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Test: LEED Green Associate: Practice Exam #1 & Terms | Quizlet 3/12/19, 1(06 PM


7 Matching questions

A. The first step in determining whether a product is "regional"

1. Register a project with GBCI, pay applicable review
fees, and submit documentation

B. What is the procedure required to achieve LEED

2. To facilitate the LEED registration and project
certification process

C. Categories:
3. The more durable the equipment, the fewer times it SS
will need to be replaced over the life of the building. WE
4. Verifying the manufacture location is within range of MR
project site IEQ
5. Global warming potential & Ozone depletion IO
D. The purpose of an Alternative Compliance Path is to

6. Sustainable Sites
Water Efficiency E. Refrigerants are categorized based on what 2 impacts?
Energy & Atmosphere
Materials & Resources F. How is durability factored into a life cycle costing analysis?
Indoor Environmental Quality
Innovation in Design G. What is the primary purpose of LEED Online?
Innovation in Operations

7. Enable International LEED teams to meet Credit

Intent and Requirements with strategies that are more
appropriate for that country.

7 Multiple choice questions Page 1 of 4
Test: LEED Green Associate: Practice Exam #1 & Terms | Quizlet 3/12/19, 1(06 PM

1. Stormwater management can include the collection and reuse of water for nonpotable purposes such as landscape
irrigation, toilet and urinal flushing, and custodial uses. What does this help accomplish?

1. Reducing the project's energy use

A. 2. Offsetting emissions by purchasing Renewable Energy Credits

1. To reduce stormwater runoff

B. 2. To avoid unnecessary consumption of expensive and energy intensive potable water

1. SS Credit 6.1: Stormwater Design: Quantity

2. SS Credit 7.2: Heat Island Effect: Roof
C. 3. SS Credit 6.2: Stormwater Design: Quality

1. Cost of the total materials value

D. 2. Weight, if considering a fraction of a product

2. What is the primary standard used to establish the baseline case for indoor water use?

A. Non-point source pollution

B. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

C. Vehicle miles travelled

D. Energy Policy Act of 1992

3. What strategy is being used for a project design that orients windows to allow the building to be warm in the winter, stay
cool int eh summer, and capture daylight?

A. Passive design concepts

B. Vehicle miles travelled

C. Reduce energy demand

D. Space Heating

4. An Innovation in Design credit for innovative strategies is likely available for projects that ____?

Develop an educational outreach program - goal is to expand the breadth of green building practices and introduce new
ideas; address environmental issues not addressed elsewhere

B. Providing and developing LEED based education and research programs

To prioritize the relative impact of credits on greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon overlay considers the impact of direct
energy use, transportation, and the embodied emissions of water, solid waste, and materials.

D. Cradle to Cradle Page 2 of 4
Test: LEED Green Associate: Practice Exam #1 & Terms | Quizlet 3/12/19, 1(06 PM

5. Street Grid Density

An indicator of neighborhood density, calculated as the number of centerline miles per square mile. Centerline miles are
the length of the road down its center.

The relationship between the total building floor area and the allowable land area the building can cover - the objective is
to build up, rather than out

Management of forest resources to meet the long-term forest product needs of humans while maintaining the biodiversity
of forested landscapes

A project team can contribute to the evolution of the LEED rating system by submitting a request for precedent-setting
rulings to be reviewed first by a GBCI certification reviewer and then by LEED staff and committee.

6. Bake Out

Refers to environmentally preferable energy and energy technologies that address both electric and thermal energy

B. Process to remove VOCs before occupancy - involves elevating the building` temperature

C. Capable of decomposing under natural conditions.

D. A measure of greenhouse gas emissions associated with an activity.

7. Two equally-sized sized neighboring stores are being constructed, and one is pursuing LEED certification. A new parking
lot with fifty spaces will be shared by the two stores. The LEED Project Boundary includes:

A. 50% of the parking spaces, sidewalks, and landscaping

1. Increase density
2. Choose redevelopment
B. 3. Protect Habitat

1. Near building entrances

C. 2. Adjacent to building air intakes

1. Window Area
2. Floor area
D. 3. Visible transmittance

6 True/False questions

1. The intent of rewarding construction waste management is to → Reduce landfill use


False Page 3 of 4
Test: LEED Green Associate: Practice Exam #1 & Terms | Quizlet 3/12/19, 1(06 PM

2. LEED for Neighborhood Development is a significantly different rating system because _____? → The earliest possible stage



3. Where is it also important to prohibit smoking to reduce occupant exposure to harmful airborne chemicals? (select 2) → 1.
Near building entrances
2. Adjacent to building air intakes



4. Energy & Atmosphere: Energy Demand - Main Strategies → 1. Establish design and energy goals
2. Size the building appropriately
3. Use free energy - heated, cooled, lit, ventilated
4. Insulate - efficiency
5. Monitor consumption



5. What project types are eligible for LEED? → 1. Use efficient strategies
2. Use nonpotable water - close loop systems
3. Install submeters



6. Which of the following is a primary responsibility of the USGBC? → Claims of green in promotional materials and
advertising without providing accurate background information


False Page 4 of 4

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