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United States Patent Yamamoto et al. (1) METHOD FOR PRODUCING CHEMICAL REACTIVE SUBSTANCE AND POLYCARBOXYLIC ACID PRODUCED THEREBY (73) Inventors: Masaya Yamamoto, Yokohama (JP), ‘Toru Uno, Yokohama (IP); Yoshivuk Onda, Tokyo GP); Koiehiro Nagire, Kawasaki (IP); Minoru Miyagawa, Miuea GP) (73) Assignee: Nippon Shokubal Co, Ltd, Osaka @) (1). Notige: Subject wo any disclaimer the teem of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 US.C. 1540) by St days (21) Appl. Now 10332,583 (22) PCT Filed: Apr 2, 2002 (86) PCTNo: — PCT/sPO2I03284 $371 OD, ),(4) Date: Mar. 21, 2008, (87) PCT Pub, No WON2/8608 PCT Pub, Date: Oct. 17, 2002 3) Prior Publication Data [US 20080159077 AL Avg. 21, 2003 (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Apr 2, 2001 IP) 2001-10382 G1) Inc? CORE 2/01; CLID 17504 252/381; 252/384 (58) Fleld of Search 526/71; 528/30, 528M, 303, 36; 525/437, 444; 252/367.1, 381, 384 US006825289182 US 6,825,289 B2 Nov. 30, 2004 (10) Patent No. (5) Date of Patent: 60) References Cited FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS a” ol i28103 A 6/1988 a» GL2712s A 1211986 » 621008 A B04 » 2001-287405 A 9/2001 Primary Examiner Samuel A. Acguah (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Sugheue Mion, PLLC 6 ABSTRACT The present invention is to provide a production metbod of chemical reactive substances with stale quality by whic solidification, gel formation, and the resulting blockade ‘within material injection nozzles are prevented, and con- ‘amination of a reaction system with the gelled matter is prevented, as well as occurence of problems on 4 produe- tion process duc tothe gelled matter is suppressed, when the chemical reactive substances are produced by injecting the liquid materials containing reactive substances. having ‘unsaturated double bonds into the restion vessel through the material injection nozzles of the reaction vessel The present invention i a production metbod of a chemical reactive substance ‘which comprises injecting 4 liquid material containing 3 reactive substance having an unsaturated double boud into a reaction vessel through a material injection nozale of suid reaction vessel and causing a reaetion at a reaction temperature of not less than 50” Cy said production method of the chemical reactive sub- ‘stance including a step of removing at least part of residual liquid remained inthe material injection nozzle from inside of the material injection nozzle U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2004 Sheet 1 of 2 US 6,825,289 B2 U.S. Patent Nov. 30, 2004 Sheet 2 of 2 US 6,825,289 B2 i 10 Pet-—>t+—— w | SS 13 \ a y aa Be 6 14 5 t (3) 15 Xx us —t

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