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Lesson Plan in English 9 (Lit)

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
2. and
3. determine the features of informative writing.


Topic: The Seven Ages of Man
References: William Shakespeare
Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, Graphic Organizer
Value Focus: Perseverance

A. Routine Activities
Opening Prayer then checking of attendance
B. Motivation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
The teacher will be showing a The Students responses vary.
picture of stages of man. Then, the
teacher will ask the students what
they seen in the picture. He will take
their ideas about it.

C. Vocabulary Enrichment
Students will have to guess the missing letter to complete the word, which
is related to the topic.
1. CAP_N 6. SH_U_K
3. WH_N_NG 8. _BLIV_ON
4. M_STR__S 9. SH_NK
5. OA_HS 10. SAN_


Capon A male chicken whose sex organs have been

Mewling To cry weakly
Puking To empty what is in your stomach through your mouth.
whining To make a high and unpleasant sound that continues
for a long time.
mistress The female head of a household.
oaths A formal and serious promise to tell the truth or to do
Quarrel To argue about or disagree with something.
Spectacles Something that attracts attention because it is very
unusual or very shocking.
Shrunk To quickly move away from something shocking,
frightening or disgusting.
shank The straight, narrow part of a tool that connects the
part that you hold.
Oblivion The state of being destroyed
Sans Without

D. Presentation
The teacher will present the poem to the students.

E. Discussion
Pre-reading Activities
The teacher will ask a motive questions to the students.
1. In what stage are you right now in stages of man?
2. If you will be given 70 years to live, what and how do you foresee

During-reading Activities
The teacher will divide the students into seven groups and give them
each one of ages. Each group will embody their given age of man to
create a tableau vivant. They will be given one minute to organize and

Post-reading Activities
The students will be given an oral question after the group activity.
1. Describe the seven stages in man’s life according to Shakespeare.
2. What message does Shakespeare “The Seven Ages” convey?

F. Application.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
The teacher will group the students Students will perform their admired
into five groups and students will persons in life.
play the role of their admired
persons in life reflecting on the
“Seven Ages of Man”.


Criteria Excellent Fair Good Point/Score

5 3 1
Accuracy and Point of Point of view Point of view
believability of view, arguments, arguments,
role arguments, and solutions and solutions
and propose were propose were
solutions usually realistic rarely realistic
propose and in and in
were always character. character.
realistic and
Clarity of Speech is Speech is Speech is
speech always often clear rarely clear
clear and and easy to and easy to
easy to understand. understand.
Expression Always Usually Rarely
and Body expresses expresses expresses
Language emotion emotion emotion
through through voice, through voice,
voice, facial facial facial
expression expression expression
and and gestures. and gestures.
Knowledge Can clearly Can clearly Cannot
gain explain in explain in clearly explain
several several ways in several
ways in in which ways in which
which his/her his/her
his/her character character
character “Saw” things “Saw” things
“Saw” differently that differently that
things other other
differently characters. characters.
that other
and can
explain why.

G. Generalization
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
The teacher will ask the students on Students will responses vary.
what moral lesson they have
acquired from the poem.

1. The poet compares the world to
a. a story book b. a film c. a stage c. a playground

2. The poem compares "exit" to

a. Birth b. life c. doors d.death

3. In the second stage of life, man.

a. mewls and pukes b. goes to school unwillingly c. cries in his nurses lap
d. sings and plays
4. As a young lover, according to the poet, man.
a. learns to dance b. composes ballads for his beloved
c. goes hunting in the forest d. does exercises to build his muscles

5. The poet describes man as a soldier in the _________.

a. 3rdstage b. 4th stage c. 5th stage d. 6th stage

6. In the 5th stage of life, man is described as

a. the lover b. the soldier c. the judge d. a senile man

7. The 7th stage of man is also described as

a. infancy b. childhood c. second childhood d. adulthood
8. "Creeping like a snail" is an example of
a. metaphor b. alliteration c. personification d. simile

9. The poem, "The Seven Ages of Man", is written by

a. William Wordsworth b. William Shakespeare c. William Golding
d. Alfred Lord Tennesy

10. "All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely ________".
a. puppets b. actors c. players d. dummies

answer key
1.c 2.d 3.b 4.b 5.b 6.c 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.c


Make a community service Brochure informing the public of the services available in
your community.

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