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Paul Stuart is an English boy. He is 15 years old and he is a good student.

Saturdays afternoon, Paul plays football with his friends.
His father is 37 years old and he is a mechanic. His mother is 36 years old and
she is a housewife. His sister Sandra is 12 and his brother Richard is 10. Paul
lives with his family at 88, Oxford Street, London.

Answer the following questions about the text: (responde às seguintes

1. What is his name? ________________________________________________
2. What is his surname? _____________________________________________
3. How old is he? ___________________________________________________
4. What is Paul job? _________________________________________________
5. What is his father job? ____________________________________________
6. What is his mother job? ___________________________________________
7. What is his address? ______________________________________________
8. Is he Portuguese? ________________________________________________
9. Where is Paul from? ______________________________________________
Say if these sentences are True or False. (diz se estas frases são
verdadeiras ou falsas)
1. Paul Stuart is a bad student. _______
2. Every Saturdays Paul plays football with his friends. ________
3. He has got a brother and a sister. ______
4. He lives in Liverpool. ______
Complete with the verb To Be (completa com o verbo To Be)
1. She ______ a nurse.
2. Susan _______ (not) a vet.
3. Paul and John _____ mechanics.
4. We ____ Portuguese.
5. You ______ (not) German.
6. ______ you Japanese?
7. ______ Susan English?
8. I ____ a student.

Follow the example and then do the same( olha para o exemplo e faz o
Where are they from?
Example: Paul Stuart / England.
Where is Paul Stuart from?
Paul Stuart is from England. He is English.
1. Susan/ Holland
2. Anthony/ Scotland
3. Anne/ France
4. Bill Gates/ America
5. Franz and Anne/ German
6. Kimoto/ Japan
7. Luís Figo/ Portugal

Identify the jobs (identifica as profissões)

___________ ___________ ____________

___________ ____________ _____________

_____________ ____________ _______________

_____________ ______________ ________________

____________ ___________ _______________

_____________ ____________ ______________

____________ ____________ ________________

Look at the example and then do the same: (olha para o exemplo e faz o

Susan/ housewife
What is her job?
She is a housewife.

1. João/ lawyer 2. John/ shop assistant

________________________ ___________________________
________________________ ___________________________
3. Paul and Susan/ vet 4. Peter/ farmer
_______________________ ___________________________
_______________________ ___________________________
5. Mary/ model 6. Mary and Anne/ housewife
_______________________ ___________________________
_______________________ ___________________________
7. Anthony/ bricklayer 8. Marcus/ electrician
_______________________ ___________________________
_______________________ ___________________________

Complete with the verb To be or the verb To have got.

1. We _________ (to have got) a beautiful house in the country.
2. ___________ (you/ to have got) a horse in your farm?
3. She ________ (to be) my best friend.
4. Susan and Mike __________ (not/to be) my best friends.
5. I ________ (to be) cleaning my car.
6. She _________ (to have got) a beautiful hair.
7. I ___________ (not/ to be) washing my car.
8. Paul and Mike _______ (to be) mechanics.
9. I _________ (to have got) cat.
10. Suzan _______ (to be) happy.
11. They _________ (to have got) two daughters.
Put the following sentences in the negative form:
1. They have got two daughters. _______________________________________
2. She has got a new house. ____________________________________________
3. This is my friend Paul. _____________________________________________
4. There are some apples on the table. ___________________________________

5. I have got a fish. __________________________________________________
6. We are good friends. _______________________________________________
Put the following sentences in the interrogative form:
1. They have got two daughters. ________________________________________
2. She has got a new house. ____________________________________________
3. This is my friend Paul. ______________________________________________
4. There are some apples on the table. ____________________________________
5. I have got a fish. __________________________________________________
6. We are good friends. _______________________________________________
Look at the table. (Ollha para o quadro)

This is me and this is my family.

This is George. He is my __________ This is John. He is my _________

This is Peter. He is my _______ This is Francis. He is my baby _____

This is Carol. She is my _______ This is Pam. She is my __________

This is Susan. She is my _______ This is Duke. It is my ___________

This is Princess. It is my __________

Find the letters

1. M __ t __ __ ___
2. F __ __ h __ ___

3. B __ o __ __ e ___

4. S__ s __ ___ ___

5. U __ __ ___ e

6. A __ __ t

7. G ___ ___ ___ d ___ ____ t ___ ___ ___

8. G ___ ___ ___ d ___ ___ t ____ ___ ____

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