02.08 Inrush Current PDF

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Inrush Current Calculation

BRES ≈ 0.7 × BNOM φ (t ) = N ⋅ S FE ⋅ B(t )

BSAT ≈ 2.02 T φ (t ) ≥ φ SAT → φ (t ) − φ SAT = LAIR ⋅ i(t )
φ (t ) < φ SAT → i (t ) = 0

This analysis applies equally to wound cores or stacked cores.

dφ (t )
Faraday's Law: e(t ) =

Worst condition for the transient: e(t ) = 2 ⋅ E ⋅ sin (ω ⋅ t )

dφ (t ) dφ (t )
e(t ) = = 2 ⋅ E ⋅ sin (ω ⋅ t ) φ (t ) − φ (0) = 2 ⋅ E ⋅ ∫ sin (ω ⋅ t ) ⋅ dt
→ →
dt dt 0

 1  2⋅E
φ (0 ) = φ RES φ (t ) = φ RES + 2 ⋅ E ⋅  − ⋅ cos(ω .t ) = φ RES + ⋅ [1 − cos(ω .t )]

 ω 0 ω

π  2⋅E
φ MAX = φ   → φ MAX = φ RES + 2 ⋅
ω  ω

Sinusoidal steady state:

dφ 2⋅E
e(t ) = 2 ⋅ E = ω ⋅ φ NOM φ NOM =
dt ω

Then we have:
φ (t ) = φ RES + φ NOM ⋅ [1 − cos(ω .t )]

φ MAX = φ RES + 2 ⋅ φ NOM

φ (t ) − φ SAT = LAIR ⋅ i (t ) φ MAX − φ SAT = LAIR ⋅ iMAX

φ MAX − φ SAT 2 ⋅ φ NOM + φ RES − φ SAT φ NOM  2 ⋅ φ NOM + φ RES − φ SAT 

iMAX = = = ⋅  

φ NOM  2 ⋅ BNOM + BRES − BSAT 

iMAX == ⋅  

2⋅E  2 ⋅ BNOM + BRES − BSAT 

iMAX = ⋅  
ω ⋅ LAIR  BNOM 

φ NOM = φ NOM = N ⋅ S FE ⋅ BNOM

= N ⋅ S FE ⋅ BNOM

2⋅E N ⋅ S FE ⋅ BNOM N ⋅ S FE
= =

⋅ (2 ⋅ BNOM + BRES − BSAT )

N ⋅ S FE
iMAX =

Including the ohmic resistance of the coil:

2⋅E  2 ⋅ BNOM + BRES − BSAT 

iMAX = ⋅  
(ω ⋅ LAIR ) 2
+R 
2 BNOM 

To calculate LAIR the Bertagnolli's formula is applied [15]:

LAIR = 2 ⋅ π 2 ⋅ DM ⋅ N 2 ⋅ p ⋅10 −10 (H )

0.44 HW + a
p= γ =
γ + 0.36 DM

N = Number of turns of coil

H W = Electric height of the coil
DM = Mean Diameter of the coil
a = Radial width of the coil

The following graph shown how is generated the residual magnetism when the
transformer is disconnected from the network and then how the maximum
inrush current occur when connecting the transformer at the instant that the
supply voltage is zero:

In the following graph [3] is displayed how the current and the magnetic flux are
modified when considering the effect of resistance. We see that because of the
resistance the new cycle will begin with a minor flow φ RES . This effect, after
several cycles, makes that the flux curve φ (t ) will oscillate symmetrically about
the time axis t (steady state).

Calculation Including the Resistance
While the transformer is not saturated the current is zero and therefore the flow
it can be calculated as:

dφ (t )
e(t ) = → e(t ) = 2 ⋅ E ⋅ sin (ω ⋅ t ) → φ (t ) = φ RES + φ NOM ⋅ [1 − cos(ω .t )]

Then we determine the time at which the transformer saturates:

φ (t SAT ) = φ RES + φ NOM ⋅ [1 − cos(ω .t SAT )] = φ SAT

φ SAT − φ RES
1 − cos(ω .t SAT ) =

φ SAT − φ RES
β= → cos(ω .tSAT ) = 1 − β → ω .t SAT = Arc cos(1 − β )

So for 0 ≤ t ≤ t SAT will be:

e(t ) = 2 ⋅ E ⋅ sin (ω ⋅ t ) i (t ) = 0 φ (t ) = φ RES + φ NOM ⋅ [1 − cos(ω .t )]

For t ≥ t SAT the electrical circuit representing the transformer, taking as new time
origin t = t SAT , is:


di (t )
L⋅ + R ⋅ i (t ) = e (t ) i (0) = 0 ψ = ω ⋅ t SAT

e (t ) = 2 E sin (ω t + ψ )

The solution of this differential equation is:

2⋅E  
ω ⋅t

i (t ) = ⋅ sin (ω ⋅ t − ϕ + ψ ) + sin (ϕ − ψ )e tan ϕ 
Z  

R Lω Lω
Where: cos ϕ = sin ϕ = tan ϕ = Z = R 2 + L2ω 2

We can calculate the maximum current value approximately if we assume that

this maximum occurs when the sine equals one:

sen (ω ⋅ tMAX − ϕ + ψ ) = 1
→ ω ⋅ t MAX = + ϕ −ψ

2⋅E   + ϕ −ψ  
1 π 

iMAX = ⋅ 1 + sen (ϕ − ψ )e tan ϕ  2 

Z  

Also is possible to determine accurately the time at which the maximum current
occurs equating to zero the derivative of the current with respect to time:

di (t ) 2⋅E  sen (ϕ − ψ ) − tan ϕ 

= ⋅ ω ⋅ cos (ω ⋅ t − ϕ + ψ ) − ω ⋅ =0
ω ⋅t

 
dt Z tan ϕ

sen (ϕ − ψ ) −
cos (ω ⋅ t MAX − ϕ +ψ ) =
ω ⋅t MAX
tan ϕ
tan ϕ

Solving numerically this transcendent equation we determine t MAX

So for t ≥ t SAT will be, replacing t → t − t SAT in the above equations:

t → t − t SAT ω ⋅ t → ω ⋅ (t − t SAT ) = ω ⋅ t − ω ⋅ t SAT = ω ⋅ t − ψ

ω ⋅ t → ω ⋅ t −ψ

e (t ) = 2 E sin (ω t )

2⋅E  
ω ⋅ t −ψ

i (t ) = ⋅ sin (ω ⋅ t − ϕ ) + sin (ϕ − ψ )e tan ϕ 
Z  

φ (t ) = φ SAT + LAIRE ⋅ i (t )

This solution is valid until it is again i (t ) = 0 . At that moment is again φ (t ) = φ SAT

and the current will be zero until the transformer saturates in the next cycle

These equations agree with those obtained by Holcomb (General Electric, [7])
in 1961 and Specht (Westinghouse, [10]) in 1969.

Following a similar development Schmidt in 1958 came to the following
expression [5]:

2⋅E  R   2 ⋅ t SAT  
iMAX = ⋅ 2−β − ⋅  β ⋅ (2 − β ) + π ⋅ 1 −  ⋅ (1 − β ) 
Z  L ⋅ ω   T  

Siendo: T= ω = 2 ⋅π ⋅ f

The effect of the resistance is important in the case of distribution transformers

where Lω / R is much lower than in the case of power transformers where
ϕ ≈ π / 2 ( R → 0 ).

We will see that doing R = 0 we obtain the formula deduced when we neglect
the resistance:

2⋅E  
ω ⋅ t −ψ

i (t ) = ⋅ sin (ω ⋅ t − ϕ ) + sin (ϕ − ψ )e tan ϕ 
Z  

tan ϕ = ∞
R=0 → → ϕ=

2⋅E   π  π 
i (t ) = ⋅ sin  ω ⋅ t −  − sin ψ −  
Z   2  2

 π  π
sin  ω ⋅ t −  = − cos (ω ⋅ t ) sin ψ −  = − cos (ψ )
 2  2

i (t ) = ⋅ [cos (ψ ) − cos (ω ⋅ t ) ]

i (t ) = ⋅ [1 − β − cos (ω ⋅ t ) ]

⋅ (2 − β )
iMAX =


β= =

2⋅E  B − BRES 
iMAX = ⋅  2 − SAT 
Z  BNOM 

Inrush Current in Three-Phase Transformers
When a three phase transformer is connected to the network generally the
inrush current occurs only in one of the phases, because of the high probability
that in a three-phase alternating supply, at the moment of the connection, one
of the three voltages is near to zero and the other two are for therefore close to
half of the nominal values.

The line currents appearing in the connection of a three phase transformer are
not necessarily equal to that calculated for the case of single-phase
transformer. Its value will depend on the connection (D, Y, YN) of the winding
connected to the network, the connection of the other windings of the
transformer and the core type (three phase bank, three columns core, or five
columns core).

We will analyze the following cases:

1. El bobinado que se conecta a la red está conectado en triángulo

The phenomenon is independent in all three phases and inrush current is

equal to the iMAX obtained in the single-phase case, being E the line
i3 PH = iMAX E = VFF

No matter the connection of the remaining windings.

2. The winding that will be connected to the network is connected in wye and
the source is with four wires

The phenomenon is independent in all three phases and inrush current is

equal to the iMAX obtained in the single-phase case, being E the voltage
between phase and neutral.

i3 PH = iMAX E = VFN

No matter the connection of the remaining windings.

3. The winding that will be connected to the network is connected in wye

(without neutral) and the transformer have another winding connected in

The three phases interact and current flows through the coil connected in
delta which allows current to flow through the other primary phases. Phases
b and c are not magnetized because the ampere-turns primary and
secondary are compensated.

In this case the maximum inrush current in the phase will be ⋅ iMAX and E
is the voltage between phase and neutral.

i3 PH = ⋅ iMAX E = VFN

4. The winding that will be connected to the network is connected in wye

(without neutral) and the transformer don't have another winding connected
in triangle

• Three Phase Bank (three independent cores) or 5-Legs Core-Type:

i3 PH = ⋅ iMAX E = VFN

• 3-Legs Core-Type:
The relationship between the magnetic fluxes of the three phases is
equivalent to the presence of a high-reactance delta winding.

i3 PH = ⋅ iMAX E = VFN

Air-Core Inductance Calculation
An approximate calculation is performed assuming that the magnetic field:
o is confined within the coil
o is directed along the axis of the coil
o is uniform

Based on these assumptions, we can calculate the magnetic field applying

Ampere's Law in a curve C along the axis of the coil:

∫ H × dP = N ⋅ I
→ →
→ H ⋅h = N ⋅I

B N ⋅I
B = µO ⋅ H → ⋅h = N ⋅I → B = µO ⋅
µO h

N = Number of turns of the coil

I = Current circulating inthe coil
h = Height of the coil

Now we will calculate the inductance of the coil:

1. Applying the definition of inductance

φ = L⋅I

φ = N ⋅S ⋅B
N ⋅I
→ L⋅I = N ⋅S ⋅B → L ⋅ I = N ⋅ S ⋅ µO
L = µO ⋅ N 2 ⋅

π ⋅ DM

S = Transverse Section of the coil

DM = Mean Diameter of the coil

2. From the energy stored in the magnetic field

⋅ L ⋅ I 2 = ⋅ ∫∫∫ H × B dV ⋅ L ⋅ I 2 = ⋅ ∫∫∫
→ →
1 1 1 1 B2
→ dV
2 2 V 2 2 V µO

 N ⋅I 
⋅L⋅I2 = ⋅ ⋅  µO  ⋅S ⋅h
1 1 B2 1 1 1

 h 
⋅L⋅I2 = ⋅ ⋅S ⋅h
2 2 µO 2 2 µO

L = µO ⋅ N 2 ⋅

Forces in the Coil due to Inrush Current

The forces are calculated using the Ampere-Laplace's Law:

An infinitesimal current element dl , whereby circulated an intensity I , in a
→ →
magnetic field B , shall be subjected to a force dF

F = ∫ dF = ∫ I dl ∧ B
→ → → → → → →
dF = I dl ∧ B

Forces are generated only in the coils with current, ie those for which the
transformer is connected to the power system.

It is concluded that:

• The Radial Forces generate traction efforts or Hoop-Stress

F = ∫ I dl ∧ B
→ → →
1 N ⋅ iMAX
FRAD = iMAX ⋅ π ⋅ DM ⋅ BAX BAX ≈ ⋅ µO ⋅
C 2 h

1 π ⋅ DM
FRAD = ⋅ µ O ⋅ N ⋅ iMAX

2 h

• The Axial Forces generate compressive stresses in the center of the coil

Effect of Inrush Current

As explained, when a transformer is switched on, the magnitude of inrush
current depends on many factors, the predominant factors being the instant of
switching and residual magnetism in the core.
The inrush current can be as high as six to eight times the rated current, and
transformer users are always apprehensive about the repeated switching of a
The inrush transients are more frequent than the short circuits and they last for
few seconds as compared to the short circuits which are usually cleared in tens
of milliseconds.
From the point of mechanical forces, only the energized winding is subjected to
the mechanical stresses.
The inrush currents are usually not taken very seriously from the mechanical
design considerations.
The inner windings have a lower value of air-core reactance.
Therefore, a transformer switched from the inner winding experiences a higher
inrush current It is known that the layer/ helical windings are quite vulnerable to
short circuits.

Hence, if a transformer is switched on a number of times in a day from its inner
layer/helical winding, forces generated due to the inrush currents may weaken
the winding over a period of time leading to a winding looseness and
subsequent failure.
When the transformer is switched from the outer HV winding having higher air-
core reactance, the magnitude of the inrush current and corresponding forces
are lower.
Recent insulation failures in larger transformers, which were frequently
energized under no-load condition, have attracted attention of researchers. The
impact of inrush currents on mechanical stresses of windings has been
investigated in [18]. It is shown that the axial forces calculated with the
maximum possible inrush current are of the same order of magnitude as that
calculated with the short circuit currents, and hence the use of controlled
switching strategies is recommended.
In another paper [19], the force patterns under the short circuit and inrush
conditions are compared and shown to be quite different from each other.

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