Blue Brain: A Seminar Report On

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A Seminar Report


Blue Brain

Yogita Yallawar

Roll No: 305264

Under the guidance of

Mr. P. P. Kale

Department of Computer Engineering

Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune-41
Accredited by NAAC


Sinhgad Technical Education Society,
Department of Computer Engineering
Sinhgad College of Engineering , Pune-41


This is to certify that Ms. Yogita Yallawar has successfully completed her seminar work titled “Blue
Brain” at Department of Computer Engineering, SCOE, Pune for the partial fulfillment of the
Bachelor Degree of Computer Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, in semester-II,
academic Year 2017-2018.

Mr. P. P. Kale Name of the Head

Internal Guide
Department of Computer Engineering

Dr. Name of the Principal

Sinhgad College of Engineering

Blue brain " -The name of the world's first virtual brain. That means a machine that can
function as human brain. Today scientists are in research to create an artificial brain that can
think, response, take decision, and keep anything in memory. The main aim is to upload
human brain into machine. So that man can think, take decision without any effort. After the
death of the body, the virtual brain will act as the man .
So, even after the death of a person we will not loose the knowledge, intelligence,
personalities, feelings and memories of that man that can be used for the development of the
human society. No one has ever understood the complexity of human brain. It is complex
than any circuitry in the world. So, question may arise "Is it really possible to create a human
brain?" The answer is "Yes". Because whatever man has created today always he has
followed the nature. When man does not have a device called computer, it was a big question
for all .But today it is possible due to the technology. Technology is growing faster than
everything. IBM is now in research to create a virtual brain. It is called "Blue brain ".If
possible, this would be the first virtual brain of the world.

<Acknowledgements should be in the same order of hierarchy- your guide, ,head of
department, Principal, friends and family. For acknowledgement to every category, use
separate paragraphs. It should not exceed one page.

Always apply ‘justify’ in every paragraph you write in your report.>

Yogita Yallawar

List of Tables

Table No. Title Page No.

1.1 Review of some Agriculture monitoring using IOT methods from the 3-4
year 2000.
2.1 Comparative study between developed and existing systems. 11

List of Figures

Figure No. Title Page No.

3.1 System Model 8
3.2 Sequence flow of the proposed system 9
3.3 Sequence flow of the Hardware 10
3.4 Working of hardware model 11



Page No.
Abstract i
Acknowledgement ii
List of Tables iii
List of Figures Iv
Acronyms V
Chapter-1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 2
1.1.1 Need of Agro-Tech 2
1.1.2 Background 3
1.2 Timeline /evolution 4
1.3 Organization of the report 6
Chapter-2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Fundamentals 7
2.2 Related Work 11
2.3 Survey Conclusion
Chapter-3 Methodology 14
3.1 14
3.2 16
3.3 17
3.4 19
3.5 Mathematical Model 20
Chapter-4 Results 21
4.1 Datasets 21
4.2 Evaluation 21
4.2.1 Performance 21
4.2.2 Comparison 23
Chapter-5 Conclusion and Future work 25
5.1 Conclusion 25
5.2 Future work 25


Chapter 1

The ability of a man to control the environment in which he lives is what makes him
distinctively different from the other species. His intellectual skills place him at the most
superior level of the animal kingdom. Thus, underlying all human abilities lie the essential
attributes of intelligence. Intelligence refers to the ability to understand, think, act, interpret
and predict the future to achieve and handle relationships, concepts etc. It helps in decision
making, problem solving, learning and reasoning. Intelligence thus plays a very important
role in survival and progress beyond the present.
Technology has been progressing to a great extend such that even the human brains are being
created artificially through the science of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the
simulation of intelligence in machines which makes it behave like a human being. It is the
study and design of intelligent agents where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its
environment and takes actions that maximize its chances of success.
Blue brain in the first artificial brain to be developed. The technology that works behind the
blue brain is called the blue brain technology. The blue brain is created using the artificial
neural network . On 1 July 2005, the Brain Mind Institute (BMI, at the Ecole Polytechnique
Fidrale de Lausanne) and IBM (International Business Machines) launched the Blue Brain
Project. The aims of this ambitious initiative are to simulate the brains of mammals with a
high level of biological accuracy and, ultimately, to study the steps involved in the emergence
of biological intelligence.
The Blue Brain Project plans to reverse engineer the human brain as a supercomputer
simulation. It is hoped that a rat brain neocortical simulation ( 21 million neurons) will be
achieved by the end of 2014. A full human brain simulation (86 billion neurons) should be
possible by 2023 provided sufficient funding is received. Researchers want to use this
technology to develop new therapies for the brain diseases and also new computer
technologies. The concept of artificial neural network, fuzzy logic and the wetware
technology is being used in the creation of the blue brain.


1.1 Motivation
Four broad Motivations behind Blue Brain:
1.Brain Disease Treatments.
2.Scientific curiosity about consciousness and the human mind.
3.Integration of all neuroscientific research result worldwide.
4.Progress towards building thinking machines.
A very good example of utilization of blue brain is the case "short term memory". In
some movies we might have noticed that a person might be having short term

1.1.1 Need of Blue Brain

Today we are developed because of our intelligence. Intelligence is the inborn quality that
cannot be created. Some people have this quality, so that they can think up to such an extent
where other cannot reach. Human society is always in need of such intelligence and such an
intelligent brain to have with. But the intelligence is lost along with the body after the death.
The virtual brain is a solution to it. The brain and intelligence will be alive even after the
death. We often face difficulties in remembering things such as people names, their birthdays,
and the spellings of words, proper grammar, important dates, history facts, and etcetera. In
the busy life everyone wants to be relaxed can’t we use any machine to assist for all these?
Virtual brain may be a better solution for it. What will happen if we upload ourselves into
computer, we were simply aware of a computer, or maybe, what will happen if we lived in
computer as a program?


1.1.2 Background

The main objective of the project was founded in May 2005 by Brain and Mind Institute
in Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Switzerland. Its aim is to analyze the
brain’s architecture and functioning principles. The project is being headed by Henry
Markam, the director of the institution. For this they are using the Blue Gene super
computer developed by IBM and Michael Hines, neuron software is running on this
super computer. The simulation simply does not involve the artificial neural network but
the biologically realistic model of neurons.


1.2 Timeline/Evolution
Table 1.1 Review of some Facial Expression Recognition methods
from the year 2000.

Sr. Technique Used Year

1. AgroCloud 2000
2. ZigBee technology 2006
3. Remote Sensing and Control of an Irrigation System 2008
Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Network
4. 2009
in Water Irrigation Control Monitoring System
5. GSM model.. 2011
6. Image Analysis and Signal Processing 2012
7. Real- Time Automation and Monitoring System 2013
8. ARM micro controller GPRS modules 2015


1.3 Organization

The rest of the paper is organised as follows.

In section 2, we present literature review here we include fundamentals of topics , existing
work done , existing methods or existing algorithms , Similarities and comparsions.
Section 3 presents the main methodology used in the paper and its detail study such as its
System Architecture , way of implementation and parameters used, also discussing about
Mathematical model used in the model.
Section 4 presents discussion of result , comparion of performance measures, parameters.
Section 5 presents conclusion and future work.


Chapter 2
Literature Review

The newer scenario of decreasing water tables, drying up of rivers and tanks, unpredictable
environment present an urgent need of proper utilization of water. To cope up with this use of
temperature and moisture sensor at suitable locations for monitoring of crops is implemented
in. An algorithm developed with threshold values of temperature and soil moisture can be
programmed into a microcontroller-based gateway to control water quantity. The system can
be powered by photovoltaic panels and can have a duplex communication link based on a
cellular-Internet interface that allows data inspection and irrigation scheduling to be
programmed through a web page.
The technological development in Wireless Sensor Networks made it possible to use in
monitoring and control of greenhouse parameter in precision agriculture. After the research
in the agricultural field, researchers found that the yield of agriculture is decreasing day by
day. However, use of technology in the field of agriculture plays important role in increasing
the production as well as in reducing the extra man power efforts. Some of the research
attempts are done for betterment of farmers which provides the systems that use technologies
helpful for increasing the agricultural yield. A remote sensing and control irrigation system
using distributed wireless sensor network aiming for variable rate irrigation, real time in field
sensing, controlling of a site specific precision linear move irrigation system to maximize the
productivity with minimal use of water was developed by Y. Kim . The system described
details about the design and instrumentation of variable rate irrigation, wireless sensor
network and real time in field sensing and control by using appropriate software. The whole
system was developed using five in field sensor stations which collects the data and send it to
the base station using global positioning system (GPS) where necessary action was taken for
controlling irrigation according to the database available with the system. The system
provides a promising low cost wireless solution as well as remote controlling for precision
irrigation. In the studies related to wireless sensor network, researchers measured soil related
parameters such as temperature and humidity. Sensors were placed below the soil which
communicates with relay nodes by the use of effective


communication protocol providing very low duty cycle and hence increasing the life time of
soil monitoring system. The system was developed using microcontroller, universal
asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) interface and sensors while the transmission was
done by hourly sampling and buffering the data, transmit it and then checking the status
messages. The drawbacks of the system were its cost and deployment of sensor under the soil
which causes attenuation of radio frequency (RF) signals.

2.1 Fundamentals
The sensors and the devices are connected to the arduino as shown in the fig.1 consist of
ATmega328 microcontroller. Thus voltage output from the sensors sent as inputs into the
arduino. Based on the input values, arduino output specifies votage to turn ON/OFF the
Whenever there is sufficient amount of water in the field, water will not pump into the field.
Whenever, the water moisture level of the soil goes low, water will be pumped into the field
until the required amount of moisture is required. Using the soil moisture sensor, the moisture
of soil is measured. Whenever it rains, in case of cultivation land the level of water in the
field raises, which is sensed by the rain sensor and the water from the field will pump back
into the tank, thereby achieving rain water harvesting. In case of garden, if it rains, we are
using buzzer to intimate the gardener. Thus prevention of crops from spoilage due to rain will
be achieved and at the same time, the harvested rain water is recycled for irrigation.
DHT11sensor measures the temperature and humidity value of the field where the PIR
motion sensor detects the motion of the intruder(human/animal) into the field. Thus the
sensor values are continuously monitored and the readings are displayed to the farmer's
mobile via GSM sim900A module where a sim with 3G data pack is inserted into this modem
which provides IoT features to the system.


2.2 Related Work

Yuan yuan et al. have introduced the system, which is used for calculating the total size of
crop leaves with light intensity readings captured by the sensors. It is used for long term
monitoring with minimum cost . But, his paper have limitations like it can only monitor crops
and it is done by means of light intensity. In our work, we overcome his issues by monitoring
soil, crop and other environmental factors on a large scale. Sonal verma et al. have introduced
the system which can detect fire hazard by using EEPROM to store sensor data during power
fail . The system is more concerned about the fire hazard which is a rare case and in our
proposed system we use solar radiation sensors for power. Nianmei et al. [3] have introduced
the system for monitoring soil substance in xinjiang regions using wsn to improve the
precision agriculture. His paper is more focused on monitoring the soil substance only. To
resolve this issue, we have included a periodical soil and crop observation through our
proposed software. Prof C. H. Chavan has monitored agricultural environment for various
factors such as soil moisture, temperature and humidity along with other factors can be of
significance. A traditional approach to measure these factors in an agricultural environment
meant individuals taking measurements and checking them at various times.


2.3 Survey Conclusion

Table 2.1. Comparative study between developed and existing systems.

Sr. Title Methodology Pros Cons

1. KM-System This contains The field is
crop parameters monitored real
like crop and time based on
field details the knowledge
acquired from base to increase
various sources. the yield and
reduce man
2. Agro Advisory Its design is based Reliable since Advisory
System on the advices people working systems lack
needs to be given behind the system the procedure
to the farmer oriented
It can’t build the
complete bridge
between farmers
and computers.

3. Expert Knowledge Knowledge Search queries

System repository was help the farmers
created supporting to get the
first order logic to desired result
solve the complex and it is not sure
nature of the of the intensity
concepts of the result.

4. Agricultural Knowledge base Semantic web Multi Matching
Information was created as to retrieval. retrieval process
Retrieval System retrieve or extract is
information from difficult.
the web.
5. Knowledge Knowledge base is Efficient to It also developed
Management designed in such a provide on user centered
System way that can all knowledge on which suits only
Development evaluate user user centred for a particular
centered context. set of farmers
which are
categorized on a
subject like over
crops or region.
6. IOT Monitoring Monitoring The system is It increases
System systems include designed in such greater
knowledge about a way to reduce complexity by
geospatial man power. over reliance of
information. technology like
Wi-Fi and
others. Next
hurdle is
downtime of
cloud is possible.


Chapter 3

3.1 System Architecture

This proposes a helping hand to the farmer through an embedded hardware kit and an
interactive software. The system is based on the preliminary design on the development of
various sensors embedded in a kit to detect the soil and crop growth which in turn is
connected by means of IOT to a software named AGRO-TECH to update the activities of
several sensors. Based on the value of soil moisture sensor, the irrigation sprinklers are
actuated during the period of water scarcity. In case of any emergency, a mobile based SMS
system is used and a weekly based yield report is also generated .

Fig 3.1 : System Model

The sequence of steps involved in our project is:

A. Farmer registration
B. Installation of sensors
C. Water level sensor in well and irrigation sprinkler
D. AGRO-TECH Software
E. Cloud storage


A. Farmer registration
Basically, the farmers are provided with a software, a irrigation sprinkler and a hardware. The
first step involves the registration of the farmers in the provided software. The n number of
farmers can be registered through a aadhar card number as a unique identification number.
The registered farmers are then verified at the nearby taluk office for land assurance. So that
the authorities could verify the land details and start the installation process.
B. Installation of sensors
After the registration, the sensors are being attached according to the range of field area in a
embedded hardware kit, the authorities takes up the necessary steps for installation process.
Then, a control unit will be provided to the farmer to activate the irrigation sprinkler and a
water level sensor in the well, which acts as a water conserver in the period of water scarcity.

Fig 3.2 : Sequence flow of the proposed system

C. Water level sensor in well and irrigation sprinkler
The control unit is the irrigation sprinkler which is used to sprinkle the water in the field
sufficiently. Based on the threshold value of the soil moisture sensor, the irrigation sprinkler
is been actuated and provides the necessary water needed for crops thus conserving water.
After sprinkling, it is automatically been switched off. The number of irrigation sprinklers in
a particular field is connected to a motor, which is a means of a water supply. The sprinkler
can also be a overhead sprinkler. If the temperature is high and the water level is high, pump
is been switched on otherwise if temperature is and water level is low irrigation sprinkler is
been actuated.
Fig 3.3 : Sequence flow of the Hardware

D. AGRO-TECH Software
Through the IOT technology, the sensors activities in the embedded hardware kit is
interpreted to the software being developed.

The data will be sent to the various sensors which update their activities in a embedded
hardware kit which in turn is accessed by this software. The software can be build using
platforms like visual basic, net beans and in future the App can be developed for all users as
well. The various labels in the software are: Registration, Land monitoring, Data
visualization, Emergency, Connectivity, Settings, Help and Report generation.
The working of the Software involves registration of the farmers and after the farmers have
been registered they can be logged in. Then the data visualization is used to show the detailed
activities of the various sensors for soil and crop as a means of monitoring. Incase of any
emergency, the farmer has been intimated through SMS in mobile and also displays as a pop-
up menu in the software. To check the connectivity of each sensor, the connectivity option is
enabled. To contact, a help desk is been provided. Then the report generation is been provided
by SMS to farmer on weekly basis.

E. Cloud storage
For efficient handling of sensors and real-time processing of a large amount of data from
sensors, the communication between the sensors should be realized in a fast and effective
manner using sensor cloud. A IOT for precision agriculture applications consists of hundreds
of sensors, and it should provide reliable communication for sophisticated control of the
sensors. Therefore, a routing protocol for this application should be reliable, fault-tolerant,
and accessible with the network size.

Fig 3.4: Working of hardware model


3.4 Mathematical Model

After preprocessing the data, we are able to retrieve data from 8 nodes across the agriculture
field for a time period. The data is parsed on split based at the field location so the values can
be observed in a node specific model i.e values can be generated for individual node. Air
temperature, humidity and soil moisture are considered in machine learning process.

Fig 5 Flow Diagram of our model


Naive Bayes Prediction

( )
P c/x =
P(c|x) is the class (c, target) posterior probability of given predictor (x, attributes).

P(c) is the class prior probability.

P(x|c) is the likelihood which is the predictor probability of given class.

P(x) is the prior probability of predictor.

In order to implement the model the data are normalized between zero and one and split into
training, testing and validating the data. Let us assume if moisture is 0.3, temperature is 0.4
and humidity is 0.5.Our model predicts whether motor has to be ON or OFF and if the input
data doesn’t match the value in the table next value will be considered.

Moisture Probability

� 𝑂�0.3 =� 0.3𝑂� ∗�(𝑂�)� 0.3 Where � 0.3𝑂� =315 , � 𝑂� =1015, � 0.3 =315 � 𝑂�0.3

=0.2∗0.660.2=0.66(ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ �𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡� 𝑖.� 1)

Temperature Probability

� 𝑂�0.4 =� 0.4𝑂� ∗�(𝑂�)� 0.4 Where � 0.4𝑂� =215 , � 𝑂� =1015, � 0.4 =315 � 𝑂�0.4

=0.13∗0.660.2=0.42(𝑙𝑜� �𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡� 𝑖.� 0)

Humidity Probability

Here in our Training data set Motor ON occurrences for 0.5 is zero so, we calculate
probability for Motor OFF

� 𝑂𝐹𝐹0.4 =� 0.4𝑂𝐹𝐹 ∗�(𝑂𝐹𝐹)� 0.4 Where � 0.4𝑂𝐹𝐹 =115 , � 𝑂𝐹𝐹 =515, � 0.4 =115 � 𝑂𝐹𝐹0.4
=0.06∗0.330.06=0.33 � 𝑂� =1−� 𝑂𝐹𝐹 =1−0.33 �(𝑂�)=0.67(𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ �𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑡� 𝑖.� 1) P(Motor ON)= =
(P(Moisture)+P(Temperature)+P(Humidity))/3 = (1+1+0)/3 =(0.66)

Low probability (=<50) is considered as 0 and High probability (>50) is considered as 1.

Assumed Threshold value is 0.4 and the result is greater than threshold so motor should be


ON Out of these three factors Moisture and Humidity factors recommends Motor to be ON
and Temperature recommends Motor to be OFF based on these results the motor will be ON.

Chapter 4
Water being a precious resource must be utilized efficiently. Agriculture is one of those areas
which consumes lot of water. Irrigation to the farm is a time consuming process and must be
done on timely basis. As aimed, through this work an auto irrigation system measuring the
moisture content, and the water level. Later harvesting the excess water from the cultivation
field and recycled back to the tank. The developed system also alerts the farmer with buzzer
when there is intruder(human/animal) into the farm.

Figure 3.6. Experimental setup of the smart irrigation system

The fig 3.6 shows the experimental setup of the smart agro system using wireless sensor
network. The temperature, humidity, soil moisture content, water level are monitored through
handheld device like mobile and also intimate the intervention of human/animals into the
farm which is shown in fig 3.7 given below.
Figure 3.7. Output of the Smart Agro System using Wireless Sensor Network


Chapter 5
Conclusion and Future Work

The larger part of the difficulties in monitoring a field crop towards its growth and harvesting
can be solved by using internet of things technology. Power management can also be done by
using solar radiation sensors. A water level sensor and a irrigation sprinkler to be effectively
used in the period of water scarcity, thus water being conserved. Communication cost
between the sensor nodes and the central server of software is also reduced by using efficient
wireless technology. Agriculture provides the principle means of livelihood for the major
Indian population. There is need to produce more food and conserve the water resources for
the burgeoning population expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2025. The land is shrinking and
the pressure on the natural resources is increasing technology can help farmers to augment
their knowledge of which crops to produce for the best return, find the most effective farming
practices and make plans. It could increase their output and earn more from what they already
have through the use of innovative technology and conserve their valuable natural resources
for sustainable agriculture in the truest sense. As a future work, we can track a wide area to
monitor critical aspects like abnormal weather conditions, pests and fungal infestations using
the technology of unmanned aerial vehicle known as drone.
IT gives benefit in the type of cloud to farming. Agriculture cloud and IT benefit gives a
unique expertise administration to agriculturists with respect to development of yields,
evaluating, manures ,illnesses detail strategy for cure to be utilized Scientist chipping away at
agriculture will give their revelations, recommendations in regards to advanced methods for
development ,utilization of manures can get the historical backdrop of the district. The review
depended on applying a cloud construct application with respect to agriculture. This is in light
of agro-cloud that improve agricultural generation also, accessibility of information identified
with research extends in the fizzled, the effect of doing this will spare the cost and time make
the correspondence less demanding and quicker. This paper would advance a great deal of
research in the range of utilization of IOT in agriculture.


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