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1. Please specify your gender

Male Female

2. Do you use coconut related products?

Yes No

3. How often do you de-husk coconuts?


4. What Method do you use to de-husk coconuts?


5. How long (in minutes) do you take to de-husk a single coconut?

1-2 3-5 5-7 >10

6. Having used the provided coconut de-husker, what are your comments?



7. What do you think of the overall quality of the de-husker?



8. What improvements do you think should be made to the de-husker?




9. Do you prefer using this tool to de-husk coconuts to your current method?

Yes No

10. How much are you willing to pay for a tool like this?

$100 -200 $200-250 $250 – 300 >$300

11. Are you comfortable using this tool?

Yes No

12. What would you do to improve the ergonomics of the tool?




13. Do you think the de-husker is safe to use?

Yes No

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