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Title of the project: TALENT MANAGEMENT AT WIPRO



 One preposterous argument often heard is that talent management is more

important in people-driven (service-oriented) businesses. For, what would explain
the success of Nucor in steel industry? What would explain the success of Toyota
in automobile industry? What would explain the success of genentech in biotech
industry? How would one characteristize the success of GE? What contributed to
Motorola’s “razr” success? The undoubted answer is the way talent is managed
in these companies. Another often-repeated argument is that talent management
is required for the top management and not for the mid and junior –levels of
management. After all, the top management’s bench strength is improved only
when the talent is developed in a planned and phased manner.

IT takes Talent to spot Talent! A tone deaf will never be able to appreciate the music of
maestros. Only a seasoned jeweler would know that all that glitters is not real! And, only
those who can recognize the worth of a diamond can value it, for others it's just a stone!
Talent is doing easily what others find difficult.

In an organization, there is nothing more crucial than fitting the right employee in the
right position. Or else you would be trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. When
people do jobs that just don't suit their liking, inclination or temperament, the results, or
rather the lack of them will be disastrously obvious. Low productivity, dissatisfaction, low
morale, absenteeism and other negative behaviour will become typical till the employee
is shown the door. Or perhaps, there is another option - Talent Management.

Talent management implies recognizing a person's inherent skills, traits, personality and
offering him a matching job. Every person has a unique talent that suits a particular job
profile and any other position will cause discomfort.

It is the job of the Management, particularly the HR Department, to place candidates
with prudence and caution. A wrong fit will result in further hiring, re-training and other
wasteful activities.

No matter how inspiring the Leaders are, they are only as effective as their team. A
team's output is healthy only if the members are in sync. To achieve such harmony, the
key ingredient is "putting the right people in the right jobs".

While there is no magic formula to manage talent, the trick is to locate it and encourage
it. Talent Management is beneficial to both the organization and the employees. The
organization benefits from: Increased productivity and capability; a better linkage
between individuals' efforts and business goals; commitment of valued employees;
reduced turnover; increased bench strength and a better fit between people's jobs and
skills. Employees benefit from: Higher motivation and commitment; career development;
increased knowledge about and contribution to company goals; sustained motivation
and job satisfaction.

1. “David G. Collings, Kamel Mellahi”, “School of Business and Economics, National
University of Ireland, Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland University of Sheffield
Management School”, “9 Mappin Street, Sheffield, S1 4DT, UK”, “Available online 2 May

“Despite a significant degree of academic and practitioner interest the topic of talent
management remains underdeveloped. A key limitation is the fact that talent management lacks a
consistent definition and clear conceptual boundaries. The specific contribution of the current
paper is in developing a clear and concise definition of strategic talent management. We also
develop a theoretical model of strategic talent management. In so doing we draw insights from a
number of discreet literature bases. Thus, the paper should aid future research in the area of
talent management through (1) helping researchers to clarify the conceptual boundaries of talent
management and (2) providing a theoretical framework that could help researchers in framing

their research efforts in the area. Additionally, it aids managers in engaging with some of the
issues they face with regard to talent management”.

2. “T. Morris”, “Volume 18, Issue 9, 2000”, “Psychological characteristics and talent
identification in soccer- Journal of Sports Sciences”, “Available online: 09 Dec 2011”.

“I review research on psychological characteristics and sports performance and examine the
literature on talent identification with particular reference to soccer to derive implications for the
use of psychological variables in the talent identification and development process. Although the
many cross-sectional studies of psychological characteristics and performance in all football
codes conducted over the last 30 years have revealed no clear patterns, studies of both general
inventories and specific variables are still being conducted. Reports on talent identification in all
codes have increased in recent years, but most are descriptive in nature. In this review, I suggest
that research on systematic expert observation has potential as a practical approach, but more
studies of this type are needed. Considering the examination of specific psychological variables,
only a solitary investigation of creativity in adolescents has shown promise. Further research on
creativity and talent identification is required to replicate the positive results found in that study.
In summarizing the research on psychological characteristics and talent identification, I conclude
that cross-sectional research on adults cannot be extrapolated for use in talent identification with
adolescents. I propose that resources would be more effectively used in the provision of
psychological skills training for adolescent soccer players, pending more sophisticated research
on a wider range of psychological variables. It is recommended that longitudinal or quasi-
longitudinal research is essential to determine whether the same psychological variables are
important for outstanding performance throughout the process of development and whether
psychological variables measured during adolescence can predict outstanding performance in

3. “Abbott, A ,Collins, Dave, Martindale, Russell and Sowerby, K”, “(2002)”, “Talent
identification and development”:” an academic review”.” Sport Scotland, Edinburgh.
ISBN 185060 418 5”.

“The Academic Review was commissioned to help evaluate Sport Scotland's pilot Talent
Identification and Development Programme which operated from early 2000 to the end of 2001.
The Review highlights that the actual resources required for talent identification in the UK are
concentrated on anthropometrical measures whereas the required resources should concentrate
primarily on the psychological dimensions supported by the development of fundamental motor

4. “KARTHIKEYAN J”, “(May 2007)”, “Talent management strategies, NHRD journal,

Hyderabad, p23-26”.

“Organization needs to have a vision and a well defined strategy on hiring for the future. Do we
have the right talent within to attract and retain the best available talent? A number of measures
for talent management are suggested.”

5. “PANDIT Y V L”, “(May 2007)”, “Talent retention strategies in a competitive

environment” , ”NHRD journal”, “Hyderabad, p27-29”

“Focusing on the challenge of attracting and retaining talent faced by Indian HR mangers, the
article outlines initiative that can be put in place to help organization retain nurture and retain the

6. “Lance A. Berger”-“The Talent Management Handbook”: “Creating Organizational

Excellence by Identifying, Developing, and Promoting Your Best People”.

“This is an outstanding reference work that succinctly explains a simple and practical approach
to the identification, assessment and management of talent in the current, dynamic operating
business environment. The book plainly gives advice on how to avoid high staff turnover, poor
morale, and poor performance”.

7. “Sridhar S Preetham”,” (July 2007)”, “Managing talent, HRD Newsletter, vol23 issue -4”,

“Focusing on the challenge of attracting and retaining talent faced by Indian HR mangers, the
article outlines initiative that can be put in place to help organization retain nurture and retain the

8. “William J. Rothwell”-“The Strategic Development of Talent”

"Rothwell ignites the imagination, expands the possibilities, and offers practical strategies any
organisation can use to effectively develop, retain and utilise talent for the benefit of an
organisation and enter the fluid, flexible future. Managers at all levels will cheer the sanity
Rothwell suggests."

9. “Christopher Rhodes - University of Birmingham, “”, “Mark

Brundrett” & “Liverpool John Moores” – “University Alan Nevill University of
Wolverhampton” – “Leadership Talent Identification and Development”
Different Primary and Secondary Schools in England .

“Perceptions of Heads, Middle Leaders and Classroom Teachers in 70 Contextually. This

article reports on outcomes from a study funded by the National College for School Leadership
(NCSL) designed to explore leadership talent identification, development, succession and
retention in contextually different primary and secondary schools in England. Focus groups and a
questionnaire were used to secure perceptions of heads, middle leaders and classroom teachers
about leadership talent identification and development. Twenty characteristics indicative of
leadership talent were identified. Agreement and disjuncture were recorded concerning the
importance of characteristics among respondent groups. The implications of these findings for
leadership development and succession, in the face of a potential leadership crisis in the UK and
internationally, are discussed. The longer-term career planning of staff, the place of needs
analysis, self-disclosure and senior leadership decision-making are examined with respect to
leadership talent identification and development. The article offers a basis upon which schools
can reflect on their role in providing a good training ground for future leaders. School-based

changes are recommended so that individual school's longer-term leadership requirements may
be better addressed”.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The main purpose is to know the effectiveness of talent

SCOPE OF THE STUDY: The scope of the study is restricted to the employees talent in
different cadre groups in each of the department in the organization

The present study was carried out in a BPO sector

The two BPO covered for research is WIPRO & IGATE

Sample size depends on the nature of the universe so it should represent the whole
universe without any bias. As there are large numbers of companies in BPO sector, so it
was very difficult job to study the policies of each and every company. The limitation of
time & money has not permitted me to study the whole universe. So for the study I have
taken total 100 respondents on random basis.
30 respondents of WIPRO
30 respondents of I-GATE

Designing is preliminary step in every activity. It provides a picture for the whole before
starting of the work. The research is the exploratory research for gaining experience.

For this, relevant literature related with the subject had been carried out. It also includes
survey, selection of respondents, proper questioning, etc.

Tools and Techniques used

Tools & Techniques means the methods & ways that how the data for the research is
collected and analyzed in order to fulfill the objective of the research work.

In dealing with real life problem it is often found that data at hand are it is often found
that data at hand are inadequate, and hence, it becomes necessary to collect the data
that are appropriate. There are several ways of collecting the appropriate data, which
differ considerably in context of money, cost, time and other resources at the disposal of
the researcher. Mainly two types of data were collected for the study and there are

Primary data
Primary data was collected through structured questionnaire method, personal
interviews with the selected respondents. The designed questionnaire was constructed
considering the requirements of the study.

Secondary data
Secondary data was collected from the internet and various websites of the organization
and also going through the past records of the organization.

Data analysis and interpretation

The collected data will be processed in MS EXCEL and GRAPHICAL
REPRESENTATION will be made thereof subjective judgment will be derived from the
collected and analyzed data


 To determine the importance and efficiency of talent management for the career
growth or development of employees.

 To study the impact of organizational culture on role and work transparency

among the employees.

 To know the relevance and impact of talent management in succession planning


Through the data collected is proper but still there were certain limitations which were hindrance
in making the data more appropriate.

The limitations were.

 Many a time, employees were very reluctant in releasing the information. Considering it
to be confidential.Thus it was a hindrance in study.

 As the questionnaire method was followed, people were not very comfortable in releasing
the information.

 Employees were engaged with their jobs and thus were not very readily available. This
would have hampered the flow of input in someway.

 Chapter-4

 Kotak Patrick, DL 1982 How to improve performance appraisal and coaching, Amazon
New York .

 L.M.Prasad

 Stephen p. Robbins

 Jacob k.k. 1973 personnel management in India.

 Ragunathan R. 1994 work manual for administrative & personnel Managers.

 Human resource management by Biswajeet Patnayak.

 Human resource management by Aswatthapa.




 Times of India

 Hindustan times


(1) Name: (Optional) _________________________________________________

(2) Gender: a) Male □ b) Female □
(3) Age: a) 18- 25 yrs□ b) 26-35 yrs c) 36-45 yrs d) Above 45□
(4) Qualification: a) UG □ b) PG □
(5) Experience: a) < 1year □ b) 2-3years□ c) 4-5 years□ d) 5 yrs and above□
(6) Current position: a) HR b) Team Leaders c) Manager
(7) How does your organization identify talent of the employees?
(a) By competencies □ (b) By Results □ (c) By potential□
(d) others.................
8) Kindly give your opinion for the following statements of Talent Identification and
Management. Put tic mark in the appropriate Column.
Description Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Aligning employees with the core values
of your organization.
Assessing candidates skills earlier in
hiring process
Creating a culture that makes employees
want to stay with the organization
Creating a culture that makes individuals
want to join the organization
Creating a culture that values employees
Creating an environment where
employees are excited to excellent at
Creating an environment where
employees ideas are encouraged develop
required talents.
Creating policies that encourage career
growth and development opportunities
based on Talent Identification
Giving Productive Feedback
Identifying vacancies that will fit in with
your existing talents

Rewarding top performing employees

9) How do you feel the job description is most critical for attracting and retaining talent of the employees?
Job descriptions Very Critical Not Critical
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Process Associate
Senior – Process Associate
System Analyst
Team Leader
Assistant Manager
Senior Manager

10. Kindly specify the different talent management activities are involved in your organization?
(a) Virtual Team Training □ (b) Cross Team Training □
(c) KT Session Training □ (d) Soft Skill Training □
(e) External Training □
11. How do you feel the effectiveness of talented employees in terms of compensation ?
Most Least
Compensation criteria effective effective
(2) (3) (4)
(1) (5)
Base Pay
Health care Benefits
Training Benefits
Retirement Benefits
Job security

12. Please give your valuable suggestions for the improvement talent identification and
management of the organization.

Thank you for your kind information


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