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‘Ideal Society’ as Envisaged

by Swami Vivekananda

ocating Swami Vivekananda within least in rough outlines drew the picture of
the Renaissance in India in general, the ‘Ideal Society’.3 He was also, according
and Bengal in particular, needs no to Rustau, the first Indian to develop a social
scrutiny. His life and the influential factors utopia.4
for the formation of his thought are deep and
worth studying over and over again. In Analysis of the ‘Ideal Society’
reading about him written by himself, by as envisaged by Vivekananda
others close to him and other writers I have There are two difficult hurdles in
found his ‘Ideal Society’ to be a fascinating attempting to bring about an understanding
subject. Hence, I shall attempt in my own of Vivekananda’s concept of ‘Ideal Society’.
short-sighted view to understand and analyse One, Vivekananda practically scattered his
what Vivekananda hinted at through his views and ideas of his concept of the ‘Ideal
concept of ‘Ideal Society’. I shall also try to Society’ throughout his writings. Two, many
find out if this concept of society was really of Vivekananda’s biographers or followers
envisaged by Vivekananda, or it was just a did not extensively deal upon his concept of
figure of speech pervading some of his most ‘Ideal Society’. Nonetheless, some of the
important messages. Or, to go further, taking biographers have shown that such a society
Hiltrud Rustau’s approach, I shall try to was envisaged by Vivekananda, and this can
explore whether the concept of ‘Ideal be seen in the minimal exposition of
Society’ is of a sketchy character.1 Vivekananda’s view about society. Among
The ‘Ideal Society’, to be understood, the biographers of Vivekananda, Abraham
first and foremost, has to begin with the Stephen, Hiltrud Rustau and V. Brodov
Practical Vedanta. Vivekananda’s Practical have, in contrast to the other biographers,
Vedanta has the characteristic of a two- extensively dealt with this ideal. In addition
dimensioned theory. His Practical Vedanta to these writers, attempt will also be made to
can be rendered and understood both as an study the exposition of this concept by other
abstract as well as concrete, spiritual and, at biographers, who mentioned this concept, if
the same time, societal. In fact, Vivekananda not directly. Hence, the analysis of the ‘Ideal
can be named, in Rustau’s term, ‘the first Society’ undertaken in this study are heavily
among Indian philosophers from whom based on the utterances and writings of
social philosophy constituted an integral part Vivekananda himself, and also the writings
of his philosophical system.’2 He continues of his biographers.
to say that Vivekananda was also the first in It can be assumed that, in order to
the history of Indian philosophy, who, at understand and analyse Vivekananda’s

Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture April 2018 25


‘Ideal Society’, an attempt at defining and and they fall; after the rise comes a fall,
interpreting the meaning of ‘ideal’ would again out of the fall comes a rise, with
serve our purpose. ‘Ideas’ and ‘ideals’ are greater power. This motion is always going
two important words that are interconnected on. In the religious world the same
movement exists. In every nation’s spiritual
and, invariably both the terms have some
life, there is a fall as well as a rise.9
similarity of meaning. In simple usage, an
idea can mean the content of cognition, an
intention. On the other hand, ideal can mean Analysis of ‘Ideal Society’
a mental image or conception of something This gives one the impression of the
wished for, something one wishes to attain. way in which Vivekananda understood
However, an ideal is usually presented in society in particular and nation in general.
abstract terms while ideas may become ideal With such a view in mind, we shall move on
and are usually presented as concept or towards analysing the ‘Ideal Society’. The
form. 5 An ideal, therefore, could be a starting-point to understand this would be to
concept, which one hopes to attain or understand caste as explained by
realize. Vivekananda. In order to simplify it,
Having understood the term ideal, now Vivekananda divided society into two castes
endeavour would be to study how —the higher caste (Brahmin, Kshatriya and
Vivekananda understood society. V. K. Vaishya) and the lower caste (Shudra). He
Arora vividly summarizes Vivekananda’s justifies his contention by saying that in the
understanding of society as well as its history of the world, the three upper castes
features thus: had, in succession, ruled the society. It
would be relevant to quote Vivekananda
Society is a Divine creation, an aggregate of
different individuals, with religion as the himself:
backbone. Its features are essentiality of Human society is in turn governed by the
self-sacrifice for well-being, gradual four castes—the priests, the soldiers, the
transition to being ‘one’ with the society, traders, and the labourers. . . . The priests
and the final result of human relations, co- (Brahmins) cultivate the mind, for through
operatively shared happiness.6 the mind they govern. The military
(Kshatriya) rule is tyrannical and cruel, but
We can derive from this quotation an they are not exclusive; and during that
important aspect of Vivekananda’s period arts and social culture attain their
understanding of society, which is height. The commercial (Vaishya) rule
individualistic and socialistic. Moreover, comes next. It is awful in its silent crushing
religion, or in other words, spirituality plays and blood-sucking power. Its advantage is,
a major part in it. Societies should be, says as the trader himself goes everywhere, he is
Vivekananda, moulded upon Truth, and a good disseminator of ideas, . . . but culture
Truth has not to adjust itself to society.7 For begins to decay. Last will come the labourer
(Shudra) rule. Its advantages will be the
Vivekananda, the progress of human society
distribution of physical comforts,—its
must be informed and directed by disadvantages (perhaps) the lowering of
sensitiveness to spiritual values.8 He also culture. There will be a great distribution of
believes that every society has its own rise ordinary education, but extraordinary
and fall. He says: geniuses will be less and less.10
The history of nations is like that: they rise He views that all the three upper castes

26 Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture April 2018


had their turn. And now, it was the turn of ‘Brahminhood’ is the ideal of humanity in
the Shudras to have their rule in society. He India.17 He further explains this ideal saying
opines that the other rules had been that it refers to the Brahmin of spiritual
experienced, but found unsatisfactory; and it culture and renunciation, the Brahmin-ness
was a time for the Shudras to have their turn, in which worldliness is absent and true
if for nothing else, for the novelty of the wisdom is abundantly present.18 In his ‘Ideal
thing.11 It is therefore in this context that Society’ Vivekananda asserts that there will
Vivekananda envisaged the ‘Ideal Society’. be no space for privileges of force, wealth,
But, the ‘Ideal Society’, as envisaged by intelligence, birth or spirituality.19
him, was not having a choice of any of the Within this concept of ‘Ideal Society’
periods mentioned, instead, the summation Vivekananda also envisioned the
of all the four periods. Thus, Vivekananda indispensable presence of ideal men and
says: ideal women. He says,
If it is possible to form a state in which the Ràma, the ancient idol of the heroic ages,
knowledge of the priest period, the culture the embodiment of truth, of morality, the
of the military, the distributive of the ideal son, the ideal husband, the ideal father,
commercial, and the ideal equality of the and above all, the ideal king. . . . Sità is
last can all be kept intact, minus their evils, unique. . . . She is the very type of the true
it will be an ideal state.12 Indian woman, for all the Indian ideals of a
perfected woman have grown out of that one
Importance of caste life of Sità . . . purer than purity itself, all
This is indicative of the fact that patience, and all suffering. She, who
Vivekananda was conscious of the presence suffered that life of suffering without a
of caste, and also its importance. His ‘Ideal murmur, she the ever-chaste and ever-pure
wife, she the ideal of the people, the ideal of
Society’ was based on caste. But, for him,
the gods, the great Sità. . . . The women of
caste, which is opposed to the Vedanta India must grow and develop in the
philosophy, is a social custom, the footprints of Sità, and that is the only way.20
outgrowth of political institutions and a
hereditary trade guild.13 For Vivekananda, in Here is an indication that Vivekananda’s
his concept of the ‘Ideal Society’, there will concept of the ‘Ideal Society’ gives a call to
exist only one caste, for the lower will be build a society in the tradition of ancient
raised to the level of the higher.14 That is, all India, where the qualities similar to those
the castes will be elevated to the highest manifested by Ràma and Sità, his models,
level of the Brahmin. It also gives the would be evident. Thus the Swami tried to
impression that the society should try to lay a foundation of the Indian society based
overcome the lapses of the four periods of on Hindu morality21 using religion as the
the past, yet preserve the advantages of each impelling force. Moreover, the ‘Ideal
period. The ideal at one end is the Brahmin Society’ has to realize the ideal of oneness.
and at the other is the Chandàla, and the It should be mentioned, however, that
whole work is to raise the Chandàla to the Vivekananda also says that the combination
status of the Brahmin.15 of the Greek mind represented by the
Vivekananda argues that the knowledge external European energy added to the
of Sanskrit would be the best way to level up Hindu spirituality would help form an ideal
caste distinctions.16 To this, he adds that Indian society. 22 Vivekananda firmly

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believes that although religion is the sole But is such ‘Ideal Society’ possible?
interest of the people of India,23 she has to Vivekananda did not give a direct answer.
learn from Europe the conquest of external Yet, in his attempts to realize his ‘Ideal
nature, while Europe has to learn from India Society’ he brings forth valuable
the conquest of inner nature. When that suggestions that he thought would be
takes place, there will be no Hindus or adequate to realize what he envisaged. He
Europeans—there will be an ideal demanded the practical realization of
humanity.24 To this Vivekananda also adds oneness by having faith in oneself, self-
that the ideal society would be the one in confidence, compassion for one’s fellow
which the Indian idea of spiritual integrity beings and tolerance. 30 This oneness, the
and the Western idea of social progress essential ideal of Neo-Vedanta,31 is what
would be synthesized.25 By the Western idea Vivekananda desired as the first step.
of social progress, he, it seems, understood Secondly, he felt that elevation of the
social liberty, democracy, and a dose of masses32 was another step needed for the
materialism.26 He pinpoints this need in the realization of the ‘Ideal Society’. He also
following words: stated that the spirit of equality, freedom,
What we should have is what we have not, work, and energy should be ensured without
perhaps what our forefathers even had not— hurting the religious beliefs of the masses.
that which the Yavanas had; that, impelled The masses are to be given their lost
by the life-vibration of which, is issuing individuality. They are to be educated.33
forth in rapid succession from the great When they will be educated, Vivekananda
dynamo of Europe, the electric flow of that believes, they will identify the agents of
tremendous power vivifying the whole social oppression and understand the
world. . . . We want that energy, that love of hollowness of the so-called superiority of
independence, that spirit of self-reliance,
birth claimed by the high castes. As
that immovable fortitude, that dexterity in
action, that bond of unity of purpose, that
mentioned earlier, Vivekananda did not
thirst for improvement.27 believe that caste system was part of
religion; in fact, he wanted people to know
Social westernization that it was a social system necessary to
These were the qualities Vivekananda maintain stability. 34 The third step that
wanted for his ‘Ideal Society’. Yet, we must Vivekananda suggested is the application of
remember that he was against social religious ideals into society.35 He did not,
westernization. He said India should grow however, forget to mention that religion
according to her traditions.28 He said reform should be kept within its proper limits and
is not the answer, but the growth on national that must give freedom to society in order to
lines.29 grow.36


1 Hiltrud Rustau, ‘Swami Vivekananda’s ‘Vivekananda’s Ideal Society’ in

Ideal Society and its Impact on Govind Modernization of Hinduism, ed. Radice.
Chandra Dev’ in Swami Vivekananda and 2 Rustau, ‘Vivekananda’s Ideal Society’ in
the Modernization of Hinduism, edited by Modernization of Hinduism, ed. Radice,
William Radice (Oxford: Oxford University pp. 264-280. Rustau argues that in spite of
Press, 1998), pp. 264-280. Hereafter Rustau, the influence of Vedanta on Raja Ram

28 Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture April 2018


Mohan Roy and Ramakrishna Paramahansa, 11 Ibid., Vol. IV, p. 382.

they were not able to develop a social 12 Ibid., Vol. IV, p. 381. It is important to note
philosophy proper in the sense of that this ideal was part of the letter sent by
systematically philosophizing on social Swami Vivekananda to Miss Mary Hale,
problems. He argues that Vivekananda was when he was still in London. The letter is
the first to connect the new interpretation of dated, London, England, 1 November,
Vedanta with the development of social 1896. See Complete Works, Vol. IV,
philosophy that corresponded to the p. 378.
requirements of modern society. He 13 Ibid., Vol. V, p. 311.
continues to argue that Vivekananda took 14 Rustau, ‘Vivekananda’s Ideal Society’ in
over Shankara’s concept of the sole Modernization of Hinduism ed. Radice,
existence of Brahman and Màyà; and the pp. 264-280.
main intention of Vivekananda in using the 15 Complete Works, Vol. III, p. 295.
concept of Shankara was that Vivekananda 16 Ibid., Vol. III, p. 291.
wanted to use philosophy in a more practical 17 Ibid., Vol. III, p. 293.
sense. 18 Ibid., Vol. III, p. 197.
3 Ibid. 19 Rustau, op. cit., pp. 264-280.
4 Ibid. 20 Complete Works, Vol. III, pp. 255-256.
5 Ripusudan Prasad Srivastava, Contemporary 21 Stephen, Social Philosophy of Swami
Indian Idealism (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, Vivekananda, p. 127.
1973), p. 7. 22 Complete Works, Vol. V, p. 216.
6 V. K. Arora, The Social and Political 23 Ibid., Vol. V, p. 178. To this, Vivekananda
Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda also adds that the lifeline of well-being in
(Calcutta: Punthi Pustak, 1968), p. 62. India is to follow the track of religion,
Hereafter, Arora, Social and Political p. 179.
Philosophy. 24 Ibid., Vol. V, p. 216.
7 Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, 25 Swami Vivekananda, Caste, Culture and
Vol. II, p. 84. Hereafter, Complete Works. Socialism (Mayavati: Advaita Ashrama,
8 G. R. S. Rao, ‘Vivekananda’s Socio- 1947), p. vi.
Political Relevance’ in Perspectives on 26 Complete Works, Vol. III, p. 157.
Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Vedanta 27 Ibid., Vol. IV, p. 404.
Tradition, edited by M. Sivaramkrishna & 28 As quoted in Arora, Social and Political
Sumita Roy (Hyderabad: Sterling Philosophy, p. 76.
Publishers, 1991), pp. 198-203. Hereafter, 29 Complete Works, Vol. III, p. 197.
Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Vedanta, eds., 30 Ibid., Vol. III, p. 190.
Sivaramkrishna & Roy. 31 Stephen, Social Philosophy of Swami
9 Complete Works, Vol. IV, p. 120. Vivekananda, p. 123.
10 Ibid., Vol. VI, pp. 380-381. Vivekananda 32 Complete Works, Vol. V, p. 29.
commented that of the modern Western 33 Ibid., Vol. VIII, p, 307.
nations, the Vaishya attained the greatest 34 Ibid., Vol. III, p. 132.
success in Great Britain. Complete Works, 35 Ibid., Vol. V, p. 47.
Vol. IV, p. 450. 36 Ibid., Vol. V, p. 22.
* Rev. Zadingluaia Chinzah is doing his Master of Theology in Aizwal Theological College,

Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture April 2018 29

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