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Ashley Pasiciel

I Am Peace – A Book of Mindfulness

Grade/Subject: Language Arts – Grade 4 Lesson Duration: 60 minutes
Unit: Making Mindfulness Possible Date: March 2019
General Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts,
ideas, feelings and experiences.
5. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support
and collaborate with others.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
• 1.1.1 - Compare new ideas, information and experiences to prior knowledge
and experiences.
• 1.1.3 - Share personal responses to explore and develop understanding of
oral, print and other media texts.
• 1.2.1 – Identify other perspectives by exploring a variety of ideas, opinions,
responses and oral, print and other media texts.
• 1.2.2 – Use talk, notes, personal writing and representing to record and reflect
on ideas, information and experiences.
• 5.1.1– Describe similarities and differences between personal experiences and
the experiences of people or characters from various cultures portrayed in oral,
print and other media texts.
• 5.1.2 – Appreciate the responses to some oral, print and other media texts may
be different.
• 5.1.4 – Identify and discuss differences in language use in a variety of school
and community contexts.
• 5.1.5 – Take responsibility for collaborating with others to achieve group goals.
• 5.1.6 – Ask for and provide information and assistance, as appropriate, for
completing individual and group tasks.
• 5.1.8 - Use brainstorming, summarizing, and reporting to organize and carry
out group projects.
Students will:
1. Apply their understanding of mindfulness in relation to the story.
2. Identify different mindfulness strategies through a community circle activity.
3. Develop a personal reflection in relation to mindfulness.
Observations: Key Questions:
• Class reading – ask students • What is mindfulness? (L.O #1, 2 &
questions to keep them engaged. 3).
Make sure students are paying • What does mindfulness mean to
attention and included in you? (L.O #1, 2 & 3).
discussions. (L.O #1) • How can we practice mindfulness at
• Facilitate Community Circle home? (L.O #2 & 3).
Activity – students will take turns • How can we practice mindfulness at
sharing a mindfulness strategy. school? (L.O #2 & 3).
Ashley Pasiciel

Teacher starts this activity. Makes • What does it look like when we are
sure students are following the mindful of others? (L.O #2 & 3).
Tribes Agreement. (L.O #2) • Why is this an important topic in
• Independent work time on Me relation to our classroom
Books. Make sure students are community? (L.O #2 & 3)
on task. Walk around the room • What are some mindfulness
and see what students are strategies? (L.O #1, 2 & 3).
creating. (L.O #3) • How can mindfulness help you find
peace? (L.O #1, 2 & 3).
Written/Performance Assessments:
• Students will create a personal collage. The idea behind this is saying
something about yourself though words and pictures. Students will be
encouraged to be creative and use pictures, words, images, etc. from the
magazines. After this is complete, students will write a brief artist statement
about their creation, explaining how this relates to them personally. Since there
is a writing component, this will be a summative assessment. The only thing
they must have on their collage is their name. The rest is up to them, as long
as they feel it personally relates to them, and they can justify it.
• The Alberta Program of Studies.
• Tribes
• I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness – Susan Verde.
• I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness – Susan Verde
• Tribes
• Me Book’s
• Colouring materials
Hook/Attention Grabber: Who would like to read the quote of the day? Brief
discussion around the quote.

Assessment of Prior Knowledge: What is mindfulness?

Expectations for Learning & Behaviour:

• Listening to me and eyes on the story when reading. I will be asking questions
after, so pay attention in case I ask you.
• Hands to yourself and no talking when sitting for the reading.
• During activities, be respectful of your classmates – follow the tribe’s
agreements (ask students to review these).
• Participate in activities.
• If you have a question raise your hand.
• When working, be on task. What does this look like?

Advance Organizer/Agenda:
Ashley Pasiciel

• Have Me Book’s out.

• Have carpets in the corner of the classroom –easy set up.

Transition to Body: Today, we will start with a reading.

Key Questions:
• What is mindfulness?
• What does mindfulness mean to you?
• What are some mindfulness strategies?
• How can mindfulness help you find peace?
Learning Activity #1: Class Reading (L.O #1).
• As a class, we will read I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness by Susan Verde
• Students will grab carpets and gather at the front of a classroom.
• Review what a group reading looks like or sounds like. – go over expectations
for this activity.
• Ask students questions to ensure they are paying attention.
• Ask questions to have student personally relate.
• Make sure all students can see.

Key Questions:
• What is mindfulness?
• What does mindfulness mean to you?
• How can we practice mindfulness at home?
• How can we practice mindfulness at school?
• What does it look like when we are mindful of others?
• Why is this an important topic in relation to our classroom community?
• What are some mindfulness strategies?
• How can mindfulness help you find peace?
Learning Activity #2: Community Circle (L.O #2)
• Students will gather in a circle around the room.
• We will review the Tribes agreements. Ask students to share what they
• Share question: How can you practice mindfulness? How do you practice
• Teacher will model this activity.
• Students will follow – they have the right to pass. At the end of the activity we
will come back to these students.
• Further discussion – why is mindfulness important?
• Make sure all student feel comfortable sharing.
• Make sure all students have the opportunity to share.
• Teacher models’ activity, so students know what to do.
• Ask questions to further understanding and have students connect mindfulness
to their personal lives.
Ashley Pasiciel

Key Questions:
• What is mindfulness?
• What does mindfulness mean to you?
• How can we practice mindfulness at home?
• How can we practice mindfulness at school?
• What does it look like when we are mindful of others?
• Why is this an important topic in relation to our classroom community?
• What are some mindfulness strategies?
• How can mindfulness help you find peace?
Learning Activity #3: Me Book (L.O #3)
• Students will complete the next two reflections in their Me Book.
• They will share ways they can be mindful at home and at school.
• To accompany their reflection, they can draw a picture.
• Reach different kinds of learners through writing and drawing a picture.
• Have students connect personally.

Sponge Activity: Complete Ticket to Curlew Journal

Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Awesome job! Is there anything you would
like to share from your Me Book?

Transition to Next Lesson: Next lesson, we will be discussing empathy.

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