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Indian Journal of Biotechnology

Vol 15, January 2016, pp 25-33

Allelic diversity for salt stress responsive candidate genes among

Indian rice landraces
Deepika Singh1*, Balwant Singh1, Shefali Mishra1, Ashok Kumar Singh2, Tilak Raj Sharma1 and Nagendra Kumar Singh1*
National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology, Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi 110 012, India
Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi 110 012, India

Received 8 April 2015; revised 5 May 2015; accepted 20 July 2015

Salt stress adversely affects growth and productivity of crops. Rice is one of the most important food crops, which has
contributed to the Green Revolution through semi-dwarf, high yielding varieties but these varieties are rated as salt-
sensitive. Landraces of rice are known to possess greater genetic variation for the trait and hence are being exploited for
enhancing salt tolerance in the high yielding rice varieties. Here we analyzed, allelic diversity of 13 different candidate
genes for salt tolerance by targeted re-sequencing in 69 diverse landraces and varieties of rice. Multiple sequence alignment
revealed in total 43 SNPs. Nucleotide diversity ranged from 0.00007 to 0.01430, number of haplotypes varies from 1 to 9
and haplotype diversity ranged from 0.000 to 0.350. The SOS1 and SKC1 genes revealed the highest haplotype diversity
among the tested genotypes. This haplotype variability may be used for trait-association analysis to identify useful
functional markers for enhancing salt stress tolerance in rice through molecular breeding.

Keywords: Allelic diversity, haplotypes, Indian rice landraces, salinity tolerance

Introduction must increase correspondingly to meet the growing

World agriculture faces a challenging task of demand1. The available crop germplasm and genetic
producing 70% more food for an additional 2.3 billion diversity will play crucial role in enhancing crop
people by 20501. The lower crop productivity in the productivity9,10. Many of the traditionally cultivated
rain fed agro-ecosystems is mostly attributed to rice varieties are well adapted to the extreme
various abiotic stresses, such as, high salinity, environmental conditions and have high genetic
drought, cold, and high temperature2-4. Soil salinity is diversity that could play important role in crop
one of the most brutal environmental factors, improvement for salt tolerance11. There are examples
imposing ionic imbalance, disrupting the overall of cloned rice genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs)
metabolic activities, thus limiting the productivity for salt tolerance, viz., SKC112 and qSNC-713,
of crop plants worldwide5. Moreover, more than identified from Indian rice landrace Nona Bokra.
80 million hectares representing about 40% of the The most widely exploited QTL for salt tolerance
total irrigated land have already been damaged by ‘Saltol’ was also identified from an Indian rice
excess salt, which is further estimated to go up to 50% landrace Pokkali14.
by 20506,7. Salt tolerance is a complex trait with multiple
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the world’s most tolerance mechanisms, each governed by different
important food crop and primary source of food for gene families. The major gene families involved in
more than half of the human population. More than salt tolerance include metal ion transporters,
ninety per cent of the world’s rice is produced and transcription factors and genes involved in
consumed in Asia, where sixty percent of the human intermediate metabolic pathways for oxidative
population lives8. The world population is projected to damage control5. Among the transporters, HKT
reach 9.2-10 billion by 2050; hence rice production family of genes and cation chloride transporters are
major genes regulating ionic balance of the cell12,15.
—————— Further the HKT family members are classified into
*Authors for correspondence:
two sub-groups based on their transport selectivity,;
For Supplementry Data, see website:, Group 1 proteins (OsHKT1;1, OsHKT1;3, OsHKT1;4,
or OsHKT1;5) are described as Na+ uniporters, while

group 2 proteins (OsHKT2;1, OsHKT2;3, OsHKT2;4) and a salt-stress treatment, with presence of three
are thought to allow both Na+ and K+ transport checks: VSR 156 as sensitive; IR74 as moderately
and Na+ uniport at high Na+ concentrations16,17. Salt tolerant and FL 478 as tolerant genotype in all the
overly sensitive 1 (SOS1) transporter controls Na+ trays. The experimental design included 10 genotypes
concentrations in the xylem sap influencing long- per tray with 8 plants per genotype in single rows. In
distance Na+ transport from roots to shoots18,19, the control trays, no salt was added and plants were
whereas cation chloride co-transporter (CCC) family maintained at 0 dS/m of electrical conductivity (EC).
of proteins are secondary active transporters that Salt-stress was imposed for 15 d after sowing by
mediate the movement of Cl- ion tightly coupled to supplementing the control Hoagland`s solution with
that of K+ and/or Na+ across the plasma membrane20,21. 6 g/L of NaCl (EC=12 dS/m). Test entries were rated
Moreover, genes involved in intermediary metabolic visually for injury symptoms on 10th and 15th d after
pathways like calcium/calmodulin dependent protein initial salinization using IRRI scale of 1-9 (ΨSuppl
kinases (CDMK) are unique Ca2+ sensors in higher Table S2).
plants that regulate the down-stream gene
expression22. A serine hydroxymethyltransferase DNA Extraction and PCR Amplification of Candidate Genes
(SHMT) enzyme functions mainly in the Genomic DNA was extracted from fresh leaves
mitochondria and required for efficient functioning of using a modified cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide
photorespiratory system of the plant23-25. A newly (CTAB) method of DNA isolation36. In this study, 13
identified partially characterized gene family of different candidate genes for salt tolerance were
unknown function, domain of unknown function selected on the basis of published literature. These
(DUF) is a large set of genes in the Pfam database that were: OsHKT1;1, OsHKT1;3, OsHKT1;5 (SKC1),
do not include any protein of known function26. An OsHKT 2;3, OsHKT2;4, SOS1, CCC, SHMT1,
integral membrane protein DUF6, identified by SHMT2, DUF6, CDMK, and transcription factors
analysis of differentially expressed genes under salt SNAC1 and DREB1F.
stress in tolerant recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of Nucleotide sequences of the above salt responsive
rice, is a potential candidate gene associated with salt genes were retrieved from the NCBI database
tolerance27. Transcription factors are master regulator ( and PCR primers were
of the expression of their target gene through binding designed using Primer3 software (www.genome.wi.
to the cognate cis-elements in the promoters of to amplify the entire genes (promoter, coding
the stress-related genes. Some well characterized and noncoding regions). The details of primers
stress-related transcription factors are dehydration- designed and used for PCR amplification of the genes
responsive element binding (DREB1F)28-30, basic are given in Table 1. The PCR reactions were carried
leucine zipper (bZIP)31-33, NAC34,35. In the present out in a 20 µL volume including 10 µL of
study, we explored the extent of nucleotide sequence PrimeSTAR HS Premix (Takara Biosciences), 1.0 µL
haplotype diversity in 13 such genes associated of each primer (10 pmol each), 2.5 µL (90 ng) of
with salt tolerance. DNA template and 5.5 µL of milli-Q water for each
sample. The PCR included initial denaturation at
Materials and Methods 95°C for 4 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation
at 98°C for 20 sec, annealing at 53-57°C for 30 sec,
Plant Material and Phenotyping for Salt-Stress Tolerance and extension at 72°C for 1 min, followed by final
A set of 69 genotypes representing diverse Indian extension at 72°C for 10 min. The PCR amplicons
rice varieties and landraces obtained from different were analyzed by electrophoresis in 1% agarose gel in
sources were studied (ΨSuppl Table S1). The selected 1× TBE buffer.
genotypes were evaluated for salinity tolerance at
seedling stage according to IRRI (International Rice Sequencing of PCR Amplicons and Sequence Analysis
Research Institute, Manila, Philippine) standard For sequencing, PCR amplicons of all 13 genes
evaluation system (SES) score14. The phenotyping were pooled in equimolar amounts and purified by
was performed under controlled condition at the Agencourt AMPure XP reagent and sequenced in Ion
National Phytotron facility, IARI, New Delhi, with PGMTM system. A single library was prepared for
approx 29°C/22°C day/night temperature and 70% every genotype having amplicons of all 13 genes with
relative humidity. The experiment included a control the Ion Fragment Library Kit (Life Technologies,

Table 1—List of salt stress responsive genes and respective primers used for their PCR amplification
No. Locus Gene Putative function Primer sequence Amplicon size
(5′-3′) (bp)
1 LOC_Os04g51820 OsHKT1;1 Na+ transporter F:AATCAAGTGGTTGGCAGAGG 4034
2 LOC_Os02g07830 OsHKT1;3 Na+ transporter F:TTGCCACAATCGCAGTAGAG 2830
3 LOC_Os01g20160 OsHKT1;5 Na+ transporter F:TGCTCACAGCACCTGGTAAC 4051
4 LOC_Os01g34850 OsHKT2;3 Na+ transporter F:TGGCTGCTAGAGGAACGATT 2305
5 LOC_Os06g48800 OsHKT2;4 Na+ transporter F:TCTTCCCTTTTGCTTGCAGT 2384
6 LOC_Os01g73770 DREB1F Dehydration-responsive F:TCATGTTGACCTGATTCTTACG 2071
element-binding protein, R: AAAAGTGCCACATGTTTGGAG
7 LOC_Os03g60080 SNAC1 NAC domain-containing F:CCTAATCAACTTGCAACCTAAG 2409
protein 67, putative R: TCTCGAAGGATTCATCTAGTCT
8 LOC_Os07g06740 CDMK Calcium/calmodulin F:AAAATCCTCCTCCGATCCAAAT 3647
depedent protein kinases R: ACTCTTTGAAGAAACCCAAGTACG
9 LOC_Os01g19290 DUF6 Integral membrane protein F:GTCGAGAAGTAAGGGAGTTGAGAG 4092
10 LOC_Os01g19860 CCC Expressed protein F:TACGTGTTGTGAGGTGGTTTGT 1739
11 LOC_Os12g44360 SOS1 Sodium/hydrogen F:TCGCACATCAGCTCCATTAC 10841
exchanger 7, putative R:AGATAGGGAGGCCCGAAATA
12 LOC_Os01g65410 SHMT1 Serine hydroxylmethyl F:TCTCAGATTCCACCCAATCC 4145
transferase, mitochondrial R:GATCCTTACGCATGGAGGAA
precursor, putative
13 LOC_Os03g52840 SHMT2 Serine hydroxymethyl F:TGGGGCTGATCACTGCAGATAAA 4092
transferase, mitochondrial R:CAGGACAATACCTTGCTGTTCC
precursor, putative

Invitrogen) according to manufacturer’s protocol. A Nucleotide polymorphisms were analyzed in each

unique barcode was added to each sample library. gene using DnaSP software version 5.1040 and this
Further, all barcoded libraries were pooled and size software was used for combined analysis of inter
selection was done using E-gel Size Select in 2% specific comparisons for estimating the synonymous
agarose gel (Invitrogen). Template preparation was (ka) and non-synonymous substitution rate (ka/ks
carried out using Ion XpressTM Template Kit according ratio) and for determining deviations from neutral
to the guidelines in the user guide with a modified evolution. Nucleotide polymorphism in all the genes
protocol for Ion Sphere recovery. Emulsified Ion Sphere in all accessions was analyzed using sliding window
particles were collected by centrifugation. The Ion analysis in DnaSP software. Statistical tests of
Sequencing Kit (Life Technologies) was used in the Ion neutrality, such as, Tajima's D, Fu and Li’s D and F
Torrent PGMTM sequencer as described in Ion were calculated to examine the evolutionary force on
Sequencing Kit manual. Samples were loaded on an Ion this gene41. A haplotype network was constructed for
316 chip and sequenced using sequencer for65 cycles. comparison of genealogical relationships among
The average sequencing coverage of amplicons different haplotypes using NETWORK software v 4.642.
was > 250× and Phred quality score (Q) of >20 was
used for base calling accuracy. SAM tools mpileup Results
was used for generation of consensus sequence for Phenotypic Variation for Salinity Tolerance Among Rice
each variety37. Assembled sequences were aligned Cultivars
with the Nipponbare reference sequence of genes The 69 genotypes of rice were phenotyped for
(IRGSP 2005) using ClustalW38 in BioEdit software39. seedling stage salt stress tolerance under controlled

condition and rated on a scale of 1-9. The observed were identified as moderately tolerant. About 16
plant population in the non-salinized condition had genotypes were susceptible, whereas 8 genotypes
normal seedling growth. In salinized trays, the including Kalanamak, Jaldi Dhan 6, PR113, Kalama,
seedling growth was suppressed and showed different Nagarsati, IR-28, Bundi, Karaikal-1 were identified as
visual symptoms of salt injury (Fig. 1). The symptoms highly susceptible (Fig. 2).
were prominent on the first and second leaves
and were visualized by leaf rolling, formation of Sequence Diversity in Candidate Genes for Salt Tolerance
new leaf, brownish and whitish leaf tip, drying To determine the nucleotide sequence diversity in
of leaves and also by reduction in root growth, the 13 selected candidate genes for salt stress
stunted growth and stem thickness, leading to tolerance among the Indian rice landraces and
complete cessation of growth and dying of varieties, the genes were PCR amplified and
seedlings. The genotypes Vellela Dhan, Rajendra sequenced as described above. Multiple sequence
Bhagawati, IR4727-2B-2-2, IR71895-3B-60-3, alignment was performed for each gene using
FL 478, CSR C (5)-52-1-1, IR-1499-2B-29-2R-1-1, ClustalW and positions of SNPs were identified
IR-71929-3R-89-5-1 and IR-1499-2B-29-2R-1-1 were (Fig. 3). The highest number of SNP was observed for
identified as salinity tolerant; while 35 genotypes the DUF6 gene with 18 polymorphic sites, in which
14 and 4 sites belonged to singleton variable sites and
parsimony informative sites, respectively. The SOS1
gene showed 10 polymorphic sites, in which 8 sites

Fig. 1—Variable level of salt tolerance among Indian varieties

and land races of rice at 150 mM NaCl after 15 d of treatment in
hydroponics. [Each row represent different genotypes and their Fig. 2—Frequency distribution of rice genotypes for salt stress
score are given in bracket.] tolerance at seedling stage.

Fig. 3—Nucleotide sequence alignment showing presence of SNP in a part of the SOS1 gene among Indian rice landraces. [Nucleotides
differing from the Nipponbare reference sequence are indicated by single letter code.]

were singleton variable and 2 sites were parsimony population were examined using three statistical
informative sites (Table 2). The OsHKT1;5 gene parameters, viz., D statistics (Tajima’s D test), D* and
showed 5 polymorphic sites, of which 3 were F* statistics (Fu and Li’s test). All the values of
singleton variable sites and 2 were parsimony Tajima’s D statistics in the present study were
informative sites; while OsHKT1;1 gene showed only statistically non-significant, illustrating no significant
one polymorphic site. The CCC gene has 4 selection existing in these genes. In addition, Fu and
polymorphic sites with 2 each of singleton variable Li’s D* and F* were also not significant.
sites and parsimony informative sites. The SNAC1
gene showed 5 singleton variable sites. Sequences of Haplotype Networks of Candidate Genes for Salt Tolerance
the remaining seven genes, namely, OsHKT1;3, Based on the re-sequencing of candidate genes in
OsHKT2;3, OsHKT2;4, DREB1F, CDMK, SHMT1 69 rice genotypes, variable numbers of haplotypes
and SHMT2 were highly conserved across all the were detected for different genes. Maximum 9
69 genotypes with no SNPs. The nucleotide diversity haplotypes were detected for SOS1 gene with a
in genes ranged from 0.00007 for OsHKT1;1 to haplotype diversity (Hd) value of 0.559, followed by
0.01430 for SNAC transcription factor, whereas 7 haplotypes for OsHKT1;5 with Hd value 0.355,
haplotype diversity ranged from 0.559 for SOS1 8 haplotypes for DUF6 with a Hd value 0.138, and for
to 0.029 for SNAC and OsHKT1;1. In total, 7 CCC gene 3 haplotypes with Hd value 0.138. SNAC1
non-synonymous SNPs were found for HKT1;1 gene, and OsHKT1;1 showed 2 haplotypes each with Hd
5 for SKC1, 3 for SNAC1, 2 for DUF6 and 1 for SOS1 value of 0.029, as a result haplotype network diagram
gene, hence probable changes may be observed in the could not be drawn for these two genes. While in case
protein structure. The potential changes observed in of 7 genes, OsHKT1;3, OsHKT2;3, OsHKT2;4,
protein structure for HKT1;1 was S981 (Leu94 to DREB1F, CDMK, SHMT1 and SHMT2, all have a
Phe94), S990 (Leu97 to Phe97), S789 (Leu30 to Pro30), single haplotype. Based on the sequence information,
S1473 (Ser258 to Asn258), S1236 (Ser179 to Phe179), haplotype networks were drawn for 4 genes with
S2861 (Asp515 to Val515), and S1248 (Ala183 to Gly183); more than 2 haplotypes using the NETWORK
for SKC1 gene was S506 (Asp128 to Asn128), S545 software (Fig. 4). The Network diagrams show the
(Ala140 to Pro140), S677 (Arg184 to His184), S1310 number of haplotypes observed for each of the four
(Val395 to Leu395), S3059 (Glu429 to Lys429), and S1121 genes and the SNP positions, which separate one
(Asp332 to His332); for SNAC1 was S537 (Gly2 to haplotype from the other. The colour code is given as
Arg2), S894 (Trp109 to Gly109), and S1450 (Arg254 to per the salinity injury score of the genotypes. Based
His254); for DUF6 gene was S2487 (Val254 to Met254) on network analysis, a linear relationship between the
and S2442 (Ser239 to Thr254); and for SOS1 gene was 3 haplotypes of CCC gene was observed, while a
S7094 (Val784 to Met784). To study the evolutionary informative network was generated for DUF6, SOS1
dynamics of the 6 candidate genes showing sequence and OsHKT1;5 genes. No clear association between
polymorphism, patterns of nucleotide diversity in the salinity injury score of the genotypes and the
Table 2—Over all sequence diversity and haplotypes analysis of 6 salt responsive candidate genes showing sequence polymorphism in
Indian rice varieties and landraces
Candidate genes OsHKT1;1 OsHKT1;5 SNAC DUF6 CCC SOS1

Variable (polymorphic) sites 1 5 5 18 4 10
Singleton variable sites 1 3 5 14 2 8
Parsimony informative sites 0 2 0 4 2 2
Nucleotide diversity (Pi) 0.00007 0.00355 0.01430 0.00106 0.00091 0.00132
No. of haplotypes 2 7 2 8 3 9
Haplotype diversity 0.029 0.355 0.029 0.193 0.138 0.559
Av. no. of nucleotide differences 0.028 0.401 3.275 0.950 0.331 0.891
Sequence conservation 0.993 0.972 0.789 0.988 0.988 0.991
Tajima test -1.06891 -1.39640 -2.95666 -2.23686 -1.27951 -1.54773
Fu and Li's D* test statistic -1.93247 -1.96675 -8.50 -4.47204 -1.27951 -3.87096
Fu and Li's F* test statistic -1.94763 -2.09508 -7.54513 -4.36937 -1.27951 -3.87096

Fig. 4—Haplotype network of candidate genes based on SES score at seedling stage: (A) SOS1; (B) DUF6; (C) HKT1:5; & (D) CCC.
[Each circle represents a haplotype with size of a circle representing the varietal frequency of that haplotype. Colour coding represents
seedling salt injury score phenotype of genotypes. Each branch represents a mutational event and numbers in red represent the mutation

haplotype information was observed. Network including one major (H1) and two minor haplotypes
analysis for SOS1 gene showed 9 haplotypes, 2 major (H2 & H3) (Fig. 4D). The H1 haplotype was
haplotypes, H1 (with 13 genotypes) and H2 (with 44 represented by 64 genotypes, while H2 by 4
genotypes), which were connected with a single SNP genotypes and H3 by a single genotype. Further, H1
(Fig. 4A). Haplotype H9 was represented by 2 genotypes, and H3 haplotypes were connected to H2 with two
while H4 by 5 genotypes. H1 was connected with H3, SNPs. None of the haplotypes were clearly associated
H4 and H8 with single SNP, while H1 and H5 were with the seedling salt injury score of the genotypes.
connected with 3 SNPs and H2, H9, H4 and H6 were The major haplotypes of the 4 genes had
connected by 1 SNP. The DUF6 gene exhibited a representations from all categories of genotypes
complex haplotype network owing the presence of starting from highly sensitive to tolerant (Fig. 4).
8 different haplotypes (Fig. 4B). The major haplotype
H1 represented 62 genotypes, while the remaining Discussion
7 haplotypes were represented by single genotype Rice landraces have been the most important
each. The H5 was connected to H2 with 7 SNPs, genetic resource exploited by the rice breeders and
whereas H6 and H 7 were connected with 6 SNPs. had a significant impact on rice improvement. Soil
Analysis of OsHKT1;5 gene revealed a total 7 haplotypes. salinity limits crop production and considered as one
Two major haplotypes H1 (55 genotypes) and H3 of the major abiotic stress factors, which is further
(8 genotypes) were connected to each other by single aggravated by current agricultural practices7. In
SNP, while the remaining five haplotypes were also addition, global climate change and increasing
connected by 1 SNP (Fig. 4C). Haplotype network concern for food security further emphasizes the need
analysis for CCC gene reported 3 haplotypes, for novel allelic variants of known stress tolerance

genes, which could be used in future breeding indicated that a high level of haplotypic diversity
programme. In order to find novel allelic variants was present for SOS1 gene. Similar high haplotype
among Indian rice landraces, 13 candidate genes for diversity was observed for SKC1 gene with 7
salt tolerance were re-sequenced. Phenotyping of the haplogroups. In addition comparable level of allelic
accessions for seedling stage salt tolerance revealed variants have already been reported for HKT1;5
different levels of tolerance among the genotypes. A gene12. Other HKT transporter gene family members
significant proportion of the genotypes were (OsHKT1;1, OsHKT1;3, OsHKT2;3, OsHKT2;4) and
comparable with the existing sources of salt tolerance, intermediate signaling and metabolic pathways genes
such as, Pokkali and Nona Bokra landraces. However, (CDMK, SHMT1, SHMT2) showed no Parsimony
a higher number of genotypes were moderately informative sites, which signifies the conserved nature
tolerant, hence indicating a considerable level of of these genes among the studied landraces.
phenotypic variability for salt tolerance among the Moreover, conserved nature of genes involved in
studied genotypes. Wide variation in phenotypes from intermediate signaling and metabolic pathways,
tolerant (score 3) to highly susceptible (score 9) lines for instance CDMK, SHMT1 and SHMT2, have
using modified SES of IRRI standard protocol was reported45. Further, allelic variability for two genes
seen. The natural genetic variation has been measured DUF6 and CCC were studied first time in the present
by SNPs or indels, hence the candidate gene based study and 8 haplotypes were generated for DUF6
re-sequencing was used to identify these variations. and 3 for CCC gene. However, linear haplotype
Moreover, candidate gene based SNPs may dissect networks were found for CCC gene and from
agronomically suitable alleles, which enable the 8 haplogroups of DUF6 gene only one major
plants to endure the stress conditions43. Total number haplogroup H1 was found; rest 7 haplogroups
of SNPs found in six genes was 43. There were six comprised of only single genotype. These two genes
nucleotide substitutions in the tolerant allele of SKC1 can be potential candidate genes for further
in Nona Bokra, which may be responsible for the exploitation for research and breeding purpose.
functional differences with the susceptible alleles12. Another interesting observation from our study was
The identification of a specific allele through that we could not cluster all the major salt-tolerant
genetic diversity assessment of stress responsive accessions into any one group. This supports the fact
candidate gene sequences is key to performing that different rice genotypes have different
association analysis for corresponding abiotic stress. mechanisms to cope with salt stress and that no
Our study found exceptionally high polymorphic sites accession carries all the favorable alleles for
and nucleotides diversity (=0.01430) though with only all the target loci.
two haplotypes. Moreover, all the sites belong Further, all the genes having higher Parsimony
to singleton variable site and not to Persimony informative sites have higher number of haplotypes.
informative site, hence no haplotypic group formed. This indicated that having more number of variable
No allelic diversity was observed for transcription sites or nucleotide diversity dose not assure the
factor DREB1F among the Indian rice landraces. presence of higher number haplotypes. From the
However, a substantial level of haplotype diversity 13 candidate genes analyzed here, SOS1 and SKC1
with clear association has been reported for Indian showed higher allelic variability among the Indian
wild rice accessions44. Our results with DREB1F landraces, hence may offer potential source of tolerant
further indicate that landraces are far less diverse than alleles for future breeding programme. This study
wild rice and hence there is ample scope to transfer identified genic SNPs and allelic variants of important
useful alleles for stress tolerance from the wild rice candidate genes related to salt tolerance, which can be
species. further used for marker development and may
SOS1 gene codes for a Na+/H+ antiporter and is contribute towards varietal improvement for salt
the only characterized Na+ efflux protein at the tolerance.
plasma membrane18. Our study revealed a total of
9 haplotypes but comparatively lower nucleotide Acknowledgement
diversity (0.00132) for the SOS1 gene. Further, three DS is grateful for the fellowship support from the
major haplogroups (a major haplogroup contains four Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New
or more SOS1 genotypes) and six minor haplogroups Delhi. Financial assistance from Indian Council for

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