The World Bank

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The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
Friday, March 22, 2019

Paul Krugman is simply another liar for the Banking Cartel. China is not going to replace the United
States now through an engineered crash of the Federal Reserve Note; instead the United States (and
our military) are going to stand strong, using the monetary gold reserves of the nations on deposit in
the World Bank and IMF in the Global Debt Facility. Instead, there will be a gradual, peaceful
transition East, as the world economy grows after the Banking Cartel and the corrupt central banks, and
the Black Nobility at the center of the corrupt international financial system, are wound down. The
chances we replace paper currencies from the central banks with local currencies issued by villages and
towns, and national currencies out of the gold on deposit in the Global Debt Facility? About 90-95%

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Faciliy, TVM-LSM-666


2 website was removed -- its history is at

World Knowledge Forum, South Korea 2000

Former speakers: Alan Greenspan | Colin Powell | Condoleezza Rice | Maurice Strong |
John Howard (PM Australia) | James Wolfensohn | Frank-Jurgen Richter | Tony Blair |
Yukio Hatoyama (Japan PM) | Richard Branson | Paul Krugman | Jeffrey Katzenberg | Niall
Ferguson | Donald Trump | Gordon Brown | Lawrence Summers | Amy Chua | Jean-Louis
Beffa | Thierry De Montbrial | Joschka Fischer | Willem Kok | Dominique Strauss-Kahn

On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 12:01 PM, Bengt Carlsson wrote:

[message that the Cabal thinks I am going to pass on to my followers. I am done

communicating to the cabal, and acting as a pass-through for them. The
coalition for the rule of law has enough to say to each other without the cabal
butting in. ]

I have been telling the Cabal and the Cabal's agent Bengt that I did not want to hear
from the Cabal's agents or Bengt. I was not happy to hear from Bengt yesterday. You
would think he got the message.

--------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: --- and in Trusts - we trust ...... ---
To: Bengt Carlsson

I do not want to hear from you or the Cabal. Please stop wasting my time.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes Date: Sat, Aug 19, 2017 at 3:49 AM
Subject: Re: --- PIECE by PEACE .................. ---
To: Bengt Carlsson <>


Why do you think I am ready to continue communicating with the cabal through you?
Ça suffit. [translation from French: that's enough]

I told everyone on 8.29.17 that I was finished with Bengt. This is from the teleprompter
in my broadcast that day::
"I want to show you some information about the Banking Cartel's weather
modification. I learned this from Bengt Carlsson and tweeted it to you two years
ago. Already there were signs then that the global elites were about to sink. I told
Bengt and the Banking Cartel that I didn't want to hear from them any more.


Glad you mentioned the Global Debt Facility in paragraph 11; too bad your
sources are Neil Keenan and Benjamin Fulford, both of whom are Jesuit agents of
the Order of Fatima. Your targeted audience is the global elite, and you are
telling them their ship is sinking. This is the day after we asked the global elite to
"move to the other side of the boat" :

@KarenHudes Coalition for the Rule of Law asks Chemtrail & HAARP to move
to the other side of the boat:
You write fast, but couldn't you have mixed your metaphor?"

This is from my broadcast on DCTV on August 8, 2017:

In last week's episode I read you Bengt Carlsson's emails. I accused Bengt of
being an agent of the Network of Global Corporate Control. Bengt was the one
who told me about the CIA memo. Bengt was also the one who told me that the
Vatican hired the Mafia to fire the shot that killed JFK.
The Banking Cartel thought that because Bengt gave me some useful information,
that I was also going to accept Bengt's lies.

At the end of July Bengt sent me the biggest lie, and I called him out on it. This
lie is that the Banking Cartel succeeded in stealing back the world's wealth. They
did no such thing. As Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility, I
speak for the Board of Governors of the World Bank and the IMF. I vote the US
shares on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF. Jose Rizal and
Ferdinand Marcos locked up the world's wealth with the Board of Governors of
the World Bank and IMF. A very big tweet, which went viral, was when I told the
Banking Cartel, and Bengt, and the rest of humanity:
Ferdinand Marcos assigned all the assets of the world to the Global Debt Facility.

This is from my broadcast on DCTV on August 1, 2017. My email to Bengt that I read on
that segment is at the end of this tweet:
The Agents of the Banking Cartel have been giving me useful information, mixed
in with their lies. I work together with others to discover where the bias is. It is
necessary to stand up to the Banking Cartel and let them know that they do not
have any right to the world's wealth; we do. The connection between the nations'
monetary gold reserves and the military is obvious. If the paper currency
crashes, that means a unilateral surrender. When Bengt Carlsson asked me who
controlled the US military, I knew it was time to level with him. That means
reminding him again that I knew he was a double agent.
The Banking Cartel had the nerve to send me another agent yesterday, thinking that I
was going to let them steal the world's gold. I told them where to get off:

From: Karen Hudes <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 7:26 AM
To: [Spanish-speaking disinfo agent]
Subject: Re: [plot to steal gold]

Dear Sam,
This is a subject which all of humanity can tackle after we have done our job ...
and ended the cabal. I will certainly not second-guess humanity and do their
work for them on this topic.... As for you. I believe that you are cabal. Good
bye. I am blocking you. I am not even mentioning your name. I am including this
in my long list of various cabal shills trying to steal the gold.
Karen Hudes

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: --- the Land of INBETWEEN ........................ ---
To: Bengt Carlsson

Dear Bengt,

Thank you for raising this very central question. I did not receive your email when you sent it, The
fusion center held it, and then decided to release it to my inbox. It was delayed anywhere from 6 to 16

As you know, (and as I have informed you), from the time that you started forwarding me emails from
Wolfgang Struck, I have viewed you as "controlled opposition", that is, someone who is trying to win
my trust with helpful information, but who also sometimes includes not-so-helpful information.

The Banking Cartel is not in control. There is resistance, coming from me and the rest of the Coalition
for the Rule of Law. This coalition includes the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund that administers the Global Debt Facility containing the world's wealth.
This coalition includes a critical mass of humanity that is aware of the corruption in the money
system. We are communicating through my social media on the internet (see contact information at
the foot of this email)

I have already pointed out many times that the US military reads the internet and is aware of General
Dunford and other brass' treason. I have already pointed out that Donald Trump does not speak for
the United States, and that the rest of the federal government is not duly constituted, as it was
disbanded in bankruptcy. We have all known this from James Trafficant:

The statement by Representative Trafficant in the United States Congressional Record, March 17,
1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303 (Ohio) addressing the House that the Federal Government was declared

The statement in the Utah Supreme Court that the US is under martial law. Actually, in 1861 the US
was placed under secret martial law.
content/uploads/2015/02/IN-THE-SUPREME-COURT-of-Utah-Dyett-v-Turner.pdf (See page 50:
"What most people don't realize is that they have been under Martial Law Rule for over 60 years")

I have been talking about the fact that the government in the United States was illegitimate for a very
long time; also to the US military. The US military has confirmed this fact back to me, including in
the July 3 email:

The US military did not like what happened when they were ordered to nuke Charleston SC on
October 7, 2013, or fire a first strike against the Soviet Union on 3.15.15. The US military is loyal to
the American people and to the Constitution of the United States. The loyal military were fired for
refusing to nuke US citizens in Charleston SC on 10.7.13 (including Vice Admiral Tim Giardina and

Major General Michael Carey) and for refusing to launch a first nuclear strike against Russia on
3.15.15 (Commander Heather Cole and General Dana Pittard).

Moscow State University has published a timeline showing that the Network of Global Corporate
Control has been systematically censoring ancient history The
Soviet Union is very aware who was ultimately responsible for the 25 million deaths in WWII. See
Minute 3:26 of this clip of Major General General Konstantin Petrov, Leader of Russia's Conceptual
Party, and Head of the Opposition Project 'Concept in the Civil Security'. Konstantin Petrov died on July 21, 2009. He
supposedly died of natural causes, but his friends and colleagues still believe that Petrov was
poisoned: Source

The fact is that the US military is in open insurrection. The US monetary gold reserves are keeping the
United States military solvent and able to fulfill US treaties to defend Japan and Germany. This is
keeping the entire world out of WWIII.

Here is what another member of the US' Armed forces says about what is really going on in the


For other background information, see

The DCTV show on June 6, 2017 mentioned that the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF
have appointed me as the representative of the United States until the government of the United
States has been duly constituted when the United States Constitution of 1789 goes back into force and
effect under Article V. The organization COS (Convention of States) is being run by Banking Cartel
gatekeepers. COS have never answered this criticism, which is an admission. On July 24th I tweeted
my conversation in 2015 with the Convention of States Project, asking them why they were not
starting from the right page. If I was in error, it was incumbent on them to point this out. The silence
is damning.


Did you know that the US has been under martial law since 1861 and that the US Congress
secretly extends it behind closed doors?
Or that all of our property deeds are given to the banks and the states only give us
warranties of title? This is since 1937 under the war powers.
Betsy Ross: interesting....
Karen Hudes: more than interesting. I wonder whether your organization is part of the
solution or part of the problem since you are not starting from the right page
I have many, many followers on the internet, and I would like to know why your
organization is not giving people accurate information

As I said in my last tweet, we are talking about a war for world domination between the Coalition for
the Rule of Law and the Banking Cartel. This war has already been won peacefully in humanity's
collective unconscious. Humanity is winding down the Banking Cartel in receivership in the Global
Debt Facility. "This must follow, as the night the day" Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3, line 79


On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST

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