multiple intimate relations. You will be given to lord of the 1 is in 7, and the
pleasures and will adorn yourself with scents, and other beauty care lord of the 1 has at least one
products. beneficial placement attribute.

Shared by: Bo Derek, David Hasselhoff, James Taylor, Ronald

Reagan, and Val Kilmer.

* Your forehead will be wide, a large nose, attractive eyes and teeth, Moon is under star 21-
Uttarashadha, and the person
body stout but hair not so beautiful. One of the worst qualities is that is female.
you are the 'obstinate dare devil'. Your speech is not well thought out,
so you jump into conflict with others. You very well fit the proverb
'There are two horns for the rabbit., I have got.' In spite of this
disadvantage you would like to lead a very simple life. You may be a
teacher, bank employee or attached to religious institution. You do
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
not enjoy married life in it's fullest sense, whereas quite often your
mind will be disturbed due to either separation from your spouse or
some other problems. You are religiously inclined and observe all the
religious formalities. You derive complete happiness and contentment
by marrying a Revati or Uttara-Bhadra Pada person. You may have
wind problems, hernia or uterus problems.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Arthur Conan Doyle, Cary Grant,

George Patton, Leonardo Di Caprio, Paula Abdul, and Val Kilmer.

* Your uncle may live in your house or you may be troubled by The lord of the 4 is in 6, and
the lord of the 4 has at least
enemies. and diseases. one beneficial placement
attribute, and the lord of the 6
Shared by: Lisa Marie Presley, and Sean Connery. is in 1 or the lord of the 6 is
aspected by the lord of the 1 or
the lord of the 1 is aspected by
the lord of the 6.
* Your wisdom and intellect may say different things, and you are Mercury is considered Strong
in Shad Bala, and Jupiter is
faced with the decision to follow one or the other. considered Strong in Shad
Shared by: Armand Hammer, Arthur Conan Doyle, Barbara Walters,
Benjamin Franklin, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Bob Dylan, Carlos
Castaneda, Che Guevara, Chevy Chase, Dalai Lama, David
Hasselhoff, Donald Trump, Donovan , Edgar Cayce, Elton John,
George Lucas, George Patton, H. Ross Perot, Harrison Ford, Igor
Stravinsky, Jesse Jackson, John F. Kennedy, Julia Roberts, Nicholas
Cage, Paula Abdul, Roger Moore, Salvador Dali, Sigourney Weaver,
and Steve Jobs.

Your Signs
* 01-Cencer in the Ascendant gives a pleasing appearance, of medium Cancer is in 1.
height, having a round face, a thick neck and plump buttocks.
Amiable in disposition, soft in speech, a connoisseur of good food
and fond of luxurious living. You have the admirable quality of
feeling at home in almost every situation. You are a bundle of
contradictions, greatly influenced by your planetary configurations.
You are gentle, feminine in attribute, watery and have strength during
the night and when "resting near a lake, pond, or sand bank."
Materialistic in your approach to life, you are nevertheless capable of
attaining great heights in spiritual practices. You may withdraw from
the mainstream of life, actively pursuing your ethereal interests in
seclusion, though outwardly you seem to be deeply engrossed in your
earthly profession. You can rise to sublime heights or sink into gross
materialism. However, you do not really enjoy any situation: you may
easily capture the object of your desire, but sex alone will not satisfy
you; you may possess material riches and luxuries but pine for
something else; even spiritual attainments and realizations seem of no
consequence. Either you long for the past or for that which is not yet
in your possession. Your attitude toward life and the parameters of
your emotions and thoughts are always changing-nothing can hold
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
your attention for long. You always shine in reflected glory: you must
hold onto someone higher, mightier, wealthier, more respected, and
through whose support and patronage you can express your own
qualities. In the absence of such an influence you seems forlorn,
made of straw. Given the opportunity to explain abstruse
philosophical thoughts, you can reel out poetry to express them
beautifully. But if required to articulate your own independent ideas
on any subject you might fail miserably. As long as love and
affection are bestowed on you, you will react with the greatest
sincerity, but once that situation of warmth and recognition is
withdrawn you become most miserable, just as if the life-force had
been drained from you. It has been observed that emotional
excitement, aggressive designs, and the pursuit of self-
aggrandizement often lead a Cancer-born individual to destruction.
Your greatest trouble comes from Saturn, the planet of restriction:
whenever any situation arises which impedes your natural growth,
you gets enmeshed in an inextricable tangle. Your marriage is seldom
happy; you often surrenders yourself to your partner, either in
emotional excitation or through some kind of infatuation, only to
discover that your understanding of the situation was not realistic.
Something done in a hurry, prohibited by society and performed to
derive some mean favor, often becomes a stumbling block, causing
life-long sorrow. Whatever happens in life, you are basically shy,
unable to express your innermost feelings and thoughts, or to live a
completely natural life. If you examine carefully several horoscopes
of persons born in Cancer Ascendant you will invariably find that
Jupiter in her Dasha has given rise to both good and bad results- bad
in respect of debts, diseases and enemies. Though Jupiter may not
cause Raja yoga in the strict sense, she has promoted the business and
professional prospects involving you at the same time in
misunderstandings, troubles, annoyances and ill-health.

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Angela Lansbury, Armand Hammer,

Arnold Schwarznegger, Galileo , Isaac Asimov, Jane Fonda, Jim
Hendrix, John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Lisa Marie Presley, Meryl
Streep, Pablo Picasso, Roger Moore, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sri
Auribindo, Sting , and Val Kilmer.

* 02-Leo in the Second House causes your disinterest in whether you Leo is in 2.
have financial support or not; you never feel constrained in your
activities due to restrictions. You embark on enterprises for which
you may not have adequate resources, but in the end you will
complete the program with admirable results. You earn your own
money and hate to seek support from others. Your language is
balanced, careful, and geared to some predetermined effect.

Shared by: Armand Hammer, Isaac Asimov, Jane Fonda, Jim

Hendrix, John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Lisa Marie Presley, Meryl
Streep, Roger Moore, Sri Auribindo, and Sting .

* 05-Scorpio in the Fifth house does not lead to many children, but Scorpio is in 5.
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
what children there are will probably be religious and interested in
high ideals. You are likely to be a renowned person who has
succeeded in achieving your objectives, but you invariably keep goals
close to your heart without letting anyone share them. You can be
very cruel in attaining those objectives.

Shared by: Angela Lansbury, Armand Hammer, Arnold

Schwarznegger, Galileo , Isaac Asimov, Jane Fonda, Jim Hendrix,
John Travolta, Pablo Picasso, Roger Moore, Sergei Rachmaninoff,
Sri Auribindo, and Val Kilmer.

* 07-When Capricorn occupies the Seventh house, the consciousness is Capricorn is in 7.

so susceptible to outside influences that all human relationships must
be according to the planets which occupy or aspect the house.
Untenanted by any planet, a Capricorn Seventh house makes you
vibrate to the cosmic forces which unlocks inner potential, thus
raising you to great spiritual heights.

Shared by: Angela Lansbury, Jane Fonda, John Travolta, Johnny

Depp, Lisa Marie Presley, Meryl Streep, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and
Val Kilmer.

* 11-A powerful soul is born when Taurus is in the Eleventh house. Taurus is in 11.
You derive inspiration for your sattvic or beneficent observances
from the Sea of Immutability. Your mind dwells on the higher
spiritual realms, though physically you may be engaged in various
mundane activities. A sense of harmony and helpfulness pervades all
your relationships. Whether you become an administrator, social
worker, politician, saint or leader, your life is deeply influenced by
idealism and a spiritual outlook. Nevertheless you take a practical
look at your responsibilities and provide for your dependents and
helpers adequately. You are so sensitive to the feelings and thoughts
of others that the slightest misery felt by an associate or dependent is
deeply experienced and registered in your psyche. Your
consciousness is so expanded that all your gains or material
possessions are never really regarded as "yours."

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Armand Hammer, Arnold

Schwarznegger, Galileo , Isaac Asimov, Jane Fonda, Jim Hendrix,
John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Pablo Picasso, Roger
Moore, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Sri Auribindo.

* Gemini in the Twelfth house is an exceptional position, causing you Gemini is in 12.
to make great contributions to society and sacrifice your personal
comforts for the benefit of others. You are not satisfied with techno-
economic prosperity; rather, you operate on the psycho-spiritual
plane. You will neglect your own progress for the upliftment of
others. Your contribution is primarily through thought, intellectual
guidance, and the spread of spirituality.

Shared by: Armand Hammer, Arnold Schwarznegger, Galileo ,

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Interpretations Astrological Cause
Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, and Pablo Picasso.

* Sagittarius in the Sixth house enables you to achieve great deeds. Sagittarius is in 6.
Such daring enterprises are undertaken not only in the material world
to acquire power and status, but also in the religious sphere where
tremendous self-control and arduous discipline are required. In the
Sixth house this sign provides an impulse whereby old karmic
influences are brought to the surface to assist you in carrying out your
destiny. It is a very powerful force which completely annihilates any
obstructing influences and imparts only those forces which strengthen
the special faculties needed for your mission.

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Angela Lansbury, Armand Hammer,

Arnold Schwarznegger, Galileo , Isaac Asimov, Jane Fonda, Johnny
Depp, Lisa Marie Presley, Sri Auribindo, and Val Kilmer.

* Moon in earth signs is more contained and doesn't want to express Moon is in Capricorn or Moon
is in Taurus or Moon is in
itself like fire. You will be more conservative. You are cautious in Virgo.
new circumstances until you know where you are, you like being
cautious a foreign land until understanding the surroundings. You
want to carefully take the next step and avoid risk.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Angela Lansbury, Arthur Conan

Doyle, Brigitte Bardot, Brooke Shields, Cary Grant, Chevy Chase,
David Hasselhoff, Deepak Chopra, Frederic Chopin, George Bush,
George Lucas, Isaac Asimov, Jeff Bridges, John Paul II Pope,
Leonardo Di Caprio, Mel Gibson, Melanie Griffith, Mother Teresa,
Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sting , Swami
Vivekananda, and Val Kilmer.

* Sexy, jealous, gains and success through others, grants wealth and Moon is in Capricorn.
attendants. You are honest and generous, blessed with children, a
scholar. Calculating in money matters. A good singer, susceptible to
ill effects from cold, or cold things, fond of truth and charity,
distinguished, famous, libidinous, unkind and shameless, may reach
for things out of reach, or try to take that which is not rightfully
yours, poetic, low enthusiasm.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Arthur Conan Doyle, Cary Grant,

Chevy Chase, George Lucas, Leonardo Di Caprio, Melanie Griffith,
and Val Kilmer.

* You are blessed with a spouse, children and friends. Endowed with Moon is aspected by Jupiter,
and Moon is in Capricorn.
noble qualities and occupies a leadership position.

Shared by: Chevy Chase, George Lucas, and Melanie Griffith.

* You are passionate, possessing an attractive spouse from whom you Moon is in 7.
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acquire much wealth. Gain from voyaging, trade, speculation; water
products; partnership. On land, from grocery shop, milk and milk
products, chemist shop, hotel industry; commission agent and
insurance agent. Avoid litigation, as Moon in the 7th house causes
trouble and loss through it. You marry a devoted spouse who is also
very healthy. Such a spouse alone can give full sexual pleasure. Gain
from sale and purchase, roving on land or foreign trade abroad. You
enjoy tasty food; sensual; thin and lean; vanquished by the enemy.
The 7th house denotes marriage, partnership and enemies etc. You
are handsome, healthy, wealthy and wise; famous; kind; always
traveling, itinerant; dominated by spouse; debauch. Exalted, full
Moon gives a beautiful & charming spouse; tand you yourself is
wealthy and handsome. If this Moon is in depression, aspected or
associated with a malefic, you know no peace or happiness in life.
Squint; marriage after 32 with an unchaste person, arms attack; sweet
and soft-spoken; palatial home; two marriages, if the lord is strong.
Exalted full Moon, or of its own sign will give one marriage and
contented with spouse only. You will be amiable, happy, will possess
a good physique and be sensuously disposed. If the weak Moon be so
posited, you will be pitiable and sick. Notes: If the Moon is in the 7th
one will be happy spouse, will earn wealth in business in foreign
places, will enjoy food, will sexually enjoy many partners, will be
very sensuous and be liberal. There is difference of opinion among
the various authors inasmuch as some say there will be wealth with
this placement while yet others say this position will cause poverty. It
obviously depends on the state and lordship of the Moon.

Shared by: Brigitte Bardot, Donald Trump, Jerry Garcia, Jesse

Jackson, Mother Teresa, Oliver Stone, Oprah Winfrey, Ralph Nader,
and Val Kilmer.

* Mental and physical suffering. The Sun is in 5, and the Sun is
in Cancer or the Sun is in
Scorpio or the Sun is in Pisces.
Shared by: Geraldine Chaplin, Jim Hendrix, and Magic Johnson.

* Proficient in Mathematics. The Sun is in 5, and Mercury

is in 5.

Shared by: Candice Bergen, Jim Hendrix, Magic Johnson, and

Margaux Hemingway.

* Selfish, miserly and indifferent to the joys and sorrows of others. The Sun is in 5, and the Sun is
in Taurus or the Sun is in
Business flourishes, children survive and wealth is accumulated. Virgo or the Sun is in
Capricorn or the Sun is in
Shared by: Geraldine Chaplin, Jim Hendrix, Magic Johnson, and Cancer or the Sun is in Scorpio
or the Sun is in Pisces.
Margaux Hemingway.

* The fifth house is a strong placement for the Sun. It focuses the The Sun is in 5.
intelligence more on learning than material gathering. Usually this
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
limits or denies children. This is favorable for becoming a spiritualist
and teaching same. Idealistic tendencies may surface. Sharp intellect,
even cruelty to opponents may manifest. You may be inclined to
study philosophy, alchemy, astrology, etc. The Sun works on the
consciousness aspect of life rather than on matter or form. Thus it
ordinarily bestows only one son and does not help to make the
individual rich. It will, however, make her intellectually bright. You
may suffer on account of your first born son. Your mind is sharp. You
are sometimes manipulative of others, and you enjoy amassing
money. This is favorable for all matters of enterprising nature. The
speculative interests are very keen and the capacity for enjoyment,
very great. Children are harmed by the Sun in the 5th. Either
abortions, early loss, or problems from them arise. The exact type is
not sure, but that some harm or trouble from or to the children is
indicated by this Sun, so beware accordingly. Also, you like to roam
in forests and hills, and your mind is very good, though you use it
sometimes to cheat others. This Sun is good for learning. Second
marriage is partially indicated by this placement also.

Shared by: Bill Gates, Candice Bergen, Geraldine Chaplin, Jim

Hendrix, Magic Johnson, and Margaux Hemingway.

* Very wealthy and generous; a government leader or occupies some The Sun is aspected by Jupiter,
and the Sun is in Aries or the
equally high rank where you award punishment (e.g. a magistrate or Sun is in Scorpio.
judge). You are a person of a high order. A judge, minister or a
person of status with all the noble qualities of a protector.

Shared by: Jim Hendrix

* You will have quite a taste for combat or competition, this causes the The Sun is in Scorpio.
urge to stray from the Vedic path, to lie, to be dull, to lose the spouse
or have an uninspiring spouse, to be cruel. You may be course, a
miser, fond of quarreling, troubled by weapons or attacks from
others, fire and poisonous things, and may be unfortunate in respect
of parents.

Shared by: Bo Derek, Bruce Lee, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jeff Bridges, Jim
Hendrix, Jodie Foster, Larry King, and Leonardo Di Caprio.

* You will have plenty of money, be generous, be occupied as an The Sun is in Aries or the Sun
is in Scorpio, and the Sun is
advisor or a judge, and be a well-liked person. aspected by Jupiter.

Shared by: Jim Hendrix

* Your Jupiter improves your Sun by aspecting her, so predictions The Sun is aspected by Jupiter.
herein based on the Sun alone, which don't consider Jupiter's aspect,
should be taken as being "improved".

Shared by: Armand Hammer, Benjamin Franklin, Demi Moore,

Donald Trump, Elton John, George Bush, Jesse Jackson, Jim
Hendrix, Johann Sebastian Bach, Kevin Costner, Mel Gibson,
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
Mikhail Gorbachev, Oliver Stone, Oprah Winfrey, Paula Abdul,
Ramakrishna Parmahamsa, Roger Moore, Sergei Rachmaninoff,
Steve Jobs, Sting , and Tom Cruise.

* 02-Mars in the Second House indicates that you may at times be Mars is in 2.
cruel, indigent, devoid of intelligence, extravagant; uses harsh words,
indulges in sex and gambling, and always quarrels with your
relations. You gain money through agriculture and trade. Learned in
logic; meager and unsavory food; journey; vexation; anti-criminal;
fumbled speech; unlettered; disrespect for the dead; voracious;
blessed with sons; debtor, tolerant; industrious; lean; fortunate;
contention and disrespect for spouse and relations; sensuous, red-
looking. Gain in eloquent discussion. Can not realize the utility of the
wealth you inherit from your relatives. You squander it away or hoard
it. Hostility and stinginess stands in the way of your relations with
everybody including your own family members. You would rather
die than leave their "wealth". Has a hard time with "give and take".
Proud of your bank balance which have neither any social good nor
personal use; except that it is drained away as fines, on litigation or
lost to thieves. Mars of Dhana Bhava brings success through
enterprise, legacies and inheritance, but losses too. Desire for sudden
gain from lottery, game of chance & speculation; from adultery, easy
comes and freely goes.

Shared by: Baba Ram Dass, Barbara Walters, Donovan , John Paul II
Pope, Johnny Depp, Leonardo Di Caprio, Martin Luther King,
Nicholas Cage, Norman Rockwell, Olivia Newton-John, Ralph
Nader, and Sting .

* There is some indication that you will have two spousal relationships, Mars is in 2 or Mars is in 7 or
Mars is in 8 or Mars is in 4 or
but this is a very general reading. The cause of this reading is very Mars is in 12.
common being in almost half of all charts. Therefore, take it as just
one small indication in that direction, to be combined with other more
powerful combinations which are more certain.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Arthur Conan Doyle, Baba Ram Dass,
Barbara Bush, Barbara Streisand, Barbara Walters, Bill Gates, Billy
Crystal, Bo Derek, Bob Dylan, Bruce Lee, Candice Bergen, Carl
Sagan, Carlos Castaneda, Charlie Sheen, Chevy Chase, Clint
Eastwood, David Crosby, David Hasselhoff, Donald Trump,
Donovan , Elton John, Farrah Fawcett Majors, Frederic Chopin,
George Bush, George Lucas, George Patton, Igor Stravinsky, Isabella
Rossellini, James Taylor, Jane Fonda, Jerry Garcia, Jerry Seinfeld,
Jim Hendrix, John F. Kennedy, John Paul II Pope, Johnny Depp, Ken
Kesey, Kevin Costner, Larry King, Leonardo Di Caprio, Lisa Marie
Presley, Margaret Thatcher, Martin Luther King, Michael Jordan,
Nicholas Cage, Norman Rockwell, Oliver Stone, Olivia Newton-
John, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Wilde, Pablo Picasso, Paula Abdul,
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
Rabindranath Tagore, Ralph Nader, Ronald Reagan, Salvador Dali,
Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sigourney Weaver, Steven Spielberg, Sting ,
Swami Vivekananda, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, and Walter Reuther.

* Timber, coal, slate, iron, steel, engineering & mechanics will bring Mars is in 2, and Mars is in
Aries or Mars is in Leo or
gain. Mars is in Sagittarius.

Shared by: Johnny Depp, Norman Rockwell, and Sting .

* You are frank, active, conscientious, good leader, gain through Mars is in Leo.
speculation, insurance and companies, friendly, over enthusiastic,
firm, adventurous. Love for new ideas, music. Mars in Leo is intense.
Impatient, valorous, grabbing others money and children, likes
forests, loses first spouse, bereft of children, devoid of charitable acts,
always active in their occupation.

Shared by: Brooke Shields, Carl Sagan, Charlie Sheen, Donald

Trump, George Michael, George Patton, Geraldine Chaplin, Jeff
Bridges, Jerry Garcia, Joan Collins, Johnny Depp, Magic Johnson,
Melanie Griffith, Mother Teresa, and Sting .

* You may become a widow. The person is female, and

Mars is in 7 or Rahu is in 7 or
Mars is in 2 or Rahu is in 2 or
Shared by: Baba Ram Dass, Barbara Bush, Barbara Walters, Mars is in 8 or Rahu is in 8.
Benjamin Franklin, Candice Bergen, Carl Sagan, Carlos Castaneda,
Chevy Chase, Clint Eastwood, David Copperfield, David Hasselhoff,
Donovan , Edgar Cayce, Elton John, Farrah Fawcett Majors, Frederic
Chopin, George Bush, Jane Fonda, Jeff Bridges, Jim Hendrix, John F.
Kennedy, John Paul II Pope, John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Ken
Kesey, Kevin Costner, Krishna Murti, Larry King, Leonardo Di
Caprio, Lisa Marie Presley, Magic Johnson, Martin Luther King,
Melanie Griffith, Michael Jordan, Mother Teresa, Nicholas Cage,
Norman Rockwell, Oliver Stone, Olivia Newton-John, Oprah
Winfrey, Paramahansa Yogananda, Paula Abdul, Ralph Nader,
Ronald Reagan, Sigourney Weaver, Steven Spielberg, Sting , Tom
Cruise, Tom Hanks, and Walter Reuther.
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Interpretations Astrological Cause

* For some reason, due to the past, your deeper thinking or intelligence, Mercury is in Scorpio.
has become rather quick and reactive and you may feel somewhat
argumentative and sarcastic towards others. Overall in life, your
thinking puts you on a impatient or resentful course. Therefore, it
behooves you to find a way of thinking that calms you down and
gives you a spiritual course.

Shared by: Bo Derek, Carlos Castaneda, George Patton, Isaac

Asimov, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jeff Bridges, Jim Hendrix, Jodie Foster,
Larry King, Pablo Picasso, and Steven Spielberg.

* Gain from speculation and lottery if in good aspect of Jupiter or Mercury is in 5, and Mercury
is aspected by Jupiter or
Saturn. Mercury is aspected by Saturn.

Shared by: Isaac Asimov, Jim Hendrix, Melanie Griffith, and Pablo

* Interested in palmistry, astrology and linguistics. Children show Mercury is in 5, and Mercury
is in Cancer or Mercury is in
mental imbalance. Scorpio or Mercury is in
Shared by: Chuck Norris, Isaac Asimov, Jim Hendrix, Magic
Johnson, and Pablo Picasso.

* Mercury is considered very adverse here. You are very secretive, Scorpio is in 5, and Mercury
is in 5.
prying into the private lives of others. You have an aptitude for
investigative studies. Journalism, which is a likely profession for you,
provides special opportunities for the exercise of your faculties,
though your education is generally obstructed and you are unable to
attain high academic degrees.

Shared by: Isaac Asimov, Jim Hendrix, and Pablo Picasso.

* You can be a little too sneaky or crafty, suffer from an agitated mind, Mercury is in Pisces or
Mercury is in Cancer or
and unsteadiness. Mercury is in Scorpio.

Shared by: Aldous Huxley, Bill Clinton, Bo Derek, Carlos

Castaneda, Charlie Sheen, Chuck Norris, David Hasselhoff, George
Patton, Isaac Asimov, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jeff Bridges, Jerry Garcia,
Jim Hendrix, Jodie Foster, Larry King, Leonard Nimoy, Magic
Johnson, Pablo Picasso, Ray Bradbury, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and
Steven Spielberg.

* Yuo will have an active and fiery mind. You may become aggressive, Mercury is aspected by Mars.
mentally agile and possibly argumentative. Even if these attributes
are not expressed outwardly, you will still possess this kind of energy

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Billy Crystal, Brigitte Bardot, Carl Jung,
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
Charlie Sheen, Che Guevara, David Crosby, Demi Moore, Elvis
Presley, George Bush, George Patton, James Taylor, Jamie Lee
Curtis, Jeff Bridges, Jesse Jackson, Johann Sebastian Bach, John Paul
II Pope, John Travolta, Michael Jordan, Mikhail Gorbachev, and
Sean Connery.

* Intuitive and discriminating. Jupiter is in 11, and Jupiter
conjoins Mercury or Jupiter is
aspected by Mercury.
Shared by: Mother Teresa, and Pablo Picasso.

* Jupiter in the Eleventh house makes you learned, a follower of Jupiter is in 11.
traditional social values, and fond of religious discourses. You earn
wealth through religious scholarship or by way of your sons. At heart
you are some sort of priest and your income may be derived in that
manner. In any case, this planetary combination produces a very
earnest individual working very conscientiously; you are eminently
respectable and seek to attain perfection, though you are willing to
compromise with reality when necessary. Psychologically, you are so
independent that you regard yourself as a leader and maintain a very
healthy sense of dignity in your personal deportment. You suffer
sorrow from elder brother if Jupiter is in the 11th. Jupiter in the 11th
is very good for overall gains in life, and fulfillment of desires. Alert,
mindful, can serve others well. Shoulders the responsibility of your
father. Blessed with 5 children (take that lightly). Wealth is for
others, and not for you. You surprise your own family. Good for
religion. Conveyance and attendants. Saintly; little education and few
sons. Longevity, success and gain. Very sharp. Reputed and
accredited. Rich. Valiant, fond of beautiful attire. Handsome, skilled
and fickle. Healthy, strong, advisor, learned in scriptures, gentle. You
are brave, wealthy with best of the jewels, dresses and conveyance;
government favor. Promotes your family interests. Religious and rich.
You are learned, blessed with sons, happy and prosperous. Pious,
keeping company with virtuous people. Gold, silver and other metals.
Revered by the leaders. Bold. Moneyed, long living, plenty of
vehicles but few children. Gain through the government, sacrifices,
transportation, land and learning activities. You are long living,
healthy, affluent. Happiness through spouse, sons and friends.
Scholarly and pious. Great gain in 32nd year. Reputation through
many sources. You are blessed either with children, wealth or
education. Gain through many sincere and fortunate friends, eminent
personalities, judges, legislators, bankers, doctors and people of
status. Gain through social life. Wish-fulfillment through influential
friends. Gain through marriage partner.

Shared by: Barbara Walters, Dalai Lama, Jamie Lee Curtis, John
Travolta, Mother Teresa, and Pablo Picasso.

* This placement adds an air of fairness and kindness and will tend to Jupiter is in Taurus.
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make you homebound. You will like to gain through wisdom, your
partners or spouses in life, your children or teaching children, or
leading others. Like all readings, if this placement is afflicted, quite
the opposite may result.

Shared by: Barbara Streisand, Bob Dylan, Brooke Shields, Igor

Stravinsky, Jesse Jackson, John F. Kennedy, John Travolta, Oprah
Winfrey, and Pablo Picasso.

* With Jupiter in this position, your behavior is always correct. You are Taurus is in 11, and Jupiter is
in 11.
respectful to your parents, work for your family members, and are
always willing to help them in any way possible. This helpful attitude
pays you rich dividends in your professional career; your
subordinates and colleagues are always willing to cooperate with you,
and your superiors trust you completely. You rise very high in terms
of status, and as you grow old your respectability and influence
increase. You have a very harmonious married life and should be
happy with your children.

Shared by: John Travolta, and Pablo Picasso.

* This placement gives rise to fame and affluence. Venus is in 6 or Venus is in

Shared by: Armand Hammer, Barbara Streisand, Bruce Lee, Candice

Bergen, Carl Jung, Charlie Sheen, Chuck Norris, Demi Moore,
Donovan , George Michael, Igor Stravinsky, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jeff
Bridges, Jodie Foster, Krishna Murti, Lisa Marie Presley, Madonna ,
Magic Johnson, Meryl Streep, Paul McCartney, and Sigourney

* Venus creates problems when placed in the Sixth. Although under its Venus is in 6.
influence you learn to unfold your capacities by associating with
different types of people, these associations create social and personal
difficulties for you. Often marital life may be in jeopardy, you
become involved in bad business and debt, and at times suffer from
genital related diseases. You have little control over expenditures.
You learn spiritual lessons with great difficulty but develops a sense
of detachment after much physical, financial and moral suffering.
You belong to a superior race; progeny; fall of enemies, sons and
grandsons, wasteful expenditure, bad decisions and sick, noble son.
Mother's sisters are two or three and they are well-off. Spouses do not
desire you and you have no desire for them; impotent. You have
many strong and powerful enemies; excessive expenditures, leading
to poverty and debt. Much mental torture. No gain or success in
business in spite of your great efforts and industry-rather you may
make a mess of it. Trouble, little gain or comfort through preceptor or
parents; nor do you gain anything through them. You have to face
endless invincible enemies; constant liquidation of wealth;
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
unsuccessful in the best organized trade. Foolish and sick. Many
occasions of grief and condemnation. You are poor, and may have
unlawful relations with young spouses. Suffers through ailments.
Vain, dull, penniless, timid, bad company, quarrelsome, disrespect for
father, trouble through all sources. Fond of dance-music, victor and
destroyer. Unpopular. You may come from a high family, learned,
discreet and well-educated.

Shared by: Candice Bergen, Carl Jung, Charlie Sheen, Chuck Norris,
Jeff Bridges, Krishna Murti, Lisa Marie Presley, and Magic Johnson.

* You are very enlightened. Blessed with comforts of most types. Venus is in Sagittarius.
Spiritual, philanthropic, attractive, noble, affluent. You gain best
through high status engagements and education or educated people.
You will probably have more than one spousal connection. You like
travel, fine arts, sports and amusements. You are honest.

Shared by: Benjamin Franklin, Farrah Fawcett Majors, George

Patton, Larry King, Lisa Marie Presley, Michael Jordan, and Steve

* Colds, strictures, obstructions, bones and urinary troubles. Polite and Saturn is in 1, and Saturn is in
Cancer or Saturn is in Scorpio
captivating, tactful. or Saturn is in Pisces.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Albert, Jr. Gore, Arnold

Schwarznegger, Arsenio Hall, and Galileo .

* Good natured person. Saturn is in 1, and Saturn is in

Aries or Saturn is in Cancer or
Saturn is in Leo or Saturn is in
Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Albert, Jr. Gore, Arnold Scorpio or Saturn is in
Schwarznegger, Arsenio Hall, Benjamin Franklin, Galileo , Jamie Sagittarius or Saturn is in
Lee Curtis, Jeff Bridges, and John Paul II Pope.

* Hardships and difficulties in early life, motherless, noble partner, Saturn is in Cancer.
reputed, absence of enemies, opposition from relatives, gentle,
affluence in later life, a rolling stone.

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Arnold Schwarznegger, Arthur Conan

Doyle, Bill Clinton, Billy Crystal, Deepak Chopra, Donald Trump,
Elton John, Farrah Fawcett Majors, Galileo , James Taylor, John F.
Kennedy, and Steven Spielberg.

* Long life will be conferred. Saturn conjoins the lord of the

8 or Saturn is aspected by the
lord of the 8.
Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Angela Lansbury, Armand Hammer,
Arnold Schwarznegger, Arthur Conan Doyle, Baba Ram Dass, Bill
Gates, Billy Crystal, Bruce Lee, Charlie Sheen, Clint Eastwood,
David Copperfield, Donovan , Elton John, Farrah Fawcett Majors,
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
Galileo , George Michael, H. Ross Perot, Isaac Asimov, Jane Fonda,
Jerry Seinfeld, Jesse Jackson, Jim Hendrix, Johann Sebastian Bach,
John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts, Ken Kesey, Krishna
Murti, Kurt Cobain, Larry King, Leonard Nimoy, Lisa Marie Presley,
Martin Luther King, Mel Gibson, Melanie Griffith, Meryl Streep,
Mikhail Gorbachev, Pablo Picasso, Roger Moore, Ronald Reagan,
Salvador Dali, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sri Auribindo, Steven
Spielberg, Sting , Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Walter Reuther, and
Winona Ryder.

* May be poor, miserable, bereft of good family relations and troubled Cancer is in 1, and Saturn is
in 1.
in career. Suffers from nervous exhaustion, and may lose the teeth
early. There is a possibility you may develop spiritual interests.

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Arnold Schwarznegger, and Galileo .

* Prefers service and gets promotion after pursuing with the seniors. Saturn is in 1, and Saturn is in
Aries or Saturn is in Leo or
Fortune smiles by retirement time. Authoritative. One marriage; few, Saturn is in Sagittarius or
in any, sons; many daughters. Saturn is in Cancer or Saturn is
in Scorpio or Saturn is in
Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Albert, Jr. Gore, Arnold
Schwarznegger, Arsenio Hall, Benjamin Franklin, Galileo , Jamie
Lee Curtis, Jeff Bridges, and John Paul II Pope.

* This placement is very troublesome causing ruin. Always ailing, Saturn is in 1.

miserly, and crafty. Dull, sensual, mean, bald, and lean. Urticaria,
phlegmatic, disabled in extremities, earache, emaciated, gloomy,
foolish, pallid and colorless. Head injury, concentric, short-living. (
This is the direction that this Saturn pushes, but these are not
necessarily predictions in the literal sense.) Has plenty of wealth;
unabated greed. Unhappy, crude. Poisonous glance; mental agony;
bilious and jealous. Regretting disputes, destroying the strongest of
enemies but dissatisfied. Perturbed, angry, Saturn-like looks, jealous
of others prosperity and a victim of various ailments. Sickly, sexy,
various ailments in childhood, lazy.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Albert, Jr. Gore, Arnold

Schwarznegger, Arsenio Hall, Benjamin Franklin, Carl Sagan,
Donovan , Galileo , Jamie Lee Curtis, Jeff Bridges, John Paul II
Pope, Margaret Thatcher, Paul McCartney, and Ralph Nader.

* Trouble in the nose; wrinkled partner; disabled but long-lived. Saturn is in 1, and Saturn is in
Aries or Saturn is in Taurus or
Illusions, heartburn, trouble in the joints, excess bile, chill, pain in the Saturn is in Gemini or Saturn
private parts, underarm and body pains. is in Cancer or Saturn is in Leo
or Saturn is in Virgo.
Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Arnold Schwarznegger, Benjamin
Franklin, Donovan , Galileo , Jeff Bridges, John Paul II Pope, and
Paul McCartney.
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Interpretations Astrological Cause

* Love and respect for partner, happy children, prosperous, learned Rahu is in Sagittarius, and
Ketu is in Gemini.
dexterous, impressive in assembly, polite and cultured, faith in God,
grateful, hasty, impatient and impulsive, overacting in public affairs,
occult learning, fond of material things, human sentiments and

Shared by: Armand Hammer, Dalai Lama, Galileo , Jerry Seinfeld,

John F. Kennedy, Kevin Costner, Margaux Hemingway,
Rabindranath Tagore, and Steve Jobs.

* Rahu produces great sustaining power when placed in the Sixth Rahu is in 6.
house. Every physical impediment is mysteriously removed, success
in temporal endeavors is assured, and diplomatic skill is developed to
a considerable extent. You may not have much idealism in life and
may even keep undesirable company. You will feel the allure of
unethical, disrespectful or forbidden activities. Your strength,
wisdom, valor and conscience are stable. This Rahu denotes
destruction of the adversary. Gain of wealth, knowledge, vigor. No
gain through uncles. Wealth through foreign leader type; trouble in
back, for animals. Longevity, prosperous, of noble birth, Debauch.
You may be a hero, handsome, intelligent, respected, well-known. If
well-aspected, all the evils fade away. A strong Rahu indicates
vehicular wealth. Progeny to uncle denied; or daughters only. Rahu in
Sixth House promotes health and strength, trusted employees, favors
service, fortune through paternal relatives; some income or
employment. Benefit through prosperous uncles aunts. Danger from
service in army or navy. Strong and brave. Radical, affluent, with
conveyance. Jewelry, wealth and fortune. Robust health. This Rahu
indicates an unstable mind of the father and maternal uncle. You may
be infirm, imbecile, absence of enemies, friendly, full of riches. Black
mole in the back. Death due to blow of stick, stone, animal, falling
from tree or by drowning. You are patient, tolerant, prosperous.

Shared by: Armand Hammer, Barbara Streisand, Bill Gates, Candice

Bergen, Galileo , and Mel Gibson.

* You are very materialistic, but succeed in your enterprises. You may Sagittarius is in 6, and Rahu is
in 6.
tells lies and are held in low esteem, but you get your work done. You
also attain a high social position and a long life.

Shared by: Armand Hammer, and Galileo .

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Interpretations Astrological Cause

* In your mind you think of spiritual life as real and true and so you Ketu is in 12.
know that material life is not the aim of life. This comes gradually as
you get older, as material expectations are one by one ruled out as
unfulfilling. Therefore, gradually through life, you spend more of
your time and energy towards serving good causes. Also, in an
attempt to sort things out in this transition, you become restless, and
sometimes try to spend for pleasure, only to feel increased frustration.
Overall, you should do well because of your sincere approach to life.
Areas to try to prevent disease troubles would include the feet, eyes
and private parts.

Shared by: Armand Hammer, Barbara Streisand, Bill Gates, Candice

Bergen, Galileo , and Mel Gibson.

* Ketu in this sign makes you efficient in your work, but you have the Gemini is in 12, and Ketu is
in 12.
ethics of practicality and not of absolute truth. Your pragmatic
attitude towards life raises you in public esteem, but in your heart you
are a lonely person.

Shared by: Armand Hammer, and Galileo .

* You may possess cunning characteristics. You have difficulty Ketu is under star 6-Ardra, and
Ketu is in star quarter # 1.
thanking others for their help. You may face criticism from your
community. Spouses constitution may be weak. You may suffer from
asthma .

Shared by:

First Family
* An older sibling may be an officer having the authority to impose The lord of the 6 is in 11, and
the lord of the 6 has at least
fines and imprisonment. one beneficial placement
Shared by: Bill Clinton, Billy Crystal, Elvis Presley, H. Ross Perot,
John Travolta, and Pablo Picasso.

* This placement is not good for the father or your relationship with her The Sun conjoins a malefic
depending on other factors in the chart.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Arnold Schwarznegger, Arsenio Hall,

Arthur Conan Doyle, Barbara Bush, Benjamin Franklin, Bo Derek,
Brooke Shields, Carl Sagan, David Hasselhoff, Deepak Chopra, Demi
Moore, Elvis Presley, Farrah Fawcett Majors, Frederic Chopin,
Galileo , Geraldine Chaplin, Igor Stravinsky, Isabella Rossellini,
Jamie Lee Curtis, Jane Fonda, Jim Hendrix, Joan Collins, Jodie
Foster, John Paul II Pope, John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts,
Madonna , Martin Luther King, Norman Rockwell, Paul McCartney,
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
Rabindranath Tagore, Ray Bradbury, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sri
Auribindo, Steven Spielberg, Sting , and Val Kilmer.

* You will have many siblings and they will be wealthy, mainly due to The lord of the 3 is in 5, and
the lord of the 3 has at least
religious ties. You will be wealthy or may be adopted by a rich man. one beneficial placement
Shared by: Bill Gates, Cary Grant, Geraldine Chaplin, Isaac Asimov,
Jim Hendrix, Melanie Griffith, and Pablo Picasso.

* Your mother may contact some disease or may become immoral. The lord of the 4 is in 6, and
the lord of the 4 has at least
Your maternal uncle will be a prominent person. one beneficial placement
Shared by: Bob Dylan, Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, George Patton,
Geraldine Chaplin, Krishna Murti, Larry King, Leonardo Di Caprio,
Lisa Marie Presley, Margaux Hemingway, Mother Teresa, Paula
Abdul, Sean Connery, and Steven Spielberg.

* Your siblings may suffer some misfortune. The lord of the 3 is in 5, and
the lord of the 3 has at least
one negative placement
Shared by: Bill Gates, Cary Grant, Geraldine Chaplin, Isaac Asimov, attribute.
Jim Hendrix, Melanie Griffith, and Pablo Picasso.

* Your sibling will have mixed fortunes (i.e., fortunes and misfortunes The lord of the 3 is in 5, and
the lord of the 3 has at least
both). one beneficial placement
attribute, and the lord of the 3
Shared by: Bill Gates, Cary Grant, Geraldine Chaplin, Isaac Asimov, has at least one negative
placement attribute.
Jim Hendrix, Melanie Griffith, and Pablo Picasso.

* Diseases will have a hard time overwhelming you. A benefic is in a trine.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Albert, Jr. Gore, Aldous Huxley,

Angela Lansbury, Arnold Schwarznegger, Arsenio Hall, Arthur
Conan Doyle, Baba Ram Dass, Barbara Walters, Benjamin Franklin,
Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Billy Crystal, Bo Derek, Brigitte Bardot,
Brooke Shields, Candice Bergen, Carl Sagan, Che Guevara, Chevy
Chase, Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, David Copperfield, David
Crosby, David Hasselhoff, Deepak Chopra, Demi Moore, Edgar
Cayce, Frederic Chopin, Galileo , George Lucas, H. Ross Perot,
Harrison Ford, Isaac Asimov, James Taylor, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jane
Fonda, Jeff Bridges, Jerry Seinfeld, Jesse Jackson, Jim Hendrix, Joan
Collins, Jodie Foster, Johann Sebastian Bach, John F. Kennedy, John
Paul II Pope, John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts, Ken Kesey,
Krishna Murti, Madonna , Magic Johnson, Margaret Thatcher,
Margaux Hemingway, Martin Luther King, Melanie Griffith, Mikhail
Gorbachev, Nicholas Cage, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Wilde, Pablo
Picasso, Paul McCartney, Paula Abdul, Rabindranath Tagore, Ralph
Nader, Ramakrishna Parmahamsa, Ray Bradbury, Rod Stewart,
Roger Moore, Ronald Reagan, Sean Connery, Sergei Rachmaninoff,
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
Sigourney Weaver, Sri Auribindo, Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg,
Sting , Swami Vivekananda, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, and Val

* Some experiences of disease will come to you, especially during The lord of the 1 is in the
house of an enemy.
periods related to the Lord of the 1st house.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Albert, Jr. Gore, Bruce Lee, Farrah
Fawcett Majors, Galileo , Igor Stravinsky, Isaac Asimov, Isabella
Rossellini, Jesse Jackson, Johann Sebastian Bach, John F. Kennedy,
Pablo Picasso, Paramahansa Yogananda, Sean Connery, Sri
Auribindo, and Tom Hanks.

* You are good at calculations and clear and effective dealings with Mercury conjoins the Sun, and
Mercury is in a kendra or
facts and figures. Mercury is in a trine or
Mercury is in 11.
Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Barbara Bush, Benjamin Franklin, Bo
Derek, Brooke Shields, Candice Bergen, Carl Sagan, Cary Grant,
Charlie Sheen, David Copperfield, David Hasselhoff, Deepak
Chopra, Donovan , George Bush, Harrison Ford, Igor Stravinsky,
James Taylor, Jeff Bridges, Jerry Garcia, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Hendrix,
Jodie Foster, Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts, Kurt Cobain, Leonard
Nimoy, Magic Johnson, Margaux Hemingway, Martin Luther King,
Mikhail Gorbachev, Nicholas Cage, Oprah Winfrey, Sergei
Rachmaninoff, Sigourney Weaver, Tom Hanks, and Walter Reuther.

* You may earn your livlihood in services to the church or temple. You The lord of the 5 is in 2, and
the lord of the 5 has at least
will have difficulty acquiring wealth and may struggle. You may one negative placement
experience quarrelsome times. attribute.

Shared by: Barbara Bush, Donald Trump, George Lucas, H. Ross

Perot, Joan Collins, Johnny Depp, Nicholas Cage, Oliver Stone, Sting
, and Tom Cruise.

* You will have a large family, be intelligent, and will know astrology. The lord of the 5 is in 2, and
the lord of the 5 has at least
You will be good in the art of prediction. You will enjoy good food. one beneficial placement
Your spouse will be affectionate. You will make money through attribute.
God's grace and through your connections with people

Shared by: Barbara Bush, Donald Trump, George Lucas, H. Ross

Perot, Joan Collins, Johnny Depp, Nicholas Cage, Oliver Stone, Sting
, and Tom Cruise.
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Interpretations Astrological Cause

* Accumulation of wealth is deterred. The lord of the 2 conjoins the
lord of the 12.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Barbara Walters, Bob Dylan, Brooke

Shields, Carlos Castaneda, Galileo , Igor Stravinsky, Jane Fonda, Jim
Hendrix, Johann Sebastian Bach, John F. Kennedy, John Travolta,
Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts, Leonardo Di Caprio, Madonna ,
Nicholas Cage, Rod Stewart, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sri Auribindo,
Steven Spielberg, Sting , Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, and Winona

* There will be expenditure of wealth through children, great men, The lord of the 2 is in 5, and
the lord of the 2 has at least
temples and monasteries. one negative placement
Shared by: Cary Grant, Chuck Norris, Jim Hendrix, Melanie Griffith,
Steve Jobs, and Steven Spielberg.

* This placement is a "dhana yoga", which means a combination of The lord of the 5 is in 2, and
the lord of the 2 is in 5.
planetary influences known to create wealth. The more dhana yogas
one has, the more likely they are to be wealthy in this life. You have
this one for sure. If you see this reading more than once in your chart,
that means you have two, or three, or how ever many you find.
Wealthy people usually have at least two, and sometimes 5 dhana
yogas. The opposite of dhana yoga is daridra yoga. As these increase
in number, the persons chances for wealth decrease.

Shared by:

* You may find yourself far from home and may have to struggle to A malefic planet is in 12.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Aldous Huxley, Armand Hammer,

Arnold Schwarznegger, Arthur Conan Doyle, Barbara Bush, Barbara
Streisand, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Brigitte Bardot, Bruce Lee,
Candice Bergen, Cary Grant, Charlie Sheen, Demi Moore, Donovan ,
Elton John, Farrah Fawcett Majors, Galileo , Harrison Ford, Igor
Stravinsky, James Taylor, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jerry Garcia, Jerry
Seinfeld, Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts, Madonna , Margaux
Hemingway, Mel Gibson, Michael Jordan, Norman Rockwell, Oscar
Wilde, Ray Bradbury, Rod Stewart, Salvador Dali, Sigourney
Weaver, Steven Spielberg, Swami Vivekananda, Tom Cruise, and
Tom Hanks.

* You may struggle with poverty. The lord of the 6 is in 11, and
the lord of the 6 has at least
one negative placement
Shared by: Bill Clinton, Billy Crystal, Elvis Presley, H. Ross Perot, attribute.
and John Travolta.

* You will be blessed with the acquisition of wealth through children, The lord of the 2 is in 5, and
the lord of the 2 has at least
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
great men, temples and monasteries. one beneficial placement

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Cary Grant, Chuck Norris, Jim

Hendrix, Julia Roberts, Ken Kesey, Melanie Griffith, Steve Jobs, and
Steven Spielberg.

* You will have much wealth. The lord of the 9 is in 11, and
the lord of the 9 has at least
one beneficial placement
Shared by: John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Pablo Picasso, Paula attribute.
Abdul, Ronald Reagan, Steve Jobs, and Walter Reuther.

* Your wealth and other forms of gain are improved. If there is an 11 has at least one beneficial
placement attribute.
elder sibling, they may be very successful and be of help to you.

Shared by: Armand Hammer, Bill Gates, Billy Crystal, Candice

Bergen, Carl Jung, Carl Sagan, Carlos Castaneda, Cary Grant, Chevy
Chase, Chuck Norris, David Crosby, Edgar Cayce, Frederic Chopin,
Galileo , George Lucas, Geraldine Chaplin, Igor Stravinsky, Isaac
Asimov, James Taylor, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jane Fonda, Jim Hendrix,
Joan Collins, Julia Roberts, Ken Kesey, Kevin Costner, Krishna
Murti, Lisa Marie Presley, Madonna , Magic Johnson, Margaret
Thatcher, Margaux Hemingway, Mel Gibson, Melanie Griffith,
Meryl Streep, Michael Jordan, Oliver Stone, Olivia Newton-John,
Oscar Wilde, Pablo Picasso, Rod Stewart, Roger Moore, Ronald
Reagan, Sigourney Weaver, Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg, Swami
Vivekananda, and Winona Ryder.

* Your father and teachers may experience difficulties. You may be 9 has at least one negative
placement attribute.
born in a less fortunate family or suffer ill health. You will tend to
not have total devotion to religious leaders, and be pessimistic about
performing charity.

Shared by: Aldous Huxley, Angela Lansbury, Armand Hammer,

Arsenio Hall, Baba Ram Dass, Barbara Bush, Barbara Streisand,
Barbara Walters, Brigitte Bardot, Candice Bergen, Carlos Castaneda,
Chuck Norris, Dalai Lama, David Copperfield, Demi Moore, Donald
Trump, Galileo , George Lucas, Geraldine Chaplin, H. Ross Perot,
Isaac Asimov, Jim Hendrix, Jodie Foster, Johann Sebastian Bach,
Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts, Leonard Nimoy, Leonardo Di Caprio,
Magic Johnson, Mikhail Gorbachev, Norman Rockwell, Oliver
Stone, Olivia Newton-John, Oscar Wilde, Pablo Picasso,
Paramahansa Yogananda, Paul McCartney, Rabindranath Tagore,
Ramakrishna Parmahamsa, Rod Stewart, Roger Moore, Sergei
Rachmaninoff, Sri Auribindo, Sting , Val Kilmer, and Winona Ryder.
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Interpretations Astrological Cause

Other Fortunes
* Good life in general, wealth, intelligence. The lord of the 1 is in a

Shared by: Bill Gates, Billy Crystal, Bo Derek, Bob Dylan, Brooke
Shields, Candice Bergen, Charlie Sheen, David Hasselhoff, Frederic
Chopin, George Bush, George Lucas, Harrison Ford, James Taylor,
Jeff Bridges, Jerry Seinfeld, John Paul II Pope, Krishna Murti, Kurt
Cobain, Leonard Nimoy, Margaux Hemingway, Meryl Streep,
Mother Teresa, Nicholas Cage, Oliver Stone, Ramakrishna
Parmahamsa, Ronald Reagan, Val Kilmer, and Walter Reuther.

* Putra Sukha Yoga. There will be happiness on account of children. Mercury is in 5.

Shared by: Candice Bergen, Chuck Norris, Isaac Asimov, Jim

Hendrix, Krishna Murti, Magic Johnson, Margaux Hemingway,
Melanie Griffith, and Pablo Picasso.

* Tends to have more than one spouse in life. A malefic planet is in 1.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Albert, Jr. Gore, Angela Lansbury,

Arnold Schwarznegger, Arsenio Hall, Barbara Walters, Benjamin
Franklin, Bill Clinton, Billy Crystal, Carl Sagan, Clint Eastwood,
Dalai Lama, David Copperfield, Donald Trump, Edgar Cayce,
Galileo , George Bush, George Lucas, George Michael, Jamie Lee
Curtis, Jeff Bridges, Jodie Foster, Johann Sebastian Bach, John Paul
II Pope, John Travolta, Julia Roberts, Madonna , Magic Johnson,
Melanie Griffith, Michael Jordan, Mother Teresa, Nicholas Cage,
Oliver Stone, Olivia Newton-John, Oprah Winfrey, Paramahansa
Yogananda, and Ralph Nader.

* The birth of children is highly likely, especially during Jupiter Jupiter conjoins the lord of the
5 or Jupiter is aspected by the
periods. lord of the 5 or the lord of the
5 is aspected by Jupiter or 5 is
Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Angela Lansbury, Arsenio Hall, aspected by Jupiter.
Arthur Conan Doyle, Baba Ram Dass, Barbara Bush, Barbara
Walters, Benjamin Franklin, Billy Crystal, Bob Dylan, Brigitte
Bardot, Brooke Shields, Bruce Lee, Carl Jung, Carl Sagan, Charlie
Sheen, Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, Dalai Lama, David Hasselhoff,
Deepak Chopra, Demi Moore, Donovan , Edgar Cayce, Elton John,
Elvis Presley, Frederic Chopin, Galileo , George Bush, Geraldine
Chaplin, H. Ross Perot, Igor Stravinsky, Isaac Asimov, Isabella
Rossellini, James Taylor, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jeff Bridges, Jesse
Jackson, Jim Hendrix, Jodie Foster, John Paul II Pope, John Travolta,
Johnny Depp, Ken Kesey, Kevin Costner, Krishna Murti, Kurt
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Interpretations Astrological Cause
Cobain, Leonardo Di Caprio, Lisa Marie Presley, Madonna ,
Margaret Thatcher, Martin Luther King, Meryl Streep, Michael
Jordan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mother Teresa, Norman Rockwell,
Oliver Stone, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Wilde, Pablo Picasso,
Paramahansa Yogananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Ralph Nader, Ray
Bradbury, Roger Moore, Ronald Reagan, Sergei Rachmaninoff,
Sigourney Weaver, Sri Auribindo, Steven Spielberg, Sting , Tom
Cruise, Tom Hanks, Val Kilmer, and Winona Ryder.

* There is an indication of decreased life span. 8 has at least one negative
placement attribute.

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Arnold Schwarznegger, Arsenio Hall,

Arthur Conan Doyle, Barbara Walters, Bill Clinton, Bob Dylan,
Bruce Lee, Charlie Sheen, Che Guevara, Chuck Norris, David
Hasselhoff, Elvis Presley, Farrah Fawcett Majors, George Patton,
Isabella Rossellini, Joan Collins, John Travolta, Johnny Depp,
Leonardo Di Caprio, Lisa Marie Presley, Mel Gibson, Michael
Jordan, Mother Teresa, Nicholas Cage, Norman Rockwell, Olivia
Newton-John, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Wilde, Paul McCartney,
Rabindranath Tagore, Roger Moore, Ronald Reagan, Sri Auribindo,
Steven Spielberg, Sting , Val Kilmer, and Walter Reuther.

Astrological Points
* Jupiter will generally not give favorable results but will confer Jupiter is the lord of the 3 or
Jupiter is the lord of the 6 or
recognition and increase in income. Jupiter is the lord of the 8.

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Aldous Huxley, Angela Lansbury,

Armand Hammer, Arnold Schwarznegger, Brooke Shields, Carl Jung,
Carl Sagan, Cary Grant, Che Guevara, Chevy Chase, Clint Eastwood,
David Copperfield, Donald Trump, Edgar Cayce, Elton John,
Frederic Chopin, Galileo , George Bush, George Patton, Igor
Stravinsky, Isaac Asimov, James Taylor, Jane Fonda, Jeff Bridges,
Jerry Seinfeld, Jesse Jackson, Jim Hendrix, John Paul II Pope, John
Travolta, Johnny Depp, Kevin Costner, Krishna Murti, Kurt Cobain,
Leonard Nimoy, Lisa Marie Presley, Madonna , Margaret Thatcher,
Margaux Hemingway, Meryl Streep, Mikhail Gorbachev, Oprah
Winfrey, Oscar Wilde, Pablo Picasso, Paramahansa Yogananda, Paul
McCartney, Ralph Nader, Ramakrishna Parmahamsa, Rod Stewart,
Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sri Auribindo,
Sting , Swami Vivekananda, Tom Hanks, Val Kilmer, and Walter

* Mercury will give favorable results during her periods. The Sun conjoins Mercury or
the Sun is aspected by
Mercury or Mercury is
Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Aldous Huxley, Arsenio Hall, Barbara aspected by the Sun.
Bush, Barbara Streisand, Benjamin Franklin, Bo Derek, Brooke
Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 30
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080
Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:22:14
Interpretations Astrological Cause
Shields, Candice Bergen, Carl Sagan, Cary Grant, Charlie Sheen, Che
Guevara, Chevy Chase, Clint Eastwood, David Copperfield, David
Hasselhoff, Deepak Chopra, Demi Moore, Donovan , Elvis Presley,
Farrah Fawcett Majors, Galileo , George Bush, Harrison Ford, Igor
Stravinsky, Isabella Rossellini, James Taylor, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jane
Fonda, Jeff Bridges, Jerry Garcia, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Hendrix, Joan
Collins, Jodie Foster, John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts, Ken
Kesey, Kevin Costner, Kurt Cobain, Larry King, Leonard Nimoy,
Magic Johnson, Margaux Hemingway, Martin Luther King, Mikhail
Gorbachev, Nicholas Cage, Norman Rockwell, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar
Wilde, Paramahansa Yogananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Ralph Nader,
Ramakrishna Parmahamsa, Rod Stewart, Sergei Rachmaninoff,
Sigourney Weaver, Sri Auribindo, Sting , Tom Hanks, Val Kilmer,
Walter Reuther, and Winona Ryder.

Other General Readings

* Fond of lies and is quarrelsome, but you are learned and speak well. Mercury is aspected by Mars,
and Mercury is in Aries or
You are courageous and a favorite of leaders. You may be wealthy, Mercury is in Scorpio.
strong, loyal and full of energy and accumulative. Congenial partner.
Much enmity and opposition. Ailing.

Shared by: George Patton, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jeff Bridges, and John
Paul II Pope.

* This is an undesirable situation indicating one who suffers from The lord of the 8 is in 1.
weakness of health, trouble from the government or arguments with
superiors, debts and illicit sexual connections but they will be
interested in spiritual and psychological studies.

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Arnold Schwarznegger, Bill Clinton,

Donovan , Galileo , Jodie Foster, Oprah Winfrey, and Tom Hanks.

* This person will take many trips. They will consider their spouse of The lord of the 7 is in 1.
utmost importance in life. They get a stable job in some business
concern. They are loyal, bold and lusty. Look to the lord of the 7th
being in the 1st for these things. If the lord of the seventh house is
placed in the ascendant, the person will be always traveling from
place to place carrying letters etc. She may marry a woman who was
brought up in her own house. She will be always in the midst of
ladies and hanker after sexual pleasures.

Shared by: Albert, Jr. Gore, Arnold Schwarznegger, Arthur Conan

Doyle, Baba Ram Dass, Billy Crystal, Galileo , George Lucas, H.
Ross Perot, Jeff Bridges, John Paul II Pope, Nicholas Cage, and Steve

* With this placement you will find more happiness in the middle part The lord of the 1 is in a kendra
or Jupiter is in a kendra.
of life.
Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 31
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080
Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:22:14
Interpretations Astrological Cause
Shared by: Arnold Schwarznegger, Arsenio Hall, Benjamin Franklin,
Bill Gates, Billy Crystal, Bo Derek, Bob Dylan, Brooke Shields,
Candice Bergen, Carl Jung, Carl Sagan, Carlos Castaneda, Charlie
Sheen, Che Guevara, Chevy Chase, David Hasselhoff, Demi Moore,
Donovan , Elton John, Frederic Chopin, George Bush, George Lucas,
George Michael, Harrison Ford, Igor Stravinsky, James Taylor, Jane
Fonda, Jeff Bridges, Jerry Garcia, Jerry Seinfeld, Jodie Foster, Johann
Sebastian Bach, John Paul II Pope, Krishna Murti, Kurt Cobain,
Larry King, Leonard Nimoy, Margaux Hemingway, Meryl Streep,
Mother Teresa, Nicholas Cage, Oliver Stone, Ramakrishna
Parmahamsa, Ronald Reagan, Salvador Dali, Swami Vivekananda,
Val Kilmer, and Walter Reuther.

* You may be quite a wealthy person with influence in high places. The lord of the 9 is in 11.
You try to live a righteous life and are able to give pleasure to many.
Also, your father will live a long life most likely.

Shared by: John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Pablo Picasso, Paula

Abdul, Ronald Reagan, Steve Jobs, and Walter Reuther.

* Your children may become very wealthy and fortunate. You will be The lord of the 5 has at least
one beneficial placement
very powerful, do well and will be a friend of highly paced people. attribute.
You are intelligent and educated. You will have many people who
listen to your advice.

Shared by: Abraham Lincoln, Albert, Jr. Gore, Aldous Huxley,

Angela Lansbury, Armand Hammer, Arnold Schwarznegger, Arsenio
Hall, Arthur Conan Doyle, Baba Ram Dass, Barbara Bush, Barbara
Streisand, Barbara Walters, Benjamin Franklin, Bill Clinton, Bill
Gates, Billy Crystal, Bo Derek, Bob Dylan, Brigitte Bardot, Brooke
Shields, Bruce Lee, Carl Jung, Carl Sagan, Carlos Castaneda, Cary
Grant, Charlie Sheen, Che Guevara, Chevy Chase, Chuck Norris,
Clint Eastwood, Dalai Lama, David Copperfield, David Crosby,
David Hasselhoff, Deepak Chopra, Demi Moore, Donald Trump,
Donovan , Edgar Cayce, Elton John, Farrah Fawcett Majors, Frederic
Chopin, Galileo , George Bush, George Lucas, George Michael,
Geraldine Chaplin, H. Ross Perot, Harrison Ford, Igor Stravinsky,
Isaac Asimov, Isabella Rossellini, James Taylor, Jamie Lee Curtis,
Jane Fonda, Jeff Bridges, Jerry Garcia, Jerry Seinfeld, Jesse Jackson,
Jim Hendrix, Joan Collins, Jodie Foster, Johann Sebastian Bach, John
F. Kennedy, John Paul II Pope, John Travolta, Johnny Depp, Julia
Roberts, Ken Kesey, Kevin Costner, Krishna Murti, Kurt Cobain,
Larry King, Leonard Nimoy, Leonardo Di Caprio, Lisa Marie
Presley, Madonna , Magic Johnson, Margaret Thatcher, Margaux
Hemingway, Martin Luther King, Mel Gibson, Melanie Griffith,
Meryl Streep, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mother Teresa, Nicholas Cage,
Norman Rockwell, Oliver Stone, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar Wilde, Pablo
Picasso, Paramahansa Yogananda, Paul McCartney, Paula Abdul,
Rabindranath Tagore, Ralph Nader, Ramakrishna Parmahamsa, Ray
Bradbury, Rod Stewart, Roger Moore, Ronald Reagan, Salvador Dali,
Sean Connery, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sri Auribindo, Steve Jobs,
Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 32
Provided by: WhatsApp: +1 972 514 7080
Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:22:14
Interpretations Astrological Cause
Steven Spielberg, Sting , Swami Vivekananda, Tom Cruise, Tom
Hanks, Val Kilmer, Walter Reuther, and Winona Ryder.

These are the total number of readings you share with each of the following people:
44 Jim Hendrix 37 Galileo 35 Pablo Picasso
30 Jeff Bridges 28 Isaac Asimov 28 John Travolta
28 Johnny Depp 28 Val Kilmer 27 Sting
26 Arnold Schwarzn 25 Lisa Marie Pres 24 Jamie Lee Curti
23 Abraham Lincoln 23 Armand Hammer 23 Arthur Conan Do
23 Candice Bergen 23 Melanie Griffit 22 Albert, Jr. Gor
22 John Paul II Po 21 David Hasselhof 21 Sergei Rachmani
20 Charlie Sheen 20 Krishna Murti 20 Magic Johnson
20 Margaux Hemingw 19 George Patton 19 Nicholas Cage
19 Sri Auribindo 18 Benjamin Frankl 18 Bill Gates
18 George Lucas 18 Geraldine Chapl 18 Igor Stravinsky
18 James Taylor 18 Jane Fonda 18 Jodie Foster
18 Johann Sebastia 17 Billy Crystal 17 Bo Derek
17 Carl Sagan 17 Chuck Norris 17 Donovan
17 Farrah Fawcett 17 Jerry Seinfeld 17 Leonardo Di Cap
17 Mel Gibson 17 Ralph Nader 17 Steven Spielber
16 Barbara Walters 16 Brooke Shields 16 Bruce Lee
16 Cary Grant 16 George Bush 16 Julia Roberts
16 Meryl Streep 16 Mother Teresa 16 Oliver Stone
16 Oprah Winfrey 16 Roger Moore 15 Arsenio Hall
15 Chevy Chase 15 Demi Moore 15 Frederic Chopin
15 Larry King 15 Norman Rockwell 15 Ronald Reagan
14 Bob Dylan 14 Donald Trump 14 Jesse Jackson
14 John F. Kennedy 14 Kevin Costner 14 Leonard Nimoy
14 Rabindranath Ta 14 Sean Connery 14 Steve Jobs
14 Tom Cruise 14 Walter Reuther 13 Barbara Bush
13 Brigitte Bardot 13 Elton John 13 Joan Collins
13 Mikhail Gorbach 13 Tom Hanks 12 Aldous Huxley
12 Angela Lansbury 12 Bill Clinton 12 Carlos Castaned
12 Clint Eastwood 12 H. Ross Perot 12 Jerry Garcia
12 Madonna 12 Paula Abdul 12 Swami Vivekanan
11 Carl Jung 11 David Copperfie 11 Edgar Cayce
11 Harrison Ford 11 Martin Luther K 11 Olivia Newton-J
11 Oscar Wilde 11 Paul McCartney 11 Ramakrishna Par
11 Sigourney Weave 10 Barbara Streisa 10 Che Guevara
10 Deepak Chopra 10 Isabella Rossel 10 Ken Kesey
10 Kurt Cobain 10 Michael Jordan 10 Salvador Dali
9 Baba Ram Dass 9 Dalai Lama 9 Rod Stewart
8 David Crosby 8 Elvis Presley 8 George Michael
8 Margaret Thatch 8 Paramahansa Yog 8 Ray Bradbury
Inner Wheel: Indira Gandhi 19/11/1917 , Zone 5.50
81 E 51 25 N 27
Outer Wheel 13/03/2018 at 12:00:00 Allahabad India
Transits as of: Printed on 13/03/2018 at 01:21:17
Timed for Provided by:
M D (
Trinidad and Tobago }
Standard D V
4.00 X
1 N
2 12
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J Indira Gandhi
Rasi J
3 11 G

! 4 10 &

5 9
@ 6 8 ^
M 7

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Natal Positions Transit Positions

Name Ret Sign Degrees Star Qtr. Lord Sub Bindus Name Ret Sign Degrees
Ascendant Cancer 27° 22’ Ashlesha 4 Merc Jup
Sun Scorpio 4° 7’ Anuradha 1 Sat Sat Sun Aquarius 28° 55’
Moon Capricorn 5° 35’ Uttarashadha 3 Sun Merc Moon Capricorn 14° 30’
Mars Leo 16° 22’ Purvaphalguni 1 Ven Moon Mars Sagittarius 03° 34’
Mercury Scorpio 13° 13’ Anuradha 3 Sat Rahu Mercury Pisces 17° 01’
Jupiter R Taurus 15° 0’ Rohini 2 MoonJup Jupiter R Libra 29° 05’
Venus Sagittarius 21° 0’ Purvashadha 3 Ven Jup Venus Pisces 14° 12’
Saturn Cancer 21° 47’ Ashlesha 2 Merc Sun Saturn Sagittarius 14° 02’
Rahu Sagittarius 9° 11’ Mula 3 Ketu Jup Rahu Cancer 20° 23’
Ketu Gemini 9° 11’ Ardra 1 RahuJup Ketu Capricorn 20° 23’ A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
The twelve houses in a person’s birth chart represent the the right side. This impact is on the mental level of the
entire history of an individual. Each of the twelve houses individual.
signify certain important events and incidents of life.
Again, Sun in Libra transits 7th house from your Ascendant
Kindly note that there are two columns on the printout. The impacts your house of spouse, marriage or partnership. This
column on the right side is the column of the Ascendant, your impact is on the real life experience.
real life experiences.
See below for detailed description on each house from one to
The column on the left side is the column of the Moon, the twelve.
column of your thoughts and mind.
If you gave your correct time of birth, then you can read both
Every planet has it’s own duration to transit each house in columns. If not, then you should only read the column of the
your birth chart. For example, Sun transit takes 30 days, Moon Moon, i.e. the column on the left side.
2.5 days, March 45 days, Mercury 27 days, Jupiter 1 year,
Please note: Planets in houses 1, 4, 7, 10 (from the Moon as
Venus 24 days, Saturn 2.5 years, Rahu & Ketu 18 months
well as from the Ascendant) are very powerful. Planets in the 2,
5, 7, 9 and 11 are considered very auspicious for financial gain.
For example, Sun in Libra transits 1st house from your Moon Planets in 3 and 6 houses are considered weak. Planets in the
impacts your personality during those dates that are marked as 8th house causes dangers and misery.
starting date on the left side and ends on the dates marked on
The following are the twelve houses and their significance.

The First House: contentment, hospitality, scholarship, metaphysical studies, imagination,

joy and new ventures and Purva Punya intuition, religious devotion and law,
Indicates: The beginning of life,
(past life events or previous sympathy, philosophy, science and
childhood, health, environment,
incarnation). literature, lasting fame, leadership,
personality, the physical body and
charities and communication with
character, the constitution, happiness, The Sixth House:
beings or elementals in higher and
dreams and the skin.
Indicates: Enemies, thieves, cuts and lower dimensions (deities or ghosts)
The Second House: wounds in the body, disappointments,
and the like, long journeys, foreign
miseries and sorrows, debts, illness,
Indicates: Family, face, speech, right travel, father, mental purity, regulated
paternal relatives and sinful deeds,
eye, food, sources of wealth or income, life and auspicious happenings.
battle/fight, diseases, hostility and fear
literary gift, manner and source of
of injuries, obstructions, abscess, cattle The Tenth House:
death and self-acquisition, dependents,
and fear, struggle for existence, mental
precious metals, mental stability and Indicates: Occupation, temporal
worry, sloth and fear of losing
truth, hypocrisy and optimism. honors, success and respect, means of
livelihood, self-respect and religious
The Third House:
The Seventh House: knowledge, dignity and trade, farming
Indicates: Brothers and sisters, and distinction, self-control and grace.
Indicates: Wife, husband, marriage,
intelligence, short journeys, neighbors,
urinary organs, marital happiness, The Eleventh House:
immediate relations, letters and
sexual diseases, trade and speculation,
writings, courage, right ear and chest/ Indicates: Means of gains,
desire, diplomacy and honor, travels,
breast and servants. accomplishments, friends, assets, elder
business tact, and the latent energies.
brother/sisters, daughters, freedom
The Fourth House: Sexual intercourse, loss, domestic
from misery and pain. Mercantile
harmony and conjugal happiness,
Indicates: Peace of mind, happiness, speculations, ambitions, scandals and
prostitution, partnership of any kind,
mother, home life, relatives, house, self inheritance.
quarrels with the opposite gender and
-prosperity, enjoyments, conveyances,
breaks of journeys and luxuries. The Twelfth House:
landed and ancestral property, general
happiness, education, vehicles, and the The Eight House: Indicates: Misery, loss, expenditure,
general build of the neck and waste, extravagance and sympathy,
Indicates: Longevity, secret organ,
shoulders, immovable/moveable piety, divine knowledge and worship,
death legacies, gifts, unearned wealth,
property and good name, drinks, Moksha (final emancipation) and the
cause of death, wills, disgrace,
journeys, change of residence, inner state after death, evils, forbidden
degradation, the place and
feelings and falsehood, generosity, practices and mental aberration,
surroundings of death, defeat, insult,
gardens and maternal relatives. disappointment, sudden death,
sorrow and blame, servants,
enemies, hatred of the public and
The Fifth House: impediments and lost articles, venereal
affliction, body deformity, puzzling
complaints, accidents, sin and violence.
Indicates: Intelligence, atman (soul), sicknesses and black magic.
discriminating power, children, fame The Ninth House:
and position in life, thinking, skill,
Indicates: Godliness, righteous,
awakening and memory, initiation,
preceptor/guru, grandchildren and
secrecy, dignity and general education,
The Uncertainties in Life no longer need to be a mystery!

© 1992-2014 A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, Trinidad and Tobago. Reproduction Prohibited. Revised: Monday, March 17, 2014
Transit Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 1

Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

Beginning Moon in Leo transits eight houses from Moon in Leo transits two houses from Ending
Dec 30, 2004 your Moon. your Ascendant. Dec 31, 1900
at 1:24 PM at 8:00 PM
Disturbing events, fear of financial loss, Ordinary financial gain, but depression, loss
anger, ill health, quarrels, anxiety etc. are of honor, obstacles in undertakings,
E e indicated during this short transit. Do not be expenditure and disputes are indicated.
Moon in Leo too emotional or you may be affected Strong attachment to material objects and ME-SA-RA
psychologically. strong emotions or ideas. A bad time for

Beginning Ketu in Capricorn transits one houses Ketu in Capricorn transits seven houses Ending
Aug 17, 2017 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Mar 7, 2019
at 9:03 PM at 12:02 AM
The native may be worried, face difficulties Not a happy transit, the native will experience
and sudden reversal which may not be of discord in partnership and with his spouse.
Q j
Ketu in Capricorn
his own choice. One should have self-
confidence, be systematic, courageous and
Law suit; separation or divorce cannot be
ruled out. If in Scorpio, gain of wealth. VE-MO-SA
hard-working. Try to avoid being too
perturbed and worried. Troubles may come
through your wife.

Beginning Rahu in Cancer transits seven houses Rahu in Cancer transits one houses Ending
Aug 17, 2017 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Mar 7, 2019
at 9:03 PM at 12:02 AM
Gain through partnership. Public life, When Rahu transits the first house of the
domestic bliss and all round happiness. birth chart, you should develop self
P d
Rahu in Cancer
Cooperation and happiness. Unmarried
persons may happily get married. Victory
confidence and learn to be independent,
developing your own personality. Your VE-MO-SA
over opponents. Passionate and fond of energy for work will depend on the sign
opposite sex. position. You will be self willed. Safeguard
your health against infectious diseases.
Victory over enemies is indicated, but watch
for abundant sex desire with tendency to be
adulterous, and lewd toward your wife.

Beginning Jupiter in Libra transits ten houses from Jupiter in Libra transits four houses Ending
Sep 11, 2017 your Moon. from your Ascendant. Oct 11, 2018
at 9:05 PM at 9:45 AM
Jupiter passing through 10th house is good Jupiter passing through 4th house is good
for honor and reputation. Fame and rise in for domestic affairs and home life. Awaited
K g
Jupiter in Libra
profession is indicated, as are credit and
good fortune. Your profession, career and
settlement matters will be settled. A good
transit for peace and security. Your home, VE-MO-SA
social status is indicated by this house. Any family, personal life, property and vehicles
reasonable efforts with several cautions will will greatly improve during this transit. You
lead you toward considerable progress. may acquire property or make additions or
Avoid a dominating, overbearing and alterations in your house. An investment in
arrogant attitude and inflated ego which real estate will be rewarding. Mutual
indicates trouble with superiors, loss of generous support among family.
respect, humiliation, danger to property, Relationship with parents will be cordial and
profession, position and children. Death of you may gain through them. This transit is
son or friend, domestic quarrels and best for making family life, home and
changes of place etc. Think calmly and personal life more secure and comfortable.
avoid it. Avoid resentment to others. One Increase in confidence. You will be able to
will have reward or recognition for his work, handle your affairs more wisely for a better
Transit Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 2

Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

you can expect promotion and better future. If you handle this transit properly, you
avenues in public service or Government will not feel alone. Otherwise one will
work. You may travel and have change in experience sorrows through relations, loss
profession. of money, fear, suffering of humiliations,
false implications, domestic unhappiness,
and accidents during traveling.

Beginning Saturn in Sagittarius transits twelve Saturn in Sagittarius transits six houses Ending
Oct 26, 2017 houses from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Jan 24, 2020
at 5:35 AM at 12:20 AM
Saturn passing through the 12th house will Saturn passing through 6th house will
produce sorrows, enmities, confinements, depress the vital conditions, cause sickness
L i
Saturn in
and sad experiences generally. To the
introspective, this gives new realizations,
and colds and troubles with inferiors.
Persons having strong Saturn at birth will be VE-MO-ME
Sagittarius careful reflections, a patient review of the inclined to carefulness regarding diet; a
past and a turning of the mind in search of cautious preparation against climatic
latent possibilities. Important elements in change and temperature and elderly
your life may begin to pass away. Any relatives. Loss of enemies and gain,
project not yet completed will get finished success in service and enterprises, good
from the compelling circumstances. You health and all round prosperity. Gain of
shall not receive cooperation from people wealth and happy married life. This is a
inspite of your good dealings with them. critical time in your development. You will
They will tend to withdraw from you. You receive recognition of your work, A time of
have to observe and recognize. Your efforts heavy responsibility and hard work . In
will not bear fruits and governmental service you must rise to the demands and
disciplinary actions can be expected. expectations of your superiors and if you do
Changes in life and surroundings. Danger, so, you will be rewarded. Take care of your
accidents, mental agony, worries, heavy health when you work hard.
expenditure will be experiences you may
have. Loss of wealth, danger and loss
through enemies and opponents, litigation,
family quarrels, unpleasant journeys,
displeasure and domestic disharmony may
also be the result of this transit.

Beginning Mars in Libra transits ten houses from Mars in Libra transits four houses from Ending
Nov 29, 2017 your Moon. your Ascendant. Jan 16, 2018
at 7:50 PM at 7:40 PM
There may be scandal, loss of credit and Mars passing through 4th house is not good
reputation. May be a good period for Mars for moving or change of residence. For
F g
Mars in Libra
men. Failure in attempts, ill health, fear and
enmity. May cause some anxiety about
harmony in family life, you should
communicate on points of contention during VE-MO-ME
profession but the second half of the transit this transit. You will thus be able to influence
will give good effects. You must act carefully their point of view. Compulsive or
yet dilligently and recognize the needs of inappropriate behavior will aggravate things
others, being tolerant also. Act to your disadvantage. Difficulties include:
independently. Conflict with persons in relationship with parents, property disputes
positions of authority is denoted. Conflicts and some blockage of your efforts in
with co-workers can also arise. Be aware of professional life. Stay in control of yourself.
their tendency to want to block your efforts Domestic unhappiness is indicated.
and make your advancement difficult. Avoid
conflict. Revenge will cost you more.
Transit Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 3

Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

Beginning Mercury in Scorpio transits eleven Mercury in Scorpio transits five houses Ending
Dec 10, 2017 houses from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Jan 6, 2018
at 6:50 PM at 10:20 AM
This is a time of increased You will express yourself well but watch for a
communications and social intercourse. quarrelling tendency, especially with
B h
Mercury in
You may develop new friendships with
youngsters. Happiness at home, prosperity,
children. Games or reading may upset your
peace of mind. In case of affliction of Mercury VE-MO-ME
Scorpio gain of money, honor, satisfaction- a good in your birth chart, you may suffer financial
and favorable time. Group working will be loss, wasted energy, dishonor and
beneficial. Intellectual exchanges with disharmony in domestic surroundings.

Beginning Sun in Sagittarius transits twelve Sun in Sagittarius transits six houses Ending
Dec 15, 2017 houses from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Jan 14, 2018
at 5:30 PM at 4:15 AM
One more year ends with this transit. The sixth house is known as the house of
Analyze this past year, acknowledging your work, of tasks that need to be done now for
A i
Sun in Sagittarius
faults and virtues and be aware for the
future. Others, even friends, may cause you
efficiency and effectiveness. You can work
clearly and sharply in your work. You must VE-MO-KE
loss and mental anxiety. Foreign travel, loss act according to the wishes of others. In
of money, troubles and worries and afflicted service, you should work according to
health (especially eyes and belly) are directions. If independent in service, take
indicated, as is disfavor from Superiors and care of your subordinates and have self
Government. control for good results and satisfaction.
Take care of your health for good results.
Victory over opponents, happiness, favor
from superiors, peace of mind, gain in
service and efforts are indicated with this
transit. Cheerfulness in undertakings and
success therein. Sorrows are disspelled
and mental satisfaction is achieved. There
will be general success, good clothes and

Beginning Venus in Sagittarius transits twelve Venus in Sagittarius transits six houses Ending
Dec 20, 2017 houses from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Jan 13, 2018
at 9:00 AM at 5:15 AM
Good transit for spiritual focus. Pleasure in You may confront difficulties, because this is
charitable activities, helping others, not a happy position for Venus. Irritation,
C i
Venus in
especially loved ones who are near and
dear. Be careful not to give false hopes of
dishonor, illness to wife and anxiety may be
experienced. Problems in relationship may VE-MO-KE
Sagittarius support to others. arise. But this may be a good period for
service and for good relationships with
superiors and employees, gain of
unexpected money. Increased expenditure,
disputes and losses maybe experienced.
Good health is indicated, but avoid over-
eating. Not a favorable position for romance.

Beginning Mercury in Sagittarius transits twelve Mercury in Sagittarius transits six Ending
Jan 6, 2018 houses from your Moon. houses from your Ascendant. Jan 27, 2018
at 10:20 AM at 3:35 PM
Secretive talks and secret works. People Health and work are signified by this house.
may speak against you and you may Excellent time for mental work to gain
B i
Mercury in
experience humiliation, disputes,
misunderstanding with wife, friends and
success and popularity. Plan your projects
carefully for successful results. Mental and VE-MO-KE
Sagittarius relatives. Disgrace through opponents. domestic happiness, victory over enemies
Transit Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 4

Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

Study will be beneficial. You will have an and renown are indicated. Good
increased ability for research into spiritual relationships with officers and subordinates
and religious matters. Heavy expenditure are possible, so do not criticize anyone.
and loss of money is indicated. Affliction to this house or to Mercury can
adversely affect your health. Do not strain
your body during this time. Take extra care
for your health.

Beginning Venus in Capricorn transits one houses Venus in Capricorn transits seven Ending
Jan 13, 2018 from your Moon. houses from your Ascendant. Feb 6, 2018
at 5:15 AM at 2:30 AM
A transit of several days influencing your Best position for all relationships. You may
manner of expression to others for enter marriage if unmarried, and be
C j
Venus in
enjoyment, pleasure and happiness. Good
for personal compromise. Peace with
blessed. A good time for expression of
feelings of love and affection which will be VE-MO-KE
Capricorn others, good food and clothes, sound reciprocated equally. In profession,
sleep, articles of luxury and enjoyment of partnership will be gainful and of mutual
marital relations. Success in education, benefit. If you are in conflict in your life, this
new position and status etc. You may is the best transit for trying again. Persons
attract others but do not manipulate them even openly hostile to you will be receptive to
because this will not be a long term your overtures. There may be legal
influence. A good time for travel. confrontations, law suits, but you can settle
outside law courts.

Beginning Sun in Capricorn transits one houses Sun in Capricorn transits seven houses Ending
Jan 14, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Feb 12, 2018
at 4:15 AM at 5:15 PM
Loss of house, prestige, position and This house is associated with partnership
wealth; ill health like blood pressure, such as marriage, legal or otherwise,
A j
Sun in Capricorn
suffering from fatigue, stomach ache, chest
pain, asthma, eye disease etc. One will
business, existing relationships, law suits in
partnership. During this transit you may form VE-MO-KE
become irritated and may undertake a new relationships for various purposes.
wearisome journey or aimless traveling. Examine your relationship with your spouse
There may be obstacles in undertakings, for better cooperation. You must be effective
delay, separation from family, fear and for your partner as he or she is for you.
anxiety etc. You will care more for personal Unsuccessful efforts and troubles are
matters, an excellent time to impress indicated. Do not take action alone; work
others, but may find it difficult to work with with a partner or consult with an expert in
others and take proper care in your that specific field. Do not enter into direct
profession. Under certain circumstances conflict during this month. Avoid wearisome
there may be some marital problems; you traveling. Take precautions against
should try to solve them. Keep an eye on stomach and anal diseases, indigestion,
yourself and your needs. There may be painful urination etc. You may suffer
separation from family in shape of transfer, humiliation, loss of money, quarrels with
travel etc. Quarrels with friends and wife, anxiety and depression of mind. Health
relationship resulting in mental tension etc. of wife and children may be afflicted.

Beginning Mars in Scorpio transits eleven houses Mars in Scorpio transits five houses Ending
Jan 16, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Mar 7, 2018
at 7:40 PM at 8:55 AM
Mars passing through the 11th house A passionate and extravagant period. Your
indicates troubles through friends and relationships with children will be strained.
F h
Mars in Scorpio
acquaintances, but living and working
cooperatively with others will give good
Guard against accidents to self and children
as you may be less disciplined and of VE-MO-KE
results. Team-work is the watchword with irritable temperament during this time. Be
Mars in this house. Keep balance also on guard against improper desires,
everywhere for better success. Gain of trouble and quarrels, especially with kids.
money is indicated. Another person's Possibility of theft in your house.
conflicting views can be handled through
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Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

correct energy, team spirit and in a

cooperative way. Sports will be rewarding.
On the whole you may have financial gain,
good health, happiness and enjoyment,
gain of property, birth of son, acquisition of
luxuries and amusements. A period of

Beginning Mercury in Capricorn transits one Mercury in Capricorn transits seven Ending
Jan 27, 2018 houses from your Moon. houses from your Ascendant. Feb 14, 2018
at 3:35 PM at 5:55 PM
A good time to express your views and You can explain any issue in detail to your
examine yourself. Your mind will be more spouse or partner to avoid mental worry or
B j
Mercury in
active. Do not be deceptive and try to control
the tendency to vascillate often in your view
misunderstanding which will help you
greatly. Do not think or act alone but try to VE-MO-VE
Capricorn points. Short travels are indicated which will take help of others. Discuss your difficulties
be beneficial. In case Mercury is afflicted in with those in your life with whom you are
your birth chart or in transit in this house, intimate to avert dishonor, separation,
you may feel nervousness and anxiety. Try domestic worries and disagreement with
to relax your thoughts. An afflicted Mercury close relations, friends etc. Arguments and
indicates an increase in low class controversies can be avoided. You can enter
association and opponents, loss of wealth, into negotiations and contracts about any
fear of being confined, mean speech and matter if Mercury is not afflicted; if so, avoid
an unsteady mind. or postpone them.

Beginning Venus in Aquarius transits two houses Venus in Aquarius transits eight houses Ending
Feb 6, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Mar 2, 2018
at 2:30 AM at 2:10 AM
A good transit for finances and material Gain of wealth through spouse, your
possession. You may gain money but business partner or financial institution.
C k
Venus in
control your spending. You can borrow
money. Investment can be advantageous
Union with partner, wife or beloved. Good
health, Love relationship now started will be VE-MO-VE
Aquarius specially in beauty and pleasure articles. a lasting one. Aquisition of property is
Do not invest money in every day living possible. Pleasure through opposite sex,
articles. You will have happiness at home, domestic bliss, fame, honor and all round
birth of child, gifts and prosperity in family. prosperity.
Good health and gain.

Beginning Sun in Aquarius transits two houses Sun in Aquarius transits eight houses Ending
Feb 12, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Mar 14, 2018
at 5:15 PM at 2:10 PM
Loss of money, financial worries, fear, There may be fear, anxiety and irritability. An
unhappiness. May be cheated by others encounter with someone will bring very
A k
Sun in Aquarius
and may become obstinate. Anxiety,
deceitful nature, keeping the company of
powerful changes in your life. This person
may challenge your value structure, or there VE-MO-VE
mean persons. Quarrels with relatives and may be a powerful intermeshing of your
friends and unsuccessful actions. The personalities. Safeguard against diseases
temperament becomes harsh and mean. and high blood pressure for your longevity.
Danger of loss in business. Headache and There may be affliction to health of wife or
eye troubles. Property and resources may children. This is a house of death. It also
be adversely affected. Parties and usually means death of some aspect of
invitations should be avoided during this yourself or your life rather than death of a
month. person. Under rare conditions, (with many
other indications), this transit can mean an
actual death. Joint finances can cause
worry, you may be worried about trying to
borrow money or get financial backing from
a bank. This transit indicates displeasure
from authority figures, suffering from
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Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

excessive heat, quarrel with friends,

association with wicked people, extravagant
expenditure and loss through opposition.

Beginning Mercury in Aquarius transits two Mercury in Aquarius transits eight Ending
Feb 14, 2018 houses from your Moon. houses from your Ascendant. Mar 2, 2018
at 5:55 PM at 9:25 PM
Right thinking in material, intellectual or Deep thinking and action will pay off for you
spiritual side. You may enter into more than usual, but do not be carried away
B k
Mercury in
negotiations with others regarding money
or property including business and its
by thoughts. you can benefit through joint
finance and property dealings if Mercury is VE-MO-VE
Aquarius expansion. In case of affliction avoid not afflicted.
making financial or property deals during
this period. Your mind will be cloudy and
may be misled by others. This transit gives
financial gain, reliable friends, good meals
and success in undertakings, but there may
be some unjust blame or scandal.

Beginning Venus in Pisces transits three houses Venus in Pisces transits nine houses Ending
Mar 2, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Mar 26, 2018
at 2:10 AM at 6:15 AM
Your activities will be more pleasant and Good deeds and friends, gain, mental
agreeable. Social life combined with parties happiness, romance and charity, donations,
C l
Venus in Pisces
and gatherings are more enjoyable. Gain
through exchange of letters. A period of love
comforts, marriage, distant travel for loved
ones, respect from elders and preceptors, VE-MO-VE
and harmony. This transit indicates increased knowledge, fame and prosperity.
prosperity, happiness, gain of wealth, Love or experience of beauty in art,
success, favor and profits from friends and pleasures and amusement. Love relations
relations. Increased influence and honor. will give you good experiences. Association
Gain of luxury articles, good pleasures and with a new who is better educated and
lovable company. experienced than yourself which will be quite
helpful and gainful. Easy and rewarding

Beginning Mercury in Pisces transits three houses Mercury in Pisces transits nine houses Ending
Mar 2, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. May 9, 2018
at 9:25 PM at 8:00 AM
Group discussions, meeting new people, A good period for study. Subjects relating to
short-distance travel and contact with foreign places, law, philosophy or higher
B l
Mercury in Pisces
neighbors and relatives. A favorable time for
intellectual works. Not a good time to relax.
knowledge of any kind will be beneficial. You
may have dealings with officials of law. Good VE-MO-VE
Fear from opponents, disharmony and time for travel, conversation and
disputes with officers and others; communication with others. In case of
humiliation and loss of money. Use this affliction or otherwise, impediments, loss of
transit time to gather information rather than money, wearisome traveling, obstacles and
to act. disagreement with relations. But in the latter
half, honor and position.

Beginning Mars in Sagittarius transits twelve Mars in Sagittarius transits six houses Ending
Mar 7, 2018 houses from your Moon. from your Ascendant. May 2, 2018
at 8:55 AM at 6:45 AM
There may be false accusations and Weakened health through overworking is an
troubles through opponents. One will effect of Mars passing through the sixth
F i
Mars in
experience loss of wealth, unwanted and
uncalled for expenditure. Quarrels with wife,
house, as also troubles through inferiors.
Work hard and get things done. You will be VE-MO-VE
Sagittarius loss through enemies, mental worries, eye credited for such accomplishments. Avoid
troubles, complaints related to excess bile, conflicts with superiors- do only what is
Transit Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 7

Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

troubles through women, dishonor and expected of you and don't be too aggressive.
losses. This is a difficult transit if not There may be employment for team work.
handled properly, especially if in the birth There is chance of infections, fever or
chart there is any affliction to planets in this accidents, so be careful about your health in
house. Can be a time of frustration and self general.
denial. You won't be recognized for your
work. You'll be irritable and uneasy and
when you try to make an impression upon
others or assert yourself, you create a
wrong impression, undermining your
position. Secret opponents will create
troubles for you. If you feel emotionally
upset, refrain from any type of significant
confrontation with others. This is the best
time to work alone as much as possible,
and helping others, charitable activities will
be suitable such as research in laboratory
or library will be beneficial. Plan your
projects which you can begin when Mars
leaves the 12th house.

Beginning Sun in Pisces transits three houses Sun in Pisces transits nine houses from Ending
Mar 14, 2018 from your Moon. your Ascendant. Apr 13, 2018
at 2:10 PM at 10:40 PM
Take care of your surroundings and This house indicates religious and spiritual
increase your interaction with friends, concerns in general. You will travel, meeting
A l
Sun in Pisces
neighbors, relations with business
associates, people with whom you deal
saints and teachers from different
backgrounds through whom you will be VE-MO-VE
daily. You should listen to others more than exposed to new subjects which will benefit
acting independently. A good time to you. This transit can indicate involvement or
accelerate the tempo of your life to do new concern with law, even if only to investigate a
things. Study of a new subject, and short principle of law. During this transit you may
journeys will be fruitful. Gain through become rash, quarrel with elders, suffer
communication. It also indicates financial disgrace and worry, loss of money, false
gain, new position and status, happiness, accusation or become diseased. A
good health, success over opponents and disturbed mind is also indicated, as also
domestic comforts. This is a good time to separation from loved ones, inclination for
approach superiors and be recognized by low deeds, despondency or enmity on
them. Special honor, courage and better account of money.
position in life are results of this transit.
Gain through children and friendships with
good people.

Beginning Venus in Aries transits four houses Venus in Aries transits ten houses from Ending
Mar 26, 2018 from your Moon. your Ascendant. Apr 19, 2018
at 6:15 AM at 4:40 PM
A period of domestic happiness and A favorable transit for business and
comforts. You will have an amiable nature profession. Persons in authority will be
C a
Venus in Aries
and there will be a congenial atmosphere
in the family. Good relationship with
favorable and helpful to you.
parents. Financial gain, improvement in
residence and pleasant journeys are
indicated. Digestive trouble is indicated;
watch what you eat. Increased power and
influence, gain from agriculture or
profession. Good news.
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Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

Beginning Sun in Aries transits four houses from Sun in Aries transits ten houses from Ending
Apr 13, 2018 your Moon. your Ascendant. May 14, 2018
at 10:40 PM at 7:35 PM
During this period, one may suffer misery, Victory over opposition, successful
fear, domestic unhappiness, ill health, completion of mighty undertakings,
A a
Sun in Aries
pressure from creditors, fear of ailments
and loss of respect; as also financial
happiness, wealth and gain of luxury items,
freedom from disease and association with VE-MO-VE
stress, sorrows, impediments in married persons in authority are indicated by this
life and in sexual enjoyment. Quarrels and transit. Success or promotion at service,
disputes with family. Problems regarding profession or business. Gain of prestige
property, Land etc., Difficulties in journeys and comforts through friends and others.
and discomforts from vehicles. Use this You will get a better position in your career
period especially in contemplation and and society which will increase your
meditation. Past events may now bring reputation and standing. You will be in the
consequences. Analyzing the effects your limelight either on a small or large scale as
past family experience may have had upon per the normal course of your life. You may
you with the help of a counselor may be be entrusted with an important project which
helpful. will be a good opportunity to prove your
worth. Your relationship with your father will
be good during this time. Watch your
actions; do not do anything in an
underhanded manner. You would be
exposed. The difficulty is usually indicated by
a simultaneous transit of another planet that
affects the tenth house.

Beginning Venus in Taurus transits five houses Venus in Taurus transits eleven houses Ending
Apr 19, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. May 14, 2018
at 4:40 PM at 11:15 AM
Happiness from elders and children. The Gain of friends and articles of luxury,
son will get good position in profession. association with opposite sex, mental and
C b
Venus in Taurus
Gain of money, birth of child, honor from
superiors and elders. Helpful friends,
domestic happiness, gain of money and
prosperity. Happiness at home and increase VE-MO-VE
virtuous deeds and fame. A good time for in income are indicated. A very good period
entertainment, amusement as well as for team or group work, being friendly to all,
affairs of children. Love relationship will be having parties, and for all pleasure pursuits.
favorable. Try to stay balanced. People in all spheres will be affectionate.

Beginning Mars in Capricorn transits one houses Mars in Capricorn transits seven Ending
May 2, 2018 from your Moon. houses from your Ascendant. Nov 5, 2018
at 6:45 AM at 10:50 PM
Mars passing through the 1st house Mars passing through the 7th house is not
arouses the temper, and stimulates desire good for marriage, attachments, law suits, or
F j
Mars in Capricorn
towards action and impulse. It is a time to
make impressions upon others with great
partnership. It tends to promote quarrels and
opposition. A tension in life is indicated VE-MO-SU
activity with hard work. Every relationship during this transit, which can be overcome
will be difficult to handle. Working by co operating with your partners, wife and
independently will pay off more than usual. fellow workers. You will face opposition.
Dominance over others more than usual is Mars is self assertive; your relations may
indicated in this transit. Being in a period for suffer during this transit. You may find it
more of a revengeful nature, you should not difficult to give in or compromise in
fight if somebody attacks you. Be careful marriage, partnerships, but such
against illness and accidents during the compromising will help you tremendously in
period of this transit. You will feel dejected, finding harmony in those relationships. Try
will face obstacles and the displeasure of to avoid unnecessary legal proceedings.
superiors. Guard against blood pressure. 191
This transit may cause separation from
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Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

relatives and friends.

Beginning Mercury in Aries transits four houses Mercury in Aries transits ten houses Ending
May 9, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. May 26, 2018
at 8:00 AM at 10:55 PM
This transit indicates fulfillment of your Good health, financial gain and all around
plans, schemes and contracts etc. for gain success and happiness are results of this
B a
Mercury in Aries
of money and enjoyment. Prosperity to
relations and family, happiness, contacts
transit. A Good period for rise in profession.
You may make plans for change or talk to VE-MO-SU
with good persons, domestic happiness superiors about your work progress for
and prosperity. Family matters will be promotion. A good time for study of new
settled. Communications will be gainful. subjects. Communications will be gainful
with the outside world, through advertising,
contracts or negotiations. Check that there
be not any afflicted planet in the 10th house
in the chart and that it is not being transited
by another planet at the same time.

Beginning Venus in Gemini transits six houses Venus in Gemini transits twelve houses Ending
May 14, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Jun 8, 2018
at 11:15 AM at 5:10 PM
You may confront difficulties, because this Good transit for spiritual focus. Pleasure in
is not a happy position for Venus. Irritation, charitable activities, helping others,
C c
Venus in Gemini
dishonor, illness to wife and anxiety may be
experienced. Problems in relationship may
especially loved ones who are near and
dear. Be careful not to give false hopes of VE-MO-SU
arise. But this may be a good period for support to others.
service and for good relationships with
superiors and employees, gain of
unexpected money. Increased expenditure,
disputes and losses maybe experienced.
Good health is indicated, but avoid over-
eating. Not a favorable position for

Beginning Sun in Taurus transits five houses from Sun in Taurus transits eleven houses Ending
May 14, 2018 your Moon. from your Ascendant. Jun 15, 2018
at 7:35 PM at 2:05 AM
This causes mental tension, A period of cooperation with others.
embarrassment from enemies, ill health to Engaging in group efforts and projects in
A b
Sun in Taurus
self and children, expenditure, accidents,
displeasure from those in authority and
your personal and professional life will be
the most effective way to accomplish your VE-MO-SU
separation from relatives. Express yourself aim. Be social and study the people around
freely but do not dominate others. This you. Gain through friends and elders.
being a house of recreation and Enjoyment of new position, honor, gain of
amusement, you must enjoy to forget the money, happiness. Success and prosperity
malefic effects as above. This is also a in undertakings, good food, domestic bliss,
house of spiritual discipline and prayer a good health, will perform religious
which, if practiced, can nullify the negative ceremonies and good deeds and gain
effects of this transit. Assess your through father.
relationships with your children for future
good will.
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Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

Beginning Mercury in Taurus transits five houses Mercury in Taurus transits eleven Ending
May 26, 2018 from your Moon. houses from your Ascendant. Jun 9, 2018
at 10:55 PM at 10:05 PM
You will express yourself well but watch for This is a time of increased communications
a quarrelling tendency, especially with and social intercourse. You may develop
B b
Mercury in Taurus
children. Games or reading may upset your
peace of mind. In case of affliction of
new friendships with youngsters. Happiness
at home, prosperity, gain of money, honor, VE-MO-SU
Mercury in your birth chart, you may suffer satisfaction- a good and favorable time.
financial loss, wasted energy, dishonor and Group working will be beneficial. Intellectual
disharmony in domestic surroundings. exchanges with friends.

Beginning Venus in Cancer transits seven houses Venus in Cancer transits one houses Ending
Jun 8, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Jul 4, 2018
at 5:10 PM at 4:55 PM
Best position for all relationships. You may A transit of several days influencing your
enter marriage if unmarried, and be manner of expression to others for
C d
Venus in Cancer
blessed. A good time for expression of
feelings of love and affection which will be
enjoyment, pleasure and happiness. Good
for personal compromise. Peace with VE-MA-MA
reciprocated equally. In profession, others, good food and clothes, sound sleep,
partnership will be gainful and of mutual articles of luxury and enjoyment of marital
benefit. If you are in conflict in your life, this relations. Success in education, new
is the best transit for trying again. Persons position and status etc. You may attract
even openly hostile to you will be receptive others but do not manipulate them because
to your overtures. There may be legal this will not be a long term influence. A good
confrontations, law suits, but you can settle time for travel.
outside law courts.

Beginning Mercury in Gemini transits six houses Mercury in Gemini transits twelve Ending
Jun 9, 2018 from your Moon. houses from your Ascendant. Jun 25, 2018
at 10:05 PM at 8:35 AM
Health and work are signified by this house. Secretive talks and secret works. People
Excellent time for mental work to gain may speak against you and you may
B c
Mercury in Gemini
success and popularity. Plan your projects
carefully for successful results. Mental and
experience humiliation, disputes,
misunderstanding with wife, friends and VE-MA-MA
domestic happiness, victory over enemies relatives. Disgrace through opponents.
and renown are indicated. Good Study will be beneficial. You will have an
relationships with officers and increased ability for research into spiritual
subordinates are possible, so do not and religious matters. Heavy expenditure
criticize anyone. Affliction to this house or to and loss of money is indicated.
Mercury can adversely affect your health. Do
not strain your body during this time. Take
extra care for your health.

Beginning Sun in Gemini transits six houses from Sun in Gemini transits twelve houses Ending
Jun 15, 2018 your Moon. from your Ascendant. Jul 16, 2018
at 2:05 AM at 12:55 PM
The sixth house is known as the house of One more year ends with this transit. Analyze
work, of tasks that need to be done now for this past year, acknowledging your faults
A c
Sun in Gemini
efficiency and effectiveness. You can work
clearly and sharply in your work. You must
and virtues and be aware for the future.
Others, even friends, may cause you loss VE-MA-MA
act according to the wishes of others. In and mental anxiety. Foreign travel, loss of
service, you should work according to money, troubles and worries and afflicted
directions. If independent in service, take health (especially eyes and belly) are
care of your subordinates and have self indicated, as is disfavor from Superiors and
control for good results and satisfaction. Government.
Take care of your health for good results.
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Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

Victory over opponents, happiness, favor

from superiors, peace of mind, gain in
service and efforts are indicated with this
transit. Cheerfulness in undertakings and
success therein. Sorrows are disspelled
and mental satisfaction is achieved. There
will be general success, good clothes and

Beginning Mercury in Cancer transits seven Mercury in Cancer transits one houses Ending
Jun 25, 2018 houses from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Sep 2, 2018
at 8:35 AM at 11:35 AM
You can explain any issue in detail to your A good time to express your views and
spouse or partner to avoid mental worry or examine yourself. Your mind will be more
B d
Mercury in Cancer
misunderstanding which will help you
greatly. Do not think or act alone but try to
active. Do not be deceptive and try to control
the tendency to vascillate often in your view VE-MA-RA
take help of others. Discuss your difficulties points. Short travels are indicated which will
with those in your life with whom you are be beneficial. In case Mercury is afflicted in
intimate to avert dishonor, separation, your birth chart or in transit in this house, you
domestic worries and disagreement with may feel nervousness and anxiety. Try to
close relations, friends etc. Arguments and relax your thoughts. An afflicted Mercury
controversies can be avoided. You can indicates an increase in low class
enter into negotiations and contracts about association and opponents, loss of wealth,
any matter if Mercury is not afflicted; if so, fear of being confined, mean speech and an
avoid or postpone them. unsteady mind.

Beginning Venus in Leo transits eight houses from Venus in Leo transits two houses from Ending
Jul 4, 2018 your Moon. your Ascendant. Aug 1, 2018
at 4:55 PM at 2:55 AM
Gain of wealth through spouse, your A good transit for finances and material
business partner or financial institution. possession. You may gain money but
C e
Venus in Leo
Union with partner, wife or beloved. Good
health, Love relationship now started will be
control your spending. You can borrow
money. Investment can be advantageous VE-MA-RA
a lasting one. Aquisition of property is specially in beauty and pleasure articles. Do
possible. Pleasure through opposite sex, not invest money in every day living articles.
domestic bliss, fame, honor and all round You will have happiness at home, birth of
prosperity. child, gifts and prosperity in family. Good
health and gain.

Beginning Sun in Cancer transits seven houses Sun in Cancer transits one houses from Ending
Jul 16, 2018 from your Moon. your Ascendant. Aug 16, 2018
at 12:55 PM at 9:20 PM
This house is associated with partnership Loss of house, prestige, position and
such as marriage, legal or otherwise, wealth; ill health like blood pressure,
A d
Sun in Cancer
business, existing relationships, law suits
in partnership. During this transit you may
suffering from fatigue, stomach ache, chest
pain, asthma, eye disease etc. One will VE-MA-RA
form new relationships for various become irritated and may undertake a
purposes. Examine your relationship with wearisome journey or aimless traveling.
your spouse for better cooperation. You There may be obstacles in undertakings,
must be effective for your partner as he or delay, separation from family, fear and
she is for you. Unsuccessful efforts and anxiety etc. You will care more for personal
troubles are indicated. Do not take action matters, an excellent time to impress others,
alone; work with a partner or consult with an but may find it difficult to work with others
expert in that specific field. Do not enter into and take proper care in your profession.
direct conflict during this month. Avoid Under certain circumstances there may be
wearisome traveling. Take precautions some marital problems; you should try to
against stomach and anal diseases, solve them. Keep an eye on yourself and
indigestion, painful urination etc. You may your needs. There may be separation from
suffer humiliation, loss of money, quarrels family in shape of transfer, travel etc.
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Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

with wife, anxiety and depression of mind. Quarrels with friends and relationship
Health of wife and children may be afflicted. resulting in mental tension etc.

Beginning Venus in Virgo transits nine houses Venus in Virgo transits three houses Ending
Aug 1, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Sep 1, 2018
at 2:55 AM at 1:55 PM
Good deeds and friends, gain, mental Your activities will be more pleasant and
happiness, romance and charity, agreeable. Social life combined with parties
C f
Venus in Virgo
donations, comforts, marriage, distant
travel for loved ones, respect from elders
and gatherings are more enjoyable. Gain
through exchange of letters. A period of love VE-MA-RA
and preceptors, increased knowledge, and harmony. This transit indicates
fame and prosperity. Love or experience of prosperity, happiness, gain of wealth,
beauty in art, pleasures and amusement. success, favor and profits from friends and
Love relations will give you good relations. Increased influence and honor.
experiences. Association with a new who is Gain of luxury articles, good pleasures and
better educated and experienced than lovable company.
yourself which will be quite helpful and
gainful. Easy and rewarding transit.

Beginning Sun in Leo transits eight houses from Sun in Leo transits two houses from Ending
Aug 16, 2018 your Moon. your Ascendant. Sep 16, 2018
at 9:20 PM at 9:15 PM
There may be fear, anxiety and irritability. An Loss of money, financial worries, fear,
encounter with someone will bring very unhappiness. May be cheated by others and
A e
Sun in Leo
powerful changes in your life. This person
may challenge your value structure, or there
may become obstinate. Anxiety, deceitful
nature, keeping the company of mean VE-MA-RA
may be a powerful intermeshing of your persons. Quarrels with relatives and friends
personalities. Safeguard against diseases and unsuccessful actions. The
and high blood pressure for your longevity. temperament becomes harsh and mean.
There may be affliction to health of wife or Danger of loss in business. Headache and
children. This is a house of death. It also eye troubles. Property and resources may
usually means death of some aspect of be adversely affected. Parties and invitations
yourself or your life rather than death of a should be avoided during this month.
person. Under rare conditions, (with many
other indications), this transit can mean an
actual death. Joint finances can cause
worry, you may be worried about trying to
borrow money or get financial backing from
a bank. This transit indicates displeasure
from authority figures, suffering from
excessive heat, quarrel with friends,
association with wicked people, extravagant
expenditure and loss through opposition.

Beginning Venus in Libra transits ten houses from Venus in Libra transits four houses from Ending
Sep 1, 2018 your Moon. your Ascendant. Jan 1, 2019
at 1:55 PM at 11:15 AM
A favorable transit for business and A period of domestic happiness and
profession. Persons in authority will be comforts. You will have an amiable nature
C g
Venus in Libra
favorable and helpful to you. and there will be a congenial atmosphere in
the family. Good relationship with parents. VE-MA-JU
Financial gain, improvement in residence
and pleasant journeys are indicated.
Digestive trouble is indicated; watch what
you eat. Increased power and influence, gain
from agriculture or profession. Good news.
Transit Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 13

Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

Beginning Mercury in Leo transits eight houses Mercury in Leo transits two houses Ending
Sep 2, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Sep 18, 2018
at 11:35 AM at 6:45 PM
Deep thinking and action will pay off for you Right thinking in material, intellectual or
more than usual, but do not be carried away spiritual side. You may enter into
B e
Mercury in Leo
by thoughts. you can benefit through joint
finance and property dealings if Mercury is
negotiations with others regarding money or
property including business and its VE-MA-JU
not afflicted. expansion. In case of affliction avoid making
financial or property deals during this period.
Your mind will be cloudy and may be misled
by others. This transit gives financial gain,
reliable friends, good meals and success in
undertakings, but there may be some unjust
blame or scandal.

Beginning Sun in Virgo transits nine houses from Sun in Virgo transits three houses from Ending
Sep 16, 2018 your Moon. your Ascendant. Oct 17, 2018
at 9:15 PM at 9:15 AM
This house indicates religious and spiritual Take care of your surroundings and
concerns in general. You will travel, increase your interaction with friends,
A f
Sun in Virgo
meeting saints and teachers from different
backgrounds through whom you will be
neighbors, relations with business
associates, people with whom you deal VE-MA-JU
exposed to new subjects which will benefit daily. You should listen to others more than
you. This transit can indicate involvement or acting independently. A good time to
concern with law, even if only to investigate accelerate the tempo of your life to do new
a principle of law. During this transit you things. Study of a new subject, and short
may become rash, quarrel with elders, journeys will be fruitful. Gain through
suffer disgrace and worry, loss of money, communication. It also indicates financial
false accusation or become diseased. A gain, new position and status, happiness,
disturbed mind is also indicated, as also good health, success over opponents and
separation from loved ones, inclination for domestic comforts. This is a good time to
low deeds, despondency or enmity on approach superiors and be recognized by
account of money. them. Special honor, courage and better
position in life are results of this transit.
Gain through children and friendships with
good people.

Beginning Mercury in Virgo transits nine houses Mercury in Virgo transits three houses Ending
Sep 18, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Oct 6, 2018
at 6:45 PM at 3:15 AM
A good period for study. Subjects relating to Group discussions, meeting new people,
foreign places, law, philosophy or higher short-distance travel and contact with
B f
Mercury in Virgo
knowledge of any kind will be beneficial.
You may have dealings with officials of law.
neighbors and relatives. A favorable time for
intellectual works. Not a good time to relax. VE-MA-JU
Good time for travel, conversation and Fear from opponents, disharmony and
communication with others. In case of disputes with officers and others;
affliction or otherwise, impediments, loss of humiliation and loss of money. Use this
money, wearisome traveling, obstacles and transit time to gather information rather than
disagreement with relations. But in the to act.
latter half, honor and position.
Transit Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 14

Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

Beginning Mercury in Libra transits ten houses Mercury in Libra transits four houses Ending
Oct 6, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Oct 26, 2018
at 3:15 AM at 11:15 AM
Good health, financial gain and all around This transit indicates fulfillment of your
success and happiness are results of this plans, schemes and contracts etc. for gain
B g
Mercury in Libra
transit. A Good period for rise in
profession. You may make plans for
of money and enjoyment. Prosperity to
relations and family, happiness, contacts VE-MA-JU
change or talk to superiors about your work with good persons, domestic happiness
progress for promotion. A good time for and prosperity. Family matters will be
study of new subjects. Communications settled. Communications will be gainful.
will be gainful with the outside world,
through advertising, contracts or
negotiations. Check that there be not any
afflicted planet in the 10th house in the
chart and that it is not being transited by
another planet at the same time.

Beginning Jupiter in Scorpio transits eleven Jupiter in Scorpio transits five houses Ending
Oct 11, 2018 houses from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Mar 29, 2019
at 9:45 AM at 10:05 AM
Jupiter passing through 11th house is good Jupiter passing through 5th house brings
for friendships, gain from elder brothers, opportunity to speculate, invest, or otherwise
K h
Jupiter in Scorpio
favors and unions. Peaceful and happy
state of mind and some internal spiritual
increase income through enterprise. It
brings some pleasure and increased VE-MA-JU
realizations. You may be blessed with a awareness. Your self expression grows as
child, acquire new position, honor, gain of it has never before. Courageous and
money, domestic happiness and good expressive to others without selfishness and
health. Gain of luxury items, pleasures, egotism.. Relations with others will be
promotion, respect and prosperity. It is greatly improved. The transit by itself is not
favorable for marriage prospects. usually enough to bring about a sexual
Fulfillment of hopes, help and benefits from relationship, but helps the one started
friends and elders, brothers etc. Do not try become true. Pride from children and their
to work alone; group working will be development. Your creative potential is
beneficial. You will have new increased. Gain of money. Love relations
acquaintances and a broad outlook but will expand. Personal growth and wisdom
avoid a selfish attitude. Success all around. will increase along with greater freedom of
self expression. Do not be overbearing, but
people will respond well to your self
assurance and self expression. On the
whole, you may be blessed with a child,
overall success, happiness, friendship with
good persons, royal favor and an overall
good period. Defeat of enemies, increased
property, aquisition of knowledge and favor
from superiors.

Beginning Sun in Libra transits ten houses from Sun in Libra transits four houses from Ending
Oct 17, 2018 your Moon. your Ascendant. Nov 16, 2018
at 9:15 AM at 9:05 AM
Victory over opposition, successful During this period, one may suffer misery,
completion of mighty undertakings, fear, domestic unhappiness, ill health,
A g
Sun in Libra
happiness, wealth and gain of luxury items,
freedom from disease and association with
pressure from creditors, fear of ailments and
loss of respect; as also financial stress, VE-MA-JU
persons in authority are indicated by this sorrows, impediments in married life and in
transit. Success or promotion at service, sexual enjoyment. Quarrels and disputes
profession or business. Gain of prestige with family. Problems regarding property,
and comforts through friends and others. Land etc., Difficulties in journeys and
You will get a better position in your career discomforts from vehicles. Use this period
Transit Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 15

Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

and society which will increase your especially in contemplation and meditation.
reputation and standing. You will be in the Past events may now bring consequences.
limelight either on a small or large scale as Analyzing the effects your past family
per the normal course of your life. You may experience may have had upon you with the
be entrusted with an important project help of a counselor may be helpful.
which will be a good opportunity to prove
your worth. Your relationship with your
father will be good during this time. Watch
your actions; do not do anything in an
underhanded manner. You would be
exposed. The difficulty is usually indicated
by a simultaneous transit of another planet
that affects the tenth house.

Beginning Mercury in Scorpio transits eleven Mercury in Scorpio transits five houses Ending
Oct 26, 2018 houses from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Jan 1, 2019
at 11:15 AM at 12:20 AM
This is a time of increased You will express yourself well but watch for a
communications and social intercourse. quarrelling tendency, especially with
B h
Mercury in
You may develop new friendships with
youngsters. Happiness at home, prosperity,
children. Games or reading may upset your
peace of mind. In case of affliction of Mercury VE-MA-SA
Scorpio gain of money, honor, satisfaction- a good in your birth chart, you may suffer financial
and favorable time. Group working will be loss, wasted energy, dishonor and
beneficial. Intellectual exchanges with disharmony in domestic surroundings.

Beginning Mars in Aquarius transits two houses Mars in Aquarius transits eight houses Ending
Nov 5, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Dec 23, 2018
at 10:50 PM at 3:25 AM
May spark impulsive expenditures, Mars here causes fever, fear, accidents and
extravagance and some waste. Watch for wounds, sinful acts, loss of money, blood
F k
Mars in Aquarius
being too oversensitive regarding your
opinions and desires. You may suffer theft
poisoning, mental worry and fatigue etc. The
effects can be either subtle or blatant. Your VE-MA-SA
or trouble from opposition or from ego will have confrontation with others . 8th
government, and subsequent anxiety. house being the house of values that you
Watch for having a harsh temperament and share with others will cause powerful effects
entering into disputes. On the positive side, in him or her which may be cause a change
your efforts to complete your work will be in you. With your wife there may be
fruitful. disagreement. Not a good time to raise a
loan from anybody. The transit stimulates
sex as an expression of your ego. This
transit may transform you.

Beginning Sun in Scorpio transits eleven houses Sun in Scorpio transits five houses from Ending
Nov 16, 2018 from your Moon. your Ascendant. Dec 15, 2018
at 9:05 AM at 11:40 PM
A period of cooperation with others. This causes mental tension,
Engaging in group efforts and projects in embarrassment from enemies, ill health to
A h
Sun in Scorpio
your personal and professional life will be
the most effective way to accomplish your
self and children, expenditure, accidents,
displeasure from those in authority and VE-MA-SA
aim. Be social and study the people around separation from relatives. Express yourself
you. Gain through friends and elders. freely but do not dominate others. This being
Enjoyment of new position, honor, gain of a house of recreation and amusement, you
money, happiness. Success and prosperity must enjoy to forget the malefic effects as
in undertakings, good food, domestic bliss, above. This is also a house of spiritual
a good health, will perform religious discipline and prayer which, if practiced, can
ceremonies and good deeds and gain nullify the negative effects of this transit.
through father. Assess your relationships with your children
Transit Readings for Indira Gandhi Page No. 16

Covering the period JAN 1, 2018 to JAN 1, 2019 Printed on MAR 13, 2018 at 1:34 AM

for future good will.

Beginning Sun in Sagittarius transits twelve Sun in Sagittarius transits six houses Ending
Dec 15, 2018 houses from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Jan 14, 2019
at 11:40 PM at 10:20 AM
One more year ends with this transit. The sixth house is known as the house of
Analyze this past year, acknowledging your work, of tasks that need to be done now for
A i
Sun in Sagittarius
faults and virtues and be aware for the
future. Others, even friends, may cause you
efficiency and effectiveness. You can work
clearly and sharply in your work. You must VE-MA-SA
loss and mental anxiety. Foreign travel, loss act according to the wishes of others. In
of money, troubles and worries and afflicted service, you should work according to
health (especially eyes and belly) are directions. If independent in service, take
indicated, as is disfavor from Superiors and care of your subordinates and have self
Government. control for good results and satisfaction.
Take care of your health for good results.
Victory over opponents, happiness, favor
from superiors, peace of mind, gain in
service and efforts are indicated with this
transit. Cheerfulness in undertakings and
success therein. Sorrows are disspelled
and mental satisfaction is achieved. There
will be general success, good clothes and

Beginning Mars in Pisces transits three houses Mars in Pisces transits nine houses Ending
Dec 23, 2018 from your Moon. from your Ascendant. Feb 5, 2019
at 3:25 AM at 2:15 PM
Possibility of accident during short travel. You will be enthusiastic and may have rash
The mind may be turbulent and hasty. Your speech. You can do more creative and
F l
Mars in Pisces
energies will be high, and there is
considerable danger of conflict with those
intellectual work than usual. You will have
influence over others who will have a good VE-MA-SA
whom you contact on a daily basis, whether impression of you, but do not be dogmatic in
neighbors or relatives. You will be your opinion or force your views upon others.
argumentative. Disagreement from others Expansion in your sphere is very likely which
on your views should not be taken as a will prove good. Possibility of accident during
personal affront. A good period for travel, but only if other indications in the birth
expressing yourself and any kind of chart point to this also. This is house of law
vigorous mental work. On the whole, you and the courts. Under certain circumstances
will enjoy success, good health and this transit can indicate legal difficulties, in
happiness, honor, authority and pleasure case of serious afflictions to 9th house, this
from children as also gain from wife. could be bad for you. This transit may cause
mental anxiety, wearisome journeys,
humiliations and loss of wealth.
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with a Heart Full of Divine Love!
wife, or business. It also signifies, beauty, modesty, virtue, Signs of an afflicted Saturn: "Blue Sapphire liar, illegal cohabitation, harsh speech, pilgrimage, denial
affability, sincerity, fortune, artistic disposition and recommended" When Saturn is afflicted it indicates: being of progeny (infertility) and one may adopt, delays in
literature, dance, music, poetry, sex, amusements, skeptical, melancholy, deceitful, incompetent, exacting, matrimony, defective eyesight, amputation of body part,
pleasurable pursuits, love, marriage, gain through public indifferent, impotent, acquisitive, secretive, suspicious, secluded life, insanity, wound by accidents and snake
affairs, friendship, conjugal or domestic happiness, fearful, slow, callous, pessimistic, unreliable, and bites, fire injury, delays, impediments, obstacles, disfavor
attraction, and relationships with the opposite sex.
Dignified Venus also gives beautiful and charming eyes,
friendship with the wicked.
Helps in the following diseases: "Blue Sapphire
of superiors and government, renunciation, slow working,
change of residence, unable to lead independent life, ill
Sri Nav Ratna
average height, round face, pleasant voice, soft and sweet
smile, passions, pleasure of the bed, delightful, social,
recommended" paralysis, insanity, limb injury, cancer, health, wicked temperament, worries due to children,
financial gain, dual marriages (two or more marriages at
King of Talismans
tumors, idiocy, glandular diseases, wind, phlegm, heart
comforts, luxury, clubs, generous, good earnings, and pain, rheumatism, consumption, Bright’s disease and the same time or separately), suspicious nature and mind,
profits through partners, and speculation, fond of scents, bronchitis. jewelry and stammering. The Nine Ayurvedic Astrological gems, are a uniquely
vehicles, courage and confidence, good sports person, Ketu denotes diseases such as intestinal worms, powerful way to mitigate and nullify the unpleasant
P GEM OF RAHU - GOMEDH: Gomedh is the Jyotish effects of past wrong actions (negative karma), Negative
humorous taste for fine arts, law abiding, follower of gem related to Rahu (Moon's ascending node), which is epidemics, eruptions on skin, fever, low blood pressure,
traditions, good financier, honest and good health and deafness and stammering. Planets (Graha) and can potently benefit a person's
mainly an elemental and instinctual entity. When badly psychological tendencies, physical health, business affairs
smooth life, fertile imagination and attractive personality. positioned, this "shadow planet" is characterized by For more information on Nav Ratna or Ayurvedic
Signs of an afflicted Venus: "Diamond recommended" If and relationships, while helping to minimize the impact
insatiable worldly recognitions and desires together with Astrological Gems, please visit the following websites.
Venus is afflicted, it signifies less beauty, of amorous of a wide range of negative conditions and situations. It
sense gratification. Wearing a Gomedh is said to bring 1.
immoral life, rivalry, jealously, un-smooth life, rash and also enhances the Seven Chakras and the Kundalini!
success, wealth and notoriety in society, increase life span 2.
violent action, unpleasant domestic life, separation, Excellent Gem Therapy Tool. Infused with the Seven
and good fortune. 3.
divorce, ill reputation, scandalous life, loss of vehicles Ragas known as therapeutic music for the human body,
Signs of a well-placed Rahu: Rahu is a spiritually 4.
through accidents, death of spouse or concubine, plurality mind and spirit; various Secret & Sacred Suktams (hymns
inclined planet. When it is well-placed, the native usually 5.
in sexual pleasures, sexy, illicit relations with others, which are known to be the favorites of Sri Krishna) from
has very strong spiritual tendencies, desire to do goodness Kindly note that these websites are NOT affiliated with the Rig Veda along with other prescribed Vedic Mantras.
financial loss, worries, domestic violence and worries, to others and detachment to material goals. He is very in any way and vice versa. Reference to these
bereavements, disappointments, etc. Also reversal, All Vedic Rituals performed at Vijay Kala (auspicious
influential and respected in society. Power, fame, political websites is given ‘As Is’.
downfall, falsification of accounts, litigations, debauchery, time) as per Jyotish - Vedic Astrology. All pendants
success and money. infused with 125,000 Vedic Mantras!
misrepresentation, legal trouble, misfortune, dishonor, Important Notice & Disclaimer This brochure and the information
disgrace and questionable conduct, delays in matrimony. Signs of an afflicted Rahu: "Gomedh recommended!" contained therein is designed solely for educational purposes and to

Insatiable worldly desires and sense gratification, facilitate communication. It is not intended to provide medical advice
Helps in the following diseases: "Diamond hedonistic tendencies, obsessive and convulsive or professional services. The information provided here should not be he Sages of ancient India developed Jyotish
recommended" Venereal diseases, carbuncles, stone in the influences, Inertia, dullness, grossness, delays in or denial used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or a disease. If you (literally: the science of light) - Vedic Astrology,
bladder or kidney, eye afflictions, diseases of the ovaries, of matrimony and progeny, insensitivity and ignorance.
have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult being the forerunner of modern Western astrology by
weakness of sexual organs, exudation of semen, gout, your health care provider. Although we at A Team of thousands of years. They also identified the prevailing
anemia, troubles in cohabitation, eye discharge, throat Helps in the following diseases: "Gomedh recommended" Astrologers Extraordinaire review the content and timeliness this
brochure, we make no warranty of any kind in regard to the content,
gem attributes, their vibrational energy fields and the
disease, digestive troubles, abortions, sensitiveness, Cancer, fears, phobias, un-diagnosable illnesses, poisons,
safety and usefulness of the information contained therein. All planetary radiations they harmonize with.
eczema, syphilis, gonorrhea, menstrual troubles. hiccoughs, slowness of action, clumsiness, palpitation of
recommendations herein contained are derived from legend, lore and Jyotish thereby allowed for the prescription of specific
heart, intestinal troubles and diseases, insanity, leprosy, practitioner suggestion, not from the authority of A
L GEM OF SATURN - BLUE SAPPHIRE : Blue ulcer, general debility, boils, varicose veins, spleen, gout, gems to counteract any badly placed planetary positions in
Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, it's proprietor, officers,
sapphire is the Jyotish gem related to Saturn, which is the sharp acute pains and palpitation of heart. employees, agents or referrals. No expressed or implied guarantee as
a person's natal/birth chart.
planet of wisdom, integrity and discipline. It rules to the effects of their uses can be given nor liability taken. We at It is important to note that the ancient Jyotish - Vedic
responsibility, leadership, ambition and wisdom born of Q GEM OF KETU - CAT’S EYE: Cat's eye is the Jyotish A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire, hope you find Astrology gem prescription system subscribed to by most
experience. It's also the planet of renunciation and spiritual gem related to Ketu (the moon's descending node) which the information contained in this brochure interesting and helpful,
is a shadowy entity called Moksha Karaka or "planet of reputable Vedic astrologers, should not be confused with
journey. Wearing a blue sapphire is said to bring discipline and would be pleased to receive any comments or corrections you
enlightenment". It gives very fine spiritual tendencies, may have by regular post/mail or email to the Western planetary gemstone system which has,
and bestow the ability to govern and lead others. Saturn is regrettably, become widely accepted.
a mighty planet and is powerful either as a malefic or asceticism, non-attachment and psychic powers as well.
It is also related to spirit and astral forces. Wearing a cat's An often overlooked fact is that through the change of a

Date Revised: Saturday, September 13, 2014

eye is said to exalt spirituality and psychic ability, and A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire person's physical vibrations by absorbing the beneficial
Signs of a well-placed Saturn: Saturn is chief significator and strengthening gem's radiation, their resolve to tread
of longevity, makes querent careful in their bodies, strong protect one from mysterious dangers and diseases. It
brings fortune to gamblers. A Service Project to “One World Commune” by their correctly guided path can be significantly enhanced.
and profound in opinion, austere, singular in their mode of Of course, applying the advice of saints, correctly
thinking, laborious, hostile to crimes, accumulator of Specially on Rahu and Ketu
A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire practiced yoga meditation, affirmations, sincere prayer,
wealth, a high order thinker, offers mental and moral Rahu and Ketu are not planets, these are nodes and called correctly guided will power, japa, pujas, suitable diet and
311 Southern Main Road, Montrose,
courage, foresight, discipline, endurance, powers to un-illumined planets. In western astrology, these are called judicious fasting are also especially beneficial practices to
Chaguanas 500811, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
undergo all sorts of privations, the potential to open and dragon’s head and dragon’s tail or ascending node and Tel: 1 (972) 514-7080) destroy karma, but these procedures require effort.
use the third eye capabilities. Saturn is also, prudent, descending node respectively. They always have a Website: Therefore many Vedic astrologers recommend gems,
contemplative, cautious, responsible, precise, persistent, retrograde motion. Whereas the other planets go anti Email: metals and talismans etc. as a more passive, but potent
preserving, persevering, industrious, provident, patience, clockwise, Rahu and Ketu go clockwise. way of lessening karmic problems.
economical, reserved, serious, reserved, considerate, Rahu and Ketu indicate love affairs, evil thoughts, fear © Copyright 1992-2014 The Vedic Astrological text "Grah-Gochar-Jyotish"
chaste and executive. complex, dissatisfaction, maternal grandfather, leprosy, ® in Trinidad & Tobago gives detailed instructions on how natural gems can
Reproduction Prohibited
fashioned into powerful jewelry that can draw good minerals to sustain our physical life. difficult to achieve, Sicknesses during childhood, palpitation of the heart, worms, nasal disorders, skin
fortune and have a positive effect on the wearer. These Vedic Astrology is the diagnosing method to find out the fluctuations, moodiness, instability, Indecisions, lack of eruptions and rashes.
planetary jewelry are called "Kavacas" or Jyotish cause for such unexplained problems and one’s horoscope mental balance, Desire to lie and spread false rumors, Caring for Emeralds
Talismans. A talisman is charged with auspicious mantras is the instrument for knowing it. A Horoscope is the Vedic Suffering from anxiety. 1. Emerald is a hard gem, which is however brittle. Make
and gemstones to draw good fortune to the wearer. Astrologer's diagram of relative positions of planets. And Helps in the following diseases: "Pearl recommended" sure to remove your emerald ring before any heavy
The most well-known of these planetary jewelry is the remember that each Horoscope is unique as is each Eye diseases, lunacy, paralysis, hysteria, epilepsy, cold, activities such as washing dishes by hand, or working with
Navaratna (Nine Gems Talisman). individual. Vedic Astrology is not for any particular cough, Colic pains, worms, intestinal disorders, tumors, tools. A hard knock can break your emerald.
Combining the gemstones representing each of the nine religion, rather it is for the human being. The rationale peritonitis, Throat troubles, asthma, bronchitis, varicose 2. Clean your emerald periodically (when it is clearly
planets in Vedic astrology, the Navaratna is considered the behind the use of Gems to avert the bad effects of planets veins, nervous debility, cancer and typhoid. dirty!) with warm water and a dish-detergent. Perform this
king of talismans, capable of drawing good fortune, and to augment the good effects is dependent on the colors F GEM OF MARS - RED CORAL : Red coral is the operation with the help of a soft toothbrush. Clean it well,
auspicity and positive vibrations through its favorable and vibrations of the various planets. The color of each Jyotish gem related to Mars, which is the planet of rinse and dry it.
influence on the planetary energies. planet is reflected on the human body through gems which ambition, motivation and desire. It rules physical strength,
absorb the rays and vibrations of the planet which would 3. Avoid rapid temperature changes and high heat.
The cosmic design of this ultimate Talisman places a ruby, forcefulness, energy and passion. Wearing a red coral is
in turn influence the person wearing the gem. said to remove obstacles, avert warfare, purify the blood K GEM OF JUPITER - YELLOW SAPPHIRE: Yellow
representing the Sun, in the center surrounded by the other Sapphire is the Jyotish gem related to Jupiter, which is the
8 planetary gems, diamond for Venus, starting vertically Here in fact Gems act like a receiver, receiving the colors and cure boils. It will make the wearer courageous yet
and vibrations from the planets (transmitters). That is prudent. planet of happiness, prosperity, luck and fortune. Jupiter is
above the ruby then clockwise or otherwise, for the others, the significator of wealth, children, government and the
pearl for the Moon, red coral for Mars, Gomedh for Rahu gemstones attract and condense the astral energy waves Signs of a well-placed Mars: Great energy and
and transform them for the use of human energy system, grace of God. Promotes general well-being and spiritual
(the moon’s ascending node), blue sapphire for Saturn, motivation, courage, charisma, leadership, physical knowledge. Wearing a yellow sapphire is said to bring
cat’s eye for Ketu (the moon’s descending node), yellow like a crystal used in radio receivers to transfer invisible strength, forcefulness, ambition, rapid advancement and
radio waves into sound. money and wealth as well as good marriage and childbirth
sapphire for Jupiter and emerald for Mercury. success, acquiring properties, mechanical and technical in the case of a married woman.
"Nav Ratna" the nine gems in Vedic Astrology are also The Nav Ratna (Nine Gems), explained: jobs.
Signs of a well-placed Jupiter: Happiness, good children
blended for those who work with chakra therapy. These 0 GEM OF SUN - RUBY: Ruby is the Jyotish gem Signs of an afflicted Mars: "Red coral recommended" and grandchildren, wealth, name, fame, success and honor,
gems are worn to attune to the energies of the seven related to the Sun, which rules a person’s confidence, Aggressiveness, temper, fire, arguments, fights, accidents, wisdom, longevity, law, religion, preceptor, philosophy,
chakras. The aim of such a practice is to balance the forces authority, power and status. The Sun is related to the soul violence, rebellions, surgical operations, War or family banks, companies, foreign lands, honest, law abiding,
of each chakra and thus align the whole mental/emotional/ and has a great deal to do with career and the person's arguments. reputation, medicine, broad outlook, gain in all
physical body complex in a holistic way. worldly activities. Wearing a ruby is said to increase Helps in the following diseases: "Red coral undertakings, jovial, providential help, pilgrimage,
Vedic Astrological gems are worn for the unexplained popularity and professional status. It will cure diseases of recommended" Eruptions of the face and body, Cuts, adventure, enterprise, political power and lucky.
problems and misfortune which one faces for which no the eyes and of the heart. burns, bruises, general diseases of the blood and muscular Signs of an afflicted Jupiter: "Yellow Sapphire
possible remedies can still be recommended by an modern Signs of a well-placed Sun: Creative, vital, resistant, system, bone marrow diseases. recommended" extremist, fanatic, liberal, lavish,
therapy. determined and decisive. Successful activity, authority, B GEM OF MERCURY - EMERALD: Emerald is the extravagant, careless, over optimistic, disputes, gambling
These problems can be condensed as follows: Royalty, high position in administration. Cheerful outlook, Jyotish gem related to Mercury, which is the planet of tendencies, vain, pomp and show, misjudgment,
* Unexpected obstacles and delay in business and career. good fortune, ambition to achieve great heights, brilliance, intelligence, speech, communication, trade and commerce. misfortune, poverty, ingratitude, danger of death by fever
optimism, success in worldly affairs Improves learning abilities and clairvoyance and it is and much excitement, improvidence, law suits,
* Obstacles in education and the feeling that a hidden
power is pulling back. Signs of an afflicted Sun: "Ruby recommended" beneficial to the nervous system. Wearing an emerald is disagreements, frivolous, worry through children,
Deficiencies of good significations of the Sun (see above). said to give good results in all business and trade contentions and unpopularity. failure in speculation,
* Obstacles in marriage due to unknown reasons. activities. It will make the wearer a very persuasive
Helps in the following diseases: "Ruby recommended" pressure from creditors, childlessness, vanity, default,
* Unexplained family problems. Heart diseases, eye inflammation, low or high blood speaker. infamy, gluttony and unusual birth.
* Always feel tension and fear for everything. pressure, Hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis, heated and Signs of a well-placed Mercury: Intelligent, analytical, Helps in the following diseases: "Yellow Sapphire
* Feel uneasy and gloomy and feeling depressed. bilious constitution. Cerebral meningitis, eruption of the scholar, logic, wisdom, steadfast and reliable, steady recommended" Jaundice, liver complaints, vertigo,
* Difficulty to concentrate. face, typhoid, epilepsy, bile complaints, sun-stroke, growth in undertakings, liberal, good judgment, careful, laziness, general lassitude, catarrh & cataract, diseases of
* Difficulty in making right decisions. scorches, diseases of the head. courage, enterprising, virility, , ingenuity, refinement, the heart, sleeping sickness, fat in body, carbuncles,
2 GEM OF MOON - PEARL: Pearl is the Jyotish gem artistic taste, cheerful temperament, occult science, flatulence, dyspepsia, hernia, anemia, piles, apoplexy,
* Feeling lots of negativity in life. versatile, fortunate tendencies, talkative, orator, good
related to the Moon, which represents the psyche in diabetes, tumors, phlegmatic disposition, chronic troubles,
* Getting emotionally unbalanced. human, ruling conscious and unconscious depths. It is memory and methodical approach, writing and editing. and cerebral congestion.
* Inferiority complex and feeling a nervous wreck. associated with the mother and childhood and it rules Signs of an afflicted Mercury: "Emerald recommended" C GEM OF VENUS - DIAMOND: Diamond is the
* Always feeling insecure. peace of mind, comforts and the general well-being and Cleverness, cunningness, mischievous, anonymous, liar, Jyotish gem related to Venus, which is the planet of love,
* Difficulty in expressing your ideas to others. fortune of a person. Wearing a pearl is said to bring gambler, conceit, perverted, eccentric, unprincipled, beauty, arts and married life. Like Jupiter, it bestows
The cause for the above said problems is due to one's fortune, recognition and fame to its wearer. It can be muddle headed and clumsy, boastful, a bad accountant in money, comforts and fortune on a person when it is strong
receptivity to beneficial planetary radiation when it is beneficial to any disease of the breast and brain. calculations, legal and religious troubles, poor judgment, and significantly well placed. It can be useful in the cure
weakened or out of balance. And this receptivity can be Signs of a well-placed Moon: The native will have good many contentions, not sincere, deceptive, . of venereal and reproductive system diseases. Wearing a
strengthened by the natural electromagnetic radiation affluence, good fortune, recognition and fame, Emotions Helps in the following diseases: "Emerald recommended" diamond is said to give happiness in the married life as
emanating from specific, correlative gems which stimulate under control, Good memory, Balanced emotional life. Mental diseases, nervous breakdown, high strung nerves, well as magnetism and attractiveness to the wearer.
and aid our mental, emotional and physical biorhythms. Signs of an afflicted Moon: “Pearl recommended” excessive sweating, impotency, vertigo, deafness, vocal Signs of a well-placed Venus: The most brilliant planet
This is just like how we need many different vitamins and Success, happiness and comfortable life can be rather organs, eyes, stammering, asthma, bronchitis, neuralgia, Venus is significator of pleasant partner, viz. husband and
Keynote: Free expression of thoughts and feelings. balanced by the gem of Sun - Ruby.
Parts of the Body: .Throat, thyroid, nerves, ears, CROWN CENTER - SAHASRARA CHAKRA
muscles. Symbol: Thousand Petal Lotus
Gem: Blue Sapphire. Color: White
Deficient Expression: Fear, retentive, quiet, Element: Spirit, Cosmic Energy
unreliable, weak, devious, unable to express thoughts.
Sense: Seventh Sense, ESP
Sexual Energy: can't relax, conflict with spiritual
outlook, fear of sex. Keynote: Awe! Jyotish - Vedic Astrology,
Excessive Expression: arrogance, self-righteous, Parts of the Body: Pituitary and pineal gland, nervous
system, brain.
Nav Ratna & The Chakras
talkative, dogmatic.
Sexual Energy: strong sex drive, macho, domineering. Gem: Pearl. Synthesis of Jyotish - Vedic Astrology,
Balanced Expression: Contented, centered, self- Deficient Expression: No spark of Joy, catatonic, The Nine Gems and The Chakras
contained, lives in the here and now, sense of timing, unable to make own decisions.
expressive, inspired, grasps spiritual wisdom. Excessive Expression: Frustration, unrealized
Sexual Energy: free flowing sexual energy, can be potential, psychotic, depressed, manic-depressive, A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
channeled into creative expression or spiritual growth destructive.
The Vedas recommend wearing of gems for a
process, tantric practices, bliss. Sexual Energy: Changeable from passionate to distant. humble and spiritual life not out of the mood of
The effects of excessive expression can be counter- Balanced Expression: In harmony with the divine "please the angry God", but rather, out of "align
balanced by the gem of Jupiter - Yellow Sapphire. spirit, able to control power, can work miracles and yourself with the Supreme Enjoyer so that you too
THIRD EYE CENTER - AJNA CHAKRA transcend the laws of physical reality, access to the can go along for His ride”.
unconscious contents of the soul, no fear, no
Symbol: two petal lotus, command, Christ attachment. Excellent Gems Therapy Tool. A MUST
consciousness. for your journey during this Earthly Pilgrimage!
The effects of excessive expression can be counter-
Color: Transparent | balanced by the gems of Mars (Red Coral), Sun
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Element: Mind, electric/telepathic energy | Sense: (Ruby) and/or Jupiter (Yellow Sapphire).
Keynote: Clarity
Parts of the Body: the brain, sensory organs, pineal A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
and pituitary gland. Sri Nav Ratna-King of Talismans
Gem: Diamond. Pendant in Sterling Silver are available
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Deficient Expression: Lacks assertiveness, insensitive 311 Southern Main Road, Montrose
at very reasonable prices.
to other peoples feelings, undisciplined, fear of Chaguanas 500811, Trinidad and Tobago
success, schizophrenic tendency. For more info please call: 1 (972) 514-7080 Tel: 1 (972) 514-7080
Excessive Expression: autocratic, ego-maniac, proud, or email: Website:

Date Revised: Saturday, September 13, 2014

manipulative, religiously dogmatic, authoritarian. We also stock loose gems. Email:
Balanced Expression: Charisma, seeker of knowledge “ A Team of Astrologers
and truth, able to receive guidance, cosmic
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transformation or death, live their truth.
Inspiration from the wholesome achievements of Ancient India”
Sexual Energy: Androgynous, complete inner balance, © Copyright, 1992-2014
no need for partner (celibacy).® in Trinidad & Tobago. Serving “The One World Commune”
The effects of excessive expression can be counter Reproduction Prohibited.
with a Heart Full of Divine Love!
Sri Nav Ratna - King of Talismans Symbol: six petal lotus, receptivity, creativity, Sexual Energy: Demanding, testing and complaining.
intuition, emotion, seat of the vital force. Balanced Expression: Extrovert, joyful, respect of self
Celebrate Life with the Power of the Ancient Vedic Seers !
Color: Pastel Rose | Element: Water | Sense: Taste. and others, personal power, on the path to fulfill
"NAV RATNA" the nine gems in Vedic Astrology Keynote: Desire. personal task, skillful, intelligent, in the flow,
are also blended for those who work with chakra spontaneous, expressive, enjoys challenges (physical
therapy. These gems are worn to attune to the energies Parts of the Body: skin, internal reproductive organs, and mental).
of the seven chakras. The aim of such a practice is to pelvic, kidneys.
Sexual Energy: Caring, responsible, sensitive, cares
balance the forces of each chakra and thus align the Gem: Ruby. for partner's fulfillment and satisfaction, uninhibited,
whole mental / emotional / physical body complex in a emotionally warm.
Deficient Expression: Shyness, timidity, fear, touch,
holistic way.
over-sensitive, self-negating, emotionally repressed, The effects of excessive expression can be counter-
Gems are used to support and strengthen the energy of guilt complex, distrust. balanced by the Saturn gem - Blue Sapphire.
the particular associated charkas if these are weak or
Sexual Energy: Clingy, guilt feelings, tendency to be HEART CENTER - ANAHATA CHAKRA
deficient. In case of over emphasis the gems indicated
abused, frigid/impotent.
under the heading ‘Counter Balance by' should be Symbol: Twelve petal lotus, balance, harmony,
used. Excessive Expression: emotionally explosive, spiritual quest, yin/yang balance.
aggressive, over-ambitious, manipulative, illusion,
BASE CENTER - MULADHARA CHAKRA Color: Emerald | Element: Air | Sense: Touch
over-indulgent, self-concern, can't distinguish between
Symbol: Four petal lotus, seat of the Kundalini, roots, own and other people's feelings. Keynote: Love.
foundation, standing with both feet on the ground.
Sexual Energy: Obsessed with sexual thoughts, Parts of the Body: .Heart, Lungs, Immune system,
Color: Red | Element: Earth | Sense: Smell. excessive sexual gratification, sees others as sex lymph glands, thoracic region..
Keynote: Will power, manifestation in the physical objects. Gem: Emerald.
world. Balanced Expression: Open hearted, optimistic, Deficient Expression: Self-pity, paranoid, indecisive,
Parts of the Body: Spine, blood, nervous system, concern for others, imaginative, union with another, fears letting go, being free, emotional pain and
bladder, external reproductive organs. attuned to own emotions. loneliness.
Gem: Coral, Red Garnet. Sexual Energy: Orgasmic, Ecstasy. Sexual Energy: Feeling unworthy of love, needs
Deficient Expression: No confidence, difficulties in The effects of excessive expression can be counter- assurance, can't reach out.
grounding one-self, weak, unable to fulfill task, no go balanced by the gem of Venus - Diamond. Excessive Expression: Demanding, critical,
for it, self-destructive. SOLAR PLEXUS CENTER - MANIPURAKA CHAKRA possessive, moody, melodramatic, manic-depressive,
Sexual Energy: Feelings of unworthiness, insecurity, Symbol: Ten petal lotus, Jewel of the Navel, center of manipulative of others through money, martyr
little sexual drive, masochistic tendencies. strength, self-development leading to self-fulfillment, complex.
Excessive Expression: Egocentric, dominant, greedy, finding one's task. Balanced Expression: Balanced, compassionate,
and violent. Color: Soft Yellow | Element: Fire | Sense: Sight. empathetic, humanitarian, looks for the positive in
everyone, nurturing, loving, warm, cares for
Sexual Energy: Indiscriminate, nervous sexual energy, Keynote: Self-fulfillment. community, discriminating, in touch with own
focused on purely physical/genital aspects of sex, feelings.
Parts of the Body: Diaphragm, skin, adrenals,
sadistic tendencies.
digestive and abdominal organs, abdominal region. Sexual Energy: surrender to love, love as a body/soul/
Balanced Expression: Well centered and grounded, mind experience.
Gem: Yellow Sapphire.
self-controlled, healthy, lively, abundant physical
energy, able to fully use energy of manifestation in the Deficient Expression: Depressive, lack of confidence, The effects of excessive expression can be counter-
physical world. confusion, controlled by other people's expectations, balanced by the gem of Mercury -Emerald.
Sexual Energy: Affectionate, open, vulnerable, and
sensual. Sexual Energy: Insecure, need approval and Symbol: Sixteen petal lotus, opening of the spirit,
reassurance, jealous, distrustful, intolerant, judgmental, purity.
The effects of excessive expression can be counter-
workaholic, perfectionist, mentally highly strung and
balanced by the Moon gem - Pearl or Cat’s Eye.. Color: Blue | Element: Ether | Sense: Hearing
over intellectual, difficulty to relax, authority complex.
the woman is preferred to be 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 or 25. (waist) poverty may ensue, and if in the Pada (foot) the
This Kuta if in positive agreement, promotes well being couple may be always wandering.
and longevity of the marriage. If not, divorce or separation Hence, it is desirable that the boy and girl have their birth
will result. asterism belonging to different Rajju or group.
10. Vedha: This means affliction. Certain asterism are 12. Stri Drigha: The boy’s asterism should preferably be
capable of affecting or afflicting certain other asterisms beyond the 9th from that of the girl. According to some
situated at particular distances from them. For instance, Jyotish scriptures the distance should be more than 7
Ashwini is said to cause Vedha to 18th asterism (viz. asterism. This consideration may be ignored if Rasi Kuta
Jyestha) from itself. The following pairs of asterism affect
each other and therefore, no marriage should be brought
and Graha Mitram is obtained and is agreeing. Marriage & Jyotish
about between a boy and girl whose Janam Nakshatra And Finally, (Vedic Astrology)
belong to the same pair unless there are other relieving Having obtained the testimonies of all these eight The Comparison of Two Horoscopes
factors. methods of comparisons, the Jyotishi's (Indian for the purpose of Marriage.
Ashwini Jyestha Bharni Anuradha Astrologer) next task is to determine the final result. This
is done numerically. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
Krittika Vishakha Rohini Swati
To each class is allocated a number of points which is the Marriage Bliss is in Astrological
Aridra Sravana Purnarvasu U. Shadha Compatibility!
same as the numerical order in which they have been
Pushya P. Shadha Ashlesha Moola dealt with above, Varna receiving 1 point, Vasya 2 points,
and so on down to Nadi with 8 points, thus making a total What is Compatibility Comparison Report made of?
Magha Revati Pubba U. Bhadra
of 36 points altogether.
P. Bhadra
Hasta Satabhisha
The points of agreement between the horoscopes are then
added together. If the total of points is found to be less
V ivaha or Marriage, according to Indian ethos is a
Samskara, a sacrament. The aims of Indian marriage
are said to be Dharma (Virtuousness), Prapa (Progeny) and
than 18 the marriage should NOT take place for it would
Rati (Pleasure). It is both a religious duty and a social
11. Rajju: This indicates the strengthor duration of married result in danger, disagreement, or early death of the
obligation towards the family and the community.
life and therefore it merits special attention. The 27 partners.
asterisms have been grouped into five types of Rajju. The most conventional type of an Indian marriage is that in
If between 18 and 27 points are obtained, the marriage which the parents arrange it. They exercise great influence
The birth asterism of the couple should not fall into the will be one of success, while if the points produce a and control over choice of partner. Secondly, it may be
same Rajju. If they fall in Siro (Head) husband’s death is higher total than 27, the marriage will be one of great love marriage. Thirdly, the partners themselves based on
likely. If in Kantha (neck) the wife may die. If in the happiness, prosperity, children, long life, and wealth. their likes and dislikes may exercise the choice.
Nabhi/Udara (stomach) the children may die. If in Kati Important Please Note:
Lastly, the choice may be exercised by careful
Pada Rajju The 36 points system of compatibility comparison has not been proven to consideration of qualities that one may want from a
be ALL correct at all times. This is my professional experience or
Ashwini Ashlesha Magha observation over the last 30 years (year 2006), with more than 170,000 partner.
clients from all over the World. The reason I will explain below: The The light that Jyotish (Indian Astrology) can throw upon
Jyestha Moola Revati ultimate point must be noted that if in a compatibility comparison the
Mahendra Kuta (which does not need a point in the point system) does not marriage, the help it can give in forming a union or making
Kati Rajju agree, then that union or couple is likely to fall into divorce or separation. the best of an unhappy one is a subject that possesses a
It does not matter how high the points the union may receive. This wide appeal to the average person.
Bharni Pushya Pubba Mahendra Kuta affects the union even if the points of a compatibility
comparison are any amount. Jyotish (Indian Astrology) is concerned with fundamental
Anuradha P. Shadha U. Bhadra
facts and principles, and deals with the laws of nature
Nabhi or Udara Rajju
A Service Project to “One World Commune” by
rather than the customs and habits of different races and

Date Revised: Saturday, September 13, 2014

Krittika Punarvasu Uttara
A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire
The legality or otherwise of a union is a matter of very
Vishakha U. Shadha P. Bhadra
311 Southern Main Road, Montrose, secondary importance from the point of view of the
Kantha Rajju Chaguanas 500811, Trinidad and Tobago, W. I. horoscope. It should always be borne in mind that, for
astrological purposes the word "marriage" is to be taken in
Rohini Aridra Hasta Tel: 1 (972) 514-7080
it's widest sense as covering all unions irrespective of their
Swati Sravana Satabhisha legal standing. Jyotish (Indian Astrology) is NOT
Siro Rajju
concerned with man made laws which differ in different
For informational purpose only. FREE distribution. Not for Sale. ages, races and religions.
Dhanista Chitra Mrigsira Copyright Not Claimed. Reproduction Not prohibited.
The Indian Method of Comparisons 02. Vasya: The Moon in the horoscopes of the man and For a happy and successful marriage the rulers of the signs
A very considerable portion of Jyotish (Indian Astrology) woman should be in harmonizing signs in accordance with containing both Moons must be friendly planets.
is based upon the Moon and the lunar Mansions (called the following list :- 06. Gana: The Asterisms are divided into three groups in
Nakshatras) or Asterisms, which constitute a kind of lunar 01 24 Horses 12 26 Cows accordance with their natures, namely :-
zodiac of 27 signs, each division or asterism consisting of Godly: Nos. 1, 5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 22 and 27.
13.20 degrees. The following list contains the number and 02 27 Elephant 13 15 He-buffaloes
name of each Nakshatras. Human: Nos. 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 20, 21, 25 and 26.
03 08 Goats 14 16 Tigers
01. Aswini 02. Bharni 03. Krittika Evil: Nos. 3, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 19, 23 and 24.
04 05 Serpents 17 18 Deer
04. Rohini 05. Mrgsira 06. Aridra Two people whose Moons fall in the same group may
06 19 Dogs 20 22 Monkeys successfully marry. If one of the couple belongs to the
07. Punarvasu 08. Pushyam 09. Aslesha Godly group and the other to the Human the marriage will
07 09 Cats 23 25 Lions
10. Magha 11. Purva Phal. 12. Uttra Phal. be of average success.
10 11 Rats 21 Mongoose
13. Hasta 14. Chitra 15. Swati In no circumstances should a person of the Godly or
If the Moon harmonizes there will be agreement and Human group marry a member of the Evil group.
16. Vishakha 17. Anuradha 18. Jyestha happiness, but if not quarrels will arise. 07. Rasi: This refers to the relation between the signs in
19. Moola 20. Purva Asha 21. Uttara Asha 03. Dina: Take the number of the asterism containing the which the man's and woman's Moon are situated. If the
22. Sravana 23. Dhanistha 24. Satabhisha woman's Moon and from it count to that which contains the man's Moon is in, the second sign from the woman's, or
man's Moon, including both asterisms in the count. Divide hers is in the 12th from his, early death will result from the
25. Purva Bhadr 26. Uttara Bhadr 27. Revati the total by 9. If the remainder is either 2, 4, 6, or 9 marriage. If the positions are reversed and the woman's
marriage between the couple is favorable, but with any Moon is in the second sign from the man's, or his is in the
In Jyotish (Indian Astrology), there are twelve primary other remainder it is inadvisable. 12th from hers, the result will be length of life for both.
considerations in the comparisons of horoscopes, which are If the man's Moon is in the 3rd sign from the woman's
04. Yoni: This is concerned with sexual adaptability, and is
known as: expressed in the terms of the animal kingdom as there will be misery and sorrow. The reverse position
01. Varna 02. Vasya 03. Dina 04. Yoni represented by the Asterisms. indicates happiness. The man's Moon in the 4th sign
05. Gr Mitram 06. Gana 07. Rasi 08. Nadi When the man's Moon is in Asterism of a male animal, and indicates great poverty, and the reverse shows great wealth.
the woman's in that of a female the marriage will produce In the 5th sign, unhappiness, but if reversed happiness. In
09. Mahendra 10. Vedha 11. Rajju 12 Stri Dirgha the 6th sign, loss of children, but if reversed the children
happiness and success, provided the animals concerned are
not inimical (enemy) to each others. When both Moons are will prosper.
The rules are summarized below for each type of in the Asterisms of female animals, the union will be of Finally, when both Moons are in the 7th sign from each
comparisons as: average success. other there will be health, prosperity and happiness.
The Twelve Kutas defined: Finally, when both are in the Asterisms of male animals the In all cases, the counting is inclusive of both signs. If the
result will be financial loss and unhappiness. The man's man's Moon is in Virgo, and the woman's in Scorpio, her
01. Varna: This is based upon caste. The Signs Cancer,
Moon in No. 16, and the woman's in No. 12 would lead to Moon is in the 3rd sign from his, and a happy very and
Scorpion and Pisces represent the learned or Brahmin
an unhappy marriage, as it would be the union of a tiger prosperous marriage is indicated.
castes; Leo, Libra and Sagittarius the warrior (Kshatriya)
and a cow. 08. Nadi: This is based upon the temperaments of the
caste; Aries, Gemini and Aquarius the traders (Vhesya)
caste; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn the workers (Shudras) 05. Graha Mitra: This is concerned with the natural Asterisms, as follows:-
caste. The rule is that the husband's Moon must be in a sign friendship and enmity existing among the various planets.
Windy 01 06 07 12 13 18 19 24 25
of equal or higher caste than the wife's Moon. If the wife's
Moon is of higher caste than the husband's is she soon Sun Is Friendly with Ju Bilious 02 05 08 11 14 17 20 23 26
becomes a Widow. Moon ‘’ Me/Ju Phlegmatic 03 04 09 10 15 16 21 22 27
Aries Leo/Scorpio Libra Virgo/Capri. Mercury ‘’ Mo/Ve/Ma/Ju If the two Moons both fall in the windy, or both in the
Taurus Cancer/Libra Scorpio Cancer Venus ‘’ Me/Ma/Ju/Sa Phlegmatic group the marriage is an indifferent one. If both
fall in the bilious group there will be great misery and
Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces Mars ‘’ Me/Ve disagreement often resulting in ruin and early death. If the
Cancer Scorp/Sagi Capricorn Aries/Aqua Jupiter ‘’ Su/Mo/Me/Ve Moons fall in different groups the marriage will be
Leo Libra Aquarius Aries
productive of happiness.
Saturn ‘’ Me/Ve/Ju
09. Mahendra: The man’s asterism counted from that of
Virgo Gem/ Pisces Pisces Capricorn
Aries and Scorpio, for being the ascendant lord he will do good, on the Swami Veet Chintan: In my professional opinion with 32 years in Jyotish
other hand for ruling a Dusthana, he will not be purely benefic. For a business, if a marriage is solemnized without consulting the natal charts
Pisces native, he becomes the 9th lord as well as a mild killer (Maraka). for the presence of Mangal Dosha, it can lead to a lot of troubles. Suppose
However, Mars will undoubtedly produce strong Kuja Doshas to the either or the spouse is a Manglik, then the married couple is likely to
ascendants he is a malefic for. (Virgo for an example.) suffer from various problems like unnecessary arguments and undue
emotional distress without being able to pin point the cause of the same. In
# According to Dr. B. V. Raman, Kuja Dosha nullifies in the following
many of the cases the marriage tends to lead to a divorce. To prevent
conditions -
things from going to such an extreme, the ancient sages of India
a. If Mars is in 2nd house in any of the signs of Mercury, i.e., Gemini or recommended that the horoscopes of both the girl and boy be matched
Virgo. before marriage. If the horoscopes are found compatible then only one
should go ahead with the marriage. Like always prevention is better than
b. If Mars is in 4th house in own sign, i.e., Aries or Scorpio.
c. If Mars is in 7th house in exaltation or debilitation, i.e., Capricorn or
the cure.
Mangal Dosha
Remedies for the Manglik Dosha
Cancer. aka: Mangli, Manglick, Kuja Dosham etc.
Following are the remedial measures for the Manglik Dosha. If done
d. If Mars is in 8th house in any of the signs of Jupiter, i.e., Sagittarius or
properly good results will follow: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
e. If Mars is in 12th house in any of the signs of Venus, i.e., Taurus or
1. Chant the Hanuman Chalisa daily. Marital Bliss is in Vedic Astrological
Libra. 2. From the first Tuesday of a new month in a rising moon period Start Compatibility and match making!
a fast.
f. If Mars is in any house in Aquarius or Leo.
However, some hold the opinion that these conditions though weaken the
3. From a Tuesday start chanting the Sunder Kand from the Tulsi Then what is this Mangal Dosha? How it affect
Ramcharitmanas for 40 days continuously. Success assured. All one’s marriage? What remedies are there? Is your
Dosha, but does not completely nullify. I feel that it might be correct.
wishes will be fulfilled.
# The conjunction/aspect of other planets are very important facts. Jupiter marriage doomed with this Mangal Dosha, find out-
4. Daily chant the Gayatri Mantra for 108 times continuously daily.
is the most benefic planet in nature and will try to protect the native to it's
best. A strong Jupiter can save the native from many of the havocs. Jupiter 5. Wear a blood red coral in gold in the ring finger of right hand while

rules Dharma that is why he can propitiate Mars' anger and aggressiveness chanting the mantra OM KRAAM KREEM KROUM SAH angal Dosha is an astrological condition that occurs if Mars is
to a great extent. That is why a Jupiter (Esp. if strong) joining or aspecting BHOMAY NAMAH. in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the Vedic astrology
Mars will always fight against this Dosha. A benefic present with Mars in Lunar Chart or Rasi Chart - the actual Birth Chart. A person
6. Wear the red coral after getting your horoscope analyzed from a
ascendant does not allow Mars to give the harsh nature too much, same born in the presence of this condition is termed a mangli, aka: manglik,
good astrologer.
applies to their Dristies (aspects) and also about other houses (4/7/8/12) as manglick, kuja dosha or mangal dosha (Dosham in South India)
well. 7. Worship Lord Hanuman with the mantra:OM SHREEM
HANUMATE NAMAH. Go to the Hanuman temple on Tuesday This condition is believed by some to be devastating for marriage, causing
The presence of Jupiter and/or Venus in the ascendant will work to protect discomfort and tension in relationship, leading to separation and divorce,
and offer sweets, sindoor and light a ghee lamp.
from this Dosha. Moon joining Mars is also said to protect the native. and in some cases, it is believed to cause untimely death of one spouse.
8. Donate blood on a Tuesday every three months if health permits. This is attributed to the "fiery" nature of this planet. If two mangliks
# Mars becomes matured at the age of 28 and that is why some suggest to
wait till 28 years and then marry. This Dosha is said to be nullified after marry, the negative effects are believed to cancel each other out. However,
9. Donate red clothes to workers who work with sharp iron articles.
the age of 28. However, some do not agree to this point and suggest that Mars is not the only planet in Vedic Astrology that is supposed to affect
10. Perform the Mangal Sadhana on a triangular Sri Mangal Yantra the relationship and these effects should be seen in a broader perspective
this Dosha will remain active even after 28th year of the native, and will
along with the Mangal Stotra (Prayer to Lord Mangal). of overall astrological compatibility.
create problems in the periods of Mars, especially. This seem to be more
logical to accept. 11. If Manglik Dosha is the cause of your not getting married then in There is also a belief that the negative consequences for a single-manglik
that case do the fast as described above and along with it feed ants marriage can be resolved if the manglik first performs a ceremony called a
# Some astrologers also hold the opinion that Mars produces no Dosha in
with wheat flour on that day. Success is sure.] kumbh vivah, in which the manglik "marries" a banana tree, a peepal tree,
own sign or in exaltation sign. On the other hand some do not agree to this
since being in own sign or in exaltation sign does not really make any or an icon of Vishnu. However, this belief is also seen by some as
12. Perform the Hanumant Sadhana on a Hanumant Yantra.
difference in the nature but makes difference only in strength. I, perpetuating untouchability, contrary to India's constitution.
You can do any one of the remedies or use a combination of remedies.
personally, hold the latter view. Mangal Dosha is a subject which has a lot of story, hearsay etc., attached
Remedies number 5, 9, 11 should be done after taking proper guidance. As
soon as you start the remedies the good results will follow. As far as to it. In this small brochure, I am providing you (the seeker) with
practical experience goes the best remedy for the Manglik Dosha is information on this topic from famous Vedic Astrologers from around the
It has to be remembered that it is not only Mars that can create problem in globe. Trust this will be helpful to you to understand it... Proper credit is
chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa and recitation of the Sunder Kand.
married life, but there are a lot of other factors which can disturb marital given where necessary.
happiness. That is why it will never be good to accuse a so called Kuja IMPORTANT: The above remedies are given “as is” and there is no
Dosha for marital disturbance. Other factors can greatly modify this Dosha guarantee these may work in your situation in life. At times, we found Misconceptions and blind beliefs in Jyotish

Date Revised: Saturday, September 13, 2014

both positively or negatively. While malefics join or aspect Mars, or hit these remedies did not work. It is highly unfortunate that in the land where Vedic astrology was born,
the same houses hit by Mars, they surely worsen the condition. On the most people, even a lot of astrologers, have a lot of misconceptions and
other hand benefics like Jupiter, Venus or Putra Adhipati / Dharma A Service Project to “One World Commune” by blind beliefs about several basic facts of astrology. An astrologer
Adhipati (Lords of 5th and 9th houses) try to protect the things as per their propagates a wrong theory and a dozen people believe it . They tell a
strength. Praying to Lord Hanuman with Hanuman Chalisa and other A Team of Astrologers Extraordinaire dozen more and soon it becomes an accepted norm! Misconceptions about
Hanuman mantras, and prayers to Lord Kartikeya (Lord Skanda) protect 311 Southern Main Road, Montrose, Chaguanas 500811 Mangal dosha, have a lot of far reaching effects in our society full of
the native from the evil of planet Mars. Angaraka Astottara Shata Trinidad and Tobago, W. I. superstitions, especially in marriage matters.
Namavali (The 108 names of Mars) can also be suggested. However, it Tel: 1 (972) 514-7080 |
would have to be remembered that each horoscope is unique so no remedy Mangal or Kuja Dosha:
should be grossly suggested to all. The best is to get your chart checked by . One of the biggest misconceptions and fears in the Hindu society with
a knowledgeable Vedic Astrologer to know what remedy you would need For informational purpose only. FREE distribution. Not for Sale. respect to marriage is the presence of Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha in the
to deal with this problem. chart of a boy or a girl. I have seen a countless number of good matches
Copyright Not Claimed. Reproduction allowed. being rejected by people just because the boy or the girl has Mangal Dosha
present in the chart. He even gave the details of the percentage of Mangal dosha in each house. speech, or using slang words etc.]
In 8th house the dosha is full, in Lagna 1/2, in 7th 1/4, in 4th 1/8 and in
Even the various Shastras (scriptures) of astrology differ as to in which Mars is a planet of battle, war and fight. He is Tamasic in nature and
12th and 2nd houses 1/16. As per the exceptions and cancellations, he was
houses it is present, what the exceptions are and what the effects and belongs to the caste of warriors [Kshatriya]. He in general is fond of
very specific about the following:
remedies are. According to some authorities Mars is placed in the 1, 2, 4, fights, battles and is given to anger. That is why, very naturally, when he
7, 8, 12 from lagna or Moon causes Kuja Dosha. Some authorities omit the No dosha if Mars is in its own house or exaltation house. No dosha if takes over the marital matters, he likes to put quarrel, fight and 'battle' in
1st house and some others omit the 2nd house. aspected by a benefic. marriage, which disturb marital happiness. Mars is also he planet of over
sex drive, too much boldness, and too fierce in nature - all of them are
Rishi Parashara, in his Brihat Parasara Horasastra, chapter 81, verse 47 If a strong benefic is placed in the 9th house then the dosha of Mars in the
against a peaceful marriage.
said the following: "If Mars is placed in the Lagna, 12th, 4th, 7th and 8th 7th and 8th is cancelled.
houses, without any aspect or conjunction of the benefic planets, the The actual reason behind why these houses produce Kuja Dosha should be
However he also advised that apart from the Mars, the planets Saturn, Sun
husband of such a woman will certainly have an early death." So it is clear understood logically. That is why I am giving house by house explanation-
and Rahu also cause similar dosha! From the point of view of causing
that if Mars has the aspect or association of a benefic, there is no dosha. It
dosha, if Mars causes 100% dosha, Saturn causes 75% dosha, Sun causes Mars in the 1st house - Mars is a planet of boldness, and kind of dictator
must be noted that in the very next verse, verse 48, he gave the other
50% dosha and Rahu causes 25% dosha. These dosha must also be in nature. That is why Mars in ascendant can make a person too bold,
important exception as follows: "The yoga in which a woman takes birth
evaluated similarly! aggressive, or too dominating. He might want to be the all in all in his
and becomes a widow, if a male takes birth, he also becomes a widower. If
family, while not paying a good attention to what others [Or his spouse]
a woman with the widowhood yoga marries a man with similar yoga, such As per the kuta matching his advise was to give more importance to Dina,
are saying. He will be easily involved in fights and will express himself
yoga will be cancelled." So the 2nd exception given by him is that this Gana, Rasi, Yoni and Rajju and less to the others. So much so for the Nadi
rather directly. He might be also of short temper. This causes the major
feared dosha is cancelled if both the girl and the boy have Mangal Dosha. dosha fear!
However by and large the majority of the astrologers include the 2nd The matching of horoscopes and especially the extent of Mangal Dosha is
Mars will also aspect the houses 4 (Happiness, family life), 7 (Spouse,
house also in the Mangal Dosha and accept the 6 houses. As there are 12 the job of an experienced astrologer and must be done after carefully
married life) and 8 (Marital tie) and thus create problem in all these areas
houses in a horoscope and as Mars in 6 houses causes Mangal Dosha, it analyzing both the horoscopes. However, the following points will be of
with ease. He will quickly create fights on unimportant issues.
simply means that 50% of the people born have Kuja Dosha of some level. great interest to anyone:
Hence it goes without saying that this Mangal Dosha is not something Mars in the 4th house - The planet of battle is in the house of family life,
1. No Dosha for Leo and Aquarius signs;
which will ruin a person, because it is not the intention of God to condemn so battle in family! Mars deprives the native from domestic harmony,
half of mankind. 2. No Dosha when Mars is in 2nd house, in the signs of Gemini and there are misunderstandings among the family members. Mars will cast his
Virgo; 4th aspect on the 7th house of spouse and marital life. In 4th house Mars
The prevalent misconceptions are that, if a person has Martian affliction it
loses his strength for direction and creates more and more trouble in
will either ruin the marriage or will cause one's death or the death of the 3. No Dosha when Mars is in 4th house, in the signs of Aries and
family life.
partner. Especially if a girl has Kuja or Mangal Dosha, called "Mangali", Scorpio;
she is looked upon as a devil by the mother-in-law. Nothing can be farther Mars in the 7th house - There will be clash and unhappiness in married
4. No Dosha when Mars is in 7th house, in the signs of Cancer and
than the truth. First let us examine what the Kuja Dosha is all about and life and this is perhaps the worst of all Kuja Doshas - a direct hit. Mars is a
how it affects marriage. planet of abuse and violation and Mars being in 7th house very possibly
5. No Dosha when Mars is in 8th house, in the signs of Sagittarius and can give violation in married life. In a female chart it might give physical
The planet Mars symbolizes courage, aggression, vitality, confidence,
Pisces signs; or excessive mental torture from the husband. There will be also fight for
fighting spirit and warrior qualities. If Mars is placed in any of these 6
the dominating power, and there might be lack of harmony in the sexual
houses, it gives aggressive tendencies to either the person or the spouse. In 6. No Dosha when Mars is in 12th house, in the signs of Taurus and
issues. The sexual and emotional needs of the partners might not match or
certain cases if Mars is malefic to the native, it also gives danger to life, Libra.
might have a great difference. Mars might give over sexual desire / sickly
provided that other bad combinations are also present. These two are the
7. Association or aspect (watch) of Mars with Jupiter and Saturn in sexual desire to the native or to his spouse and create mess in marital life
main negative qualities. Hence the first reason for the "Dosha Complex" is
certain cases cancels the dosha for this issue. It might give a short tempered spouse.
that - in the olden days the ideal wife was regarded as one who is meek,
obedient and submissive. Hence a girl with the so called Martian 8. Retrograde Mars does not cause dosha. Mars in the 8th house - The 8th house rules marital tie, from the 8th
afflictions, who is likely to have courage and fighting spirit, was house we see the possibility of death of the spouse. Mars is the planet of
9. A weak Mars (e.g. combust, situated near Rashi Sandhi) loses
considered by our society as a girl with "Dosha". accident, operation, assault from weapons and bleeding etc. - all of the
ability to cause dosha.
things are ruled by 8th house. So being in the 8th house, Mars will be very
The second possible reason for the "Dosha Complex" is that during the
We are already familiar that the word Kuja means the planet Mars eager to develop these tendencies. He might cause death of spouse,
war torn middle ages when a lot of the Shastras were written, a "Martian
[Mangal Graha]. So the term, Kuja Dosha would mean a fault or trouble possibly through accident, operation or any other mishaps. Thus it can
person", who is normally well built, courageous, aggressive and has
created by the planet Mars. Though Mars can create many types of indicate an early death of the spouse. 8th house is also a house of hidden
fighting qualities, was a prime candidate to be recruited by the king for his
problems in a chart, by it's lordship and placement, but Kuja Dosha issues / immoral acts and Mars here can make the native / spouse be
army and hence the chances of his death or serious injury were quite
actually refers to the problem created by Mars in respect of marital life. involved in hidden and sinful acts. When they come forward, storm blows
strong. In the present changed circumstances it is foolishness of the
For the present time social structure, it creates problems in relationship as in married life.
highest order to be scared simply because one has Mangal Dosha.
Mars in the 12th house - 12th house rules all kinds of losses and also the
However, Mangal Dosha is not something that can be ignored. It does
Kuja Dosha is also called Mangli, Manglik, Manglik Dosha, Mangal bed pleasure, i.e. sexual enjoyment. Mars here can give a native sickly
cause marital discord. Before marriage it is very essential to match
Dosha, Bhauma Dosha, Kuja Dosha etc. desires, or illegal unions with other people. Again, Mars will aspect the
horoscopes for Kuja Dosha. If a person has Kuja Dosha in the horoscope
7th house with it's 8th aspect.
the spouse must also have Kuja Dosha. This way the Dosha is cancelled. Kuja Dosha is formed when Mars sits in specific houses in the Rashi chart.
Otherwise both should be without any Dosha. Various "authorities and So he influences some particular houses by his placement and aspects. Counters to Kuja Dosha
experts" have given a lot of exceptions and cancellations for the Dosha. There are specific rules to check for Kuja Dosha while there are other
There is no need to be really terrified if Mars is found in the houses
They are so many that almost everything is cancelled! The truth is that in factors which break or weaken this. Kuja Dosha is said to kill the spouse,
1/2/4/7/8/12. There are many facts that can counter or even nullify the
majority of the cases the so called exceptions and cancellations do not but actually it does not happen this way always. Depending on the strength
Dosha. The most popular way to nullify this Dosha is to find a partner or
work. of the Dosha, it creates different scale or kinds of problems accordingly.
spouse who has the same Dosha. It is believed that if both the partners
P.S. Iyer's tips: In 1991 the late Sri P.S. Iyer, one of the acknowledged How the Dosha occurs - Conditions for forming Kuja Dosha have this Dosha, then the Dosha is nullified. Experience shows that this
giants of Indian astrology and an authority on the marriage aspects, gave a might be true.
It is generally said that in a chart [Irrespective to male or female native]
discourse to several budding aspirants of astrology in Mr. K.N. Rao's
When Mars is found in any of the houses 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12 - Kuja Dosha However, there are certain facts in the chart itself that nullify the Dosha.
house and I was one of the fortunate ones to attend it. He was quite clear
forms. Some South Indian astrologers also take the 2nd house in addition -
in stating that Mangal dosha is present in 6 houses. This Kuja Dosha or # Lordship is a very important fact here to consider. For the natives
while most do not agree to this. [Mars in second can indicate bold or bitter
Mangal Dosha must be examined from the Moon, Venus and Saturn also. Cancer and Leo, Mars is very benefic being a Yoga Karaka. For natives

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