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IOT based home automation system


IOT based home automation system

Intelligent management of the power system, facilitate the joint use the current and
minimizes power loss during transmission and power consumption is highlighted by the
global community, academic institutions, and State administration. To gain full utility
and customer protection dimensions, the idea of a smart grid enabling technologies used
in recent years, attracting a great deal of attention in the energy industry and academia
Such studies. With continued growth in popularity and functionality of mobile devices,
demand advanced mobile applications widespread human life continue to grow. The use
of Web Services is an open and interoperable method for providing remote access service
or applications can communicate with each other. An attractive market for
home[3].Home automation system using IOT is a way through which one can explore
and control home appliances or devices with the help of internet connection .IOT based
home automation is a way of making home smart.[1]

Fig: 1.1 Internet of things.

The Internet of things can be defined as connecting the various types of objects like
smart phones, personal computer and Tablets to internet, which brings in very
newfangled type of communication between things and people and also between things

IOT based home automation system

[2]. With the introduction of IOTs, the research and development of home automation are
becoming popular in the recent days. Many of the devices are controlled and monitored
for helps the human being. Additionally various wireless technologies help in connecting
from remote places to improve the intelligence of home environment. An advanced
network of IOT is being formed when a human being is in need of connecting with other
things. IOTs technology is used to come in with innovative idea and great growth for
smart homes to improve the living standards of life. Internet helps us to bring in with
immediate solution for many problems and also able to connect from any of the remote
places which contributes to overall cost reduction and energy consumption [2].

In recent years, there has been a growing interest among consumers in the smart home
concept. Home automation system represents and reports the status of the connected
devices in an intuitive, user-friendly interface allowing the user to interact and control
various devices with the touch of a few buttons [2].

IOT based home automation system

[1] Akbar Satria, Muhammad Luthfi Priadi, Lili Ayu Wulandhari and Widodo Budiharto:

“The Framework of Home Remote Automation System Based on Smartphone” in 2015

The project results analysis in the previous section, this application can be run in
two OS, (Android an OS). This application is useful for the user to turn off and turn on
electronic devices from their remote, so that can help user to look at the power
consumption of electronic devices in the room but this project is based on the

[2] Zaid Abdulzahra Jabbar1, R.S. Kawitkar: “Implementation of Smart Home Control
by Using Low Cost Arduino BT & Android Design” International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 5, Issue 2, February 2016

In Bluetooth based home automation system the home appliances are connected to
the Arduino BT board at input output ports using relay. The program of Arduino BT
board is based on high level interactive C language of microcontrollers; the connection is
made via Bluetooth. The password protection is provided so only authorized user is
allowed to access the appliances. The Bluetooth connection is established between
Arduino BT board and phone for wireless communication. In this system the python
script is used and it can install on any of the Symbian OS environment, it is portable. One
circuit is designed and implemented for receiving the feedback from the phone, which
indicate the status of the device.

[3] Neha Malik1, Yogita Bodwade1: “Home Automation System” March 2017

Home automation refers to the monitoring and controlling of home appliances

remotely. with the never ending growth of the Internet and its applications, there is much
potential and scope for remote access and control and monitoring of such network
enabled appliances. This paper deals with discussion of different intelligent home

IOT based home automation system

automation systems and technologies from a various features standpoint. The effort
targeted on the home automation concept of where the controlling and monitoring
operations are expediting through smart devices. Wide-ranging home automation systems
and technologies considered in review with central controller based (Arduino or
Raspberry pi), cloud-based. In this project is SMS based, ZigBee based, mobile-based

[4] Archana N. Shewale1, Jyoti P. Bari2: “Renewable Energy Based Home Automation
System Using ZigBee” June 2015
To monitor and control the home appliances the system is designed and
implemented using Zigbee. The device performance is record and store by network
coordinators. For this the Wi-Fi network is used, which uses the four switch port standard
wireless ADSL modern router. The network SSID and security Wi-Fi parameter are
preconfigured. The message for security purpose first process by the virtual home
algorithm and when it is declared safe it is re-encrypted and forward to the real network
device of the home. Over Zigbee network, Zigbee controller sent messages to the end.
The safety and security of all messages that are received by the virtual home algorithm.
To reduce the expense of the system and the intrusiveness of respective installation of the
system Zigbee communication is helpful.

[5]. A. Alheraish : “ GSM based home automation system using cell phones”:
The GSM based home automation is lure to research. The SMS based home
automation, GPRS based home automation and dual tone multi frequency (DTMF)
based home automation, these options we considered mainly for communication in
GSM. In figure shows the logical diagram the work of it shows how the home sensors
and devices interact with the home network and communicates through GSM and SIM
(subscriber identity module). The system use transducer which convert machine function
into electrical signals which goes into microcontroller. The sensors of system convert
the physical qualities like sound, temperature and humidity into some other quantity like
voltage. The microcontroller analysis all signal and convert them into command to
understand by GSM module. Select appropriate communication method among SMS,
GPRS and DTFC based on the command which received GSM module.

IOT based home automation system


Fig: 3.1. Block diagram

IOT based home automation system


In the block diagram there is two way flows from smart phone to appliances and
from sensors to smart home. In this we obtain website in that there are appliances in
hardware section there is arduino Uno, relays ,Wi-Fi module ,power supply connected to
bulb and dc fan .Now taking 230V to transformer it will give 9V output to rectifier ,filter,
capacitor, voltage regulator it will give 5V supply to arduino board and data will
displayed on 16*2 LCD display Whatever the process is going on that should be
displayed on LCD display when arduino sends the command to Wi-Fi module once the
command completed it will links the website when action completed the user reading is
completed then it will take action to control the devices by sending command to off the
device which user want this command blink the website and it will displayed on the LCD
display and by arduino and relay can off the devices.

IOT based home automation system

4.1 Hardware Specification:
4.1.1 Arduino Uno

Fig 4.1: Arduino UNO

Arduino is a micro controller which is better for performing embedded activities.

IOT system can be developed by many different boards but the best and simple board
which is easy to use and cost efficient is Arduino. The micro controller is Arduino mega
2560 which can be connected to maximum of 40 devices at a time. The cost of board is
very low as compared to other processors. It is connected to Wi-Fi module and relays that
are used for controlling current in devices. The Arduino UNO is widely used open-source
microcontroller board .the MicrochipATmega328P microcontroller and developed
by Arduino. The board is equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins
that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields) and other circuits.[1] The
board features 14 Digital pins and 6 Analog pins. It is programmable with the Arduino
IDE (Integrated Development Environment) via a type B USB cable.[4] It can be powered

IOT based home automation system

by a USB cable or by an external 9 volt battery, though it accepts voltages between 7 and
20 volts. It is also similar to the Arduino Nano and Leonardo.

Technical Specifications

 Operating Voltage: 5 Volt

 Input Voltage: 7 to 20 Volts
 Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
 Analog Input Pins: 6
 DC Current per I/O Pin: 20 m A
 DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 m A
 Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 0.5 KB used by boot loader
 SRAM: 2 KB
 Clock Speed: 16 MHz
 Length: 68.6 mm
 Width: 53.4 mm
 Weight: 25 g

4.1.2Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) Module

ESP8266 is a complete and self-contained Wi-Fi network solution that can carry
software applications, or through another application processor uninstall all Wi-Fi
networking capabilities. ESP8266when the device is mounted and as the only application
of the application processor, the flash memory can be started directly from an external
Move. Built-in cache memory will help improve system performance and reduce memory
requirements. Another situation is when wireless Internet access assumes the task of Wi-
Fi adapter, you can add it to any microcontroller-based design, and the connection is
simple, just by SPI / SDIO interface or central processor AHB bridge interface.
Processing and storage capacity on ESP8266 powerful piece, it can be integrated via
GPIO ports sensors and other applications specific equipment to achieve the lowest early

IOT based home automation system

in the development and operation of at least occupy system resources. The ESP8266
highly integrated chip, including antenna switch balun, power management converter, so
with minimal external circuitry, and includes front-end module, including the entire
solution designed to minimize the space occupied by PCB. The system is equipped with
ESP8266 manifested leading features are: energy saving VoIP quickly switch between
the sleep / wake patterns, with low-power operation adaptive radio bias, front-end signal
processing functions, troubleshooting and radio systems coexist characteristics eliminate
cellular / Bluetooth / DDR / LVDS / LCD interference.

ESP8266EX Pin Definitions: Name Type Function

1 VDDA P Analog Power 2.5V ~ 3.6V
2 LNA I/O RF antenna interface Chip output
impedance=39+j6 Ω. It is suggested to
retain the π-type matching network to
match the antenna
3 VDD3P3 P Amplifier Power 2.5V ~ 3.6V
4 VDD3P3 P Amplifier Power 2.5V ~ 3.6V
5 VDD_RTC P NC (1.1V)
6 TOUT I ADC pin. It can be used to test the
power-supply voltage ofVDD3P3 (Pin3
and Pin4) and the input power voltage of
TOUT (Pin 6). However, these two
functions cannot be used simultaneously.
7 CHIP_PU I Chip Enable High: On, chip works
properly Low: Off, small current

Table 3.1.ESP8266EX Pin Definitions

IOT based home automation system

4. 1.3.LDR (Light Dependent Resister):

LDRs or Light Dependent Resistors are very useful especially in light/dark sensor
circuits. Normally the resistance of an LDR is very high, sometimes as high as 1000000
ohms, but when they are illuminated with light resistance drops dramatically. Photo
sensors are the devices that alter their electrical characteristics, in the presences of visible
or invisible light. The best-known devices of this type are the light dependent resistor, the
photo diode and the phototransistors. Light dependent resistor as the name suggests
depends on light for the variation of resistance. LDR are made by depositing a film of
cadmium sulphide or cadmium selenide on a substrate of ceramic containing no or very
few free electrons when not illuminated. As longer the strip, more the value of resistance.
When light falls on the strip, the resistance decreases. In the absence of light the
resistance can be in the order of 10kΩ to 15kΩ and is called the dark resistance.
Depending on the exposure of light the resistance can fall down to value of 500 Ω. Light
dependent resistors are available as discs 0.5cm to 2.5cm. The resistance rises to several
Mega ohms under dark conditions. The figure-1 shows that when the torch is turned on,
the resistance of the LDR decreases, and allows the current to pass through it.

Fig 4.3.1: LDR

IOT based home automation system

4.1.4 LM35 SENSOR:

LM35 is a precision IC temperature sense or with its output proportional to the

temperature (in ºC).the sensor circuitry is sealed and therefore it is not subjected to
oxidation and other process. with LM35,temperature can be measured more accurately
than with a thermistorb .it also possess low self heating and does not cause more than
0.1ºC temperature rise in still air.

Fig 4.4.1: Pin Diagram Description:

Pin No Function Name

1 Supply voltage; 5V (+35V to -2V) Vcc

2 Output voltage (+6V to -1V) Output

3 Ground (0V) Ground

IOT based home automation system

4.1.5 RELAY:

An electromechanical relay is basically designed using few mechanical parts like

electromagnet, a movable armature, contact, oke, and a spring/frame /stand. All these are
arranged logically to form into a relay. A relay is an electrically operated switch .many
relays use an electromagnet to mechanically operated a switch, but other operating
principles are also used ,such as solid-state relays .Relay are used where it is necessary to
control a circuit by a separate low-power signal ,or where several circuit must be
controlled by one signal . when an electric current is passed through the coil it generates
a magnetic field that activates the armature .and the consequent movement of the fixed
contact either makes or breaks a connection with a fixed contact .If the set of contact was
closed when the de-energized, then the movement opens the contact and breaks the
connection, and vice versa if the contact were open .When the current to the coil is
switched off, the armature is returned by a force.

4.1.6 LCD
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an electronic display module and find a wide
range of applications. A 16×2 LCD display is very basic module and is very commonly
used in various devices and circuits. These modules are preferred over seven segments
and other multi segment LEDs. The reasons being: LCDs are economical; easily
programmable; have no limitation of displaying special and even custom characters
(unlike in seven segments), animations and so on.

IOT based home automation system

Figure 4.6.1: LCD

A 16×2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per line and there are two such
lines. In this LCD each character is displayed in 5×7 pixel matrix. This LCD has two
registers, namely command and data. The command register stores the command
instructions given to the LCD. A command is an instruction given to LCD to do a
predefined task like initializing it, clearing its screen, setting the cursor position,
controlling display etc. The data register stores the data to be displayed on the LCD. The
data is the ASCII value of the character to be displayed on the LCD.

4.2 Software Specification

4.2.1 Web Server

A web application is a computer program that web browsers and web technology to
perform tasks over the Internet .millions of businesses use the internet as a cost –effective
communication channel. It lets them exchange information with their target market and
make fast ,secure transaction .However effective engagements is only possible when the
business is able to capture and store all the necessary data, and have a means of
processing this information and presenting the result to the user.

IOT based home automation system

Web application are usually coded in browser –supported language such as java Script
and HTML these languages rely on the browser to render the program executable .Some
of the application are dynamic, requiring server –side processing, others are completely
static with no processing required at the server. The web application requires a web
server to manage request from the client, an application server to perform the task request
, and ,sometimes, a database to store the information .application server technology
ranges from ASzP.NET, ASP and cold fusion ,to PHP AND JSP

Fig4.7.1: web server

Web server is a program that uses HTTP to serve files that creates web pages to users
in response to their requests, which is sent by their computers HTTP connect on a
computer and a server program..the basic function of a is to host websites and to deliver
web content from its hosted websites over the internet .During the delivery of web pages,
web server follow a network protocol known as hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP).
type that URL into your browser and press enter. And that’s it, no matter on which web
server the website is in the world, it displays the page on your computer screen .Always a
web server is connected to the internet. Every web server that connects to the Internet
will be having an unique address which contains a series of four numbers between 0 and

IOT based home automation system

255. A period (.) separates these numbers.Also, web server enables the hosting providers
to manage multiple domains (users) on a single server.

4.2.2 Android Application

Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google , based on a modified

version of the Linux Kernel and other open source software and designed primarily for
touch screen mobile televisions, Android Auto for cars and wear OS for wrist watches,
each with a specialized user interface .Variants of android are also used on game
consoles ,digital cameras, PCs and other electronics An Android app is a software
application running on the Android platform. Because the Android platform is built for
mobile devices, a typical Android app is designed for a smart phone or a tablet PC
running on the Android OS.

IOT based home automation system

 In home
 HVAC Regulation:
As fuel costs rise and the availability and sustainability of our resources becomes a
greater concern, heating/cooling our homes efficiently is less a budgetary bonus and more
of a necessity. Over the past year, smart thermostats and automated home heating
systems have become more readily available and easily incorporate into any home.
Heating and cooling our homes consumes an average of 50% of energy costs yearly,
making daily HVAC regulation progressively rewarding. Maintaining a substantial lead
among the nearly non-existent competition, the Nest Learning Thermostat, learns your
heating and cooling preferences over time, eliminating the need for programming and is
accessible from your smartphone app. With automated HVAC you are able to reduce the
heat when a room is unoccupied, and increase or decrease it at specific times based on
your schedule and occupancy

 Smart Kitchen:

Will smart kitchen appliances actually make you a better cook? Maybe. Smart
refrigerators, such as LG’s Smart ThinQ, allow you to scan grocery store receipts and
keep an inventory of your items, and alerts you if an item is about to expire. More
impressively, it suggests recipes based on your refrigerator’s contents and lets you know
when you need to replace items. Smart ovens synch with your smartphone and
automatically preheat to the correct temperature based on a recipe selected from your
database. While these appliance options seem a bit superficial and convenience based,
there is a conservation factor as well. By automating your kitchen appliance and making
them accessible from your smart device, you’re able to sever the electricity supplied to
unused appliances and reduce your energy consumption and costs. Considering the
number of appliances the average household owns; this could save a substantial amount
of money over time.

IOT based home automation system

IOT based home automation system


1: Flexibility

Flexibility for new devices and appliances. Smart home systems tend to be
wonderfully flexible when it comes to the accommodation of new devices and appliances
and other technology. No matter how state-of-the-art your appliances seem today, there
will be newer, more impressive models developed as time goes on. Beyond that, you’ll
probably add to your suite of devices as you replace the older ones or discover new
technology to accompany your indoor and outdoor spaces. Being able to integrate these
newcomers seamlessly will make your job as a homeowner much easier, and allow you to
keep upgrading to the latest lifestyle technology.

2: Security

Managing all of your home devices from one place. The convenience factor here is
enormous. Being able to keep all of the technology in your home connected through one
interface is a massive step forward for technology and home management. Theoretically,
all you’ll have to do is learn how to use one app on your smartphone and tablet, and
you’ll be able to tap into countless functions and devices throughout your home. This
cuts way back on the learning curve for new users, makes it easier to access the
functionality you truly want for your home.

3: Manageability

Maximizing home security. When you incorporate security and surveillance

features in your smart home network, your home security can skyrocket. There are tons
of options here -- only a few dozen of which are currently being explored. For example,
home automation systems can connect motion detectors, surveillance cameras, automated
door locks, and other tangible security measures throughout your home so you can
activate them from one mobile device before heading to bed. You can also choose to
receive security alerts on your various devices depending on the time of day an alert goes

IOT based home automation system

off, and monitor activities in real-time whether you’re in the house or halfway around the

4: Saves Money and Increases Convenience

As mentioned earlier, a home automation system saves money. The most beneficial
impact the system will have is on your monthly utility bill. No longer will you be
spending money for household appliances left on in your family’s absence. You will also
save on gas costs, as you will never need to stop by the house in order to turn something
off or on. This is certainly convenient. You will have complete control to make sure costs
are low without exerting any additional effort

5: Contributes to Economy

Simply put, you are contributing to the economy when you purchase and utilize a
home automation system. You ensure that you are only using the energy and resources
that are necessary while you are home.

6: Increases in Peace of Mind

Perhaps this benefit will not apply to everyone, but for those who habitually worry
about whether or not they have taken care of everything at home before leaving for the
day, a home automation system is a perfect investment. In short, it offers peace of mind.
This is quite beneficial for those individuals who leave each day, obsessively worrying if
everything is in order. With so many stresses in daily life, it is nice to take at least one off
the list by being able to see what is going on at home without physically being there.

7: Allows You Control When Out of Town

Have you ever gone out of town and given a key to a neighbor? Many do this in
order to allow the neighbor to perform household chores that cannot be neglected such as

IOT based home automation system

feeding the plant, taking care of the dog, or delivering the mail. A home automation
system allows you just a bit more control than simply turning over a key, which is a great
relief to some homeowners. You can easily set up a time for the person to enter your
home and let him or her in yourself through your smart phone or I Pad.

IOT based home automation system



At this stage we collect the information about all the parameters which is required
for our project like software’s, components and also we find the ways to remove the
drawbacks of old system by our system and we will design it successfully. We have taken
simulation of power supply which is required for our project.

IOT based home automation system


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IOT based home automation system

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