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1. Name of the respondents

2. Designation

3. Age

4. Gender

Male Female

5. Working experience

1-5 5-10 10-20 20 and above

6. Most of your grievances are related to:

Statement Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree disagree

Work environment
Social justice

7. Are you aware of grievance Redressal committee of your company?

Yes No

8. Are you aware of the members of the grievance Redressal committee?

Yes No

9. Is the grievance handling procedure explained to you?

Yes No
10. The company’s grievance Redressal committee is giving importance to what is right than
who is right?

Mostly Rarely Frequently Not at all

11. The real basis of my problem is identified

Always Sometime Never

12. Who do you report/share if you have any grievances?

Superior Colleagues Function head Head of HR

13. How often your complaints and grievances being taken care off?

Mostly Rarely Frequently Not at all

14. How long your superior takes on a complaint (Duration of handling process)?

2 weeks 6 Weeks Indefinite Depends upon level

15. Does our higher authority listens when our grievances are presented?

Mostly Rarely Sometime Not at all

16. The company is taking regular follow up to ensure that the right decision has ended up in

Mostly Rarely Frequently Not at all

17. The grievance Redressal committee members actively engage in resolving my problem

Completely To a certain Extent To a Satisfactory Not at all

18. If decision made by the Redressal committee is not satisfactory, are you given an opportunity
to take the matter to higher officials?

Yes No

19. The matters related to the grievances are kept confidential by the committee

Yes No

20. The proper records regarding the grievance Redressal mechanism are maintaining by the

Yes No
21. I generally keep most of my complaints to myself

Yes No

22. Is the decision taken by the top management related to your grievance is satisfactory?

Mostly Hardly partly Not at all

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