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researchers arrived with this study

because they noticed that after the fish

scales and gills were extracted from the
fish, it was disposed immediately. And
at home, they observed that fish gills
were edible to dogs and cats, so they
searched about fish gills along with
scales to know the different nutrients
present in it. After a couple of months,
they proved that it was indeed an
effective feed additive.

DISCOVERING something new,
EXPERIMENT. These are just some of GILLS?
the things that complete every SCIONS
high school life. In RSHS for Region 1, In poultry nutrition, most
you can't just discover something new attention is given to protein
that can change or improve the quality of products, because of its importance
life or solve problems, but it can also as a major constituent of the
change you as a student or researchers
biologically active compounds in
because you will be challenged here. As
they say, "If it doesn't challenge you, it
the body. It also supports in the
won't change you". synthesis of body tissue, for that
enzymes and hormones which
During the S.Y 2018-2019,
researchers from the SHS conducted a play significant roles in the
study entitled fish scales and gills as feed physiology of any living organism.
additive for broiler chickens. The
The nutrients that can be return of investment, and the healthier the

extracted from fish scales and gills chickens. Using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
include mineral, fat, iron, zinc, it showed that the treatments are insignificantly
variety of vitamins, calcium,
different from each other. But despite its
phosphorus, collagen and protein.
Fish scales are a surprisingly effectiveness as feed additive for broiler

nutritional food source, containing chickens. The only disadvantage of this is that
layers of keratin and enamel, as when pounded fish scales and gills are added to
well as a dermal portion and a
the commercial feeds given to the chickens, their
layer of protein-rich mucus. They
wastes become more odorous.
are a rich source of calcium

After the further verification of the

results and findings of the study, the researchers

arrived with the following conclusions: fish

scales and gills are effective feed additive for

broiler chickens and T2 yielded the best result as

the chickens’ weight increased as days go by. The

researchers also found out that the larger the

amount of pounded fish scales and gills added,

the heavier the chickens which leads to a higher

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