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What is the basic goal of teaching the theories to students in the teaching of literature?

The basic goal of teaching theories to the student in teaching literature is to emulate classical theories as
the springboard with teaching values and humanity. It includes philosophy not just by comprehending
the text alone but also teaches student to become a person.

2.) Why do teachers must equipped themselves with literary theories as means of teaching literary piece
to their students?

Reading Literature must go with the teaching on how you can transfer it to your student. As teacher you
must equipped with classical theories like marxism that you are going to employ to your student so that
they have the same perspective as with you.


The literature component in English is aimed at enhancing students’ language proficiency, and it is also
geared for the purpose of generating the aesthetic part of the language that is personal response from
students. The English language Curriculum Specifications stated that the aim of literature is not only
meant to address the interpersonal, informational aesthetic value of learning but also the learning of
the English language in general. Similarly, this objective is in line to the curriculum of the Malaysia
Ministry of Education (2009) that spells out the objectives of the introduction of literature component
into the English language syllabus are to enable students to improve their proficiency through reading,
respond to text, draw lessons and insights from slices of life, understand and appreciate other culture,
relate to events, characters and own life as well as expose students to models of good writing. Literature
in Education is aimed at developing the potential of students in a holistic, balanced and integrated
manner encompassing the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical aspects in order to create a
balanced and harmonious human being with high social standards. It is therefore, the primary aim of
incorporating literature into the English Language syllabus is to improve students’ language ability. As
stated in the English Language Curriculum Specification, the CCL Program is aimed to help students
improve their English through reading simple fiction, to provide a continuum for the literature
component introduced in school and to create an enjoyable learning environment. In relation to this,
literature is not only meant to address the interpersonal and informational aesthetic value of the
learning, but also beyond that where the students learn about people, culture, ethics, behaviors and
other social norms. Hence, the implementation of children’s literature would help children to expand
their imagination and to acquire literacy in their
1. It is to enhance students’ language proficiency, and it is also geared for the purpose of
generating the aesthetic part of the language that is personal response from students. The aim
of literature is not only meant to address the interpersonal, informational aesthetic value of
learning but also the learning of the English language in general to enable students to improve
their proficiency respond to text, draw lessons and insights from slices of life, understand and
appreciate other culture, relate to events, characters and own life as well as expose students to
models of good writing. Literature in Education is aimed at developing the potential of students
in a holistic, balanced and integrated manner encompassing the intellectual, spiritual, emotional
and physical aspects in order to create a balanced and harmonious human being with high social
standards. literature is not only meant to address the interpersonal and informational aesthetic
value of the learning, but also beyond that where the students learn about people, culture,
ethics, behaviors and other social norms. Hence, the implementation of children’s literature
would help children to expand their imagination and to acquire literacy in their learning.

2. As teacher you must equipped with classical theories with the support you can provide them, any
student can gain an understanding of how different theories function and how they can impact their
reading of a text. High school students should be exposed to all different types of theories so they have
a way to connect with the books they read, and can see that there is more than one way to read a text,
regaining control of their interpretations. Teaching literary theories explicitly allows students to take a
more active role in their own literary interpretation. Literary theories allow students the chance to bring
their own understanding to the texts they read, giving them a way to talk about what they read and how
they interpret what they read. They guide reading with a focus, then allow for students to bring out their
individual voice and interpretation within the process of making meaning. The knowledge of the
presence of multiple theories would be enough to show students that there is more than one right
answer, but most theories go beyond that to show how, within each theoretical school, there are
infinite possibilities for meaning.

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